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Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia August 2021, Vol. 5, No. 2: 70-9

P-ISSN.2685-0249 | E-ISSN.2686-1321

Imaging of odontogenic keratocyst of the jaw

by panoramic radiography: a scoping review

Sri Sulastri1, Ria Noerianingsih Firman2*, Lusi Epsilawati2 .


Objectives: This review article is aimed to A total of 16 articles were included out of 161
determine the imaging of odontogenic keratocyst of articles in total.
the jaw by panoramic radiography.
Conclusion: Imaging of odontogenic keratocyst of
Review: This research is a descriptive research using the jaw by panoramic radiography is most
the scoping review method based on the Preferred commonly found in the 1st and 2nd decades of life
Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta- and in males, the lesions are unilocular or
analysis Scoping Review (PRISMA-Scr) which was multilocular radiolucent and have an
conducted from February 2021 to April 2021. The envelopmental shape in which the outline of the
search for literature related to the research topic cyst surrounds the entire unerupted tooth. OKCs
was carried out through database of scientific have well-defined with sclerotic or scalloped
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
articles on PMC NCBI, Pubmed NCBI, and Garuda as margins, most often occur in the posterior mandible
which permits use, distribution and reproduction,
provided that the original work is properly cited,
well as hand searching. The identified articles were and often associated with impacted 3rd molars, root
the use is non-commercial and no modifications or
adaptations are made. screened by checking for duplicates, reading the resorption was a rare occurrence.
titles and abstracts, and reading the entire articles.

Keywords: Odontogenic keratocyst, odontogenic tumor, panoramic radiography

Cite this article: Sulastri S, Firman RN, Epsilawati L Imaging of odontogenic keratocyst of the jaw by panoramic radiog-
raphy: a scoping review. Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia 2021;5(2)70-9.


Jaw lesions can be benign or malignant, and region.10 Another study in Indonesia regarding the
can occur at any age, with or without symptoms.1 prevalence of oral odontogenic cysts in 2011 – 2015
WHO classified the jaw lesions in 2017 into three at Ibnu Sina Hospital and RSUD Sayang Rakyat
groups, namely cystic lesions, benign tumor lesions, Makassar showed the percentage of OKC patients
and malignant tumor lesions.2 Cystic lesions are the was 10.2%, dominated by female patients.11
most common among the three groups.3,4 Panoramic radiography is a commonly chosen
Odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) is a technique in dentistry for examining OKC cases
developmental odontogenic cyst and the most because it has a broad coverage, including the
aggressive localized cystic jaw lesion in the oral entire face, dental arch, and surrounding
cavity with high growth potential and a tendency to supporting structures. These radiographs can help
Undergraduate Student, Faculty of
Dentistry, Universitas Padjadjaran,
recur.5,6 WHO reclassified OKC into the tumor in the initial assessment of the extent of the lesion
Bandung, Indonesia 40132 group as Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor (KCOT) in and the characteristics of the lesion that are quite
Department of Dentomaxillofacial 2005.7 However, both supporting and disproving specific and accurate in determining early
Radiology, Faculty of Dentistry, Univer- evidence for OKC as a neoplastic cystic lesion is diagnosis.12–14 OKC are often occur asymptomatic
sitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia considered insufficient and WHO returned OKC into and reported as incidental findings on radiographic
the cyst group in 2017.5,8 Frequency of OKC is 11.7% examination. In a retrospective study, the incidence
of all odontogenic cysts.9 A retrospective study of asymptomatic cases of OKC which are found
Correspondence to: reported that the prevalence of OKC in Greece from incidentally on radiographic examination was
Ria Noerianingsih Firman 1987 to 2017 was 8.2%. This make OKC as the 4th 62.8%.15 This shows the importance of radiographic
common cysts compared to radicular cysts, examination to be carried out in supporting the
dentigerous cysts, and residual cysts which are diagnosis of OKC.16 Several studies have found that
more common to occur. The number of cases is the radiographic image of OKC shows the lesion has
Received on: May 2021
Revised on: July 2021 slightly more dominated by men than women with ill-defined border.17,18 This is a rare case because
Accepted on: August 2021 a ratio of 1.3:1 and the mean age of the patients according to MacDonald Jankowski19, the
was in the second to third decade. In addition, it is radiographic appearance of OKC generally has well-
most commonly found in the mandibular molar defined border. Based on its location, OKC can be

