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Discrete Mathematics

3 of 5 sets

201. If in sets A, B, C, the set B ? C consists of 8 elements, set A ? B consists of 7

elements and set C ? A consists of 7 elements then the minimum element in set A U
B U C will be?
A. 8
B. 14
C. 22
D. 15

o m
202. Let (A7, ?7)=({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, ?7) is a group. It has two sub groups X and Y.
X={1, 3, 6}, Y={2, 3, 5}. What is the order of union of subgroups?
A. 65 . c
B. 5 te
C. 32
D. 18
q M
Answer:B c
203. A relation (34 × 78) × 57 = 57 × (78 × 34) can have property.
A. distributive
B. associative
C. commutative
D. closure

204. B1: ({0, 1, 2….(n-1)}, xm) where xn stands for “multiplication-modulo-n” and
B2: ({0, 1, 2….n}, xn) where xn stands for “multiplication-modulo-m” are the two
statements. Both B1 and B2 are considered to be
A. groups
B. semigroups
C. subgroups
D. associative subgroup

205. If group G has 65 elements and it has two subgroups namely K and L with
order 14 and 30. What can be order of K intersection L?
A. 10
B. 42
C. 5
D. 35

206. Consider the binary operations on X, a*b = a+b+4, for a, b ? X. It satisfies the
properties of
A. abelian group
B. semigroup
C. multiplicative group
D. isomorphic group

207. Let * be the binary operation on the rational number given by a*b=a+b+ab.
Which of the following property does not exist for the group?
A. closure property
B. identity property
C. symmetric property
D. associative property

208. A group G, ({0}, +) under addition operation satisfies which of the following
A. identity, multiplicity and inverse
B. closure, associativity, inverse and identity
C. multiplicity, associativity and closure
D. inverse and closure

209. If (M, *) is a cyclic group of order 73, then number of generator of G is equal

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A. 89
B. 23
C. 72
D. 17

210. The set of even natural numbers, {6, 8, 10, 12,..,} is closed under addition
operation. Which of the following properties will it satisfy?
A. closure property
B. associative property
C. symmetric property
D. identity property

211. A non empty set A is termed as an algebraic structure

A. with respect to binary operation *
B. with respect to ternary operation ?
C. with respect to binary operation +
D. with respect to unary operation –

212. An algebraic structure is called a semigroup.

A. (p, *)
B. (q, +, *)
C. (p, +)
D. (+, *)

213. Condition for monoid is

A. (a+e)=a
B. (a*e)=(a+e)
C. a=(a*(a+e)
D. (a*e)=(e*a)=a

214. A monoid is called a group if

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A. (a*a)=a=(a+c)
B. (a*c)=(a+c)
C. (a+c)=a
D. (a*c)=(c*a)=e

215. Matrix multiplication is a/an property.

A. commutative
B. associative
C. additive
D. disjunctive

216. How many properties can be held by a group?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 5
D. 4

217. A cyclic group is always

A. abelian group
B. monoid
C. semigroup
D. subgroup

218. {1, i, -i, -1} is

A. a commutative subgroup
B. a lattice
C. a trivial group
D. a monoid

219. Let K be a group with 8 elements. Let H be a subgroup of K and H<K. It is

known that the size of H is at least 3. The size of H is

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A. semigroup
B. subgroup
C. cyclic group
D. abelian group

220. is not necessarily a property of a Group.

A. commutativity
B. existence of inverse for every element
C. existence of identity
D. associativity

221. A group of rational numbers is an example of

A. a subgroup of a group of integers
B. a subgroup of a group of real numbers
C. a subgroup of a group of irrational numbers
D. a subgroup of a group of complex numbers

222. Intersection of subgroups is a

A. group
B. subgroup
C. semigroup
D. cyclic group

223. What is a circle group?

A. a subgroup complex numbers having magnitude 1 of the group of nonzero complex elements
B. a subgroup rational numbers having magnitude 2 of the group of real elements
C. a subgroup irrational numbers having magnitude 2 of the group of nonzero complex elements
D. a subgroup complex numbers having magnitude 1 of the group of whole numbers

224. A normal subgroup is

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A. a subgroup under multiplication by the elements of the group
B. an invariant under closure by the elements of that group
C. a monoid with same number of elements of the original group
D. an invariant equipped with conjugation by the elements of original group

225. Two groups are isomorphic if and only if is existed between them.
A. homomorphism
B. endomorphism
C. isomorphism
D. association

226. a * H is a set of coset.

