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‘70124, 12331 PM. Handwittan Notes Unit Introduction to Artfca Intaligence & Machine Learning Prof. Mahesh Shinde UNIEN! Tnboduction to AML Supervisor's Name pemee seal Signature & Date bate: Roll No “The “Concept of AL Many human mental acivines such as daveleping = Computes programs, westting out malkematies endaging Jin commonsense yertgening » undeestanding (an J & 4 Neepschag if _ even Ayivimg cun_audomohile ako Said +o demand “ Intelligence’ “Tt Performs jas Sue as diaqnose cliscase , solv quadsatic equafons undestand human spool ky motwral language soxt. ~The central” point af all such activities & system is thot" How 4D think’ oR Yokher oan “ Wow 4) make system think,” ‘3 The eld AT not just attempts to umdersiand bu also Wt “huilds intediigent onhities « Vakious OchinthonS of ALi- *_BI__may be dofined as Ha loranch of compufar Science thot is con@ened with tne aubmolon ok intelligent behawiowr “CLugor _ 1a94) Systems that Hinks Sika ume +The ostomahon of aubvines juuk we associates with human Hinting | activifes such ag dovisio 4 Making problem solving | caring | Coelln wa —I918) oy at which , ak moment, people ase better” (RichoknGat \a9) «The study of how 40 make compuless ste ntpssonline fips. comtxyothip= 12 ans ‘70124, 12331 PM. Handwitten Notes Unt 1 Introduction to Artif Inteligence & Machine Learning r 1 Supervisor's Namo Pa /Suppl No, Signature & Date eee ee [Date: Roll No —T jr We. Foundation ok i + Contributed ideas view paints 4 teak Steeng hase to AL to _develepa — bes dreuwing valid condusions i ne tockniel Ce 1Z2 Pow m ingesmahea C cin = —afen is qi whiclh_hetps A +n ae dala. parcessing Hessies seme eam i She concepts o¢ how ak © nich hols AI & 1 == ntpssonline fips. comtxyothip= 12 23 ‘70124, 12331 PM. Handwittan Notes Unit Introduction to Artfca Intaligence & Machine Learning ’ Supervisor's Name [Po 7SuppiNoS Signature & Date Date: Roll No :3| The stwngq and wack ALi - AfRE Taking brick Leck ot vane dadpines quar Contssbure tpwords AT, nod lot W hook at Wo Concept of Sheng k woak AZ Dich also gives asic toundahons yor Aoudoping automated syctop 8. Qo Seong AL z= = —This concept was put Fwward hy John -eearle. (98a ia his avticles Minds, Brains & Programs” Seng A1 can be calegarised as D Human like AI i “In which Hua compulee Program tuinks & “seasonS mush Vike a human mind. fi) Non= human Wika AS i= In which Hun Compulee proqum Aevalops a totally Aon-haman _senkience. & Non- human Way Of inking & reasoning . y bi] Weak AJ +— Tt Besearch doals i Hua croahion op some bem of computer, based Al fuck canth truly, seuson 8. solve. psbleas. Thay Can sonson £> sciq fooblems only iq a Gimited domain such aq maghing | would in some ways | ab ag ib it Were, intely” gent "but ir would ok posses rue. lately ' Spending On hed one doin ones goals a Mmodotate “amount Og podgaegs has i hn been meeslo in ica ntpssonline fips. comtxyothip= 12 ‘70124, 12331 PM. Handwitten Notes Unt 1 Introduction to Artif Inteligence & Machine Learning ; ¢ Pa /Suppl No: 1 Supervises Name - Signature & Onto Rol No Wo | Whe histesy of AZ. =r PL wos os 5 “us paiod of 1949 fo IGso. The igh as —_ PL_thonaghts wets. _ fs _put hy man pac culled ae Walter. pits C1943). eis idea of Ad was based et OM jWwree. -Hueosics dirctly basic phsy cl |_secondly _furmal asalisis 2 pees onal Logic & juisd was Tusing's uso of compulahon . + Laker Donald Webb in 1943 demonshakesl simple Updaltine pula {uF modikying connection strengths beloe2t) noun nis yule called Hebbian \oasiing which tc considered Ap be gest ingluancial moda) in AL. + Th) (95 Mearthy Published 4 pals, onlidl Pogqvams wil common sen8e,in which po descabed Pdvice. “Takes | a Wy potvatical prgyaun rust com be. sear ab trst complele AI Syston). 