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Daum, Timo

Research Report
Agile Methods on the Shop Floor: Towards a "Tesla
Production System"?

Weizenbaum Series, No. 31

Provided in Cooperation with:

WZB Berlin Social Science Center

Suggested Citation: Daum, Timo (2022) : Agile Methods on the Shop Floor: Towards a "Tesla
Production System"?, Weizenbaum Series, No. 31, Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked
Society - The German Internet Institut, Berlin,

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Timo Daum

Agile Methods on the

Shop Floor
Towards a “Tesla Production System”?
Agile Methods on the Shop Floor
Timo Daum \ Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) \ timo.daum@wzb.eu

ISSN 2748-5587 \ DOI 10.34669/WI.WS/31

EDITORS: The Managing Board members of the Weizenbaum-Institut e.V.

Prof. Dr. Christoph Neuberger
Prof. Dr. Sascha Friesike
Prof. Dr. Martin Krzywdzinski

Hardenbergstraße 32 \ 10623 Berlin \ Tel.: +49 30 700141-001

info@weizenbaum-institut.de \ www.weizenbaum-institut.de

TYPESETTING: Roland Toth, M.A.

COPYRIGHT: This series is available open access and is licensed under Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0): https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

WEIZENBAUM INSTITUTE: The Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society – The
German Internet Institute is a joint project funded by the Federal Ministry of
Education and Research (BMBF). It conducts interdisciplinary and basic research
on the changes in society caused by digitalisation and develops options for
shaping politics, business and civil society.

This work has been funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of
Germany (BMBF) (grant no.: 16DII121, 16DII122, 16DII123, 16DII124, 16DII125,
16DII126, 16DII127, 16DII128 – “Deutsches Internet-Institut”) and the Federal
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of Germany (BMAS).

This discussion paper investigates two questions: In the second part, this paper explores to what
To what extend can Tesla be regarded as a digital extent Tesla’s rootedness in software and its Sili-
firm, and do we – as a result – see elements of a con-Valley ancestry gave reason to introduce meth-
distinct “Tesla production system”? ods borrowed from software development on the
shop floor. To a certain degree, concepts from agile
While the EV-startup is widely approached as a software development found their way to the very
competing automaker focusing on the electric drive assembly-line at Tesla.
train, which it certainly is, this paper argues that it
can only fully be understood as a digital firm – a dig- Although it might be exaggerated to speak of a dis-
ital car company with a digital product embedded in tinct “Tesla Production system”, indications for a
a digital ecosystem. Its roots in Silicon Valley, its considerable and possibly enduring alteration of
software-first approach, and its strategic exploita- Lean Production paradigm can be determined.
tion of user activity data point into this direction.
Agile Methods on the Shop Floor

Table of Contents

1 Introduction: The Rise of an EV-startup  5

2 Exploiting the Digital  6

2.1 Platforms and digital ecosystems  6

2.2 The information space  7
2.3 Perpetual innovation  7
2.4 Dual use products, and hybrid users  8

3 Tesla: Tech Company or Car Manufacturer?  9

3.1 Tesla’s “Internet Communications Devices”  9

3.2 Tesla as a platform ecosystem  9
3.3 Tesla’s over-the-air perpetual innovation  11
3.4 Tesla’s crowdsourced innovation  11

4 Agile Methods: From Bits to Atoms  13

4.1 Agile methods  13

4.2 Agility in manufacturing?  14
4.3 Tesla, first principles, and the Giga Press  15
4.4 Agile principles at Tesla  16
4.5 Tesla: Test Driven Development  17
4.6 Confirmation from disassembly  18
4.7 Tesla’s agile factories  18
Agile Methods on the Shop Floor

5 Conclusion: Towards an Agile Production System?  19

5.1 A metal-bending digital company  19

5.2 Product and exploitation  19
5.3 Keeping up the pace  19
5.4 Agility on the shop floor  20
5.5 A “Tesla Production System”?  20
5.6 Outlook  21

6 Literature  21
Agile Methods on the Shop Floor \5

1 Introduction: The Rise of an EV-startup

Tesla Motors was founded in 2003 in San Carlos, production – Tesla has sold over 250.000 units of
California (USA) by two engineers, Martin Eber- the Model S.
hard and Marc Tarpenning, who were later joined
by today’s CEO Elon Musk. The early years follow In 2015 the production of “Model 3” was powered
the playbook of Silicon Valley tech startups: Its up, a more affordable upper middle class sedan. In
founders made their money in the digital economy, 2018 Tesla reached a production volume of 5,000
and in the early years, Tesla relied heavily on ven- cars per week. This achievement was acknowl-
ture capital funding. Since it was founded in 2003, edged throughout industry at the time, and consid-
Tesla has pursued the long-term goal to build cheap ered a watershed moment for the company. The
electric vehicles (EVs) for the mass market in large achievement of this self-imposed goal, albeit just
numbers. On each step, the money and experience barely, is said to have led the auto industry to take
necessary to affront the next step were to be gained, Tesla seriously for the first time as a competing au-
moving from top to bottom of the market, starting tomaker. In 2021, Tesla ranked as global leader in
with expensive cars in small numbers followed up electric vehicle production after selling approxi-
by ever-more affordable and accessible cars. Tesla mately 936,200 units. Tesla hat become the world’s
Motors’ CEO Elon Musk wrote in the company’s biggest manufacturer of EVs, with annual growth
blog in 2006 about the long-term strategy: “Build a rates around 50 % (Carlier 2022).
sports car. Take the money to build a more afford-
able car. Use that money to build an even cheap- Tesla is the first American car maker to enter the
er car. And at the same time make sure that there stock market since the Ford Motor Company in
are charging options for emission-free electricity” 1956. By the end of 2021, Tesla reached a valua-
(Niemeyer 2021, p. 34). tion on the stock market of over a trillion US Dol-
lars, making it for several weeks the most valuable
This plan is reflected in the history of the company: company in the world. At least in terms of market
In 2009, Tesla’s launched its first car, the 110,000 capitalization, Tesla has since enjoyed the proxim-
US$ “Roadster”, a sports car manufactured by Lo- ity with Amazon, Alphabet, Apple, Facebook, and
tus Cars headquartered in Norwich (UK). With this Microsoft – the leading companies of digital capi-
model, Tesla proved the concept of a performative talism, its value at the stock market still by around
and reliable battery-powered sports car. As of today, an order or magnitude above the ones of traditional
2,450 Roadsters have been sold, mostly in 2012. auto makers. As the aforementioned Silicon Val-
ley companies, it shares roots in the venture-capi-
This model was then followed by Tesla’s first tal-driven startup scene in California, the share the
full-production car, the luxury sedan “Model S”, an spirit and sometimes megalomaniacal mission to
all-electric luxury sedan and the first vehicle devel- make the world a better place – in the case of Tesla
oped from the ground up by Tesla and built entire- “to accelerate the world‘s transition to sustainable
ly in-house in Tesla’s firs own factory in Freemont energy” (“About Tesla” 2022).
(CA). The car collected awards, like Motor Trend‘s
“Car of the Year“, and outperformed competing Tesla has become the prime innovation driver for
models– according to industry experts (Matousek the automobile industry, and the pacesetter for the
2019). The model put Tesla on the map as seri- global transition to battery-electric vehicles. Tes-
ous contender in the luxury segment, especially in la’s innovation in the sector is mainly noticeable
the United States. Up to date – the model is still in in three main areas: the product, the role of the
Agile Methods on the Shop Floor \6

customer, and the production process itself. Tes- der Ziegler write on Tesla: “With the Califor-
la became a pioneer of a “digital-industrial hybrid nian company, a competitor has established itself
sector” (Valentin 2019, p. 7) and can be described on the market that operates in automotive with
as “a digital company that happens to also build the new business models of Internet companies”
cars” (Daum 2018). Andreas Boes and Alexan- (Boes, Ziegler 2021, p. 5).