70 © 2021 JRDI | Published by Ikatan Radiologi Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia


found in the maxillary or mandibular region and determined through research questions that were
about 30% cases of OKC are associated with at least arranged according to the PICO format (Population:
1 unerupted tooth, the most common is the third individual with odontogenic keratocyst,
molar.13 The association of the lesion with the third Intervention: panoramic radiographic examination,
molar can also indicate another odontogenic cyst, Comparison: not available, Objective: odontogenic
which is dentigerous cyst. A study by Lam et al in keratocyst include the description of age, location,
Hong Kong reported a 22% misdiagnosis of OKC shape, border, internal structure, and the effect on
cases, with dentigerous cyst being the most surrounding tissues). The research population were
common misdiagnosis.20 articles on odontogenic keratocyst, with the
Based on the phenomenon, the authors see research sample were the selected articles based
that the odontogenic keratocyst is quite damaging on the specified inclusion criteria. The inclusion
because of its aggressive growth with a larger size criteria in this research were articles that discuss
than other cysts.5,6,13 Given that the symptoms of the imaging of odontogenic keratocyst of the jaw by
OKC are often asymptomatic, radiographic panoramic radiography, articles on odontogenic
examination has an important role in determining keratocysts in which histopathological examinations
the presence of these lesions. Misdiagnosis in had been carried out, articles published in 2015 –
interpreting the radiographic picture of OKC cases 2020, and articles in English (indexed on Scopus)
has implications for treatment plan.20–23 These and Indonesian (indexed on SINTA). These criteria
errors can be minimized by knowing information were determined due to the limited time of the
about the patient's age and the characteristics of research and the limitations of the author's
the panoramic radiograph of OKC. Both can narrow language skills. The exclusion criteria in this
the determination of the differential diagnosis and research were articles that are not available in full-
assist in the interpretation of the lesion so that thetext form because data extraction cannot be carried
cyst can be recognized as soon as possible before it out. Articles on odontogenic keratocyst associated
gets bigger.24 Therefore, the authors are interested with nevoid basal carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS)
in conducting research on imaging of odontogenic were also excluded. Articles about odontogenic
keratocyst of the jaw by panoramic radiography keratocyst, but in which they were not related to
which reviewed the age, gender, location, shape, age, location, shape, border, internal structure, and
border, internal, and the effect on surrounding effect on surrounding tissues would be excluded
tissues using the scoping review method. since they were not related to the topic of this
This review article is aimed to determine the research.
imaging of odontogenic keratocyst of the jaw by The research was conducted by collecting article
panoramic radiography. This research is expected data on the international scientific literature
to provide information regarding the imaging of databases such as PubMed NCBI and PMC NCBI and
odontogenic keratocyst of the jaw by panoramic the national scientific literature database, namely
radiography based on published studies and assist Garuda. The process of searching for articles
in establishing the diagnosis of odontogenic through PubMed NCBI and PMC NCBI was carried
keratocyst cases of the jaw by panoramic out using keywords and conjunctions in the form of
radiography. Boolean Operators, which is an article search
strategy by combining several terms in each
concept using the words "OR", "AND", or "NOT".25
REVIEW In this research, the Boolean operator "NOT" was
not used (Table 1). Hand searching was also carried
This research is a descriptive research using the out on the reference list of articles included as
scoping review method based on the Preferred research samples for additional sources.
Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-
analysis Scoping Review (PRISMA-Scr) which was SEARCH AND SELECTION OF STUDIES
conducted from February 2021 to April 2021. The The search and selection of studies is shown in
author used Microsoft Office, Google Sheet, Figure 1. The search for literature related to the
internet, and scientific literature databases as the research topic was carried out through database of
research instrument. Research topics were scientific articles on PMC NCBI, Pubmed NCBI, and

