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oF ‘Trigonometry is a branch of Mathematics which is very widely applied in other branches of Mathematics such as Cal Analytic Geometry, etc. Y In Greek "Tri means three ‘gon means sides metron means measure Thus, trigonometry is study of relationships between the sides & angles of a triangle. 1. A triangle in which anyone angle is equal to P). yypotenuse Perpendicular _-K Perpendicular, 90° is known as a right angled triangle. 2 Po FQ x : é 3 2 > = 2, The side opposite to 90° is called hypotenuse, ad ‘is oS 2 Vi Eb 7 = it 5 F it is the longest side in a triangle. Perpendicular b S YN 3. The side opposite to given one acute angle is R M eter onicular. Here 0 is the angle into consideration 4. The rest (III") side is base. Note: All you have to remember is, this 1 Side opposite to 90° is hypotenuse. CF Side opposite to the considered angle is perpendicular, 0 The side which is left is the base. A 0° “tata de fy (i) Positive angle (ii) Negative angle sv Unit Circle When the length of the Totating line is one unit then the circle described will be a circle of unit Tadius, § termed as a unit circle. gnitude of an angle is called degree. -degfee equals 1/360, of a complete A adiaa‘is another unit of measurement of an angle. Its the measure of an Su are equal in length to the radius (r) of the ci angle subtended at the centre ofa Se centre of the circle by an are of unit length rele, For e.g, in a unit circle one radian will be the angle s Here Ate ABC subtends ZAQC at the centre and thus ZA00 = Are length ABC) Radius of the circle OC or OA | radian if and only if lox 22 Cumference 2m ( * © 1) subtend an angle of 2x > gation Between Length of an Arc and Radius of the Circle angie mendes fan arc at the centre of the circle is given by the fatio of the length Gf the are to tie one octet a tos ré where @* Yadius of the cinch © = angle substended at 1 ang 1 = length of the arc 6 is given in degrees. To apply the nvert degrees into radians. 1. Fed the angle in radians subtended by an Ans. Angle are of length 10 cm at the centre of a circle of vt radios 35 cm. e y= 45? radians C2) hes. (= 10 cm and 1 = 35 cm 180 > | radians © = 7 redions ' on 500 m il) or 4 radians t 7 ! reer a 2A railroad curve is to be laid out on a circle 500 What should be the radius of this circular pm {using (i) and ( track, if the railroad is to turn through an 4 angle of 45° in a distance of 500m? ‘ 1 = $00x— = 637m x Mee The ratio of the sides ofa right angle triangle with respect to acute angles are called “Trigonomets, es ae aig y — Pemendicutar PO sine of 0, written 88 $1 0 FI rcnise DR QR cosine of 0, written a _. Perpendicular _ PQ tangent of O, written as tan 0 = oe Base QR arace g = -Hopotenuse vosecant of 8, written as cosee 0 = Perscndicular Hypotenuse _ PR secant of @, written as sec 8 = Base QR Base _ QR. Perpendicular PQ cotangent of 8, written as cot @ = sin 0 is sine of angle 0 sin @ is NOT sin x 6! Mnemonic to memorize the trigonometric ratios Pandit Badri Prasad Har Har Bhole ie., sind a , cos = Bad ng tang = Peased Sona Chandi Tole any Bhole > cot @ =—— A seco=—_ cos6 < sin@ = 1 i = coneg 7 COCO | ‘We also observe that B 7 ane cos cos 6 1804, ne— 0 I quadrant only tan & cot ve o 3m 2 1. Ina right triangle ABC, right angled at B, the ratio of AB to AC is 1: J2. Find the value of By Pythagoras theorem, we have AC? = AB? + BC? (2 xf = x2 + BC = = BCR=2e ==”? > BC =x BC_x = BOLE tanA= 3575 2tanA _2x1_2 Now, Sana == 5, which is undefined. INTRODUCTION To TRIGONOMETRY e 2. Consider right triangle Al If AC = 17 units and BC all the trigonometric ratios of angle C. 2tanA I-tan? A Ans. We have, AB : AC = .e. Let AB = x and AC = 2x. c v2x Ans, A x B => 00”, 360, 2 TV quadrant only cos & see +Ve BC, right angled at B- = 8 units. Determine A B c Let us calculate the length of AB In AABG, using Pythagoras theorem, AC? = AB? + BC? VAC? - BC? Vi? -8 = 289 64 = 225 =15 units Now, let us calculate the trigonometric ratio angle C. sin C = perpendicular/hypotenuse = AB/A 1S/17 AB= 60s C= baserhypotenise = BC/AC * 17 tan C= potpenicutarbase = ABC * 18/4 cot C= Lan C= base / perpendicular = BO/AB = 81S see C= Hoos C = hypotenuse/tase = AC/BC = 8 ose C = sin C= hypotenus/perpendicular . ACIAB = 17/15 S.ttsin A= 2, nd cos A and tan As _ Perpendicular _3 Ams. Since sin A= Tysotenuse 5° c 5 3 A B Perpendicular = BC = 3 units, and Hypotenuse = AC = 5 units. By Pythagoras theorem, we have AC? = AB? + BC? => 2 = AB? +3? = AB? = 5-3? => AB=4 ‘When we consider the t-ratio of ZA, we have Base = AB = 4, Perpendicular = BC = 3, Hypotenuse = AC = 5. Base _ 4 cos A = Hypotenuse tan A = Pe*pendicular _ 3 Base 4 ‘You can also find tan A as follows: and tn A= Sin cos A Beas OO On putting the values of it A ang ona,» " 53 tan Aw 475" 4 4 4 cosec 0-4 col0 BL cosec—cot0 49 Ans. = 49 cosec 0+ 49 cot O ~ 81 cove 9 => 49 cot 0 + 81 cot 0 = 81 cosee 0. 4y one => 130 cot 0 = 32 cosec 0 cos yy 2 130 sind => 65 cos 0 = 16 i 16___ Base | = 6080 = 65” Hypotenuse i A 7 65 2) oO Cc 16 ~B On applying Pythagoras theorem in AABC, we get AB? = AC? - BC? = 657-16 = (65 + 16)(65 - 16) [2 - b= (@-b) a+b) = (8149) AB = V81x49 =9x7=63 AB 63 sin@ =—— =— AC 65 ‘ p ind Required expression = £280+8i@ sin@—cos® 16 | 63 oo "6579, 65 _ 79 sinO= Gp © OFTI6 6847 a7 65 65 2x40) 2x? + 2x4) 2x(x 5. If tan 0 = 2 —, find sin 0 and cos 0, o OM. ; eos Om Ans, tan 0 = Ew 2x1) mead Let P = perpend aie Ph 2xtx + 1D 6. If sin A = 5, verify that B = Base = OM = (2x + 1) : 2tanA H = Hypotenuse = OP = ? 2sin A608 A= Tanta P ‘Ans, We know that = c z & u 2x, o 8 B=@x+) M H? = P2 + B? A x B OP? = PM? + OM? BC_1 sin A = $575 OP? = [2x(x + DP + (2x + 1]P OP? = [4x2%(x2 + 2x + 1) +4? + 1+ Let BC = k and A‘ a AB = YAC?-BC* OP? = [4x4 + 8x9 + 4x? +x? ++ (Pythagoras theorem) 4x] = 2k -k OP? = [4x4 + 4x2 + 1 + 8x3 + 4x + (ky 4x7] = Vale =i =3k* = 3k OP? = [(2x2)? + (2x)? + (1)? + 2.