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I am immensely grateful to all those who have contributed to the realization of this
Practice Teaching portfolio. This journey has been shaped by the support, guidance,
and encouragement of numerous individuals, without whom this endeavor would not
have been possible.
I extend my deepest appreciation to:

My Critic Teachers: Your expertise, mentorship, and invaluable feedback have been
instrumental in shaping my teaching philosophy and refining my instructional
techniques. Your dedication to education has inspired me beyond measure.

The School Administration: I am thankful for granting me the opportunity to immerse

myself in the classroom environment and for providing the resources essential for a
meaningful teaching experience.

My Peers and Colleagues: Your camaraderie, collaboration, and exchange of ideas

have enriched my learning experience. Our discussions and shared experiences have
been invaluable in my growth as an educator.

My Family: To my family, whose unwavering support, understanding, and patience

have been the cornerstone of my journey. Your encouragement has fueled my
determination to pursue my passion for teaching.

My Friends: For their constant encouragement, understanding, and motivation

throughout this journey.

Every Student: To the young minds I had the privilege to teach during this practice
period. Your enthusiasm, curiosity, and diverse perspectives have been the driving
force behind my dedication to teaching.

This portfolio stands as a testament to the collective efforts of these individuals,

whose contributions have significantly enriched my growth as an educator.
Thank you.

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