Learning Packet in English 6 - LESSON 8

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Patronage of Mary Development School

Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu

Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302 - Website: www.pmdsbc.com - Email Address: pmdsmamamary@gmail.com
S. Medida (Ext.) St., Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu

Sequencing of Events and

Subject-Verb Agreement
I. Objectives:

At the end of this lesson, the student should be able to:

1. sequence events exactly as they happened in the story;
2. use a timeline in sequencing the events in a story;
3. determine the rules on subject-verb agreement;
4. construct sentences applying the rules in subject-verb
agreement; and
5. become aware of the social problems of the society.
II. Preliminaries:

Have you ever seen children try

living on the streets?
A. Read the “Starter” paragraph on page 84
and try answering the “word list” on page 85.
B. Read the story “For the Good Life” on page
86-87 and be guided with the guide questions
on page 87.
III. Content:
A. Read and understand “Sequencing Events Using a Timeline” on
pages 87.
Additional information & example:
Sequencing - is an essential reading skill that students must develop if
they are to fully understand all reading material.
The sequence of events helps readers retell the most important parts of the
story in order. Let's take a look at keywords that can help unlock the mystery to
figuring out when something happens!

Sequence of Events in Fiction

As you listen to the following story, be sure to keep your ears open for time
order words!
First, I woke up and looked out my window. Snow was coming down in
buckets! Next, I rushed down the stairs to ask my mom if school was cancelled. I
shouted 'Hooray!' after mom told me there was no school today. After breakfast,
my brother and I put our snowsuits on. Then, we raced outside to have a
snowball fight. Before we went inside, we built an enormous snowman! Finally,
we went inside and sipped hot chocolate by the fireplace. This was a terrific snow
What are some of the keywords that tell you the sequence of events? The
time order words in this story are: ''first,'' ''next,'' ''after,'' ''today,'' ''then,''
''before,'' and ''finally.''
Now, let's reread the story and use the time order words to help put the
following events in the right order:
 I shouted ''Hooray!''
 We built a snowman.
 Snow was coming down in buckets.
 We sipped hot chocolate by the fireplace.
 Mom told me there was no school today.

 Using our keywords, we can figure out the correct order using the

Snow was I shouted Mom told me We built a snowman We sipped

coming down ''Hooray!'' there was no hot chocolate
in buckets. school today. by the fireplace.

 Using our keywords, we can figure out the correct order using

2 - I shouted ''Hooray!''
4 - We built a snowman.
1 - Snow was coming down in buckets.
5 - We sipped hot chocolate by the fireplace.
3 - Mom told me there was no school today.

B. Read and understand “SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT” on page 89-

All nouns and pronouns have number. They are singular in number if
they refer to one thing. They are plural in number if they refer to more than
one thing.

RULE #1:
Mathematics seems easy this year.
Mumps is certainly an uncomfortable disease.
Cheetahs run faster than most other animals.
New families move into our neighborhood frequently.
RULE # 3
Mr. Duffy and his daughter have gone fishing.
A dictionary and a one-volume encyclopedia make a good beginning
for a reference library.
RULE # 4
Each (of the newcomers) was welcomed (to the city.)
Every one of the members cooperates to make the play a success.
No one understands a person who mumbles.
Anyone (without tickets) is asked to see Mrs. Harris.
RULE # 5
His neighbor and childhood best friend is studying in the same school.
Breaking and entering is against the law.
The bed and breakfast was charming.
Neither the plates nor the serving bowl goes on that shelf.
Neither the serving bowl nor the plates go on that shelf.

My aunt or my uncle is arriving by train today.

Neither Juan nor Carmen is available.
RULE # 7
The woman who saw the accident on the street was shocked.
One of my favorite fruits is dragon fruit.

The politician, along with the newsmen, is expected shortly.

Excitement, as well as nervousness, is the cause of her shaking.

The doctor, as well as the nurses, works hard.

None of my invited guests has arrived.
RULE # 8
Here come Stephanie and her brother.
There comes the team.
Here is one of the five members of the club.
There are four of us going to the fair.
The injured were taken to a nearby hospital.
The old and sick are advised to stay at home when virus levels
The ideal king is expected to be wise and generous.
RULE # 10
Ten dollars is a high price to pay.
Five years is the maximum sentence for that offense.
Three miles is too far to walk.
RULE # 11
Cats remains a popular Broadway musical.
Disney stories collection was my favorite book as a child.

IV. Review

Remember that sequencing is an essential reading skill that students

must develop if they are to fully understand all reading material.The
sequence of events helps readers retell the most important parts of the
story in order.
Take note also that a singular subject requires a singular verb while a
plural subject requires a plural verb. All nouns and pronouns have number.
They are singular in number if they refer to one thing. They are plural in
number if they refer to more than one thing.

V. Learning Task
1. Answer exercises in your book on pages 85, 87, 88, and 90-94.
1.1 Word list: Given the following meaning of the words, use them in
meaningful sentences. Observe correct capitalization and punctuation.
1.2 How well did you read? : Answer the questions comprehensibly.
1.3Activity 1: Go back to the story, For the Good life. Pick out three
events that happened in the life of the character to accomplish the
timeline below.
1.4 Activity 2: Use the horizontal timeline to complete the story below.
Arrange the given events from first to last.
1.5 Getting Connected: Read the following sentences. Accomplish the
subject and the verb chart based on the given sentences.
1.6 Activity 1: Write the correct present form of the verb in parenthesis
in the blank.
1.7 Activity 2: Write AGREE if the verb in each sentence agrees with its
subject. Otherwise, write the correct verb form that agrees with the
subject. Write your answer in the blank before each number.
1.8 Activity 3: Write an appropriate subject to complete each sentence.
1.9 Something to write about: Write a prayer for street children. Make
sure that you observe subject-verb agreement.
1.10 Enrichment Activity: Read the feature article given by your teacher.
Do an analysis by answering some questions.
2. For online students, take a clear photo of your answer or have it scanned if
you have printers and send it through gmail (ruthpmds@gmail.com).
3. For modular students, please photocopy your answered exercises or bring
the answered book anytime you visit the school so I can check it.
VI. References
Bambico, A. R., Galapon, A. P., Relente, C. A., Santos, R. T., Angeles, E. B. (2014). Rainbows in English. Vibal
Group, Inc.
Belagan, Buensuceso, Conducto.2015. English for Global Communication. Don Bosco Press, Inc.
Navarro, M. L. (2010). Building Better English for Global Communication. St. Augustine Publications, Inc.
Padilla, C. H., Sison, J. D. (2010). Gateway to Better English. Bookman, Inc.
Ribo, L. M. (2016). Across Borders Through Reading. Vibal Group, Inc.
Sapuay, L. F. (2017). Avenues in English Integrated Reading and Language. Innovative Educational Materials,
Surot, T. A., Jocson, J. V. (2008). Crossing Boundaries Through English Integrated Reading and Language.
Ephesians Publishing, Inc.

Retrieved from https://study.com/academy/lesson/sequence-of-events-lesson-for-kids.html

Retrieved from http://images.pcmac.org/SiSFiles/Schools/AL/MobileCounty/SemmesMiddle/Uploads/F
Retrieved from https://www.grammarbook.com/grammar/subjectVerbAgree.asp
Retrieved from http://www.hope.org.ph/street-children-at-risk.html

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Subject Coordinator

Reviewed by:


Department Chair - Elementary School Director/ Principal

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