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Qi. 10 @ @ — | 6-2) 180072 «6-4) «90 MI 01 360+ 6) (6-2) 180 +6 or (2 « 6-4) «906 Mtdep | dep on previous ML or 180 — (360 + 6) i) 173x0r x3 0€ 3 | M2 for 2xsin60 or 2.xc0s30 o¢ or for Vi ex 2x xe05120 oF MI for xsin60 oF 60830 0¢ or for x7 +x? -2xxxxxc0s120 iy (10=x)sin30 seen oe MI 10+2((10-x)sin30) oe Midep | dep on previous MI 10+10-xor 102 4x(10-3) AL | with no errors of omissions seen ) 12.7 or 12.67 to 12.68... nfiww 4 | B3t0r7.32107.33 or M2 for x=20+(14+1.73) 0¢ or MI for 20x their (afi) 0c Q2. 8(a) | 66{.0} or 66.03 to 66.04 ale fortin= 2 oe 8(b) _— ML | Any alternative method must be full and complete and aah eae result in exactly 5 8(¢) |] 60.9 oF 60.94 t0 60.95 2 on rtm 2 oe 8(d) | 5.83 or 5.84 oF 5.827 t0 5.840 6 | nit for [PB or PC=] VOPaS or [XC=] VOPaS -7: M1 for angle BPX’= 2 » invsin. oe their PB BI for [ PB or PC=] V106 = 10.29 t0 10.30 or XC=2.79 to 2.80] or angle BPX = 33.9 or 33.86 t0 33.90... M2 for [heir PBY +75 oe 2x their PBX7.5xe0s( their BPX) ‘of MI for correct implicit equation Q3. 8(a) or" xn lisa (5 42 M2 5 4 sy MI fora 3 «tor $ xnx(3) Sal _ 65 eee ed ort 1(USE anna") +258 oe BI niww coe both terms must be written in terms of nfiww or correct complete method for / with decimals 21 95nx2, axa oon, 10x ue =65 Al Correct calculation with no errors and B1 earned 8(b) M2 for V6.5? -2.5 or MI for i? +2.5°=6.5* Irzero scored, SC2dep for answer 4.15[3] 80) 72[.0...] oF 71.99... nfww nm fsy 1 4n (sy MB for = x [2] x their ++ x “x {5 2 for = 65) their + 3x # (3) oe x (5) or M1 for = x (2) x sheir 6 0e wa te «(8) xa 1am (3) and M1 for = x — = 2 7G) ° Ifzero scored, SC3dep for ne aes E (5) x their as + + x 3 x (5)! 0 F * (5) xtheird.1S + 5 x F x (8) 0 or SC1dep for ; x (5) x their 4.15 0¢ 1 4a 2 SCldep for — x — x lep for 5 x x (8) 06 8d) 53.7 of 53.65 to 53.67 ML for figs (their (c)) x 19.3 x 38,62 or better M1 for + 1000 soi Q4. 2(ay(i) 1070 or 1072. MI for 1x8? x28 4 3 M1 for or 22400 [Distance Geneva to Chamonix =] 104 M1 for 65 x 1.6 or 65 x 96 0€ 392 10 393 6316 to 6322.4 MI for their 16.1 Must be correct value in numerator Qi. 7) | 1g0- # or M2) oe MI for 2 ot (5-2)x180 (5-2)x180 (2x5-4)x90 or 90(2 « 5-4) eee eee or3 « 180+5 or 6 x 90-5 ae or 5 x 180 360 1£0 scored, SCL for 5=2*180 (by) | 7.05 or 7.053. 3 | M2 for 12 cos54 oe or MI for implicit form or BI for length of edge of pentagon = 14.10 14.11 1F0 scored, SCI for right angle at M 22.8 or 22.81 t0 22.83... nfiww 3] spp for eir(bNi cos 72 or MI for implicit form oe or BI for A= 36.9 or 36.93 t0 36.94 TbYii)(b) | 179 oF 179.1 10 179.3... 3 | M2 for 4x12 «their AN’ xsinS400 or 4x12xtheir OX xsin 108 o¢ or fxtheir AX x their OX xsin18 or 4x12? x sin 72+ area OBY oe or 4x12? xsin 72 + area OMB + area MBX oe of MI for a correct method to find area of one relevant triangle AOB, OMB, MBX, OBX or ONX seen Qi2. HO | LA e568 a 23 3678... 10 367.9 AL 4(a\Gii) | 3.06 or 3.060 t0 3.061. 