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Khóa ngày: 01/7/2022
ĐỀ THI CHÍNH THỨC Môn thi chuyên: Tiếng Anh
(Đề thi có 08 trang) Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề

Lưu ý: Thí sinh làm bài ra giấy thi, ghi theo đúng thứ tự từ câu 1 đến hết bài thi.

SECTION 1: LISTENING (2.5 points)

- Bài nghe gồm 3 phần, mỗi phần được nghe 2 lần, mỗi lần cách nhau khoảng 5 giây, mở đầu và kết thúc mỗi
phần nghe có tín hiệu.
- Mọi hướng dẫn cho thí sinh (bằng Tiếng Anh) đã có trong bài nghe.


- Bước 1: Truy cập Fanpage Tài liệu diệu kỳ (click vào đường dẫn
- Bước 2: Like Fanpage và inbox ẢNH CHỤP MÀN HÌNH vào Fanpage với nội dung “Nhận file nghe Chuyên Anh
Ninh Thuận”.
- Bước 3: Nhận và tải xuống file nghe.
Tài liệu diệu kỳ xin trân thành cảm ơn bạn!

Part 1. You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A,
B or C). (1.0 pt)
1. You hear two friends talking about a hiking trip. What is the man worried about?
A. lack of adequate climbing experience
B. lack of oxygen on the mountain
C. lack of appropriate equipment
2. You hear two students talking about maintaining traditions. They agree that __________.
A. we should come up with new celebrations.
B. it is important to learn from the past.
C. too many customs are outdated.
3. You hear two students talking about a website. What does the girl think about it?
A. It is less helpful than she’d hoped.
B. It is a good place to hold discussions.
C. Its specialist advice is interesting.
4. You hear a man talking to his friend about the cookery school she runs. What are the friends doing?
A. talking over ways to attract new business
B. expressing disappointment in a staff member
C. discussing why the school is successful
5. You hear part of a radio programme about modern zoos. The zoo-keeper says that he __________.
A. understands why some people dislike zoos
B. believes animals enjoy their lives in zoos
C. encourages people to take part in zoo projects
6. You hear a football coach talking to his team about winning and losing. How does he feel?
A. surprised that the team feels so positive
B. proud of the team’s recent success
C. disappointed by his team’s behavior
7. You hear two people talking about a sports event they are organising. What is the purpose of their discussion?
A. to decide how to increase sales of certain tickets
B. to confirm the timetable of sports events
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C. to reach agreement about entry prices

8. You hear two friends discussing a newspaper article about physics. What surprised the man about it?
A. how interested it made him in the subject
B. how inspired it made him feel
C. how excited he was to understand it
Part 2. For questions 9-15, listen and complete the sentences. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
(0.875 pt)
The Eucalyptus Tree in Australia
● it provides (9) __________ and food for a wide range of species
● its leaves provide (10) __________ which is used to make a disinfectant
Reasons for present decline in number
A) Diseases
(i) ‘Mundulla Yellows’
● Cause
- lime used for making (11) __________ was absorbed
- trees were unable to take in necessary iron through their roots
(ii) ‘Bell-miner Associated Die-back’
● Cause
- (12) __________ feed on eucalyptus leaves
- they secrete a substance containing sugar
- bell-miner birds are attracted by this and keep away other species
B) Bushfires
William Jackson’s theory:
● high-frequency bushfires have impact on vegetation, resulting in the growth of (13) __________
● mid-frequency bushfires result in the growth of eucalyptus forests, because they:
- make more (14) __________ available to the trees
- maintain the quality of the (15) __________
Part 3. For questions 16-20, you will hear a conversation between a teenage boy, Jack, and his mother about
accommodation for Jack at university. Choose True (T) or False (F) for each question. (0.625 pt)
16. Jack has to make a decision about accommodation soon.
17. Jack and his mother agree that he should share a house with friends.
18. Jack wants to cook for himself.
19. Jack’s mother thinks that sharing a house will cost a lot.
20. Jack thinks he will have less space in a shared house.


