Sensors - Sort Table Counting

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TechDoc – Sort Table Counting Sensor

Written By: Technicians Date: 18 February 2004
Department: Service Version: 1.2
Valid F rom: 18 February 2004

1. Sort Table Counting Sensor Overview

1.1. Feature Description
Sort Table Counting (STC) is a feature that enables packhouse managers to
review in real time how a batch of product is being graded and “packing out.” STC
is enabled using an STC sensor.

The STC counts are the base value used by the Sizer software to calculate the
“Grading Reject Rate.” From the Grading Reject Rate, the software calculates the
overall Packout Rate. This is a simple equation of Total Number of fruit being
rejected (and counted) at the sorting tables versus the total number of fruit going
across the Sorting machine.

When managers have this information, their communication with the Grower can
be based on true production figures, rather than having to wait until the
completion of packing of the line to ascertain the Packout Rate by weighing the
bins of rejected fruit and comparing to packed out produce.

It is also valuable for the operator to compare the performance of the grading staff
by being able to see at a glanc e who is removing more or less product than the
average. This is useful for ascertaining who is under or over grading.

Sort Table Counting can only ever be used as an indicative feature. You must let
the Packhouse Owner / Manager / Operator know about this. It can never be used
as actual Packout Rates, because there are a number of circumstances that can
affect the accuracy of the system. For example, there may be produce that the
Packing Staff reject that have passed over the sorting machine.

1.2. Functional Description

The SCP looks for STC sensors on Channel B of its communications. Sort Table
Counting SAMs may share a 485 comms bus with Vision Computers if they are

The STC SAMs behave the same as any input/output SAM on Channel A except
that (since they are not connected via a HAL4000 to the SCP) they only use 485
to communicate. (There is no CAN without H4K). Therefore, STC SAMs should
have their Logical Address flashed to them by connecting to Channel A before
being connected and configured on Channel B.

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2. Sort Table Counting Sensor Installation

2.1. STC Sensor Cable Connection

The cabling used for the STC sensors should be CAT5 TP cabling, as used by the
SAMs on Channel A. Ensure that 485 Data + and Data – are a twisted pair. The
+12V 485 Comms power can be sourced from one of several sources. There is the
internal power from the PC, the 12VDC Supply for the HAL4000 (take from the
rectifer board only) or an external “plug pack” can be used. When using a plug pack
ensure that it is not plugged in where it is likely to be switched off or removed easily,
as this will cause unnecessary service calls from customers. (No 12VDC for Comms
= No comms!)

The last SAM on Channel B should also be fitted with a 485 Terminator, following
standard practice.

SCP (485 C hnl 2) VISION D9F RJ45

1 Data - 1 7
2 Data + 2 6
5 GND 5 NC
8 +12VDC
5 +12VGND

Cable connection (Sealevel VISION D9F

3 Data - 7
4 Data + 6
8 +12VDC
On RJ45 Connect External +12VDC to Pin 8 and 12V GND to Pin 5.


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2.2. Setup and Configuration

1. Each SAM for STC must be flashed with their logical address (starting from 1
for the first SAM) to work on CHNL B for STC. (There is no CAN on CHNL B.)
2. Temporarily connect the SAM onto the CHNL A Network (From HAL4000) and
use SCP to find it.
3. Assign that UID SAM the Logical Address of 1. (TAB Screen and F7 to set the
address using 0x59 message on CAN.)
4. Then replace the original SAM on CHNL A. Find it and Save SCP Config.
5. Reconnect STC SAM to CHNL B and using the SCP, set the following SAM
Config flags (TAB, F2 for CH2, SAM 1)
MODE = 05 INDEX = 00 Needs Config = Yes
Also Save the SAM Config to the SAM once configured as above.
6. Type F8 for the 0x4F 0x01 Flash Save Command.
7. Type F5 for the 0x06 Version to ensure that the SAM is Polling correctly, and
type a message on 485.

2.3. For Sites with More than 24 Counters

Use these INI file settings at sites that use more than 24 STC sensors per unit,
e.g. Seeka Transpack 12 Tables / 4 counters per table. (2 x Class 2 + 2 x Softs
PMS.ini file:
NumTables = 12

NumCounters = 24 (Because we can only display 24 maximum)

Counter Map =0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11
COMPAC.ini file:
Counter Map

01 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

17 = 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

25 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

41 = 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

Note: T he counter mapping as above follows the following logic.

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The “01” etc. tells the SCP that the first STC input is mapped to counter 1 and so
on. Therefore we are saying that the 25th input is also mapped to counter 1, as
the SSP can only display a maximum o f 24 counters, We are therefore doubling
the inputs up.

By mapping the counters like this in the SCP, that with the SSP mapping, we are
using input numbers 1,2, 25 and 26 to all map to table 1. (See PMS.ini)

(1B5 – Sam Input Sensor is wired to. (13) – Number of Input as in ini file)

From this layout, we are attributing all produce discarded by each individual
Grader to that perosn's counter. From the Counter Map in the Compac.ini you
can see that Inputs 1 and 25 are mapped to counter 1 and therefore all fruit are
being counted to that person.

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2.4. Sort Table Setup in SCP

2.4.1. SCP Settings

Enter the following SCP settings for the STC sensor.
Special Parameters:
Turn Sort Table Counting Active = Yes
System Menu:
Sort Table Counting I/O. Set fields for the number of SAMs that you are installing
for STC. Typically most Packers will require 24 counters or less. and therefore
only one SAM.

Enter an address of 0 to mark unused STC SAM positions.

The `Type' of the STC SAM must be either 12, 16, or 24 (it is in effec t the number
of counters on the SAM, therefore all SAM4000 = 24). The `offset' for the first
STC SAM will usually be 0, for the second and subsequent SAMs it should be the
total number of counters on the preceding STC SAMs.

