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(4) 2. (a The total cost function of x units of a product produced by a firm is given low: 2 = 1000+2x+—— TO nto Using calculus, find how many units of the product to be produced to have the average cost as minimum ? Also show that marginal cost is equal to average cost at that level of output. Or If the total cost of a firm is : TC{aj = 1/3x° - 5x? + 30x + 10, where Cis the total cost and xis the output. Ifthe firm is operating under pure competition and the price at which it sells its output is ¥ 6 per unit, find, using calculus, for what value of x the profit will be maximized? 8 (A scooter costs % 25,000. The average cost per repair of the scooter is found to be % 50 and the number of repairs is given by #/2, where tis time in months since the purchase of the scooter. If scrap value of the scooter after t months since its purchase is zero, find its optimum replacement period. Or Find the elasticity of demand at equilibrium price for the demand function : p= 200- 10x and the supply function : x = 0.4p- 10, where pis the price and x is the quantity. Also find the elasticity of demand at price at which marginal revenue is zero. 8 Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner ,VVVPReFOEC( VT y ,a ) 7 — —— L Jol rc —— ee = foro FIL Go . 7 6 Ayerape ba Row many preducls to be prodbecedd ¢ Cas AL nine Se we teed fo menige fue wap Ac = Ee = [p00 oo + Ino ph % Now, we hued fo fr out _4 (at) LH aC) = (1) (ooo) 4 on ge s = ad by paling lac) =e are + so > q = Joo00 = 300 New, t check minimigutian asvolittes we need fo fire! oul Zewrol order decvbve, uy AEA = (A)(-1ove) oe aa 2 a : Fa Sinte (ay) co cHorefete AL vis minim. OF X= 200. 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Re pt = Qo pan = ator /erer AE wet sox, dha co, &y,y = (24) a (0) . a x= 10 Scanned with CamScanner (a) If the total cost function is given by C= a+ bx + cx, where xis the quantity of output, show that #/(£) _ 1(mc- ac), as) x! ) where MC and AC are marginal cost and average cost. Afirm knows that the demand function for one of its Products is linear. It also knows that it can sell 2000 units when the price is 5 per unit, and it can sell 1500 units when the price is € 2 a unit. Determine () demand function. (i) total revenue function, {ii) average revenue function and marginal revenue function. Or For the demand curve aQ + bP - K = 0, where a, b and K are positive constant. Determine the point elasticity of demand when marginal revenue is zero. ATV company has 1000 subscribers who are paying % 100 per month. The company proposes to increase the monthly subscription and it is believed that for every increase of % 1, five subscibers will discontinue the service. Find what increase in subscription will yield maximun revenue and compute the revenue also ? Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner —F01z Oa) Ge Qe bt exe ie = need 4 prove thak Ht (£)= lve ac) Since = us awerare cof We need fo pred out Me ave AC fink = Bly = b4+ten Ac = & = Bp b+ ce ne a(S) * +e yO en = [v4 209-(2+ b+) / = H [brace g—b- of : 4[-t+e] = -£4+¢—-@® fem © av ure coun Contluole Prat EG) = M4) prod om a a - zoh ——D ae pean a fet ae ads, ““) Qt Isnb ——@) b- 1 aa0ep Pe -7+35% a Ro pee Pats AR= 7+ =5 * &M= “1+ EX Scanned with CamScanner 20 ¢ 26] age No (27. B20, Refer o we Be oa (4454 3}r0 > - ¢ So 36 a D> 2786 Dd 276 pase Theretne AX u's Coe whey %> 6, Ae b find cot cevcsiy verge, A (ae) shold be <0. Lure 20 - 3¢ a 36 = I~ 360 ay SEKI D Le So Ae will be leereaity bohrecn pexceb. ees Wwe alte need be find ou qe. + Mee. 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