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This document describes the NGL Life Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®.

The NGL Life Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® is a companion to the NGL Life series. It
is an effective and flexible assessment tool that allows teachers to customise their tests.
Teachers can create tests for specific topics, specific units, a selection of units, or even for
an entire level by choosing questions from the various test banks.


The NGL Life Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® allows teachers to evaluate what
students already know, as well as how well they have learned the material. Teachers can
evaluate what students know by giving them a pre-test before they begin each unit.
Teachers can also assess learning by giving post-tests after each unit, or after each level in
the series is completed.

The NGL Life Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® is a great student motivator because
students can actually see and record their progress and, because of the versatility in the
program, the students never have to see the same test twice.

Also, many students need experience and practice taking standardised tests. The questions
in the NGL Life Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® resemble the standardised test items
that students will be exposed to in their educational career. By first administering an
ExamView® test some time before the standardised test is given, teachers may better
prepare their students for a standardised test format.


Teachers can compose a test quickly and easily by using the QuickTest Wizard. Teachers
simply indicate the number of questions and the types of questions they want to include on
a test. Teachers can also create tests by choosing questions according to the individual unit,
skill, or topic on which they want to focus. Teachers can further customise tests by
combining questions from the question bank with original, teacher-generated questions.
They can then simply print out the pre-formatted test for the students to take a traditional
paper and pencil test. The NGL Life Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® also allows the
test to be administered by computer, or even online hosted on the school website or, for an
additional fee, on the ExamView® website.


The NGL Life Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® was designed to ensure flexibility, but
also accountability in learning English. It contains questions that accurately and
comprehensively assess mastery of the skills and content introduced throughout the NGL
Life series.

There are approximately 80 test questions for every unit in the NGL Life series. The
questions are in the following formats: matching, multiple choice, true/false, completion,
short answer, and essay.

Reference This field contains information about the unit and lesson where the topic or
(REF) skill being tested is introduced or practiced. E.g., Unit 3, Unit 3 p31, etc.
Text Objective This field contains information about the skill being tested. In this series,
(OBJ) questions are categorised as Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading, Writing
Topic This field contains information about the topic being tested. Questions are
(TOP) categorised as Present perfect and past simple, Reading for general meaning,
Listening for specific information, etc.

These fields allow teachers to customise quizzes or tests to match their teaching styles and
instructional objectives. Teachers can let the ExamView® program choose a certain number
of questions with a variety of question types by using the QuickTest Wizard, or they can
choose specific reference, objective, and topic question types by selecting questions
corresponding to these criteria in the relevant fields using the ExamView® Test Builder.

The tests created by the teacher can be saved on a computer and used repeatedly, or
teachers may choose a combination of new and different criteria to create new tests.
Additionally, the possible responses to multiple-choice tests can be scrambled. An answer
key for all selected questions is automatically generated each time for the teacher’s use.

You can find the audio files and audioscript for each level in the Audio folder. Find the audio
file that matches the track number that appears at the end of the rubric or instruction line in
the test. E.g. Listen. Choose T (True) or F (False). Audio 3.03
The audio file for this activity is Track 3.03.mp3

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