(2x?). (2x).(1) + 2.(1).(2x? Th apee ee (2x) + 2.(2x).(1) + 2.(1).(2x)] us, COs io mu S Now, we know, . : ; BC =A ? + 2be +2ca = (a+b + oP =a ee a? + b+ c2 + 2ab + 2bo +2ca = (a ° and tA = 4B YS © OP? = (2x? + 2x + IP > OP = (2x? + 2x +1) .. JCTION 70 TRIGONOMETRY © (ii) Hence, from (i) and (ii) 2tanA 2sin A cos A= "> _ I+ tan? A HM Trigonometric Ratios of Some Specific Angles Certain angles are more useful in problems and applications than others. In this section, we will find the yg ly such angles ie., 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° and 90°, Trigonometric Ratios of 45° Start with a right angled isosceles triangle because in this triangle the acute angles measures 45° each, Let AB = BC be ‘a! units. On applying phythagoras theorem in AABC, we get AC? = AB? + BC? A Dye a2 a) \& 3 + AC=y2a? = Va ? - Now, al- Si- tan 45° = Similarly, cot 45° = 1, sec 45° = > and cose 45° = 5, Trigonometric Ratios of 60° and 30° Inan eal ‘iangle, each angle measures 60°. So, we take an equilateral gl el lateral AABC. to os 8 | Dew ADL BC, In AABD and AADC, we have AB = AC AD = AD ZADB = ZADC :. AABD = AADC Thus, we can say BD = DC : BD = BC = C= uni Also, ZBAD = ZCAD 2. ZBAD = ZCAD = $eBac =30° (side of an equilateral triangle) (Common) (Each 90°) (By using RHS congruence criterion) (CRT) (CPT) (On applying Pythagoras theorem in AABD, we get AD? = AB? = BD? Similarly, and cosee 30° Trigonometric Ratios of 0° and 90° Ne define igonomnetie ratios of a aeuto angle by starting with aright triangle, But how ean you have 6 in ig sriangie? Let us take a right triangle ABC and keep decreasing angle B, \ A > B cB ‘LOB Coe We notice that as B decreases, AC keeps decreasing and hypotenuse AB comes closer and closer to BC. Eventu: cos 60° cos 60 On comparing LAH.S and RLS, ¥e 3A+ B= OF Similarly, sin(3A - B) = or sin(3A ~ B) = sin 30° = 3A-B Solving (i) and (i), we get ° and B= Mi Trigonometric Ratios of Complementary Angi Two angles are said to be complementary if their sum is 90°. na right triangle ABC, if ZC = 9 LA+ ZB= 90° . ZA and ZB are complementary. > ZB=90°- ZA Cc BC i B=2° cosB=— 1 AABC, we have sin cos AB Iso, sina =2S, cosa AL AB ibstituting, ZB = 90° ~ ZA, we get sin(90°—A)=2£ which is cos A AB sin (90° - A) = cos A BCA, 90? - A) = == whichis sin A cos (' ) AB then the sum of the other two angles must be 90° 0, cos (90° — A) = sin A nilarly, tan (90° - A) = cot A cot (90° — A) = tan A see (90° — A) = cosec A cosec (90° — A) = sec A pooucnion 10 TRIGONOMETRY @ 2, Evaluate: 1, Evaluate the following: 2 tan 17° tan $8° tn 60" tan 82° fan 73° He aot cot tet 4SPe0t 73" eat aje couce 61° sce39" Sovee st see39° 2 tan 17° tan 38 tan 60° ton 2° ton 73° ye an eB ‘Ans, 2°°29"_ 5 2cot8eot17eot 45° cot73* cot 37" ‘cover 61° se? tan 17° tan 38° V3 Dag | any 2 Ot 8° Cot 17°(1) cou Seco (009-399) VE (90° — 29°) tan (90° — cose ( ) ~ 17°) cot(o0? a 38°) tan (90° - 17°) sec39° tan 38° ° cot 17° $6039" , 2 tani 7°tan38°V3 c0t38° cot 17 = 22 > cot 8 cot 17° tan 17° tan ge sec29° {1 0190" — 0) = tn sec39° 3 [- eoseo(90° — 0] = sec 0, tan(90? ~ 6) = cot 6] 142-3 =144-xJ3x(tan17° cotl7°) x (tan38°cot 38°) B 3. Without using table, show that (cos 35° 55° - sin 35° sin 55°) = 0 w 142 ctr» 1) mite) fanl7 tani38) ‘Ans, LHS = (cos 35° cos 55° ~ sin 35° sin 55°) [: capa = [[cos 35° cos 55° ~(sn(90°— 55) sin 0" 355 =1+42x(1) (1) Lr sin(90° ~ 8) = ogg = cos 35° cos 55° — cos 55° cos 35° = 0 = RES 9//Trigonome ‘An equation involving trigonometric ratios of an angle is called a trigonometric identity, if it is true for all the val, the angle involved. Aword about notation When we square sin 0, we do not write it as sin @* because it would mean 'sine of 6%. To avoid. confusion, square of sin @ is written as sin? 8, square of cos @ is written as cos? @ and so on. ‘a) sin? @ + cos? @ = 1 Proof: Let ABC be a right angled triangle, right angled at C and ZB = 6. sing=AC AB Ba cos? 0 =. Tne onli) ‘On adding equations (i) and (ii), we get sin? @+cos29- AC. , BC AB?” AB? 2 sin? 0+-cos*@ = AB AB* [Ac? + BC? = AB? by Pythagoras theorem | (b) 1 + tan? 0 = sec? @ Proof: In the same triangle ABC, tan 2 tan? 9 = AC BC? seco = 42 BC is) Now, 14 ten?9=14 45 BC ‘Since, BC? + AC? = AB? by Pythagoras theorem] y BY 1+ tan? 0= 2) BC. 1+ tan? = sec” 6 (c) 1+ cot? 6= cosec? 8 Proof: (v) Inrnopucrion 10 TRIGONOMETRY e AB? by Pythagoras the ‘ } 4 cot O | Veco]. | Yeosec01 proved using trigonometric identities, we studied about ie, Also, a @ -Equir Srupy Marasial tang = sind cord cos) cot = Some Important Trigonometric Identities 11 60s (A +B) = cos A cos B - sin A sin B 1 cos (A= B) = cos A cos B+ sit A sin B Gi sin (A +B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B OF sin (A ~ B) = sin A cos B ~ cos A sin B Or tan (a + By = CAH tanB) 1=tanAtanB tan (A-B) = (an A-tanB) I+ tanAtanB 2tanA 0 sin 2A=2 sin A cos A L+tan* A GF cos 2A = cos? A~ sin? A= 1-2 sin? A= 2 cos*A~ 1 (2tan A) GF tan 2A= tan? A) cosec? @ ~ cot? 6] C (cosee 6 +cotd) + (cosee 0+ cot 8)(cosee = cot 8) . (cosee 0 + cot) + (cosee 0 + cot 0)(cosee 0 cot®) cosee 6+1—cot® L. Prove that j esos} 1+sin6—cos®, given that 1 — cos 0 #0. [:@-b=@+b@-b)] 1+cos0-+sin0]” , S| Tysin—cos0 C {comedasnntsess-ov0} , = cot) Dividing numerator and denominator by sin 0, (1+ cosec 8 cot8) we get = (cosec 0 + cot 0)? ( 1 a) sind sind 2 _ f(eosee 6+ cot6) + (cosee*0 cot? 0) ° 2 (22) . cosee 0+1—cotd sind coset ~ (cosec 0+1-cot® sp Mero tem 6 ® (1 tan Oh or 1+ Dian? One? 6+ tun = Helis wed, sin? 0 1- co? 0} Hoge | 4, Find the value of sin 18", | ‘Ans, We have sin 15% = (sin 45° 30%) 146080 pag Using si(A = 1) = sin A608 BE 605 A 80, l~cond “ = sin 48" 60830" 60849 gy Hence proved. wo i 2, Prove that: (see 0 ~ cosee 0) (1+ tan 0 4 cot 0) = ay pry see 0 tan 0 ~ cosec 0 cot 0, i 2°22 Wr Ans. L8-* (see 0 ~ conee 0)(1 + tan 0 + cot 0) ee pat a) tenerind Leet en sin)\* cos sino 14 sin04 €0s0 "1+ e080 —sini i ‘ econ sinO Le sind a a (seagate aan on + sin? 0+ cos? 0) Ants LAS ! 