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§ 180.401 49 CFR Ch.

I (10–1–11 Edition)

marked on the IBC, the party per- § 180.403 Definitions.

forming the routine maintenance shall
In addition to the definitions con-
durably mark the IBC near the manu-
tained in §§ 171.8, 178.320(a) and 178.345–
facturer’s UN design type marking to
1 of this subchapter, the following defi-
show the following:
nitions apply to this subpart:
(1) The country in which the routine
Corroded or abraded means any visible
maintenance was carried out; and
reduction in the material thickness of
(2) The name or authorized symbol of the cargo tank wall or valve due to pit-
the party performing the routine main- ting, flaking, gouging, or chemical re-
tenance. action to the material surface that ef-
(f) Retest date. The date of the most fects the safety or serviceability of the
recent periodic retest must be marked cargo tank. The term does not include
as provided in § 178.703(b) of this sub- cosmetic or minor surface degradation
chapter. that does not effect the safety or serv-
(g) Record retention. (1) The owner or iceability of the cargo tank
lessee of the IBC must keep records of Corrosive to the tank or valve means
periodic retests, initial and periodic in- that the lading has been shown through
spections, and tests performed on the experience or test data to reduce the
IBC if it has been repaired or remanu- thickness of the material of construc-
factured. tion of the tank wall or valve.
(2) Records must include design types Delivery hose assembly means a liquid
and packaging specifications, test and delivery hose and its attached cou-
inspection dates, name and address of plings.
test and inspection facilities, names or Modification means any change to the
name of any persons conducting test or original design and construction of a
inspections, and test or inspection spe- cargo tank or a cargo tank motor vehi-
cifics and results. cle that affects its structural integrity
(3) Records must be kept for each or lading retention capability includ-
packaging at each location where peri- ing changes to equipment certified as
odic tests are conducted, until such part of an emergency discharge control
tests are successfully performed again system required by § 173.315(n)(2) of this
or for at least 2.5 years from the date subchapter. Any modification that in-
of the last test. These records must be volves welding on the cargo tank wall
made available for inspection by a rep- must also meet all requirements for
resentative of the Department on re- ‘‘Repair’’ as defined in this section. Ex-
quest. cluded from this category are the fol-
[Amdt. 180–5, 59 FR 38079, July 26, 1994, as
amended at 64 FR 10782, Mar. 5, 1999; 65 FR
(1) A change to motor vehicle equip-
58632, Sept. 29, 2000; 66 FR 45186, 45391, Aug. ment such as lights, truck or tractor
28, 2001; 68 FR 45042, July 31, 2003; 69 FR 76186, power train components, steering and
Dec. 20, 2004; 70 FR 34399, June 14, 2005; 70 FR brake systems, and suspension parts,
56099, Sept. 23, 2005; 71 FR 78635, Dec. 29, 2006] and changes to appurtenances, such as
fender attachments, lighting brackets,
Subpart E—Qualification and ladder brackets; and
Maintenance of Cargo Tanks (2) Replacement of components such
as valves, vents, and fittings with a
§ 180.401 Applicability. component of a similar design and of
the same size.
This subpart prescribes require-
Owner means the person who owns a
ments, in addition to those contained cargo tank motor vehicle used for the
in parts 107, 171, 172, 173 and 178 of this transportation of hazardous materials,
subchapter, applicable to any person or that person’s authorized agent.
responsible for the continuing quali-
Piping system means any component
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

fication, maintenance or periodic test- of a cargo tank delivery system, other

ing of a cargo tank. than a delivery hose assembly, that
[Amdt. 180–2, 54 FR 25032, June 12, 1989, as contains product during loading or un-
amended at 55 FR 37065, Sept. 7, 1990] loading.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 180.405

Rebarrelling means replacing more quired, an applicable specification in

than 50 percent of the combined shell effect on the date initial construction
and head material of a cargo tank. began: MC 300, MC 301, MC 302, MC 303,
Repair means any welding on a cargo MC 304, MC 305, MC 306, MC 307, MC 310,
tank wall done to return a cargo tank MC 311, MC 312, MC 330, MC 331, MC 338,
or a cargo tank motor vehicle to its DOT 406, DOT 407, or DOT 412 (§§ 178.337,
original design and construction speci- 178.338, 178.345, 178.346, 178.347, 178.348 of
fication, or to a condition prescribed this subchapter). However, except as
for a later equivalent specification in provided in paragraphs (b)(2), (d), (e),
effect at the time of the repair. Ex- (f)(5), and (f)(6) of this section, no cargo
cluded from this category are the fol- tank may be marked or certified after
lowing: August 31, 1995, to the applicable MC
(1) A change to motor vehicle equip- 306, MC 307, MC 312, MC 331, or MC 338
ment such as lights, truck or tractor specification in effect on December 30,
power train components, steering and 1990.
brake systems, and suspension parts, (2) Exception. A cargo tank originally
and changes to appurtenances, such as manufactured to the MC 306, MC 307, or
fender attachments, lighting brackets, MC 312 specification may be recertified
ladder brackets; and to the original specification provided:
(2) Replacement of components such (i) Records are available verifying
as valves, vents, and fittings with a the cargo tank was originally manufac-
component of a similar design and of tured to the specification;
the same size. (ii) If the cargo tank was stretched,
(3) Replacement of an appurtenance rebarrelled, or modified, records are
by welding to a mounting pad. available verifying that the stretching,
Replacement of a barrel means to re- rebarrelling, or modification was per-
place the existing tank on a motor ve- formed in accordance with the Na-
hicle chassis with an unused (new) tional Board Inspection Code and this
tank. For the definition of tank, see part;
§ 178.320, § 178.345, or § 178.338–1 of this
(iii) A Design Certifying Engineer or
subchapter, as applicable.
Registered Inspector verifies the cargo
Stretching means any change in
tank conforms to all applicable re-
length, width or diameter of the cargo
quirements of the original specifica-
tank, or any change to a cargo tank
tion and furnishes to the owner written
motor vehicle’s undercarriage that
documentation that verifies the tank
may affect the cargo tank’s structural
integrity. conforms to the original structural de-
sign requirements in effect at the time
[Amdt. 180–2, 54 FR 25032, June 12, 1989, as the tank was originally constructed;
amended at 55 FR 37065, Sept. 7, 1990; Amdt. (iv) The cargo tank meets all applica-
180–3, 57 FR 45466, Oct. 1, 1992; Amdt. 180–7, 59
ble tests and inspections required by
FR 55177, Nov. 3, 1994; 60 FR 17402, Apr. 5,
1995; Amdt. 180–10, 61 FR 51342, Oct. 1, 1996; 63 § 180.407(c); and
FR 52850, Oct. 1, 1998; 64 FR 28050, May 24, (v) The cargo tank is recertified to
1999; 68 FR 19286, Apr. 18, 2003; 69 FR 54047, the original specification in accordance
Sept. 7, 2004] with the reporting and record retention
provisions of § 180.417. The certification
§ 180.405 Qualification of cargo tanks. documents required by § 180.417(a)(3)
(a) General. Unless otherwise pro- must include both the date the cargo
vided in this subpart, each cargo tank tank was originally certified to the
used for the transportation of haz- specification and the date it was recer-
ardous material must be an authorized tified. The specification plate on the
packaging. cargo tank or the cargo tank motor ve-
(b) Cargo tank specifications. (1) To hicle must display the date the cargo
qualify as an authorized packaging, tank was originally certified to the
each cargo tank must conform to this specification.
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

subpart, the applicable requirements (c) Cargo tank specifications no longer

specified in part 173 of this subchapter authorized for construction. (1) A cargo
for the specific lading, and where a tank made to a specification listed in
DOT specification cargo tank is re- column 1 of table 1 or table 2 of this


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§ 180.405 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

paragraph (c)(1) may be used when au- (d) MC 338 cargo tank. The owner of a
thorized in this part, provided— cargo tank that conforms to and was
(i) The cargo tank initial construc- used under the terms of an exemption
tion began on or before the date listed issued before October 1, 1984, that au-
in table 1, column 2, as follows: thorizes the transportation of a cryo-
genic liquid shall remove the exemp-
TABLE 1 tion number stenciled on the cargo
Column 1 Column 2 tank and stamp the specification plate
(or a plate placed adjacent to the speci-
MC 300 .......................................................... Sept. 2, 1967 fication plate) ‘‘DOT MC 338’’ followed
MC 301 .......................................................... June 12, 1961
MC 302, MC 303, MC 304, MC 305, MC Sept. 2, 1967 by the exemption number, for example,
310, MC 311. ‘‘DOT MC 338–E * * * *’’. (Asterisks to
MC 330 .......................................................... May 15, 1967 be replaced by the exemption number).
The cargo tank must be remarked prior
(ii) The cargo tank was marked or to the expiration date of the exemp-
certified before the date listed in table tion. During the period the cargo tank
2, column 2, as follows: is in service, the owner of a cargo tank
TABLE 2 that is remarked in this manner must
retain at its principal place of business
Column 1 Column 2 a copy of the last exemption in effect.
MC 306, MC 307, MC 312 ............................ Sept. 1, 1995
No new construction of cargo tanks
pursuant to such exemption is author-
(2) A cargo tank of a specification ized.
listed in paragraph (c)(1) of this section (1) The holding time must be deter-
may have its pressure relief devices mined, as required in § 178.338–9 of this
and outlets modified as follows: subchapter, on each cargo tank or on
(i) A Specification MC 300, MC 301, at least one cargo tank of each design.
MC 302, MC 303, or MC 305 cargo tank, Any subsequent cargo tank manufac-
to conform with a Specification MC 306 tured to the same design type (see
or DOT 406 cargo tank (See §§ 178.346–3 § 178.320), if not individually tested,
and 178.346–4 of this subchapter). must have the optional test regimen
(ii) A Specification MC 306 cargo performed during the first shipment
tank to conform to a Specification (see § 178.338–9 (b) and (c) of this sub-
DOT 406 cargo tank (See §§ 178.346–3 and chapter).
178.346–4 of this subchapter). (2) The holding time determined by
(iii) A Specification MC 304 cargo test for one authorized cryogenic liquid
tank, to conform with a Specification may be used as the basis for estab-
MC 307 or DOT 407 cargo tank (See lishing the holding time for other au-
§§ 178.347–4 and 178.345–11 of this sub- thorized cryogenic liquids.
chapter). (e) MC 331 cargo tanks. The owner of
(iv) A Specification MC 307 cargo a MC 331 (§ 178.337 of this subchapter)
tank, to conform with a Specification cargo tank that conforms to and was
DOT 407 cargo tank (See §§ 178.347–4 and used under an exemption issued before
178.345–11 of this subchapter). October 1, 1984, that authorizes the
(v) A Specification MC 310 or MC 311 transportation of ethane, refrigerated
cargo tank, to conform with a Speci- liquid; ethane-propane mixture, refrig-
fication MC 312 or DOT 412 cargo tank erated liquid; or hydrogen chloride, re-
(See §§ 178.348–4 and 178.345–11 of this frigerated liquid shall remove the ex-
subchapter). emption number stenciled on the cargo
(vi) A Specification MC 312 cargo tank and stamp the exemption number
tank, to conform with a Specification on the specification plate (or a plate
DOT 412 cargo tank (See §§ 178.348–4 and placed adjacent to the specification
178.345–11 of this subchapter). plate), immediately after the DOT
(vii) A Specification MC 330 cargo Specification, for example, ‘‘DOT MC
tank, to conform with a Specification 331–E * * * *’’. (Asterisks to be replaced
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

