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+ Monday: Job 18 +

Reading link:
Audio link:


When you look at those who were preoccupied with judging him, and muting his tongue, you
will realize that they were not giving him comfort, but ridicule and mockery! In their envy,
they count his silence as disgrace and utter foolishness

St. John Chrysostom

*Personal Question*
Have you acted like Job’s friend’s to your friend? Or did you offer support and compassion
when they were going through hardship?

*Bible Study Question*

Link (Year 9 Boys)
Link (Year 10 Boys)
Link (Year 9 Girls)

Parents link:


+ Tuesday: Job 19 +
Reading link:
Audio link:


The Holy Book often talks to us about how the cruel words could break down the soul; and
warns us as well against the smooth words that hide a killing and deceitful heart.

Father Hesychius of Jerusalem

*Personal Question*
How often to you think about the words you tell others before you say them? Do they build
someone up or break them down? – think about the consequences harsh words can have on

*Bible Study Question*

Link (Year 9 Boys)
Link (Year 10 Boys)
Link (Year 9 Girls)

Parents link:


+Wednesday: Job 20 +
Reading link:
Audio link:


Anger would make tongues loose and talks with no control; would lead to ridicules, reviles
false accusations, and violent confrontations .

St. Basil the Great

*Personal Question*
How does your speech change when you are angry? Do you think it should change?

*Bible Study Question*

Link (Year 9 Boys)
Link (Year 10 Boys)
Link (Year 9 Girls)

Parents link:


+ Thursday: Job 21 +
Reading link:
Audio link:


Paul rejoices in his sufferings, by seeing the amazing fruits brought to the congregation by
the sufferings; like what happened to the Corinthian Christians .

St. John Chrysostom

*Personal Question*
Do you think God is punishing you when you don’t get what you want from Him, or if
something goes wrong? Think about how this cannot be true by using Job as an example.

*Bible Study Question*

Link (Year 9 Boys)
Link (Year 10 Boys)
Link (Year 9 Girls)

Parents link:


+ Friday: Job 22 +
Reading link:
Audio link:

We should always have love for our neighbour; should do nothing with partiality; And, as
ministers of God. should love the poor and visit them .

St. Clement of Alexandria

*Personal Question*
What are your services to God? Are you putting your best effort in?

*Bible Study Question*

Link (Year 9 Boys)
Link (Year 10 Boys)
Link (Year 9 Girls)

Parents link:


+ Saturday: Job 23 +
Reading link:
Audio link:


It is not in pride, that ‘Job’ likens himself to gold tested by fire He considers himself being
purified by the sufferings of the temptation; even though there may be nothing in him to be

Pope Gregory the Great

*Personal Question*
Despite Job’s tribulations and lack of support from his friends, how impressive is it that he
still had confidence that God will help him? Have you been confident in God’s plan for you
when you don’t get what you prayed for?

*Bible Study Question*

Link (Year 9 Boys)
Link (Year 10 Boys)
Link (Year 9 Girls)

Parents link:


+ *Sunday Reflection* +
Catch up on missed readings from the week, and reflect on what you read this week.

- What was my favourite verse?

- What did I learn about Jesus/God this week?
- What did I learn about myself/others this week?
- What will I be trying to think/do differently from this week’s readings.

*Bible Study Question*

(Year 10 Girls)

Parents link:

On the First Day of a Book (delete this section

from your document once daily content has been
generated above)
First day of a book, before starting readings, will be an introduction/overview of the book
(super brief summary of: who wrote it and who did they write it to / when and why did they
write it / what was their main focus), one key verse and a link to the Bible Project overview
+ ___day: * (Insert Book) Introduction* +
(Insert Book) is a (insert Bible book category) book.

*Written by:* (insert who wrote it)

*Written for:* (insert who it was written for)
*At the time of:* (insert any significant events in the lives of the writers/receivers)
*Main Focus:* (this can be an overall theme or purpose of the writer)
*A Key Verse*: (Insert Reference only)

Watch overview at (insert Bible Project overview video link here).

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