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GE Security Overview ‘The Signature Series Model SIGA-PHS inteligent 30 Multisensor De- tector gathers analog information from each ofits two fire sensing elements (photoelectric and heat] and corwerts itinto digital signals ‘The detector’s on-board microprocessor measures and analyzes these signals separately with respect toa third element - Time. We Cal this technology 30. It compares the information to historical readings, time patterns, and several known fre characteristics to ‘make an alarm decision. Digital fiters remove signol patterns thot ‘are not typical of fires. Unwanted alarms are virtually eliminated Standard Features + Integrates photoelectric smoke and 135 °F (57° Cl fixed-tem- perature heat sensing technologies + Non-volatie memory + Automatic device mapping + Electronic addressing + Environmental compensotion + Integral microprocessor - intelligent detector + Wide 0.6796 to 3.7754/R. sensitivity range + Twenty pre-olarm sensitivity values, set in $% increments + Identification of dity or defective detectors + Automatic day/night senstvity adjustment ‘+ Twin REDIGREEN status LEDs + Stondard, relay, fouitisolator,and cualble mounting bases + Designed and manufactured to ISO 9601 standards Note: Some features described here may ot be supported by all contro sys- tems. Check your cer! panel Installation ana Operation Guide for details Intelligent 3D Multisensor Detector SIGA-PHS EST Fire & Life Safety Intelligent Initiating Devices Signature Series Overview ‘The microprocessor in each detector provides four addtioncl ben ets Sef diagnostics and Histary Log, Automatic Device Mapping Stand-olone Operation and Fast, Stable Communication, Self-diagnostics and History Log - Each Signature Series detec- tor constantly runs self-checks to provide important maintenance information, The results ofthe self-check ore automaticaly updated ‘and permanently stared in the detector's nan-volatle memory, This informations eccessibe fr review ary tine atthe control panel, PC, or by using the SIGA-PRO Signature Progrom/Service Tool. ‘Automatic Device Mapping - The loop controller learns where each device's serial number address is installed relative to other devices on the circurt. This mopping feature provides supervision of each device's installed locotion to prevent a detector trom being reinstalled (fter leaning etc) ina different location from where it was original. The history log forthe detector remains relevant and intact regardless ofits new locotion, ‘The Signature Series Data Entry Program also uses the mapping feature, With inzeractive menus and graphic support, the wired Circuits between each device can be examined, Layout or “os-bull” drawing inforrmation showing wire bronches (T-topsi. device types tnd their eddress ore stored on disk for printing hard copy. This tokes the mystery out ofthe instalation. The preparation af os-buit drawings is fast and efficient Stond-alone Operation - A decentralized alarm decision by the detector is guaranteed, On-board intelligence permits the detector to operote in stand-alone mode. ifloop controller CPU communica- Datasheet 500-0207 Netto be uzadfor instalation purpose Pose of & tions fil for more than four seconds, all devices on that circuit go ina stand-alone mode. The circuit acts like @ conventional alarm receiving circuit, ach detector on the circut continues to collect ‘and analyze information from its surroundings. The detector alarrns ifthe preset seroke obscuration levels reached or ambient tem- peroture increases by 65 (35°C) Fast Stable Communication - On-board inteligence means less information needs to be sent between the detector and the loop, controler Other than regular supervisory poling response, the detector only needs to communicate withthe loap controller when ithas something new to report, This provides very fast control panel response time and allows c ower baud rate (speed) to be used for, ‘communication on the circuit Environmental Compensation - Detection sersitvity for the SIGA- |PHS is virtually Independent ofits installed environment and its prysical condition. Environmentel compensation means each sens- ing element adapts to long-term chonges caused by dirt, hrm dity temperature, aging etc. It even compensates for small smaunis of ‘normal ambient smoke. Approximately six times every hour, the detector adjusts and updates the sensitvty [4 obscuration) and ‘ambient temperature baselines for each sensing element, Signoture Series environmental compenstion isso reliable that it meets NFPA72 Feld sensitivity testing requirements — without the need for external meters. Sensitivity Range - The SIGA-IPHS has a sensitivity range or win- dow of 0.67 - 3.7036 obscuration per foot, The installer selects the detector’s ALARM sensitivity evel Five settings ranging from the least