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It was Saturday,i woke up I sit up and rub my eyes. I

heard a knock on my door.

Me: come in', it was my personal maids unathi and


Hazel:mrng princess

Me: I told u to stop calling me princess hazel am


Unathi:I will be in a bathroom fixing a bath for u

Me: ohk', she left well unathi is not that talkative like

Hazel: get up bitch I wanna fix your bed

Me: whatever', we laughed and I went to take a

bath🌼I came back and found my outfit for a day in
my bed. I did everything and went upstairs.

Aunty grace: breakfast is ready

Me: thanks you can join me guys since my parents

are at work',grace is our maid,well they joined me and
we ate. I left to meet up with my friends.

Well I am Lunathi beneath mhlanga,am 19 years I am

going to do my first year in UJ.Am half Zulu n half
Xhosa.I live with my both parents andisile and Dave
mhlanga,i have sister and a brother.My mom is a
professional doctor,my dad is a businessman who
have few business,my bro is a lawyer he is a fuck boy n
my sister is a businesslady who own one of the big
hotel in Durban,she is married with hanry the prince.

This is my story ride with me💜


Insert 1💛
I called Mike to drive me to spur to meet my
bitches.After some time we arrived n I told Mike to go
since I will be spending hours,i went inside n sat
down.I took my phone and called Nhlanhla(one of my

Me:bitches were are you because I have been waiting

Nhlanhla:we are almost there chill hoe", I dropped the

call n after 5 min they arrived.

Well let me introduce them:Nhlanhla is a princess of

Jabab kingdom(19),kanyi is from a well known rich
family(19) and cloe she is from a rich family like

Me:bitches long time", I said that giving them hugs

and we sat down

Cloe: bitch you have gained

Khanyi:she is receiving so dick

Nhla:khanyi stop overreacting

Me:tell her aw and wena nhla when are you getting

married because are old enough?

Nhla:well am not ready for sucking one dick

Cloe:I wonder what your rents are going to say if they

find out that you are no longer a virgin

Nhla: tell me about it my mom we be like "Nhlanhla

bbe am so disappointed", we laughed , we ordered
and talked I must say I missed them so much.

After eating we went to do a little shopping here and

there.We went to Nhlanhla's car(black Jeep) and she
dropped me off.I had a good time with them n I was so
dog tired.I found my parents watching TV


Mom: princess

Dad: Nana
Mom:how was ur day?

Me:good n am so tired

Mom:I can judge by ur actions

Me: let me go upstairs to shower then I will come down

for dinner

Mom:ohk bbe hurry ",I went upstairs to my room,i

placed the bags on the bed n walked to the shower.I
was done after 30 min and wore my oncie then went

Dad:you took ur sweet time

Me: dad it was just....

Dad: whatever come n sit down am dying,"me n mom

laughed.We ate under a lite conversation,after that I
helped mam grace to clear up the table.

Me: good night mam grace

M'g: night princess",I went back to the sitting room

Me:mom n dad good night

M&d: night bbe/nana", they kissed my cheeks and I

went to my room,got under the covers and send a
good night text to My frnds(group chat) then doze
Tnx for the support💛🖤

Your admin💛

Insert 2

Well I woke up it was a church day,arrggg.I dragged

my lazy ass in the bathroom and took a warm relaxing
bath.On Sunday my personal maids are not working
so I guess I have to do everything.I went out and did
my usual morning task,i wore my black matching
underwears.I took out a black pencil skirt,white vest n
black jacket with my pencil hills.I then went
downstairs and found my rents already on the table

Me: morning rents

Mom: morning bbe

Dad: morning nana,sit and eat we are going to be

late",I sat down and we ate.After eating I went to wash
my mouth the applied a lipstick.Well we went to
church and I won't bore you with details because
church is not my thing.

After church we went home n had a lunch.I went to

my room to rest.

Andisile's prov

Well as u all knw me as andisile mhlanga,am 57 years

but I look really young.Enough about me,well the
thing is that my husband told me that the Royal
family(ziliod kingdom) want one of my daughter to
marry their son.This thing is really stressing me
out,lunathi is very young and I can't stand a chance to
see my beautiful daughter being taken away by
another family.Well we decided to tell her today over
the dinner but am not sure on how she will react
because I knw she is a cry baby but yet stubborn n

Me:baba why can't you just turn off the deal because I
can't sell my last born out.