1 In 196s, werzenbaumis Eliza Psvgram cuppeared to conduct a semous convessaton on ani topic. by =P haai. 5 anipulali raed _efiven ‘h a human + En (98t, Japanese announced st genetoulion projet G \oyews plan +o build intelligent computoss sunning, Rolot » US also i i reli ‘alo: jn AI: ntpssonline fips. comtxyothip= 12 ‘70124, 12331 PM. Handwitten Notes Unt 1 Introduction to Artif Inteligence & Machine Learning me hy Psychologists convicls aoPinueel Yn tg8oc, ao Superveors Name SignahiHe & Dato RollNo 7 TN AG7OS Move, -Kexearch were done, ON Newsal Nekoons Suder pearl ¢ Anteltig end systems | Neer in Ag. £) Paobeabi c Reasoning in, [te onan aceeplance, 84 psohubililies pn 1987, av complele agen aadifeckive, calles] SOPR Was Work ow by Allan Vewell + John _Lerives| & Paul Rosenbloony , = AT. systems have become so common in web based capplical ns Jere He bop saffix hes enfersel in everyday Lngacye, = — | cumenk -yends io AL Cldhak AL com do Today?) — 1) putono mous Planning schediding Nisd's_Remole Agent Prgram became Hoel fest P_boarel _attonomous planning Prrgrem to cenfool Juc_ cheduling _o¢- opetahons fr spacecraft. agents corn do task of dofecting eligg nos ———|Betoveting fxm __panblents_as. Hoey occured 3g i] Gewne laying A__Compusee ches um _by IBM _ no. —_| Desp_blus. defeate rlol_chesS_champio ———_| kaspoxov _in__exbibihion match in_1997 ntpssonline fips. comtxyothip= 12 513 ‘710124, 12331 PM. Handwittan Notes Unit Itraducton to Artfca Intaligence & Machine Learning t ‘Supervisor's Name Pee Signature & Date bate: Rol No. oe type ak gaming prgvams can b: _davolo peo) Using AI. steghni {ues - 3) Autonomous contol:= + ‘The ALVENN compukee vision system was rained Ae Stear car to keop iy ileal a lane. Tp was fade + travel A8so miles iq rich Jel, of Hme Cont] wag with system & only 27. of ime human dpok. vee. AL con give. move -theorias. to dovelop Suh sysjems. 4] Diagnosis :— + Heckermen Claai) describes a case whele a leading, pupaton tyre nads_pakislegy Seokfs at, pngran ea case. Te sush [grees ‘scan b2 Tada developed wing AI then hi sah acc Ved Human Vg maghine; -- * Comparisons belween kuman and Mazhines , D Pasias axe. analogue’. mashines ka. digital Due tate Use Content -addsersable memory ; In mae eee ees io_memany is ntpssonline fips. comtxyothip= 12 Handwittan Notes Unit Introduction to Artfca Intaligence & Machine Learning ‘Supervisor's Name RasSipel Nery Signature &Dale Date: Roll No, ‘70124, 12331 PM. The brain is a. massively patallal madhine ; ————|Machines ara modules and sokial. c "speed is net Fixed To bvaia ; Madhing has _¢ixed “speod spastbication, ——[9_Breiine chest = teem memory is not like RAM. _____|6) No hardware J soproare. distiction can be made with |srespeak tp bean oc mind - I) Synapsed ako far more complex tran eledlical logic gates - ® Ths brain is asdk- aganicing sysiom. 