4 | MI for 0.8 x 368 [= 294.4] 2 for? =) Meir 2944 10x ‘or MI for mr x 10 = their 294.4 0¢ 4(6)(i) | 44[.0] or 43.98 to 43.99 nfiww 5 9 aed : B2 for [slant height = ] Foe or MI for [P = ] + 1.75? 0¢ M2 for wx 1.7Sxtheir/ + x>1.75° or MI for «1.78 their! or mx1.73° (bia) BI Loch 758 x6~ La ctheir 0.4375? «1.5 le i 3 3 J aet.15° «6 or La xtheir0.4375° x15 OR 3 3 i 1y oR Learaeo(t-(!)] ry 3 4 ML for I~ (3) oe 4 18.94 or 18.939 to18.944 AL 4(bY.iN(0)_| 95 final answer 3 | B2 for 94.5 oF 94.69 10 94.722 oR M2 for 18,9 «10° 200 o¢ or ML for 18.9 » 10° or 200 ~ 10° or figs 189..~ 200 or 18.9. * figs 2 Q13. 9a){)_ | ZACD = 46 soi B2 | BI for angle ADC= 108 or angle DCB = 18 or ZCDE = 44 soi s8sin108 M2 sp gr Siml08 _ sinsheird6 sinsheir46 * 38 76.68... niiww AL 9ayii) | 10.9 oF 10.91 t0 10.94 3 | B2 for [4B =] 68.9 oF 68.91 to 68.94 ‘or M2 for a correct explicit statement for 4B or BD or MI for 4%. = c026 0¢ 76.7 906)(i) | 10.4 oF 10.43 to 10.44 4 oe MB for J" o¢ sin 40 ‘or M2 for x” sin 40 = 70 0¢ or MI for 4x 2x x sin 40= 70 sbyii) | 140 1 Qi4. Id) 30 60, 60 120 BI for 30 BI for 60 BI for 60 FT their v BI for 120 PT 2 x their w [y=] 40 B2 for 40, or BI for angle BDC = 20 or angle ADO = 30 or angle ADB = 70 1(e) 26 4 | BB for 360 — 22 = 10x + 3x oe or better or for Sx + 1.5x= 180— 11 0¢ or better or M2 for 360 ~ (3x + 22)=2 x Sx 0¢ or for Sx+ 500+ 22) = 180 0¢ or SC2 for 360 + 22 = 10x + 3x oe or better or MI for 180 ~ Sx, 10x or 360 ~ (3x + 22) correctly placed on the diagram or identified or for angle A + angle C= 5x Qi. 10a) | =7 u/ BI 13 -4n oe B2 or BI for 13 ~ hn (k #0) or for k—4n 36 BI (n+ IP 0¢ B2 or BI for any quadratic 125 BL woe BL 128 ey ye me or BI for 2‘ oe 10(b) , 6, 10, 16 3 | BI for each correct row oad ae loi) | _g 1 pra 1oceyii) | 18, 1 29 Qe. Wd) 33500 MI for 36515 ~ ox oe 1), 6525 MB for ($-S)La-20 oe 4545 Br 975 or MI for correct attempt to convert toa common ratio value for Agjun orn") e290 or for 3-2 o¢ 5 sa) [0]38 or [0]37.9 or [0]37.87... 330 MI for tan = —— oe i 0 1f0 scored, SCI for answer [0}52 or [0]52.1 or [0]52.12 to [052.13 5(b) 624 oF 623.8 10 623.9 M2 for 450 — 400 sin 50 MI fo 50 = —— or MI for sin S0= = M2 for 350 + 400 cos 50 or MI for cos 50 = —— . 400 ML for (their (450 — 400 sin 50) + (their (350 + 400 cos 50))? 5) 10min $s BB for 10.1 or 10.13. or M2 for (400 + 350 + 450 + their DA) ~ 3 [+ 60) oe or MI for any tance +3 MI for rounding their minutes into minutes and seconds to nearest second if clearly seen Qs. 6(b) 2700 M2 for 15 x 2.5 x 20x 60 x 60 or MI for 15x 2.5 x 20 MI for their volume + 1000 1f0 scored, SCI for figs 27 with no working Q19. 