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Q1) compare the three cloud computing delivery models, saas , paas and iaas,from the point of
view of application developers and users.


SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), and IaaS (Infrastructure as a

Service) are the three primary cloud computing delivery models. Each of these models
provides different levels of services to users and application developers.

From the point of view of application developers, SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS have the
following characteristics:

1. SaaS (Software as a Service): SaaS is a software delivery model in which software is

hosted and maintained by a third-party provider, and users access it through the
internet. Application developers can build software applications on top of the SaaS
platform to offer their services to users. SaaS is ideal for developers who want to focus
on building software applications without worrying about infrastructure or hosting. SaaS
providers offer features like security, maintenance, and updates to their users.
2. PaaS (Platform as a Service): PaaS is a cloud computing model in which a provider offers
a platform for building, testing, and deploying software applications. PaaS provides a
complete environment for developers to build, test, and deploy their applications
without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. Developers can use the tools and
services provided by PaaS providers to build their applications, and then deploy them to
the cloud with ease. PaaS providers also offer features like automatic scaling, load
balancing, and security to their users.
3. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service): IaaS is a cloud computing model in which a provider
offers infrastructure services like servers, storage, and networking to users. Application
developers can use these services to build and host their applications in the cloud. IaaS
is ideal for developers who want complete control over their infrastructure and want to
build their applications from scratch. IaaS providers offer features like scalability,
flexibility, and security to their users.

From the point of view of users, SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS have the following characteristics:
1. SaaS (Software as a Service): SaaS allows users to access software applications through
the internet without the need to install any software on their devices. SaaS providers
host the software and provide users with access to it on a subscription basis. SaaS is
ideal for users who want to access software applications on the go without worrying
about installation or maintenance.
2. PaaS (Platform as a Service): PaaS provides users with a complete platform for building,
testing, and deploying software applications. Users can use the tools and services
provided by PaaS providers to build their applications and deploy them to the cloud
without worrying about infrastructure. PaaS is ideal for users who want to build their
applications quickly and easily without the need for technical knowledge.
3. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service): IaaS provides users with complete control over their
infrastructure in the cloud. Users can use IaaS providers' services to build and host their
applications in the cloud. IaaS is ideal for users who want complete control over their
infrastructure and want to build their applications from scratch.

In conclusion, the choice of cloud computing delivery model depends on the specific
needs of developers and users. SaaS is ideal for developers who want to focus on
building software applications without worrying about infrastructure, and users who
want to access software applications on the go. PaaS is ideal for developers who want to
build their applications quickly and easily without the need for technical knowledge, and
users who want to build their applications without worrying about infrastructure. IaaS is
ideal for developers who want complete control over their infrastructure and want to
build their applications from scratch, and users who want complete control over their
infrastructure in the cloud.

Q2) Name the Major Issues of Cloud Computing.


There are several major issues associated with cloud computing, including:

1. Security: One of the biggest concerns with cloud computing is the security of the data
stored in the cloud. Data breaches and cyber attacks can have severe consequences, and
organizations need to take appropriate measures to secure their data in the cloud.
2. Privacy: Organizations need to ensure that they are compliant with regulations such as
GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA when storing sensitive data in the cloud. They need to have
proper control over data access and use, and be transparent about how they handle
3. Availability: Cloud computing services rely heavily on internet connectivity and can
experience outages or disruptions. This can impact an organization's ability to access
critical data and applications, and can result in lost productivity and revenue.
4. Vendor lock-in: Cloud computing services can be difficult to migrate from once an
organization has committed to a particular vendor. This can limit an organization's
flexibility and increase costs over time.
5. Performance: The performance of cloud computing services can be affected by factors
such as network latency, bandwidth limitations, and processing power. Organizations
need to ensure that their cloud infrastructure can handle their workload requirements.
6. Cost: While cloud computing can offer cost savings compared to on-premises
infrastructure, it can also be costly if not managed properly. Organizations need to
carefully plan their cloud usage and consider factors such as data transfer costs, storage
costs, and usage-based pricing models.

Q3)Draw a neat and clean structure diagram of Iaas,Paas,Saas According to cloud security

Q4) As IT company decides to provide free access to a public cloud dedicated to higher
education .Which one of the three cloud computing models Saas , Paas and Iaas should it
embrace and why?