Hubby:you know very well that it will not happen

Me:just do something because I can't stand to see her

in pains

Hubby: ANDISILE!! Lunathi is 19 for heaven's sake

she can take care of herself
Me:what if she end up in loveless marriage

Him:that will never happen

Me:ok if you say so but am not having it

Him:I promise my love that I will do anything to

protect her

Me:you promise?

Him:yes come n give daddy some sugar

Well am old but am not old enough to make my man


Lunathi's prov
Well i woke up at 14:35 and decided to call my friends

Me:hello Nhlanhla


Me:let's meet together with cloe n khanyi am so bored

Nhla:I will pick you up

Me:ohk I will be ready

Nhla:am giving you only 30 min young lady

Me:ohk I will be ready xap I love u bbe

Nhla:I love you two

I just went to take a quick shower they wore my black

ripped Jean,black long-sleeve,black jordan
sneakers,black cap n my black jacket jean.I took my
phone,hand back and head downstairs I found dad
watching news.

Me:daddy can you please borrow me ur card"he gave

me a black card I kissed him n left and my friends
where waiting for me.
Insert 3😥

Well me and my friends we drove to the salon and

made our nails and hair,we went to do clothes
shopping and after that we drove to steers to chill.

Me:guys am so tired and it's already dark outside

Nhla:you have no idea but I guess your parents will

Cloe:guys let's not forget that the university are going

to open,we need to buy stationary and new things

Khanyi:you and school are friends

Me:we all know that she is a mood killer😁

Nhla:but she has a point we need to prepare",well me

and my friends we are going to one university which is
UJ and am so exited but nervous too

Cloe:let's order an dying",we all laughed because whoo

shame mgirl loves food,we ordered cheese burgers and

Me: guys it late I think we should go

Khanyi:there she go virgin Mary

Me:hoe don't forget that I can bury you alive.

Khanyi:ay am just joking",well guys yes am heartless

but yet so sweet.

Cloe: let's go then

We went out and drove off.They dropped me then I

went in.

Mom:I was so worried about you why didn't you tell

me that you will be late?

Me:even to you two mom and sorry for not telling

you,hy dad here is your card thanks

Dad: anything for my beautiful princess

Mom:ohk Lunathi we need to talk to you

Me:can't it wait?

Dad:no go and put that in your room we will be

waiting for you

Yooh this seems serious,i went upstairs and put my

bags on the bed and wore my sleepers and head

Me:am here

Mom:sit down",I went to site next to her and looked at

my dad in the eyes

Me:are you going to talk or you will stare at me?🙄

Dad:roll your eyes on me I will beat you so bad and

watch your language am not your friend

Me:sorry dad

Mom:uhm princess",well tears started to

form in her eyes all I can see is sadness
Me:mom talk are you dying?

Dad:no she is not dying lunathi,uhm we just wanted

to tell you that you are going to be married next

Me:what???I marriage in February? Dad did you

realize that am starting with my studies in UJ?",my
mom cried
Insert 4

Well we arrived at spur I payed and went inside,i

spotted Nhlanhla sitting alone.

Me:hy bbe

Her:hy",we hugged

Me:where are the others??

Her:they will be....",they made so much noice why

approaching us
And people where looking at us

Me:whoo! bitches you love attention

Khanyi:I don't think anyone in here will mind looking

at our beautiful ass",she was still speaking it loud yooh
khanyi is a pass in the ass.

Cloe:and you?", referring to me

Me:what about me?

Cloe:you were crying right?

Nhla:and she sounded very serious on the phone

Me:let's order milkshakes",well we did and they served


Nhla:ok nathi start talking",I was so nervous guys

Me: I don't know where to start but in involves


Khanyi:no way so you mean xolane has settled down,i

will kill a bitch for that guy

Me:no am not talking about my brother khanyi, well

am getting married

Them:you what?.😲😲

Cloe: I didn't know u are dating

Khanyi:so u kept it as a secret?from your own
friends?nathi",tears were streaming down like a
flowing river

Nhla:Lunathi tell us",I don't know why they were


Cloe: I can't believe you right now,you have been lying

to us?

Khanyi: we are your friends we were suppose to share

everything together lunathi",ohk I just let them be
while crying

Nhla:wow this so unreal😕", I took a deep breath and

looked at them,am so hurt that they think that am a
bad person

Me: did you really have to insult me??do you all know
what am going through?i told you guys just because
you are my sisters but for you to judge me?wow let me
said that leaving them calling my name,i was so hurt

Nhlanhla's prov

Well all you know me as Nhlanhla Jessica tango.Well

am a princess,i have my two brothers and my lil
sister.Enough about me.