2) Brain hove bodies Ha broln is musth , mush digger _____ | than any Feumront) madhine. 1.5 | Uist of intelligont sysieme Influential iq AL:— ID MBcsyma - Advised usee on ho® 4p solve. complex moths prblems - ) DENDRAL - Advised usee of howd tp inleprel output _fsom a Mars cpartograph - P) DELTA :- Locormohve _ang\noering . > Drilling advisor - ilbiald pmopbeating . ntpssonline fips. comtxyothip= 12 m3 ‘70124, 12331 PM. Handwitten Notes Unt 1 Introduction to Artif Inteligence & Machine Learning F ' ‘Supervisor's Name Pa (SuppiNop [ote Roll No, Signature & Date |B Expee Ton - Tax minimication advice, ©) XSEL - compulee. sales. D Pry.cIn - Diagnosed blood infedtions of sort juet Might be. contvatied in hospital. e _|8)_cRop AdvisoR ~ peveloped by Tet 40 advise, ceteal _|-grehn_foxmers on appwptiate pethlizens_ © presti— cides fet tusir forms. |: As AI research Progsessed ond sochniqued for — [handling latget amounts of world Knowledge wete | developed in_dealing H. problem solving i _spesialized lomains suk as medical diagnosis & Chemical analysis + Tha tasks thok ate tongels of Works in HI can be Coteqorjsed a3 follows: ; Di mundance fascs - percephon , Nakwal languaso. . n) Formal 4+ask& — Croumed _ ni) EXport tasks ~ Engineating SclonhKic analys) : + Tha problems araas whete. no® AS is Llourishing F = a . ad +O mast ab prodhcal discipline are. _psimagily domain: Hak require only sporralic | expertise Gitout _| assistance, 2k commonsense fenowledge - ntpssonline fips. comtxyothip= 12 ans ‘70124, 12331 PM. Handwittan Notes Unit Introduction to Artfca Intaligence & Machine Learning ‘Supervisor's Name [Pa /SupplNoS Signature & Date ate Roll No 18 | What Ts an AL Technique? ——|allowed seperste representation. An ®1 teehniqua is a meliod squat exploits Know — \ eae is epaatented 2 so Hued Knowledge capers eneralizatio: Sh Shore, povperh2s _ ocean bs ctogottace. , “Yak eo ‘eq | “Wes Lowel of model :- L + Reasons tor modaling human petemance for Hio¥e._icind of ashe > + To ter Psychological qusosics of human pekdys— Manca. 24 BARRY “‘poogram wren for dts TEAS) hich exploited a model of human parancid_behavious 4o_ simulate. convartatronal behaviown Of Paranoid pesscn + TO enable computer qo undersiand human “seasonings Te exploit What EMowledqe We can colloot from People 1490 Cotesia for Success 3 + One of +x most important questions “to answer, [in any _sclenhkic of enginewsing wesearth, project is “How Swill we kned igs we. hale sueccgsled 2" in Ar we howe 9 CHE ourselves | how will we know fig we have construted a machine that js intelligonty a ntpssonline fips. comtxyothip= 12 ‘70924, 12331 PM. Handwitten Notes Unt 1 Introduction to Artif Inteligence & Machine Learning ry * [Date To measure Ke Press we Use Proposed Melo Known ay Ting ‘Tesh Alan “Tain suqqeiled duis L mettad jo deleemine whelhet jue Machine can jyiye 15 | Poature Of Pslificial amte(ligence : ~ “he Al “AL can be 4etoxd cr Wa science & engineatin xt Ok, fae intelligent} meaehines espetially inteltig on d compat: Preopctrs - a + Tt is simuahon of human intelligence by machines _ |: Ad has demonstrated unprecedented g-svH) » AD wi impael very sphete of human ibe: f+ one can expect an increase. ia quell ity Of Work of _| sear engines & machine translation ~ 3 cybot. _ gacerily : — i i In