MC 331 cargo tank, except as specifi- by the exemption number.) The cargo
cally required by § 173.315 of this sub- tank must be remarked prior to the ex-
chapter (see §§ 178.337–8 and 178.337–9 of piration date of the exemption. During
this subchapter). the period the cargo tank is in service,


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 180.405

the owner of a cargo tank that is re- that the thickness and tensile strength
marked in this manner must retain at of shell material in combination with
the owner’s principal place of business the frame and circumferential rein-
a copy of the last exemption in effect. forcement produces a structural integ-
(f) MC 306, MC 307, MC 312 cargo tanks. rity at least equal to that prescribed in
Either a Registered Inspector or a De- § 178.345–3 of this subchapter or the
sign Certifying Engineer and the owner specification in effect at time of manu-
of a MC 306, MC 307 or MC 312 cargo facture.
tank motor vehicle constructed in ac- (iv) A cargo tank having a projection
cordance with and used under an ex- from the tank shell or head that may
emption issued before December 31, contain lading in any tank position is
1990, that authorizes a condition speci- authorized, provided such projection is
fied in this paragraph shall examine as strong as the tank shell or head and
the cargo tank motor vehicle and its is located within the motor vehicle’s
design to determine if it meets the re- rear-end tank protection or other ap-
quirements of the applicable MC 306, propriate accident damage protection
MC 307 or MC 312 specification in effect device.
at the time of manufacture, except as (v) A cargo tank may be constructed
specified herein. of nickel, titanium, or other ASME
(1) A cargo tank motor vehicle con- sheet or plate materials in accordance
structed after August 1, 1981, or the with an exemption.
date specified in the applicable exemp-
(2) A vacuum-loaded cargo tank con-
tion, in conformance with the fol-
structed after August 1, 1981, or the
lowing conditions that apply, may be
date specified in the applicable exemp-
remarked and certified in accordance
tion, in conformance with paragraph
with paragraphs (f) (5) and (6) of this
(f)(1) of this section, except that an
outlet equipped with an external valve
(i) A vacuum-loaded cargo tank must
which is not part of a self-closing sys-
have an ASME Code stamped specifica-
tion plate marked with a minimum in-
(i) Must be equipped with a self-clos-
ternal design pressure of 25 psig, and be
ing system prior to September 1, 1993.
designed for a minimum external de-
sign pressure of 15 psig. (ii) May be remarked and certified in
(ii) An outlet equipped with a self- accordance with paragraphs (f)(5) and
closing system which includes an ex- (6) of this section after the cargo tank
ternal stop-valve must have the stop motor vehicle has been equipped with
valve and associated piping protected the self-closing system.
within the vehicle’s rear-end tank pro- (3) A vacuum-loaded cargo tank con-
tection device, vehicle frame or an structed prior to August 1, 1981, in con-
equally adequate accident damage pro- formance with paragraph (f)(1) of this
tection device (See § 178.345–8 of this section, except for paragraph (f)(1)(i),
subchapter.) The self-closing system may be remarked and certified in ac-
(See § 178.345–11 of this subchapter) cordance with paragraphs (f) (5) and (6)
must be equipped with a remotely ac- of this section.
tuated means of closure as follows: (4) A vacuum-loaded cargo tank con-
(A) For a cargo tank used in other structed prior to August 1, 1981, in con-
than corrosive service, the remote formance with paragraph (f)(1) of this
means of closure must be activated for section, except for paragraph (f)(1)(i) of
closure by manual or mechanical this section, and except that an outlet
means and, in case of fire, by an auto- is equipped with an external valve
matic heat activated means. which is not part of a self-closing sys-
(B) For a cargo tank used in corro- tem:
sive service, the remote means of clo- (i) Must be equipped with a self-clos-
sure may be actuated by manual or me- ing system prior to September 1, 1993.
chanical means only. (ii) May be remarked and certified in
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(iii) A cargo tank having an accordance with paragraphs (f)(5) and

unreinforced portion of the shell ex- (6) of this section after the cargo tank
ceeding 60 inches must have the cir- motor vehicle has been equipped with
cumferential reinforcement located so the self-closing system.


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§ 180.405 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(5) The owner of a cargo tank for blies conforming with § 178.345–5, except
which a determination has been made for the dimensional requirements in
that the cargo tank is in conformance § 178.345–5(a), the hydrostatic testing
with paragraph (f) (1), (2), (3), or (4) of requirements in § 178.345–5(b), and the
this section shall complete a written marking requirements in § 178.345–5(e)
certification, in English, signed by the of this subchapter. A manhole assem-
owner and containing at least the fol- bly meeting one of the following provi-
lowing information: sions is considered to be in compliance
(i) A statement certifying that each with this paragraph:
cargo tank conforms to § 180.405 (f) (1), (i) Manhole assemblies on MC 300, MC
(2), (3), or (4); 301, MC 302, MC 303, MC 305, MC 306, MC
(ii) The applicable DOT exemption 310, MC 311, and MC 312 cargo tanks
number, the applicable specification that are marked or certified in writing
number and the owner’s and manufac- as conforming to § 178.345–5 of this sub-
turer’s serial number for the cargo chapter or TTMA RP No. 61–98 (incor-
tank; porated by reference; see § 171.7 of this
(iii) A statement setting forth any subchapter), or are tested and certified
modifications made to bring the cargo in accordance with TTMA TB No. 107
tank into conformance with § 180.405(f) (incorporated by reference; see § 171.7 of
(1), (2), (3), or (4), or the applicable this subchapter).
specification; (ii) Manhole assemblies on MC 304
(iv) A statement identifying the per- and MC 307 cargo tanks.
son certifying the cargo tank and the (iii) Manhole assemblies on MC 310,
date of certification. MC 311, and MC 312 cargo tanks with a
(6) The owner of a certified cargo test pressure of 36 psig or greater.
tank shall remove the exemption num- (3) [Reserved]
ber stenciled on the cargo tank and (h) Pressure relief system. Properly
shall durably mark the specification functioning reclosing pressure relief
plate (or a plate placed adjacent to the valves and frangible or fusible vents
specification plate) ‘‘MC +++–E need not be replaced. However, replace-
****####’’ (where ‘‘+++’’ is to be re- ment of reclosing pressure relief valves
placed by the applicable specification on MC-specification cargo tanks is au-
number, ‘‘* * * *’’ by the exemption thorized subject to the following re-
number and ‘‘# # # #’’ by the alloy.) quirements:
(7) A cargo tank remarked and cer- (1) Until August 31, 1998, the owner of
tified in conformance with this para- a cargo tank may replace a reclosing
graph (f) is excepted from the provi- pressure relief device with a device
sions of § 180.405(c). which is in compliance with the re-
(8) During the period the cargo tank quirements for pressure relief devices
is in service, and for one year there- in effect at the time the cargo tank
after, the owner of a cargo tank that is specification became superseded. If the
certified and remarked in this manner pressure relief device is installed as an
must retain on file at its principal integral part of a manhole cover as-
place of business a copy of the certifi- sembly, the manhole cover must com-
cate and the last exemption in effect. ply with the requirements of paragraph
(g) Cargo tank manhole assemblies. (1) (g) of this section.
MC 306, MC 307, and MC 312 cargo tanks (2) After August 31, 1998, replacement
marked or certified after December 30, for any reclosing pressure relief valve
1990, and DOT 406, DOT 407, and DOT must be capable of reseating to a leak-
412 cargo tank motor vehicles must be tight condition after a pressure surge,
equipped with manhole assemblies con- and the volume of lading released may
forming with § 178.345–5 of this sub- not exceed 1 L. Specific performance
chapter. requirements for these pressure relief
(2) On or before August 31, 1995, each valves are set forth in § 178.345–10(b)(3)
owner of a cargo tank marked or cer- of this subchapter.
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

tified before December 31, 1990, author- (3) As provided in paragraph (c)(2) of
ized for the transportation of a haz- this section, the owner of a cargo tank
ardous material, must have the cargo may elect to modify reclosing pressure
tank equipped with manhole assem- relief devices to more recent cargo


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 180.405

tank specifications. However, replace- (iii) Is operated in combination with

ment devices constructed to the re- a cargo tank full trailer. However, an
quirements of § 178.345–10 of this sub- empty cargo tank truck, without a
chapter must provide the minimum cargo tank full trailer attached, may
venting capacity required by the origi- be operated without the required rear
nal specification to which the cargo bumper or rear-end tank protection de-
tank was designed and constructed. vice on a one-time basis while being
(i) Flammable cryogenic liquids. Each transported to a repair facility for in-
cargo tank used to transport a flam- stallation of a rear bumper or rear-end
mable cryogenic liquid must be exam- protection device.
ined after each shipment to determine (2) Each cargo tank shall be provided
its actual holding time (See with a rear accident damage protection
§ 173.318(g)(3) of this subchapter.) device to protect the tank and piping
(j) Withdrawal of certification. A speci- in the event of a rear-end collision and
fication cargo tank that for any reason reduce the likelihood of damage which
no longer meets the applicable speci- could result in the loss of lading. The
fication may not be used to transport rear-end protection device must be in
hazardous materials unless the cargo the form of a rear-end tank protection
tank is repaired and retested in accord- device meeting the requirements of
ance with §§ 180.413 and 180.407 prior to § 178.345–8(d) or a rear bumper meeting
being returned to hazardous materials the following:
service. If the cargo tank is not in con- (i) The bumper shall be located at
formance with the applicable specifica- least 6 inches to the rear of any vehicle
tion requirements, the specification component used for loading or unload-
plate on the cargo tank must be re- ing or that may contain lading while
moved, obliterated or securely covered. the vehicle is in transit.
The details of the conditions necessi- (ii) The dimensions of the bumper
shall conform to § 393.86 of this title.
tating withdrawal of the certification
(iii) The structure of the bumper
must be recorded and signed on the
must be designed in accordance with
written certificate for that cargo tank.
§ 178.345–8(d)(3) of this subchapter.
The vehicle owner shall retain the cer-
(m) Specification MC 330, MC 331 cargo
tificate for at least 1 year after with-
tank motor vehicles, and nonspecification
drawal of the certification.
cargo tank motor vehicles conforming to
(k) DOT-specification cargo tank with § 173.315(k) of this subchapter, intended
no marked design pressure or a marked for use in the transportation of liquefied
design pressure of less than 3 psig. The compressed gases. (1) No later than the
owner of an MC 300, MC 301, MC 302, MC date of its first scheduled pressure test
303, MC 305, MC 306, or MC 312 cargo after July 1, 2001, each specification
tank with a pressure relief system set MC 330 and MC 331 cargo tank motor
at 3 psig, must mark or remark the vehicle, and each nonspecification
cargo tank with an MAWP or design cargo tank motor vehicle conforming
pressure of not less than 3 psig. to § 173.315(k) of this subchapter,
(l) MC 300, MC 301, MC 302, MC 303, marked and certified before July 1,
MC 305, MC 306 cargo tank—Rear acci- 2001, that is used to transport a Divi-
dent damage protection. (1) Notwith- sion 2.1 material, a Division 2.2 mate-
standing the requirements in rial with a subsidiary hazard, a Divi-
§ 180.405(b), the applicable specification sion 2.3 material, or anhydrous ammo-
requirement for a rear bumper or rear- nia must have an emergency discharge
end tank protection device on MC 300, control capability as specified in
MC 301, MC 302, MC 303, MC 305, and MC § 173.315(n) of this subchapter. Each
306 cargo tanks does not apply to a passive shut-off system installed prior
cargo tank truck (power unit) until to July 1, 2001, must be certified by a
July 1, 1992, if the cargo tank truck— Design Certifying Engineer that it
(i) Was manufactured before July 1, meets the requirements of § 173.315(n)(2)
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

1989; of this subchapter.

