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贺尔碧格 EVS 防爆阀

版 本:1.04(中文试行版)

地址:江苏常州市新北区创业路 16 号粤海工业园 1 号厂房

贺尔碧格 EVS 防爆阀
版本 1.04(中文试行版)

目 录

1. 引言.............................................................................................................................................3
2. EVS 防爆阀设计.........................................................................................................................4
3. 设计范围.....................................................................................................................................5
4. 操作.............................................................................................................................................5
5. 防爆阀安装.................................................................................................................................6
5.1 防爆阀通用安装指导 ......................................................................................................................................... 6
5.2 铰链设计防爆阀的安装指导 ............................................................................................................................. 9

6. 检查和维护...............................................................................................................................10
6.1 检查 ................................................................................................................................................................... 10
6.2 维护间隔 ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
6.3 更换和清洁灭焰圈 ............................................................................................................................................11
6.4 更换 O 型圈 ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
6.5 漏油故障排除 ................................................................................................................................................... 14

7. 质量保证...................................................................................................................................15
8. 修订表.......................................................................................................................................15

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贺尔碧格 2007 版本
贺尔碧格 EVS 防爆阀
版本 1.04(中文试行版)

1. 引言
EVS 防爆阀系列
阀型 图号 SAP 物料号
735EVS 0-WS0735 137113
735EVS-H 0-WB6584 1003049
645EVS 0-WS0645 137142
645EVS-H 0-WB6583 1003048
565EVS 0-WS0565 141937
565EVS-H 0-WB6582 1003047
480EVS 0-WS0480 1078
480EVS-H 0-WB6581 1003046
420EVS 0-WS0420 142265
345EVS 0-WS0420 1255671
320EVS 0-WS0320 147709
266EVS 0-WS0266 1255728
224EVS 0-WS0224 1255700


Braunhubergasse 23 A-1110 Vienna, Austria Tel:+43-1-74004-0
Mr. Johannes Besau (Key account manager)
Mr. Thomas Halwachs (Product manager)

上海市贺阀路 39 号,200233,电话:021-64850855
Mr. Thomas Andexer(防爆阀产品经理(亚洲))
Mr. Wayson Gu(防爆阀产品经理(中国):顾卫忠)




IACS M66 规范:参考 IACS M66 规范的安全建议(用于船用柴油发动机)

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版本 1.04(中文试行版)

2. EVS 防爆阀设计

序号 规格描述
1 吊耳(420EVS 以上防爆阀,用于方便吊装)
2 灭焰圈组件,由上下支撑板及两件灭焰圈和滤网组成,发货前铅封
3 阀座
4 O 型圈
5 阀片
6 关闭弹簧
7 阀盖
8 安装螺钉(不包含在产品供货范围中,使用方自配)
9 漏油回油孔

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版本 1.04(中文试行版)

3. 设计范围
本手册中涉及的贺尔碧格 EVS 防爆阀设计用于船用柴油发动机曲轴箱和符合以下工况的应用场合:
工作压力:绝对压力 1 bar(曲轴箱内等同大气压力)
最大 Kg:100 bar*m/s


原则上,防爆阀可以任意位置安装。根据 IACS M66 规范,船用柴油发动机曲轴箱上只允许


贺尔碧格 EVS 阀型的防爆阀只是安装到柴油发动机或燃气发动机上的一个部件,并执行相关


4. 操作

贺尔碧格 EVS 防爆阀在柴油发动机或燃气发动机曲轴箱的油气爆炸时可以保护人员和设备。




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版本 1.04(中文试行版)




灭焰圈铅封(序号 2)不可以拆除,灭焰圈禁止拆卸。铅封一旦拆除,贺尔碧格防爆阀的



5. 防爆阀安装

5.1 防爆阀通用安装指导





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版本 1.04(中文试行版)

阀型 安装螺栓 扭矩
(数量 x 规格 (Nm)
735EVS (-H) 12 x M16 90-98
645EVS (-H) 12 x M16 90-98
565EVS (-H) 12 x M16 90-98
480EVS (-H) 8 x M16 90-98
420EVS 8 x M16 90-98
345EVS 6 x M16 90-98
320EVS 6 x M12 35-39
266EVS 6 x M12 35-39
224EVS 6 x M12 44(最大)


装时,回油孔应处于“6 点钟”位置以保持回油的通畅。

上图中的 U 型管应焊接在曲轴箱盖板上,或者使用标准液压管。

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版本 1.04(中文试行版)


