GENX-1B Workscope Planning Guide Rev 8.2

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Workscope Planning Guide (WPG)

Rev 8 Jul-17
Revision: 8.2 (Jul-17)

GEK 114098
Proprietary Information Statement
The information contained in this document is disclosed in confidence. It is the property of General Electric Company and shall
not be used (except for evaluation), disclosed to others, or reproduced without the consent of General Electric Company. If
consent is given for reproduction in whole or in part, this notice and the notice set forth on each page of this document shall
appear in any reproduction, in whole or in part. The information contained in this document may be controlled by U.S. export
control laws. Unauthorized export or re-export is prohibited. The foregoing is subject to any rights the U.S. Government may
have acquired in such information.

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 1

Revision highlights are:

Note, minor additions to an annual WPG revision will be added to a revision

denoted as a .1 revision, and will not constitute a full revision.

• Rev 1 February 2011 – Initial release of the GEnx Workscope Planning Guide
• Rev 2 September 2011
• Rev 3 June 2012
• Rev 4 May 2013
• Rev 5 May 2014
• Rev 6 July 2014
• Rev 7 July 2015
o Introduced a 14,000 hour soft life to the main fuel pump
• Rev 7.1 July 27 2015
o Introduced SB 72-0266 and 72-0275 to Q/T activity
• Rev 7.2 June 01 2016
o Add SB 72-0154 1B/P2 Hardware release collector Bulletin
o Add Engine Manual sections
• Rev 8.0 Feb 2017
o Introduce Sump Eductor Valve for test and repair every SV (PIP2 only).
• Rev 8.1 February 2017
o Amendment to Sump Eductor Valve test requirements
• Rev 8.2 July 2017
o Updated LRU table
o Updated Workscope level Table

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 2

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1. Objective ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.2. Engine Model versus Thrust Definition ................................................................................................ 5
1.3. Thrust Conversion and Engine Upgrades ........................................................................................... 6
1.4. Extended Twin-Engine Operation .......................................................................................................... 7
1.5. Thresholds......................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.6. Mandatory Inspections ............................................................................................................................... 7
1.7. Inspection Limits/Level of Disassembly............................................................................................... 7
1.8. Engine Exceedance Requirements ........................................................................................................ 8
1.9. LLP Life Influencing Parts ........................................................................................................................... 8
1.10. Guidelines for Parameter Trend Monitoring ...............................................................................10
1.11. Gas Path Cleaning..................................................................................................................................12
1.12. Preservation and Storage ...................................................................................................................13
1.13. Outbound Engine Acceptance Testing ..........................................................................................13
1.14. Service Bulletin (SB) Category Definitions ....................................................................................13
1.15. Alert Service Bulletins ...........................................................................................................................16
1.16. Airworthiness Directives ......................................................................................................................16
1.17. GEnx Series Life Limited Parts Program Status ........................................................................16
1.18. GEnx Workscope Planning Guide Flow Chart ...........................................................................17
1.19. Level of Work ............................................................................................................................................18
1.20. Modular Workscope Projections......................................................................................................20
1.21. Module Identification and Inspection References (CIR) .........................................................22
2. Controls and Accessory Workscope Guidelines ....................................................................23
3. Assembled Engine and Quick Turn (Q/T) Workscope (level I) ...........................................31
3.1. Assembled Engine M10 & M20 Workscope Level I.......................................................................32
4. Modular Workscope...........................................................................................................................34
4.1. Controls and Accessories .........................................................................................................................34
4.2. Configuration Hardware ..........................................................................................................................35
4.3. Fan Stator Assembly M18 ........................................................................................................................36
4.4 Fan Rotor .........................................................................................................................................................37
4.5 Fan Booster M21 ..........................................................................................................................................38
4.6 No. 1 Bearing Assembly M23 .................................................................................................................39
4.7 No. 2 Bearing Assembly M24 .................................................................................................................40
4.8 Fan Hub Frame Module M31/M31.......................................................................................................41
4.9 High Pressure Compressor M51/52/53.............................................................................................42
4.10 Combustor Diffuser Nozzle (CDN) M45 ..............................................................................................43
4.11 Stage 1 High Pressure Turbine Nozzle M55 ....................................................................................44
4.12 Stage 2 High Pressure Turbine Nozzle M56 ....................................................................................45
4.13 High Pressure Turbine Rotor M57 ........................................................................................................46
4.14 Turbine Center Frame M58 .....................................................................................................................47
4.15 Low Pressure Turbine Rotor / Stator M61 ........................................................................................48
4.16 Turbine Rear Frame M63 .........................................................................................................................49
4.17 Fan Mid Shaft M64 ......................................................................................................................................50
4.18 Inlet Gear Box M32 .....................................................................................................................................51
4.19 Transfer Gear Box M33 .............................................................................................................................52
4.20 Accessory Gear Box M70/M71 ..............................................................................................................53

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 3

4.21 Bifurcation M80 ............................................................................................................................................54
5 Hardware Not Found in the GEnx-1B Illustrated Parts Catalog (IPC) ..........................55

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 4

The following document contains references to the GEnx Engine Manuals, B787 Aircraft
Maintenance Manual, GEnx Component Maintenance Manuals, GEnx Series Service
Bulletins, component and assembly part numbers and other GE documentation. All
technical documentation and information contained herein, with respect to assembly
and disassembly, cleaning, inspection methods and limits, repair methods and limits,
operational limits, life limits and the like, have been developed and approved for use
with engines and parts that have been manufactured and/or approved by GE and that
have been maintained in accordance with GE technical documentation and
recommendations. GE has no contractual or legal obligation for, nor knowledge of,
non-GE-approved parts and repairs. Accordingly, this document is not intended to
apply to non-GE-approved parts and repairs.

1. Introduction
This document describes the recommended workscope definition for GENX-1B
engines. Workscope recommendations are based on engine time/cycles,
diagnostics/intelligent engine monitoring, and “on-condition” findings. The “on-
condition” concept means that maintenance activities are determined based on
actual hardware condition rather than by hard-time limits or time/cycle criteria. The
GEnx utilizes a modular overhaul concept which allows operators to focus shop visits
on the specific module associated with a specific shop visit. The only engine hard-
time limits for the GENX-1B engine are identified in Engine Manual Chapter 05-11-

Authorization for all activities recommended by this document is derived from the
FAA-approved GENX Engine Manuals (GEK112865) and Service Bulletins. This
Workscope Planning Guide is only a supplemental guideline and is in no way a
substitute for other GE documentation.

1.1. Objective
This document serves as a guideline for GENX-1B operators to use in developing their
standard shop visit workscopes to achieve reliability, performance, and maintenance
cost goals. It is recommended that operators continually review their engine reliability
statistics, test cell and installed performance levels to determine if any changes are
required to the guidelines set forth in the GENX-1B Workscope Planning Guide.

1.2. Engine Model versus Thrust Definition

GEnx-1B engine family model names have been defined as a function of airframe
and engine combination "equivalent” thrust. In the case of the Boeing B787, the
equivalent thrust value and the letter B (for Boeing) follow the GEnx. For example, the
engine model GEnx-1B70 is a GENX engine with 70,000 pounds of equivalent thrust
on a Boeing 787 aircraft. Equivalent thrust represents the minimum installed thrust at
Mach 0.25. The GEnx 14 CFR Part 33 certified minimum thrust levels are stamped on
the data plate for each engine. This is “sea level static” (SLS) thrust, not equivalent
Mach 0.25 thrust. Additionally, the GEnx Engine Manual limits assure that each engine

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 5

will have additional thrust margin to ensure certified minimum thrust levels are

Table 1 Engine Model versus Thrust for the GEnx

Engine Type Boeing Thrust SLS Take-off Thrust Aircraft
GEnx-1B64 63,800 67,000 B787-8
GEnx-1B67 67,000 69,400 B787-8
GEnx-1B70 69,800 72,300 B787-8
GEnx-1B70/72 69,800 72,300 B787-8/9
GEnx-1B70/75 69,800 72,300 B787-8/9
GEnx-1B74/75 73,600 76,700 B787-8/9
GEnx-1B76A 76,100 78,500 B787-9

1.3. Thrust Conversion and Engine Upgrades

1.3.1. Rating Plug Thrust Change:
Refer to Service Bulletin 72-0001 for proper procedures in changing the rating plugs
for the GEnx-1B engines.

1.3.2. Engine Configuration Upgrades :

72-0001 Cat 7, Engine Model information and conversions.
72-0040 Cat 7, release of GEnx-1BXXG04 PIP1 upgrade, redesigned TCF, LPT and
configuration hardware for improved fuel efficiency.
72-0154 Cat 7, Genx-1B/P2 Hardware Release (Collector Bulletin).

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 6

1.4. Extended Twin-Engine Operation
Boeing document D021Z002-01 refers to Model 787 Configuration, Maintenance and
Procedures Supplement.

1.5. Thresholds
Thresholds for individual modules and LRUs are developed as a means to achieve
reliability, performance, and cost of ownership goals. Thresholds are not hard-time
limits. They are economic time/cycle guidelines to be used when deciding on the level
of work to be performed on an engine. Each operator may adjust the thresholds
based on their operations and experience.

Thresholds are developed based on prior shop visit and factory test experience.
Beyond the threshold it is expected that the module will not have the life remaining to
make another complete engine installation/run (i.e., the module will limit the installed
engine life). At this time, most thresholds for LRUs have not been established for the
GEnx engines and are expected to be on-condition until such time that a threshold
can be established.

Time and flight cycle accounting by engine Module/EMU will be required. Modules are
considered continued-time after shop visit minimum or performance workscopes,
and zero-timed only after full module overhaul level workscope (TSSV/CSSV = 0). Life
Limited Parts should not be reinstalled unless they have more than the number of
cycles of life remaining (stub life) to obtain the expected on-wing life.

1.6. Mandatory Inspections

Engine hard-time limits for the GENX-1B engine are identified in Engine Manual
Chapters 05-11-00 (Life Limits of Engine Parts) and 05-21-00 (Mandatory Inspections).

1.7. Inspection Limits/Level of Disassembly

Unless otherwise stated, the following inspection criteria are applicable:

• Engine, modules and hardware removed for access during Q/T (continued
time) activity a general visual inspection (GVI) on low workscope or Q/T shop
visits as detailed in EM CIR 72-00-00 Inspection. Refer CIR Subtask 72-00-00-

• Modules, assemblies, and subassemblies

- Engine Manual condition maintenance limits (72-00-XX).