8a) 5 | BI foreach FT angle = as 140 — their w 8(b) 3) M2 for 360-11x=2x 2x oe ‘or M1 for 360— 11x seen or obtuse angle KOL =2%2x oe Q20. %a) | 315 or 314.5 to 315.0 height (8-5) ‘MI for tan70 = oe or better seen Mldep for e+ 5) xtheir height or better seen dep on trig attempt for height 1 (8-5 38-5) cos 70, 1 318-5) cos 70 M2 for 12 oe or better seen or M1 for oe or better seen MI for 8x 12. oe isw and 5x 12 oe isw 0b} 8-4 (8-5) or5 +%4 (8-5) MI 9(b\(ii) | 13.6 oF 13.64 to 13.65 MI for 12? +(6.5)? oe Hb\Gii) | 16.8 oF 16.9 oF 16.79 to 16.91 M1 for identifying angle GAX from a niww diagram or from working or better Qazi. 10a) [HBTw une I] tte fees? 10(b\G)_ | 104000 oF 103 600 to 103700 3 | M2 for x x 25? x 60- 14140 foeMI for x 25° 60 FT nx 37500= 117808. allow their answer as longa itroundsw 14140 TDK | SE8ors2 Iw 5281 2 | MU fr sete (oY) = (25) or 4190 (nx FT nx 25'=1965, (allow use of thetr answer as long as it rounds 19 14140) 067198 17.201 ime) | Yen? c29 “I [slant height =] Bae I 450} oF S130) Mi | Accept 25e° (50) + m9(13) = 47? MI 0 2 = 45,2 ant 2 (AL | Witkall steps shown and no eos cen Q22. 12@byiiii) | (5, 0) 4) 3 tor aD (3) «Bi-(3) 2 Nz or coordinates of C. (-7, 6) and seen or B2 for a= b=2soior coordinates of C (-7, 6) or MI fora=b oe soi or for a’ +6" =(V8)' oe <7 Q23. 8a) | [L=] 11.8 5 | MI for L=2 ¢ soi [w=]5.9 ML for 1 +2H=20.1 0€ [q-]7.1 MI for 2L +2H=37.8 0 BI for at least one correct answer BH) N02 for prassdsxy 2 18 isw 8(b)G)_ | 0.559 t0 0.560. conversion ‘or MI for? + 18°= 24" o¢ or better MI for figs 800 * figs their volume isw g/cm’ or gcm™ final answer BI 8(b)Gii)_| 34.1 of 34.11 to 34.12 4 [ars MB for tan [ ]= ~———>_ oe vis? +15° or M2 for 18? + 15? isw or V24* + 15° isw or MI for 182 + 15? isw or 24? + 15? isw or MI for indicating required angle is EBD Q24. 8(0) 13.6 or 13.59 to 13.61 If chord is 4B and O is centre of the cross section -if 20-5 vata cw(223) 0 or M1 for cos = 29=5 oe 20 theirAOB M1 for ax 20? or 1 sop( 82:82 2 aor( 180 ) MI for ; x 20° x sin(their AOB) oe M1 for their area x 150 M1 for their volume ~ 1000 Q25. sa) 35 oe MI for 2(x+x+3)=20 oe ML for correct ax = 6 for their linear equation 1b) 1168 or 116.83 to 116.85. nfww Ssin20 M2 for sin p= 25 a sin20° sinp or MI for Al for 43.2 or 43.15 to 43.17 Mldep for 180 ~ (20+ their 43.2) After 0 scored, SCI for length of side = 5 5.07 or 5.068 to 5.071 B3 for 7.41 or 7.412 to 7.413 or M2 for r+ r+ 20 x2xRxr =20 0€ 360 or MI for “2x0 oe seen M2 for2x 7.41 xsin20_0€ or 7.41? +7.41?—2(7.41°) cos 40_0€ or Zalsind in70 cor M1 for implicit version Q26. Q27. ay) 1 or 5 final answer 3 3 M1 for 4 40x2° oe 23 Tani) 2.40] B3 for answer in range 2.396... to 2.40. OR MB for their "E+ x2? 52+ Lexatch = B og Lexatxn = ser lor or M2 for S84 — their 8% a x2? 5.2 3 3 or MI for x2? x 5.2 0¢ or Lax2?xh oe soi 3 Tayi) | hour 38 min or 1 hour 37.8 min to 1 hour 37.9... min 1B2 for 1.63(2...] or 98 [mins] or 97.8 0 979...) SF 620 or MI for [x 60] 0 116) 8.5[0] oF 8.496 to 8.497 MB for [=] | 140 5 1 3607-2 or M2 for 1 360 2 or MI for cither area expression seen 34ayi) 4.095 BI for figs 4095, 5257.8 3¢ayii) Is $00+4)%5 xL=525 06 M1 for 3(10+4)x5 0c 344i) 435 0 4549. MB for their [BD =] VF +5" x (their 15) 2] B2 for /34 or 5.83 or 5.830 to 5.831 or MI for s+(Zu0-4)) and MI for their 35 2 M1 for (their 15) x 10 and (their 15) x 4 3cayiiv) 4200 vies (19) coe(8) (5) = 3b) 182,875 ... 