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§ 190.217 49 CFR Ch.

I (10–1–11 Edition)

contain a brief statement of the com- lations and to issue an order directing
plaint and an explanation as to why compliance.
the effectiveness of the final order
[Amdt. 190–6, 61 FR 18514, Apr. 26, 1996]
should be stayed.
(b) If the respondent requests the § 190.219 Consent order.
consideration of additional facts or ar-
(a) At any time before the issuance of
guments, the respondent must submit
a compliance order under § 190.213 the
the reasons they were not presented
Associate Administrator, OPS and the
prior to issuance of the final order.
respondent may agree to dispose of the
(c) The Associate Administrator, case by joint execution of a consent
OPS does not consider repetitious in- order. Upon such joint execution, the
formation, arguments, or petitions. consent order shall be considered a
(d) The filing of a petition under this final order under § 190.213.
section stays the payment of any civil (b) A consent order executed under
penalty assessed. However, unless the paragraph (a) of this section shall in-
Associate Administrator, OPS other- clude:
wise provides, the order, including any (1) An admission by the respondent of
required corrective action, is not all jurisdictional facts;
(2) An express waiver of further pro-
(e) The Associate Administrator, cedural steps and of all right to seek
OPS may grant or deny, in whole or in judicial review or otherwise challenge
part, any petition for reconsideration or contest the validity of that order;
without further proceedings. In the (3) An acknowledgement that the no-
event the Associate Administrator, tice of probable violation may be used
OPS reconsiders a final order, a final to construe the terms of the consent
decision on reconsideration may be order; and
issued without further proceedings, or,
(4) A statement of the actions re-
in the alternative, additional informa-
quired of the respondent and the time
tion, data, and comment may be re-
by which such actions shall be accom-
quested by the Associate Adminis-
trator, OPS as deemed appropriate.
(f) It is the policy of the Associate [45 FR 20413, Mar. 27, 1980, as amended by
Administrator, OPS to issue notice of Amdt. 190–6, 61 FR 18514, Apr. 26, 1996]
the action taken on a petition for re-
consideration expeditiously. In cases CIVIL PENALTIES
where a substantial delay is expected, § 190.221 Civil penalties generally.
notice of that fact and the date by
which it is expected that action will be When the Associate Administrator,
taken is provided to the respondent OPS has reason to believe that a per-
upon request and whenever practicable. son has committed an act which is a
violation of any provision of the 49
[Amdt. 190–6, 61 FR 18514, Apr. 26, 1996, as U.S.C. 60101 et seq. or any regulation or
amended by Amdt 190–7, 61 FR 27792, June 3, order issued thereunder, proceedings
1996; 70 FR 11137, Mar. 8, 2005]
under §§ 190.207 through 190.213 may be
COMPLIANCE ORDERS conducted to determine the nature and
extent of the violations and to assess
§ 190.217 Compliance orders generally. and, if appropriate, compromise a civil
When the Associate Administrator,
OPS has reason to believe that a per- [Amdt. 190–6, 61 FR 18515, Apr. 26, 1996]
son is engaging in conduct which in-
volves a violation of the 49 U.S.C. 60101 § 190.223 Maximum penalties.
et seq. or any regulation issued there- (a) Any person who is determined to
under, and if the nature of the viola- have violated a provision of 49 U.S.C.
tion, and the public interest warrant, 60101 et seq., or any regulation or order
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

the Associate Administrator, OPS may issued thereunder, is subject to a civil

conduct proceedings under §§ 190.207 penalty not to exceed $100,000 for each
through 190.213 of this part to deter- violation for each day the violation
mine the nature and extent of the vio- continues except that the maximum


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