• Piece-parts
-Engine manual (72-XX-00) for full overhaul disassembly.
-Life-limited parts inspections to include applicable NDT and Enhanced
-Except items listed in chapter 05-21, Engine Manual Condition Maintenance
Chapter (72-00-XX) may be applied if part is exposed at below full overhaul

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thresholds, or have a general visual inspection (GVI) on low workscope
continued time or Q/T shop visits as detailed in EM CIR 72-00-00 Inspection.
Refer CIR Subtask 72-00-00-220-051.

• Controls and accessories

-Inspect in accordance with recommended workscope defined in the Control
and accessories full overhaul workscope within this document and specific
Component Maintenance Manual (CMM) and GVI in accordance with EM CIR
72-00-00 Inspection. Refer CIR Subtask 72-00-00-220-048

1.8. Engine Exceedance Requirements

An engine that has experienced any of the following must have a special workscope:
Refer to EM CIR 72-00-00 Inspection 002 for further information.
• Engine Exposure to Fire and Extinguishing Agents
• Engine Foreign Object Damage
• Engine Birdstrike
• Engine Over Maximum Vibration
• Engine Stall
• Heavy Sand, Dust, Volcanic Ash Ingestion
• In-flight Windmilling
• No or Low oil pressure
• Overspeed
• Overtemperature
• Cross contamination of the oil system due to filter by pass condition.
• Nozzle Airfoil burn through or distress that may cause a one per revolution
excitation of the blades.

Note: In all the above instances, contact GENX Life Cycle Engineering (LCE formerly
known as Product Support Engineering PSE) for Workscope recommendations.

1.9. LLP Life Influencing Parts

ATA Chapter 05-11 of the Engine Shop Manual lists the rotating parts and static
structure parts identified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as Life Limited
Parts (LLP). The Airworthiness Limitations contained in Section 05-11 has been
substantiated to the Certificating Authority based on engineering analysis that
assumes this product will be operated and maintained using the configurations,
procedures, and inspections provided in the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
supplied with this product by the Type Certificate holder. For Life Limited Parts, and
parts that influence Life Limited Parts, any repair, alteration or other maintenance not
technically substantiated by the Type Certificate holder, or its licensees, or any
replacement of such parts not supplied by the Type Certificate holder, or its licensees,
can introduce differences that may materially affect these limits. GE recommends the
use of only GE-approved replacement parts and repairs.

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Refer to EM chapter 05-00-00 for a list of (“Critical” for GEnx) LLP influencing parts -
parts that experience has shown can directly or indirectly influence the boundary
conditions of the lifing system used to determine the LLP Airworthiness Limitations. To
ensure that Airworthiness Limitations published in Section 05-11 remain valid, LLP-
Influencing Parts should be maintained in a manner consistent with the inspection
and repair procedures contained in Chapter 72 of the engine manufacturer’s shop
manual. Accordingly, GE recommends the operating configuration of each LLP
including all LLP influencing parts be documented during maintenance using the data
sheet contained in Table below.

Table 2. LLP Operating Configuration: List of (Critical) Influencing Parts Installed

LLP-Influencing Parts Installed with this LLP:

Nomenclature Number Serial TSN Installed Installed

Influencing QTY Not

Engine Approved*
Nomenclature Approved

1. Enter one row for each influencing part for the appropriate LLP as listed in Chapter 05-
2. Produce one sheet for each LLP installed in the engine during shop visit.

 New TCH Approved parts are listed in the IPC and are licensed by the engine Type Certificate
Holder and are listed in the TCH approved Illustrated Parts Catalog. TCH approved repairs of TCH
approved parts are listed in the repair sources directory for the appropriate model engine. GE
recommend using only parts and repairs approved by GE

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1.10. Guidelines for Parameter Trend Monitoring
A parameter shift can indicate mechanical change in the engine that may propagate
to failure. Effective monitoring of trend shifts can provide early fault detection and
can reduce the possibility of in-flight shutdowns and aborted takeoffs. Also, effective
monitoring can be used to improve operation/maintenance scheduling and can
reduce delays/cancellations as well as out-station removals. Operators have the
responsibility for monitoring the health of their engines. The most widely used
method of parameter trend monitoring is to compare parameter data from each
engine to a baseline engine model. The baseline model is developed by GE based
upon actual flight-test data and/or in-service experience. The baselines are
presented in standard-day units, so it is necessary to perform computations on the
engine parameter data to determine the deviation from the baseline (trend delta). GE
web-based Diagnostics will have the most up to date baseline calculations
performed (providing flight data is sent to GE) that can be used by operators to
comply with their regulatory obligations.

1.10.1. Data Recording

For GEnx-1B powered aircraft, the source of trend data will be the Engine Monitoring
Unit (EMU). The basic reports used for trending include takeoff, climb, and stable
cruise as well as post flight summary can be transmitted via ACARS. Additional
reports and other event driven reports will also be developed and become available
to operators with software updates to the EMU.

1.10.2. Data Scatter

Data scatter will always be present in trend plots because of measurement system
accuracy, recording accuracy, baseline validity, and actual stability of the aircraft
engine during the data acquisition. The baselines represent an average or model
engine and the characteristics may not match all engines, thereby introducing
additional data scatter. Because data scatter will always be present, action
thresholds must be adopted that are realistic and effective. Listed below are the GE-
recommended action thresholds for trend data based on experience to date.

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 10

1.10.3. Typical Causes of Cruise Trend Parameter Shifts

Table 3. Typical Causes of Cruise Trend Parameter Shift

ΔEGT ΔFuelFlow ΔCoreSpeed Probable Cause(s)
UP UP UP or NC High Pressure Compressor Efficiency Loss/Damage
Excessive/Abnormal External Air Bleed or Leakage
Low Pressure Turbine Efficiency Loss/Damage
Combustor Deterioration/Damage
UP UP DN or NC High Pressure Compressor Efficiency Loss/Damage
High Pressure Turbine Efficiency Loss/Damage
Combustor Deterioration/Damage
Excessive/Abnormal Internal Air Bleed or Leakage
UP or DN NC NC EGT Indication Error
DN or NC DN or NC UP HPC Stage 1 Tip Curl
N2 Indication Error if NC in EGT & Fuel Flow
UP or NC UP or NC DN N2 Indication Error if NC in EGT & Fuel Flow
DN DN DN N1 Indication Error
NC UP or DN NC Fuel Flow Indication Error
DN UP DN TAT Indication Error
UP DN UP TAT Indication Error
Note: DN = Down, NC = No Change, UP = Up

1.10.4. ΔEGT Special Considerations

Table 4. Special Considerations for EGT Shift

ΔEGT Upward Trend Shift Action
Shift of 20 °C or more Perform troubleshooting prior to next flight
Shift of 10 – 20 °C persistent for 3 flights Check for indication of birdstrike or FOD at inlet
and exhaust

1.10.5. ΔFuel Flow Special Considerations

No maintenance actions should be performed based only on Fuel Flow trend shifts
except for obvious indication system problems. Fuel Flow trend should be used as a
confirming indicator for troubleshooting EGT trend shifts.

1.10.6. Oil Pressure Shift – Typical Troubleshooting Actions

Check physically Debris Monitoring System (DMS) sensor
Check sump isolation screens
Check for black or discolored oil
Check oil pressure indication system
Check AGB sump reference line for plugging, loose fittings, or damage
Flow-check the oil lines and sumps

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1.10.7. Oil Temperature Shift – Typical Troubleshooting Actions
Check oil temperature sensor insulation blanket
Check physically DMS sensor
Check for black or discolored oil
Check VSV bushing serviceability
Borescope inspection where applicable

1.10.8. DMS Chip Count Monitoring – Special Considerations

The DMS provides an indication of detected oil system debris counts on both a per-
flight basis and on a cumulative basis. A mechanic resets the cumulative chip count
using the DMS Initiated Test.

Table 5. Special Considerations for DMS Count Shift

DMS Count Trend Shift Action
Increase of 4 within a flight
or Inspect DMS sensor at next opportunity
Exceed 10 cumulative chips
Increase of 8 within a flight
or Inspect DMS sensor before next flight
Exceed 20 cumulative chips

1.11. Gas Path Cleaning

Gas Path cleaning of a GEnx engine is recommended for a variety of reasons:
improvement of engine performance, prolonged engine on-wing life, increased stall
margin, and elimination of debris within the engine which may generate foul odors.
With an experienced crew, a GEnx engine can be washed with the recommended
procedures and equipment in 2-3 hours elapsed time, inclusive of engine dry out

GE recommends gas path cleaning interval program for optimal engine performance
and life. Refer to EM 05-22-00 for cleaning intervals for operation environmental
information. Given the differences in operating environments, etc, operators should
assess the appropriate frequency of gas path cleaning to yield 8-12 C of EGT
Gas path cleaning procedures are provided in the B787 Aircraft Maintenance Manual
(AMM), 72-00-00 or EM section Engine Assembly – Testing 005 - Engine Gas Path

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 12

1.12. Preservation and Storage
Preservation of the GEnx-1B engine is recommended as the necessary minimum to
protect the engine against corrosion and contamination during long periods of
storage, when an engine is not operated, after an engine out ferry, or landing after an
in-flight shutdown. Preservation falls into two categories defined by length:

1. Up to 3 months in length
2. Up to 2 years in length

For engines requiring preservation, the applicable procedures in the B787 AMM (71-
00-03) or the GEnx-1B Engine Manual (72-00-00, storage 002) should be referenced.

1.13. Outbound Engine Acceptance Testing

All GEnx-1B engines outbound from repair or overhaul are required to undergo a
function and performance test to ensure the engine meets operational and
performance standards. The functional test consists of checking the engine systems,
operation, vibration limits, and an operational response check while the performance
test is a demonstration to verify that the engine meets certified thrust levels within
the engine’s N2 and EGT limits.

The engine function and performance tests are outlined in 72-00-00 “Testing” section
of the GEnx Engine Manual, or for testing on wing within 71-00-00 “Untested
Replacement Engine” section of the B787 AMM.

1.14. Service Bulletin (SB) Category Definitions

GE Service Bulletins are issued with different compliance categories and
recommendation statements to assist an operation/shop in assessments of the
Service Bulletin priority. The category of an SB is located in any SB paragraph “1.C.
Compliance.” These categories are only recommendations and are not mandatory
unless driven by Airworthiness Directives (AD).

If the engine workscope is continued time (quick turn), i.e. no modules are to be
overhauled and next scheduled shop visit date is not effected, then service bulletin
compliance may be kept to a minimum with the exception of AD’s and Category 1
and 2 service bulletins which must be complied with.