2 Exploiting the Digital

The term “digital firm” was introduced in 2009 by say – the factory of digital capitalism (Daum 2017).
Kenneth and Jane Laudon in their work on man- Although not replacing traditional industries and
agement information systems. They defined it as factories, they became a “sectoral mode of accumu-
“an organization that has enabled core business lation” (Lüthje 2016), characteristic for capitalism
relationships through digital networks” (Laudon in the era of information. The applications of al-
2006). From a more critical perspective, the analy- gorithms and data extracting technologies have be-
sis of digital companies as representatives of “digi- come the centerpiece of digital capitalism’s mode
tal capitalism”, a term coined by Dan Schiller, lead of value production.
to an understanding of the digital economy as dis-
tinct mode of value creation (Schiller 1999). Its key Corporations in the digital economy tend to strive
operations can be summoned with Evgeny Moro- for building of platforms or ecosystems, pursue a
zov’s term “data extractivism” – a strong analogy monopoly in their field, and try to keep their users
to fossil extraction portrays business models evolv- locked in. Their actual or envisaged potential for
ing around user data creation and their exploitation scale – the world’s entire population being often
with the help of algorithms (Morozov 2016). Dig- the ceiling of their efforts – invite a constant flow of
itization has created a powerful new type of com- venture capital, resulting in exorbitant stock mar-
pany whose business model is based on platforms. ket valuations and enormous liquidity. Their val-
Especially tech companies have embraced the oper- uation comes mainly not from tangible assets but
ation of internet-based applications and infrastruc- from their user base and future prospects, especial-
tures following the platform model, which became ly through the promise of market domination.
center-piece of their monetarization activities.
Traditional firms in every sector of the economy
are shifting towards cloud and software driven op-
2.1 Platforms and digital ecosystems erations, and are at least in part adapting features
and aspects of the culture of digital firms. Ziegler
Key mechanisms of platform capitalism according describes how the modi operandi of “the internet
to Srnicek are primarily the development of pro- economy find their way onto the strategic agenda of
prietary platforms and ecosystems, the cross-sub- industrial companies”, resulting in “the contours
sidization of free services, and the exploitation of of a new type of industrial company for an infor-
network effects and user activity on those plat- matized mode of production” to emerge (Ziegler
forms (Srnicek 2018). According to Seemann, the 2020, p. 289). Valladão calls this vision the “vir-
platform constitutes a new form of social organiza- tual conveyor belt”: “A production process link-
tion, marketplace and public space at the same time ing real-time online monitoring of its customers,
(Seemann 2020). Platforms have become – so to Big Data treatment, and interactive information
Agile Methods on the Shop Floor \7

flows from manufacturing components” (Valladão a new kind of “social space of action”. This is re-
2014). The effect is two-fold: The application of garded by the authors as “a fundamental leap in
internet-centered technologies in industrial manu- the development of productive forces in society“
facturing, accompanied by efforts by the involved (Boes, Kämpf 2012, p. 325). Boes writes: “For the
firms to transform themselves into companies pur- first time in human history, it is possible to make
suing digital value chains. people’s general use of information ‘connectable’
to complex information systems in a common me-
In the following, I will focus on three theoretical dium” (Boes 2005, p. 221).
starting points which describe mechanisms that
digital firms have developed in their pursuit of eco- The revenue model of internet companies in fact
nomic success. These are the exploitation of the in- constitutes a model for the “economic exploitation
formation space, perpetual innovation, and the hy- of the information space” and thus “a new par-
brid user. I consider their presence to be crucial for adigm of value creation“ (Boes, Ziegler 2021, p.
the understanding of the paradigm shift that Tesla 15). Andreas Boes also speaks of a “new produc-
introduced in the automotive industry. tion system”, with regard to the way in which inter-
net firms act. The shift from the production of large
numbers of identical tangible objects towards in-
2.2 The information space formed objects, objects with a considerable portion
of information, create “an open space of possibili-
In what Karl Marx described as “big industry” ties for completely new applications, within which
(Große Industrie) the exploitation of wage-labour objects linked to the information space, such as the
in the “direct production process” is central to both automobile, can change their character” (Ziegler
production and value creation (Marx 1865, p. 469). 2020, p. 286). Boes’ concept offers a notion for the
While this was central for industrial capitalism, degree of industrial players embracing of data-ex-
in recent years, industries have embraced digita- tractivist mechanisms and business models in an at-
lization, the Internet of Things and internet-relat- tempt to mimic tech companies.
ed business models. As a consequence, these firms
shift into the realm of information, data and net-
works, the “information space” (Boes 2005). The 2.3 Perpetual innovation
shift to information as center-piece of value cre-
ation has a profound impact on the results of the In the information economy the production of iden-
information-determined production process. The tical copies of the same commodity becomes in-
more it becomes defined mainly by its information creasingly nonsensical, thus only new information
content, the less meaningful the processes charac- is in fact information. Additionally, it becomes ev-
teristic for “Big Industry”. er-harder to secure the private use of such infor-
mation. Therefore, as Morris-Suzuki pointed out, it
In Boes’ and co-workers’ view, the conquest of the becomes increasingly “difficult, if not impossible,
information space becomes a “motor” for a new to maintain monopolies of information indefinite-
historical form of accumulation embedded in “a ly, and there is a perpetual tendency for privately
new phase of globalization” (Boes et. al. 2012, p. owned information to flow back into the public do-
28), which is characterized by “informatization as main” (Morris-Suzuki 1996, p. 62).
a central part of the development of social produc-
tive forces“ (Boes, Kämpf 2012, p. 317). Accord- This fundamental property of information chang-
ing to Boes, the Internet constitutes the base tech- es the way innovation functions in capitalism.
nology for the information space, “which becomes Was it once a necessary but exceptional method
Agile Methods on the Shop Floor \8

