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Continuing Education Program - Center for Computing and Information Technology

Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia


Ref. No : 68/H2.F4CCIT/PDP.01.03.Daftar Nilai Semester/2014

Name : Nauval Uzlah Firmansyah

Registration Number : 2120010107

Programme : Sharia Banking Information Technology

Department : CEP CCIT FTUI
Semester : 3rd (Third)
Academic Year : 2023/2024

Content Credit Marks

Automated Software Testing Project 1 B
Automated Software Testing 3 E
Developing Enterprises Information System using Framework Project 1 B-
Developing Enterprises Information System using Framework 3 B-
Collaborative Development using Repository System 2 B
Mobile Computing Project 1 B-
Mobile Computing 3 B-
Project Management using DevOps Project 1 B+
Project Management using DevOps 2 B
ISAS Information System Architechture and Technology 2 A-

Semester Weighted Average Rate Performance (SWAP)** : 2.49 (4-Scale)

Generated electronically by CCIT Information System on 05/9/2023 ----------end of performance report----------


Score Grade Status

85,0 - 100,0 A 4,00 PASS
80,0 - 84,9 A- 3,70
*) Project included 75,0 - 79,9 B+ 3,30
70,0 - 74,9 B 3,00
65,0 - 69,9 B- 2,70
60,0 - 64,9 C+ 2,30
55,0 - 59,9 C 2,00
50,0 - 54,9 C- 1,70
45,0 - 49,9 D 1,00
< 45 E 0 FAIL

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