7 * a rer on sin Deos0 sinBcos0 ) TOP ot Oe (ain cos8\sin®6 + ene ¥ d Lecot sind | 1+ sin + e080 | ~ ane wie (I+eas0) + 8in0 ” (I+ c080)-sind tin’O—cos" (Take sin’ Geos @ 1+ cos sind)! (1+ sin0 + cos)’ ( ) os) sin’ __cos'0 (1+ cos0) + sinO]{(1+ cos) ~ sind sin’ 0.cos°0 sin’ Ocos! 0 ( I | } [Le cosd— sin O}’ +[ + sind + cosop i : (1+ cos)! — sin! 0 | (ae ( 1 cos \(_ 1 (Using, (a + bya woe 7 cnt) $40) (sino sind) 030+ 2+ 2cos } = see 0 tan 0 cot cosec (1=sin® 0) + cos! 0+ 2e080 i or tan 0 sec ~ cose O cot 8 = RALS _& 44 4c0s0 j Hence proved. (cos? 0 + sin’ 0 - sin* 0) + cos! 0+ 2eoid| 3. Prove that sect @ = 1 +3 tan? 6 sec? @ + tan! 0, v= ot Ans. LHS = sec® 6 i = (see? 0) = (1 + tan? 6) (> sec? 6 = 1 + tan? 6) 4(L+ cos) = (1) + (tan? 6)) + 3 tan? 6 (1 + tan? 6) * (a+ by = a) +b? + abla + b)] ~ 1+ tan 0 +3 tan? 0+ 3 tant 8 = 1+ tan’ 6 + 3 tan? 6(1 + tan? 6) = 1+ tan’ 6 + 3 tan? 6 (sec? 6) 05 6(cos 8 +1) = 2 sec 8 = RHS Hence proved, Ber snort ° Ln 6. Prove that Sim(x+y) _ tanx+tany sinx cosy , cosxsiny sin(x—y) tanx—tany” gosx.cosy _cOsx cosy. if sin(x + y) = sin x cos x + cos x sin y and sin(x ~ y) = sin x cos y ~ cosx sin y. Ans. We have sinx+ ins x+y) sin(x—y) c0sx cos: sin xcosy +cosxsiny 4 xcosy—cosxsiny , tanx + tany [Using given identities} * tanx-tany Dividing both numerator and denominator by cos x cos y Hence proved. 7 illinche blanks 1. cos@ + c0s*(90° - 0) 2, 2 tan? 45° + 3 cos® 30° — sin? 60° = 3. tan 30° cos 30° + sin 30° tand5° = cos 45° 4 —— sec 30°+ cosec30° 5. The value of sin A or cos A never exceeds 6. If tan A = 4/3 then sin A 7. Ina right triangle ABC, right angled at B, if tan A= 1, sin A cos A= 8 In A ABC, rightangled at B, AB = 24 om, BC = 10 cm, sin A= 9. In A PQR, right-angled at Q, PR + QR = 25 em and PQ =5 cm. The value of tan P is 10. Sum of of sine and cosine of angle is one. 9// Tue and False Statements 1. 2, sin (A + B) 0s" @)sec* @ = tan Given 0 < 0 < 90°) sin A+ sin B 3. sino=$ for some angle 6. 4. The value of tan A is always less than 1. Vooses0—1 cosecd 6. sin @ = cos @ for all values of 8. 5. is equal to cos0. 7. The value of the expression (sin 80° — cos 80°) is negative. 8. coses*® x cof’@ = 1 9. cot A is the product of cot and A. o.. . 10. is equal to tan®. Vi-sin?o ¥// Match The Followings Direction: Each question contains statements given in two columns which have to be matched. Statements (A.B, C, D) in column-1 have to be matched with statements (p. @ 5 8) in column-Il. 1. In A ABC, ZB = 90°, AB = 3 cm and BC = 4 cm, then match columns. Column 1 Column TT (a) sinc (a) 35 2) cos C B) 45 3) cotA © 54 (4) cosee A @) 34 a LA 2B 3C 4D b. LA 2B 3D 4C c 1B 2A 3C 4D a@ LA 2D 30 4B 2 Column I Column II (1) cosA_ Lesin (A) cosee A+ cot A + T+sinA cos ©) cosansindvt ©) _2 cosA +sin A 1 cos @) (© secA+tnA ® sina (PD) 1 +cosA I=cosA a FA 2B 3C 4D b. LA 2B 3D 4 . 