Well I was feeling bad about what I said to nathi really

Me:shitt why did we do that?

Cloe:we all know that she will not forgive us anytime


Khanyi:let's give her a time to heal", we left😇😇

Insert 5

Dave's prov

Dave nhlanga mhlanga,am 67 running few

business,well I love my daughters as for my son I don't
know he think he is the king,he don't want to get
married n he is not getting younger.Well today I have
been pacing up and down looking for Lunathi as for
my wife she is mad at me.

Me:Mike why did you let her go alone? didn't I tell you
to look after her?you are so useless

Him:am sorry boss but she said you allowed her to go


Me:you should have called me

Him:sorry sir

Me:I want you to go out there and bring her back alive

Him:ohk boss,"he left and I went to my study and

drinked my whiskey to calm me

Lunathi's prov

After I left spur I walked to the park and sat there,i

was watching the space but no words were in my mind
I was so empty,i had mixed emotions.
Uknw:hey",it was a rough but yet sweet voice

Me:h..y",it came as a whisper

Uknw:I have been calling you for hours

Me:stop exaggerating

Uknw:ok maybe for 3 min,why are you crying?

Me: nothing to talk about",I looked at him well he was

so damn hot,his eyes,lips,body,perfume and kit yooh I
must admit he is cute

Uknw: ohk well am Shaun

Me:am lunathi nice name

S:well thanks so are you up for an ice cream.


S:wipe those things because they make you ugly and

let's go

Well we went to buy ice cream and we went to his flat

to chill there and it was fun and he is funny😀I finally
forgot about all my problems and when I checked at
the time it was 19:45 yooh am dead

Me:drive me home

Him:ohk let's go
We drove talking and laughing but am just nervous,i
told him direction and we packed 3 houses aways
from my house

Him:will you be ohk?

Me:yeah I will be and thanks

Him:I will see you next time I guess

Me:ohk xap",I hugged him and I left but he didn't

after getting in he drove off.Am so dead shame ,I went
in found my on a couch sleeping it broke my heart but
for what she did I careless.The light was on when I
tried sneaking
Him: lunathi where were you

Insert 6

Well I took a long bath.After an hour I was done,went

to the closet and took my PJ,got under my covers
then switch on data.Yooh messages from the our
group(me and my friends) came on they were 203,t
hey were apologizing about how they are treated me
and I must say I long forgiven them but I need them to
sweat for 2 days.I mean we are sisters and what they
did was unacceptable.I got a call from Shaun

Me:ey you😊

Him:did I disturb you?

Me:no I was about to sleep

Him:ohk so are you free

Me: free from what??

Him:on telling me why you were crying in the park?

Me: nah am not

Him:ohk good night bhubha

Me: night Hun😂",well no we are not dating just that
I feel free when am around him",I charged my phone
and went to lala land


Well morning came I heard a knock obvious it was my

maids,i went to open and they got in and hugged me
and kisses all over

Me: enough guys

Hazel:we miss you

Me: I missed you too and I am going to bath

Nathi: I will fix it for you

Me:no sweetheart I will do it

Hazel:ohk go and bath are you going out today?

Me: yeah and please something simple for me",with

that I went to take a bath and went to lotion my body
and wore red matching underwears,wore my white
jean,marron long sleeve bodysuit with white Nike
cap and black and red Jordan sneakers.I took my side
bag and phone then head downstairs

Me: morning",I sat down and dished for my self

Mom:lunathi are you going to have a silent treatment

with your own parents?

Me:my own parents that are selling me??",I was so


Dad: understand baby please

Me:I understand and i will accept that marriage

because I can see that am no longer needed in this

Mom:no don't think like that

Me:ohk but if only that person will let me study then

it's ohk
Dad: I will sort that out thank you bbe

Me:cool",I ate after that I said goodbye to my

maids,mam grace and my rents.Mike drove me to the
mall,well truly speaking I don't know what I want
here.I just went to buy snacks and went to the park

Insert 7

Jayden's prove
Am jayden milokuhle smith, am 27 years am a
prince but I don't live like one .Well I run few family
business, and u have my own club and a lounge.I have
four friends themba,shaun,lixoli and Ken.I have 2
big sisters they are twins lumla and lumka. And my
big brother who is married and my lil speaker sister
luthando who is 15 years but act like 25🙄. Enough
about them I have a girlfriend by the name of enhle,a
slayqueen girl.

