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Ad-Hoc Testing Documentation

The purpose of this document is to find defects through informal and unstructured testing. It
contains no predefined test cases, allowing testers to explore the application to identify bugs.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Testing Approach
3. Scope
4. Test Environment
5. Execution Guidelines
6. Reporting
7. Best Practices
8. Appendices

Provide an overview of the document and the importance of ad-hoc testing in the
development lifecycle. Ad-hoc testing helps to identify defects that may not be covered by
formal test cases, leveraging the tester's intuition and experience.

Testing Approach
Describe the informal and unstructured nature of ad-hoc testing. Highlight that testers will
explore the application without predefined test cases, using their knowledge and intuition to
find defects.

Define the scope of ad-hoc testing. Include:

 Areas of the application to be tested

 Objectives of the testing
 Any specific focus areas based on recent changes or critical functionalities


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**Scope of Testing:**
- Test the user interface for any usability issues.
- Focus on recently implemented features and critical functionalities.
- Explore integration points with other systems or modules.
Test Environment
Detail the environment in which the ad-hoc tests will be executed. Include information on
hardware, software, network configurations, and any other relevant setup details.


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**Test Environment:**
- Operating System: Windows 10, macOS Catalina
- Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge
- Devices: Desktop, Mobile (iOS, Android)
- Network: Local network, VPN for remote access

Execution Guidelines
Provide guidelines for executing ad-hoc testing to ensure it is effective and organized despite
its informal nature.


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**Execution Guidelines:**
1. **Familiarize Yourself with the Application:**
- Understand the application's functionality, user flows, and critical
2. **Define Focus Areas:**
- Based on recent changes, known risk areas, or critical
3. **Explore Freely:**
- Navigate through the application, trying various actions and inputs.
4. **Document Findings:**
- Record any defects, issues, or observations in a detailed manner.
5. **Communicate:**
- Share findings with the development team and stakeholders regularly.
6. **Repeat:**
- Conduct multiple sessions to cover different aspects of the

Describe how test results will be reported and tracked. Even though ad-hoc testing is
informal, documenting findings is crucial.

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1. **Document Defects:**
- Record defects with detailed descriptions, steps to reproduce,
screenshots, and severity.
2. **Summarize Sessions:**
- Provide a summary of each testing session, including areas tested and
general observations.
3. **Communicate Regularly:**
- Share findings with the development team and stakeholders through
regular updates or meetings.
4. **Track Issues:**
- Use a project management tool (e.g., JIRA, Trello) to log and
prioritize defects.

Best Practices
Provide best practices for conducting ad-hoc testing effectively.


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**Best Practices:**
1. **Leverage Tester Expertise:**
- Utilize the tester’s knowledge and intuition to explore different
aspects of the application.
2. **Focus on High-Risk Areas:**
- Prioritize areas that are more likely to have defects or are critical
to functionality.
3. **Mix Structured and Unstructured:**
- Combine ad-hoc testing with other testing methods to cover all bases.
4. **Encourage Creativity:**
- Allow testers to try unconventional actions and inputs to uncover
hidden defects.
5. **Continuous Learning:**
- Regularly update the understanding of the application based on new
features or changes.
6. **Collaborate:**
- Work closely with the development team to provide quick feedback and

Include any additional information, such as glossary of terms, references, or links to related

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