Table 1. The Search Strategy

Scientific Literature Databases Search Strategy Number of Articles

PubMed NCBI (((odontogenic keratocyst[Title/Abstract]) OR (keratocystic 15 odontogenic tumour[Title/Abstract])) OR (keratocystic
advanced/ odontogenic tumor[Title/Abstract])) AND ((panoramic
radiography) OR (panoramic radiograph)) Filters: Full text,
English, Indonesian, from 2015 - 2020
PMC NCBI ((((odontogenic keratocyst[Abstract]) OR keratocystic 40 odontogenic tumour[Abstract]) OR keratocystic odontogenic
tumor[Abstract])) AND ((panoramic radiography) OR panoramic
radiograph) Filters: Publication date from 2015/01/01 to
Garuda Odontogenic keratocyst 4

Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia 2021; 5(2); 70-9 | DOI: 10.32793/jrdi.v5i2.699 71


Articles identified through databases

(n = 161): PMC=75, Pubmed=81, Garuda=4

The number of articles after the filter was applied (2015-
2020, the availability of full text articles, articles in English
and Indonesian)
(n = 88):
PMC=40, Pubmed=15, Garuda=4, hand searching =29

Articles after duplicates removed

(n = 81)

Articles screened (Title/Abstract) Articles excluded

(n = 20) (n = 61)

Full text articles assessed Articles excluded

(n =16) (n = 4)

Articles included
(n = 16)

Figure 1. PRISMA-Scr Flow Chart

Garuda as well as hand searching. The identified article, two Q2 journal articles, twelve Q3 journal
articles were screened by checking for duplicates, articles, and one Q4 journal article.
reading the titles and abstracts, and reading the
entire articles. From 3 databases, 161 articles were DATA SYNTHESIS OF THE INCLUDED STUDIES
found: 81 articles from Pubmed, 75 articles from Table 4 contains the results of the
PMC, and 4 articles from Garuda. Then a filter was interpretation characteristics of odontogenic
applied in the database search engine based on keratocyst: age, gender, location, shape, border,
year (2015 – 2020), the availability of full text internal, and the effect on surrounding tissues.
articles, and English and Indonesian articles, 59 Figure 2 shows the number of participants by age
articles were obtained, while 29 articles were and gender. The age of the participants was in the
obtained through hand searching. Then, a range of 8 – 82 years with 30 female participants
duplication check was carried out, the remaining 81 and 32 male participants. Figure 3 shows the
journals were obtained. The first screening was number of OKCs by location, shape, border, and
done by reading the title and abstract, 61 articles internal structure. A total of 55 OKCs were reported
were excluded for some reasons so that 20 articles to be located in the mandible (1 lesion in the
were included. The second screening was done by anterior region, 11 lesions in the posterior region,
reading the articles as a whole, 4 articles were and 3 lesions in the anteroposterior region) and 12
excluded for reasons (Table 2). The final result was lesions in the maxilla (3 lesions in the posterior
obtained 16 articles which were reviewed as the region). OKCs are either unilocular or multilocular,
research samples. with a total of 45 unilocular lesions and 19
multilocular lesions. A total of 54 OKCs showed well
STUDY CHARACTERISTIC -defined borders with 4 of them were well-defined
The study characteristics of the articles included with sclerotic margins, 2 lesions were well-defined
are shown in Table 3. Based on the type of study with scalloped margins, and 1 lesion was well-
design, there were 1 comparative study article, 1 defined with irregular border. Only 2 lesions
prospective cohort study article, 2 retrospective showed ill-defined borders. A total of 16 articles
cohort study articles, and 12 case report articles. presented that OKCs were radiolucent. Figure 4
Based on the Scopus index, the journals included in shows the distribution of the effects of OKCs on the
the research sample consist of one Q1 journal surrounding tissue.

72 Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia 2021; 5(2); 70-9 | DOI: 10.32793/jrdi.v5i2.699