to streamline production, to outperform the com- finds him- or herself in an ever-tighter feedback
petition, its role now changes profoundly. In an loop between use and update. In “user-generated
increasingly information-focussed economy, the capitalism” (Daum 2017), consumption becomes
creation of new information becomes also the production, the consumer a producer.
main source of surplus value. The “design of new
productive information“ becomes essential and As a consequence, users find themselves in a “hy-
enters the core of a company’s profitable activi- brid state” (Crawford 2021). As Crawford showed
ty (ibid., p. 63). The exploitation of manual labor in her analysis of AI-driven products such as smart
in the “direct production process” (Marx 1863, p. home devices or artificial language assistants, us-
4) thus loses relative importance, and innovation ers take on several roles while using the product or
takes on a new meaning. Occasional leaps in inno- service. They are users of an application or device,
vation are replaced by a continuous ramp-up – the and subsequently customers of the firm, which re-
exception becomes the rule. sults in the build-up of an ever-sharper and richer
user profile. This profile can later be monetized by
This results in a “perpetual innovation economy”, the platform vis-à-vis third parties. But a third role
where “surplus knowledge” is constantly generated of users or customers emerges, too: In the course of
leading to the “incessant generation of new prod- the interaction, they produce new information like
ucts and new methods of production” (Morris-Su- (voice) commands suitable for training the AI algo-
zuki 1996, p. 60). The consequence of this situation rithms at the very core of the system they are using.
is the generation of an ever-changing product, a »This combination of consumer, customer, work-
product which is constantly and continuously mod- er, resource and product is something completely
ified in order to stay ahead of the competition. Boes new«, Crawford emphasizes (ibid.).
and Ziegler make a similar consideration, when
they state that one key principle of the proper use of Users perform unpaid work by communicating,
the “information space” lies in the “transformation correcting and steering the application or service.
of data into innovations as the engine of permanent They become an active part in the life cycle of
innovation” (Boes, Ziegler 2021, p. 17). products as they are incorporated into the process
of further improving and developing the very prod-
ucts they are using, they involuntarily become part
2.4 Dual use products, and hybrid users of closed-loop engineering processes. This leads to
products themselves becoming also hybrid, or – as
A fundamentally new source for such a perpetual the sociologist Peter Schadt puts it – commodities
innovation – this being one of the core inventions of “dual use” (Schadt 2021, p. 33). By generating
of digital capitalism – constitutes the very custom- data while being used by the customers, these data
er or user or client himself or herself. For data-ex- then trigger updates of the very product itself or
tractivist operations of platforms, identification of constitute the basis for new products, which the
the user and the constant monitoring of its activity company can make profitable. Such products de-
are essential for the operation of the service. All velop a double functionality; they are not just prod-
platforms are eager to engage their “prey” and to ucts, they become in fact also means of production.
keep them continuously engaged, stimulating them
to generate a stream of activity data that never runs
dry. This is mainly achieved via tracking technol-
ogies on websites, and creation and maintenance
of user profiles. The exploitation of the end-user
of the very product gains importance, he or she
Agile Methods on the Shop Floor \9

3 Tesla: Tech Company or Car Manufacturer?

In the light of the theory – can we make a case for fact, mainly “internet communications devices” that
Tesla satisfying the conditions of a digital firm, can also be driven around with. As of today, phone
establishing a platform-model ecosystem, a tech calls facilitated by a telephone company have almost
company exploiting the information space, a per- entirely been replaced by numerous apps, and the
manently innovating company using their custom- corresponding business model almost died out.
ers as resource for continuous improvements of the
very product itself?
3.2 Tesla as a platform ecosystem
In order to answer the question, and after having
established some criteria for a digital firm, the fol- Tesla was the first automobile company to treat in-
lowing chapter tries to present evidence for Tesla to ternet connection of its vehicles as of central im-
meeting these criteria, based on economic data, and portance. Since in-house assembly started in 2012
the evaluation of industry experts’ assessments. with the Model S, all subsequent cars have been in
constant connection with Tesla’s servers via the In-
ternet (“Tesla Model S” 2022). The attempt to har-
3.1 Tesla’s “Internet Communications Devices” vest customer data, e.g. their charging behavior, us-
age patterns and driving data sets Tesla apart from
Tesla’s product is not just a traditional car with an other car manufacturers. A former Tesla executive
electric drivetrain; it is designed differently from states, “the basic idea is to make money like Apple
the ground up: At the center is a high-performance does with the App Store“. And automotive consul-
computer running a self-developed operating sys- tant Steffen Gänzle agrees: “The platform model is
tem. The central computer controls all functions the real danger for the competition“ (Freitag, Rest
of the automotive hardware. Software updates and 2022). While Tesla’s entertainment system already
maintenance of the software are done over the air allows third-party applications to be used as web-
or as remote maintenance, as we are used to from apps, like streaming services, it has not yet built an
other digital devices. As opposed to that approach, app-store that would allow the installation of native
traditional automakers to this date part from an en- third-party app. But according to Sawyer Merritt
gineering perspective, and build the car around an Tesla is in active development of an app store for
engine, regarding software functionality as extras its vehicles (Schmidt 2022).
and add-on enhancing the core product, which is
mainly defined by its hardware. Tesla has been consistent in designing the car
around a central computer with an operating system
When introducing the iPhone to the world in 2007, with as few components as possible and ensuring
Apple CEO Steve Jobs famously referred to it as “in- short communication paths. The process of open-
ternet communications device” (Protectstar 2013). ing the car by the driver illustrates this: The car can
By doing so, he pointed at the main innovation only be opened via smartphone with a user prop-
the iPhone represented as opposed to the so-called erly registered and logged on to Tesla’s platform.
smartphones of the time: The iPhone was designed This is convenient for the driver – no keys needed
not as a telephone with internet connectivity and a – and establishes the connection between the Tes-
touch interface, but an internet-first device that could la owner and Tesla’s data centers even before the
also be used to make phone calls. The same can be ride begins. A software-centered approach is taken
said about Tesla’s “mobile devices” – they are, in here well-established in digital devices with their
Agile Methods on the Shop Floor \ 10

operating systems, app stores and update function- for home storage solutions for electricity. Tesla has
ality and also standard operation – but mostly re- been active in the market for storage batteries and
mains uncharted territory for the auto industry. photovoltaic systems, since 2015, when the “Pow-
erwall” was launched. Tesla recently intensified its
Tesla decided early on not to rely on public or activities in the electricity market and is increasingly
third-party charging infrastructure, instead it built becoming an electricity producer and trader (“Große
its own proprietary network from scratch. To date, Energiekonzerne” 2021).
Tesla owns and operates the largest fast charging
network in the world with more than 36,165,000 Tesla’ attempts to be as Internet-centric as possi-
chargers in 3971 stations (“Tesla Supercharger”). ble, also led them to renounce traditional distribu-
They are constantly connected to Tesla’s servers, tion channels, mainly through third-party vendors
enabling the company to remotely monitor their and a network of dealerships. In contrast, Tesla’s
status (free, occupied, reserved, and damaged). website is the main vending portal for the products,
Same applies to the status of approximately two and the cars can be and must be configured and or-
million Tesla vehicles on the road (charged, loca- dered online. The online portal is accompanied by
tion, planned route etc.). Additionally, Tesla offers brick-and-mortar showrooms, where the cars can
by far the smoothest user experience in charging only be examined and test drives can be scheduled.
(“plug and charge”): After plugging in the charging Not only do they omit dealership – a move which
cable, an automatic handshake takes place, the was even illegal at first in some states in the United
charging station recognizes the identity of the car States –, the same happens to contract repair shops.
or rather its owner, resulting in a smooth process Combined with the fact, that EVS need much less
accustomed from digital devices like mobile pay- physical maintenance (no oil exchange, virtually
ments. This ecosystem approach contrasts with no brakes etc.), the necessity to visit a repair shop
the view and subsequent strategy of traditional car in regular intervals becomes no longer necessary
companies – they don’t get their hands dirty with (McKenzie 2019, 58).
the supply of combustible material.
Management consultancy Morgan Stanley calcu-
Tesla offers a travel route planning application and lates that today only half of the Tesla value is based
suggests charging stops like any other EV manu- on its core business. In an enterprise value estimate
facturer. Based on the real-time location data of all based on a “sum-of-the-parts“ method, in which
of its customers, as well as their batteries’ charge different areas of a company are evaluated sep-
level they can provide an optimized route. This arately in order to arrive at an overall evaluation,
knowledge gives the company an advantage over Morgan Stanley concludes that “network services“
third-party solutions or public charging infrastruc- accounts for 30 percent of the rating, while “mo-
ture, where neither the user nor the car-company bility/ride-sharing“ for 7 percent, “Car“ for 49 per-
has access to real-time data, let alone expected oc- cent, insurance for 3 percent, “parts supplier“ for
cupancy in the future. Tesla’s experience with the 11 percent (Powell 2020). The rest is to be provid-
global supercharger network of charging stations ed by the additional business like digital solutions
resulted in a technological lead in the field. This is and mobility services.
key for the usability of the product, and a prime ex-
ample for the competitive advantage a fast scaling Individually customized insurance policies con-
first mover can obtain exploiting network effects. stitute a further business model enabled by the ex-
ploitation of the “information space”. Tesla’s vast
The electricity ecosystem goes further; Tesla is a amounts of individual user data enables it to offer
manufacturer of solar panels, and a systems provider insurance with premiums calculated solely on the
Agile Methods on the Shop Floor \ 11

