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Leadership Level 1

The school identifies opportunities where excellence and continuous improvement can be
practiced by all school personnel and learners

Means of Verifications:

 Complete Package of Documents (CPD) of the following activities:

 School Planning (SIP, AIP/ WFP, Coaching Plan, L & D Plan)
 Quarterly Performance Implementation Review (PIR) / SMEA
 Conduct of Action/School-based research Planning
 CPD for meetings/ conferences:
o *School memo/Invitation letter
o *Minutes of Meetings
o *Attendance sheets
o *photos with captions
o *program
 CPD for trainings/ workshops:
o School memo/Invitation letter
o Attendance sheets
o photos with captions
o training matrix
Leadership Level 3
Standard 1
The school with its stakeholders, collaborates in ensuring the sustainability of promoting a
culture of excellence and continuous improvement

Means of Verifications:

 Sharing of School Best Practices

 List of partners as reflected in the Sustainability Plan with corresponding MOA/MOU
 Implementation of School Banner Project/ CI Project
 M & E Manual / CTAM
 MEA System
Standard 2
The school, with its stakeholders, makes use of its understanding of the DepEd VMVs to sustain
promotion of school effectiveness

Means of Verifications
 School and stakeholders anchor school plans on the context of VMV
 SDO Validated Child friendly school survey with a score of 35 points and above
 PIAs with project designs
 Annual/ Mid-term, Quarterly accomplishment report through SMEA
 SMEA report, list of facilitating/ hindering factors, status report of all PAPs implemented (annual,
midterm, quarterly)

Standard 3
The school regularly reviews and adjusts the annual implementation plan in relation to an
evidence-based strategic plan

Means of Verifications:

 SIP / AIP Catch Up Plan

 Copy of adjusted/ enhanced AIP
 Quarterly SMEA
 quarterly report
 track record of accomplishments of school interventions
 RPMS / IPCRF/ OPCRF performance review / midyear review of office and individual accomplishment
 Accomplished PMRF (Project Monitoring and Report Form)/SMRF (School Monitoring Report Form)
 Reviewed and adjusted ESIP/AIP with SPT

Standard 4
The school collaborates with its stakeholders in designing a developmental plan on the
cultivations and practice of leadership roles and responsibilities

Means of Verifications:

 Learning and Development Plan showing support from stakeholders
 Approved organizational structure of stakeholders with defined roles and responsibilities
 Copy of school manual or handbook of operation

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