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How familiar are you with educational technology, and what role
do you think it plays in modern education?

2. Have you experienced any positive or negative impacts of

educational technology in your previous learning experiences?
3. What expectations or concerns do you have about integrating
technology into our learning journey this semester?

4. Can you share an example of a memorable learning moment that

involved technology? How did it enhance your understanding?
5. What would you say to someone who isn't sure about using tech
for learning

6. Are there any specific digital tools or platforms you're

comfortable using for collaborative projects or discussions?
7. What skills or competencies do you hope to develop by
incorporating educational technology into your academic

8. How can educational technology foster a sense of community and

interaction among classmates in an online or hybrid learning
9. What do you want to achieve with educational technology in this
class, and how can your teacher help?

10. What concerns, if any, do you have about the potential

learning curve associated with using new tech tools for your
11. What strategies can we employ to maintain a healthy screen
time balance while still leveraging the advantages of educational

12. What advice would you give to your peers who might be
hesitant about embracing technology as part of their learning
13. How can we establish a supportive and collaborative online
learning community using the available educational technology

14. What are your personal goals for incorporating educational

technology into your learning journey, and how can the course
structure facilitate these goals?

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