Definition of these categories is as follows:

• Category 1

Usual Statement: Do before subsequent flight or before XX hours, YY cycles, or a

specific end date or specific interval.

Explanation: Compliance is mandatory and is the result of FAA action - AD, NPRM, or
pending AD. This category does require action within a specified time frame and must
be complied with on all engines presently in the shop.

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• Category 2

Usual Statement: Do as soon as possible without effect on revenue service or before

XX hours, YY cycles, or a specific end date or specific interval.

Explanation: Compliance is recommended based on GE technical evaluation and

when an aircraft can stay at a line station or maintenance base with the capability to
do the procedure. Justification for hour, cycle, and end date requirements will be
based on technical considerations only (safety, risk analysis, etc). This category may
cause non-routine operator action and must be complied with on all engines
presently in the shop.

• Category 3

Usual Statement: Do at next shop visit of the engine or module.

Explanation: Compliance is necessary. Disassembly of engine or module may be

required to incorporate bulletin. Incorporation of this SB will enhance engine reliability
and reduce the potential for operation disruptions. May cause further disassembly
than planned. Quick turn or continued time engine shop visits may omit category 3
service bulletins.

• Category 4

Usual Statement: Do when area is exposed

Explanation: Technical evaluation indicates that incorporation of this SB may

enhance engine operational reliability or improve time on-wing. Disassembly of a
module to piece part may be required to incorporate this bulletin.

• Category 5

Usual Statement: Do as soon as the affected part is removed from the engine

Explanation: Technical evaluation indicates that incorporation of this SB is expected

to improve (reduce) maintenance costs. This SB should be incorporated when the part
is removed from the engine for other reasons.

• Category 6

Usual Statement: Do when the part is routed for repair

Explanation: Do when the affected part is being routed for repair. Incorporation of
this SB should improve maintenance costs in the future.

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 14

• Category 7

Usual Statement: Do at customer convenience/option

Explanation: An alternate configuration/part is being introduced into production that

may have a different appearance or may require unique assembly or maintenance

• Category 8

Usual Statement: Spare parts information will be released by the Incremental Change

Explanation: Use for release/introduction of spare parts that are fully interchangeable
and are not anticipated to improve reliability or maintenance costs.

• Category 9

Usual Statement: Information only

Explanation: Issued to announce specific name brand information (approved oils, etc.)
or for administrative purposes.

Recent Service Bulletin releases will also have impact statements.

One of the following impact statements will be used in paragraph 1.C., Compliance of
the Service Bulletin.
An explanation of each level of impact is included.

• Impact A
This recommendation is to address a condition that may affect flight safety.

• Impact B
This recommendation is to address a condition that may result in an increased
rate of In-Flight Shutdowns (IFSD), Takeoff Aborts (TOA), Air Turn Backs (ATB), or
Diversions (DIV).

• Impact C
This recommendation is to address a condition that may result in a non-event
operational disruption, Unscheduled Engine Removals (UER), outstation removals, or
Aircraft on Ground (AOG).

• Impact D
This recommendation is to address a condition that may result in a Delay or
Cancellation (D&C).

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 15

• Impact E
This recommendation is to improve the cost of ownership, reduce maintenance
requirements, or is a product improvement.

• Impact F
Implement as deemed necessary per the Service Bulletin category.

1.15. Alert Service Bulletins

GE will issue “Alert Service Bulletins” (ASB) to further emphasize important documents.

1.16. Airworthiness Directives

All published operator specific regulatory authority Airworthiness Directives must be
complied with at each shop visit where applicable.

Refer to operator-specific regulatory authorities for applicable ADs.

For example:
FAA AD list:

1.17. GEnx Series Life Limited Parts Program Status

An essential part of all life extension programs is the collection of Non-Destructive
Test (NDT) inspection data on life-limited parts and flight profile data. NDT data
required includes all rotating part engine manual fluorescent penetrant and
magnetic particle inspection results and any special non-destructive testing, such as
Eddy Current and Immersion Ultrasonic Inspections.

The “ultimate” life goals for the GEnx- Series Life Limited Parts Program Status have
not been approved by regulatory agencies, and are subject to change. The lives
shown as ultimate limits are the current estimates of the life extension capability for
each part. The only approved data are in the Engine Manual chapter 05. In some
cases, the life extension will not be in a single step. For an updated GEnx-1B Series
life limited program status contact GEnx Fleet Team Engineering (FTE).

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1.18. GEnx Workscope Planning Guide Flow Chart

Figure 1. GEnx workscope guide flow chat

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1.19. Level of Work
Engines or modules that are incoming to any repair station for either repair or
overhaul have four levels of work designated:

1.19.1. Assembled Engine Workscope - Quick Turn (Q/T), Continued Time or low
workscope (Level I)
Refer GEnx-1B EM CIR 72-00-00 Inspection 001, Subtask 72-00-00-220-051.
• Engines entering the shop for limited maintenance, repair and/or designated
Service Bulletin activity.
• Applies to shop visits where no modules are overhauled, the next scheduled
shop visit is not effected and the engine is returned to service for a period less
than an expected full overhaul. The module soft time may also be exceeded
for this shop visit.
Example: An engine has heavy maintenance activity (e.g. HPT rotor overhaul)
that results in a scheduled shop visit following the accumulation of
approximately 3500 cycles, and is released back into service. After 1000 cycles
the engine has minor maintenance activity in accordance with 72-00-00 low
maintenance activity. The engine is returned to service with the scheduled
shop visit to occur in 2500 cycles. Thus, the original intended 3500 cycles
between scheduled shop visits for heavy maintenance is maintained. Cyclic
life is used for example only.
NOTE: The cycles used for this example are for demonstration only and do not
represent engine cycle expectations
• Assembled engine workscope inspection should be a General Visual
Inspection, defined as a visual inspection that will find apparent unsatisfactory
conditions and defects. If necessary, remove other parts and use special
equipment to get access to do a visual inspection for a part. A visual
inspection may also be applied to removed components when the
components are to be reinstalled on an engine with a level 1 workscope.
Refer EM Subtask 72-00-00-220-055.
• Use diagnostics and intelligent engine trend monitoring and event reports to
assist in workscope planning.
• Outbound engines should meet requirements per the 72-00-00 testing section
of the engine manual, or tested on wing as an untested engine.
• It is recommended/required Service Bulletin categories 1 and 2 are complied
with during this shop visit as well as any other customer agreed Service
Bulletins. Category 3 Service Bulletins can be complied where work level

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 18

1.19.2. Shop Visit Minimum Module Workscope (Level II)
• Assembled engine workscope recommendations may apply at this level.
• There is no requirement to remove modules for the purpose of doing a Level II
inspection only. Modules not planned for removal can apply 72-00-XX on
exposed areas.
• Applies to all engine shop visits with modules having no apparent hardware
failure or performance problems, if the module is removed or accessible then
72-00-XX inspection criteria should be used.
• Engines/modules worked to this level should have demonstrated adequate
performance margin incoming to the shop.
• Performance or full module overhaul recommended thresholds not exceeded.
• Visually inspect (GVI) EBU (Boeing) items.
• Engine Manual Condition Maintenance Chapters (72-00-XX) apply.
• Use diagnostics and intelligent engine trend monitoring and event reports to
assist in workscope planning.
• Outbound engines should meet requirements per the 72-00-00 testing section
of the engine manual, or tested on wing as an untested engine.
• It is recommended/required Service Bulletin categories 1, 2 and 3 are
complied with during this shop visit as well as customer agreed Service
Bulletins and applicable Service Bulletins based on area/part exposure,
removal or repair.

NOTE: May require further module disassembly if an unserviceable condition is identified.

1.19.3. Shop Visit Module Performance or Preventative Maintenance Workscope

(Level III)
• Shop visit minimum workscope recommendations apply at this level. However,
some additional work may be directed to restore EGT/SFC margin and or
increase the reliability of specific module.
• Low in-service performance prior to removal will determine if performance
maintenance work is necessary.
• Engines/modules worked to this level should have demonstrated adequate
performance margin incoming to the shop.
• Engine Manual Condition Maintenance Chapters (72-00-XX) apply
• Preventative maintenance workscope threshold exceeded (full overhaul
threshold not exceeded) to enhance the reliability of specific modules.
• The GEnx-1B Clean, Inspection and Repair Manual 72-00-21 through 72-00-61
condition maintenance sections define the module level inspection/procedure
requirements. Parts removed for performance reasons may require inspection
per CIR 72-XX-YY. Maintenance consists of the individual module inspection,
any disassembly and minor repairs required. All modules with this level of
workscope applied will be considered either ‘inspected’ only or zero
time/cycles since repair if any repairs were carried out.
• Visually inspect (GVI) EBU (Boeing) items.

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 19

• It is recommended/required Service Bulletin categories 1, 2 and 3 are
complied with during this shop visit as well as customer agreed Service
Bulletins and applicable Service Bulletins based on area/part exposure,
removal or repair.

1.19.4. Shop Visit Module Overhaul Workscope (Level IV)

• Assembled engine workscope recommendations may apply at this level.
• Shop visit minimum module workscope recommendations apply at this level
for modules not being overhauled
• Accomplish specific module overhaul workscope applies to all engine shop
visits per recommended module threshold. Carry out piece-part inspection
and refurbishment per applicable module O/H schedule (including all life-
limited part NDT inspections) per Engine Manual Overhaul Chapters 72-XX-00
and 05-21-00 Engine Piece Part Mandatory Inspections.
• Visually inspect (GVI) EBU (Boeing) items.
• Performance overhaul thresholds not exceeded.
• Incorporate recommended Service Bulletins.
• Use diagnostics and intelligent engine trend monitoring and event reports to
assist in workscope planning.
• Outbound engines should meet requirements per the 72-00-00 testing section
of the engine manual
• It is recommended/required Service Bulletin categories 1, 2 and 3 are
complied with during this shop visit as well as customer agreed Service
Bulletins and applicable Service Bulletins based on area/part exposure,
removal or repair.

1.20. Modular Workscope Projections

Each shop visit (SV1, SV2, SV3, and SV4) is defined as a restoration shop visit that
involves a full piece part level disassembly, inspection, and repair / part replacement
on the following modules at a minimum:
• CDN (M45), Combustor (M54), HPT stage 1 Nozzle (M55), HPT Stage 2 Nozzle
Assembly (M56) and HPT Rotor Assembly (M57).
All remaining modules will be subject to a level of work as defined in Table 6. Module
level inspections may increase workscope requirement to include further module
disassembly, inspections, and repair / part replacement. The table of Workscope
Level Projections provides the anticipated level of workscope for each module at
each shop visit which are subject to change with further data. Additional
considerations that may impact workscope planning recommendations include but
are not limited to the following:
• Ambient temperature at Take-off
• Altitude at Take-off

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 20

• Flight Leg Duration
• Engine Thrust and Derate Level
• Engine Water Wash Frequency and Effectiveness
• Environmental considerations (Dirt, Dust, Sand, etc)
• Life limited part residual life and effect on outgoing on-wing life.