Neo future AT application Ja Cy bok seceert: —_|wi_cnsurein_cumbigg hackers The incidence ep © issu. tuo has been escal, Tk costs enteepriges ‘in 2. as well as matarial cost. caedid- he EOF FUE Masr _P be __defpire ttirore being clebecHon -bech: sa Si\_prdve to be ineffective ‘in Catbing hhaakors . ntpssonline fips. comtxyothip= 12 sons ‘i126, 12:31 PM Handwriten Notes Unit 1 Inroduetion to Ail Inteligence & Machine Learning f 1 Supervisor's Name Signature & Date [PaSuppiNo 1] Roll No. Tira 4 Face Recognitions. ru |The launch of ivhone 3 ___| Feokure, war ot ———} Ba_coming years, hon _| agi Phones by _fooeing iat tas. 0 FE date pororn & possivle 40 debe whaler a Bon | i 4 ae ig_Strexsed 2 ahgry_ax any sequired emotional + Dolo Analysis s- B1__will_yenefir business in field of Dada Analytic. AL_would be able +o o. eive. patterns TWdete soak humans connor: This Onables pusines's 40 tang ot Aue wigih Customers for psrduit. An example 24 Auis is Jue partnership bekoorn TBM and Pluid. Fluid | a digital vdlail_com Uses Wasson ~ an #1 Application seated by lam for insightPul ponduct recommendation +o its ctysomees . + __Vranspovts - e BL- guided trans post will no longee be jus a Pontos y but reality. set driving caxs have alsead) populated Hus Marke _ Wowewer a drivek_is soquived abtuc wheels for sabery pwrpose . = Machin Weaning will_be crusial in ensuring Junk —| these automated “yerhicles apetate smookal —| iciently am, Pore eaeaoete Uh ate teas TUN eee ntpssonline fips. comtxyothip= 12 ss ‘70124, 12331 PM. Handwittan Notes Unit Introduction to Artfca Intaligence & Machine Learning Net ‘Supervisor's Name __ - Poser Signature & Date low I Roll No. 14 | comparison a 72 wilh pala scence ————— ME eer per ere eee —__ |B Dota science += ey @m -Data science 4 Artikicial Jnielligence ave nly used \obarshangesbly + while pata sdeace.— | may conhibule to some aspesks of A1_r-do nok vepleet all of ir. 1 js used inked @5 — daka science fur iks qporabons. + Tus. dota used ger cmalysis can some maw differ! sources & pracnted in vasious Kosmals . + Oda scienee involves various underly) 4 Qh Uo srakiskes matuamakcs , & programming » Therofere adata scientist is raquived 4p bo progicienr in | 4uam in order. to understand scons © p an data. 2 petiiclal sntebligence : - BL is wide remging brand o¢ Computer sdonco concemed reasoning leaning , planning £ crzahvin Al ler» _rechnical systems cal 5 aovirron mental , deal wit, wWhak toy perceive soWwe problems, & aut +o achive. Specitic deal. * BA js intelligence tusk js procesed by mading . Tk _{s modehd after natu Antelligente sual is prasessed by animals & humans , AL makes uo to autonomous i jens. ntpssonline fips. comtxyothip= 12 ras ‘70124, 12331 PM. Handwitten Notes Unt 1 Introduction to Artif Inteligence & Machine Learning ‘Supervisor's Name Pomeritel 3 Signature & Date Date: Roll No. clemtist, AL is on fool or pwcedure.. try mn obinodolo. —} 3-2 om pas & Data : “30° vasius xoles 2 requisements — frees ber Ag o Tha pallens “in data A applying Pradictive. modal to Generate gutere. insights - D scope 1) purpose. M) Type ok pate = Ww) Tools. vy _BPplicahons Ni) Process ly) Techitiq us - UN) operational Requirement 1x) _peeterred Skill- Sef. ntpssonline fips. comtxyothip= 12 1383

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