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版本 1.04(中文试行版)

5.2 铰链设计防爆阀的安装指导
贺尔碧格也为下列 EVS 类型防爆阀提供特殊带有铰链结构的设计:480EVS,565EVS,645 EVS,735 EVS


1.将已经焊有铰链结构的防爆阀安装至曲轴箱,按照图纸要求焊接铰链座。(见图 1)


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版本 1.04(中文试行版)

6. 检查和维护
6.1 检查

z 灭焰圈损坏或者其他部件的损坏,必须在下一保养期间更换
z 漏油,必须在下一保养期间更换 O 型圈。

6.2 维护间隔



z 灭焰圈上有灰尘积聚。


z O 型圈老化或者化学腐蚀导致密封失效,如果发生漏油,必须在下一保养期间更换。


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版本 1.04(中文试行版)

6.3 更换和清洁灭焰圈
贺尔碧格 EVS 防爆阀可以整体更换灭焰圈组件,所需工具如下:
„ 按照安装螺钉的尺寸准备一米长的螺杆 3 根
„ 准备相应的垫片和螺母各 6 个
1. 将防爆阀从曲轴箱拆下。
2. 按图 5 所示,插入 3 根螺杆并翻转防爆阀至水平位置。


3. 保护好阀盖不被划伤或损坏,按图 6 所示,拧上防爆阀两侧的螺母。


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版本 1.04(中文试行版)

4. 拆下防爆阀内圈的安装螺母,注意:不要拧松灭焰圈的螺母(见图 5)。
5. 通过拧松螺杆上阀盖侧的螺母,逐渐释放弹簧弹力(见图 7)。

6. 取下阀盖和弹簧。

7. 按需更换 O 型圈(见 6.4 节)。

8. 更换或者清洁灭焰圈。请注意灭焰圈的安装位置,铅封的位置应正对漏油孔(见图 8)。详见贺尔碧

6 点钟位置



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版本 1.04(中文试行版)

9. 放置好弹簧和阀盖,拧紧螺杆上的螺母压紧弹簧(见图 9)。

10.拧上内圈的安装螺母,按照图纸要求力矩拧紧,然后拆下 3 根螺杆。
11. 将防爆阀装回发动机上。

按照 IACS 规范 M66,禁止拆卸分解灭焰圈,否则防爆阀的使用许可自动作废。同时,贺尔

6.4 更换 O 型圈

如果 O 型圈需要更换,必须同时进行灭焰圈的清洁,这项工作应由熟练人员完成。先按照上节(更换和
„ 拆下阀片
„ 取下旧的 O 型圈
„ 清洁 O 型圈槽和阀片
„ O 型圈槽涂胶
„ 安放新的 O 型圈
„ 安装阀片

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版本 1.04(中文试行版)


可以使用汉高公司制造的“PATTEX classic”胶水
如果需要稀释,可以用 1 份沥青稀释剂(cellulose thinner)来稀释 4 份

6.5 漏油故障排除
1. 记录漏油的位置:哪些阀受到影响?这些阀的安装位置(曲轴箱,链条箱还是扫气箱)?阀的数量?
2. 定位和定义漏油情况:究竟在哪发生漏油(如阀和曲轴箱之间或通过灭焰圈)?漏油情况描述(如
3. 漏油时序:第一次发生漏油的时间(例如,试机,启动时,全负荷,海试等时间)?

记录上述三个步骤的所有信息作为为以后的参考,然后再继续执行第 4 步。

4. 检查曲轴箱上的防爆阀的安装,是否安装在正确的位置(漏油回油孔应在 6 点钟位置)?所有安装
螺栓的扭矩是否正确?(扭矩范围在图纸上和 5.1 章节中)
5. 检查防爆阀和曲轴箱盖板之间的垫片(如有):垫片是否正确?有无损坏/破损?
6. 检查排气管(如有):确保排气管和曲轴箱工作正常(曲轴箱中可能产生超压并可能导致防爆阀开