1B 2A 3-C 4D 4 LA 2D 3-0 4B Inropuction To TRIGONOMETRY e a FA 2B 30 4p a 3 Ie sind= then & TA 2B ED 4g Column 1 Column It ¢ 1B 2A 30 4p 1) cos A. (A) 24/25 Ven x oe tan A (B) 7/24 d LA 2D 3-0 4p 3) cosec A (© 25/7 id False: Fill in the Blanks: True an 1, True He 2. False 2 z 3. False 4, False 3.1 5, True 4 (3.1) 6. False , 1. False mT 8. False — 9. False 1 ; 10. True 8. 1026 Match the Followings: 9% 12/5 1. (b) 2. (¢) 10. Square 3. @) 9// Very Sho 1, Show that tan? @ — sin? 0 = sin* 0 sec? 0. eee 2. If the value of sind=-, then find the value of 3cos 8 — 4cos‘o, 3. Prove that the value of (sec 0 + cos ) (sec @ ~ cos ©) is tan? 0 + sin? 0, 4. Show that sect @ — sec? @ = tan’ @ + tan? 8. 1 tan. 5. If tanA+ 1 tan! 4” 6. In a triangle ABC, 2B = 90°. If AB = 12 cm and AC = 13 cm, then find sin A and cos C. 7. Find the value of 2(cos745° + tan?60°) — 6(sin245° — tan?30°), find the value of tan! A + 8. Without using trigonometric table, find the value of cot 54° tan 20°_, tan 36° cot 70° 9. Show that the value of sin® = cosecO+ cot. 1-—cos6 10. Prove that; !nO+sin® _ secO +I | tan@—sin@ sec@-1 WY Short Answer Type Ques Tih 1. Without using the trigonometric table, find the value of the following. sec(90°—8)cosec 0 ~ tan 6(90°~8)cot8 +(cos? 35° + cos? 55°) tan 5°tan 15° tan 75° tan 85° 2. ABC is a right angle triangle having a right angled at B, AB = 7 cm and (AC — BC) = | cm. Find the values of sin C and cos C. & ._,W __. a Be al ad 9. 10. Pr » s Ha Leola asa el - Prove that . In the given fig. AD = DB and 2B is# , If cosec A= V10, find the remaining ty, ratios. x, 12 The value of cot B is =, then find the tan? B - sin? B Find the side of an equilateral triangle tha ; inscribed in a circle of radius 6 cm, 3 A If sin (A+ B)= > and sin (A ~ B) = g oP B, find A and p Without using trigonometric tables, find thy of the following: sin?20°+sin*70° | sin@cosg cos? 20° + e0s"70° tan Bsec® " cotO cose | st if S%=p and S%=a, then prove cos sinp that (p? + q?) cos* B = q?. sin®+cos0 sin@—cos® Prove that ————— sin +cos@ If the value of sec A=2°, then find the at 10 tan?A — sin?A — sin‘A sec? A. If cosec 6 — sin @ = a and sec @ - cos 0=hi that a°b? (a +b? +3) =1 ~ | ~ sec tan sin @-cos0+ sin +cos0— i . In a AABC right angled at C, if tm A ‘ tan B= YB. Show that sin A cos B +04) Determine @ sino ii) sin? 0+ cos? O “ b pia c B ir (ec A+ tan AXsec B + tan BY(sec C + tan C) ‘A~tan A)(sec B — tan BY(sec C - tan C), rove that each oside of the given equation = (sec then p' is #1. YA Pires — tant 355+ 280° 38° sec? 5° —2sin? 45 Find the value of: (cosec A = sin A) (see A — (tan A + cot A). bt) If the value of tan 0 + cot 0 is 2, where 0 is an acute angle, find the value of tan" @+cot”@ Solve for x: tan 3x in 45° cos 45° + sin 30° Solve for x: cos x = cos 60° cos 30° + sin 60° sin 30° If the value of sin @ = cos @, where @ is an acute angle, find the value of 2 tan? @ + 4sin? 0 - 1. If sin 6 + sin? 6 = 1, then find the value of cos? 6 + cos* 6. 