sensitive at 3.5% obscuration/ft tothe most sensitive at 1.0% obscuration/t are availble ‘Automatic Day/Night Sensitivity Selection - Signature Series detectors nay be programmed for cferent sensivitis during doy ‘and night per'ods. This allows the detector to be more sensitive dur- ing uneccupied periods when lower ambient background conditions ore expected. Stobility ~The 4D detector's sensitivity remains stcble in wind ve- locities up to $00 fumin [2.53 m/secl. Ambient temperature has very litle affect on the detector. The detector may be installed in rooms. with ambient temperatures up to 100%F (38°C Electronic Addressing - The loop contrller electronically addresses each detector, saving voluoble time during system commissioning Setting corpicated switches or dials isnot required. Each detector has ts own unique serial number stored nits on-bocrad memory. ‘Tre loop controler identifies each device onthe crcut and assigns @ soft’ address to that device's serial number. desired, detectors can bbe addressed using the SIGA-PRO Signature Pragrarv/Service Tool Application ‘though photoelectric detectors have o wide range of fire sens- ing eapobiies they ore best suite for detecting slow, smoldering fre. Te table below shows sixstandara test es used to rate the Sersithityof smoke andheat detectors. Te tbl indicates that no Testing & Maintenance Fach detector automatically identifies when itis dirty or defective ‘ond causes a “dirty detector" message. The detector’s sensitiv ity measurement can also be transmitted to the loop controller A sensitivity report can be printed to satisfy NFPA sensitivity meas- urements which must be conducted at the end of the first year and ‘every two years thereafter, ‘The user-fiendly maintenance program shows the current stote of each detector and other pertinent messages. ingle detectors may be turned off temporarily rom the contol panel. Availabilty of maintenance features is dependent on the fre alarm system used Scheduled maintenance (Regular or Selected) for proper detector ‘operation shouldbe planned to meet the requirements of the Au- ‘thority Having Jurisdiction (AHL). Refer to current NFPA 72 and ULC CANIULC 536 stondards, Installation Signature Series detectors mount to North American 1-gang boxes, 3-1/2 inch or 4 inch octagon boxes, and to 4 inch square electrical boxes 1-1/2 inches (38 mm deep. They mount to European SESA ‘ond 1-gang baxes with 60:3 mm fixing centers. Jos aon 2061 me arom “eesiedon boxe) Compatibility ‘The SIGA-PHS detectors are compatible only wth the Signature Loop Controle, single sensing elements suited fora test fires GE Security recommends thot this detector be installed according to latest recognized ection of national and local fire alarm codes, SIGA-ARS and SIGA- HFS Rate-of-Rise/ —SIGA-PHS SIGAAPHS Test Fee SIGA-S1on SIGA.PS Photo Fined Temp. Photo Heat 30, lon/Photo/Meat 40 ‘Open Wood ‘ptimum ‘nsitoale optimum very suitable ptimum Wood Pyrolysis sutoble ptimum unsuitable ‘optimum eptimum ‘Smouldering Coton very suitable ptimum unsuitable ‘optimum ‘ptimum Poly Urethane Foam very stable very subi suitable very suitable ‘optimum -Heptane ‘ptimum very suitable very suitable ‘optimum ‘optimum gud Fire without Smoke unsurobie Unsuitle optimum very sutaale very suitable Datasheet 5001-0247 teva 6 Nottobeuredforinsaltion purpozss Page 2 of Typical Wiring ‘The detector mounting bases accept #18 AWG (0.7Smn", #16 [1.0mm #14 AWE (LSmm, and #12 AWG I2.Smmtl wire sizes. Note: Sizes #16 AWG (LOmm®l and #18 AWG [0.75mm) are preferred for ense of installation. See Signature Loop Controller catalog sheet for detaled wiring requirement specifications. Standard Detector Base, SIGA-SB, SIGA-SB4 = Tem Descipton Netuses DAIAINJoUTIn | Notre DRANG) Remote D0) emt ED NotUses OAROUTHY Isolator Detector Base, SIGA-| , SIGAIB4 Notre Daa ROUT | Baan Net Uses Notre aI Not Used rem tavecont: Accessories All detector mounting bases have wiring terminals that re accessible from the *room-side” ater mounting the base tothe electrical box ‘The bases mount to North American 1-gang boxes ond to 3% inch or ‘4inch octagon boxes, 144 inches (38 ram) deep. They also mount to Europecn BESA and I-gang boxes with 60:3 mm fing centers. The SIGA-SBd,SIGA-RBA, and SIGA-IB4 mount to North American 4 inch square electrical boxes in addition to the above boxes, They inciude the SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt which is used to cover the ‘mounting ears" on the bose, The SIGA AB4G mounts to 0.4" sqare box only. ‘Standard Base SIGA-SB, SIGA-SB4- This is the basic mounting base for GE Security Signature Series detectors. The SIGALED Remote EDis supported by the Stondard Base. Relay Base SIGA-RB, SIGA-RBA - This base includes @ relay. Nor- ‘mally open or closed operation is selected during installation. The dry contact is rated for one amp pict duty} @ 30 