7. 检查回油通路(U 型管):正如在 5.1 章节中所述,应该连接一个 U 形管到防爆阀的回油孔。检查
所有连接是否正确密封/无泄漏?U 型管是否正确安装?
8. 检查防爆阀密封元件:污垢/杂质/阀片与 O 形圈之间的灰尘,在某些情况下会导致防爆阀漏油。章
节 6.3 所述,灭焰圈组件可以拆卸并检查 O 型圈和阀片是否干净。如果有杂质污垢存在,用干净的抹布
和微量酒精溶液正确清洁。(注意:不要使用酸性或高酒精的液体,这可能损坏 O 形圈)
成后仍然出现漏油现象。将防爆阀送回制造工厂作进一步的分析,并随附上述 8 个步骤的

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版本 1.04(中文试行版)

7. 质量保证

贺尔碧格提供运行 12 个月或者发运后 18 个月的使用质量保证,以先到为准。


8. 修订表

按照 IACS M66 规范,操作手册必须作为认证文件的一部分提供给船级社用以获得认可。若


版本 修订时间 修订人 注释
1.01 2007-11-08 Mr.Besau,Mr.Halwachs,Mr.Rumpold 首次发行版本
1.02 2008-12-17 Mr.Rumpold,Mr.Halwachs,Mr.Kraus 预焊铰链结构的防
1.03 2011-04-19 Halwachs, Kraus 增加 U 型管设置
1.04 2011-07-26 增加漏油故障处理
Andexer, Gu

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贺尔碧格 2007 版本
Version 1.04


Braunhubergasse 23
A-1110 Vienna
Version 1.04

All rights, errors and changes reserved!

@ Copyright HOERBIGER 2011 -2-
Version 1.04


1. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................4
2. DESIGN OF EXPLOSION RELIEF VALVE EVS..........................................................................5
3. DESIGN LIMITS............................................................................................................................6
4. OPERATION MANUAL ................................................................................................................6
5. FITTING TO THE ENGINE ...........................................................................................................7
5.1 General Assembly Instructions ..................................................................................................7
5.2 Additional Assembly Instructions for Special Design with Hinges............................................10
6. INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE ..........................................................................................11
6.1 Inspection.................................................................................................................................11
6.2 Maintenance Intervals ..............................................................................................................11
6.3 Exchange and Cleaning of Flame Arrester ..............................................................................12
6.4 Exchange of O-Ring.................................................................................................................14
6.5 Troubleshooting in Case of Oil Leakage ..................................................................................15
7. WARRANTY ...............................................................................................................................16
8. TABLE OF REVISIONS..............................................................................................................16

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@ Copyright HOERBIGER 2011 -3-
Version 1.04

1. Introduction

This operation and maintenance manual is mentioned for the following valves:

EVS Series
Valve Type DWG No. SAP Mat. No.
735EVS 0-WS0735 137113
735EVS-H 0-WB6584 1003049
645EVS 0-WS0645 137142
645EVS-H 0-WB6583 1003048
565EVS 0-WS0565 141937
565EVS-H 0-WB6582 1003047
480EVS 0-WS0480 1078
480EVS-H 0-WB6581 1003046
420EVS 0-WS0420 142265
345EVS 0-WS0420 1255671
320EVS 0-WS0320 147709
266EVS 0-WS0266 1255728
224EVS 0-WS0224 1255700

Manufacturers: HOERBIGER VENTILWERKE GmbH & Co KG HOERBIGER Valves (Changzhou) Co., Ltd.
Braunhubergasse 23 No. 1 Building Yuehai Industrial Park
A-1110 Vienna, Austria No. 16 Chuangye Road, Xinbei District
Tel: +43-1-74004-0 213033 Changzhou, P.R.China
Hr. Hannes Kraus Tel.: +86-519-8560 6638
mailto: Mr. Wayson Gu
Hr. Thomas Halwachs mailto:
mailto: Mr. Thomas Andexer

Used symbols:

Safety advice
Risk of injury

Functional advice
concerning correct function

IACS M66 Rules

IACS Advices according IACS M66 Rules (Directive for application of explosion relief valves
in ship engines)

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@ Copyright HOERBIGER 2011 -4-
Version 1.04

2. Design of Explosion Relief Valve EVS

8 7


4 5 6
3 9

Position Description
1 Ring screw (2 Pieces) to lift valve
2 Flame arrester consisting of upper and lower metal ring with two flame absorbers
and one single-ply slat filter. Flame arrester is mounted and sealed with lead at
3 Valve seat
4 O-Ring
5 Valve plate
6 Closing spring
7 Top cover
8 Mounting screws for assembly on the crankcase – this screws are not included in
9 Leak oil return hole

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@ Copyright HOERBIGER 2011 -5-
Version 1.04

3. Design Limits
The HOERBIGER explosion relief valve type EVS covered in this manual is designed for the
protection of crankcases in ship engines and applicable up to the following design limits:

Operating pressure: 1 bar absolute (atmospheric conditions in the crankcase)

Operating temperature: -20° to + 100°C
Maximum Kg: 100 bar*m*s-1
Installation site: The standard execution is designed for indoor use.
For outdoor application corrosion protection has to be

Applications beyond the design limits are prohibited. HOERBIGER’s warranty and
liability becomes immediately invalid in case of improper application.