Table 6. GEnx workscope level projections

Workscope Level of Work
Module SV1 SV2 SV3 SV4 SV5 SV6

Fan Stator II II IV II II IV
Fan hub Frame II IV II IV II IV
No.1&2 Bearing II IV II IV II IV
Combustor IV IV IV IV IV IV
Stg 1 HPT Nozzle IV IV IV IV IV IV
Stg 2 HPT Nozzle IV IV IV IV IV IV
LPT Rotor/Stator II II IV II II IV
Fan Mid Shaft II II IV II II IV
C&A Refer to Table 8 Heavy Maintenance Actions

Level of Work
I. Assembled Engine Workscope – Quick Turn (Q/T), or Continued Time
II. Shop Visit Minimum Module Workscope
III. Performance or Preventative Maintenance Workscope
IV. Shop Visit Module Overhaul Workscope

Note: For Modules not fully exposed or visible, and/or remaining as part of an assembly. It is not
required to disassemble the engine/module further to comply a complete level II inspection on these
modules, inspect exposed areas where visible.

* Refer EM Subtask 05-21-00-220-011 and TASK 72-00-02-200-801 (72-00-02 Inspection 001).

Note: HPC module removal is not required to accomplish the flow path rub land inspection, removal of
HPC forward stator cases only satisfies this requirement.

Note: If a module is piece part inspected out of sequence within the projection, then its next overhaul
may be out of sequence at subsequent shop visits.

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 21

1.21. Module Identification and Inspection References (CIR)
Table 7. GEnx Module Identification and Inspection References.
Module Level
Mod Piece Part
Engine / Module ule Inspection.
No. (Overhaul)
Engine M10 72-00-00 72-00-09
Propulsor M20 72-00-02 N/A
Fan Case Module M15 72-00-01 72-21-00
Fan Stator M18 72-00-21 72-21-00
Booster (Inc. Fan Blades) M21 72-00-22 72-22-00
No. 1 Bearing Assy. M23 72-00-23 72-22-00
No. 2 Bearing Assy. M24 72-00-24 72-24-00
Fan Hub M30 72-00-25 72-25-00
Fan Hub Frame Assy M31 72-00-26 72-26-00
Inlet Gearbox (IGB) M32 72-00-61 72-61-00
Transfer Gearbox (TGB) M33 72-00-62 72-62-00
Combustor Diffuser Nozzle (CDN) M45 72-00-40 72-40-00
HPC Assy. M53 72-00-30 72-30-00
HPC Rotor M51 72-00-31 72-31-00
HPC Fwd Stator case Assy M52 72-00-32 72-32-00
Combustor M54 72-00-42 72-42-00
HPT Stg. 1 Nozzle Assy M55 72-00-51 72-51-00
HPT Stg. 2 Nozzle Assy M56 72-00-52 72-52-00
HPT Rotor M57 72-00-53 72-53-00
Turbine Center Frame (TCF) M58 72-00-54 72-54-00
HPT Module Assy M59 72-00-02 N/A
LPT Module M60 72-00-04 N/A
LPT Rotor / Stator M61 72-00-56 72-56-00
Turbine Rear Frame (TRF) M63 72-00-57 72-57-00
Fan Mid Shaft (FMS) M64 72-00-58 72-58-00
Accessory Gearbox (Assy to install.) M71 72-00-64 72-64-00
Accessory Gearbox (Unit) M70 72-00-05 N/A
Lower Bifurcation M80 72-00-03 N/A

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 22

2. Controls and Accessory Workscope Guidelines
Most overhaul soft time thresholds have not been established for the GEnx LRUs
at this time. All maintenance is anticipated to be on-condition until such time
that a soft-time threshold can be established using Lead Indicator Program and
in service data.

Table 8. Controls and accessory workscope guidelines

Low Maintenance (Q/T) Shop Overhaul Heavy Maintenance Shop Visit
Visit Actions Level I & II) Soft Time Actions Level III or greater
GVI either on or off engine for
Fuel On condition based on installation
evidence of damage or leakage, On
Metering fault history, GVI either on or off AGB
check electrical connections for Condition
Unit for evidence of leakage or damage.
ATA 73-21-10, CMM GEK114011, IPC 73-21-40-01-010, Typical P/N 8062-1094 or 2122M20P07

GVI either on or off engine for

evidence of damage or leakage. On condition based on installation
Fuel Pump If Q/T TAT is expected to exceed fault history, GVI either on or off AGB
35 Days apply 14,000 hours soft for evidence of leakage or damage.
time threshold.
ATA 73-11-06, CMM GEK114007, IPC 73-11-00-01-010, Typical P/N 1330-1018 or 2122M22P03

GVI, inspect element for GVI inspect element for

Fuel Filter On
contamination and replace contamination and replace element
Assy Condition
element with new part. with new part.
ATA 73-11-07, CMM GEK114008, IPC 73-11-01-01-010, Typical P/N 1326-1043 or 2122M23P02

On condition based on installation

Fuel Filter GVI either on or off engine for
On fault history, GVI either on or off
Delta-P evidence of damage or leakage,
engine for evidence of damage or
Sensor check connections for security.
ATA 73-32-01, CMM GEK114026, IPC 73-31-10-01-010, Typical P/N 508486-1 or 2125M60P01

Fuel Pump On condition based on installation

GVI either on or off engine for
Strainer On fault history, GVI either on or off
evidence of damage or leakage,
Delta-P Condition engine for evidence of damage or
check connections for security.
Sensor leakage.
ATA 73-21-01, IPC 73-31-10-01-020, Typical P/N 508486-1 or 2125M60P01

GVI either on or off engine for

On condition based on installation
Fuel Flow evidence of damage or leakage, On
fault history, GVI either on or off AGB
Transmitter check electrical connections for Condition
for evidence of damage or leakage.
ATA 77-13-03, CMM GEK114069, IPC 73-31-00-01-010, Typical P/N 504542-1 or 2122M21P04
Note: GVI is a General Visual Inspection and defined within EM CIR subtask 72-00-00-220-048

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 23

Table 8 Continued
Low Maintenance (Q/T) Shop Overhaul Heavy Maintenance Shop Visit
Visit Actions Level I & II) Soft Time Actions Level III or greater
Visual inspection on or off engine
Fuel Nozzles for evidence of damage or Clean, and test per CMM
ATA 73-10-09, CMM GEK114049, IPC 73-11-30-05, Typical P/N 6070124E03 or 2258M67P03

Fuel Manifold GVI either on or off engine for On condition based on installation
Pressure evidence of leakage or damage, fault history, GVI for evidence of
Sensor check connections for security. damage.

ATA 77-34-05, CMM GEK114028, IPC 73-21-30-01-090, Typical P/N 509033-1 or 2140M58P01

On condition based on installation

Fuel Manifold GVI either on or off engine for
On fault history, GVI either on or off
Temperature evidence of damage or leakage,
Condition engine for evidence of damage or
Sensor check connections for security.
ATA 77-11-14, CMM GEK114061, IPC 73-31-05-01-010, Typical P/N 504243-1 or 2121M86P01

On condition based on installation

Flow Split GVI either on or off engine for
On fault history, GVI either on or off
Valve evidence of damage, check
Condition AGB for evidence of damage.
Accumulator connections for security.
Incorporate 73-0011 accumulator
ATA 73-21-09, CMM GEK114010, IPC 73-21-30-01-010, Typical P/N 8104-018 or 2140M55P01

GVI either on or off engine for On condition based on installation

evidence of damage, check On fault history, GVI for evidence of
Rating plug
connections for security. Ensure Condition damage. Ensure plug is correct
plug is correct configuration configuration
ATA 73-21-05, CMM GEK114009, IPC 73-21-25-01-010, Typical P/N 504952-xxx or 2125M31Pxx

Ensure settings are correct for

Engine GVI either on or off engine for propulsor configuration. On
Configuration evidence of damage, check condition based on installation fault
Box connections for security. history, GVI either on or off engine
for evidence of damage or leakage.
ATA 73-21-92, CMM GEK114035, IPC 73-21-55-01-010, Typical P/N 504245-4 or 2121M99P03

Note: GVI is a General Visual Inspection and defined within EM CIR subtask 72-00-00-220-048

Table 8 Continued

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 24

Low Maintenance (Q/T) Shop Overhaul Heavy Maintenance Shop Visit
Visit Actions Level I & II) Soft Time Actions Level III or greater
Electronic GVI either on or off engine for On condition based on installation
Engine evidence of damage, check fault history, GVI either on or off
Control (EEC) connections for security. engine for evidence of damage.
ATA 73-21-50, CMM GEK114001, IPC 73-21-20-01-013, Typical P/N 114E9586G10 or 2447M85P01

Engine GVI either on or off engine for On condition based on installation

Monitoring evidence of damage, check fault history, GVI for evidence of
Unit (EMU) connections for security. damage.
ATA 77-35-03, CMM GEK114063, IPC 77-32-10-01-010, Typical P/N 271-127-031-071 or 2122M32P08

GVI either on or off engine for On condition based on installation

Alternator On
evidence of damage, check fault history, GVI either on or off AGB
Rotor/Stator Condition
connections for security. for evidence of damage.
ATA 73-22-10, CMM GEK114020, IPC 73-21-60-01-010, Typical P/N 504909-1 or 2122M28P01

GVI either on or off engine for

Ignition evidence of damage or leakage, On GVI either on or off engine for
Exciter check electrical connections for Condition evidence of damage or leakage.
ATA 74-14-01, CMM GEK114048, IPC 74-11-10-01-030, Typical P/N 504210-5 or 2121M94P05

GVI either on or off engine.