Vde. The relay's pasition is supervised to avoid accidentally jrring it out of positon, ‘The SIGA-RB can be operated as a contro elay if pragrammed to do 0 at the control panel STS V2 only. The relay bose does not support the SiGA-LED Remote LED, ‘Audible Base SIGA-ABAG - This base is designed for use where localized or group alarm signaling is required. When the detector Relay Detector Base, SIGA-RB, SIGA-RE4 [ism Decrpton Norma. Ooen SaINoUTIn MAIN Netees Neva cased baraourer TONEY RATS sony | tampa sowe Pit ‘Audible Detector Base, SIGA-ABAG are nee senses an alarm condition, the audible bose emits local alarm signal. The optional SIGA-CaR Polarity Reversal Reloy can be used for sounding to other audible bases on the some 24 Vdc circuit, Relay and Audible Bases operate os follows: = at system power-up or reset, the relay is de-energized - when a detector is installed inthe base with the power on, the relay energizes for four seconds, then de-eneroizes. - when detector is removed from a base with the power on the relay is de-energized - when the detector enters the alarm state, the elay is energized Isolator Base SIGA-IB, SIGA-IB4 - Ths bose includes ¢buit-in line fault, isolator for use on Class A creuits. A detector must be installed faritto ‘operate. The isolator base does not support the SIGA-LED Remote LED. ‘The isolator operates as follows: ~ ashort onthe ine causes all isolators to open within 23 msec. ~ at 10 nsec intervos, beginning on one side ofthe Class A circuit nearest the logp controler, the isolators close to provice the next isolator dawn the line with power, = when the isolator nex othe short closes itreopens within 10 msec. The process repeats beginning on the other side ofthe loop contol. Remote LED SIGA-LED - The remate LED connects to the SIGA-SB. or SIGA-$84 Standard Base ony. it features o North American size 1-gang plastic feceplate with a white finish and red slarr LED. SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt - Supplied with 4 inch bases, it can also be ordered separately to use with the other bases to help hide surface imperfections nat covered by the smaller bases. Datasheet 9500-0207 sue 6 Netto be uzadfor instalation purports Pose Sf & GE Security This detector will not operate without electrical power. AS fires frequently couse power inter- ruption, we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your fe protection specialist. This detector will NOT sense fres that startin areas where smoke or heat cannot reach the detector. Smoke from fires in walls, fs, or an the opposite side of closed doors may not reach the detector to alorm it, The heat sensor in this device anly provides a source of information to supplement the information provided by the photoelectric smoke sensor. The heat sensor by itself does NOT protect life against fire and smoke. Pholodlecie - Light Seating Pinaple Fixed Tempe’Gture Alarms ot 15°F [57°C Ambient ‘Operoing Temp: S25 to 100% IC to 8°C| Storage Temps AF to MOF {20°C to 60°C} Kuriy:0 to 93% RH, Non Condensing ULIULC- 067360 5.796 ost Senstve 10%/R, Mare Sensitive 20%/h, Normal 256. 155 Sensitive 30%/t, Leos Sensitive 3 53, 85 mons Warnings & Cautions cords Hibserae 0 recast TatSsisa ano retsaesaane Specifications crepe ike Sing Sener Teensne Het Seng cere feeevan esas ‘Operating and Storage esnanercs cree issih Senstviy Forge Bessssaae User Sleced Arm ww gesecurty.comiest Sensitivity Settings reaierm Sensitivity ‘Operating Voice Operating Curent |© 2006 General fecic Company Alghsteserved ‘Sgnatue Sess radeon ster secuty ‘Construction & Fgh ‘Compatible Mounting ose LED Operation ‘Compatibity ‘adress Requierneris ‘Agency Listings ULUstee Spocng 5 increments, lowing up to 20 pre-olerm setings 35.216 19.95 Vie [19 Vde nominal Quiescent GSA @ 19 Alor: Asya @ 19V Emergency Siang ‘lone Alorm Mode: 8m Pulse Current. 100 ya 100 mseel During Commnuniotion 9 ma moximury High impact Engineering Polymer White SIGA-SB Stondore Bose, IGA-RB Reley Bose, SIGA-B lralator Bose, SIGR AB, SIGA-ABAG Aust Bases (On-boord Green LED - Aleshes when poled On-board Red LED - Fashes \whenin larm Both LEDs Glw steady when in clarm stane-alone! Compatible Remote Red LED (made SIGA-LED) Flashes when n lar ‘Use Wt: Signature Lo9p Controller Uses one Devie adaress| UL ULC, CSF, MEA 30% Ordering Information Catalog Description shipwr Ronee iba SIGR-PHS —ieligent 30 Mlisersor Detector - UUICUsted staal ee] SIGASE Detector ouring Bose SIGASEA tench Detector Mounting ve Cw STGATSA Tan SOR SIGARG Detector Wouring Bose wily cots ch tec Mourns Bose wl Ray ENTERS Tk SRR Deco Mouig Bore Fou ser ch Detector Moring Sos wlaut lor cw SGA Tam SHR SIGALED Reo Alrm LED SGa-A84@ Audie Sounder Base aR SGATS4 Tm St ups win eh Bose a imagination at work oa See 500-2207 sue Not tobe used orinsaltion purposes, Page of

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