basis of the individual customer’s driving behavior Few car companies deliver software updates for
in the past (O’Kane 2021). This capability is out of their vehicles, and if they do, it tends to be once ev-
reach for the insurance industry to this date, mainly ery year or two. These updates have to be installed
due to the lack of the necessary amount of data – at the dealership and often only fix bugs rather than
Tesla being the world first to offer such a service. provide new features that increase customer satis-
faction. With the increasing use of computer tech-
nology in vehicle construction, the technology is
3.3 Tesla’s over-the-air perpetual innovation also being used more and more frequently in au-
tomotive. Tesla uses this as an advantage to push
Tesla was the first auto manufacturer to ship produc- innovation. With Tesla’s operating system version
tion vehicles, i.e. mass-produced models equipped 8.0, over 200 new features were delivered, includ-
with an operating system capable of over-the-air ing temperature monitoring when the car is parked
updates (OTA). OTA updates constitute a method for a long period of time, a new media player, and
of transferring software updates to a mobile device autopilot improvements (Lawley 2016).
– usually via Wi-Fi or mobile data transmission.
Tesla included over-the-air updates to its software In contrast, for traditional manufacturers, constant
with the introduction of the Model S in 2012. Pre- updates, fixes and micro-improvements are cultur-
viously, the method has been used primarily for up- ally a no-go. For traditional automakers, the prod-
loading new firmware to smartphones. uct history is mostly completed once the car is sold
to the customer. Steven Denning argues: “What the
Tesla’s software-centered approach gives it a tight customer got on the day of purchase is what the cus-
grip over the vehicle, even if it is in possession of tomer got to use for the rest of the car’s life. The cus-
the owner. Tesla is able to remote control the ve- tomer wasn’t asking for anything more” (Denning
hicle, e.g. assigning different ranges or capacities 2020b). In their mindset, a car is manufactured in per-
to the battery according to the customer’s current fection, and afterwards remains ideally unchanged,
subscription (within technical possibilities). This is the only goal of maintenance being to preserve the
possible due to the fact that different ranges of the original state and condition. They see updates, bug
battery, as well as different levels of driver assis- fixes, slight changes primarily as a cost factor, a re-
tance are software-controlled (Usborne 2017). source hog, a threat to the normal course of things.
For Tesla – like for any other software-inclined or-
The user or customer plays an important and some- ganization – updates are necessary and accustomed
what unusual role for the company. Customer rela- self-evident elements of daily operations. Tesla de-
tions change, partly because of the properties of the livers regular updates, some of them beta versions so
product, partly due to the firm’s approach to them, that the vehicles can then be improved during opera-
and last but not least because the typical Tesla cli- tion through user feedback. The improved version is
ents are also well distinct in their habits and desires. then included in an upcoming update.
The customer shifts form one buying a finished
product (sell and forget) to one who is accustomed
to receive an unfinished, raw beta version of a prod- 3.4 Tesla’s crowdsourced innovation
uct or service at first, which during consumption or
use morphs, updates itself, keeps pace with devel- A prime example for Tesla’s crowd-sourced inno-
opment, surprises with new or improved features – vation is the strategy around autonomous driving
just like a smartphone user would expect it. functionality, or “Full Self Driving” (FSD) in Tes-
la’s broad-shouldered labelling. Tesla has become
a front-runner in advanced driving assistance and
Agile Methods on the Shop Floor \ 12

autonomous driving without hardly any research The company records individual driving behavior,
staff and testing operations in that field. The FSD- edge cases, and rare encounters. Compared to pro-
team comprises of “more than 1,000 people” in fessional test drivers or simulations, this machine
2021, according to company sources (McFarland learning method is much cheaper. Starting from
2022). Since 2012, new vehicles have been de- this real-world data the development team can fo-
livered with the sensors required for autonomous cus on fixing the recorded bugs. Finally, after a cer-
driving and an on-board computer for processing tain period of time, the new update is ready which
them. Additionally, while driving the cars, all us- includes all learnings and improved functionalities,
ers use either some kind of different beta-versions and the crowd-sourced innovation circle closes.
of autonomous driving capabilities or simply drive This way, the company can – for instance in the
themselves with cameras and sensors engaged – re- case of complaints by users or regulators – bug-fix
sulting in the generation of test-data for the optimi- their already deployed software within hours on the
zation of the very system they are using. entire existing fleet of around two million cars.

Tesla currently offers three levels of Autopilot: Tesla is so able to both reassure the customer re-
Autopilot (standard), Enhanced Autopilot and Full lations and feed user behavior back into the in-
Self-Driving Capability. The base package comes novation process. Tesla’s beta testing drivers be-
with Traffic-Aware Cruise Control, which adapts come – and apparently willingly so – hybrid users
the vehicle‘s speed to that of surrounding traffic, as described by Crawford (2021). This results in
and Autosteer, which assists in steering “in a clear- an ever-morphing, continuously updating product.
ly marked lane“ using Traffic-Aware Cruise Con- Similar to any internet platform records the user’s
trol. Enhanced Autopilot adds Lane Change Assist, activities – surfing, texting, clicking, watching, the
Navigate on Autopilot (Beta), Autopark, Summon, Tesla platform record’s the driver’s activities while
and Smart Summon. The “Full Self-Driving Capa- the car is in use. In developing certain capabilities
bility“ also offers a traffic and stop sign assistant of its devices, the company relies on the principle
(beta) and should also include a city steering assis- of constant user-driven innovation.
tant “in the near future“ (“Tesla FSD Beta” 2022).
All variants require active monitoring by the driver
and are therefore Level 2 systems. The system is
Level 2+ in the US, where the FSD Beta can be
tested without hands on the wheel.