7 4. 5. 6. The value of the expression [cosec (75° + 0) ~ sec al b. ©. MED 1 (sin 30° # vos 30°) — Gat 60" €8 60 bo at a 3 iB 3 Gs) 3, If a 6 m high wall casts a shadow 2/3 mj, the ground, then the sun’s elevation is a. 60° b. 15° 30° d. 90° 14, If cos (A + B) = 0, then the value of sin (4 a. cosA b. cos 2B c. sind d. cos 24 4sinA-cosA _, 4sinA+cosA a2 vt 3 3 ot a1 2 16, £08(90-A)sin(90— A) _ * tan(90— A) a. sintA b. costa, 20 at 17. If sind =} then the value of 2 cot? 6 +2 a6 bl ©. 18 4.10 18. In a A ABC, right angled at B, AB = 2° BC = 7 cm. Then the value of tan C is: 2 24 aR », 24 7 7 e 1 al 5 24 al to: 4 608 60) ~ (sin 60° + cos 30°) is eq bt ate sind? CS, an The ae of Sage el d. Not defined é 2 hen tan X is equal 10: 21 If'cos X= | then tan au 5 is “3 i s a : or ' a “a, If cosX = then tan X is equal to: a be » ee b b oe c. a 24. The yal pf cos? + 1» Ge ° I+cot? 8 a3 bl 0 ad 2 4. If (20 + 30°) and (45° - 6) are acute angles, then find the degree measure of 0 satisfying sin (26 + 30°) = cos (45° — 6) is a. 45° b. 60° ©. 15° 4. 90° 2sin68° 2cotl5° _3tan45? 25. vali if — ea The value of ee 20 v2 3 «3 al 5 6. If cot 0 + tan @ = x and sec 6 — cos @ = y, the value of (xy)? — (xy?)?? is a0 bl «. tan 0 4. sec © 7. If sin @ + cos @ = p and sec @ + cosec 0 = q, the value of q (p? - 1) is am ie Git to 6 1-Mdene | 4. None ofthese yo, 201, tan cotO- cot30— tan@ = tan30 ad bol as d2 ) is equal to T¥cos0 a. (cosec 0 + cot 0)? ~—_b, (cosec @ ~ cot 8 ¢, cosec? 0 + cot? 6 d. None of these MEE : tanx : Kea + sinxcosx cosx a. true b. false b. cant say 4. None of these 2. is equal to seco-tand a. sec 6 — tan 8 b. tan ® c. sec 0 + tan 0 . sec @ 3. The value of sec? A tan? B — tan® A sec? B is a, tan? B- tan? A b, sec? B+ tan? A , tan? B— sec? A d. sec? B tan’ A 4, The value of sin? 15° + sin? 30° + sin? 45° + sin* 60° + sin? 75° is al v2 2 5 a5 4.2 2 2 tan 1 equals to T+sec0 1 a. tan peal : c0s8 a, S081 4. sec 0 + tan 8 cot 6, The value of ——"~ cose is seex+tanx—1 cosee x+cotx-I es bl 2 e. V3 40 8 a. 2q b, 2p el 4G RODUCTION 10 TRIGONOMETRY e (ary arb & by 8 If (a? — b) sin @ + Jab cos O = a +b, then the value of tan 0 is ab dd. None of these © < 90°, following equality holds tan? 9. For 0° @ +3 = 3 see 0 is true for which value of 0. a. 0° b. 30° ©. 45° d. 60° 10. If x = a sec 0 cos 9, y = b sec @ sin o and z= tan 0, then UL. If 3 sin @ +5 cos 0 = 5, then the value of S sin 0 — 3 cos 0 is equal to as b 3 a2 d. None of these 12. Ifa cos 8 + b sin 0 = m and a sin @—b cos @=n then a + b? is equal to. amen b. mn (m =n) ce. vimnn dm? +n? 13. Given 3 sin a + 5 cos a = 5, then the value of G cos a ~ 5 sin a)? is equal to a9 ti 1 oF a 14. Ifsin 6 + cos 0 =p, 8 in terms of p is a (Ey SIN ue then the value of sin? @ + cost ae 1-@*~1y 2A a 6 OS angles Ay B arid ™ OFS NEO Tommy a iv ue in B