(ii) Is used to transport gasoline or (2) The requirement in paragraph
any other petroleum distillate product; (m)(1) of this section does not apply to
and a cargo tank equal to or less than


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§ 180.407 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

13,247.5 L (3,500 gallons) water capacity dioxide only’’ or intended for use in
transporting in metered delivery serv- chlorine service only.
ice a Division 2.1 material, a Division (2) Each owner of an MC 338 cargo
2.2 material with a subsidiary hazard, tank motor vehicle marked or certified
or anhydrous ammonia equipped with before January 1, 1995, must equip each
an off-truck remote shut-off device remotely controlled shutoff valve with
that was installed prior to July 1, 2000. an on-vehicle remote means of auto-
The device must be capable of stopping matic closure in conformance with
the transfer of lading by operation of a § 178.338–11(c) of this subchapter. This
transmitter carried by a qualified per- requirement does not apply to cargo
son attending unloading of the cargo tanks used for the transportation of
tank. The device is subject to the re- argon, carbon dioxide, helium, kryp-
quirement in § 177.840(o) of this sub- ton, neon, nitrogen, or xenon, or mix-
chapter for a daily test at 45.72 meters tures thereof.
(150 feet).
[Amdt. 180–2, 54 FR 25032, June 12, 1989]
(3) Each specification MC 330 and MC
331 cargo tank in metered delivery EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci-
service of greater than 13,247.5 L (3,500 tations affecting § 180.405, see the List of CFR
gallons) water capacity transporting a Sections Affected which appears in the Find-
Division 2.1 material, a Division 2.2 ing Aids section of the printed volume and at
material with a subsidiary hazard, or
anhydrous ammonia, marked and cer- § 180.407 Requirements for test and in-
tified before July 1, 1999, must have an spection of specification cargo
emergency discharge control capability tanks.
as specified in §§ 173.315(n) and 177.840 of
(a) General. (1) A cargo tank con-
this subchapter no later than the date
structed in accordance with a DOT
of its first scheduled pressure test after
specification for which a test or inspec-
July 1, 2001, or July 1, 2003, whichever
tion specified in this section has be-
is earlier.
come due, may not be filled and offered
(n) Thermal activation. No later than
for transportation or transported until
the date of its first scheduled leakage
the test or inspection has been success-
test after July 1, 1999, each specifica-
fully completed. This paragraph does
tion MC 330 or MC 331 cargo tank
not apply to any cargo tank filled prior
motor vehicle and each nonspecifica-
to the test or inspection due date.
tion cargo tank motor vehicle con-
forming to § 173.315(k) of this sub- (2) Except during a pressure test, a
chapter, marked and certified before cargo tank may not be subjected to a
July 1, 1999, that is used to transport a pressure greater than its design pres-
liquefied compressed gas, other than sure or MAWP.
carbon dioxide and chlorine, that has a (3) A person witnessing or performing
water capacity of 13,247.5 L (3,500 gal- a test or inspection specified in this
lons) or less must be equipped with a section must meet the minimum quali-
means of thermal activation for the in- fications prescribed in § 180.409.
ternal self-closing stop valve as speci- (4) Each cargo tank must be evalu-
fied in § 178.337–8(a)(4) of this sub- ated in accordance with the acceptable
chapter. results of tests and inspections pre-
(o) On-truck remote control of self-clos- scribed in § 180.411.
ing stop valves—MC 330, MC 331, and MC (5) Each cargo tank which has suc-
338. On or before October 2, 2006— cessfully passed a test or inspection
(1) Each owner of an MC 330 or MC 331 specified in this section must be
cargo tank motor vehicle marked or marked in accordance with § 180.415.
certified before January 1, 1995, must (6) A cargo tank which fails a pre-
equip the cargo tank with an on-vehi- scribed test or inspection must:
cle remote means of closure of the in- (i) Be repaired and retested in accord-
ternal self-closing stop valve in con- ance with § 180.413; or
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

formance with § 178.337–8(a)(4) of this (ii) Be removed from hazardous mate-

subchapter. This requirement does not rials service and the specification plate
apply to cargo tanks used only for car- removed, obliterated or covered in a se-
bon dioxide and marked ‘‘For carbon cure manner.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 180.407

(b) Conditions requiring test and inspec- versely affect its lading retention capa-
tion of cargo tanks. Without regard to bility. A damaged cargo tank must be
any other test or inspection require- pressure tested in accordance with the
ments, a specification cargo tank must procedures set forth in paragraph (g) of
be tested and inspected in accordance this section.
with this section prior to further use if: (3) The cargo tank has been out of
(1) The cargo tank shows evidence of hazardous materials transportation
dents, cuts, gouges, corroded or ab- service for a period of one year or
raded areas, leakage, or any other con- more. Each cargo tank that has been
dition that might render it unsafe for out of hazardous materials transpor-
hazardous materials service. At a min- tation service for a period of one year
imum, any area of a cargo tank show- or more must be pressure tested in ac-
ing evidence of dents, cuts, digs, goug- cordance with § 180.407(g) prior to fur-
es, or corroded or abraded areas must ther use.
be thickness tested in accordance with (4) [Reserved]
the procedures set forth in paragraphs (5) The Department so requires based
(i)(2), (i)(3), (i)(5), and (i)(6) of this sec- on the existence of probable cause that
tion and evaluated in accordance with the cargo tank is in an unsafe oper-
the criteria prescribed in § 180.411. Any ating condition.
signs of leakage must be repaired in ac- (c) Periodic test and inspection. Each
cordance with § 180.413. The suitability specification cargo tank must be tested
of any repair affecting the structural and inspected as specified in the fol-
integrity of the cargo tank must be de- lowing table by an inspector meeting
termined either by the testing required the qualifications in § 180.409. The
in the applicable manufacturing speci- retest date shall be determined from
fication or in paragraph (g)(1)(iv) of the specified interval identified in the
this section. following table from the most recent
(2) The cargo tank has sustained inspection or the CTMV certification
damage to an extent that may ad- date.
Interval pe-
Date by which first test must be
Test or inspection (cargo tank specification, configuration, and service) riod after first
completed (see note 1) test

External Visual Inspection:

All cargo tanks designed to be loaded by vacuum with full open- September 1, 1991 ........................... 6 months.
ing rear heads.
All other cargo tanks ...................................................................... September 1, 1991 ........................... 1 year.
Internal Visual Inspection:
All insulated cargo tanks, except MC 330, MC 331, MC 338 (see September 1, 1991 ........................... 1 year.
Note 4).
All cargo tanks transporting lading corrosive to the tank .............. September 1, 1991 ........................... 1 year.
All other cargo tanks, except MC 338 ........................................... September 1, 1995 ........................... 5 years.
Lining Inspection:
All lined cargo tanks transporting lading corrosive to the tank ..... September 1, 1991 ........................... 1 year.
Leakage Test:
MC 330 and MC 331 cargo tanks in chlorine service ................... September 1, 1991 ........................... 2 years.
All other cargo tanks except MC 338 ............................................ September 1, 1991 ........................... 1 year.
Pressure Test:
(Hydrostatic or pneumatic) (See Notes 2 and 3) .......................... ...........................................................
All cargo tanks which are insulated with no manhole or insulated September 1, 1991 ........................... 1 year.
and lined, except MC 338.
All cargo tanks designed to be loaded by vacuum with full open- September 1, 1992 ........................... 2 years.
ing rear heads.
MC 330 and MC 331 cargo tanks in chlorine service ................... September 1, 1992 ........................... 2 years.
All other cargo tanks ...................................................................... September 1, 1995 ........................... 5 years.
Thickness Test:
All unlined cargo tanks transporting material corrosive to the September 1, 1992 ........................... 2 years.
tank, except MC 338.
NOTE 1: If a cargo tank is subject to an applicable inspection or test requirement under the regulations in effect on December
30, 1990, and the due date (as specified by a requirement in effect on December 30, 1990) for completing the required inspec-
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

tion or test occurs before the compliance date listed in table I, the earlier date applies.
NOTE 2: Pressure testing is not required for MC 330 and MC 331 cargo tanks in dedicated sodium metal service.
NOTE 3: Pressure testing is not required for uninsulated lined cargo tanks, with a design pressure or MAWP 15 psig or less,
which receive an external visual inspection and lining inspection at least once each year.
NOTE 4: Insulated cargo tanks equipped with manholes or inspection openings may perform either an internal visual inspection
in conjunction with the external visual inspection or a hydrostatic or pneumatic pressure-test of the cargo tank.