A. right
B. left
C. sub
D. semi

227. a * H = H * a relation holds if

A. h is semigroup of an abelian group
B. h is monoid of a group
C. h is a cyclic group
D. h is subgroup of an abelian group

228. Lagrange’s theorem specifies

A. the order of semigroup is finite
B. the order of the subgroup divides the order of the finite group
C. the order of an abelian group is infinite
D. the order of the semigroup is added to the order of the group

229. A function is defined by f(x)=2x and f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y) is called

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A. isomorphic
B. homomorphic
C. cyclic group
D. heteromorphic

230. An isomorphism of a group onto itself is called

A. homomorphism
B. heteromorphism
C. epimorphism
D. automorphism

231. The elements of a vector space form a/an under vector addition.
A. abelian group
B. commutative group
C. associative group
D. semigroup

232. A set of representatives of all the cosets is called

A. transitive
B. reversal
C. equivalent
D. transversal

233. Which of the following statement is true?

A. the set of all rational negative numbers forms a group under multiplication
B. the set of all matrices forms a group under multiplication
C. the set of all non-singular matrices forms a group under multiplication
D. the set of matrices forms a subgroup under multiplication

234. How many different non-isomorphic Abelian groups of order 8 are there?

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A. 5
B. 4
C. 2
D. 3

235. Consider the set B* of all strings over the alphabet set B = {0, 1} with the
concatenation operator for strings
A. does not form a group
B. does not have the right identity element
C. forms a non-commutative group
D. forms a group if the empty string is removed from

236. All groups satisfy properties

A. g-i to g-v
B. g-i to g-iv
C. g-i to r-v
D. r-i to r-v

237. An Abelian Group satisfies the properties

A. g-i to g-v
B. g-i to r-iv
C. g-i to r-v
D. r-i to r-v

238. A Ring satisfies the properties

A. r-i to r-v
B. g-i to g-iv
C. g-i to r-v
D. g-i to r-iii

239. A Ring is said to be commutative if it also satisfies the property

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A. r-vi
B. r-v
C. r-vii
D. r-iv

240. An ‘Integral Domain’ satisfies the properties

A. g-i to g-iii
B. g-i to r-v
C. g-i to r-vi
D. g-i to r-iii

241. a.(b.c) = (a.b).c is the representation for which property?

A. g-ii
B. g-iii
C. r-ii
D. r-iii

242. a(b+c) = ac+bc is the representation for which property?

A. g-ii
B. g-iii
C. r-ii
D. r-iii

243. For the group Sn of all permutations of n distinct symbols, what is the number
of elements in Sn?
A. n
B. n-1
C. 2n
D. n!

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244. Does the set of residue classes (mod 3) form a group with respect to modular
A. yes
B. no
C. can’t say
D. insufficient data

245. Does the set of residue classes (mod 3) form a group with respect to modular
A. yes
B. no
C. can’t say
D. insufficient data

246. The less-than relation, <, on a set of real numbers is

A. not a partial ordering because it is not asymmetric and irreflexive equals antisymmetric
B. a partial ordering since it is asymmetric and reflexive
C. a partial ordering since it is antisymmetric and reflexive
D. not a partial ordering because it is not antisymmetric and reflexive

247. If the longest chain in a partial order is of length l, then the partial order can
be written as disjoint antichains.
A. l2
B. l+1
C. l
D. ll

248. Suppose X = {a, b, c, d} and ?1 is the partition of X, ?1 = {{a, b, c}, d}. The
number of ordered pairs of the equivalence relations induced by
A. 15
B. 10
C. 34

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D. 5

249. The inclusion of sets into R = {{1, 2}, {1, 2, 3}, {1, 3, 5}, {1, 2, 4}, {1, 2,
3, 4, 5}} is necessary and sufficient to make R a complete lattice under the partial
order defined by set containment.
A. {1}, {2, 4}
B. {1}, {1, 2, 3}
C. {1}
D. {1}, {1, 3}, {1, 2, 3, 4}, {1, 2, 3, 5}

250. Consider the set N* of finite sequences of natural numbers with a denoting
that sequence a is a prefix of sequence b. Then, which of the following is true?
A. every non-empty subset of has a greatest lower bound
B. it is uncountable
C. every non-empty finite subset of has a least upper bound
D. every non-empty subset of has a least upper bound

251. A partial order ? is defined on the set S = {x, b1, b2, … bn, y} as x ? bi for all i
and bi ? y for all i, where n ? 1. The number of total orders on the set S which
contain the partial order ? is
A. n+4
B. n2
C. n!
D. 3