Igniter Plug Replace if over Chapter 5 Replace
ATA 74-21-23, CMM GEK105000, IPC 74-21-20-01-011, Typical P/N 9044650-2 OR 1754M84P02

GVI either on or off engine for

Ignition On
evidence of damage, check Test per CMM
Lead Condition
connections for security.
ATA 74-21-26, CMM GEK114051, IPC 74-21-10-01-010, Typical P/N 505951-1 or 2125M98P01

GVI either on or off engine for

VBV evidence of damage or leakage, On GVI either on or off engine for
Actuators check electrical connections for Condition evidence of damage or leakage.
ATA 75-32-06, CMM GEK114054, IPC 75-32-00-01-010, Typical P/N 8100-0025 or 2121M84P03

GVI either on or off engine for On condition based on installation

VSV evidence of damage or leakage, On fault history, GVI either on or off
Actuators check electrical connections for Condition engine for evidence of damage or
security. leakage.
ATA 75-32-05, CMM GEK114053, IPC 75-32-10-01-010, Typical P/N 8100-0026 or 2122M17P04

Note: GVI is a General Visual Inspection and defined within EM CIR subtask 72-00-00-220-048
Table 8 Continued

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 25

Low Maintenance (Q/T) Shop Overhaul Heavy Maintenance Shop Visit
Visit Actions Level I & II) Soft Time Actions Level III or greater
On condition based on installation
Core Comp GVI either on or off engine for fault history, GVI either on or off
Cooling evidence of damage or leakage, On Condition engine for evidence of damage or
(CCC) Valve check connections for security. leakage, check connections for
ATA 75-33-25, CMM GEK114058, IPC 75-24-20-01-010, Typical P/N 3291887-2 or 2121M88P02

On condition based on installation

GVI either on or off engine for fault history, GVI either on or off
evidence of damage or leakage,On Condition engine for evidence of damage or
check connections for security. leakage, check connections for
ATA 75-33-23, CMM GEK114057, IPC 75-24-30-01-010, Typical P/N 3291883-1 or 2121M92P01

On condition based on installation

GVI either on or off engine for fault history, GVI either on or off
evidence of damage or leakage, On Condition engine for evidence of damage or
check connections for security. leakage, check connections for
ATA 75-33-22, CMM GEK114057, IPC 75-24-10-01-010, Typical P/N 3291883-1 or 2121M92P01

GVI either on or off engine for On condition based on installation

evidence of damage, check On Condition fault history, GVI for evidence of
Bleed Valve
connections for security. damage.
ATA 75-33-21, CMM GEK114056, IPC 75-31-11-01-010, Typical P/N 3291881-2 or 2122M15P02

Electrical Visual inspection on engine On Condition Inspect per CMM
ATA 73-21-64, CMM GEK114019, Various IPC 73-21-65-01-XX

GVI either on or off engine for

VFSG Power Inspect and test per CMM
evidence of damage, check On Condition
Feed Cables GEK114013
connections for security.
ATA 24-15-01, CMM GEK114013, IPC 72-00-02-65-030 /040 , Typical P/N 506002-3/506003-3

GVI either on or off engine for On condition based on installation

T12 Sensor evidence of damage, check On Condition fault history, GVI either on or off
connections for security. engine for evidence of damage.
ATA 77-21-25, CMM GEK114070, IPC 71-00-00-10-010, Typical P/N 509350-1 or 2381M33P01

Note: GVI is a General Visual Inspection and defined within EM CIR subtask 72-00-00-220-048

Table 8 Continued

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 26

Low Maintenance (Q/T) Shop Overhaul Heavy Maintenance Shop Visit
Visit Actions Level I & II) Soft Time Actions Level III or greater
GVI either on or off engine for GVI either on or off engine for
evidence of damage, check All On evidence of damage, check
connections for security. Condition connections for security.
Note: Applicable to all models. If Note: Applicable to all models. If any
any engine in shop has reported engine in shop has reported HOC or
HOC or oil loss, then Test and oil loss, then Test and Repair valve.
Repair valve.
If any 1B PIP2 engine has report when FCD If any 1B PIP2 engine has report of
of Fuel Coupled Dynamics (FCD) reported Fuel Coupled Dynamics (FCD) Test
Test and Repair the SEV. and Repair the SEV.
ATA 75-22-05, CMM GEK114052, IPC 75-24-40-01-010, Typical P/N 423615-1 or 2121M87P02

GVI either on or off engine for On condition based on installation

Booster Anti On
evidence of damage, check fault history, GVI for evidence of
Ice Valve Condition
connections for security. damage.
ATA 30-21-51, CMM GEK114040, IPC 75-11-30-01-010, Typical P/N 3291779-4 or 2045M87P04

GVI either on or off engine for On condition based on installation

BAI Sensors evidence of damage, check fault history, GVI for evidence of
connections for security. damage.
ATA 77-34-06, CNN GEK114050, IPC 75-11-30-01-170, Typical P/N APT-440-1000-100A or

GVI either on or off engine for

On On condition, GVI either on or off
T25 Sensor evidence of damage, check
Condition engine for evidence of damage.
connections for security.
ATA 77-11-13, CMM GEK114060, IPC 73-21-50-01-010, Typical P/N 509351-1 or 2125M65P01

GVI either on or off engine for On condition based on installation

T3 Sensor evidence of damage, check fault history, GVI either on or off
connections for security. engine for evidence of damage.
ATA 77-12-10, CMM GEK114062, IPC 73-21-10-01-010, Typical P/N 504293-1 or 2122M10P01

Core Comp On condition based on installation

Temp GVI either on or off engine for On fault history, GVI either on or off
Sensor evidence of damage or leakage. Condition engine for evidence of damage or
(TCore) leakage.
ATA 77-21-27, CMM GEK114071, IPC 75-41-11-01-010, Typical P/N 504259-1 or 2122M33P01

On condition based on installation

GVI either on or off engine for On
N1 Sensor fault history, GVI either on or off
evidence of damage. Condition
engine for evidence of damage.
ATA 77-12-11, CMM GEK114065, IPC 77-11-10-01-010, Typical P/N 504257-2 or 2122M11P02
Note: GVI is a General Visual Inspection and defined within EM CIR subtask 72-00-00-220-048
Table 8 Continued

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 27

Low Maintenance (Q/T) Shop Overhaul Heavy Maintenance Shop Visit
Visit Actions Level I & II) Soft Time Actions Level III or greater

GVI either on or off engine for On condition based on installation

N2 Sensor evidence of damage, check fault history, GVI either on or off
connections for security. engine for evidence of damage.

ATA 77-12-12, CMM GEK114066, IPC 77-11-10-05-010, Typical P/N 504258-1 or 2122M29P01

GVI either on or off engine for

evidence of damage, check On condition based on installation
#1 Brg On
connections for security. On fault history, GVI either on or off
Accelerometer Condition
condition based on installation engine for evidence of damage.
fault history
ATA 77-13-02, CMM GEK114068, IPC 77-31-10-01-010, Typical P/N 504549-3 or 2122M12P03

Alternate #1 GVI either on or off engine for On condition based on installation

Brg evidence of damage, check fault history, GVI either on or off
accelerometer connections for security. engine for evidence of damage.

ATA 77-13-02, CMM GEK114068, IPC 71-00-01-05-010, Typical P/N 504551-2 or 2122M34P02

GVI either on or off engine for

evidence of damage, check On condition based on installation
connection for security. On fault history, GVI either on or off
Accelerometer Condition
condition based on installation engine for evidence of damage.
fault history
ATA 77-31-96, CMM GEK109969, IPC 77-31-10-10-010, Typical P/N 144-706-000-501 or 1962M22P01

GVI either on or off engine for

EGT Probes evidence of damage, check Test per CMM
connections for security.
ATA 77-34-01, CMM GEK114073, IPC 77-21-10-01-010, Typical P/N 508390-1 or 2122M19P04

GVI either on or off engine for

evidence of damage, check Test per CMM
harnesses Condition
connections for security.
ATA 73-31-01, GEK114047, IPC 77-21-10-05-010, Typical P/N 504948-2/9-2 or 2121M95P01/M96P01

Inspect all MCD's. GVI unit either Inspect all MCD's. On condition based
Lube &
on or off engine for evidence of On on installation fault history, GVI either
damage, check connections for Condition on or off engine for evidence of
security. leakage or damage.
ATA 79-21-10, CMM GEK114080, IPC 79-21-10-01-010, Typical P/N LR47760E1
Note: GVI is a General Visual Inspection and defined within EM CIR subtask 72-00-00-220-048

Table 8 Continued

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 28

Low Maintenance (Q/T) Shop Overhaul Heavy Maintenance Shop Visit Actions
Visit Actions Level I & II) Soft Time Level III or greater

GVI inspect for contamination On GVI inspect for contamination and

Oil Filter
and replace with new element. Condition replace with new element.

ATA 79-21-10, CMM GEK114080, IPC 79-21-10-01-080, Typical P/N 2313M35G01 (L&S Pump)

GVI either on or off engine for On condition based on installation fault

Oil level On
evidence of damage, check history, GVI either on or off engine for
Temp sensor Condition
connections for security. evidence of damage.
ATA 79-31-41, CMM GEK114087, IPC 79-31-40-01-020, Typical P/N 8TJ146CGC1 (loc in oil tank)

GVI either on or off engine for On condition based on installation fault

Main Oil On
evidence of damage, check history, GVI either on or off engine for
Temp sensor Condition
connections for security. evidence of damage.
ATA 77-11-14, CMM GEK114061, IPC 79-34-10-01-010, Typ P/N 504243-1 or 2121M86P01

Oil Filter GVI either on or off engine for On condition based on installation fault
Delta-P evidence of damage, check history, GVI either on or off engine for
Sensor connections for security. evidence of damage.
ATA 77-34-04, CMM GEK114076, IPC 79-32-10-01-010, Typical P/N 504546-1 or 2122M25P01

GVI either on or off engine for On condition based on installation fault

Oil Pressure On
evidence of damage, check history, GVI either on or off engine for
Sensor Condition
connections for security. evidence of damage.
ATA 77-34-03, CMM GEK114075, IPC 79-32-10-01-50 Typical P/N 504547-3 or 2121M85P03

GVI either on or off engine for

Oil Tank evidence of leakage or damage, GVI for evidence of damage.
check connections for security.