Table 2. Reasons for Study Exclusion

Exclusion Criteria Number of Articles

Articles were not relevant to the topic 60
Review articles 3

Articles were not indexed on Scopus 2

Total 65

Table 3. Included Study Characteristics

Author (year) Title Study Design Journal Country
Daniel Berretta AM Evaluation of mandibular odontogenic Comparative Dentomaxillofacial Brazil Q1
et al (2018)26 keratocyst and ameloblastoma by Radiology
panoramic radiograph and computed
Shastry SP et al Imaging Characteristic of 11 Lesions of Retrospective Contemporary Clinical India Q3
(2020)27 Odontogenic Keratocyst in the Indian cohort Dentistry
Subpopulation: A Cone-Beam
Computed Tomography Experience
Lee H et al (2015)28 Enucleation of large keratocystic Case report Journal of The Korean South Q3
odontogenic tumor at mandible via Association Oral Korea
unilateral sagittal split osteotomy: a Maxillofacial Surgeons
report of three cases
Hameed O et al Odontogenic keratocyst: An incidental Case report Journal of Orthodontics United Q2
(2020)29 finding during an orthodontic Kingdom
Kshirsagar RA et al Odontogenic Keratocyst: Developing a Prospective Annals of Maxillofacial India Q3
(2019)30 Protocol for Surgical Intervention cohort Surgery
Alchalabi NJ et al Using Carnoy's Solution in Treatment of Retrospective Annals of Maxillofacial Iraq Q3
(2017)31 Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor cohort Surgery
Goto M et al A rare case of odontogenic keratocyst Case report International Journal of Japan Q3
(2020)32 extending into the sphenoid Surgery Case Reports
bone from the maxilla
Vallejo-Rosero KA Conservative management of Case report International Journal of Brazil Q3
et al (2020)33 odontogenic keratocyst with long-term Surgery Case Reports
5-year follow-up: Case report and
literature review
Rodrigues- Pigmented odontogenic keratocyst: Case report Journal of Clinical and Brazil Q2
Fernandes C-I et al Report of a rare case and review of the Experimental Dentistry
(2018)34 literature
Morankar R et al Conservative management of Case report BMJ Case Report India Q4
(2018)35 keratocystic odontogenic tumour in a
young child with
decompression and an intraoral
5-year follow-up
GS, Kamath AT et A Linguoverted Impacted Tooth With Case report Clujul Medical India Q3
al (2018)36 Orocutaneous Fistula – A Rare Case
Gopalkrishna AA et Trigeminal neuralgia induced by Case report Journal of Oral and India Q3
al (2018)37 odontogenic keratocyst associated with Maxillofacial Pathology
impacted supernumerary teeth: A rare
case report
Jendi SK (2019)38 Ectopic Third Molar: A Hidden Cause Case report Indian Journal of India Q3
For Maxillary Sinusitis—A Otolaryngology and
Rare Case Report Head & Neck Surgery
Gotmare SS et al Keratocystic odontogenic tumor with Case report Indian Journal of India Q3
(2016)39 ossification and calcification: A case Dental Research
report with unusual histological
de Molon, RS et al Five years follow-up of a keratocyst Case report Contemporary Cinical Brazil Q3
(2015)40 odontogenic tumor treated by Dentistry
marsupialization and enucleation: a
report and literature review
Sheethal, HS et al Odontogenic keratocyst arising in the Case report Journal of Oral and India Q3
(2019)41 maxillary sinus: a rare case report Maxillofacial Pathology

Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia 2021; 5(2); 70-9 | DOI: 10.32793/jrdi.v5i2.699 73