In principle explosion relief valves work reliably in any installation position, for
IACS applications according to IACS M66 Rules only the vertical installation (as tested) of
explosion relief valves is permitted.

HOERBIGER explosion relief valves type EVS are components for diesel and gas
engines which necessarily require a connection to the engine to describe a functional
machine. Thus the instructions of the engine manufacturers are of prior validity to the

4. Operation Manual
Explosion relief valves type EVS protect man and equipment in the event of an oil mist- or gas
explosion in crankcases of diesel- and gas engines further on called “engine”.

In the event of an explosion the explosion relief valve opens immediately to protect the crankcase of
damage. The valve is designed to relieve the excess pressure during an explosion, avoid flame
escape and to close rapidly after an explosion.
The valve closes absolutely tight after explosion, thus preventing oxygen or dirt to get entrained into
the chamber.

For reasons of the remaining heat, the explosion relief valve must not be touched after
an explosion – Danger of severe injury!

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@ Copyright HOERBIGER 2011 -6-
Version 1.04

After an explosion the flame arrester has to be exchanged at the next scheduled
IACS maintenance shutdown. In case of visible damage of other parts, the whole valve has to
be replaced. Furthermore the instructions of the engine manufacturer have to be

Work at the relief valve is not allowed if the equipment is under operation. Refer to the
guidelines of the engine manufacturer for the minimum time between shutdown and
safe work on equipment mounted.

In case of visible damage of the valve, either the flame arrester unit or the valve has to
be replaced.

The lead seal (position 2) of the flame arrester MUST NOT be removed. Disassembling
the flame arrester is forbidden. HOERBIGER’s warranty and liability becomes invalid
immediately in case of an opened lead seal.

During all manipulation of the relief valve, i.e. handling, fitting to the engine, etc. suitable
protective clothing and protective gloves have to be used.

The lamellas of the flame arrester must not be damaged or manipulated in any way.
Also damage of all other components has to be prevented.

5. Fitting to the Engine

5.1 General Assembly Instructions

All work done on the valve like mounting or dismounting has to be carried out by skilled
personnel wearing suitable protective clothes using appropriate tools.

Sharp edges on the valve and the weight of the valve may lead to injury of personnel.
Due to improper handling the valve might drop and hurt personnel.

The valve has to be mounted on the outside surface of the crankcase or protected
volume. Mounting the valve in a wrong way inside of the protected volume leads to a
non-fulfilment of its safety function!

During fitting the valve to the engine the information stated in the assembly drawing has
to be observed. The required number of bolts has to be used; the assembly torque is
specified in the assembly drawing. A suitable sealing has to be used to seal the seat of
the valve to the crankcase or protected engine. Additional to these instructions the
assembly guidelines of the engine manufactures have to be observed.

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@ Copyright HOERBIGER 2011 -7-
Version 1.04

Bolts & Mounting Torque Overview

Valve Type # Bolts Torque (Nm)
735EVS (-H) 12 x M16 90-98
645EVS (-H) 12 x M16 90-98
565EVS (-H) 12 x M16 90-98
480EVS (-H) 8 x M16 90-98
420EVS 8 x M16 90-98
345EVS 6 x M16 90-98
320EVS 6 x M12 35-39
266EVS 6 x M12 35-39
224EVS 6 x M12 max. 44

It has to be observed that there is enough space for accessing the valves, to enable a
visual check of the condition at any time.

The valve has a drill hole for leak oil return. If required the leak oil return can be
activated by setting a counter hole through the crankcase-cover of the protected engine.
HOERBIGER recommends installing a “Siphon” according to the sketch below if the oil
return line is activated to ensure that splash oil is not leaking in reverse direction. The
diameter of the counter hole and siphon shall be at least the diameter of the oil return
hole (10mm). The explosion relief valve has to be mounted with the leak oil return hole
in “six o`clock” position to maintain the backflow of the leaking oil.

