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Develop a Product Listing App Objective: Develop an application using PHP and MySQL that displays a list of products with the following features: 1. Filters for price, category, and sale status. 2. Pagination, displaying only 12 products per page. 3. Backend logic for applying filters. Requirements: 1, Backend: - Develop a MySQL database to store product information. - Implement PHP scripts to handle: - Fetching product data, ~ Applying filters (price, category, sale status). ~ Pagination logic. 2. Frontend: ~ Create a user interface to display the list of products. - Provide filter options for: = Price range. ~ Category selection, Sale status (on sale/not on sale), ~ Include pagination controls to navigate through the product list. 3. Technical Specifications: - Use PHP for server-side scripting. - Use MySQL as the database management system. - Display a maximum of 12 products per page. sure that the logic for applying filters is handled in the backend. 4. Hosting: - Host the completed application on a web server. ~ Provide a link to the hosted application. 5. Submission Guidelines: - Submit the complete project with source code. ~ Share the code via a public repository (e.g., GitHub), ~ Include a README file with instructions to set up and run the application, - Provide any additional documentation if necessary. ~ Include the link to the hosted application in your submission. 6. Reference: Page Top: Page Bottom: nf . m : BRS rego —mOX~ —PceaN~—aacHLAMOUEAETROGAMING~ —TRDRGCARON™ SE ee

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