Learning Packet in English 6 - LESSON 12

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Patronage of Mary Development School

Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu

Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302 - Website: www.pmdsbc.com - Email Address: pmdsmamamary@gmail.com
S. Medida (Ext.) St., Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu

Determining the Author’s Purpose,

Past Perfect Progressive Tense of Verbs
and Writing a Process Paragraph

I. Objectives:

At the end of this lesson, the student should be able to:

1. Note details in a story read;
2. Identify the meaning of words through synonym and antonym
3. Determine the author’s purpose in writing;
4. identify the correct tense of verbs in sentences;
5. use the past perfect progressive tense of verbs correctly;
6. write an example of a process paragraph; and
7. realize the value of having a time for relaxation.
II. Preliminaries:

 Are you familiar with these

beautiful places in the
 Which of these places have
you been to?
 Why do we need to go or
visit places once in a
 How much do you spend
time for yourselves or for
your families?

A. Read the “Starter” paragraph on page 136 and try answering the
“word list” on page 137.
B. Read the essay “The Excursion” by Jaquilyn T. Belagan on pages137-
138 and be guided with the guide questions on page 138 (answer
those questions in your English notebook).

A. Read and understand “Determining Author’s Purpose” on page
The author's purpose is the main reason he/she is writing something.
Often times the author's purpose is to persuade, inform, or entertain. It's
important to keep the author's purpose in mind because it can prevent you
from believing half-truths, help you avoid a bad purchase, and help you
become an informed citizen.

1. Inform – the author gives you information about the topic.

2. Entertain – the author tells us a story that we will enjoy.
3. Explain–express one’s feelings or idea about something
4. Persuade – the author tries to get you to do something or convince
you to believe an idea or course of action
5. Narrate – to relate a story or to recount events
6. Describe – to tell what something looks like, sounds like, or feels like

1. Jim was unable to get to sleep. When he went to bed he cried.
Tomorrow is his birthday party and it is going to be ruined. How can
we go sledding with no snow? The next morning, when Jim got out of
bed and ran to the window, he shouted with glee, "The snow has fallen
and we can go sledding!" Jim was happy because now he can have his
birthday sledding party.
(Purpose = to entertain; I know this because there is a character, a
setting, and events happening in what seems to be a story told for
2. Everyone should have a pet. Pets are very loving and affectionate.
They help children learn responsibility. Pets give you unconditional
love. Having a pet is a wonderful experience.
(Purpose = to persuade; I know this because the word “should” means
the author thinks I ought to believe or do something. Also, the author
is trying to give reasons why I should own a pet.)
3. There are a couple of materials you need to gather before building the
bike. First, you will need a solid, aluminum frame.
(Purpose = to inform; I know this because the author is giving the
information/materials I will need to build a bike. Also, the author is
listing steps to complete a task.)

B. Read and understand “Past Perfect Progressive Tense” on page


1. I had been crying for hours when I heard someone calling me.
2. I had been watching the parade until it was over.
3. I had been applying for a job and then I was hired at last.
4. I had been searching for my wallet until I discovered it under the
5. I had been working on my report which I delivered the next day.

C. Read and understand “Writing a Process Paragraph” on page


Paragraph - is a series of sentences that are organized and coherent,

and are all related to a single topic.
Transitional devices - are words or phrases that help carry a
thought from one sentence to another, from one idea to another, or from
one paragraph to another.

Example: “How to Make a Call”

It is easy to make a telephone call if you follow these simple
directions. To make the call, first you must know the telephone number you
are dialing. Next pick up the phone and listen for the dial tone. Then you
can start dialing the telephone number. If the person answers the phone,
begin speaking. If an answering machine clicks on, wait for the beep and
record your message. Finally hang up the phone when you have finished
your call.

IV. Review

Key points to remember:

1. Relaxation isn't only about peace of mind or enjoying a

hobby. Relaxation is a process that decreases the effects of stress
on your mind and body.
2. One way to understand better an essay, an article, or a speech is to
determine the author’s purpose.
3. Past perfect progressive tense describes an action or situation in
progress in the past and describes an ongoing past action that was
completed before another past action. It is formed with:
4. A process text describes a procedure in a series. It provides
information on how to do something or hoe something works.

V. Learning Task 12

1. Answer exercises in your book on pages 137, 138,139, 140-141, 142-

144, and 145.
1.1 Word list:Write S on the line if the words are similar in meaning
and O if they are opposite in meaning.
1.2 How well did you read? : Answer the questions
comprehensibly (138) in your English notebook.
1.3 Activity 1 (Developing Reading Skills): Can you tell what the
writer of the selection wants to say? What is his purpose in
writing the essay “The Excursion”? Give the examples of
sentences from the essay that support your answer and write
them on the lines provided.
1.4Activity 2: Read each paragraph. Then, identify the purpose of
the writer. Write your answer in the box.
1.5 Activity 3: What is the purpose of the speaker who expresses
the following? Match column A with column B, by drawing a line
between numbers and letter.
1.6 Activity 1 (Grammar at work): Which of the underlined verbs
in each sentence should you change into its past perfect
progressive form to make the sentence right? Rewrite the
sentence using the new tense of the verb.
1.7 Activity 2: Write the correct verb from in each of the following
1.8 Activity 3: Change one of the verbs to past perfect progressive
tense. Rewrite each sentence.
1.9 Enrichment Activity: Think of a beautiful place that you have
visited. Write a paragraph telling how to go there. Write it on a
clean short bondpaper with ½ margin in all sides, your name,
and your own title.
2. For online students, take a clear photo of your answer or have it
scanned if you have printers and send it through Gmail
3. For modular students, please photocopy your answered exercises or
bring the answered book anytime you visit the school so I can check it.

VI. References
Bambico, A. R., Galapon, A. P., Relente, C. A., Santos, R. T., Angeles, E. B. (2014).
Rainbows in English. Vibal Group, Inc.
Belagan, Buensuceso, Conducto.2015. English for Global Communication. Don Bosco
Press, Inc.
Navarro, M. L. (2010). Building Better English for Global Communication. St. Augustine
Publications, Inc.
Padilla, C. H., Sison, J. D. (2010). Gateway to Better English. Bookman, Inc.
Ribo, L. M. (2016). Across Borders Through Reading. Vibal Group, Inc.
Sapuay, L. F. (2017). Avenues in English Integrated Reading and Language. Innovative
Educational Materials, Inc.
Surot, T. A., Jocson, J. V. (2008). Crossing Boundaries Through English Integrated
Reading and Language. Ephesians Publishing, Inc.
Retrieved from https://myreadwritebooster.wordpress.com/writing-3/2-paragraph-
Retrieved from http://jicelc.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/4/4/13449366/theprocessessay.pdf

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Subject Coordinator

Reviewed by:


Department Chair - Elementary School Director/ Principal

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