Table 4. Characteristic of Odontogenic Keratocyst

Author Internal Effect on Surrounding Struc-

Age, Gender Location Shape Border
(year) Structure tures
Daniel 9 patients, 9 OKCs in mandible 7 OKCs were 9 OKCs were 9 OKCs • 4 OKCs associated with
Berretta 1) 80 y.o, M unilocular well-defined were unerupted teeth (2 OKCs
AM et al 2) 52 y.o, F 2 OKCs were radiolu- with M3, 1 OKC with C, 1
(2018)26 3) 52 y.o, F multilocular cent OKC with I2 and C)
4) 36 y.o, F
• 1 case showed root resorp-
5) 30 y.o, F
6) 27 y.o, M
7) 13 y.o, M
8) 12 y.o, F
9) 8 y.o, M
Shastry 7 patients, Patient: 7 OKCs were 11 OKCs were 11 OKCs • 8 OKCs were associated
SP et al 1) 38 y.o, M 1) Mandible unilocular, 1 well-defined were with impacted teeth (5
(2020)27 2) 30 y.o, F 2) Maxilla OKC was uniloc- (2 OKCs were radiolu- OKCs with M3, 1 OKC with
3) 25 y.o, F 3) Mandible ular envelop- well defined cent P2, 1 OKC with M2, 1 OKC
4) 24 y.o, M 4) Mandible mental, 2 OKCs with scalloped with I2 and C)
5) 18 y.o, F 5) Maxilla were multilocu- border)
• 1 OKC showed root resorp-
6) 14 y.o, M (4 6) 2 OKCs maxilla, 2 lar,
solitary OKCs) OKCs in mandible 1 OKC was
7) 8 y.o, M (2 7) 1 OKC in maxilla, 1 undefined • OKC compressed the inferi-
solitary OKCs) OKC in mandible or alveolar canal (1 OKC
compressed the IAC to
inferior, 3 OKCs compressed
the IAC to the inferior and
• 1 OKC caused perforation of
the lower mandible
• OKC caused thinning of the
mandible border (1 OKC
caused thinning to the
inferior border and 2 OKCs
caused thinning to the
anterior posterior ramus
and inferior border)
Lee H et 3 cases, Case Case 4 OKCs were 4 OKCs • All cases associated with
al (2015) 1) 52 y.o, M (2 1) 2 OKCs (right & left 1) Unilocular well-defined were impacted teeth (M3)
solitary OKCs) posterior mandible 2) Multilocular radiolu-
• Case 1 caused deviation of
2) 21 y.o, M to ramus) 3) Multilocular cent
inferior alveolar nerve (IAN)
3) 19 y.o, F 2) 1 OKC in left posteri-
to the inferior
or mandible to ra-
3) 1 OKC in right poste-
rior mandible to

Hameed 12 y.o, M Right posterior mandible unilocular Well-defined Radiolu- N/A

O et al cent
Kshir- 3 cases, Case Case 3 OKCs were 3 OKCs All cases associated with im-
sagar RA 1) 25 y.o, F 1) Right posterior man- 1) Unilocular well-defined were pacted teeth (M3)
et al 2) 74 y.o, F dible to the middle 2) Multilocular radiolu-
(2019)30 3) 19 y.o, M of ramus 3) Unilocular cent
2) Antero posterior
mandible (right pre-
molar – left 3rd molar
3 region)
3) Right posterior man-
dible to ramus

Alchalabi 29 patients (14 4 OKCs in maxilla, 18 OKCs were 18 cases were Radiolu- N/A
NJ et al females, 15 25 OKCs in mandible unilocular, well-defined cent
(2017)31 males, age range: 11 OKCs were
12 – 62 y.o) multilocular
Goto M 21 y.o, M Right posterior maxilla N/A Ill-defined radiolu- associated with impacted teeth
et al to the maxillary sinus cent (18) and the 18 displaced to
(2020)32 the roof of sinus

74 Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia 2021; 5(2); 70-9 | DOI: 10.32793/jrdi.v5i2.699


(Cont.) Table 4. Characteristic of Odontogenic Keratocyst

Author Internal Effect on Surrounding Struc-

Age, Gender Location Shape Border
(year) Structure tures
Vallejo- 67 y.o, F Anteroposterior unilocular Well-defined radiolu- N/A
Rosero mandible (33-46 cent
KA et al region)
Ro- 14 y.o, M Left anterior mandi- unilocular Well-defined, radiolu- displacement of the root posi-
drigues- ble sclerotic cent tion (divergence of the roots of
Fer- the mandibular left lateral
nandes C incisors and the unerupted
-I et al canines)
Morank- 11 y.o, M Right anteroposterior unilocular Well-defined radiolu- associated with impacted teeth
ar R et al mandible with irregular cent (permanent right 2nd
(2018)35 border premolar and canine)
displacement of primary right
lower 2nd molar to the
displacement of impacted
canine to the mesial
thinning of the lower border
GS, Ka- 23 y.o, M Left posterior mandi- unilocular Well-defined, radiolu- associated with impacted teeth
math AT ble sclerotic border cent (38 in linguoverted posi-
et al tion)
Go- 82 y.o, F Right posterior man- unilocular Well-defined, radiolu- associated with impacted su-
palkrishn dible sclerotic border cent pernumerary teeth
a AA et impinging the mandibular canal
al (2018)