SECTION 2: USE OF ENGLISH (2.5 points)

Part 1. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) in each sentence. (1.0 pt)
21. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
A. combine B. collect C. commerce D. correct
22. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is placed differently from the others.
A. federation B. unpolluted C. disappearing D. profitable
23. Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
One drawback of using the internet in learning is that students can gain access to inappropriate content, which
distracts them from their projects and assignments.
A. uncensored B. incompatible C. tempting D. unsuitable

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24. Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
We are now a 24/7 society where shops and services must be available all hours.
A. an active society B. a physical society C. an inactive society D. a working society
25. William is asking Dr. Keith to spend some minutes helping him with his project.
- William: “Do you have a minute, Dr. Keith?” - Dr. Keith: “__________”
A. Well, I haven’t got it here. B. Good. I hope so.
C. Sure. What’s the problem? D. I’m not sure when.
26. People __________ actions to stop the blaze spreading. However, they didn’t do that.
A. must have taken B. had to take C. needn’t have taken D. should have taken
27. Kids have to walk fast if they want to __________ their parents on a stroll through the park.
A. keep with B. keep up with C. keep on to D. keep over with
28. We would rather Helen __________ us all the information we needed. We should have been well informed.
A. sent B. send C. had send D. have sent
Part 2. Read the text below and write only ONE word which best fits each gap. (0.75 pt)
The 33rd session of its International Coordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB-
ICC) was (29) __________ in Abuja, Nigeria from September 13 - 17, during which a total of 20 new sites were
designated as global biosphere reserves. The 106.6-ha Nui Chua Biosphere Reserve encompasses the terrestrial
and marine areas of Ninh Thuan and is (30) __________ at the end of the Truong Son Mountain Range where
the climate is harsh with sunny, hot and arid weather and minimal (31) __________. The biosphere reserve is a
representative area in (32) __________ of biodiversity with a rich and diverse mosaic of ecosystems characteristic
of the south-central region of Viet Nam, including unique semi-arid vegetation, sea turtle nesting beaches and
coral reefs. A total of 447,162 people live in the site including the main (33) __________ groups of Kinh, Cham,
Raglai, Hoa, Tay, Nung and Muong, all of (34) __________ have diverse cultures, artistic, religious and
architectural traditions as well as numerous rituals and large festivals.
(Adapted from
Part 3. Use the correct form of the word given to complete each sentence. (0.75 pt)
35. Phong is a __________ person. If he says he will do something, you know that he will. (DEPEND)
36. __________ are calling for additional measures with a focus on more effective management of the habitat.
37. Gentle massage will __________ your skin. (VITAL)
38. The government cannot be __________ to public opinion. (DIFFER)
39. The famous singer retired in 2019, but now he’s making a __________ by releasing a new CD. (COME)
40. Good __________ is a partly about getting on well with the customers. (SALE)

SECTION 3: READING (2.5 points)

Part 1: Read the following passage and choose the correct answers to each of the following questions. (1.0 pt)
The True Cost of Food
A. For more than forty years the cost of food has been rising. It has now reached a point where a growing number
of people believe that it is far too high and that bringing it down will be one of the great challenges of the twenty-
first century. That cost, however, is not in immediate cash. In the West at least, most food is now far cheaper to
buy in relative terms than it was in 1960. The cost is in the collateral damage of the very methods of food
production that have made the food cheaper: in the pollution of water, the enervation of soil, the destruction of
wildlife, the harm to animal welfare and the threat to human health caused by modern industrial agriculture.
B. First mechanisation, then mass use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides, then monocultures, then battery
rearing of livestock, and now genetic engineering- the onward march of intensive farming has seemed
unstoppable in the last half-century, as the yields of produce have soared. But the damage it has caused has been
colossal. In Britain, for example, many of our best-loved farmland birds, such as the skylark, the grey partridge,
the lapwing and the corn bunting, have vanished from huge stretches of countryside, as have even more wild-

