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This is to certify that this project work entitled ‘ A PROPOSE DESIGN OF A CONSOLIDATED WAREHOUSE
writing by AJONGAKO AZENGANYI DARREN has been examined and declared successful for the
fulfillment of academic requirement towards the completion of the Bachelor in Technology.

Supervisor Date………………

________________ Signature……………

Head Of Department Date…………………

_____________ Signature………….


This peace of work is dedicated to my auntie: AZENGANYI PRUDENCE her everlasting support and love
in my academic. I want to say a big thank you and also to dedicate this work to my father MR
AZENGANYI PETER for he is one of the reasons I won’t give up on studying and to my mother Mrs.
MAUREEN I pray for your blessings.


The successful completion of this project would not have been possible without the invaluable guidance
of several individuals to whom I am deeply grateful.
 I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF
BUEA for their unwavering commitment to providing us with the education befitting ‘servant leaders’.

 My heartfelt thanks to the coordinator of HND Programs, BARISTA NSO DICKSON for his
invaluable assistance, unwavering guidance and advice from the beginning of my journey in level one to
the culmination of my final year

 I am particularly indebted to my supervisor, Eng. ASOGNA MAURICE SESBATIEN for his

continuous support, constructive criticism and encouragement throughout the duration of this project.

 Furthermore, I am grateful to all my lecturers for their dedication in imparting knowledge,

offering academic guidance and fostering spiritual and personal development.

 Lastly, I would like to express my profound gratitude to my family, friends, and course mates for
their support throughout this project. Their encouragement and belief in my abilities have been a
constant source of motivation.



ensure that goods that are been imported from Nigeria through Ideana ,Bota and Econdotiti
should be in good condition. This goods after reaching this location are not well taken care of
dui to the lack of a good warehouse . They are being forced to transport the goods to their final
destination at once with thought wasting time because their present warehouse is small and
can not contain all the goods that are there. And because of this the goods take a lot of damage
during the transportation and reaching the final destination in bad condition because they over
load the trucks use for transportation and the goods that are been keep in the warehouse there
also take damages because it is not well taken care of and the warehouse is small in size. So it
is dui to this reason why A Propose Design of a Consolidated warehouse is needed to be
constructed in Bota at LIMBE. It’s been constructed there because this position has a road link
to the three Places mansion above ( BOTA ,ECONDOTITI AND IDEANA ). This warehouse will be
big enough to contain the goods and keeping it well in good condition and will be in charge of
distributing the goods to their final destination. This will give the business people involve in this
thread confidence that their goods won’t suffer any more damage on the way and they will be
able to provide good products to their consumers.

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