Sketch of oil siphon - U-shaped piece of pipe is welded to the crankcase cover. As an
alternative standard hydraulic fittings can be used to mount a piece of pipe to the
crankcase or crankcase cover.

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@ Copyright HOERBIGER 2011 -8-
Version 1.04

The following picture shows the typical placement of explosion relief valves on a diesel engine.

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@ Copyright HOERBIGER 2011 -9-
Version 1.04

5.2 Additional Assembly Instructions for Special Design with Hinges

HOERBIGER offers a special Hinge- set as auxiliary equipment for explosion relief valves of type EVS
for the following sizes: 480, 565, 645 and 735.

The Hinge-set enables the operator to use the port in the crankcase for inspection matters. After
dismantling all fixing screws the explosion relief valve can be swayed like a door, the port lets the
operator take a view or enter into the chamber during a maintenance shutdown.

Instructions of engine manufacturers and all advices for safe engine operation and for
safe mounting given in the previous chapters are valid.

The installation of the hinge-set with the valve is made from HOERBIGER. The engine manufacturer
has to do the following step according to the assembly drawings of HOERBIGER before start-up:

1. Mounting of the explosion relief valve (with the pre-assembled hinge-set) onto the crankcase and
welding of the hinge-females on the crankcase. Configuration according to the assembly drawing
(see Fig. 1)

Fig. 1

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@ Copyright HOERBIGER 2011 - 10 -
Version 1.04

6. Inspection and Maintenance

6.1 Inspection

Following visible checks have to be done on explosion relief valves during routine engine inspection.

ƒ Damage of the flame arrester or other components requires a replacement at the next
scheduled maintenance shutdown.
ƒ The appearance of oil leakage requires an exchange of the O-Ring at the next scheduled
maintenance shutdown.

6.2 Maintenance Intervals

The explosion relief valve is almost maintenance free, however, the following instructions have to be

After an explosion in the crankcase the flame arrester has to be exchanged. In case of visible damage
of any other component the complete valve has to be replaced during the next scheduled
maintenance shutdown.

In course of the required maintenance intervals given by the engine-manufacturer the following two
points have to be checked or if necessary carried out.

ƒ In case that dirt is collected on the flame arrester, it has to be cleaned with compressed air or
respectively with a non-corrosive and inflammable substance (degreaser) during standstill of
the engine.

For proper operation the flame arrester has to be kept clean.

ƒ The O-Ring looses its sealing function through ageing or chemical attacks. In case of oil
leakage the O-Ring has to be replaced during the next scheduled shutdown.

All instructions of engine–manufacturers and all advices for secure operating and
mounting of explosion relief valves given in the previous chapters are valid.

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@ Copyright HOERBIGER 2011 - 11 -
Version 1.04

6.3 Exchange and Cleaning of Flame Arrester

Explosion relief valves of type EVS allow to exchange the complete flame arrester, for this work
following tools are required.

ƒ 3 pieces thread rods 1m long suitable to dimensions of fixing screws

ƒ 6 pieces screw nuts and 6 pieces disc fitting to rod dimensions

The exchange of the flame arrester should be done by skilled personnel according to the assembly
drawing of HOERBIGER with following steps:

1. Dismantle the explosion relief valve from the crankcase.

2. Insert the 3 rods according to Fig. 2 and sway the valve into horizontal position.

Fig. 2

3. Protect the top cover against dismantling by screwing on nuts of the rods according to Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

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@ Copyright HOERBIGER 2011 - 12 -
Version 1.04

4. Dismantle mounting nuts on the inner pitch circle of explosion relief valve. Attention: Do not ease
the mounting nuts of the flame arrester! (see Fig. 2)

5. To expand the springs ease the nuts on the rods evenly (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4

6. Dismantle top cover and springs

7. If necessary exchange O-Ring (see chapter 6.4.)

8. Exchange or clean flame arrester. Pay attention to the correct position of flame arrester. Align lead
seal in direction of leak oil return hole. (see Fig. 5) For detailed information see assembly drawing.
If the position is not correct, the valve will work, but there will be problems when mounting the
optional hinge set.

six o`clock position

lead seal

leak oil

Fig. 5

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Version 1.04

9. Insert spring and top cover, clamp springs via nuts on the rods (see Fig. 6)

Fig. 6

10. Install mounting nuts on the reference circle, adhere to the torque according assembly drawing.
Remove the 3 rods afterwards.