Upgrades and improvements are delivered as an

update long after the product has reached the cus-
tomer. To use the functionality, an initial payment
of 10,000 US $ is due. Additionally, a monthly sub-
scription fee of 99 US $ is due (“Tesla FSD Beta”
2022). Currently, 7 percent of Tesla owners did ac-
tivate FSD in the USA (Goreham 2022). Custom-
ers test the beta version of the software on the fly
and deliver training data to Tesla‘s server in real
time. “It collects data from hundreds of thousands
of cars” (Krachten 2021, p. 164). Tesla has now
more than 100,000 people in its Full Self-Driving
Beta program (Lambert 2021).
Agile Methods on the Shop Floor \ 13

4 Agile Methods: From Bits to Atoms

In the following Chapter I ask the question: If Tes- (Sutherland 2014; Layton, Ostermiller 2017). These
la is a digital firm – should this characteristic also methods replaced almost entirely models framed as
be reflected in the firm’s approach to hardware en- “waterfall” with its linear sequence of project steps
gineering and manufacturing? Does Tesla transfer based on detailed specifications (Daum 2019, p.
development methods from software to hardware? 27). Agile in contrast uses very sparse documenta-
Have agile methods, while standard procedure in tion, and user needs are expressed in terms of “user
software production, crossed the firewall into the stories”, and the software developers and product
realm of hardware development at Tesla Motors? managers talk through what the user is trying to
And if that’s the case, does this constitute elements accomplish. Testing becomes part of the develop-
of a possibly distinct production system at Tesla ment process and is performed in parallel with the
that modifies or even transcends established para- development (Denning 2020).
digms in the industry, namely the Toyota or Lean
Production System? The answer to these questions In the last decade agile methods have established
encounters some difficulties, due to the lack of reli- themselves as a new “production model” at industri-
able sources and scholarly work on the subject. Lit- al scale in software development. This includes the
tle is known besides the attempts at Tesla and Volvo synchronization of dozens or even hundreds of teams
mentioned by Denning (2020a). I will first briefly with frameworks named “Agility at Scale” (Denning
introduce agile methods, a standard development 2018) or “Scrum of Scrums” (Agile Alliance 2015).
framework for software development and creative
processes and its use in the automotive industry. Agile methods until very recently were limited to
software development. Nonetheless, we see evi-
dence for a spillover of agile methods over from
4.1 Agile methods the software-engineering to non-software areas of
production, too. And it’s worth noticing, that be-
Agile methods become standard operations proce- fore agile methods became popular, the waterfall
dure in software development in the shape of var- model reigned supreme in software development,
ious agile methodologies (The Agile Manifesto too. Most developers familiar with the old system
2001, Sutherland 2014, Layton, Ostermiller 2017). couldn’t possibly imagine a different “best way” of
Agile processes encompass small teams develop- doing things in their field of expertise.
ing functional prototypes in short iterations, while
constantly communicating and largely controlling There’s little to none academic writing on the sub-
themselves. Usually every two to three weeks, an ject of agility in manufacturing and hardware en-
executable intermediate product with clearly recog- gineering, with rare exceptions (Hejaaji 2014,
nizable development steps (product increment) has Youssef 2017, Ikonomov 2020, and Blokdyk
to be completed. Change requests during the life- 2021). Although still – both on the shop floor and in
time of the project are not only allowed, but wel- the literature – a rare phenomenon, some sporadic
come (Stellman 2014). evidence can be found for their hardware-centered
use, namely in prototyping, especially in the maker
Since the publication of the Agile Manifesto (The movement context and in connection with 3D print-
Agile Manifesto 2001), its principles have become ing (Accialini 2022). For manufacturing at scale no
standard operations procedure in software develop- traces of actual application can be found, let alone
ment in the shape of various agile methodologies in well-established industries like automotive.
Agile Methods on the Shop Floor \ 14

4.2 Agility in manufacturing? reprogramming, immediate testing and then dis-

carding. The central point of reference is not the
As Steve Denning points out, the industry is widely specialist board (“Fachkollegium”), but […] the
convinced that, what might work in the software end user of the products (Canzler, Knie 2019, p.
area, won’t work on hardware. Bits are not at- 461). Andreas Boes and Tobias Kämpf go so far as
oms, after all (Denning 2018). Denning argues that to designate a general trend in engineering: “This
hardware developers need to embrace agile princi- new production model has established itself across
ples to keep up with the pace of innovation: “Yet the board in the software industry and is now also
as physical products and services are increasingly becoming the new guiding principle in classic en-
software driven and the ‘Internet of Things’ makes gineering work” (Kämpf 2018, p. 521).
its presence feel, the distinction between software
and manufacturing is disintegrating … thus accel- If the industrialization of software now spills over
erating the spread of the agile paradigm“ (Denning to hardware too under the flag of agility, possibly
2018, p. xviii). For Denning, the central truth about challenging or modifying existing standards, like
the slow pace of automotive innovation consists the Lean Production paradigm in the automotive
in: “a leadership and management problem, not a industry – can evidence for this asserted tendency
problem of atoms versus bytes” (Denning 2020b). be found at Tesla? In contrast to traditional auto
makers, Tesla had no need for profound cultural
As many a management guru has lamented, tradi- and organizational changes triggered by digitaliza-
tional ways of doing things are embedded deeply tion – it already parted from a genuine startup-cul-
in the majors’ corporate cultures, and so are outdat- ture, with a strong focus on software. Agile meth-
ed definitions of their products. Canzler and Knie ods seemed to be the go-to model from the very
emphasize as an additional hindering factor an atti- beginning, rather than posing a challenge for an
tude of sectoral inbreeding in the industry: “The in- overdue organizational change.
dustry develops its own criteria for success in mutual
professional consensus. Critics disparagingly refer Quebec-based researcher Michaël Valentin pro-
to this tendency towards uniformity, which again posed the term “Teslisme” for a new iteration af-
and again leads to self-stabilization, as ‘inbreeding ter Fordism and Lean Production. Valentin, as-
engineering’” (Canzler, Knie 2021, p. 209). In the sociate Director of the consulting firm OPEO,
authors’ view, traditional automakers refuse the very proposed a model interpreted as successor to Toy-
principle of trial and error, for them it is “not accept- otism, responding to the challenges of digitaliza-
able”. For “car companies are still thinking of a car tion and “as a potential organizational model for
as a metal transportation device with a few electron- the Fourth Industrial Age” (Valentin 2021, p. 57).
ic gadgets attached to it,” they have a hard time em- Essential principles according to Valentin are e.g.
bracing methods popular in the software world and “hyper-manufacturing”, replacing the “right first
creative industries (Denning 2020b). time” principle at the heart of lean manufacturing.
It calls for ever greater agility in the implementa-
In contrast, Steve Denning expresses his convic- tion of testing and learning approaches (Valentin
tion that Tesla and SpaceX “demonstrate that it is 2019, p. 41). “Cross-integration” and “software
possible to run a hardware company like a software hybridization”) on the other hand point at the har-
company in an agile fashion” (Denning 2020b). vesting of digitalization in manufacturing, which
Canzler and Knie support this. In their view, with allows “condensing the value chain, decompart-
new contenders “trial and error replaces peer-to- mentalizing businesses and innovating disruptive-
peer assessment. There is spontaneous consid- ly” (Valentin 2019, p. 69). According to him, the
eration, conceptually quick translation, repeated new model constitutes “a connected, agile model,
Agile Methods on the Shop Floor \ 15

