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Advanced Structural Mechanics


School of Mechanical Engineering

Sungkyunkwan University

This lecture was designed for the graduate students
who want to major in mechanical engineering in the solid and material part.
In this lecture, we will deal with the basic concepts of Structural Mechanics.
So, for the students who major in Mechanical Engineering
in undergraduate courses, this lecture will be very easy.
But many of them do not know well
about the basic concepts and the physical meanings of many equations.
The basic concepts and the philosophy of Structural Mechanics
are very important,
so we will deal with the basic concepts in this lecture.
Understanding the basic concepts is one of the minimum requirements
for the students who want to major in the solid and material part.
In this lecture, you would better try to understand
the philosophy or physical meaning of Structural Mechanics.

Structural Mechanics is a branch of mechanics that studies the relationships

between the external loads applied to a deformable body (structure)
and the intensity of internal forces acting within the structure.
The intensity of internal force per unit area is stress.
In other words, when a structure is subjected to external loads,
the internal forces or stresses are occur in the structure.

And if we know all the subjected external loads including support reactions,
we can determine the internal resultant loadings,
and we can determine the stresses from the internal resultant loadings.

This subject also involves computing the deformations of a structure,
and it provides a study of the 4536)563+;4 stability
when the structure is subjected to external forces.
In this lecture we will review some of the important principles of statics
and show how they are used to determine the internal resultant loadings
in a body.

Afterwards the concepts of normal and shear stress will be introduced,

and specific applications of the analysis and design of members
subjected to an axial load, torsional load, bending load
or buckling load will be discussed.
And we will study how to transform the stress and strain components
that are associated with a particular coordinate system
into components associated with another coordinate system.
In the last parts of this lecture, we will study how to apply energy methods
to solve the engineering problems involving deflection.
8 Text book
R.C. Hibbler, Mechanics of Materials, 9th Ed. Prentice Hall

8 Reference
1. &)-'60;4 Outline Series Strength of Materials, William A. Nash,
Mcgraw Hill
2. Mechanics of Materials, 6th Ed., James M. Gere, Thomson
3. Mechanics of Materials, 4th Ed. in SI Units, F.P. Beer, E.R. Johnson
and J.T. Dewolf, Mcgraw Hill
4. Mechanics of Materials, R.R. Craig, Jr., John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
5. W.H.Yang, Theory of Elasticity(I), ME, SKKU

8 Homepage

Lecture Schedule
0. Introduction
1. Stress 14. Deflections by Discontinuity Functions
2. Stress-Strain Relations 15. Deflections by the Moment-Area Method
3. Axially Loaded Member and the Superposition Method
4. Statically Indeterminate Axially 16. Statically Indeterminate Beams and Shafts
Loaded Member 17. Buckling of Columns
5. Moment of Inertia for an Area 18. Buckling of Columns by
6. Principal Moments of Inertia both Axial Loads and Moments
7. Torque Loaded Member 19. Plane 9 Stress Transformation
8. Stress concentration and 20. %2-3;4 &53+44 $.3)/+
Statically Indeterminate Torque for the Plane Stress State
21. %2-3;4 &53+44 $.3)/+
Loaded Member
for the Triaxial Stress State
9. Shear and Moment Diagram
22. Plane-Strain Transformation
10. Graphical Method for
23. External Work and Strain Energy
Shear and Moment Diagram
24. Conservation of Energy
11. Normal Stress in Beams
25. Principle of Virtual Work
12. Shear Stress in Beams
13. Deflections of Beams and Shafts 26. $'45.,/.'12;4 Theorem
This lecture include 112 Examples, 42 Problems 4@7 20 -I4?=@4E=A@!1AA>!
We deal with about 70 Examples in the lecture
and the 42 Problems and ('!-I4?=@4E=A@!1AA>!BCA5>8?D are

In mid Examination and term Examination,

4~5 problems will be given
among the 70 Examples, 42 Problems and ('!-I4?=@4E=A@!1AA>!
It will be fair to the students
who major in Mechanical Engineering
and who did not major in Mechanical Engineering
in undergraduate courses.

