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I- Vocabulary Words related to the topics of unit 7-12

II- Grammar
- Complex sentences with adverb clauses of time
- Adverbs of frequency and the present simple for future events
- Past continuous; past simple
- Propositions of place and time
- Possessive pronouns
- Reported speech: statement and question
III. Communication
- Ask for clarification
_ complaints
_ interrupting politely
- Giving and responding to good news


I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that …
1. A. flood B. room C. moon D. zoom
2. A. connection B. holograpy C. contact D. technology
3. A. customer B. schedules C. product D. erupt
4. A. around B. account C. thought D. mountains
5. A. heritage B. language C. message D. finger
6. A. disaster B. digital C. application D.item
7. A. phone B. convenient C. social D. emoji
8. A. shake B. sugar C. smart D.machine
9. A. inventions B. marks C. platforms D. eyes
10. A. connected B. discovered C. translated D. flooded
11 A.recognition B. solution C. invention D. question
12. A. poison B. disaster C. disease D. landslide
13. A. sale B. translate C. natural D. application
14. A.telepathy B. attendance C. invent D. experiment
15. A. developed B. happened C. complained D. changed

I. Choose the best answer

1. She has spent the last four years studying for a degree in science and _____________.
A. technique B. technology C. technicality D. technologist
2. Fingerprint __________ sometimes need more time than usual to read your fingerprints.
A. screens B. computers C. scanners D. printers
3. With face _____________, you can now unlock your phone by just looking at it!
A. recognition B. connection C. communication D. conference
4. The object of their expedition was to _____________ the source of the River Nile.
A. produce B. invent C. discover D. develop
5. Nowadays, the most common _____________ include fingerprint scanning, facial
recognition, voice recognition, and iris scanning.
A. devices B. medicines C. chemical elements D. biometrics
6. __________ typically refers to content that can be consumed in seconds or minutes, such
as a short video or interactive animation.
A. Experience B. Nanolearning C. Remote learning D. Experiment
7. Let’s get ready _________ 7.15. We are having online class at 7.30
A. at B. by C. on D. under
8. Susan said, “I usually take the bus to town, but ___________ I cycle for a change.”
A. today B. the previous day C. the day before D. that day
9. We can only see ____ in the sky at night because during the day the sunlight is so bright.
A. the Earth B. stars C. aliens D. UFO
10. The Milky Way is the__________that includes our solar system .
A. comet B. galaxy C. planet D. satellite
11. Please leave a _____________ on my phone if you are unable to reach me.
A. message B. call C. letter D. note
12. Many people think _____________ will replace human translators in the future.
A. voice messages B. translation machines C. dictionaries D. emojis
13. We made a(n) _____________ to discuss our project.
A. group call B. social network C. emoji D. family member
14. I think there will be no language _____________ in the future. People will speak a
common language.
A. use B. development C. skin D. barrier
15. I think telepathy will be popular _________ 20 years.
A. in B. on C. by D. at
16.__________! I think this isn’t the right road. Let’s turn back.
A. Continue! B. Move back! C. Keep to the right! D. Hold on!
17. ____________ power is the use of wind energy to generate useful work.
A. Natural gas B. Coal C. Oil D. Wind
18. Around 7 million ____________ of plants and animals exist on the Earth.
A. means B. classes C. styles D. species
19. ____________ you buy and use a plastic bag, ask yourself if you really need it.
A. Before B. When C. While D. After
20. Last year, two classmates of___________won scholarships to the US.
A. we B. us C. ours D. our
21. The post office is _________ the bus stop.
A. under B. in C. opposite D. Between
22. Having online lesson ______________ a good idea.
A. sometimes is B. never isn’t C. is rarely D. is sometimes
23. A: The earthquake yesterday destroyed their house.
B: _________________________
A. Yes, I know it. B. Yes, I don't like it. C. That’s awful. D. They should stay inside.
24. A: I won first prize in English speaking contest
B: _________________________
A. Yes, I know B. No, I'm sorry. C. Congratulation! D. I think you can.
25. I think telepathy will be popular _________ 20 years.
A. in B. on C. by D. at
III. Put the correct form of the word in the brackets.
1. You can use face _____________ to identify people. (RECOGNISE)
2. If you want to _____________ coloured images, your printer will typically use colour ink.
3. Internet is a wonderful _____________ of modern world . (INVENT)
4. The teacher read out the result of our _____________ examination yesterday morning.
5. There is always something new, _________ and lovely in this store for kids. (COLOR)
6. One _______ of an open-air market is that it is different from place to place. (ATTRACT)
7. Social media is an important means of __________ in many countries nowadays.
8. They had contacted by __________ each other for six months before they actually met.
9. _________ is a norm in Vietnam, especially in local markets. (BARGAIN)
10. Do you think this ___________machine will be cheaper in the future. (TRANSLATE)
IV. Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets
1. The lesson ______________ (start) at 07.15 am.
2. I told them we _____________ (do) a science experiment then.
3. What time ______________ the train ______________ (leave)?
4. I (study) ________________ for my exam when she called me.
5. They (finish) ________________ their work by Friday.
6. She was cooking dinner when the guests (arrive) ________________.
7. They (play) ________________ soccer in the park when it started raining.