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§ 180.407 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(d) External visual inspection and test- (vi) All markings on the cargo tank
ing. The following applies to the exter- required by parts 172, 178 and 180 of this
nal visual inspection and testing of subchapter must be legible;
cargo tanks: (vii) [Reserved]
(1) Where insulation precludes a com- (viii) All major appurtenances and
plete external visual inspection as re- structural attachments on the cargo
quired by paragraphs (d)(2) through tank including, but not limited to, sus-
(d)(6) of this section, the cargo tank pension system attachments, con-
also must be given an internal visual necting structures, and those elements
inspection in accordance with para- of the upper coupler (fifth wheel) as-
graph (e) of this section. If external sembly that can be inspected without
visual inspection is precluded because dismantling the upper coupler (fifth
any part of the cargo tank wall is ex- wheel) assembly must be inspected for
ternally lined, coated, or designed to any corrosion or damage which might
prevent an external visual inspection, prevent safe operation;
those areas of the cargo tank must be (ix) For cargo tanks transporting lad-
internally inspected. If internal visual ing corrosive to the tank, areas cov-
inspection is precluded because the ered by the upper coupler (fifth wheel)
cargo tank is lined, coated, or designed assembly must be inspected at least
so as to prevent access for internal in- once in each two year period for cor-
spection, the tank must be roded and abraded areas, dents, distor-
hydrostatically or pneumatically test- tions, defects in welds, and any other
ed in accordance with paragraph condition that might render the tank
(g)(1)(iv) of this section. Those items unsafe for transportation service. The
able to be externally inspected must be upper coupler (fifth wheel) assembly
externally inspected and noted in the must be removed from the cargo tank
inspection report. for this inspection.
(2) The external visual inspection and (3) All reclosing pressure relief valves
testing must include as a minimum the must be externally inspected for any
following: corrosion or damage which might pre-
(i) The tank shell and heads must be vent safe operation. All reclosing pres-
inspected for corroded or abraded sure relief valves on cargo tanks car-
areas, dents, distortions, defects in rying lading corrosive to the valve
welds and any other conditions, includ- must be removed from the cargo tank
ing leakage, that might render the for inspection and testing. Each re-
tank unsafe for transportation service; closing pressure relief valve required to
(ii) The piping, valves, and gaskets be removed and tested must open at no
must be carefully inspected for cor- less than the required set pressure and
roded areas, defects in welds, and other no more than 110 percent of the re-
conditions, including leakage, that quired set pressure, and must reseat to
might render the tank unsafe for trans- a leak-tight condition at no less than
portation service; 90 percent of the start-to-discharge
(iii) All devices for tightening man- pressure or the pressure prescribed for
hole covers must be operative and the applicable cargo tank specification.
there must be no evidence of leakage at (4) Ring stiffeners or other appur-
manhole covers or gaskets; tenances, installed on cargo tanks con-
(iv) All emergency devices and valves structed of mild steel or high-strength,
including self-closing stop valves, ex- low-alloy steel, that create air cavities
cess flow valves and remote closure de- adjacent to the tank shell that do not
vices must be free from corrosion, dis- allow for external visual inspection
tortion, erosion and any external dam- must be thickness tested in accordance
age that will prevent safe operation. with paragraphs (i)(2) and (i)(3) of this
Remote closure devices and self-closing section, at least once every 2 years. At
stop valves must be functioned to dem- least four symmetrically distributed
onstrate proper operation; readings must be taken to establish an
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(v) Missing bolts, nuts and fusible average thickness for the ring stiffener
links or elements must be replaced, or appurtenance. If any thickness read-
and loose bolts and nuts must be tight- ing is less than the average thickness
ened; by more than 10%, thickness testing in


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 180.407

accordance with paragraphs (i)(2) and to a 30.5 cm (12-inch) bottom leg (end
(i)(3) of this section must be conducted bent to a 12.7 mm (0.5 inch) radius), or
from the inside of the cargo tank on equally sensitive probe; and
the area of the tank wall covered by (C) A steel calibration coupon 30.5 cm
the appurtenance or ring stiffener. × 30.5 cm (12 inches × 12 inches) covered
(5) Corroded or abraded areas of the with the same material and thickness
cargo tank wall must be thickness as that to be tested. The material on
tested in accordance with the proce- the coupon shall have a test hole to the
dures set forth in paragraphs (i)(2), metal substrate made by puncturing
(i)(3), (i)(5) and (i)(6) of this section. the material with a 22 gauge hypo-
(6) The gaskets on any full opening dermic needle or comparable piercing
rear head must be: tool.
(i) Visually inspected for cracks or (ii) The probe must be passed over
splits caused by weather or wear; and the surface of the calibration coupon in
(ii) Replaced if cuts or cracks which a constant uninterrupted manner until
are likely to cause leakage, or are of a the hole is found. The hole is detected
depth one-half inch or more, are found. by the white or light blue spark
(7) The inspector must record the re- formed. (A sound lining causes a dark
sults of the external visual examina- blue or purple spark.) The voltage must
tion as specified in § 180.417(b). be adjusted to the lowest setting that
(e) Internal visual inspection. (1) When will produce a minimum 12.7 mm (0.5
the cargo tank is not equipped with a inch) spark measured from the top of
manhole or inspection opening, or the the lining to the probe. To assure that
cargo tank design precludes an internal the setting on the probe has not
inspection, the tank shall be changed, the spark tester must be cali-
hydrostatically or pneumatically test- brated periodically using the test cali-
ed in accordance with 180.407(c) and (g). bration coupon, and the same power
(2) The internal visual inspection source, probe, and cable length.
must include as a minimum the fol- (iii) After calibration, the probe must
lowing: be passed over the lining in an uninter-
(i) The tank shell and heads must be rupted stroke.
inspected for corroded and abraded (iv) Holes that are found must be re-
areas, dents, distortions, defects in paired using equipment and procedures
welds, and any other condition that prescribed by the lining manufacturer
might render the tank unsafe for trans- or lining installer.
portation service. (2) Linings made of other than rubber
(ii) Tank liners must be inspected as (elastomeric material) must be tested
specified in § 180.407(f). using equipment and procedures pre-
(3) Corroded or abraded areas of the scribed by the lining manufacturer or
cargo tank wall must be thickness lining installer.
tested in accordance with paragraphs (3) Degraded or defective areas of the
(i)(2), (i)(3), (i)(5) and (i)(6) of this sec- cargo tank liner must be removed and
tion. the cargo tank wall below the defect
(4) The inspector must record the re- must be inspected. Corroded areas of
sults of the internal visual inspection the tank wall must be thickness tested
as specified in § 180.417(b). in accordance with paragraphs (i)(2),
(f) Lining inspection. The integrity of (i)(3), (i)(5) and (i)(6) of this section.
the lining on all lined cargo tanks, (4) The inspector must record the re-
when lining is required by this sub- sults of the lining inspection as speci-
chapter, must be verified at least once fied in § 180.417(b).
each year as follows: (g) Pressure test. All components of
(1) Rubber (elastomeric) lining must the cargo tank wall, as defined in
be tested for holes as follows: § 178.320(a) of this subchapter, must be
(i) Equipment must consist of: pressure tested as prescribed by this
(A) A high frequency spark tester ca- paragraph.
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

pable of producing sufficient voltage to (1) Test Procedure—(i) As part of the

ensure proper calibration; pressure test, the inspector must per-
(B) A probe with an ‘‘L’’ shaped 2.4 form an external and internal visual
mm (0.09 inch) diameter wire with up inspection, except that on an MC 338


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§ 180.407 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

cargo tank, or a cargo tank not Specification Test pressure

equipped with a manhole or inspection
DOT 406 ................................ 34.5 kPa (5 psig) or 1.5 times
opening, an internal inspection is not the MAWP, whichever is
required. greater.
(ii) All self-closing pressure relief DOT 407 ................................ 275.8 kPa (40 psig) or 1.5
times the MAWP, which-
valves, including emergency relief ever is greater.
vents and normal vents, must be re- DOT 412 ................................ 1.5 times the MAWP.
moved from the cargo tank for inspec-
tion and testing. (v) [Reserved]
(A) Each self-closing pressure relief (vi) Each cargo tank of a multi-tank
valve that is an emergency relief vent cargo tank motor vehicle must be test-
must open at no less than the required ed with the adjacent cargo tanks
set pressure and no more than 110 per- empty and at atmospheric pressure.
cent of the required set pressure, and (vii) All closures except pressure re-
must reseat to a leak-tight condition lief devices must be in place during the
at no less than 90 percent of the start- test. All prescribed loading and unload-
to-discharge pressure or the pressure ing venting devices rated at less than
prescribed for the applicable cargo test pressure may be removed during
tank specification. the test. If retained, the devices must
(B) Normal vents (1 psig vents) must be rendered inoperative by clamps,
be tested according to the testing cri- plugs, or other equally effective re-
teria established by the valve manufac- straining devices. Restraining devices
turer. may not prevent detection of leaks or
(C) Self-closing pressure relief de- damage the venting devices and must
vices not tested or failing the tests in be removed immediately after the test
this paragraph (g)(1)(ii) must be re- is completed.
paired or replaced. (viii) Hydrostatic test method. Each
(iii) Except for cargo tanks carrying cargo tank, including its domes, must
lading corrosive to the tank, areas cov- be filled with water or other liquid hav-
ered by the upper coupler (fifth wheel) ing similar viscosity, at a temperature
assembly must be inspected for cor- not exceeding 100 °F. The cargo tank
roded and abraded areas, dents, distor- must then be pressurized to not less
tions, defects in welds, and any other than the pressure specified in para-
condition that might render the tank graph (g)(1)(iv) of this section. The
unsafe for transportation service. The cargo tank, including its closures,
upper coupler (fifth wheel) assembly must hold the prescribed test pressure
must be removed from the cargo tank for at least 10 minutes during which
for this inspection. time it shall be inspected for leakage,
(iv) Each cargo tank must be tested bulging or any other defect.
hydrostatically or pneumatically to (ix) Pneumatic test method. Pneumatic
the internal pressure specified in the testing may involve higher risk than
following table. At no time during the hydrostatic testing. Therefore, suitable
pressure test may a cargo tank be sub- safeguards must be provided to protect
ject to pressures that exceed those personnel and facilities should failure
identified in the following table: occur during the test. The cargo tank
must be pressurized with air or an
Specification Test pressure
inert gas. The pneumatic test pressure
MC 300, 301, 302, 303, 305, 20.7 kPa (3 psig) or design in the cargo tank must be reached by
306. pressure, whichever is gradually increasing the pressure to
greater. one-half of the test pressure. There-
MC 304, 307 .......................... 275.8 kPa (40 psig) or 1.5
times the design pressure, after, the pressure must be increased in
whichever is greater. steps of approximately one-tenth of the
MC 310, 311, 312 .................. 20.7 kPa (3 psig) or 1.5 times test pressure until the required test
the design pressure, which-
ever is greater.
pressure has been reached. The test
MC 330, 331 .......................... 1.5 times either the MAWP or pressure must be held for at least 5
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

the re-rated pressure, minutes. The pressure must then be re-

whichever is applicable. duced to the MAWP, which must be
MC 338 .................................. 1.25 times either the MAWP
or the re-rated pressure, maintained during the time the entire
whichever is applicable. cargo tank surface is inspected. During


