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There is relatively increasing change that is taking is taking place within the industrial sector of Ghana
which tends to affect business activities both positively and negatively. This is mainly as a result of the
influx of enterprises that are brought into existence particularly by individuals thereby increasing the
number of businesses within the private sector. These private businesses go a long way to help the
public sector enterprises in providing the various goods and services needed for the betterment and
utmost survival of people residing in the country. the significance of their existence can therefore never
be downplayed and this has led to the establishment of many of such businesses entities which has
resulted in the establishment of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs). Date obtained from the
Registrar General shows that 90% of companies registered are micro, small and medium enterprises but
they are faced with a lot of challenges which go a long way to hinder their smooth operations;
paramount among them is lack of financial aid to enable them develop and expand in order to widen
their scope of operation. financial institutions are reluctant about lending them money because of lack
of managerial skills, improper book keeping, lack of knowledge about bank policies, financial
management, inflation and other economic factors as most of these business owners are illiterates. I
therefore seek to join forces with NGOs and other bodies to ascertain the problems faced by small and
medium enterprises with respect to finances, proper book keeping and managerial skills and also help
bridge the information gap between them and financial institutions.

2. My foundation and passion to study a Master’s of Management, Economics and consumer studies at a
postgraduate result from a combination of my undergraduate studies in business administration
(banking and finance) in my home country Ghana and my hands-on experience in the banking sector
which I enjoyed. MSc Economics, Management and Consumer Studies in Wageningen University will
enhance and equip me with the array of subject -specific and transferable skills and knowledge. It will
help me acquire knowledge in business administration, economics, problem solving ,analytical ability
quantitative skills, entrepreneurial skills among others, which will enhance my ability to provide the
needed training and skills that small and medium enterprises will need to understand the economy and
boost their business and the economy as a whole. Knowledge of the economy will poster competition,
innovation and creativity in these small businesses. I will invest in giving them leadership and managerial
skills they need to become innovators and entrepreneurs to expand their business and in the long run
employ more of the unemployed youth in the economy.

3.I am an administrator and front desk person at Jamboree activity Centre. I am in charge of handling
customer complaints and enquires, keeping records of financial transactions, inflows and outflows of
cash, procurement and assisting management in reporting. I regard the Masters at the Wageningen
University, as the ideal course for gaining additional knowledge and expertise in the economy and
ultimately fulfill my career ambition. Given that the modules studies in this programme are shaped and
taught by professionals who have remarkable experience in the industry and made immense impact
ensures the relevance of the course content. I believe that I will be provided with the best preparation
for gaining a solid ground in the industry. Upon completion, I hope to join a graduate scheme with a
global financial institution. This will serve as a training ground to further put to test the acquired
knowledge. In the long run, I hope to play a leading role in helping to nurture the country’s financial
sector in whichever capacity and eventually be the founder of a top-notch finance company.
Most individual have the resources to setup their own small businesses but lack the skills to expand and
grow them. Since basic business skills training and capital are not enough to help new entrepreneurs, I
will supplement with social capital which is very important in providing connection to mentors,
prospective customers, prospective customers, retaining existing customers and contracting

Also, I will quip them with the skills they need in getting financial assistance from financial institutions:
proper book keeping, products and services offered by these financial institutions and the ones available
to SMEs, interest rates, bank policies, among others.

Last but not least, I will use my knowledge in economics and decision making to help them understand
the economy of Ghana, to be able to make effective decisions that will grow and enhance their
businesses. I will ensure also, that the SMEs get a better understanding of the market, resources they
need at a particular time(procurement), taxes, how to be competitive and how to enhance customer

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