The decision of which cloud computing model to embrace (SaaS, PaaS, or IaaS) would
depend on the specific needs and objectives of the IT company and the higher
education institutions it intends to serve.

 SaaS (Software as a Service) model: In this model, the IT company would provide a
complete software solution that can be accessed by higher education institutions over
the internet. SaaS would be a good choice if the IT company wants to offer a ready-to-
use software solution that requires minimal configuration and management by the
institutions. This model would be appropriate for applications such as Learning
Management Systems (LMS), where institutions can use the software to manage their
courses and content.
 PaaS (Platform as a Service) model: In this model, the IT company would provide a cloud
platform that enables institutions to develop, run, and manage their own applications
without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. PaaS would be a good
choice if the IT company wants to offer a flexible and customizable platform that allows
institutions to build and deploy their own applications. This model would be appropriate
for institutions that want to develop their own custom applications, such as student
information systems.
 IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) model: In this model, the IT company would provide a
virtualized infrastructure, including computing resources (such as virtual machines),
storage, and networking, that institutions can use to build their own applications and
services. IaaS would be a good choice if the IT company wants to offer a high degree of
flexibility and control to institutions, allowing them to build and manage their own
infrastructure in the cloud. This model would be appropriate for institutions that want
complete control over their IT infrastructure, such as research institutions that need to
run computationally intensive simulations.

In summary, the choice of cloud computing model would depend on the needs and
objectives of the IT company and the higher education institutions it intends to serve.
Each model has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the best approach would be to
assess the specific requirements and preferences of the target audience before making a

Q5) Mr. .Ali is starting an E-commerce online store business, he may need to setup his own
server or avail any cloud server provider services, as advisor, and how you will convince him
that cloud is better choice , Mention here reasons with comparison on different aspects like
technical,financial and security etc.

reasons why choosing cloud server providers is better than setting up your own server. Here are
some points you can use to convince Mr. Ali to choose cloud server providers:

1. Technical Advantage: Cloud service providers offer access to the latest and most
advanced technologies, including the latest hardware, software, and infrastructure.
Cloud providers have a team of experts who are responsible for maintaining the servers,
ensuring that they are always up-to-date and secure. They also provide various tools,
services, and features that can be easily integrated into your online store, such as
backup and disaster recovery solutions, load balancing, and content delivery networks
2. Financial Benefits: Setting up and maintaining a physical server can be expensive,
especially for a small business. The cost of purchasing and maintaining hardware,
software licenses, and infrastructure can add up quickly. On the other hand, cloud
service providers offer a pay-as-you-go model, allowing businesses to only pay for the
resources they use. This can be especially beneficial for a small business owner like Mr.
Ali, who may not have the capital to invest in a physical server upfront.
3. Scalability: One of the biggest advantages of cloud service providers is scalability. As
your business grows, you may need to increase the resources and capacity of your
server to accommodate more traffic and transactions. Cloud service providers allow you
to easily scale up or down your resources as needed, without the need to invest in new
hardware or infrastructure.
4. Security: Cloud service providers have a team of experts who are responsible for
maintaining the security and integrity of the servers. They provide various security
features and protocols to protect your data, such as firewalls, intrusion detection, and
prevention systems, encryption, and multi-factor authentication. This can be especially
important for an online store that deals with sensitive customer information, such as
credit card numbers and personal data.
5. Accessibility: Cloud servers are accessible from anywhere with an internet connection,
allowing you to work on your online store from anywhere, anytime. This can be
especially beneficial for Mr. Ali, who may want to work remotely or hire remote
employees to help manage the online store.

Overall, choosing a cloud server provider can be a smart choice for Mr. Ali's online store.
The technical advantages, financial benefits, scalability, security, and accessibility of
cloud servers make them a popular choice among businesses of all sizes.

Q6) Explain in few lines how cloud computing can improve health care industry?
Cloud computing can improve the healthcare industry by providing increased accessibility, scalability,
and efficiency. It allows healthcare providers to store, manage, and access patient data and medical
records securely and in real-time from anywhere. This means that physicians can collaborate more
effectively, make more informed decisions, and provide better care to patients. Additionally, cloud
computing can help reduce costs and improve the overall efficiency of healthcare delivery by
allowing providers to adopt new technologies quickly and easily, without having to invest in
expensive hardware or software infrastructure.

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