8. She (graduate) ________________ from college in two years.
9. We were watching a movie when the power (go out) ________________.
10. He (drive) ____________ to work when he (see) ____________ an accident on the road.
I. Read the passage and fill in each blank with ONE word.
The Importance of Science Education in Schools
Why should we teach science to children in schools? Why do many schools teach STEM
subjects (science, technology, engineering, and maths)? One reason is every day children can
see the benefits of
(1) ______ and technology around them, so they can be aware of the (2) ________ that
science plays in their everyday life. Secondly, when (3) _______ learn science, they will
learn to think in a scientific way, learn to search for the answers and to (4) ________ reasons.
In other words, students can gain both knowledge of science as well as critical thinking and
problem-solving (5) _______. These will be important in their (6) ________ work and
studies. Moreover, if children learn science at an early age, they will be more ready to get
involved (7) _________ science-related fields when they grow up.
1. A. movement B. invention C. science D. improvement
2. A. role B. part C. importance D. benefit
3. A. teacher B. students C. student D. friends
4. A. find B. use C. give D. know
5. A. skill B. skills C. way D. ways
6. A. future B. past C. present D. moment
7. A. to B. on C. in
II. Read the passage and choose the best answers.
The Invention of the World Wide Web
Sir Tim Berners-Lee, an English computer scientist, invented the World Wide Web in 1989.
At first, he wanted to develop a web for scientists around the world to share information and
the results of their experiments. At that time the Internet already existed. But he created a
way to use the Internet to link documents to each other. Soon, he turned it into a free space
for people to share knowledge, communicate, and cooperate.
The World Wide Web allows people to get all kinds of information online. The information
can be images, videos, or files. It has become a significant tool for everyone, from scientists,
researchers to young students as well. Scientists and researchers can share their study results,
students can use it for learning or doing research online. Businesses even use it to advertise
their products and to do business. Everybody can use the World Wide Web to watch videos,
communicate, and attend meetings.
1. The inventor of the World Wide Web is an American computer scientist.
2. Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the Worldwide Web in the 20th century.
3. In the beginning, he wanted a platform for everyone to use.
4. People can use the World Wide Web without the Internet.
5. The World Wide Web allows people to get videos, pictures or files online.
6. People can carry out meetings online thanks to the World Wide Web.
7. Only students and scientists benefit from the World Wide Web.
III. Read the text and decide which answer A, B, C, or D best fills each gap.
Over the last centuries, our world has been lucky enough to see many important inventions,
which have brought many positive changes to human life. One of those (1) ________ is
“Telephone”, which was invented byAlexander Graham Bell (2) _______ 1876. It is a
device that convertssound and electrical (3) _______ into audible relays and is used
forcommunication by (4) _______ a microphone and speakers.
The positive influence of (5) _______ can be seen in the ease ofcommunication and carrying
on with our daily activities 24 hours a day and 365 days a year without any (6) __________.
It has led to the (7) _______ of city centres, office buildings and the concept of an urban
worker society. It has (8) _______ led to the creation of many jobs by changing thepace of
business. Besides, the telephone has provided security and helped in emergencies. However,
probably the most positive (9)__________ has comein the form of a whole host of new
inventions, like the smartphone and the internet, with which, we can now not only talk but
also (10) __________ eachother on video at the same time.
1. A. movements B. inventions C. interactions D. improvements
2. A. in B. on C. at D. by
3. A. waves B. days C. stars D. gases
4. A. used B. use C. usage D. using
5. A. speakers B. telephone C. microphone D. society
6. A. interrupt B. interrupting C. interrupted D. interruption
7. A. shrinkage B. influence C. reduction D. development
8. A. and B. but C. also D. only
9. A. influence B. business C. communication D. emergencies
10. A. see B. speak C. read D. make
IV. Read the passage and choose the best answers.
Do you think our planet is the only place in the universe (1) ________ there is life? Until
1995, astronomers had not found a solar system like (2) _______. A solar system is made up
of a star surrounded by planets and other objects. In 1995, astronomers (3) _________ a
planet orbiting (going around) a distant star like our Sun. Since then, they have found other
solar systems. Astronomers now think that there are many solar systems in the (4) ________.
But they do not know whether there is life in any of these other solar systems.
Our solar system is the one we know the (5) ____ about The Sun is at its centre. Our solar
system (6) _____ everything that orbits around the Sun. Planets, moons, asteroids, comets,
gas, and dust are all part of the solar system. Our solar system lies near the edge of the Milky
Way (7) ____. A galaxy is a huge collection of stars. The Milky Way is shaped like a
whirlpool. All the stars in the galaxy, including our Sun, (8) ___ the centre of the Milky Way.
1. A. where B. which C. what D. how
2. A. us B. our C. we D. ours
3. A. knew B. found C. looked D. searched
4. A. world B. sky C. universe D. space
5. A. less B. most C. more D. least
6. A. includes B. has C. involves D. consists
7. A. System B. Planet C. Zone D. Galaxy