Jendi SK 24 y.o, F Left posterior maxilla unilocular Well-defined radiolu- associated with impacted teeth
(2019)38 to the maxillary sinus cent (28) with the OKC sur-
rounded the tooth crown
and the tooth displaced
to the maxillary sinus
pressed the lateral nasal wall

Gotmare 33 y.o, F Left posterior mandi- multilocular Well-defined, radiolu- N/A

SS et al ble to the condyle sclerotic margin cent

de Mo- 15 y.o, M Left posterior mandi- unilocular Well-defined radiolu- associated with impacted teeth
lon, RS et ble (radiopaque cent (38)
al (2015) halo)

Sheethal, 15 y.o, P Left posterior maxil- unilocular Ill-defined radiolu- associated with impacted teeth
HS et al la, in the maxillary cent (28) and displaced to the left
(2019)41 sinus maxillary sinus

N/A : Unprovided data

DISCUSSION Identifying these characteristics can facilitate the

interpretation process and determine the nature
The process sequence of interpreting a lesion and behavior of the lesion.24
on a radiograph is vary. In general, there are several The age of patients who were diagnosed with
things that need to be identified, they are location, OKC based on Table 4 and Figure 2 has an age range
shape, border, internal structure, and effect on of 8 – 82 years and most are in the age group of the
surrounding tissues.14,42 The age and gender of the 1st decade and then the 2nd decade. This shows a
patient are also important to consider so that can slight difference with research by Alva, PG et al43
narrow the differential diagnosis of a lesion. and Reduwan, NH et al44 who reported the highest

Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia 2021; 5(2); 70-9 | DOI: 10.32793/jrdi.v5i2.699 75


Figure 2. Age and gender of the participants

frequency of OKC in the 3rd decade followed by the developmental odontogenic cyst, which is a cyst
2nd decade. However, based on gender, there are whose lumen is lined with epithelium that plays a
similarities, which was dominated by males.43 The role in tooth development and grows due to the
patient's age is one of the important factors in the activation of odontogenic cell remnants so that OKC
diagnosis of jaw lesions. OKC consists of non- can only occur in the tooth bearing area.3,48,51
syndromic (sporadic) and syndromic cases. Another important thing that needs to be reviewed
Syndromic OKC only about 5% of all OKC cases.45 from the location is the finding of unilateral or
Multiple OKCs in children need to be considered for bilateral lesions.42 Two of the 16 included articles
association with nevoid basal carcinoma syndrome indicated bilateral cases as well as multiple OKC
(NBCCS). This syndrome is genetically inherited with cases (Figure 5). These findings need to be
various expressions, such as multiple nevoid basal examined for other systemic abnormalities because
cell carcinomas, odontogenic keratocysts, they may be associated with NBCCS.27
congenital skeletal defects, ectopic calcifications, Based on shape, OKC can be unilocular or
plantar and palmar pits, central nervous system and multilocular. Unilocular lesions consist of a single
ocular lesions, and hypertelorism.5,46 Patients with compartment of bone (Figure 6), whereas
NBCSS are usually younger, under 20 years with a multilocular lesions form due to the fusion and
median age of 15 years when diagnosed with overlap of pathological compartments in the bone
OKC.45,47 (Figure 7). Unilocular lesions are benign and grow
The most common location of OKC was in the more slowly, whereas multilocular lesions are
mandibular posterior region as shown in Figure 3. benign but have an aggressive process and have the
This is in accordance with the findings by Bhat, A et potential to recur.53 The results of this research
al.48 The location of the lesion is an important show that the most common finding was the
consideration in the interpretation process because unilocular. This finding strengthens the research by
each lesion has a predilection for a particular area.49 Sanchez-Burgos, et al54 and MacDonald-
This location is closely related to the original tissue Jankowski.55 One article reported OKC with
forming the lesion.50 Odontogenic keratocyst is a unilocular envelopmental shaped. This is one of the

Figure 3. Number of OKCs classified by location, shape, border, and internal structure

76 Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia 2021; 5(2); 70-9 | DOI: 10.32793/jrdi.v5i2.699