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flowers and insects. This is a direct result of the way we have produced our food in the last four decades.
Thousands of miles of hedgerows, thousands of ponds have disappeared from the landscape. The faecal filth of
salmon farming has driven wild salmon from many of the sea lochs and rivers of Scotland. Natural soil fertility
is dropping in many areas because of continuous industrial fertiliser and pesticide use, while the growth of algae
is increasing in lakes because of the fertiliser run-off.
C. Put it all together and it looks like a battlefield, but consumers rarely make the connection at the dinner table.
That is mainly because the costs of all this damage are what economists refer to as externalities: they are outside
the main transaction, which is for example producing and selling a field of wheat, and are borne directly by
neither producers nor consumers. To many, the costs may not even appear to be financial at all, but merely
aesthetic -a terrible shame, but nothing to do with money. And anyway they, as consumers of food, certainly
aren’t paying for it, are they?
D. But the costs to society can actually be quantified and, when added up, can amount to staggering sums. A
remarkable exercise in doing this has been carried out by one of the world’s leading thinkers on the future of
agriculture, Professor Jules Pretty, Director of the Centre for Environment and Society at the University of Essex.
Professor Pretty and his colleagues calculated the externalities of British agriculture for one particular year. They
added up the costs of repairing the damage it caused and came up with a total figure of £2,343m. This is equivalent
to £208 for every hectare of arable land and permanent pasture, almost as much again as the total government
and EU spends on British farming in that year. And according to Professor Pretty, it was a conservative estimate.
E. The costs included: £120m for removal of pesticides; £16m for removal of nitrates; £55m for removal of
phosphates and soil; £23m for the removal of the bug cryptosporidium from drinking water by water companies;
£125m for damage to wildlife habitats, hedgerows and dry stone walls; £1,113m from emissions of gases likely
to contribute to climate change; £106m from soil erosion and organic carbon losses; £169m from food poisoning;
and £607m from cattle disease. Professor Pretty draws a simple but memorable conclusion from all this: our food
bills are actually threefold. We are paying for our supposedly cheaper food in three separate ways: once over the
counter, secondly through our taxes, which provide the enormous subsidies propping up modern intensive
farming, and thirdly to clean up the mess that modern farming leaves behind.
F. So can the true cost of food be brought down? Breaking away from industrial agriculture as the solution to
hunger may be very hard for some countries, but in Britain, where the immediate need to supply food is less
urgent, and the costs and the damage of intensive farming have been clearly seen, it may be more feasible. The
government needs to create sustainable, competitive and diverse farming and food sectors, which will contribute
to a thriving and sustainable rural economy, and advance environmental, economic, health, and animal welfare
G. But if industrial agriculture is to be replaced, what is a viable alternative? Professor Pretty feels that organic
farming would be too big a jump in thinking and in practice for many farmers. Furthermore, the price premium
would put the product out of reach of many poorer consumers. He is recommending the immediate introduction
of a ‘Greener Food Standard’, which would push the market towards more sustainable environmental practices
than the current norm, while not requiring the full commitment to organic production. Such a standard would
comprise agreed practices for different kinds of farming, covering agrochemical use, soil health, land
management, water and energy use, food safety and animal health. It could go a long way, he says, to shifting
consumers as well as farmers towards a more sustainable system of agriculture.
(Adapted from IELTS 7)
Questions 41-44: This passage has seven paragraphs, A-G. Which paragraph contains the following
information? Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 41-44 on your answer sheet. NB You may use any letter
more than once.
41. a cost involved in purifying domestic water
42. the stages in the development of the farming industry
43. the term used to describe hidden costs
44. one effect of chemicals on water sources

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Questions 45-48 Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 2? In
boxes 45-48 on your answer sheet, write
YES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer
NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this
45. Several species of wildlife in the British countryside are declining.
46. The taste of food has deteriorated in recent years.
47. The financial costs of environmental damage are widely recognised.
48. One of the costs calculated by Professor Pretty was illness caused by food.
Part 2: Read and Match (0.625 pt)
The people below all want to go to a skiing holiday centre. On the opposite page there are descriptions of eight
skiing holiday centres. Decide which skiing holiday centre would be the most suitable for the following people.
For questions 49-53, mark the correct letter (A-H) on your answer sheet.
49. Tomoko hasn’t skied before and wants inexpensive lessons from a teacher who speaks Japanese
and English. She’d like to stay somewhere where she doesn’t have to cook for herself.

50. Alex and Helen are going skiing for the second time and would like a centre with easy skiing and
interesting places to visit. They want to fly there and rent skis cheaply on arrival.

51. Matt and Martin are looking for some exciting skiing. They don’t want to be with beginners or
worry that there might not be enough snow. They like eating out in the evenings.

52. Isabel and her 14-year-old son, Juan, are expert skiers but her husband is a beginner. Juan would
like to try other winter sports like snowboarding. They’ll travel to the holiday centre by train.

53. Chris and his wife Jo are not keen skiers. They want to be able to relax in the sun and admire the
beautiful scenery while their sons of 10 and 12 have skiing lessons.


A. Windy Pine
The ski and snowboard runs here are high in the mountains so you can be sure of lots of good snow, but they are
extremely challenging and only for the expert. Skiers can relax after dark in a number of small bars and
restaurants. The airport is a two-hour bus ride away.
B. Mount Brock
This centre is family-friendly with lots of sporting activities for children, but there isn’t much to interest advanced
skiers. Although there’s seldom a lack of snow on Mount Brock, it can be cloudy so that the scenery is hidden.
Access is by road.
C. Ice Mountain
Come to this beautiful spot if you’re new to the sport. Try out easy ski runs under the instruction of qualified
teachers - their services are reasonably priced and many speak several languages including English. Classes are
for adults only. Guesthouses provide accommodation with breakfast and evening meals. The centre is reached by
D. Eagle’s Nest
There’s skiing in this area for skiers of all abilities, with special classes for children, but snowboarders aren’t
welcome. Accommodation is in comfortable holiday apartments with balconies, where non-skiers can enjoy the
fine weather surrounded by wonderful mountain views. There’s a good bus service from the centre to the nearest
train station.