ATA 79-11-10, CMM GEK114079, IPC 79-11-10-01-010, Typical P/N 2315M11G03

Engine Oil
GVI either on or off engine for
Cooler On
evidence of damage, check GVI for evidence of damage.
surface heat Condition
connections for security.
ATA 24-11-04, CMM GEK114039, IPC 79-21-00-05-010 , Typical P/N ER6230G01 (on fan case)

If exposed, GVI either on or off

DMS On On condition, if exposed, GVI for
engine for evidence of leakage or
Separator Condition evidence of leakage or damage.
ATA 79-21-20, CMM GEK114082, IPC 79-21-20-01-010, Typical P/N 1F8962
Note: GVI is a General Visual Inspection and defined within EM CIR subtask 72-00-00-220-048

Table 8 Continued

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 29

Low Maintenance (Q/T) Shop Overhaul Heavy Maintenance Shop Visit
Visit Actions Level I & II) Soft Time Actions Level III or greater
Visually inspect sensor for debris
Visually inspect sensor for debris and
and clean if required. On
On clean if required. On condition based
DMS Sensor condition based on installation
Condition on installation fault history, GVI for
fault history, GVI for evidence of
evidence of damage.
ATA 79-21-30, CMM GEK114085, IPC 79-33-10-01-010, Typical P/N 1G8842

GVI either on or off engine for On condition based on installation

DMS Signal On
evidence of damage, check fault history, GVI either on or off
Conditioner Condition
connections for security. engine for evidence of damage.

ATA 79-21-40, CMM GEK114086, IPC 79-33-10-01-060, Typical P/N 1H8843

Cooler GVI either on or off engine for
Surface evidence of damage, check GVI for evidence of damage.
Heat connections for security.
ATA 24-11-03, CMM GEK114038, IPC 79-21-00-05-010, Typical P/N ER6084G01 (X2 on fan case)

Fuel/VFSG On condition based on installation

Visually inspect for leakage and On
Oil Heat fault history, GVI either on or off
damage. Condition
Exchanger engine for leakage and damage.
ATA 79-11-14, CMM GEK114014, IPC 79-21-00-01-010, Typical P/N 8103-013 or 2122M26P05

VFSG Oil GVI either on or off engine for On condition based on installation
Temp evidence of damage, check fault history, GVI for evidence of
Sensors connections for security. damage.
ATA 77-11-14, CMM GEK114061, IPC 79-34-10-05-010, Typical P/N 504243-1 or 2121M86P01

Main Fuel Oil

Heat On condition based on installation
GVI either on or off engine for On
Exchanger fault history, GVI either on or off
leakage and damage. Condition
and Servo engine for leakage and damage.
Fuel Heater
CMM 79-11-16 CMM GEK 114094, IPC 79-21-00-01-010, Typical P/N 8103-024 or 2550M15P04

Note: GVI is a General Visual Inspection and defined within EM CIR subtask 72-00-00-220-048

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 30

3. Assembled Engine and Quick Turn (Q/T) Workscope (level I)

A Quick Turn (Q/T) is defined as an engine requiring maintenance for minor repairs
and then returned to service for continued time operation.

For continued time, no modules would be overhauled and the next engine scheduled
shop visit date would not be effected. Any Module or accessory soft lives may be
exceeded during assembled engine or Q/T shop visits.

Assembled engine workscope inspection should be a general visual inspection (GVI).

A GVI is defined as a visual inspection that will detect unsatisfactory conditions and
defects. A visual inspection may also be applied to a component or accessory
removed in order to perform the minor rework required. A GVI should be performed
using white light and borescope equipment if necessary to find apparent
unsatisfactory conditions and defects. If necessary, remove other parts and use
special equipment to get access to do a GVI for a part.

Pre-input inspections
Prior to rework, engines are to receive a pre-induction inspection to confirm that the
engine condition will be serviceable after the low workscope or Q/T activity. The
inspection is to include:
1. Perform a borescope inspection of all modules and stages accessible
by borescope inspection. Refer to the B787 AMM for procedures and
2. Inspect all MCD’s and DMS for metal contamination.
3. Inspect fuel and oil filter for contamination.
Additional inspections are detailed in the “General” workscope items in this section.

Engine, modules or piece part items removed are to receive a general visual
inspection (GVI). EM 72-00-XX should only be referred to if a defect is discovered and
serviceability limits are required. Defects should be considered accepting by
submitting a technical inquiry or CDR for acceptance.

Engine should be reworked sufficiently to restore serviceability in accordance with a
workscope, or relevant SB detailing the rework procedure.

Soft lives
Workscope Planning Guide (WPG) list of applicable soft lives may be exceeded. The
lives would have been assessed at previous SV during which the lives would have
been considered acceptable to next schedule SV. The next schedule shop visit will
remain on schedule (time continued engine).

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 31

3.1. Assembled Engine M10 & M20 Workscope Level I
Table 9. Key Maintenance Tasks for Assembled Engines
(Workscope Level I)

Key Maintenance Tasks Manual Reference

Perform F1.5 Fan Blade Clearance Inspection

CIR 72-00-01-220-121
NOTE: The F1.5 fan blade tip clearance applies to all engines
after final assembly or prior to any disassembly if specifically
requested by the engine workscope.

Check installed engine history for special inspection

requirements (i.e., over speed, over temperature, etc.)

General Visual Inspection Requirements

Perform a thorough visual inspection with emphasis on the following areas:

Visually inspect pneumatic ducts for damage, cracks,

CIR 72-00-00-220-055
clamping security and adequate clearances.

Visually inspect fuel and hydraulic hoses for chafing,

CIR 72-00-00-220-055
damage, clamping and adequate clearances.

Visually inspect VIGV, VSV and VBV system for loose,

misaligned or bent lever arms and loose turnbuckle CIR 72-00-00-220-055

Inspect all electrical harnesses for chaffing and proper

CIR 72-00-00-220-055

Visually inspect all interface connectors for corrosion,

contamination, condition of electrical bonding rings and CIR 72-00-00-220-055
integrity of pins.

Visually inspect TRF aft engine mount lugs. CIR 72-00-57

Visually inspect FWD and AFT mounts for nicks, dents and
CIR 72-00-00-220-055

Visually inspect AGB vertical and axial links, fittings and

brackets for nicks, dents, scratches and wear of the spherical AMM B787-A-G72-60-00-01B-280B-A

Visually inspect AGB for evidence of oil and fuel leaks. CIR 72-00-00-220-055

Visually inspect Hydraulic Pump for security of fittings and

CIR 72-00-00-220-055
fluid leaks

Inspect fire detector loops for general condition and

CIR 72-00-00-220-055

Visually inspect LPT aft stage blades CIR 72-00-00-220-055

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 32

Key Maintenance Tasks Manual Reference

Inspect Thrust Link mounts for cracks CIR 72-00-26

Visually Inspect all exposed Axial Link Brackets CIR 72-00-00-220-055

Borescope Inspection Requirements

Stage 4 & 5 booster blades. AMM B787-A-G72-00-00-00B-280C-A

HPC Stage 1 through 9 blades AMM B787-A-G72-00-00-06B-280C-A

Combustor dome and liner. AMM B787-A-G72-00-00-07B-280C-A

HPT Stage 1 & 2 blades, NGVs and Stage 1 shrouds. AMM B787-A-G72-00-00-09B-280C-A

LPT blades AMM B787-A-G72-00-00-10B-280C-A

Note: BSI findings that result in reduced interval repetitive on wing inspection are not acceptable and
should be addressed in the shop.

Oil System Recommendations

Inspect oil filter for contamination. Install new oil filter, refit
AMM B787-A-G79-21-00-01B-280A-A
with new seals

Inspect oil scavenge screens and magnetic chip detectors

AMM B787-A-G79-00-00-04A-280B-A
for contamination (TGB, AGB, A Sump, B Sump, C Sump)

Inspect DMS sensor for contamination. AMM B787-A-G79-00-00-03B-311A-A

Fuel System Recommendations

Inspect main fuel filter for contamination AMM B787-A-G73-11-00-08B-280B-A

Replace main fuel filter AMM B787-A-G73-11-00-08B-280B-A

Additional Workscope Tasks/Special Instructions

AMM B787-A-G74-21-02-00A-520A-A
Replace igniter plugs with new.
AMM B787-A-G74-21-02-00A-720A-A


For enhanced performance, water wash core. or
AMM B787 DMC-B787-A-G72-00-00-

Accomplish Recommended Service Bulletins by extent of


GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 33

4. Modular Workscope
4.1. Controls and Accessories

4.1.1. Level II: Shop Visit Minimum Tasks

Key Maintenance Tasks - Controls and Accessories Manual Reference

Inspect per the Controls and Accessories Components
Threshold tables. If TAT of the engine is expected to be 35
Refer to the WPG
days or greater observe and comply with the fuel pump
soft life requirement
Visually inspect accessories for evidence of leakage (oil,
CIR 72-00-00
fuel or air)
Accomplish recommended Service Bulletins by extent of
As Required

4.1.2. Level IV: Shop Visit Module Overhaul Workscope

Key Maintenance Tasks - Controls and Accessories Manual Reference

Comply with minimum workscope tasks. As Required
Visually check all Controls and Accessories items for
CIR 72-00-00
nicks, dents, scratches, chafing etc.
Bench test or overhaul Controls and Accessories items
Refer to the WPG
per soft time Threshold Table
Comply with SB’s per GE recommendations. As Required

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 34

4.2. Configuration Hardware

4.2.1. Level II: Shop Visit Minimum Tasks

Key Maintenance Tasks – Configuration Hardware Manual Reference

Perform general visual inspection of all hardware not
removed. Check for external evidence of damage, leaks CIR 72-00-XX
and chafing.
Check for gouges and deterioration of protective
CIR 72-09-81
treatment on hoses.
Check for missing fasteners, rivets, bolts and screws. CIR 72-09-99
Perform continuity and insulation checks on electrical
CIR 72-00-00
Visually inspect links and rod end bearings for wear,
CIR 72-00-00
alignment etc.
Clean and visually inspect all tubes, manifolds, brackets, CIR 72-00-00, 72-09-81, 72-
and clamps removed from the engine. 09-99

FPI fuel manifold (only if removed from the engine) CIR 72-41-80
Accomplish recommended Service Bulletins by extent of
As Required

4.2.2. Level IV: Shop Visit Module Overhaul Workscope

Key Maintenance Tasks – Configuration Hardware Manual Reference

Comply with minimum workscope tasks. As Required
Pressure-check any repaired tubes and hoses CIR 72-09-81
FPI repaired tubes and hoses CIR 72-41-80
Comply with SB’s per GE recommendations. As Required

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 35

4.3. Fan Stator Assembly M18

Figure 2. Fan Stator Assembly

4.3.1. Level II: Shop Visit Minimum Tasks

Key Maintenance Tasks - Fan Stator Assembly Manual Reference

Visually inspect Fan Stator Assembly CIR 72-00-01
Visually inspect forward engine mount CIR 72-00-01
Accomplish recommended Service Bulletins by extent of
As Required