307.125. final answer 3 | B2 for cither seen ‘or MI for 100.5 or 6+0.5 or 4+0.5 Q28. Ha) 54[.0] or 53.99 to 54.03... M2 for [=] 95.43 + (2.4%) 0€ oF MI for 95.4= 2.4 h M2 for[slant ht, /=] f(theirh) +24 or MI for (their hy? + 2.4" MI for 555% 2xmxtheir]=2x7%24 oe or. sept tir =nx24xtheir! %(b) 14500 or 14470 to 14480 MB for 200 * 60 x 24 x mx 4? [+1000] or 2 « 60 x24 xn x 0.04 [1000] or M2 for 200 x x 4 or for 2 « x 0.04 or M1 for x 4? o¢ or x * 0.04 seen oe isw or 1000 em*= | litre soi or 1 m? = 1000 litres soi or for 24 * 60 seen 0¢ Q29. staxine) stan) 1740r 1738, 1 M3 for 60M 06 2 ee co $e(04) sinks ce 1 or LxbxOdxain6TS 0 z where 4 and OM are a inthe M2 oe M2 for OM 675 06 og S280 75 ins orfor 04 er fer cen67S 00 oa xfar S45 _ 0675 cara sia 195 oF 195.010 193.1 3 ens, stor no sinh _ stn or sox) [1270127219 1273 Mi for [1x Jexo4s?aa ce bare0as sco) | 782.0748 IMS for method leading othe volume of wate 2 aw vate 04s en) or $04 m8) Q30. 910) | -x-30[-0) 15 att for (2¢ 62-19-2529 0 BI fo Qr+Ia-D= 20 -2040-1 oe soi (+-6)(045) 0 wt | or comet itor for ter 3m quadratic guton 6 for coret stbstittion nto quatro soc omen the gue for her erm quadratic uation a6 eo a (or? x ihetrs ead or or he sated Q31. 11Q@yi)_ | 4.455 to 4.456. 46) M1 for r=] 28 oe 2x 11(@Gi)_ | 1250 or 1247 to 1249.9... 2| MI for 20xnx4.46" o¢ or or or 11(@)(ii)_ | 66.0} or 65.95 to 66.02 3 (a) | 661.0} oF 65.95 to wr tun= = or BI for identifying angle ANB on cylinder not on rectangle 11) | 11.8 oF 11.82 t0 11.83 5 x ©) aaae M2 for ware 3 ce 7 or r=] [HOPE 00 * MI for 310=42x 97 x 2r 2 3 in(2) h 2 3 M2 for \(theirr)® +(2xtheirr)’ oe M1 for [/° =](their r)’ +(2xtheir r)° o¢ Q32. 3(b) | 3897 5 | BI for a= 2000 their 2000 M1 for their 2000 x (i 2662 J or for their a x (their b)’ provided their a and their b are clearly identified in the working 1f0 or MI scored, SC1 for rounding their decimal answer seen to nearest integer. Q33. 8(a) 15° +8" 215.8 M2 | M1 for 20° {co [5° +8" —2.15.8c0s( ) 11754 0 11755 Az Lae AL for 2 or" or 40}.4625 30°" 240 8() | 53.2 oF 53.19 t0 53.23 2| MI for 0.5 x 8 x 15 xsin(117.5) oe 8(¢) | 15.5 oF 15.52 t0 15.53 2| M1 for 15? +4? o¢ 8(@) | 7.1 of 7.13 oF 7.125 t0 7.126 3 4-3 M2 for tan [P}= “> oe or for 7.1 7.13 oF 7.125 10 7.126. seen or MI for vertical line =4~3. soi Afier 0 scored SCI for correct angle identified 8(@) | 11.5 nfww or 11.48 t0 11.49... 5 | BI forheight of 3.5 soi M2 for 15* +4? ~2.15.4cos(117.5) 15? 44? ~( Disa a their 17.216... After MO scored SCI for correct angle identified or MI for cos117.5 M1 for tan = Q34. 96) | y?43y—40[=0] o€ B4 | Oe 3 term quadratic MB for 15y—20(y-2)= 1 MI for Hiy~2) = 15 or hy =20 soi (y+ 89-5) [= 0] 0¢ B2 | Strict FT a three term quadratic BIFT for (y+a)(y+b) where ab =—40 oratb=3 or yy —5) +8 (y—5) or y(y+8)-5(y+8) 5 BL Q35. 