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 180.407

the inspection, a suitable method must medium such as, but not limited to,
be used for detecting the existence of steam or hot water for heating the lad-
leaks. This method must consist either ing must be hydrostatically pressure
of coating the entire surface of all tested at least once every 5 years. The
joints under pressure with a solution of test pressure must be at least the max-
soap and water, or using other equally imum system design operating pressure
sensitive methods. and must be maintained for five min-
(2) When testing an insulated cargo utes. A heating system employing flues
tank, the insulation and jacketing need for heating the lading must be tested
not be removed unless it is otherwise to ensure against lading leakage into
impossible to reach test pressure and the flues or into the atmosphere.
maintain a condition of pressure equi- (5) Exceptions. (i) Pressure testing is
librium after test pressure is reached, not required for MC 330 and MC 331
or the vacuum integrity cannot be cargo tanks in dedicated sodium metal
maintained in the insulation space. If service.
an MC 338 cargo tank used for the (ii) Pressure testing is not required
transportation of a flammable gas or for uninsulated lined cargo tanks, with
oxygen, refrigerated liquid is opened a design pressure or MAWP of 15 psig
for any reason, the cleanliness must be or less, which receive an external vis-
verified prior to closure using the pro- ual inspection and a lining inspection
cedures contained in § 178.338–15 of this at least once each year.
subchapter. (6) Acceptance criteria. A cargo tank
(3) Each MC 330 and MC 331 cargo that leaks, fails to retain test pressure
tank constructed of quenched and tem- or pneumatic inspection pressure,
pered steel in accordance with Part shows distortion, excessive permanent
UHT in Section VIII of the ASME Code expansion, or other evidence of weak-
(IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter), or ness that might render the cargo tank
constructed of other than quenched unsafe for transportation service, may
and tempered steel but without not be returned to service, except as
postweld heat treatment, used for the follows: A cargo tank with a heating
transportation of anhydrous ammonia system which does not hold pressure
or any other hazardous materials that may remain in service as an unheated
may cause corrosion stress cracking, cargo tank if:
must be internally inspected by the (i) The heating system remains in
wet fluorescent magnetic particle place and is structurally sound and no
method immediately prior to and in lading may leak into the heating sys-
conjunction with the performance of tem, and
the pressure test prescribed in this sec- (ii) The specification plate heating
tion. Each MC 330 and MC 331 cargo system information is changed to indi-
tank constructed of quenched and tem- cate that the cargo tank has no work-
pered steel in accordance with Part ing heating system.
UHT in Section VIII of the ASME Code (7) The inspector must record the re-
and used for the transportation of liq- sults of the pressure test as specified in
uefied petroleum gas must be inter- § 180.417(b).
nally inspected by the wet fluorescent (h) Leakage test. The following re-
magnetic particle method immediately quirements apply to cargo tanks re-
prior to and in conjunction with the quiring a leakage test:
performance of the pressure test pre- (1) Each cargo tank must be tested
scribed in this section. The wet fluores- for leaks in accordance with paragraph
cent magnetic particle inspection must (c) of this section. The leakage test
be in accordance with Section V of the must include testing product piping
ASME Code and CGA Technical Bul- with all valves and accessories in place
letin TB–2 (IBR, see § 171.7 of this sub- and operative, except that any venting
chapter). This paragraph does not devices set to discharge at less than
apply to cargo tanks that do not have the leakage test pressure must be re-
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

manholes. (See § 180.417(c) for reporting moved or rendered inoperative during

requirements.) the test. All internal or external self-
(4) All pressure bearing portions of a closing stop valves must be tested for
cargo tank heating system employing a leak tightness. Each cargo tank of a


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§ 180.407 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

multi-cargo tank motor vehicle must oline Delivery Tank Using Pressure-
be tested with adjacent cargo tanks Vacuum Test,’’ may not be used to sat-
empty and at atmospheric pressure. isfy the leak testing requirements of
Test pressure must be maintained for this paragraph. The test must be con-
at least 5 minutes. Cargo tanks in liq- ducted using air.
uefied compressed gas service must be (3) A cargo tank that fails to retain
externally inspected for leaks during leakage test pressure may not be re-
the leakage test. Suitable safeguards turned to service as a specification
must be provided to protect personnel cargo tank, except under conditions
should a failure occur. Cargo tanks specified in § 180.411(d).
may be leakage tested with hazardous (4) After July 1, 2000, Registered In-
materials contained in the cargo tank spectors of specification MC 330 and MC
during the test. Leakage test pressure 331 cargo tanks, and nonspecification
must be no less than 80% of MAWP cargo tanks authorized under
marked on the specification plate ex- § 173.315(k) of this subchapter must vis-
cept as follows: ually inspect the delivery hose assem-
(i) A cargo tank with an MAWP of 690 bly and piping system while the assem-
kPa (100 psig) or more may be leakage bly is under leakage test pressure uti-
tested at its maximum normal oper- lizing the rejection criteria listed in
ating pressure provided it is in dedi- § 180.416(g). Delivery hose assemblies
cated service or services; or not permanently attached to the cargo
(ii) An MC 330 or MC 331 cargo tank tank motor vehicle may be inspected
in dedicated liquified petroleum gas separately from the cargo tank motor
service may be leakage tested at not vehicle. In addition to a written record
less than 414 kPa (60 psig). of the inspection prepared in accord-
(iii) An operator of a specification ance with § 180.417(b), the Registered
MC 330 or MC 331 cargo tank, and a Inspector conducting the test must
nonspecification cargo tank authorized note the hose identification number,
under § 173.315(k) of this subchapter, the date of the test, and the condition
equipped with a meter may check leak of the hose assembly and piping system
tightness of the internal self-closing tested.
stop valve by conducting a meter creep (5) The inspector must record the re-
test. (See appendix B to this part.) sults of the leakage test as specified in
(iv) An MC 330 or MC 331 cargo tank § 180.417(b).
in dedicated service for anhydrous am- (i) Thickness testing. (1) The shell and
monia may be leakage tested at not head thickness of all unlined cargo
less than 414 kPa (60 psig). tanks used for the transportation of
(v) A non-specification cargo tank re- materials corrosive to the tank must
quired by § 173.8(d) of this subchapter to be measured at least once every 2
be leakage tested, must be leakage years, except that cargo tanks meas-
tested at not less than 16.6 kPa (2.4 uring less than the sum of the min-
psig), or as specified in paragraph (h)(2) imum prescribed thickness, plus one-
of this section. fifth of the original corrosion allow-
(2) Cargo tanks used to transport pe- ance, must be tested annually.
troleum distillate fuels that are (2) Measurements must be made
equipped with vapor collection equip- using a device capable of accurately
ment may be leak tested in accordance measuring thickness to within ±0.002 of
with the Environmental Protection an inch.
Agency’s ‘‘Method 27—Determination (3) Any person performing thickness
of Vapor Tightness of Gasoline Deliv- testing must be trained in the proper
ery Tank Using Pressure-Vacuum use of the thickness testing device used
Test,’’ as set forth in Appendix A to 40 in accordance with the manufacturer’s
CFR part 60. Test methods and proce- instruction.
dures and maximum allowable pressure (4) Thickness testing must be per-
and vacuum changes are in 40 CFR formed in the following areas of the
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

63.425(e). The hydrostatic test alter- cargo tank wall, as a minimum:

native, using liquid in Environmental (i) Areas of the tank shell and heads
Protection Agency’s ‘‘Method 27—De- and shell and head area around any
termination of Vapor Tightness of Gas- piping that retains lading;


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 180.407

(ii) Areas of high shell stress such as TABLE I—IN-SERVICE MINIMUM THICKNESS FOR
the bottom center of the tank; MC 300, MC 303, MC 304, MC 306, MC
(iii) Areas near openings; 307, MC 310, MC 311, AND MC 312 SPECI-
(iv) Areas around weld joints; FICATION CARGO TANKS CONSTRUCTED OF
(v) Areas around shell reinforce- STEEL AND STEEL ALLOYS—Continued
(vi) Areas around appurtenance at- Nominal In-service
decimal minimum
tachments; Minimum manufactured thickness equiva- thickness
(US gauge or inches)
(vii) Areas near upper coupler (fifth lent for reference
(inches) (inches)
wheel) assembly attachments;
(viii) Areas near suspension system 13 ....................................................... 0.0897 0.081
attachments and connecting struc- 12 ....................................................... 0.1046 0.094
11 ....................................................... 0.1196 0.108
tures; 10 ....................................................... 0.1345 0.121
(ix) Known thin areas in the tank 9 ......................................................... 0.1495 0.135
shell and nominal liquid level lines; 8 ......................................................... 0.1644 0.148
and 7 ......................................................... 0.1793 0.161
(x) Connecting structures joining 3/16 .................................................... 0.1875 0.169
1/4 ...................................................... 0.2500 0.225
multiple cargo tanks of carbon steel in
5/16 .................................................... 0.3125 0.281
a self-supporting cargo tank motor ve- 3/8 ...................................................... 0.3750 0.338
(5) Minimum thicknesses for MC 300,
MC 306, MC 307, MC 310, MC 311, and MC MC 301, MC 302, MC 304, MC 305, MC
312 cargo tanks are determined based 306, MC 307, MC 311, AND MC 312 SPECI-
on the definition of minimum thick- FICATION CARGO TANKS CONSTRUCTED OF
ness found in § 178.320(a) of this sub- ALUMINUM AND ALUMINUM ALLOYS
chapter. The following Tables I and II In-service
identify the ‘‘In-Service Minimum Minimum manufactured thickness minimum
Thickness’’ values to be used to deter- (inches)
mine the minimum thickness for the
referenced cargo tanks. The column 0.078 ...................................................................... 0.070
0.087 ...................................................................... 0.078
headed ‘‘Minimum Manufactured
0.096 ...................................................................... 0.086
Thickness’’ indicates the minimum 0.109 ...................................................................... 0.098
values required for new construction of 0.130 ...................................................................... 0.117
DOT 400 series cargo tanks, found in 0.141 ...................................................................... 0.127
Tables I and II of §§ 178.346–2, 178.347–2, 0.151 ...................................................................... 0.136
0.172 ...................................................................... 0.155
and 178.348–2 of this subchapter. In- 0.173 ...................................................................... 0.156
Service Minimum Thicknesses for MC 0.194 ...................................................................... 0.175
300, MC 301, MC 302, MC 303, MC 304, MC 0.216 ...................................................................... 0.194
305, MC 306, MC 307, MC 310, MC 311, and 0.237 ...................................................................... 0.213
MC 312 cargo tanks are based on 90 per- 0.270 ...................................................................... 0.243
0.360 ...................................................................... 0.324
cent of the manufactured thickness 0.450 ...................................................................... 0.405
specified in the DOT specification, 0.540 ...................................................................... 0.486
rounded to three places.
(6) An owner of a cargo tank that no
TABLE I—IN-SERVICE MINIMUM THICKNESS FOR longer conforms to the minimum
MC 300, MC 303, MC 304, MC 306, MC thickness prescribed for the design as
307, MC 310, MC 311, AND MC 312 SPECI- manufactured may use the cargo tank
to transport authorized materials at
STEEL AND STEEL ALLOYS reduced maximum weight of lading or
Nominal In-service reduced maximum working pressure, or
Minimum manufactured thickness decimal minimum combinations thereof, provided the fol-
equiva- thickness
(US gauge or inches) lent for reference lowing conditions are met:
(inches) (inches) (i) A Design Certifying Engineer
19 ....................................................... 0.0418 0.038 must certify that the cargo tank de-
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

18 ....................................................... 0.0478 0.043 sign and thickness are appropriate for

17 ....................................................... 0.0538 0.048 the reduced loading conditions by
16 ....................................................... 0.0598 0.054
15 ....................................................... 0.0673 0.061 issuance of a revised manufacturer’s
14 ....................................................... 0.0747 0.067 certificate, and