Figure 4. Distribution of effect of OKCs on surrounding tissues

characteristics that can distinguish OKC from deposition so that OKC can have a well-defined
dentigerous cysts. OKC has an epithelium that appearance with sclerotic margin.56 OKC can also
adheres more apically, whereas dentigerous cysts had ill-defined border (Figure 8) as stated in 2
usually cover the crown of the tooth with articles in Table 4. The location of the lesions in that
epithelium attached to the cementoenamel 2 articles was in the maxilla. This ill-defined
junction.14 Only 1 article did not report the shape appearance may occur because it is related to
data on panoramic radiography due to the trabecular architecture and bone thickness. Lesions
limitations of these modalities so that the case had with the same well-defined margins generally
an additional examination, which was CBCT. appear less defined in the maxilla than in the
Well-defined lesions are usually benign, mandible, especially on 2-dimensional radiographs,
whereas ill-defined lesions tend to be aggressive additional radiography examinations such as CBCT
and suggest an inflammatory or neoplastic are required.42 Overall, this study supports the
process.53 Based on the studies reviewed, OKC statement by White dan Pharoah14 that OKC has
lesions had well-defined borders with sclerotic well-defined border. In the findings of the included
margins or might had edges that have a series of article, the OKC showed a radiolucent internal
contiguous arches or scalloped. Irregular edges structure. Total radiolucency is usually found in
might be present. Histologically OKC has a capsule cysts.14 This indicates bone destruction and results
and it is surrounded by epithelium. The slow growth in the formation of compartments filled with fluids,
of OKC causes the pressure to the surrounding area gases, or semisolid substances.50,51,53
of the lesion is sufficient to trigger a reaction in the The growth of a lesion can affect the
surrounding bone such as matrix and mineral surrounding tissue. This needs to be known by the

Figure 5. Multiple odontogenic keratocyst52 Figure 6. Unilocular OKC which associated with third molar30

Figure 7. Multilocular OKC26 Figure 8. Ill-defined OKC which associated with 3rd molar
that moved into the sinus32

Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia 2021; 5(2); 70-9 | DOI: 10.32793/jrdi.v5i2.699 77


observer to infer the behavior of the lesion so that search time range so that more articles can be
it can help in identifying the disease.14 The effect on reviewed.
surrounding tissue caused by the growth of the
lesion is quite diverse. Figure 4 shows the most
common finding was the association between OKC CONCLUSION
and impacted teeth (Figure 6). The impacted teeth
involved were M3, M2, P2, C, I2, and Imaging of odontogenic keratocyst of the jaw by
supernumerary teeth. The association of OKC with panoramic radiography is most commonly found in
third molar was the most frequently occurred. This the 1st and 2nd decades of life and in males, the
is in accordance with the research of Mello, FW et lesions are unilocular or multilocular radiolucent
al57 on the prevalence of odontogenic cysts and and have an envelopmental shape in which the
tumors associated with impacted third molars. The outline of the cyst surrounds the entire unerupted
results showed the prevalence of OKC associated tooth. OKCs have well-defined with sclerotic or
with impacted third molars was 0.5%, the second scalloped margins, most often occur in the
highest after dentigerous cysts. posterior mandible and often associated with
Based on the included articles, the other effect impacted 3rd molars, root resorption was a rare
of the lesion on the surrounding tissue was occurrence.
displacement of the teeth which was shown in
some of the findings. This characteristic usually
occurs in lesions that grow more slowly and occupy ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
space.14 Tooth root resorption was only found in 2
articles. This is in line with the research of None.
Chirapathomsakul, D et al58 who reported that this
characteristic was not very common in OKC, with an
incidence of 1.3%. OKC undergoes very fine FOOTNOTES
epithelial growth. Keratin that fills the lumen of
OKC is formed very slowly with little pressure on All authors have no potential conflict of interest
the surrounding tissue so that it does not hit the to declare for this article.
cementoblasts and the root surface is not exposed.
Besides, OKC is unrelated with inflammation and
there are no mediators that cause resorption so REFERENCES
that the findings of root resorption in OKC are
rare.59 Other effect on the surrounding tissues in 1. Peker E, Öğütlü F, Karaca İR, Gültekin ES, Çakır M. A 5 year
this study were lesions pressing on the inferior retrospective study of biopsied jaw lesions with the
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