716) [hearing 266 12 | Bt for angle MLK = 69 or for angle MK. = 35 comely end tangle ro Noth = 108 dinance 646 016459, 15] ayn Bin), i) ML forthe pic form Q36. 10) Me Mt for x 2ar ese a] |= 2n{r] — 47] oe ing and collecting terms in x AE zat] =20i a eng 282 ’81 | Wit no enor omissions Q37. xa) Lea? M3 oes a? reading 00.125 wel2x3—becdicaxs ee Mer wal xh Sx oe eadng 00.125 ce for x12 axl Dic + Hear oe ey xfor 23H ow 3 OFM for wx12 xh or bc ca3? 06 5 Pere) 6) | 4.1010 479510..796 3 | az for 128 -0.125) = 1? 1B oe aIPx 3 Shem =x RIS ‘oF for 3-0.125 or for $147 0 30 | oSt047w 1049 apy aoe Sees! 30015 : Mater 2A sone See Bae or ML for Sicm3°—30%1.5° oe 2S 3 Emer) Q38. Aon) | 246 oF 246.2 to 246.3. oa 360 oR M2 for Oy na? 0€ 360 or MI for kx x4, where k $1 MI for15x20 or 4x4 oe 4(oV4i) | 80.8 oF $0.9 or 80.84 10 80.85... 3 MI for 15+20+11+16 0 M1 for 3x2«mx40e 4 Q39. sc@ | 27.3 0r27.32t02733 eee . 5 or 83.2 MB for [AC=] “= 454.5 0 wan38 or for (cD=) > sas 4 J 2154.5) cos(180~38) oe M2 for (AB =] 232. o¢ of for (BD =| 222. oe an 38 in38 or M1 for tan38 = 832 ge or sin38 = 832 oe Al BD 5(6) | Centre marked at midpoint of B2 | B1 for marking the centre at mid-point of FG FG. and Angle in a semi-circle is 90 50) 10.8 or 10.81 to 10.82 B2 for 72 180, +546 or MI for a 7 [x6] and, for triangle POR BA for [angle R=]82.8 oF 82.81 to 82.83 (or BS for cos =] © oe or beter P45 2x45 or MI for 6? = 4? +5? 2xdxSxcosR or M2 for After 0 scored for triangle PQR, SCI for [P =] $5.8 oF 55.77 10 55.78 or [0=}414or41.40.041.41 8a) 210.6) + 2a154" + 13.6) x65 MB ML for either 273.67 or 205.4) MI for 7(3.6)° «6.5 692.1 10 692.2... AL (aii) 33.6 or 33.60 to 33.62 06 stor ($8) «e823 108906 3.6. orata for (28) x 692 0¢ 36. or Mt for (22) or (38) oe 36) “oe If0 scored, SCI for their volume x 10.49 3 sib ared-a) orb Fea » leading to a+ Sbwithno 5 errors or [NR or M1 for MN =b—aor NM =a—b or a correct route for OR 1o(byGix(a) B2 fore 10 or ML for o(2. a+ 3y)=b 440+ kb oe i orfor 20=4 5 and ML for 2 xtheire=ho-1 10(b)GiN(b) 3a + 6b final answer FY 3a +(theirk +1)b 42. Ata) 72.0r 72.0 cao nfww M2 for “x 2xnx7.5=2xnx1.50€ 360 or M1 for x 2xx7.Sor for 360 2xmx1.Soe oR M2 for —xnx7.5=x1.5x7.Soe 360 or ML for 5x mx 7.5" or for nx1.5x75 08 (yc) 2x AIT? —8 or V34 16" 0 M2 ML for 17° =8" +d? or 34? = 16 + 40yGi) 29.3 oF 29.30 10 29.31 MS for (8°30) + Stat 7x M1 for 2x8? x300€ M1 for 42x17? o€ 3 4) 12.7 of 12.73 to 12.74 B2 for 2.26 or 2.261 to 2.262... soi cea tin(20«18-Aa Jo 0 De or for 15 (4nx6? +20" Joe ae oF Mi for 20° 15-6 0e o 20° x D=Sicax6%0e 1f0 scored, SCI for answer 11[.0] or 10.97 to 10.98 Ata) 144 ML for 180~ 360 4, 1800-2) 4, 10 tb) 7 S33 noe ii BI for w BIFT for x= their w BRET for y= 80— their w or BI for angle BDC = 20 FT their w or angle ADE = 55 or angle CAD = 25 BIFT for z= 25 + their w or 105 ~ their y

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