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§ 180.409 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(ii) The cargo tank motor vehicle’s ‘‘Registered Inspector’’ in § 171.8 of this
nameplate must reflect the revised chapter.
service limits. (b) A person who only performs an-
(7) An owner of a cargo tank that no nual external visual inspections and
longer conforms with the minimum leakage tests on a cargo tank motor
thickness prescribed for the specifica- vehicle, owned or operated by that per-
tion may not return the cargo tank to son, with a capacity of less than 13,250
hazardous materials service. The L (3,500 gallons) used exclusively for
tank’s specification plate must be re- flammable liquid petroleum fuels, is
moved, obliterated or covered in a se- not required to meet the educational
cure manner. and years of experience requirements
(8) The inspector must record the re- set forth in the definition of ‘‘Reg-
sults of the thickness test as specified
istered Inspector’’ in § 171.8 of this sub-
in § 180.417(b).
chapter. Although not required to meet
(9) For MC 331 cargo tanks con-
the educational and years of experience
structed before October 1, 2003, min-
requirements, a person who performs
imum thickness shall be determined by
visual inspections or leakage tests or
the thickness indicated on the U1A
signs the inspection reports must have
form minus any corrosion allowance.
For MC 331 cargo tanks constructed the knowledge and ability to perform
after October 1, 2003, the minimum such inspections and tests and must
thickness will be the value indicated perform them as required by this sub-
on the specification plate. If no corro- chapter, and must register with the De-
sion allowance is indicated on the U1A partment as required by subpart F of
form then the thickness of the tank part 107 of this chapter.
shall be the thickness of the material (c) A person who performs only an-
of construction indicated on the UIA nual external visual inspections and
form with no corrosion allowance. leakage tests on a permanently mount-
(10) For 400-series cargo tanks, min- ed non-bulk tank, owned or operated
imum thickness is calculated accord- by that person, for petroleum products
ing to tables in each applicable section as authorized by § 173.8(c) of this sub-
of this subchapter for that specifica- chapter, is not required to be reg-
tion: § 178.346–2 for DOT 406 cargo istered in accordance with subpart F of
tanks, § 178.347–2 for DOT 407 cargo part 107 of this chapter. In addition the
tanks, and § 178.348–2 for DOT 412 cargo person who signs the inspection report
tanks. required by § 180.417(b) of this subpart
for such non-bulk tanks is not required
[Amdt. 180–2, 54 FR 25032, June 12, 1989]
to be registered. Although not required
EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci- to register, a person who performs vis-
tations affecting § 180.407, see the List of CFR ual inspections or leakage tests or
Sections Affected which appears in the Find- signs the inspection reports must have
ing Aids section of the printed volume and at the knowledge and ability to perform
such inspections and tests and must
§ 180.409 Minimum qualifications for perform them as required by this sub-
inspectors and testers. chapter.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in (d) A motor carrier or cargo tank
this section, any person performing or owner who meets the requirements of
witnessing the inspections and tests paragraph (a) of this section may use
specified in § 180.407(c) must— an employee who is not a Registered
(1) Be registered with the Federal Inspector to perform a portion of the
Motor Carrier Safety Administration pressure retest required by § 180.407(g).
in accordance with part 107, subpart F External and internal visual inspec-
of this chapter, tions must be accomplished by a Reg-
(2) Be familiar with DOT-specifica- istered Inspector, but the hydrostatic
tion cargo tanks and trained and expe- or pneumatic pressure test, as set forth
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

rienced in use of the inspection and in § 180.407(g)(1)(viii) and (ix), respec-

testing equipment needed, and tively, may be done by an employee
(3) Have the training and experience who is not a Registered Inspector pro-
required to meet the definition of vided that—


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 180.413

(1) The employee is familiar with the (g) Pressure test. Any tank that fails
cargo tank and is trained and experi- to meet the acceptance criteria found
enced in the use of the inspection and in the individual specification that ap-
testing equipment used; plies must be properly repaired.
(2) The employer submits certifi- [Amdt. 180–2, 54 FR 25032, June 12, 1989, as
cation that such employee meets the amended at 68 FR 75764, Dec. 31, 2003]
qualification requirements to the Asso-
ciate Administrator, Attn: (PHH–32), § 180.413 Repair, modification, stretch-
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safe- ing, rebarrelling, or mounting of
ty Administration, Department of specification cargo tanks.
Transportation, East Building, 1200 (a) General. Any repair, modification,
New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, stretching, rebarrelling, or mounting
DC 20590; and of a cargo tank must be performed in
(3) The employer retains a copy of conformance with the requirements of
the tester’s qualifications with the doc- this section.
uments required by § 180.417(b). (1) Except as otherwise provided in
[Amdt. 180–2, 55 FR 37069, Sept. 7, 1990, as this section, each repair, modification,
amended by Amdt. 180–3, 56 FR 66287, Dec. 20, stretching, or rebarrelling of a speci-
1991; 57 FR 45466, Oct. 1, 1992; Amdt. 180–11, 62 fication cargo tank must be performed
FR 1217, Jan. 8, 1997; 66 FR 45391, Aug. 28, by a repair facility holding a valid Na-
2001; 68 FR 19288, Apr. 18, 2003; 70 FR 56100, tional Board Certificate of Authoriza-
Sept. 23, 2005; 72 FR 55697, Oct. 1, 2007] tion for use of the National Board ‘‘R’’
stamp and must be made in accordance
§ 180.411 Acceptable results of tests with the edition of the National Board
and inspections.
Inspection Code in effect at the time
(a) Corroded or abraded areas. The the work is performed.
minimum thickness may not be less (i) Repairs, modifications,
than that prescribed in the applicable stretchings, and rebarrellings per-
specification. formed on non-ASME stamped speci-
(b) Dents, cuts, digs and gouges. For fication cargo tanks may be performed
evaluation procedures, see CGA C–6 by:
(IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter). (A) A cargo tank manufacturer hold-
(1) For dents at welds or that include ing a valid ASME Certificate of Au-
a weld, the maximum allowable depth thorization for the use of the ASME
is 1⁄2 inch. For dents away from welds, ‘‘U’’ stamp using the quality control
the maximum allowable depth is 1⁄10 of procedures used to obtain the Certifi-
the greatest dimension of the dent, but cate of Authorization; or
in no case may the depth exceed one (B) A repair facility holding a valid
inch. National Board Certificate of Author-
(2) The minimum thickness remain- ization for use of the National Board
ing beneath a cut, dig, or gouge may ‘‘R’’ stamp using the quality control
not be less than that prescribed in the procedures used to obtain the Certifi-
applicable specification. cate of Authorization.
(c) Weld or structural defects. Any (ii) A repair, modification, stretch-
cargo tank with a weld defect such as ing, or rebarrelling of a non-ASME
a crack, pinhole, or incomplete fusion, stamped cargo tank may be done with-
or a structural defect must be taken out certification by an Authorized In-
out of hazardous materials service spector, completion of the R–1 form, or
until repaired. being stamped with the ‘‘R’’ stamp.
(d) Leakage. All sources of leakage (2) Prior to each repair, modification,
must be properly repaired prior to re- stretching, rebarrelling, or mounting,
turning a tank to hazardous materials the cargo tank motor vehicle must be
service. emptied of any hazardous material lad-
(e) Relief valves. Any pressure relief ing. In addition, cargo tank motor ve-
valve that fails to open and reclose at hicles used to transport flammable or
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

the prescribed pressure must be re- toxic lading must be sufficiently

paired or replaced. cleaned of residue and purged of vapors
(f) Liner integrity. Any defect shown so any potential hazard is removed, in-
by the test must be properly repaired. cluding void spaces between double


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§ 180.413 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

bulkheads, piping and vapor recovery ment after minor weld repairs is not
systems. required. When a repair is made of de-
(3) Each person performing a repair, fects revealed by the wet fluorescent
modification, stretching, rebarrelling magnetic particle inspection, including
or mounting of a DOT specification those repaired by grinding, the affected
cargo tank must be registered in ac- area of the cargo tank must again be
cordance with subpart F of part 107 of examined by the wet fluorescent mag-
this chapter. netic particle method after hydrostatic
(b) Repair. The suitability of each re- testing to assure that all defects have
pair affecting the structural integrity been removed.
or lading retention capability of the (c) Maintenance or replacement of pip-
cargo tank must be determined by the ing, valves, hoses, or fittings. After each
testing required either in the applica-
repair, maintenance or replacement of
ble manufacturing specification or in
a pipe, valve, hose, or fitting on a cargo
§ 180.407(g)(1)(iv). Each repair of a cargo
tank, that component must be in-
tank involving welding on the shell or
stalled in accordance with the provi-
head must be certified by a Registered
Inspector. The following provisions sions of the applicable specification be-
apply to specific cargo tank repairs: fore the cargo tank is returned to serv-
(1) DOT 406, DOT 407, and DOT 412 ice.
cargo tanks must be repaired in ac- (1) After maintenance or replacement
cordance with the specification re- that does not involve welding on the
quirements in effect at the time of re- cargo tank wall, the repaired or re-
pair; placed piping, valve, hose, or fitting
(2) MC 300, MC 301, MC 302, MC 303, must be tested for leaks. This require-
MC 305, and MC 306 cargo tanks must ment is met when the piping, valve,
be repaired in accordance with either hose, or fitting is tested after installa-
the most recent revision of the original tion in accordance with § 180.407(h)(1).
specification or with the DOT 406 speci- A hose may be tested before or after in-
fication in effect at the time of repair; stallation on the cargo tank.
(3) MC 304 and MC 307 cargo tanks (2) After repair or replacement of pip-
must be repaired in accordance with ei- ing, valves, or fittings that involves
ther the most recent revision of the welding on the cargo tank wall, the
original specification or with the DOT cargo tank must be pressure tested in
407 specification in effect at the time of accordance with the applicable manu-
repair; facturing specification or
(4) MC 310, MC 311, and MC 312 cargo § 180.407(g)(1)(iv). In addition, the af-
tanks must be repaired in accordance fected piping, valve, or fitting must be
with either the most recent revision of tested in accordance with paragraph
the original specification or with the (c)(1) of this section.
DOT 412 specification in effect at the
(3) Hoses on cargo tanks in dedicated
time of repair;
liquefied compressed gas, except car-
(5) MC 338 cargo tanks must be re-
bon dioxide, service are excepted from
paired in accordance with the speci-
fication requirements in effect at the these testing requirements, but must
time of repair; and be tested in accordance with § 180.416(f).
(6) MC 330 and MC 331 cargo tanks (d) Modification, stretching, or rebarrel-
must be repaired in accordance with ling. Modification, stretching or re-
the repair procedures described in CGA barrelling of a cargo tank motor vehi-
Technical Bulletin TB–2 (IBR, see cle must conform to the following pro-
§ 171.7 of this subchapter) and the Na- visions:
tional Board Inspection Code (IBR, see (1) The design of the modified,
§ 171.7 of this subchapter). Each cargo stretched, or rebarrelled cargo tank
tank having cracks or other defects re- motor vehicle must be certified in
quiring welded repairs must meet all writing by a Design Certifying Engi-
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

inspection, test, and heat treatment re- neer as meeting the structural integ-
quirements in § 178.337–16 of this sub- rity and accident damage protection
chapter in effect at the time of the re- requirements of the applicable speci-
pair, except that postweld heat treat- fication.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 180.413