AP, thet Ai f3 co HMA Assertion & Reason Type Ee Direction (Qt to Q5} Inthe Following Questions. ‘and Reason have been put forward, Read te carefully and choose the correct altemative from jf (a) Both the Assertion and the Reason ate coma, Reason is the corteet explanation of the Ao (b) The Assertion and the Reason are cons Reason is not the correct explanation of thea (c) Assertion is true but the Reason is false (d) Both Assertion and Reason are false, 7 1. Assertion: The value of €030=— isnot pa Reason: Hypotenuse is the largest side in ax angled triangle. 2 The value of sec? 10° — cot? gg? j 3 2. Assertior Reason: The value of sin 60° 3. Assertion: cos 47° = sin 43° Reason: sin 0 = cos (90 + 0), where @ is an acu 4. Assertion: If cos A + cos? A = | then sin’ A A=2. Reaso: sin? A + cos? A = 1, for any value of 5. Assertion: The value of sin 0 cos (90 - 6) + sin (90 ~ 8) equals to 1, Reason: tan @ = cot (90 — 0) MEE Passage-I: Equations like sin? 6 + cos? @ = 1 and! 8 = sec? @ which involves trigonometric ratio of ans are called trigonometric identities, 1 1. If sin @ + = ——_——= cos 6 = J3, then 500 coat d.3 2. If 1 + sin? © = 3 sin @ cos , then cot 8 = at b.2 M5 : ©. 2 a3 ee ao ‘ 90° L passe oe) = in Dy tan (MP = 0) e040, cos 8, | casec (90° ~ 8) = see 0. | 5. ad b2 el a3 MED lef 1. Which are irrational numbers? a. tan 60° b. sin 30° c. sin 60° 4. cos 60° 2. Ify = cos 0, then | . | ay2-l bys | 8. eyed ays2 | 3. Ify = sec? @ + cos? @ such that 8 # 0, then which of | the following are not true? ay=0 bys2 |g y= dy>2 | 4 | 4. If tan8=—>, then sin 0 is | a4 Be 5 5 7 3 as | 5 5 Md Olympiad & NTSE Type Questions | e A . 1. If sin @ + sin? @ + sin? @ = 1, the value ¥| cos’ 8-4 cos‘ 8 + 8 cos? 9 = 2 then the value of a2 bd «5 d. None Hacon0 + bsinO + 6% 0 and a, cos 0+ b, sind fc, * 0 then (ab, ~ aby ~ (aye ~ ae, is equal to athe, = bye? b. 4 the, - boy? ©. 3 (be = bye d. None of a + cot a a, then the value of tan’ a + cot* a. is equal to a ath da? +2 boat ~ 4a? +2 ow 5 4. None of these ~ tan if sec 0 = 2, evaluiting = veg 1+ 0050 a, W345 b. 541 ©. 3-2 y Bt! . If sin 20 = cos 30 and 6 is a acute then sin 50 a0 bl . B a2 ). If JZ tanO=3sind, then the value of sin? 6 - cos? @ a b. 2 3 2 ale wre 5 If p sin x = q. If x is acute, then yp* —q° tan x is equal to ap-q bq c. pq dptq For all values of 6, 1 + sin 8, can be a. positive b. negative a2 b 5 | c, non-positive d. non-negative 3 a4 | 12. If x = p (sec @ + tan 8) and y = q(sec @ — tan 6), 2. If x sin © + y cos? @ = sin. cos @ and| then x sin @ = y cos 6, the value of x? + y? is | a. xy-pq=0 b. xy + pq=0 a sin 0. 22 2 rue eee | ce X+2=0 d. xy? = pq+2 ©2 41 | ip 3. If sin § and cos are the roots of the equation | 13. If 4 sin a + 5 cos a =4, the 5 sin a ~ 4 cos a = ax? + bx +¢=0, then " ect ea b. a-cP ch = bF a. 45 b. #4 Stet = d @rcoe-c=b | oa d. 42 TRODUCTION TO. TRIGONOMETRY. Sp Se 8

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