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Form: publid sui juris / A.ffidavl

Session: one $Upreme Court

Be.aff.lrma,tI.I!n .ot ,C.(laC,a,cter,lation ,ofA�meted ExpattiaJioas
[, Winlams:Charlott�-An,
n, by Inter:naH1;mal Conmnon Law Registration, b@ing of the ag@ of majority, complet,e In 1ny t'�ctd!:l@s, ai
natural bom Di.vine creati,on, i;ind a Privs'll:@, Sentient, Sov@rnlgn within the constitutional Public. survey ooun(lari@S witihfin Texas, a
R•epu.bllic, of the constitutional Towns'l'iip, Hopsb;in, within th@ body of a constltutional county, Harri$, th@ proper jurisdlction of a
Common Law th@r,�to, do ScO!l'i;rnnly ri-1ake this Reaffirmatio111 of Character, pursuant to my absolute fr-@�dom of re:llglon, of an
Ambassador and Subject•Cltiz@n ,of th,e Kangdo,m o:f Heav@n 1md,er its King, J@sus th@; and an A.m@ricari So11@reign
Otiz@n,Pri,nclpal in good standing and B@havi,or, Piublic Mh1lster (Ambassador), -,:}nd "·domit11iun1 (absolute inhabiranlt of th�
organic Unit@d States Ci! mor@ perf@d union�} under the Con.stil:Llltion for th@ united States of Arr1112rica {1791 to date) as o,rdaln@d and
established, with ras!trV'/:ltion of an Divir1e· , 1y creat@d aFild inherent una.llemibl@ Rignts/PrJvilege:s. It is, at th@ same tim@ that] re:n,ounc@
and declare v,oid, ab inEtio, any and all att@1npts (D@ Facto/ f'ten@giaae / Corp-0ra,tt-;J by m@a,ns ,of fictioris or otlh,@,wistZt, c,f i'lil \' in
1ny 11a,,Nful Citiz@m,rilp Status to that o, f ,a Corporate St(;ltutory / iM!!i.tary / M1atiUrrm / .ll.dmi;alty / Fictitious TIU,S.; '\p@rS-un", nconsum@,�,
"'•indivhdU1al"; "dltlz@ifl'', '"cirti2@11-swbj@i::t"11 "'pi;:dr!l;lff/d@f@nda!f'Jt'', nrt!:!Sldent'·', "w[1,o@v@r"', '·'taxp,;1ye,rn, "'driv,eir•·, "gun/ilrl!'tarm -0•.vn@r", "d�btor"',
et al, SUiPj&t to th@ ;,e:izur.e of .�lien Proi;:i;ei-ti@s by th@ h1fl)Ot)hecated, Corp,oiratlE!/lftgislaitRve/Mim:ary/Admira!ty/rictRious D,etr:10,c:r,:1cy
UN1TED STATES, @tat Such c-orpo.r-atiions, frauduhrnt and rion"'exist@nt in th@ law, indlud•e, b,1,1t ,\3r@ riot limited to; th@ UNITED STATES,
WlU.IAMS, CHARLOTTE WILLIAM$, OIi' any variation thereof, 4S9◄3e02�H}, @b;. Ttiis doctrine of "Piercing th,e C.onpnrate Veil N, with
its "'Instrumentality Rule'', wfll serve Notiice, (judicial, presidential or o , tllerwi;,e), th�t a!! acting. as Corpor-ate offirnrn, etc., whettier by
color .of law or color o.f offida! riight, are ac-tilflg or have acrad ·witilwut the usual immu;nities afforded in !awfu'I ctvi!/juctlcial proc�edings,
For t:he peace of and s,:;i,fety of all Corporate ,officers, etc., as wel:I as mvs-elf, ! have !denti'fied all my guamnteed, - a!;)s,o!ute properties
("Life; liberty, andi thfl Pursuit of Happiness"), until such times .as the present D@ Facto/ Renegade/ Corporait@ gov,ernrnent can make
the n,ecessa11y chang� to rts stn..1cturn to insur,e the same. T:hes@ idiernltific:abons: wm !ist the International Remrd {Seal) Number
(ApostiH;, Number), as has :been re:c-:<;tgniz.ed, reoeived, reoord@d,, and issued by the De Fae-to/ Reneg,ad,e ! C:orrporat,i,, government. As
tr1is lfl1Umber iis the International re-gistration, National autl1entic:ation 1 and Stat@ ce,tifical:Jion of a Public Docun1ent of the l,:lnilt.ed States
of America, my Nations, and! my dtizenships:, as we!! .::1s idlf!:ntification of a,11 guarant,eed,, properies, wheth€!r Public or Prlvat@, are and
have been in Lawful p,osse.ssion of me, Arny confiscation .or seizure olf any kin;d of any of the guaranteed, Private or Public prnperties by
.any of the De Facto/Coi·porate officers, etc. will result in darnag,es ,of Ten Million Dollars o(United Srates Treaty States, r:iatiolll-state
specie Money (United States Dollars: silver} mat being enumernted in Artide ! 1 Section 10,, Clause 1 as •Ag,old and siliver min" in the
ConstituUon for the 1mit@d States of America {1i'91 to date} to be multiplied by not oniy the damagiiinIJ party(ies), but all those in
concert and cause of action. Hli:s Dociaration is: m.ade absolute by the enclos_ed Apostme {me State of Texas}., copy and pu:rwant to 15
Stat. Ch, 249 ipg. 223 {1868), s,hall De macie final, adopted, and accepted by the Dootrines of Esitoppe:1 (by acqu.iescenrn), law of the
Record,. (Apostille}, Moras Obligation (peremptory mandamus), a,nd the Divine Law (380 U.S. 163; The Bible is law to lbe applied.
nationa'.l!y); or upon the pass,ing of a customary and r@as,::mab-lI: t!ime of ten {10) mnserntive calendar days frnn1 rnceipt of the s.ervice
guaranteed U.S. Mail (Cti:rtified} or otherwise. It wm be the Preslci12nt's absolute mintsterial duty t:o identify, rnstore, and cotn�ct a ,ny
and ail errors., injuries, wrongs, and damages at any time applied arnd/or attached to M,e pursuaiflt to Congmssiorial d1,:ma111d within 15
Stat. Ch 249, Dates.: spir:itual "I111 the Beginning:" plus Six days: Arinouncernm1t or DipJomatic Arrival:02-09-1965.

Me, .American, Private, Christi,m,, Senti@nt;

Sovereign; Divine Inhabitant within North Ame,ica; withi,n T'e xas, a R@public;
''HARRIS Co" a co,lilstitutiomtl county and a constitutional township republic.
n ••• at the mouths of two, or at the mouths of ttlre@ the matter i:s established.n
Deuteronomy 19::15

________________________________________ _______________________________________
Divi'ne, Sentie,nt,. and Com11non Law Witness Div,ine, Sentient, and Common Law Wibu�ss

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