252. A Poset in which every pair of elements has both a least upper bound and a
greatest lower bound is termed as
A. sublattice
B. lattice
C. trail
D. walk

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253. If every two elements of a poset are comparable then the poset is called

A. sub ordered poset

B. totally ordered poset
C. sub lattice
D. semigroup

254. A has a greatest element and a least element which satisfy 0<=a<=1
for every a in the lattice(say, L).
A. semilattice
B. join semilattice
C. meet semilattice
D. bounded lattice

255. The graph given below is an example of

A. non-lattice poset
B. semilattice
C. partial lattice
D. bounded lattice

256. A sublattice(say, S) of a lattice(say, L) is a convex sublattice of L if

A. x>=z, where x in s implies z in s, for every element x, y in l
B. x=y and y<=z, where x, y in s implies z in s, for every element x, y, z in l
C. x<=y<=z, where x, y in s implies z in s, for every element x, y, z in l
D. x=y and y>=z, where x, y in s implies z in s, for every element x, y, z in l

257. The graph is the smallest non-modular lattice N5. A lattice is if and
only if it does not have a isomorphic to N5.
A. non-modular, complete lattice
B. moduler, semilattice
C. non-modular, sublattice
D. modular, sublattice

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258. Every poset that is a complete semilattice must always be a

A. sublattice
B. complete lattice
C. free lattice
D. partial lattice

259. A free semilattice has the property.

A. intersection
B. commutative and associative
C. identity
D. universal

260. Algebra of logic is termed as

A. numerical logic
B. boolean algebra
C. arithmetic logic
D. boolean number

261. What is the definition of Boolean functions?

A. an arithmetic function with k degrees such that f:y–>yk
B. a special mathematical function with n degrees such that f:yn–>y
C. an algebraic function with n degrees such that f:xn–>x
D. a polynomial function with k degrees such that f:x2–>xn

262. F(X,Y,Z,M) = X`Y`Z`M`. The degree of the function is

A. 2
B. 5
C. 4
D. 1

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263. Which of the following is a Simplification law?

A. m.(~m+n) = m.n
B. m+(n.o) = (m+n)(m+o)
C. ~(m+n) = ~m.~n
D. m.(n.o) = (m.n.o)

264. What are the canonical forms of Boolean Expressions?

A. or and xor
B. nor and xnor
C. max and min
D. som and pom

265. Which of the following is/are the universal logic gates?

A. or and nor
B. and
C. nand and nor
D. not

266. The logic gate that provides high output for same inputs
A. not
B. x-nor
C. and
D. xor

267. The of all the variables in direct or complemented from is a

A. addition
B. product
C. moduler
D. subtraction

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268. What is the use of Boolean identities?

A. minimizing the boolean expression
B. maximizing the boolean expression
C. to evaluate a logical identity
D. searching of an algebraic expression

269. Inversion of single bit input to a single bit output using

A. not gate
B. nor gate
C. and gate
D. nand gate

270. There are numbers of Boolean functions of degree n.

A. n
B. 2(2*n)
C. n3
D. n(n*2)

271. A is a Boolean variable.

A. literal
B. string
C. keyword
D. identifier

272. Minimization of function F(A,B,C) = A*B*(B+C) is

A. ac
B. b+c
C. b`
D. ab

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273. The set for which the Boolean function is functionally complete is
A. {*, %, /}
B. {., +, -}
C. {^, +, -}
D. {%, +, *}

274. (X+Y`)(X+Z) can be represented by

A. (x+y`z)
B. (y+x`)
C. xy`
D. (x+z`)

275. is a disjunctive normal form.

A. product-of-sums
B. product-of-subtractions
C. sum-of-products
D. sum-of-subtractions

276. a ? b =
A. (a+b)(a`+b`)
B. (a+b`)
C. b`
D. a` + b`

277. Find the simplified expression A’BC’+AC’.

A. b
B. a+c
C. (a+b)c’
D. b’c

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278. Evaluate the expression: (X + Z)(X + XZ’) + XY + Y.

A. xy+z’
B. y+xz’+y’z
C. x’z+y
D. x+y

279. Simplify the expression: A’(A + BC) + (AC + B’C).

A. (ab’c+bc’)
B. (a’b+c’)
C. (a+ bc)
D. ac

Explanation:- = A’(A + BC) + (AC + B’C)

= A’A + A’BC + AC + B’C
= A’BC + C(A + B’)
= C(A’B + A + B’)
= C(A + B + B’)
= C(A + 1)
= AC.