Me:father you called me here in PE to tell me about

Him:yes I did that

Me:well you wasted your time because am not doing it

Him:I was not asking I was tell you

Me:mom please help me

Mom:no am not getting involved beside she is a cute

girl we all know that Johannesburg girl are beautiful
and respectful

Me:that is not the point I have a girlfriend

Mom:you call that rabbit a girlfriend?

Me:yes mom I know that you arranged marriage for

lumka and lumla and it went nice but what if it
doesn't work for me? Huh?

Dad:it will son

Mom: so tomorrow we are going to fly to

Johannesburg to see your wife and arrange things
because we don't have enough time

Me:is she still at school?

Mom:yes but she was about to her first year in


Me:ohk I will arrange everything for her in Durban.

Dad:do so we only have 2 weeks before your wedding

Me:ohk mom set up everything ok

Mom:thank you.

With that I left,yes I went back to Durban because I

have a business to attend.

Lunathi's prov

Well I chilled there until 5 o'clock.I went back home

using am uber.

Me: afternoon why are you early today?

Mom:well your in-laws called


Mom:they will be here by tomorrow so that they can

finalize everything

Me: ohk so the wedding will be in

Johannesburg,durban or PE?

Mom:In PE

Me:ohk where is dad?

Mom:in his office

Me:ohk",with that I went upstairs and took a bath

then went to eat downstairs.
Dad:bbe are you ready for everything?

Me:it's not like I have a choice

Mom:ohh and your friends called me ,they said that

you should come to the park at 12:00

Me:ohk fine good night",I kissed their cheeks and went

to my room and I called Shaun

Me: so you forgot about me?

Him: what?no I was busy as you know that am here in

Johannesburg for a business trip so I was held up

Me:ohk well I will see you around

Him:ohk night bhubha

Me: night Hun",I dropped the call and went to lala


Morning came I did my morning task together with

my maids.I wore a black bum short,white long sleeve
crop top ,long lace sandles,did a neat bunny and wore
black space c
Insert 8

Everything is going fast and it's Monday and I am

only left with 4 days for my marriage and I must say
the queen is so kind shame.Well am going to look for
my wedding gown.I woke up and did my morning
routine,i wore my black long jumpsuit with my black
pencil hills,did my hair and went upstairs.

Yooh guys I found the queen already sitting down

waiting for me

Me: morning
Her: morning my beautiful daughter

Me:mom where is the breakfast?

Mom:we will eat at the mall let's go

This two are so happy as if they are the one getting

married but as for me I don't know how to feel.

We arrived and ate at MacDonald and after that we

met with my friends at Angela's boutique.And I must
say everything looks perfect but I managed to find my
dream dress and it was too expensive but the queen
said it's not that bad.We went to look for shoes and we
found them in the third shop yooh I was so dog
tired.The theme is gold and white.

Jay's prov

After bathing I lotioned my self and wore my black

Jean,polo golf t-shirts,puma cap and jordan kicks.I
took my car key and my iPhone and went out.I met
with my friends at the mall and we went to look for a
perfect venue for my wedding.

Assistance: morning gentlemen

Us: morning

Assistance:am kuhle follow me for a tour",we followed

her and I must say this is so beautiful and experience
Kuhle: interested?


Kuhle:ohk what about the theme?

Me:gold and white

Kuhle: thank you sir everything will be cool

Me:ohk bye see you at Sunday",we left the reason why I

said on Sunday is because we are going to start with a
traditional wedding but without seeing my wife I will
only be able to see her on Sunday.Anyway me and my
friends we went to my club and chilled there.
Miss:so how is enhle taking all of this?

Me:yooh man you know her but she will come around

Musa:where is she?

Me:she went to cape town to get some air

Musa:that girl is blowing your money

Themba:so badly I don't know why you are still dating


Me:yooh man I love that chick

Musa:we all knw that you don't

Me: whatever but I enjoy her company

Themba:what will happen to your wife?

Me:ayy don't stress me

Musa:guys I met some girl back in jozi ay lomtana oya


Themba:why don't you date her?