(2) Except as provided in paragraph ling that affects the lading retention
(d)(2)(v) of this section, all new mate- capability of the cargo tank by per-
rial and equipment affected by modi- forming the tests required in the appli-
fication, stretching, or rebarrelling cable specification or § 180.407(g)(1)(iv).
must meet the requirements of the (v) Any modification that changes in-
specification in effect at the time such formation displayed on the specifica-
work is performed, and all applicable tion plate requires the installation of a
structural integrity requirements supplemental specification plate,
(§ 178.337–3, § 178.338–3, or § 178.345–3 of nameplate, or both containing the in-
this subchapter). The work must con- formation that reflects the cargo tank
form to the requirements of the appli- as modified, stretched or rebarrelled.
cable specification as follows: The plate must include the name of the
(i) For specification MC 300, MC 301, person or facility doing the work, DOT
MC 302, MC 303, MC 305 and MC 306 registration number, date work is com-
cargo tanks, the provisions of either pleted, retest information, and any
specification MC 306 or DOT 406 until other information that differs from the
August 31, 1995 and, thereafter to speci- original plate. The supplemental plates
fication DOT 406 only; must be installed immediately adja-
(ii) For specification MC 304 and MC cent to the existing plate or plates.
307 cargo tanks, the provisions of ei- (vi) On a variable specification cargo
ther specification MC 307 or DOT 407 tank, install a supplemental or new
until August 31, 1995 and, thereafter to variable specification plate, and re-
specification DOT 407 only; place the specification listed on the
(iii) For specification MC 310, MC 311, original specification plate with the
and MC 312 cargo tanks, the provisions words ‘‘see variable specification
of either specification MC 312 or DOT plate.’’
412 until August 31, 1995 and, thereafter (4) A Registered Inspector must cer-
to specification DOT 412 only; tify that the modified, stretched, or
(iv) For specification MC 330 cargo rebarrelled cargo tank conforms to the
tanks, the provisions of specification requirements of this section and the
MC 331; and applicable specification by issuing a
(v) For specification MC 338 cargo supplemental certificate of compliance.
tanks, the provisions of specification The registration number of the Reg-
MC 338. However, structural modifica- istered Inspector must be entered on
tions to MC 338 cargo tanks authorized the certificate.
under § 180.405(d) may conform to appli- (e) Mounting of cargo tanks. Mounting
cable provisions of the ASME Code in- a cargo tank on a cargo tank motor ve-
stead of specification MC 338, provided hicle must be:
the structural integrity of the modified (1) Performed as required by para-
cargo tank is at least equivalent to graph (d)(2) of this section and certified
that of the original cargo tank. by a Design Certifying Engineer if the
(3) The person performing the modi- mounting of a cargo tank on a motor
fication, stretching, or rebarrelling vehicle chassis involves welding on the
must: cargo tank head or shell or any change
(i) Have knowledge of the original de- or modification of the methods of at-
sign concept, particularly with respect tachment; or
to structural design analysis, material (2) In accordance with the original
and welding procedures. specification for attachment to the
(ii) Assure compliance of the rebuilt chassis or the specification for attach-
cargo tank’s structural integrity, vent- ment to the chassis in effect at the
ing, and accident damage protection time of the mounting, and performed
with the applicable specification re- under the supervision of a Registered
quirements. Inspector if the mounting of a cargo
(iii) Assure compliance with all ap- tank on a motor vehicle chassis does
plicable Federal Motor Carrier Safety not involve welding on the cargo tank
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Regulations for all newly installed head or shell or a change or modifica-

safety equipment. tion of the methods of attachment.
(iv) Assure the suitability of each (f) Records. Each owner of a cargo
modification, stretching and rebarrel- tank motor vehicle must retain at the


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§ 180.415 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

owner’s principal place of business all cargo tank passed the leakage test under
records of repair, modification, both § 180.407(h)(1) and under EPA Method 27
stretching, or rebarrelling, including in § 180.407(h)(2).
notation of any tests conducted to (c) For a cargo tank motor vehicle
verify the suitability of the repair, composed of multiple cargo tanks con-
modification, stretching, or rebarrel- structed to the same specification,
ling made to each cargo tank during which are tested and inspected at the
the time the cargo tank motor vehicle same time, one set of test and inspec-
is in service and for one year there- tion markings may be used to satisfy
after. Copies of these records must be the requirements of this section. For a
retained by a motor carrier, if not the cargo tank motor vehicle composed of
owner of the cargo tank motor vehicle, multiple cargo tanks constructed to
at its principal place of business during different specifications, which are test-
the period the cargo tank motor vehi- ed and inspected at different intervals,
cle is in the carrier’s service. the test and inspection markings must
[68 FR 19288, Apr. 18, 2003; 68 FR 52372, Sept. appear in the order of the cargo tank’s
3, 2003, as amended at 68 FR 75764, Dec. 31, corresponding location, from front to
2003] rear.
§ 180.415 Test and inspection mark- [Amdt. 180–2, 56 FR 27879, June 17, 1991, as
ings. amended by Amdt. 180–3, 56 FR 66287, Dec. 20,
1991; 57 FR 45466, Oct. 1, 1992; Amdt. 180–6, 59
(a) Each cargo tank successfully FR 49135, Sept. 26, 1994; Amdt. 180–10, 61 FR
completing the test and inspection re- 51343, Oct. 1, 1996; 68 FR 19290, Apr. 18, 2003; 68
quirements contained in § 180.407 must FR 52372, Sept. 3, 2003]
be marked as specified in this section.
(b) Each cargo tank must be durably § 180.416 Discharge system inspection
and legibly marked, in English, with and maintenance program for cargo
the date (month and year) and the type tanks transporting liquefied com-
of test or inspection performed, subject pressed gases.
to the following provisions: (a) Applicability. This section is appli-
(1) The date must be readily identifi- cable to an operator using specification
able with the applicable test or inspec- MC 330, MC 331, and nonspecification
tion. cargo tanks authorized under
(2) The markings must be in letters § 173.315(k) of this subchapter for trans-
and numbers at least 32 mm (1.25 portation of liquefied compressed gases
inches) high, near the specification other than carbon dioxide. Paragraphs
plate or anywhere on the front head. (b), (c), (d)(1), (d)(5), (e), (f), and (g)(1) of
(3) The type of test or inspection may this section, applicable to delivery
be abbreviated as follows: hose assemblies, apply only to hose as-
(i) V for external visual inspection semblies installed or carried on the
and test; cargo tank.
(ii) I for internal visual inspection; (b) Hose identification. By July 1, 2000,
(iii) P for pressure test; the operator must assure that each de-
(iv) L for lining inspection; livery hose assembly is permanently
(v) T for thickness test; and marked with a unique identification
(vi) K for leakage test for a cargo number and maximum working pres-
tank tested under § 180.407, except sure.
§ 180.407(h)(2); and (c) Post-delivery hose check. After each
(vii) K-EPA27 for a cargo tank tested unloading, the operator must visually
under § 180.407(h)(2) after October 1, check that portion of the delivery hose
2004. assembly deployed during the unload-
Examples to paragraph (b). The markings ing.
‘‘10–99 P, V, L’’ represent that in October 1999 (d) Monthly inspections and tests. (1)
a cargo tank passed the prescribed pressure The operator must visually inspect
test, external visual inspection and test, and
each delivery hose assembly at least
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

the lining inspection. The markings ‘‘2–00 K-

EPA27’’ represent that in February 2000 a once each calendar month the delivery
cargo tank passed the leakage test under hose assembly is in service.
§ 180.407(h)(2). The markings ‘‘2–00 K, K- (2) The operator must visually in-
EPA27’’ represent that in February 2000 a spect the piping system at least once


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 180.416

each calendar month the cargo tank is (1) The operator must visually exam-
in service. The inspection must include ine the delivery hose assembly while it
fusible elements and all components of is under pressure.
the piping system, including bolts, con- (2) Upon successful completion of the
nections, and seals. pressure test and inspection, the oper-
(3) At least once each calendar month ator must assure that the delivery hose
a cargo tank is in service, the operator assembly is permanently marked with
must actuate all emergency discharge the month and year of the test.
control devices designed to close the (3) After July 1, 2000, the operator
internal self-closing stop valve to as- must complete a record documenting
sure that all linkages operate as de- the test and inspection, including the
signed. appendix A to this part outlines date, the signature of the inspector,
acceptable procedures that may be the hose owner, the hose identification
used for this test. number, the date of original delivery
(4) The operator of a cargo tank must hose assembly and test, notes of any
check the internal self-closing stop defects observed and repairs made, and
valve in the liquid discharge opening an indication that the delivery hose as-
for leakage through the valve at least sembly passed or failed the tests and
once each calendar month the cargo inspections. A copy of each test and in-
tank is in service. On cargo tanks spection record must be retained by
equipped with a meter, the meter creep the operator at its principal place of
test as outlined in appendix B to this business or where the vehicle is housed
part or a test providing equivalent ac- or maintained until the next test of the
curacy is acceptable. For cargo tanks same type is successfully completed.
that are not equipped with a meter, ap- (g) Rejection criteria. (1) No operator
pendix B to this part outlines one ac- may use a delivery hose assembly de-
ceptable method that may be used to termined to have any condition identi-
check internal self-closing stop valves fied below for unloading liquefied com-
for closure. pressed gases. An operator may remove
(5) After July 1, 2000, the operator and replace damaged sections or cor-
must note each inspection in a record. rect defects discovered. Repaired hose
That record must include the inspec- assemblies may be placed back in serv-
tion date, the name of the person per- ice if retested successfully in accord-
forming the inspection, the hose as- ance with paragraph (f) of this section.
sembly identification number, the (i) Damage to the hose cover that ex-
company name, the date the hose was poses the reinforcement.
assembled and tested, and an indica- (ii) Wire braid reinforcement that
tion that the delivery hose assembly has been kinked or flattened so as to
and piping system passed or failed the permanently deform the wire braid.
tests and inspections. A copy of each (iii) Soft spots when not under pres-
test and inspection record must be re- sure, bulging under pressure, or loose
tained by the operator at its principal outer covering.
place of business or where the vehicle (iv) Damaged, slipping, or excessively
is housed or maintained until the next worn hose couplings.
test of the same type is successfully (v) Loose or missing bolts or fas-
completed. tenings on bolted hose coupling assem-
(e) Annual hose leakage test. The blies.
owner of a delivery hose assembly that (2) No operator may use a cargo tank
is not permanently attached to a cargo with a piping system found to have any
tank motor vehicle must ensure that condition identified in this paragraph
the hose assembly is annually tested in (g)(2) for unloading liquefied com-
accordance with § 180.407(h)(4). pressed gases.
(f) New or repaired delivery hose assem- (i) Any external leak identifiable
blies. Each operator of a cargo tank without the use of instruments.
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

must ensure each new and repaired de- (ii) Bolts that are loose, missing, or
livery hose assembly is tested at a min- severely corroded.
imum of 120 percent of the hose max- (iii) Manual stop valves that will not
imum working pressure. actuate.


