Direction ( Update) 1

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1. Siva Reddy walked 2 km west of his house and then turned south covering 4km. Finally, He
moved 3km towards east and then again 1km west. How far is he from his initial position?
a) 10km b) 9km c) 2km d) 4km e) none of these

2. A man walks 6km to the east and then turns to the south 2 km. Again he turns to the east and
walks2 km. Next he turns northwards and walks 8 km. How far is he now from his starting
a) 18km b) 10km c) 16km d) 12km e) none of these

3. Anil wants to go the university. He starts from his house which is in the East and comes to a
crossing. The road to his left ends in a theatre, straight ahead is the hospital. In which direction
is the University?
a) east b) north c) south d) west e) none of these

4. Ramesh walks 30m towards south. Then turning to his right he walks 30m.Then turning to his
left he walks 20m. Again turning to his left he walks 30m. How far is he from his starting
a)30m b)20m c)50m d)40m e) none of these

5. A walks 10m in front and 10m to the right. Then every time turning to his left he walks 5m,15m
and 15m respectively. How for is he now from his starting point?
a) 10m b) 20m c)5m d)15m e) none of these

6. A person walks facing north 10m and then he turn left and walks 5m.He again turns left and
walks 10m. How far is he from his original position and towards which direction?
a) 20m south b)15m west c)10meast d) 5mwest e) none of these

7. Amar was facing North. He turns right and walks 20m. Then he turns left again and walks10m.
Then he turns right again and walks 60m. In which direction is he from the starting point?
a) north b)north-east c)north-west d)east e) none of these

Direction: (8-10) Read the given information carefully and answer the following questions.

B is 25m south of A. C is 10m east of B. D is 30m north of C. E is 7m east of D. X is 18m south

of E. M is 12 m south of X. C is 7 m west of M.

8. B is in which direction from Point D?

a) south b)south-west c)north-east d)south-east e)north

9. If Point W is 3 m to the north of A, then what is the distance between B and

W? a)28m b)15m c)21m d)24m e) 17m

10. What is distance between B and M?

a)17m b)15m c)21m d)19m e) 13m

Direction (11-12): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions:
Ravi starts his journey from his home and he walks 10 km towards South direction. He takes a left
turn and walks 8 km. After that he takes a right turn and walks 10 km. Now, he walks 14 km after
taking a right turn. Finally he reached his office.

11. In which directions, Ravi’s home with respect to Ravi’s office?

a) south-west b) north c) west d) north-east e) north-west

12. How far Ravi’s office with respect to Ravi’s home?

a) 2√109km b) 4√109km c) 26km d) 5√14 km e) none of these

Directions (13-14): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.
Point B is 12 m South of Point A. Point C is 24 m East of Point B. Point D is 8 m South of Point C.
Point D is 12 m East of Point E and Point F is 8 m North of Point E. Point H is 20 m North of Point
D. Point G is midpoint of the line A to H.

13. If aman has to travel to Point E from Point A (through these points by the shortest distance),
which of the following points will be pass through first?
a) point C b) point D c) point F d) point B e) none of these

14. In which direction Point G with respect to Point B?

a) west b) south-east c) north-east d) north-west e) none of these

Directions (15-16): Study the following information carefully to answer the questions.
A vehicle starts from point P and run 10 km towards North. It takes a right turn and runs 15 km. Now
it runs 6 km after taking a left turn. Finally, it takes a left turn, runs 15 km and stops at point Q.

15. How far is point Q with respect to point P?

a)16km b) 25km c) 4km d)10km e) none of these

16. Towards which direction was the vehicle moving before it stopped at point Q?
a) north b) east c) south d) west e) northeast

17. Point Q is 7m to the west of point R. Anand starts walking from point R towards east. He
walks for 3m and takes a right turn. He further walks for 4m and takes another right turn. He
walks for 5m and turns to his right. He further walks for 4m and stops at point T. In which
direction is point T with respect to point Q?
a) north b)east c)south d) west e) northeast

DIRECTION (18-19): Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions:
Rahul’s school is 10 km towards north, his friend sonia’s abode is 12 km towards west and his
Tuition centre is 12 km towards east from his present position. Sonia’s close friend rajiv lives
20 km towards south east from her abode. Rajiv’s abode from Rahul’s school forms a
straight line passing through Rahul’s present position.

18. What is the distance between Rahul’s school and Rajiv’s abode?
a)16km b)25km c)26 km d)10km e) none of these

19. What is the direction of Rajiv’s abode with respect to Rahul’s tuition centre?
a) south b) south-west c) north-east d) south-east e) north

DIRECTION (20-21): Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions:
P is 8m east of Q.R is 15m south of Q. S is 6m west of R. T is 20m south of S. T is 9m west of U.
20. If X is 5m south of P and Z is 14m west of X, then what is the distance between Z and T?
a)30m b)20m c)50m d)40m e) none of these

21. In what direction is U with respect to R?

a) south b) south-west c) north-east d) south-east e) north

DIRECTION (22-24): Study the given information carefully and answer the given
questions: Point P is 10 km toward north from point Q. Point R is 10 km towards East from
point Q. Point T is 15 km towards south of point S, who lies exactly in the midst of point Q
and R. Point V is 15 km towards north from the point U and 15 km west from the point Q.

22. How far is point U with respect to point T and in which direction?
a)20kmsouth b)15kmwest c) 10kmeast d)20kmwest e) none of these

23. What is the distance between point P and X, who lies 5 km towards west of point T?
a)18km b)10km c)25km d)22km e) none of these

24. Which direction is point R with respect to point U?

a) south b) south-west c) north-east d) south-east e) north

25. Rajesh’s school bus is facing North when reaches his school. After starting
from Rajesh’s house, it taking two consecutive right turns and then left before
reaching the school. What direction the bus facing when it left the bus stop in
front of Rajesh’s house?
a) East b) North c) South d) West e) None of these

26. Anil wants to go the university. He starts from his house which his in the East and
comes to a crossing. The road to his left ends in a theatre, straight ahead is the
hospital. In which direction is the University?
a) East b) North c) South d) West e) None of these

27. Hemant in order to go to university started from his house in the east and came to a
crossing. The road to the left ends in a theatre, straight ahead is the hospital. In which
direction is the university?
a) North b) South c) East d) West e) None of these

28. Apeksha walked a distance of 8 km in Eastern direction and then took a U-turn and walked 13
km, then she turned south and walked 4 km; After which she turned left and walked 5 km; and finally,
she turned north and walked 3 km. How far is she from the starting point?

(a) 8 km

(b) 10 km

(c) 1 km

(d) 3 km

Correct Answer: Option (c) – 1 km

29. Payel started walking towards North and walked for 5 km, then she turned right and walked for 3
km, she took another right turn and walked 5 km and finally, she took a left turn and walked 2 km.
What is Payel’s current direction from her starting point?

(a) North

(b) South

(c) East

(d) West

Correct Answer: Option (c) – East

30. Narendra runs 5 km in the east direction from his home. He then takes a left and runs 15 km. He
then takes a right turn and runs 10 km. He then took a turn towards the south and ran 15 km. What
is the distance between his home and his current location?

(a) 10 km

(b) 15 km

(c) 20 km

(d) 30 km

Correct Answer: Option (B) – 15 km


1. d 2.b 3.b 4. c 5. c 6. d 7.b 8. b
9. a 10. a 11. d 12. a 13. d 14. c 15. a 16. d
17. b 18. c 19. b 20. a 21. d 22. d 23. c 24. c
25. d 26. b 27. a 28. c 29. c 30.b

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