STC Addr Type Offset This is the setup we would use for a site that
has 4 STC SAMs, each of which

1 1 24 0 has 24 counters (total 96)

2 2 24 24

3 3 24 48

4 4 24 72

At present, the software only allows us to display 24 counters maximum, but we

can still count the additional inputs and double map them where necessary to
maintain closer packout %s.
Edit Compac.ini file:
Enter the following values in the Compac.ini file:

Under [Counter Map] 01 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,

Where 1, 2 etc equal physical input numbers (sensor numbers).

Edit PMS.ini file:
Enter the following values in the PMS.ini file:

Counter Map = 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3

This Counter Map example uses 4 tables with 8 counters apiece.

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Restart SCP. It should look for and find the SAM(s) on CHNL B. Remember that
InVision PCs start at SAM 4 on Channel B. STC SAMS should always start at 1.
Note: In version 7.06r2 of the SSP, an extra line was introduced into the PMS.ini
called “C ounter Flags.” This was introduced to handle the scenario of using a Split
Sorting machine being fed from separate Grading Tables e.g. Sorting machine A –
Tables 1 –4 Sorting machine B – Tables 5 and 6. The idea was that you could flag
which counters were feeding which Sorting machine. 0 = Sorting machine A, 1 =
Sorting machine B Although this was introduced and forced the Sort Table Rejects
Window to show the respective A and B counters in different colors, the Packout
Rate remained the same on Sorting machine A and Sorting machine B irrespective of
actual Reject Rates on either Sorting machine.

2.5. SSP Version 9

Open the STC Window on SSP. Double Right Click to change between Tables
View and Counters View. With example above, there would be 4 Tables displayed
in one view and 8 Counters in the other view.

2.6. SSP Version 10

If a location has pre-sorting tables, they may have sorting table sensors installed.
At a pre -sort table, people sort produce before it is sent to the sorting machine.
The sort table sensors can identify either how many pieces of produce they reject,
or, if the sensors are based on weight, what the weight of that produce is.

If produce is being packed manually, additional sorting may be done at the outlet.
A packer may reject a piece of produce at the outlet. Often they will put the
rejected produce in a chute. Again, a sensor (placed in the chute) can identify
how many pieces of produce they reject, and (again if scales are installed) the
weight of the produce.

The different types of sorting table sensor need to be connected to the Sizer
software. There are three types of sorting table sensor connection:
• Presort Counters - Count or weigh produce rejected at manual pre-sorting
• Outlet Rejects - Count or weigh produce manually rejected by manual packers
at outlets. Notes this value for each individual outlet. These sensors are
installed at the reject chute for each outlet.
• Total Rejects - Totals the produce manually rejected at outlets. This value is
totalled for all outlets. These sensors are not installed at the outlets
themselves, but at the end of the belts delivering the produce from the outlet
A sorting machine can have both pre -sorting reject counters and post-sorting
reject counters installed. Post-sorting reject counters are the outlet rejects and
total rejects counters. Machines generally have either outlet reject counters OR
total reject counters, not both.
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# Step Result
In the Configuration menu, select The Sort Table I/O Configuration screen
1 displays.
Sort Table I/O Configuration.
Select the sensor type by clicking
on the appropriate tab:
The data fields for that sensor type
2 Presort Counters display. You can enter all the sensors of
Outlet Rejects this type in this screen.
Total Rejects
To add a sensor, click the Add A line of blank fields displays. You can
button. enter the sensor data.
To enter the information about the
sensor, type or select its table, The identifying details for the sensor are
name, and other details as saved.
required. See the values below.
To configure a sensor or other
device linked to a sorting location,
The IO values for the sensor are saved.
enter the Channel and Addr.IO
5 The sensor’s activity now sends data to
values, based on the screen
the Sizer software.
values below.
Then, click OK.
To delete a sensor, in the Sort
The sensor is removed from the Sizer
6 Table screen, select the sensor
and click Remove Sensor.

Presort Counter Values

Tables Name of table where the sensor is located.
Name Name of the counter or counter location.
There are three sensor modes available. Set the sensor
mode required by the sensor type.
Count - Sensor counts number of pieces.
Mode Weight - Sensor notes weight of pieces. This requires a
scale attached to the sensor.
Average Weight - Sensor estimates average weight of
This is only active for weight mode sensors. Enter the
Decigrams per Pulse
number of decigrams per sensor pulse.
Channel Communications channel, selected by name.
The SAM logical address followed by the I/O point
Addr.IO number. Note that if any I/O addresses are duplicated,
the addresses turn orange.
Outlet Reject Counter Values
Name of the outlet where the sensor is located. Select
this from the drop-down menu.

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There are two reject methods available. Set the reject

method required:
Cull - Identifies produce that is not sent over the sorting
Type machine again for grading.
Recycle - Identifies produce being sent to the Recycle
Name Name of the counter or counter location.
This is only active for weight mode sensors. Enter the
Decigrams per Pulse
number of decigrams per sensor pulse.
Channel Communications channel, selected by name.
The SAM logical address followed by the I/O point
Addr.IO number. Note that if any I/O addresses are duplicated,
the addresses turn orange.
Total Rejects Counter Values
There are two sensor modes available. Set the sensor
mode required:
Cull - Identifies produce that is not sent over the sorting
Type machine again for grading.
Recycle - Identifies produce being sent to the Recycle
Name Name of the counter or counter location.
This is only active for weight mode sensors. Enter the
Decigrams per Pulse
number of decigrams per sensor pulse.
Channel Communications channel, selected by name.
The SAM logical address followed by the I/O point
Addr.IO number. Note that if any I/O addresses are duplicated,
the addresses turn orange.

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