In Doctor or Master Qualification Test,

)K*!BCA5>8?D!!H=>>!58!;=G8@!4? @;!E<8!('!-I4?=@4E=A@!1AA>!

Internal Resultant Loadings:

One of the most important applications of statics
is to be able to determine the resultant loadings
which are necessary to hold the body together
when the body is subjected to external loads.

In this lecture 0,
we will review some of the important principles of statics
and show how they are used to determine
the internal resultant loadings in a body.

Afterwards the concepts of normal and shear stress

will be introduced in lecture 1.
8 External Loads :
A body can be subjected to several
different types of external loads;
however, any one of these
can be classified as either
a surface force or a body force.



Surface Forces:
As the name implies, surface forces are caused by
the direct contact of one body with the surface of another.
In all cases these forces are distributed
over the area of contact between the bodies.
If this area is small in comparison with the total surface area of the body,
then the surface force can be idealized as a single concentrated force,
which is applied to a point on the body. R

If the surface loading is applied along a narrow area,

the loading can be idealized as a linear distributed load, w(s).
Here the loading is measured as having an intensity of force/length.
The resultant force FR of a linear distributed load, w(s),
is equivalent to the area under the distributed loading curve,
and this resultant acts through the centroid C of this area.
The loading along the length of a beam is a typical example.
Body Force:
A body force is developed when one body exerts a force on another body
without direct physical contact between the bodies.
Examples include the effects caused by the +'35-;4 gravitation
or its electromagnetic field.
Although body forces affect each of the particles composing the body,
these forces are normally represented by a single concentrated force
acting on the body.
In the case of gravitation,
this force is called the weight of the body
and acts through the (2*7;4 center of gravity.

Support Reactions:
The surface forces that develop at the supports or points of contact
between bodies are called reactions.

If the support prevents translation in a given direction,

then a force must be developed on the member in that direction.
Likewise, if rotation is prevented,
a couple moment must be exerted on the member.

For example, a roller support can only prevent translation in the contact direction,
perpendicular or normal to the surface.
Hence, the roller exerts a normal force F on the member at the point of contact.
Since the member can freely rotate about the roller,
a couple moment cannot be developed on the member.
8 Support Reactions

Equations of Equilibrium:
· Surface force: Forces distributed over the surface of the body;
loads, tractions (force per unit area) : Fx Fy Fz
· Body force: Forces distributed over the volume of a body;
gravitational forces, magnetic forces, inertia forces
(force per unit volume) : X, Y, Z

. Equilibrium of a body requires both a balance of forces,

to prevent the body form translating or having accelerated motion
along a straight or curved path,
and a balance of moment, to prevent the body from rotating.
· Equations of Equilibrium
These conditions can be expressed mathematically
by the two vector equations.

%F $ 0 %M $ 0 (1)

%F $0 %F $0 %F $ 0
x y z

%M $ 0 %M $ 0 %M $ 0
x y z

" F $ Fx i # Fy j # Fz k
M $ M xi # M y j # M zk

In case, the forces lie in the x-y plane

%F x $ 0, %F
y $ 0, %M $ %M
z o $0 (3)
Internal Resultant Loadings:
One of the most important applications of statics
is to be able to determine the resultant loadings
which are necessary to hold the body together
when the body is subjected to external loads.

Normal force, N. This force acts perpendicular to the area.

It is developed whenever the external loads tend to push or pull
on the two segments of the body.
Shear force, V. The shear force lies in the plane of the area
and is developed when the external loads tend
to cause the two segments of the body to slide over one another.
Torsional moment or torque, T. This effect is developed
when the external loads tend to twist one segment with respect to the other.
Bending moment, M. The bending moment is caused by the external loads
that tend to bend the body about an axis lying within the plane.

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