Musa:nah I just see her as my lil sister

Me:yooh look who is talking

Musa:am serious but she can match with you Jay

Me: haiboh I already have 2 girls now you want to

bring me another one?
Musa:she is so beautiful and hot look at her pictures

Themba:yooh ntwana ye ya fix

Me:damn I will hit her so hard",we all laughed

Musa:I thought you don't want another girl

Me:yeah but this one damn",well we spent a lot of time

cracking jokes and having fun
Insert 9

Fast forward it is Thursday and am already tired from

planning and staff.Well my sister came back to help
us and my brother didn't show up because he is not
getting along with my parents because they force him
to marry.I woke from bed and went to take a
bath❤️I did everything and went downstairs for a

Me: morning fam

Them: morning",I sat down and we ate under a lite


Sis:hurry up punkie

Me:yooh am still tired nna

Sis:I made an appointment so please

Me:and I know that we are not going to salon only

Sis:we will I promise

Me:don't keep empty promises please",my sister and

shopping are one,she even has a big room for only
clothes.I helped ma grace and we went out after my
parents left to work.

We came back and I must really say i was so tired,we

did our hair and nails(gold and white).My sister even
bought the third attire aii.

Queen's prov

Hy as you all know me.Am thembelihle daisy,am 58

but i look very young.

Enough about me.Well am so happy and am looking

forward to the big day.You keep wondering why am so
sweet to my daughter-in-law right?well I must say I
love her and it's all because of my husband's father
said my son must marry one of mhlanga's daughter
for us to become more rich and powerful.I called my


Him: mother

Me:I need you to arrange transport for 2morrow

Him: what time we you leave?

Me:at 5 pm I don't want us to spend 2days in PE

Him:ohk consider it done

Me:I love you

Him:love you too mom❤️

I dropped the call and went to sleep.

Yooh am sorry for taking long am trying to put my

story together💚❤️

Inset 10💚
Lunathi's prov💚

Everything is ready and we are waiting for my friends

so that we can drive to the airport.Well they arrived
after 10 min and we climbed in then we went to the
airport.I was so sad because my brother was not
here,yes me and my bro we have a tight relationship
even if it's been a while but I must say I need him so
badly.I was just looking out of the window all the time
thinking about how am going to cope with this but I
know that am strong enough to go through whatever
is coming on my way but some situations are so
unbearable.We arrived and we went to royal private jet
and we flew to PE.

We arrived after 3 hours and they took us to the Royal

house and I must say this people have money
shame,everything is screaming "Money". Everything
was good and beautiful,the maid showed us rooms to

Queen:you can rest but dinner will be ready in an


Mom:ohk,lets go girls",we left and they showed me my

so called "husband"s room ,it is so huge and fresh
Maid:you like it?

Me:yeah will he be here?

Maid:no chill he is in durban and even tomorrow you

will do the ceremony without him being involved

Me:that's great

Maid: ohk you can rest your highness",with that she

left,i just went to take a long relaxing bath then went
to lotion my body and wear my oncie,i went upstairs
because dinner will be ready in 10 min.

Me: evening
Them: evening",I sat near my friends,i was that long
table that accommodates 50 people.

Cloe: friend you scored shame

Me:do you think I care about that cloe?I want this to

be over",we were not speaking loud and everyone was

Nhla:it's going to be okay my friend

Khanyi:where is the king because I didn't see him

since I got here?

Me: haiboh why are you asking?

Khanyi:so that I can seduce him and be the second

Cloe:yoooh I give up

Me:me two",as we were laughing this hunk man on his

60s came in with his servant

Nhla:wait this can't be

Me: what?

Nhla:I know who you are going to marry

Cloe:is he hot?

Nhla:way more hot but rude and very serious

Me:I will stand that dick",we laughed and after that
some two ladies,two gentleman and some girl got
in.This family is huge.

The king asked for our attention and it went quite

Him: evening family,this is a great and beautiful

day.Well we all knw why we are here and am the head
of this palace and this is my queen the mother of the
palace",we clapped hands god his voice👌

Him:and this is my favorite daughters and my

son,well the other one is not around,this are my
sons-in-law,my sister(mazwane) and his husband with
this two puppies here(we laughed),this is my wife's
sister thabitha,our elders and our traditional healer
(we clapped once more)it is a pleasure for having you
here you will know their names after this dinner.Our
visitors you can introduce yourselves.",with that my
father stood up

Him: evening everyone well am not going to say much

but am the father,this is my beautiful wife,my
beautiful sister,and my handsome brother,my
beautiful daughters and my other beautiful three
daughters,well my son didn't join us because he is
busy.Well thank you and it was pleasure to meet
you",hee my father was so damn serious and sexy I
also saw how thabitha looked at him yoo

We just ate and we went to sleep because tomorrow is

a big day.