280. What is the simplification value of MN(M + N’) + M(N + N’)?

A. m
B. mn+m’n’ c) (1+m)
C. d
D. m+n’

281. Simplify the expression XZ’ + (Y + Y’Z) + XY. TOPIC 5.5 MINIMIZATION
A. (1+xy’)
B. yz + xy’ + z’
C. (x + y +z)

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D. xy’+ z’

282. Find the simplified term Y’ (X’ + Y’) (X + X’Y)?

A. xy’
B. x’y
C. x + y
D. x’y’

283. If an expression is given that x+x’y’z=x+y’z, find the minimal expression of

the function F(x,y,z) = x+x’y’z+yz?
A. y’ + z
B. xz + y’
C. x + z
D. x’ + y

284. Simplify the expression: XY’ + X’ + Y’X’.

A. x’ + y
B. xy’
C. (xy)’
D. y’ + x

285. Minimize the Boolean expression using Boolean identities:

A. b(ac)’ + ac’
B. ac’ + b’
C. abc + b’ + c
D. bc’ + a’b

286. Minimize the following Boolean expression using Boolean identities. F(A,B,C)
= (A+BC’)(AB’+C)
A. a + b + c’

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B. ac’ + b
C. b + ac
D. a(b’ + c)

287. Which of the following statement is a proposition?

A. Get me a glass of milkshake
B. God bless you!
C. What is the time now?
D. The only odd prime number is 2

Explanation:- Only this statement has got the truth value which is false.

288. The truth value of ‘4+3=7 or 5 is not prime’.

A. False
B. True

Explanation:- Compound statement with ‘or’ is true when either of the statement is true. Here the
first part of the statement is true, hence the whole is true.

289. Which of the following option is true?

A. If the Sun is a planet, elephants will fly
B. 3 +2 = 8 if 5-2 = 7
C. 1 > 3 and 3 is a positive integer
D. -2 > 3 or 3 is a negative integer

Explanation:- Hypothesis is false, thus the whole statement is true.

290. What is the value of x after this statement, assuming the initial value of x is 5?
‘If x equals to one then x=x+2 else x=0’.
A. 1
B. 3
C. 0
D. 2

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Explanation:- If condition is false so value decided according to else condition.

291. Let P: I am in Bangalore.; Q: I love cricket.; then q -> p(q implies p) is?
A. If I love cricket then I am in Bangalore
B. If I am in Bangalore then I love cricket
C. I am not in Bangalore
D. I love cricket

Explanation:- Q is hypothesis and P is conclusion. So the compound statement will be if hypothesis

then conclusion.

292. Let P: If Sahil bowls, Saurabh hits a century.; Q: If Raju bowls, Sahil gets out
on first ball. Now if P is true and Q is false then which of the following can be true?
A. Raju bowled and Sahil got out on first ball
B. Raju did not bowled
C. Sahil bowled and Saurabh hits a century
D. Sahil bowled and Saurabh got out

Explanation:- Either hypothesis should be false or both (hypothesis and conclusion) should be true.

293. The truth value ‘9 is prime then 3 is even’.

A. False
B. TTru

Explanation:- The first part of the statement is false, hence whole is true.

294. Let P: We should be honest., Q: We should be dedicated., R: We should be

overconfident. Then ‘We should be honest or dedicated but not overconfident.’ Is
best represented by?
A. ~P V ~Q V R
B. P ? ~Q ? R
C. P V Q ? R
D. P V Q ? ~R

Explanation:- The third part of the statement is negated, hence negation operator is used, for (‘or’
–V) is used and for(’but’- ?).

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295. If there are n distinct components in a statement then there are _______
combinations of values in the truth table.
A. 2^n
B. n+1
C. n
D. n+2

296. If P then Q is called _________ statement

A. Conjunction
B. disjunction
C. conditional
D. bi conditional

297. (P->Q)-> (^Q) is __________.

A. not a well formed formula
B. tautology
C. contradiction
D. well formed formula

298. A relation R in a set X is symmetric if ________.

A. xRy, yRz => xRz.
B. xRy
C. xRy=>yRx
D. xRx

299. If a relation is reflexive, then all the diagonal entries in the relation matrix
must be________.
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. -1

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300. If R is reflexive, symmetric and transitive then the relation is said to be

A. Binary relation
B. Compatibility relation
C. Equivalence relation
D. Partial order relation

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