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§ 180.417 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(iv) Rubber hose flexible connectors an owner does not have a manufactur-
with any condition outlined in para- er’s certificate for a cargo tank and he
graph (g)(1) of this section. wishes to certify it as a specification
(v) Stainless steel flexible connectors cargo tank, the owner must perform
with damaged reinforcement braid. appropriate tests and inspections,
(vi) Internal self-closing stop valves under the direct supervision of a Reg-
that fail to close or that permit leak- istered Inspector, to determine if the
age through the valve detectable with- cargo tank conforms with the applica-
out the use of instruments. ble specification. Both the owner and
(vii) Pipes or joints that are severely the Registered Inspector must certify
corroded. that the cargo tank fully conforms to
[64 FR 28051, May 24, 1999] the applicable specification. The owner
must retain the certificate, as specified
§ 180.417 Reporting and record reten- in this section.
tion requirements. (ii) ASME Code Stamped cargo tanks. If
(a) Vehicle certification. (1) Each the owner does not have the manufac-
owner of a specification cargo tank turer’s certificate required by the spec-
must retain the manufacturer’s certifi- ification and the manufacturer’s data
cate, the manufacturer’s ASME U1A report required by the ASME, the
data report, where applicable, and re- owner may contact the National Board
lated papers certifying that the speci- for a copy of the manufacturer’s data
fication cargo tank identified in the report, if the cargo tank was registered
documents was manufactured and test- with the National Board, or copy the
ed in accordance with the applicable information contained on the cargo
specification. This would include any tank’s identification and ASME Code
certification of emergency discharge plates. Additionally, both the owner
control systems required by § 173.315(n) and the Registered Inspector must cer-
of this subchapter or § 180.405(m). The tify that the cargo tank fully conforms
owner must retain the documents to the specification. The owner must
throughout his ownership of the speci- retain such documents, as specified in
fication cargo tank and for one year this section.
thereafter. In the event of a change in (b) Test or inspection reporting. Each
ownership, the prior owner must retain person performing a test or inspection
non-fading photo copies of these docu- as specified in § 180.407 must prepare a
ments for one year. written report, in English, in accord-
(2) Each motor carrier who uses a ance with this paragraph.
specification cargo tank motor vehicle (1) Each test or inspection report
must obtain a copy of the manufactur- must include the following informa-
er’s certificate and related papers or tion:
the alternative report authorized by
(i) Owner’s and manufacturer’s
paragraph (a)(3)(i) or (ii) of this section
unique serial number for the cargo
and retain the documents as specified
in this paragraph (a)(2). A motor car-
(ii) Name of cargo tank manufac-
rier who is not the owner of a cargo
tank motor vehicle must also retain a
copy of the vehicle certification report (iii) Cargo tank DOT or MC specifica-
for as long as the cargo tank motor ve- tion number;
hicle is used by that carrier and for one (iv) MAWP of the cargo tank;
year thereafter. The information re- (v) Minimum thickness of the cargo
quired by this section must be main- tank shell and heads when the cargo
tained at the company’s principal place tank is thickness tested in accordance
of business or at the location where the with § 180.407(d)(5), § 180.407(e)(3),
vehicle is housed or maintained. The § 180.407(f)(3), or § 180.407(i);
provisions of this section do not apply (vi) Indication of whether the cargo
to a motor carrier who leases a cargo tank is lined, insulated, or both; and
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

tank for less than 30 days. (vii) Indication of special service of

(3) DOT Specification cargo tanks man- the cargo tank (e.g., transports mate-
ufactured before September 1, 1995—(i) rial corrosive to the tank, dedicated
Non-ASME Code stamped cargo tanks—If service, etc.)


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 180.417

(2) Each test or inspection report motor carrier operating a Specification

must include the following specific in- MC 330 or MC 331 cargo tank in anhy-
formation as appropriate for each indi- drous ammonia, liquefied petroleum
vidual type of test or inspection: gas, or any other service that may
(i) Type of test or inspection per- cause stress corrosion cracking, must
formed; make a written report containing the
(ii) Date of test or inspection (month following information:
and year); (i) Carrier’s name, address of prin-
(iii) Listing of all items tested or in- cipal place of business, and telephone
spected, including information about number;
pressure relief devices that are re- (ii) Complete identification plate
moved, inspected and tested or re- data required by Specification MC 330
placed, when applicable (type of device, or MC 331, including data required by
set to discharge pressure, pressure at ASME Code;
which device opened, pressure at which (iii) Carrier’s equipment number;
device re-seated, and a statement of
(iv) A statement indicating whether
disposition of the device (e.g., re-
or not the tank was stress relieved
installed, repaired, or replaced)); infor-
after fabrication;
mation regarding the inspection of
(v) Name and address of the person
upper coupler assemblies, when appli-
performing the test and the date of the
cable (visually examined in place, or
removed for examination); and, infor-
mation regarding leakage and pressure (vi) A statement of the nature and se-
testing, when applicable (pneumatic or verity of any defects found. In par-
hydrostatic testing method, identifica- ticular, information must be furnished
tion of the fluid used for the test, test to indicate the location of defects de-
pressure, and holding time of test); tected, such as in weld, heat-affected
(iv) Location of defects found and zone, the liquid phase, the vapor phase,
method of repair; or the head-to-shell seam. If no defect
(v) ASME or National Board Certifi- or damage was discovered, that fact
cate of Authorization number of facil- must be reported;
ity performing repairs, if applicable; (vii) A statement indicating the
(vi) Name and address of person per- methods employed to make repairs,
forming test; who made the repairs, and the date
(vii) Registration number of the fa- they were completed. Also, a statement
cility or person performing the test; of whether or not the tank was stress
(viii) Continued qualification state- relieved after repairs and, if so, wheth-
ment, such as ‘‘cargo tank meets the er full or local stress relieving was per-
requirements of the DOT specification formed;
identified on this report’’ or ‘‘cargo (viii) A statement of the disposition
tank fails to meet the requirements of of the cargo tank, such as ‘‘cargo tank
the DOT specification identified on scrapped’’ or ‘‘cargo tank returned to
this report’’; service’’; and
(ix) DOT registration number of the (ix) A statement of whether or not
registered inspector; and the cargo tank is used in anhydrous
(x) Dated signature of the registered ammonia, liquefied petroleum gas, or
inspector and the cargo tank owner. any other service that may cause
(3) The owner and the motor carrier, stress corrosion cracking. Also, if the
if not the owner, must each retain a cargo tank has been used in anhydrous
copy of the test and inspection reports ammonia service since the last report,
until the next test or inspection of the a statement indicating whether each
same type is successfully completed. shipment of ammonia was certified by
This requirement does not apply to a its shipper as containing 0.2 percent
motor carrier leasing a cargo tank for water by weight.
fewer than 30 days. (2) A copy of the report must be re-
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(c) Additional requirements for Speci- tained by the carrier at its principal
fication MC 330 and MC 331 cargo tanks. place of business during the period the
(1) After completion of the pressure cargo tank is in the carrier’s service
test specified in § 180.407(g)(3), each and for one year thereafter. Upon a


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§ 180.501 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

written request to, and with the ap- § 180.503 Definitions.

proval of, the Field Administrator, Re- The definitions contained in §§ 171.8
gional Service Center, Federal Motor and 179.2 of this subchapter apply.
Carrier Safety Administration for the
region in which a motor carrier has its § 180.505 Quality assurance program.
principal place of business, the carrier The quality assurance program re-
may maintain the reports at a regional quirements of § 179.7 of this subchapter
or terminal office. apply.
(3) The requirement in paragraph
(c)(1) of this section does not apply to § 180.507 Qualification of tank cars.
a motor carrier leasing a cargo tank (a) Each tank car marked as meeting
for less than 30 days. a ‘‘DOT’’ specification or any other
(d) Supplying certificates and reports. tank car used for the transportation of
Each person offering a DOT-specifica- a hazardous material must meet the re-
tion cargo tank for sale or lease must quirements of this subchapter or the
provide the purchaser or lessee a copy applicable specification to which the
of the cargo tank certificate of compli- tank was constructed.
ance, records of repair, modification, (b) Tank car specifications no longer
stretching, or rebarrelling; and the authorized for construction. (1) Tank
most recent inspection and test reports cars prescribed in the following table
made under this section. Copies of such are authorized for service provided
reports must be provided to the lessee they conform to all applicable safety
if the cargo tank is leased for more requirements of this subchapter:
than 30 days.
Specification pre- Other specifications per-
[Amdt. 180–2, 54 FR 25032, June 12, 1989, as scribed in the current mitted Notes
amended at 55 FR 21038, May 22, 1990; 55 FR regulations
37069, Sept. 7, 1990; 56 FR 27879, June 17, 1991; 105A200W .................. 105A100W .......................... 1
58 FR 12905, Mar. 8, 1993; Amdt. 180–2, 59 FR 105A200ALW .............. 105A100ALW ...................... 1
1786, Jan. 12, 1994; Amdt. 180–10, 61 FR 51343, 105A300W .................. ICC–105, 105A300.
Oct. 1, 1996; 63 FR 52850, Oct. 1, 1998; 64 FR 105A400W .................. 105A400.
28052, May 24, 1999; 65 FR 50463, Aug. 18, 2000; 105A500W .................. 105A500.
105A600W .................. 105A600.
67 FR 61016, Sept. 27, 2002; 68 FR 19290, Apr.
106A500X ................... ICC–27, BE–27, 106A500.
18, 2003; 68 FR 52372, Sept. 3, 2003; 69 FR 54047, 106A800X ................... 106A800.
Sept. 7, 2004; 70 FR 34077, June 13, 2005; 76 FR 107A * * * * ............... ............................................. 2
43532, July 20, 2011]
NOTE 1: Tanks built as Specification DOT 105A100W or
DOT 105A100ALW may be altered and converted to DOT
105A200W and DOT 105A200ALW, respectively.
Subpart F—Qualification and NOTE 2: The test pressures of tanks built in the United
Maintenance of Tank Cars States between January 1, 1941 and December 31, 1955,
may be increased to conform to Specification 107A. Original
and revised test pressure markings must be indicated and
may be shown on the tank or on a plate attached to the bulk-
SOURCE: Amdt. 180–8, 60 FR 49079, Sept. 21, head of the car. Tanks built before 1941 are not authorized.
1995, unless otherwise noted.
(2) For each tank car conforming to
§ 180.501 Applicability. and used under an exemption issued be-
fore October 1, 1984, which authorized
(a) This subpart prescribes require- the transportation of a cryogenic liq-
ments, in addition to those contained uid in a tank car, the owner or oper-
in parts 107, 171, 172, 173, and 179 of this ator shall remove the exemption num-
subchapter, applicable to any person ber stenciled on the tank car and
who manufactures, fabricates, marks, stamp the tank car with the appro-
maintains, repairs, inspects, or services priate Class DOT-113 specification fol-
tank cars to ensure continuing quali- lowed by the applicable exemption
fication. number. For example: DOT-113D60W-E
(b) Any person who performs a func- * * * * (asterisks to be replaced by the
tion prescribed in this part shall per- exemption number). The owner or oper-
form that function in accordance with ator marking a tank car in this man-
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

this part. ner shall retain on file a copy of the

[Amdt. 180–8, 60 FR 49079, Sept. 21, 1995, as last exemption in effect during the pe-
amended by Amdt. 179–50, 61 FR 33256, June riod the tank car is in service. No per-
26, 1996] son may modify a tank car marked


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