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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office of Albay
Pio Duran West District
Pio Duran, Albay

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . The man who never reads
lives only one.” said one the most revered author of this era, George R.R. Martin .
Indeed, reading is a skill that a child must have, to face the challenges of the
world and as word that can be wield to cultivate creativeness. However, in a world
where digital gadgets are quickly taking over children's attention, encouraging them to
read a book will seem like a challenge.

Hence, the education system is geared towards a digitalized world. The

pages of books hold less and less entertainment for pupils whose interests are now
held more by the moving pictures in their screens. However, this does not mean that
they are digressing from progressing but rather they are developing faster than the
former generation. They see things more keenly and sharply because of their
orientation. This is why the school arranged an array of activities in which pupils could
foster and share their love for reading in differentiated activities and those identified
as struggling readers.

Furthermore, as an institution of learning, a school need to challenge itself to

prosper the love for reading in every pupil and also to address reading problems of
some identified struggling learners. Hence, Flores Elementary School initiated
different activities, projects and programs to augment the reading level of each
learner. The school successfully implemented the reading activities and reading
programs for the calendar year 2024.

Pursuant to DepEd Memorandum No. 173, s. 2019, signed by
Secretary Leonor Briones; all DepEd Personnel are mandated to strengthen the
“Every Child A Reader Program” under the 3Bs initiative: “Bawat Bata Bumasa”

Appertaining to this directive, DepEd Regional Director Gilbert T.

Sadsad instructed all intrinsic and extrinsic stakeholders to intensify the
advocacy for reading through the renewed commitment of everyone to
make every child a reader. Hence, Flores Elementary school had initiated
the following projects, programs and reading activities for the calendar year
KES -CARES (Class-home Advocacy in Reading Enhancement System)
Teachers still continue to conduct reading remediation of the struggling readers .
The Reading remediation happened in the classroom of the identified struggling
readers. Parents and other household members were also encouraged to guide
and assist their child/sibling on their daily reading exercise

In line with this Reading Program, the School Reading Coordinator, Mam
Lea B. Ondes created a special committee under her chairmanship in crafting
reading materials suited to the reading levels of the learners. The crafted reading
materials were then utilized during the conduct of reading remediation and were
also distributed and used by the home-learning facilitators/parents.


Teachers conducted reading remediation to their

respective learners.

Prepared by:

Shirley M. Nayve
Teacher III

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