Insert 11



Well morning came and everyone was doing ups and

downs.While our future queen was told to never come
outside because they don't her to see the cow and goat
being slaughtered.She was sitting alone bored until
she decided to call Shaun .

Him:she decided to call

Me:hello to you too",with that she rolled her eyes as if

he sees her

Shaun:how are you princess

Luna:am doing just good and you

Shaun:am good look my friend is getting married this

weekend actually 2morrow so I would like you to be
my partner
Luna:dude don't you have a girlfriend?

Shaun:don't piss me lunathi please",I laughed n he


Luna:sorry I can't join am also attending some

wedding",she didn't want to tell him the truth

Shaun:hard luck but next time

Luna:yeah I guess

Shaun:I have to go sharp sweetheart

Luna:bye love


After the call queen entered lunathi's room

Queen: lunathi bbe just bath it's already late and we

have to fly to Durban

Luna:ohk",she left and lunathi started to get ready.

Lunathi's prove

After bathing I just wrapped a towel on my body and

sat on the bed.After some minutes my friend got in
together with the queen n my mom . There were
wearing cultural attire which perfectly suited them.
Mom:babe here wear this

Queen:do that quickly because people are waiting",the

queen and my mom left and I was left with this idiots

Nhla:yooh mgani it is so packed outside shame

Cloe:and the food are so delicious ",they were talking

non stop and after some minutes I was ready and boy
I was so beautiful.I was wearing a skirt that was made
of beats,and something on neck that covered my
boobs,holding a stick that was decorated nicely and
tommy shoes.The queen came and led us to the
door,after that we went to some huge kraal and people
started illulating,dancing and singing.After sitting
down it went quite.

The king:my people I take this pleasure to announce

our future queen", they illulated and danced.

Queen:my people this is your future queen that will

replace me when I am old enough.I want you to
respect her no matter how young she is,she is holding
your future.If someone harass her that person will face
a painful punishment.Let us celebrate and enjoy this
day.",she said down and my aunty stood up and start
prasing me.After that the kings sister praised the
smith family.I was told to serve every elder men the
cultural beer while kneeling down n the soil was not
doing any mercy.After I was done everyone started
singing and dancing while I was called to some hut
and I got in.It was full of old people(woman).

Lady1:come in we need to tell you what you should do

as a wife.",I got in and sat in the center and bowed my
head down.I won't bore will what they said and some
of them where funny but I couldn't laugh because I
must show respect.

When I got out village girls were waiting for me

together with my friends.Some of them were giving me
nasty look but I didn't even care and my friends
noticed that.

Khanyi:bbe let's go they are waiting for you",the song

started and I went inside some hut,i was told to take
off my shoes.

Her:hy my child am the traditional healer ma'goma

Me:ohk ma'goma,"she smiled

Her: should we start?

Me:yes",she made me blow in her bag full of bones.She

then split them down and made some scary sounds.
Her:my child I need you to listen to me,you are the
chosen one by the ancestors and your ancestors sent
you here,so I want you to never give up for whatever
life is going to throw at you ,no matter how big and
hurting it is you hear me?", I nod

And those problems are going to come to people who

should be protecting you,and please don't eat any
meal cooked by anyone.Even that was cooked by the
queen and this is our secret don't tell anyone about
it.There will be death,accident and hospitalized issues
but don't give up.
Me:how will I prevent that?

Her:your angel will tell you and warn you and after
that come straight here and asks for the ancestors's

Me:ohk ma I will do that.

Her:and remember don't trust anyone with your life.

I don't want to lie I was so scared but it will happen

anyway.After the talk she bathed me with blood and
she took me to some hut to spend the night on that
will connect me with ancestors and she said it is my
personal hut I must always lock it when I get out.I
went to fetch food and sat with some village girls and
ate,after that I went to sleep for 3 hours because we are
flying to Durban.After some rest I was called and we
left.Well at the hut I saw my angel her name is nosi.

Insert 12 💚



Me:my friend that bitch is getting married today

Her:here in durban?


Her:whats on your mind?we can't just let her do that

Me:am so powerless
Her:how about we shoot her just right on her head?