4.3.2. Level IV: Shop Visit Module Overhaul Workscope

Key Maintenance Tasks - Fan Stator Assembly Manual Reference

Perform all Shop Visit Minimum Tasks As Required
Disassemble, clean, and inspect fan stator module EM 72-21-XX
Remove all acoustic panels and OGV fairings and inspect
CIR 72-00-21
also inspect anchor nuts
Remove and overhaul forward mount yolk and attaching
hardware. Record all shim thickness and positions from
between OGVs and the case. Also, record shim thickness CIR 72-21-06
and position for brackets mounted on yolk to allow for
installation in same location.
Ensure wet installation of OGV bolts. EM 72-21-00
Repair/restore Fan abradable ‘on condition’ when
CIR 72-00-01, Repair 002
Comply with SB’s per GE recommendations. As Required

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 36

4.4 Fan Rotor

Figure 3. Fan Rotor Assembly

4.4.1 Level II: Shop Visit Minimum Tasks

Key Maintenance Tasks - Fan Rotor Assembly Manual Reference

Inspect Fan Rotor Assembly in assembled condition. CIR 72-00-02
Detailed Inspection required if Fan Blade removed CIR 72-22-25 Inspection 001
Using water and a damp cloth hand wash the fan blades
CIR 72-00-02
and platforms, may be performed in-situ (not removed)
Accomplish Recommended Service Bulletins by extent of
As Required

4.4.2 Level IV: Shop Visit Module Overhaul Workscope

Key Maintenance Tasks – Fan Rotor Assembly Manual Reference

Perform all shop visit minimum tasks As Required
Disassemble into piece parts, clean, and inspect fan rotor EM 72-22-00, CIR 72-22-XX
hardware (fan blades, platforms, spacers etc).
Perform mandatory inspections per Engine Manual. EM 05-21-00
Comply with SB’s per GE recommendations. As Required

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 37

4.5 Fan Booster M21

Figure 4. Fan Booster Assembly

4.5.1 Level II: Shop Visit Minimum Tasks

Key Maintenance Tasks - Fan Booster Assembly Manual Reference

Visually inspect Assembly CIR 72-00-22
Clean and Inspect Leading Edge Splitter and Booster
CIR 72-22-01, 72-22-02
Accomplish Recommended Service Bulletins by extent of
As Required

4.5.2 Level IV: Shop Visit Module Overhaul Workscope

Key Maintenance Tasks – Fan Booster Assembly Manual Reference

Perform all shop visit minimum tasks As Required
Disassemble into piece parts, clean, and inspect Booster EM 72-22-00 / CIR 72-22-XX
Rotor and Stator hardware
Perform mandatory inspections per Engine Manual. EM 05-21-00
Comply with SB’s per GE recommendations. As Required

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 38

4.6 No. 1 Bearing Assembly M23

Figure 5. No.1 Bearing Assembly

4.6.1 Level II: Shop Visit Minimum Tasks

Key Maintenance Tasks – No. 1 Bearing Assembly Manual Reference

Inspect No.1 bearing assembly CIR 72-00-23, Inspection 001
During storage ensure the module has all bearing SPM Task 70-14-00-620-003
surfaces preserved, stored correctly and protected from (Handling)
the environment with suitable cover. SPM Task 70-60-01-620-002
Accomplish Recommended Service Bulletins by extent of
As Required

4.6.2 Level IV: Shop Visit Module Overhaul Workscope

Key Maintenance Tasks – No. 1 Bearing Assembly Manual Reference

Perform all shop visit minimum tasks As Required
Disassemble into piece parts the No.1 Bearing assembly EM 72-23-00
Inspect No. 1 Bearing assembly CIR 72-23-XX
Inspect No.1 Roller Bearings CIR 72-09-01
Comply with SB’s per GE recommendations. As Required

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 39

4.7 No. 2 Bearing Assembly M24

Figure 6. No.2 Bearing Assembly

4.7.1 Level II: Shop Visit Minimum Tasks

Key Maintenance Tasks – No. 2 Bearing Assembly Manual Reference

Inspect No.2 bearing assembly CIR 72-00-24, Inspection 001
During storage ensure the module has all bearing SPM Task 70-14-00-620-003
surfaces preserved, stored correctly and protected from (Handling)
the environment with suitable cover. SPM Task 70-60-01-620-002
Accomplish Recommended Service Bulletins by extent of
As Required

4.7.2 Level IV: Shop Visit Module Overhaul Workscope

Key Maintenance Tasks – No. 2 Bearing Assembly Manual Reference

Perform all shop visit minimum tasks As Required
Disassemble into piece parts the No.2 Bearing assembly EM 72-24-00
Inspect No. 2 Bearing assembly CIR 72-24-XX
Inspect No.2 Ball Bearings CIR 72-09-02
Comply with SB’s per GE recommendations. As Required

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 40

4.8 Fan Hub Frame Module M31/M31

Figure 7. Fan Hub Assembly

4.8.1 Level II: Shop Visit Minimum Tasks

Key Maintenance Tasks – Fan Hub Frame Assembly Manual Reference

Inspect FHF assembly CIR 72-00-26
Inspect Variable Bypass door, hood and seal, and IGV
system for wear, integrity, and any evidence of binding CIR 72-00-26
FPI inspect airfoil at area “A” fillet radius of the IGV‘s if the
IGV‘s are exposed. CIR 72-00-26
Perform spot FPI of both thrust link mounts CIR 72-00-26
Accomplish Recommended Service Bulletins by extent of
As Required

4.8.2 Level IV: Shop Visit Module Overhaul Workscope

Key Maintenance Tasks – Fan Hub Frame Assembly Manual Reference

Perform all shop visit minimum tasks As Required
Disassemble into piece part EM 72-26-00
Perform piece part level inspections, repairs, and
replacement as required CIR 72-26-XX
Perform any mandatory inspections. EM 05-21-00
Comply with SB’s per GE recommendations. As Required

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 41

4.9 High Pressure Compressor M51/52/53

Figure 8. High Pressure Compressor Assembly

4.9.1 Level II: Shop Visit Minimum

Key Maintenance Tasks - HPC Assembly Manual Reference

Inspect Module as applicable by extent of disassembly CIR 72-00-30, 72-00-31, 72-00-32
Perform disassembly, piece part repair, and piece part
EM 72-30-00, 72-31-00, 72-32-00
replacement as necessary based on module level
CIR 72-30-XX, 72-31-XX, 72-32-XX
If the CDN Stage 10 OGV honeycomb is renewed or
replaced, the CDP coating on the seal serrations should CIR 72-00-31-220-058
be inspected for serviceability.
Accomplish Recommended Service Bulletins by extent of
As Required

4.9.2 Level IV: Shop Visit Module Overhaul Workscope

Key Maintenance Tasks - HPC Assembly Manual Reference

Perform all shop visit minimum tasks As Required
Disassemble into piece part EM 72-30-00, 72-31-00, 72-32-00
Perform piece part level inspections, repairs, and
CIR 72-30-XX, 72-31-XX, 72-32-XX
replacement as required
Remove and replace 3-4 spool coating on seal serrations CIR 72-31-43
Remove and replace 6-10 spool coating on seal
serrations CIR 72-31-45
Remove and replace CDP coating on the seal serrations CIR 72-31-46
Perform mandatory inspections per Engine Manual. EM 05-21-00
Comply with SB’s per GE recommendations. As Required

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 42

4.10 Combustor Diffuser Nozzle (CDN) M45

Figure 9. Combustor Diffuser Nozzle Assembly

4.10.1 Level II: Shop Visit Minimum

Key Maintenance Tasks - CDN Assembly Manual Reference

Perform module level inspection EM 72-00-40/41/42
Replace igniters if chapter 5 life is exceeded EM 05-22-00, LIFE LIMITS 001
Clean, inspect, and FPI Fuel Manifolds (only if removed) CIR 72-41-80
Inspect Combustion case threaded inserts CIR 72-00-41
Visually inspect combustion chamber assembly (repair as
CIR 72-00-42 (REP 001/002 as req’d)
Accomplish Recommended Service Bulletins by extent of
As Required

4.10.2 Level IV: Shop Visit Module Overhaul Workscope

Key Maintenance Tasks - CDN Assembly Manual Reference

Perform all shop visit minimum tasks As Required
Disassemble Combustor Diffuser module into piece parts EM 72-40-00, 72-41-00
Replace igniters N/A
Replace leaf seals and springs (PRE PIP 2 config) or
72-41-20 (Rep 001)
replace piston ring (PIP 2 config) on Stage 10 OGV‘s
Inspect and Repair Combustion chamber CIR 72-42-XX
Inspect Combustion case threaded inserts CIR 72-00-41
Perform piece part level inspections, repairs, and
CIR 72-42-XX
replacement as required
Comply with SB’s per GE recommendations. As Required

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 43

4.11 Stage 1 High Pressure Turbine Nozzle M55

Figure 10. HPT Stage 1 Nozzle Assembly

4.11.1 Level II: Shop Visit Minimum

Key Maintenance Tasks – Stage 1 HPT Nozzle Manual Reference

Inspect module, paying close attention to condition of leaf
seals, leaf seal springs and TBC on Stage 1 nozzles CIR 72-00-51
Perform disassembly, piece part repair, and piece part
EM 72-51-00
replacement as necessary based on module level
CIR 72-51-XX
Accomplish Recommended Service Bulletins by extent of
As Required

4.11.2 Level IV: Shop Visit Module Overhaul Workscope

Key Maintenance Tasks - Stage 1 HPT Nozzle Manual Reference

Perform all shop visit minimum tasks As Required
Disassemble module into piece parts EM 72-51-00
Perform piece part level inspections, repairs, and
replacement as required CIR 72-51-00
Replace leaf seals and springs N/A
Comply with SB’s per GE recommendations. As Required

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 44

4.12 Stage 2 High Pressure Turbine Nozzle M56

Figure 11. HPT Stage 2 Nozzle Assembly

4.12.1 Level II: Shop Visit Minimum

Key Maintenance Tasks – Stage 2 HPT Nozzle Manual Reference

Inspect module as applicable CIR 72-00-52
Perform disassembly, piece part repair, and piece part
EM 72-52-00
replacement as necessary based on module level
CIR 72-52-XX
Accomplish Recommended Service Bulletins by extent of
As Required

4.12.2 Level IV: Shop Visit Module Overhaul Workscope

Key Maintenance Tasks - Stage 2 HPT Nozzle Manual Reference

Perform all shop visit minimum tasks As Required
Disassemble the S2 HPT Nozzle Assembly to piece parts EM 72-52-00
Perform HPT stage 2 shrouds surface restoration CIR 72-52-05 REPAIR 001
Remove and discard HPT stage 1 shrouds CIR 72-52-04
Perform HPT stage 1 shroud hanger surface restoration CIR 72-52-02 REPAIR 004
Perform piece part level inspections, repairs, and
replacement as required CIR 72-52-XX
Comply with SB’s per GE recommendations. As Required