8. A. orbit B. move C. go D. travel
V. Read the passage and tick True or False.
There have been many great inventions in human history. One great invention is the printing
press. A German named Johannes Gutenberg in the 1400s invented a press that made it easy
to print books. Books became much more common after the invention of the printing press.
Books helped other inventors make new things.
The invention of the steam engine around 1700 led to the Industrial Revolution. Inventors
made many new machines that were powered by steam engines. They invented locomotives,
steamboats, and all kinds of factory machines.
Another great invention, the internal combustion engine, led to the invention of automobiles
in the late 1800s. Inventors made better and better internal combustion engines. These are the
engines we use today in cars, trucks, buses, and airplanes.
The discovery of electricity led to many wonderful inventions. Many scientists studied
electricity. An American inventor named Thomas A. Edison invented the electric lamp,
phonograph, and other things that ran on electricity in the late 1800s.
New things are invented today faster than ever before. Inventors are making new kitchen
appliances, toys, computers, video games, telephones, and all kinds of other things. The ways
people invent things have changed over time. Until the 1900s, most inventors worked alone.
Today, most inventions come from scientists and engineers who work in teams.
1. The invention of the printing press made books become more common.
2. The invention of internal combustion engine led to the Industrial
3. Today, we use steam engines in cars, trucks, buses, and airplanes.
4. Thomas A. Edison invented many things that ran on electricity.
5. Today, most scientists and engineers collaborate with each other in
inventing things.
I. Choose the underlined part that needs correctin, then correct it.
1. She came to me to complain about her brother, but it’s not a problem of me.
A. She B. me C. her brother D. a problem of me
2. I think that my knowledge of information technology is deeper than him.
A. my B. of C. deeper D. him
3.My sister worked as a waitress since six months to save money for her medical study.
A. as B. since C. to D. her
4. The reporter said that astronauts can bring back specimens of rock from the moon.
A. that B. can bring C. of D. from
5. They said that the new telescope system will provide more detailed exploration of Mars soon.
A. the new B. will provide C. detailed D. of
6. These contact lenses are mine; they aren’t your.
A. these B. are C. mine D. your
7. Michael said to his teacher that he was having a headache at that moment, and he needed
to rest now.
A. said to B. was having C. that moment D. now
8. Three of ours cousins are studying in the same class
A. ours B. are C. in D same
9. Jason asked Nathan how could people learn about black holes if they trapped both dark
matter and light.
A. asked B. could people C. if D. trapped
10. Sarah asked Abigail if scientists could discovered more planets outside the Solar System.
A. asked B. if C. discovered D. outside
11. They wanted to know when did astronauts orbited the moon and later walked on its surface.
A. wanted B. did C. orbited D. walked
12. Parker asked Antony whether would black holes swallow up the whole universe.
A. asked B. whether C. would black holes D. the
II Complete the second sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.
1. We turn off the lights, and then we leave the room.
As soon as_____________________________________________________
2. Why don’t we learn some basic sign language now?
 Let’s_______________________________________________________
3. She’s willing to work late to complete the task.
 She doesn’t mind________________________________________________
4. It’s necessary for him to book an appointment with the dentist.
 He needs____________________________________________________
5. Could I have your name and your phone number please?
 I’d like_________________________________________________________
6. He’s not good at programming, but he chooses to become a coder.
 Although__________________________________________________________
7. “You have to study harder to pass this exam.”
 She told me that__________________________________________________________
8. My friend said that scientists would explore Mars in the near future.
 My friend said, “_______________________________________________________”
9. We spent two hours uploading our video files to YouTube.
 It took___________________________________________________________
10. I said to her, “I can solve the sum.”
-> I said to her that _________________________________________________________
12. He told me, “I study computing in college.”
He told me _________________________________________________________________
13. She said to him, “You’re my hero.”
She said to him that _________________________________________________________.
14. She said to her brother, “I won’t do this work.”
She told her brother that ______________________________________________________
15. She told people, “I’m applying to Harvard.”
She told people _____________________________________________________________
16. “How often do you visit your grandparents?" Hai asked Hoa.
Hai asked Hoa.________________________________________________________
17. She asked me, “What does a UFO look like?”
She asked me_____________________________________________________________
18. She asked me, “Can you explain the term ‘once in a blue moon’?”
 She asked me_________________________________________________________
19. Tim said to his mother, “Will you buy me a watch on my birthday, Mum?”
 Tim asked his mother_____________________________________________________
20. I asked Marry “ Do you know anything about Galaxy?”


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