Me:no friend they hired tight security i mean they

have money beside let's leave her say I do and go to
enjoy her last breath in honeymoon then immediately
when she step in durban then we shoot her

Her:good idea I love that

Me: cheer to me",they cheered and drinked their wine.

Lunathi's prov

I just rolled on the bed know very well that it is the big
day.I am so tired but I want this to be over so I have to
put myself together and do this once for all.As I was
busy my angel appeared and sat on a bed with me

Her: morning

Me: morning

Her:how do you feel?

Me:I really don't know how am feeling,am

sad,happy,excited but not at the fact that am
marrying him but because I am getting married.But
same time I wish everything was normal.

Her:don't worry I will be with you all the time and this
is just the beginning and when I want to come I will
call your name and don't freak just go to a private
place so that I can help you

Me:ohk thanks", I hugged her

Her:I will be watching you during your celebration

and if there is something wrong I will tell you",
someone knocked

Me:ohk bye",she disappeared

I went to open the door and those idiots where there

looking fresh

Nhla:you are not serious right?

Khanyi:did you look at the time?

Me:you guys are so excited as if you are the one that is

going to be married duh

Cloe:roll that eyes once again you will loose them

Nhla:let us in and go to take a shower because we only

have 2 hours.

Cloe:even your make up artist is here

Me:am almost done yooh

Khanyi:go bitch let's go guys and do our make

up",they left and i went to take a shower.
Charity's prov

Hello you all know me I guess.I don't have enough

time to introduce myself because now I am on my way
to Durban to attend my little sister's wedding and I
must say dad will know me very well for selling my
sister.Well am with my girlfriend Linda who is so
beautiful but I don't really love her,i mean we are both
gangsters and who is going to take care of children
while we are both gangsters?.Well am not the leader
but am under the leader, I can hack,i organize the
missions,i pay our members and i am a lawyer.Well
she is seducing men and tell us all about them,i am
also with my friend James my right man and some
bitch he dont even know her name how crazy.So far
we are getting there.

Lunathi's prov

I was done eating ,I was done with my make up and

nails together with my hair.I looked at my self in a
mirror,my dress fit me so perfectly.Am so down right
now my mood just changed,i need someone to just
cheer me up.I didn't realised that I was crying when
my mom wiped my tears.
Her:it's ohk nana

Me:I wish brother was here,he knows how to make me

happy, don't be sad sister you are always making me
happy but right now I really need him.

Sis:don't cry everything is going to be ohk

I forgot I didn't tell you about the house well no we are

not at husband's house we are at the Queen's
house .And can you believe that my friends were fight
for who is going to be my maid of honour but all
thanks to my sister because she decided to be one.well
I heard my name being called
Me:mom I will be in the bathroom I need to pray

Her:hurry bbe",I went and found nosi

Her:I won't be long but I have surprise for you

Me:ohk where ?

Her:just go out there you will see

Me:but..",she disappeared.

Jay's prov

We were on the venue and it was packed.I was so

nervous I was asking myself"what if she doesn't show
up?it's have been 10 minutes waiting for her" the
paparazza are here yooh I cant imagine my self being
a laughing stock.Same time as I was thinking people
started standing up.Yooh guy this creature, yooh god
can create shame,i know that I don't love her but
wow.But as she was walking some guy called her name
and she turned and run to him and hugged him so
tightly.They broke it and she took her hand and he
came to me.Before he left he said"hurt her I will bury
you alive" then he left.

Pastor: morning good people we are already late as we

all know that we came here to combine this two
souls.If anyone is against this he/she can stand up and
tell us why.since there is no one smith you can start.

Me:(I took a ring and talk while sliding it to her finger)

I jayden smith promise to take care of you,love you
through good and bad state.I will not treat you with
scorn but with are going to be the most
happiest woman and the best queen ever.I will love you
and cherish you.

Pastor :your turn Mrs Smith

Her:I..I...I...I..I.. lunathi beneth accept you .am going to

stand with you every inch of life.I don't want to make
empty promises but I will be with you forever.

People started to make noise"kiss kiss kiss"ohh no

Pastor:let your lips meet and dance",I didn't know

where to start but I did it anyway.

Everything was good and Shaun told me that she was

talking about this girl and I must say I was charmed.
Everything was good and we went to sleep at my
rents's house here in durban and thanks i didn't share
a room with her.
Insert 13

Lunathi's prov🖤

Woke up and helped maids to clean up and prepare

breakfast.I went back to wake my friends and I went to
take a quick shower then we all went downstairs to eat.