capable of disruptive innovation and attracting tal- desk. According to the legend, “he thought about
ent, but also capable of ensuring the balance be- the ‘limits of physics’ with this technology. There
tween the acceleration of technological progress was none” (Freitag, Rest 2022).
and the pace of skills development” (Valentin
2019, p. 33). Valentin summons the debate on the Aluminum die-cast has been used for components
characteristics of each industrial phase: disruptive and chassis parts for decades, but mainly for small-
technological progress, new needs in society and er parts, not for the entire body or large parts of it.
an appropriate organizational model. For the body, sheet metal shell constructions are
the standard method. Although consisting in few-
er parts, a lot of welding has to be performed on
4.3 Tesla, first principles, and the Giga Press these. Since the summer of 2020, Tesla’s plant
in California has been using the world’s largest
Especially in the early days, Tesla operated like a high-pressure aluminum die-casting machines. The
small cross-functional startup. Automotive journal- machines weigh 420 tons and generate a clamping
ist Edward Niedermeyer described the work envi- force of 6000 tons. Die-casting of very large parts
ronment at Tesla headquarters at Stanford in 2014 is a technology developed by Italian manufacturer
as follows: “The office’s open floor plan was unlike IDRA, and also in place with Tesla in Shanghai and
anything I had seen at an automaker, with PR peo- in Berlin. Tesla has developed a special aluminum
ple sitting next to engineering workspaces covered alloy that makes this possible (Financial Literacy
in mechanical and electrical components…. It was 2020, Tmio Tesla 2021).
a vibrant and unpretentious environment whose
layout and youthful staff spoke to the flat struc- The entire rear half of the car is now cast in one
ture and collaboration of a software startup. (Nie- piece (Ruffo 2020). A single aluminum component
dermeyer 2019, p. 4). Still today, Tesla employs a replaces around 70 parts that were riveted, welded
relatively small number of software engineers, ac- or glued together, a complex and time-consuming
cording to one source: “Tesla has 100 hardware en- process that consumes a lot of energy and time
gineers, 200 software engineers […] as of 2020” on the factory floor and is a source for mistakes,
(Wise 2022). That’s a comparatively small num- fluctuations, and imprecisions. The die-casting
ber; Volkswagen employs 5,000 software engi- cycle lasts 90 seconds, theoretically producing 1.5
neers in the Cariad software branch alone (in May million Model Y vehicles per year in Berlin. Ac-
2022) while aiming at doubling this figure in the cording to experts, the Giga-press will save 300
near future (Riering 2022). assembly robots, reduce manufacturing costs by
40 percent and reduce the required factory space
And the first vehicles built where all but flawless by 30 percent. This is just the beginning of a new
– phone key issues, panel gaps, road noise prob- push towards automation, as a result of which the
lems, unreliable falcon-wing doors with early front module of the vehicle and the battery socket
Model X, Tesla Model S door handle issues – to are expected to also be produced in just one piece
name only a few – were omnipresent in the early (Evannex 2022).
stages of every model’s production ramp up. Tesla
had received criticism for its poor body shop and The Giga Press is a key innovation in Elon Musk’s
welding, gaps and unnecessary amount of welded arsenal to lower the cost of the Model Y and achieve
sheet metal parts (Johanson 2020). As a reaction production numbers that target meaningful market
to that, apparently Elon Musk came up with the share (IDRA Group 2021). Even in the actual core
idea of producing the entire body using die-cast area of car manufacturing, Tesla is setting new stan-
technology, inspired by a toy Tesla parked on his dards. German casting expert Wolfram Volk from
Agile Methods on the Shop Floor \ 16

the Technical University of Munich sees the poten- short cycles by independently acting teams. Plans
tial for giga-casting to “re-invent body construction”. are periodically revised, and incremental product
improvements are produced in quick succession.
So, do other manufacturers have to follow suit? According to him this is standard operation for se-
Several manufacturers such as Volvo or Chinese curity and very small feature releases: “Tesla makes
startups are now using the Gigapress (Carney 27 changes in production per model per week” (The
2022, Bork 2022). Rumors have it, that Volkswa- Agile Wire 2021).
gen plans to follow Tesla in this regard and install
Giga presses in their projected new plant in Wolfs- So-called pilot lines or lean cells take on tradi-
burg to accommodate the Trinity project (Reuters tional manufacturing tasks e.g. the insertion of a
2022). According to an analysis by the investment heat pump. Their task is also to improve the com-
bank Bernstein, by 2030 every second electric car ponent and the assembly procedures on top of the
will be manufactured using this process (Freitag, group’s tasks in the assembling process. “Design
Rest 2022). Prof. Wolfram Volk, former head of and production are the same”, claims Justice, “The
the Chair for Forming Technology and Foundry install team IS the R&D team, full stack”. Testing
Engineering states: “With the greenfield approach, of new components does not happen in separated
as propagated by Tesla in Brandenburg, for exam- R&D departments, but on the very assembly line
ple, the OEM can save significant space in body itself. This leads to – according to him – astounding
construction for its electric vehicles. With a view testing-to-in-production times of hours, instead of
to the brownfield, on the other hand, it is important years (Justice 2021). Krachten supports this state-
to consider whether aluminum giga-casting makes ment when he notes that Tesla has adopted Apple’s
sense” (Fuchslocher 2022). concept of “design for manufacturing,” character-
ized by rapid prototyping: “During the develop-
The development of entire parts casting, although ment process, manufacturing issues and design are
in itself not a new technology, seems to be a clear constantly aligned“ (Krachten 2021, p. 189).
indication for “thinking outside the box”. Although
not related to agile processes, it is in fact an appli- Justice gives the example of a customer rejecting
cation of “first principles”, one of the guidelines at a car somewhere around the world due to a poor
Tesla’s. Often attributed to Physics Nobel laureate paint job, which raises red flags on employees’
Richard Feynman (2011), it consists in rejecting phones. “Bad paint, the customer complains. Red
reasoning by analogy, only taking the laws of Phys- flag on every phone. The paint has flaws. Build a
ics for granted, while inclined to jettison industry mob, walk up, and understand in 5 minutes how to
conventions and ways of doing things in favor of a contribute” (Justice 2021). The term mob program-
fresh approach to engineering challenges. ming refers to a technique in software engineering,
which consists in a software development approach
where the whole team works on the same thing, at
4.4 Agile principles at Tesla the same time, in the same space (Pearl 2018). This
technique from the software world has its sibling
Joe Justice, author of the book titled “Scrum Mas- in the Toyota Production System. Genchi genbut-
ter” (Klein, Justice 2021) and former lead of Agile su (“go and see for yourself”) or “management
at Tesla, gives some insights into Tesla’s Freemont by walking about” is one of its core principles ac-
factory, where he operated Agile@Tesla in 2020. In cording to Hagirian (2021, p. 67). It suggests man-
his reports he gives a vivid description of the plant’s agement personnel to immerse themselves in their
daily operations at that time. According to Joe Jus- company’s daily operations and have direct knowl-
tice, Tesla approaches functional improvements in edge of the production site or business section.
Agile Methods on the Shop Floor \ 17