11. Mount valve onto the engine.

It is prohibited to disassemble the flame arrester. Disassembling leads to invalidity of

IACS the certification according IACS Rules M66. HOERBIGER’s warranty and liability
becomes invalid immediately in case of dismantling the flame arrester.

6.4 Exchange of O-Ring

The exchange of O-Rings should be done together with the cleaning of the flame arrester and has to
be carried out by skilled personnel. Demounting of the O-Ring follows the same procedure described
in the prior chapter (Exchange and cleaning of flame arrester). Following points have to be considered

ƒ Remove valve plate

ƒ Take out old O-Ring
ƒ Clean O-ring-groove and valve plate
ƒ Apply glue on O-ring-groove
ƒ Insert new O-Ring
ƒ Mount valve plate

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Version 1.04


As glue “PATTEX classic” made from Henkel corp. can be used:

To ensure an even and thin application,

4 parts of glue can be mixed with 1 part cellulose thinner.

6.5 Troubleshooting in Case of Oil Leakage

If oil leakage in combination with the Explosion Relief Valve should occur, the following steps have to
be followed and respective measures should be implemented:

General Action Plan in case of oil leakage:

1. Location of the oil leakage: Which valves are affected? Where are those valves mounted
(crankcase, chain case etc.)? How many valves are affected? Please record the serial
numbers of all valves.

2. Localize and Quantify the oil leakage: Where exactly does the oil leakage occur (e.g.
between the valve and the crankcase or from the valve through the flame filter etc.)? To which
extend does the leakage occur (e.g. how many drops/minute or even flow in standstill and/or
running condition of the engine etc.)?

3. Timing of the oil leakage: When has the leakage occurred the first time (e.g. at start-up, full-
loading, during sea trial etc.)?

Record all information from point 1. - 3. for later reference before continuing with step 4.

4. Check the mounting of the Explosion Relief Valve on the Crankcase: Was the valve
mounted in the correct position (oil leakage hole in the valve seat at 6 o’clock position)? Has
the correct mounting torque been applied to all mounting bolts (torque tolerance is given in the
assembly DWG)?

5. Check the gasket between the Explosion Relief Valve and the Crankcase (if applicable):
Has the right gasket been applied? Is the gasket damaged/broken?

6. Check the Vent Pipes (if applicable): Make sure the vent pipes to and from the crankcase
room work properly (a possible over-pressure in the crankcase room might lead to valve
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@ Copyright HOERBIGER 2011 - 15 -
Version 1.04

opening and thus oil leakage).

7. Check the oil return mechanism (Siphon): As explained under point 5.1 General Assembly
Instructions, a u-shaped pipe should be connected to the Explosion Relief Valve’s oil return
hole. Are all connections properly sealed/free of leakage? Is the u-shaped pipe in the crank
case room correctly positioned?

8. Check the sealing elements of the Explosion Relief Valve: In some cases dirt/chips/dust
between the valve plate and the O-Ring might lead to a leaking of the valve. As explained
under point 6.3, the filter unit has to be disassembled to check whether the O-Ring surface and
the valve plate sealing area are clean. If not, clean it properly with a clean rag and a light
alcoholic solution (Attention: don’t use acid or high alcoholic solutions, which might be
damaging to the O-Ring).

Between all steps another trial should be conducted and evaluate whether the oil leakage still occurs.
If the oil leakage still occurs after Step 8. was completed, the respective Explosion Relief Valves shall
be sent back to our factory for further analysis together with a documentation of all 8 Steps.

7. Warranty
HOERBIGER offers warranty on material and execution for a period of 12 months after start of
operation, however, not longer than 18 months after delivery.
HOERBIGER will replace or repair each part or parts which have been considered defective.

8. Table of Revisions
The operational manual is part of the documentation for the classification society to
IACS obtain the approvals according IACS Rules M66. HOERBIGER has to report to the
classification society if there are any changes.

Version Date Author Remarks

Besau, Halwachs,
1.01 08.11.2007 1st version
Rumpold, Installation information for special design with
1.02 17.12.2008
Halwachs, Kraus pre-assembled hinges modified
1.03 19.04.2011 Halwachs, Kraus Pictures added for siphon
Add chapter to troubleshooting in case of oil
1.04 26.07.2011 Andexer, Gu

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@ Copyright HOERBIGER 2011 - 16 -

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