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 45

4.13 High Pressure Turbine Rotor M57

Figure 12. HPT Rotor Assembly

4.13.1 Level II: Shop Visit Minimum

Key Maintenance Tasks – HPT Rotor Assembly Manual Reference

Inspect Module as applicable CIR 72-00-53
Perform disassembly, piece part repair, and piece part
EM 72-53-00
replacement as necessary based on module level
CIR 72-53-XX
Install new stage 1 & 2 blade dampers (if removed) N/A
If the Stage 2 nozzle honeycomb is renewed or replaced,
the Interstage seal teeth coating on the seal serrations CIR 72-53-43, Repair 001
must be replaced
Install new CDP nuts and bolts (ensure to replace balance
EM 72-53-00
bolts in original location of previous balance bolts)
Accomplish Recommended Service Bulletins by extent of
As Required

4.13.2 Level IV: Shop Visit Module Overhaul Workscope

Key Maintenance Tasks – HPT Rotor Assembly Manual Reference

Perform all shop visit minimum tasks As Required
Disassemble the HPT Rotor into piece parts EM 72-53-00
Perform piece part level inspections, repairs, and
CIR 72-53-XX
replacement as required
Perform mandatory inspections per Engine Manual EM 05-21-00
Install new stage 1 & 2 blade dampers N/A
Comply with SB’s per GE recommendations. As Required

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 46

4.14 Turbine Center Frame M58

Figure 13. Turbine Center Frame Assembly

4.14.1 Level II: Shop Visit Minimum

Key Maintenance Tasks – TCF Assembly Manual Reference

Inspect module CIR 72-00-54
Borescope inspect oil tubes for coking and clean as
CIR 72-00-54-280-001
During Storage ensure module has all bearing surfaces SPM 70-14-00-620-003 (Handling)
preserved, stored correctly, and protected from SPM 70-60-01-620-002
environment with cover. (Preservation)
Accomplish Recommended Service Bulletins by extent of
As Required

4.14.2 Level IV: Shop Visit Module Overhaul Workscope

Key Maintenance Tasks – TCF Assembly Manual Reference

Perform all shop visit minimum tasks As Required
Disassemble module into piece parts EM 72-54-00
Perform piece part level inspections, repairs, and
replacement as required CIR 72-54-XX
Clean oil tubes, and borescope post cleaning to ensure
CIR 72-00-54-280-001
internal cleanliness
Detail inspect No 4 Bearing Inner & Outer race CIR 72-09-05
Perform any mandatory inspections. EM 05-21-00
Comply with SB’s per GE recommendations. As Required

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 47

4.15 Low Pressure Turbine Rotor / Stator M61

Figure 14. LPT Rotor/Stator Assembly

4.15.1 Level II: Shop Visit Minimum

Key Maintenance Tasks – LPT Rotor/Stator Assembly Manual Reference

Inspect Module as applicable by extent of disassembly CIR 72-00-56, CIR 72-00-04
Perform disassembly, piece part repair, and piece part
EM 72-56-00
replacement as necessary based on module level
CIR 72-56-XX
Accomplish Recommended Service Bulletins by extent of
As Required

4.15.2 Level IV: Shop Visit Module Overhaul Workscope

Key Maintenance Tasks – LPT Rotor/Stator Assembly Manual Reference

Perform all shop visit minimum tasks As Required
Disassemble LPT module to piece part level EM 72-56-00
Perform piece part level inspections, repairs, and
replacement as required CIR 72-56-00
Perform mandatory inspections per Engine Manual. EM 05-21-00
Comply with SB’s per GE recommendations. As Required

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 48

4.16 Turbine Rear Frame M63

Figure 15. Turbine Rear Frame Assembly

4.16.1 Level II: Shop Visit Minimum

Key Maintenance Tasks – TRF Assembly Manual Reference

Inspect Module as applicable by extent of M60
CIR 72-00-57, CIR 72-00-04
Borescope inspect scavenge tubes for evidence of coke,
clean as necessary.
Inspect oil tubes for internal coking, clean as necessary CIR 72-57-99-220-029
During Storage ensure module has all bearing surfaces SPM 70-14-00-620-003 (Handling)
preserved, stored correctly, and protected from SPM 70-60-01-620-002
environment with cover. (Preservation)
Accomplish Recommended Service Bulletins by extent of
As Required

4.16.2 Level IV: Shop Visit Module Overhaul Workscope

Key Maintenance Tasks – TRF Assembly Manual Reference

Perform all shop visit minimum tasks As Required
Disassemble TRF to piece parts EM 72-57-00
Perform piece part level inspections, repairs, and
CIR 72-57-XX
replacement as required
Perform any mandatory inspections. EM 05-21-00
Comply with SB’s per GE recommendations. As Required

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 49

4.17 Fan Mid Shaft M64

Figure 16. Fan Mid Shaft Assembly

4.17.1 Level II: Shop Visit Minimum

Key Maintenance Tasks – FMS Assembly Manual Reference

Inspect Module as applicable by extent of M60
disassembly CIR 72-00-04, CIR 72-00-58
Replace the CVT Omni seal if the CVT Extension Duct is
removed N/A
Inspect FMS for peeling or missing paint, re-apply as
touch up. CIR 72-00-58
Accomplish Recommended Service Bulletins by extent of
As Required

4.17.2 Level IV: Shop Visit Module Overhaul Workscope

Key Maintenance Tasks – FMS Assembly Manual Reference

Perform all shop visit minimum tasks As Required
Disassemble FMS to piece parts EM 72-58-00
Perform piece part level inspections, repairs, and
CIR 72-58-XX
replacement as required
Perform mandatory inspections per Engine Manual. EM 05-21-00
Comply with SB’s per GE recommendations. As Required

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 50

4.18 Inlet Gear Box M32

Figure 17. Inlet Gearbox Assembly

4.18.1 Level II: Shop Visit Minimum

Key Maintenance Tasks – IGB Assembly Manual Reference

Inspect at Module level CIR, 72-00-61
Inspect all external studs and inserts for serviceability CIR 72-00-61
During Storage ensure module has all bearing surfaces
70-14-00-620-003 (Handling)
preserved, stored correctly, and protected from
70-60-01-620-002 (Preservation)
environment with cover.
Accomplish Recommended Service Bulletins by extent of
As Required

4.18.2 Level IV: Shop Visit Module Overhaul Workscope

Key Maintenance Tasks – IGB Assembly Manual Reference

Perform all shop visit minimum tasks As Required
Disassemble IGB into piece parts EM, 72-61-00
Inspect No.3 ball bearing / inlet gearbox assembly CIR, 72-09-07/08, 72-61-XX
Comply with SB’s per GE recommendations. As Required

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 51

4.19 Transfer Gear Box M33

Figure 18. Transfer Gearbox Assembly

4.19.1 Level II: Shop Visit Minimum

Key Maintenance Tasks – TGB Assembly Manual Reference

Inspect at Module level CIR, 72-00-62
Visually inspect for signs of external leakage N/A
Inspect all external studs and inserts for serviceability CIR, 72-00-62
Accomplish Recommended Service Bulletins by extent of
As Required

4.19.2 Level IV: Shop Visit Module Overhaul Workscope

Key Maintenance Tasks – TGB Assembly Manual Reference

Perform all shop visit minimum tasks As Required
Disassemble into piece parts EM, 72-62-00
Perform piece part level inspections, repairs, and
replacement as required CIR, 72-62-XX, 72-09-09/10
Comply with SB’s per GE recommendations. As Required

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 52

4.20 Accessory Gear Box M70/M71

Figure 19. Accessory Gearbox

4.20.1 Level II: Shop Visit Minimum

Key Maintenance Tasks – AGB Assembly Manual Reference
Inspect at module level, to include: signs of external oil
leakage, inspect attachment points for frettage/wear, CIR 72-00-05
inspect studs, inserts and pins
Visually inspect mount hardware for evidence of wear CIR 72-00-05
If exposed, visually inspect gear shaft splines for wear. CIR 72-00-05
Accomplish Recommended Service Bulletins by extent of
As Required

4.20.2 Level III: Shop Visit Preventative Maintenance Workscope

Key Maintenance Tasks – AGB Assembly Manual Reference
Accomplish minimum workscope tasks As Required
Remove accessories, carbon seals and mating rings EM, 72-00-05
Inspect remainder of the module in assembled condition. CIR 72-00-05
After reassembly, Pressure check accessory gearbox EM 72-64-00
Perform any mandatory inspections. EM 05-21-00
Accomplish Recommended Service Bulletins by extent of
As Required

4.20.3 Level IV: Shop Visit Module Overhaul Workscope

Key Maintenance Tasks – AGB Assembly Manual Reference
Accomplish preventative maintenance workscope tasks As Required
Disassembly Accessory Gearbox into piece parts per
engine manual EM, 72-64-00
Perform piece part level inspections, repairs, and
replacement as required CIR 72-00-05/72-64-XX
Comply with SB’s per GE recommendations. As Required

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 53

4.21 Bifurcation M80

Figure 20. Lower Bifurcation Assembly

4.21.1 Level II: Shop Visit Minimum

Key Maintenance Tasks – Bifurcation Assembly Manual Reference

Inspect at Module level CIR, 72-00-03
Visually inspect for signs of external leakage N/A
Inspect Drains B787 AMM & CIR 72-00-00
Accomplish Recommended Service Bulletins by extent of
As Required

4.21.2 Level IV: Shop Visit Module Overhaul Workscope

Key Maintenance Tasks – Bifurcation Assembly Manual Reference

Perform all shop visit minimum tasks As Required
Disassemble into piece parts EM, 72-00-03
Perform piece part level inspections, repairs, and
replacement as required CIR, 72-09-81, 72-09-99
Comply with SB’s per GE recommendations. As Required

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 54

5 Hardware Not Found in the GEnx-1B Illustrated Parts
Catalog (IPC)

This workscope planning guide provides recommendations for hardware under GE’s
responsibility. Some repair SPAD’s will not be within the IPC but referenced within the
applicable Repair Document or definition.
For associated hardware not under GE’s responsibility (dependent on the engine
model, this may include items such as engine mounts, thrust links, exhaust hardware
and other external hardware) please contact the respective supplier for workscope

GEK114098, GEnx-1B WPG revision 8.2 dated July 17. Page 55

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