4.5 Tesla: Test Driven Development Every few months a major release is launched, sim-
ilar to the procedure with software companies. This
Testing plays a major role in software develop- allows Tesla to quickly make design changes and
ment, it is usually time- and resource-consuming, optimizations to current models. There are updates
to the extent, that programmers often quote a 20/80 and bug fixes not only for the software every few
rule-of-thumb, referring to 20 percent actual coding months, there are also constant interventions in the
time and 80 percent bug fixing time. In the classic production of the current models. This means that
(waterfall) approach, testing took place as a phase subsequent vehicles of the same name and model
shortly before implementation and well after pro- are considerably different. These “liquid specifica-
duction, resulting often in a bottleneck and posing tions” result in cars of the same make and model
a challenge from a quality perspective. In the agile that are different, posing challenges from a certi-
approach, testing is therefore integrated in the soft- fication and type approval standpoint. It leads – in
ware production process itself. extreme cases – to the necessity of testing every
single car. According to Justice, “single-car testing
Test Driven Development (TDD) is a strategy actually takes place: “When every car can autono-
well-established in software development that mously put itself through every homologation and
guides the development process of software using certification test, that is not destructive, every car
various tests. Instead of testing products well af- can be different“ (Justice 2021).
ter assembly in a separated stage (post-processing),
in TDD test cases are part of the software design This is possibly the most distinct feature in contrast
from the very beginning. Test routines are written to the Toyota production system, which aims for
and implemented even before the corresponding fixed specifications. As auto industry expert John
software solutions are tackled. The software itself McElroy puts it: “Under the Toyota doctrine, de-
is programmed precisely to pass that very test ex- sign changes introduce variability, and variability
post. Kämpf writes: “In digital development envi- leads to quality problems” (McElroy 2021). Usual-
ronments, the software code is continuously (often ly it takes two years in the industry until the first de-
daily) automatically tested by all teams and com- sign changes get a chance to being implemented. As
bined into a common software product” (Kämpf opposed to the Toyota model with its two to three
2018, p. 521). years implementation time between first designs
and implementation in actual production, Tesla
At Tesla they embrace this principle, having estab- makes design changes almost on the fly. McKenzie
lished a process of software and hardware self-test- states, that “Tesla has a philosophy of ‘continuous
ing called “factory mode”, resulting in a “very fast improvement’ in the manufacturing process, which
feedback loop with automated DevOps tests”, cov- means it continues to develop its vehicles long after
ering all non-destructive tests for every single car sales have started” (McKenzie 2019, p. 191).
automatically (Unusually Well Informed Podcast
2021). DevOps are methods that combine software Kyle Field calls the agile development for factories
development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) with “extreme manufacturing” (Field 2018), referring to
the aim of providing continuous software delivery “Extreme Programming”, a software development
with high quality, thus shortening the system de- method, which mainly consists in bringing together
velopment life cycle (Freeman 2020). Testing in a two people to closely work on the same task in close
DevOps environment is a continuous and automat- proximity and simultaneously (Beck, Andres 2012).
ed process that enables continuous and faster deliv-
ery of software. Testing spans every phase of the
Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC).
Agile Methods on the Shop Floor \ 18

4.6 Confirmation from disassembly China’s prime manufacturer of Apple products,

also applies to Tesla: “Manufacturing is not simply
Can we see the claimed continuous improvements assembly lines connecting together existing mod-
in the final product? A source in relation to that mat- ules following pre-specified instructions”, it allows
ter are the reports of companies, repeatedly disas- “experimentation in production and process inno-
sembling vehicles of Tesla and other car companies vation” (Zhang, Dodgson, Gann 2022, p. 74).
and assessing the construction from an engineering
standpoint. One such firm is Munro & Associates.
In 2018, they took a close look at a Tesla Model 4.7 Tesla’s agile factories
3 and came to the conclusion that the rear section
of the vehicle had “bad design, too many individ- The Factories itself are an example for rapid experi-
ual parts, poor manufacturing resulting in wasted mentation. Tesla‘s first plan in Freemont, California
profits“ (Welch 2018). According to Sandy Munro, was originally built by General Motors Co. in the
CEO of Munro & Associates, Tesla responded to 1960s and jointly operated by GM and Toyota until
the criticism, changed the whole process, and im- 2009, when it was acquired by Tesla. Since then the
plemented improvements: “We made recommen- plant has seen numerous additions, including tent
dations to Tesla and they implemented them very structures invading the parking lot. In the context
quickly. It doesn’t matter whether it’s die casting or of reaching its production goal for the model 3 in
the octovalve [an important element of the cooling 2017, a pop-up assembly line was built in a tent in
circuit]” (Johanson 2020). three weeks, which allowed for additional output in
order to reach the 5000 cars per week goal in the
Apparently, Tesla still manages to hold up this production of the Model 3 (The Agile Wire 2021).
cross-functional integration of teams. In 2022,
when disassembling the drive unit of the freshly re- Despite that bursting at the seams, by the end of
leased Model S Plaid, industry expert Sandy Mun- 2021 Tesla’s plant in Freemont became the most
ro found a “far-reaching cross-functional integra- productive in all of the Americas measured by
tion”. Multiple sub-systems like high-voltage and weekly output of cars. An average of 8,550 cars a
low- voltage circuits, transmission, cooling, elec- week were manufactured, surpassing the 8,427 cars
tric motors, converters, and suspension – “they all per week at Toyota Motor Corp.’s plant in George-
harmonize in a way that is only possible with cross town, Kentucky, as well as BMW AG’s Spartan-
functional teams.” In his own words: “What we are burg hub in South Carolina (8,343) or Ford Mo-
looking at here is a culture that nobody else has, tor Co.’s iconic truck plant in Dearborn, Michigan
crossing party lines” (Munro & Associates 2022). (5,564), according to a Bloomberg analysis of pro-
People from different departments, component ar- duction data from more than 70 manufacturing fa-
eas and crafts are in close connection, implement- cilities (Randall 2022).
ing quick design iterations, which is reminiscent
of the SCRUM metaphor. This can be achieved When Tesla proceeded to build its first factory in a
much faster as if sub-contracted suppliers are in- greenfield approach, it left behind the legacy of fac-
volved, especially with the modular control units, tory design, too, and came up with a diamond-shaped
outsourced via specification sheets. single-edifice plant of huge size, which since then
has been the model for all of its factories (Randall
Tesla follows a model of “grey innovation” ac- 2022). The unique diamond-shaped factory design
cording to Zhang et al., i.e. “an experiment-driven has since been applied in Shanghai, Grünheide and
process, often in areas of ambiguity and covering Austin, Texas. The “Giga factories” are built at
multiple domains”. What they state about Foxconn, great speed: The Shanghai plant took only one year
Agile Methods on the Shop Floor \ 19

to construct, and two more years to reach a capacity history, it was by far the fastest major order at 100
of 500.000 cars a year (Freitag, Rest 2022). to 200 million Euros to be executed: “The order
came a lot faster than usual. Processes like this,
Tesla also sets standards in terms of speed when from the idea to completion, take six to seven years
building the factory in Brandenburg. The Bielefeld in this country with all the permits. But then you
based construction specialist Goldbeck was respon- have a basically outdated factory. The use of re-
sible for a large part of the factory in Grünheide. sources increases disproportionately with the size
The company executives stated that, although it – this is particularly positive in terms of sustain-
hadn’t been their biggest order in the company’s ability” (Müller 2022).