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E. Bear Point
This centre is a favourite with skilful young skiers who have limited money. Accommodation is reasonably priced
and there’s a variety of evening entertainment. However, it’s hard to find a good instructor and you can’t be
certain of the snowfall. Cheap flights go to the local airport.
F. Rose Valley
This area has much to offer, both to skiers with little or no experience and to those wanting challenging and
exciting skiing. Ski instructors speak French and German. Some slopes are reserved for snowboarders. There’s
lively nightlife but the weather can be unreliable. Access to the area is by rail.
G. Mount David
There’s good open skiing here, without too many twists and turns, making it suitable for intermediate skiers.
Equipment hire is expensive. Accommodation is of a high standard and there are excellent restaurants, but prices
are high. The airport isn’t far away.
H. Fairview
This historic mountain town has much for visitors to see. The slopes don’t attract expert skiers, but are suitable
for those wishing to improve their basic skills. English-speaking instructors charge a lot, but hiring equipment is
very reasonable. This centre isn’t recommended for children. The airport is nearby.
Part 3: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the best option for cach of the
blanks. (0.875 pt)
The Thames Barrier is a (54) __________ part of the flood defence scheme for protecting London (55)
__________ rising water levels. The defenses also include raised river embankments and additional flood gates
at strategic points, including the Barking Barrier. The unique structure that is the Barrier spans the 520-metre
wide Woolwich reach and consists of 10 separate movable gates, each pivoting and supported between concrete
structures which house the operating machinery.
When raised, the four main gates (56) __________stands as high as a five-storey building and as wide as the
opening of Tower Bridge. Each (57) __________ 3700 tonnes. During the first twelve years of (58) __________,
the Barrier has been closed twenty nine times to protect London.
(59) __________ the Barrier from the comfortable cafeteria, picnic on the riverside embankment, enjoy
beautiful views from the riverside walk, visit the shop which stocks a large selection of souvenirs, books and
Barrier information. There is a children’s play area suitable for 4-to 12-year-olds, located adjacent to the riverside
walk. A visit to the spectacular Thames Barrier is a (60) __________ experience.
(Adapted from Successful FCE by Cambridge University Press)
54. A. major B. frequent C. similar D. various
55. A. against B. for C. between D. with
56. A. which B. every C. Ø D. each
57. A. measures B. costs C. calculates D. weighs
58. A. operation B. surgery C. vocation D. profession
59. A. Sight B. View C. Hear D. Explore
60. A. forgettable B. memorable C. neglectful D. memorised

SECTION 4: WRITING (2.5 points)

Part 1. For questions 61-66, rewrite the sentences using the words in bold type. Do not change the forms of
these words. Use between THREE and FIVE words. Do not change the meaning of the original sentence.
(0.75 pt)
61. They are proud of their achievements. (TAKE)
They _____________________________________________________________________ their achievements.

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62. Please excuse Jane’s poor typing; she’s only been learning for a month. (ALLOWANCE)
Please _______________________________________ Jane’s poor typing; she’s only been learning for a month.
63. You didn’t think carefully enough before you decided. (OUGHT)
You ________________________________________________________ carefully enough before you decided.
64. Alison bought the big house because she wanted to open a hotel. (VIEW)
Alison bought a big house ______________________________________________________________ a hotel.
65. People often think that Peter is his twin brother. (MIX)
People often __________________________________________________________________ his twin brother.
66. I never forget to consider her ideas before making the final decision. (ACCOUNT)
I never forget to __________________________________________________ before making the final decision.
Part 2. For questions 67-72, write the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. (0.75 pt)
67. The fifth time Lan asked Diep to marry him, she accepted.
Only on Lan’s _____________________________________________________________________________.
68. It is extremely difficult for workers and farmers to make ends meet these days.
Workers and farmers find ____________________________________________________________________.
69. We would prefer you to behave in a polite way.
We would rather ___________________________________________________________________________.
70. Although it rained torrentially all day, we enjoyed the voyage.
Torrentially _______________________________________________________________________________.
71. I am not friendly with him, in fact, I hardly even know him.
Far from _________________________________________________________________________________.
72. He doesn’t think very highly of politicians.
He’s got __________________________________________________________________________________.
Part 3. Write a paragraph of about 130-150 words to introduce some prominent features of Ninh Thuan
province and its people to tourists. (1.0 pt)
DO NOT mention your name, your teachers’ name, your school’s name or your hometown’s name in your

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