5 Conclusion: Towards an Agile Production System?

In the following I will summarize five key findings 5.2 Product and exploitation
of this discussion paper and point at further research
questions that arise from these. Tesla is a digital firm with a digital product targeting a
new type of user. Tesla’s view on its product is that of
a digital device, defined by software and representing
5.1 A metal-bending digital company an essential element of an electricity and information
grid. Over-the-air updates of software and features
This paper tried to argue that Tesla can be regarded became central to the user experience. A perpetual
as an example for the entering of digital capitalism’s beta version is delivered to the customers, with the
logic into the area of automobile production. When promise of updates, bug fixes and enhancements in
in 2006 Sattelberger, Wempe and Boes described a the future, resulting in an ever-evolving product of
“future enterprise in the digital society”, a “systemi- the kind users are familiar with in the digital sphere.
cally integrated company” characterized by “contin- The role of the customer also changes to one familiar
uous value-added processes” in which “all functional to the platform economy. The user experience when
sub-units are understood as elements of an interde- buying a car, when updating the device, subscribing
pendent system that ultimately aims to create cus- and unsubscribing to features such as Full Self Driv-
tomer benefits” – they seemed to have had Tesla in ing – rather resembles Amazon or Netflix.
their minds (Sattelberger 2015, p. 64). Tesla joined
the league of digital companies, pushing the societal
mode of operation of digital capitalism further into 5.3 Keeping up the pace
sectors of the economy previously untouched by it.
Characteristics of platforms in internet-related and According to industry experts, Tesla has a three
information-heavy areas are distinctly present in Tes- to seven year technological lead in key areas like
la’s operations: A software and hardware centered batteries, battery management, software, customer
platform model, a corresponding strategy to mar- relationships, autonomous driving, and digital busi-
kets, growth rates and strategies of massive scaling ness models. To maintain this lead, Tesla continues
and the perspective on the product as an ever-evolv- to innovate at a high rate. To this date, Tesla seems
ing source of data, fed back into the revenue stream. to keep up the spirit of constant improvement, ques-
Therefore, Tesla might best be characterized as a hy- tioning industry standards, and heralding first prin-
brid between an automaker and a digital platform. ciples. The risky and experimental implementation
Agile Methods on the Shop Floor \ 20

of new casting technology into current production changes quickly. It takes an OEM typically two to
clearly indicates that. Tesla’s technological advan- three years to implement first designs to produc-
tage comes from an organizational model that is tion ready. While the Toyota Production System
built around the developing a software-first product. (TPS) made it possible to obtain significant gains
in terms of costs, manufacturing times and prod-
uct quality, for Valentin Tesla marks an inflection
5.4 Agility on the shop floor point, in which the outlines of a new model.

Tesla is a software company by trade that affronts

manufacturing with the methods used in software 5.5 A “Tesla Production System”?
development. While agile principles conquered the
software world by storm in the last two decades, Andreas Boes is inclined to affirm the advent of a
Tesla seems to be a frontrunner in implementing “new production system after Taylor’s and Lean
them in manufacturing. Tesla’s eagerness to learn Production” (Boes 2021a), while Valentin speaks
as well as its intense prototyping approach makes it of “Teslisme” as an “organizational model for the
reasonable to lean on agile principles. Agile princi- Fourth Industrial Age” (Valentin 2021, p. 57). So
ples found its way onto Tesla’s shop floor, facilitat- are we witnessing a “Fordist moment”, a third rev-
ed by Tesla’s software-development perspective on olution in car manufacturing – after Fordism and
engineering and manufacturing. Data-driven target Lean Production – consisting in the migration of
definition, self-organizing teams, gathering around software development methods to the shop floor?
issues, problems, and bugs seem to be derived di-
rectly from the agility playbook. While Tesla’s efforts to import agile methods to the
entire firm can be seen as a paradigm shift within
The principles outlined in the Agile Manifesto the automotive industry, caution may be advised.
show considerable overlap with aspects of the Toy- Elements of what could be called “agile manufac-
ota Production System (TPS) or Lean Production, turing” can be detected, although the evidence for
like the emphasis on self-responsible groups and that is limited to certain stages and mostly anecdotal.
continuous improvement. Agile methods original-
ly inherited certain aspects from Lean Production. Although it might be exaggerated to speak of a dis-
Principle two of the Agile Manifesto (“ welcome tinct “Tesla Production system”, indications for a
changing requirements”), principle four (“business considerable and possibly enduring alteration of
people and developers must work together daily Lean Production paradigm can be determined. Ag-
throughout the project”), principle eleven mention- ile, which originally inherited certain aspects from
ing “self-organizing teams”, and principle six high- Lean Production, comes back to the shop-floor in
lighting “face-to-face conversation” express simi- the context of the software-centred product. As a
lar concerns and approaches as in TPS. consequence, the leading industrial paradigm of
Lean Production experiences an upgrade and up-
Against the background of Agility being part- date, informed by twenty years of application of
ly informed by methods from Lean Production it agile methods in the software industry.
might seem far-fetched to expect a re-import into
the realm of production of those principles via the In reversing some aspects of the Lean Production
Agility paradigm. But the current paradigm is be- paradigm, like liquefying specifications, it rather
ing challenged by increasingly digitally inclined constitutes an update of a state-of-the-art Lean Pro-
customers and ever- shorter development cy- duction. Above all, it moves away from fixed spec-
cles. The industry struggles to implement design ifications and towards a continuous integration of
Agile Methods on the Shop Floor \ 21

product improvements into the very assembly-line The significance of agile methods for engineering
production. While parting from the ruling Lean and manufacturing:
Production paradigm, it builds on a strong verti-
cal integration and a reduced number of products \ Is agility deeply and constantly embedded
– both reminiscent of Ford’s production model. in Tesla’s manufacturing or rather limited
to certain isolated areas and time periods or
phases of production?
\ Does Tesla’s flirt with agility on the shop-
5.6 Outlook floor constitute a foreshadow of develop-
ments all over industry?
The following questions arise and demand for fur-
ther research: Tesla’s significance for the future of the automotive
Further analysis of Tesla’s operations:
\ To what extent does the product itself – the
\ Can evidence for the application of agili- electrically propulsed and software-cen-
ty on the shop floor be found in Shanghai, tered car – steer manufacturers onto a path
Grünheide, and Austin, Tesla’s more recent taken by the frontrunner in the EV industry
production sites? to become digital firms themselves?
\ To what extent is Tesla adapting to local \ Are Tesla’s modifications in their produc-
production conditions and engineering tra- tion system partly a consequence of intrinsic
ditions, thus altering its playbook in differ- mechanisms of EV production and market-
ent national and local contexts (Ulrich, Jür- ing, in fact not Tesla-specific, and resulting
gens, Krzywdzinski 2016)? in the entire EV-industry following suit?

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