Queen:lunathi leave the dishes the maid will do it


Queen:site down I want to tell you something

Me:ohh ohk',i sat down confused

Queen:it's for you and jayden,well we organized a trip

Mozambique on baecation

Jay:aw mom so soon

J'dad:son you have to do it you need to know each


Me:so the accommodation?

Mom:it's a one room thing

Me n Jay:what?

Thabitha:nyat yani you are married aw",this woman


Jay:how long will it take?

J'DAD: months

Jay:dad I have a work to do,lunathi has a school to

Start and I have a gir.....",so he has a girlfriend? Wow

Dad:don't worry we will fix that lunathi your friends

will help you pack so get up and go to pack",we
went upstairs to pack but my friends insist to pack for
me and I prepared my self.Am excited but yet
nervous.My friends kept cracking jokes until we were
Mom:it's time to go

Me:where is sis and bro?

Mom:at the airport

Me:ohk can my friends go with us at the airport?

Queen:yeah the driver will come back with them",I

hugged my mom and dad and said my goodbye to the

When we arrive there my sister came to me running

like a mad person and attacked me with a hug how
Her:bbe I know you are nervous but I want you to go
there and beat this.I want you to be the real you don't
act sweet because he will take advantage of you so be
the stubborn lunathi.",we were far from jay he was
with his friends and my sister is right he looks like a
rude person I will not let him play me.

Bro:and I want you to beat his ass ohk?

Me:ohk so who is this?

Bro: lunathi just shut up,your sister was talking about

Jay not me please don't mess with me

Me: whatever",I rolled my eyes

Nhla:you and rolling eyes",they laughed and mind you
nhla has an chemistry on my bro and he also looks
like he also do

Cloe:my friend we will miss your badass ..

Continues (13)

Khanyi:and I will miss your rolling eyes

Nhla: and I will miss your stubborness come here",we
group hugged.

Us:never let any bitch play you n separate us because

we are sisters FOREVER

Me:am lunathi the panel beater

Khanyi:am khanyi the speaker

Cloe:am Cleo the co-speaker

Nhla:and nhla the co-beater

Well that's how we are,well me and nhla are the one

that protects the two and they do the talking when we
have a talk fight

"Mozambique 1048"

Me:guys I need to go

Bro:take care punkie

Sis:and remember what I said

Sister:and we love you FOREVER?

Me: FOREVER",I hugged them once again and I left.

Well we arrived after some hours I think three.We

called and Uber to take us to the place and we arrived
and payed.It was so cute and big,we went in and check

We went to our room

Jay:are you hungry?

Me:nop I will just rest am tired

Jay:ohk cool I will go down there to check the available


Me:xo",he left and I just doze of,it was a big room with
master bed,tv and couch and a closet bathroom.

I woke up at 18:40 and Jay was watching TV wearing pj

how funny,i just went to bath and did everything
there.I went to the room.

Him:I ordered the food

Me:, thanks",I digged in and Jay went under the

cover.And because I was sleeping I just went to watch
TV until I doze off

Insert 14🖤

I woke up from a comfortable bed and Jay was

sleeping in a couch.I went to the bathroom and took a
bath.I wore a towel and went to unpack my clothes
guess what those bitches switched my clothes they
packed reviling clothes but it doesn't matter its not
like am going to go out.I wore my long t-shirt and
went to order food.They arrived after 20 and I ate.

Jay: morning

Me: morning your food will be here in 10 min

Jay: mmhm',with that he watched tv.


Well I bathed and wore my lace longsleeve,bum short

and my white sneakers(air force).

Love don't change by Jeremiah,

That's my phone.

Me:hello bitch
Nhla:hoe am with this two idiot here

Me:ohk what's up?

Khanyi:so how is honeymoon?

Me:so so boring and when I come back I will kill you


Cloe:for what vele?

Me: switching my clothes",they laughed

Nhla:u will be strong

Me:I miss home guys

Cloe: nchooow
Nhla:be strong mgani

Khanyi:seduce that hunk bbe,it will be fun trust me.

Me:I don't love this nigga duh

Cloe:you will trust me

Khanyi:plus he is hot yoooh", khanyi thou

Me:I don't care

Khanyi:mgani oya bhora yaz

Me:I love you too bye guys.",I dropped the call before
they say anything because I know that they will talk
I went out of the bathroom and I received a call


Uknw:am talking to lunathi?

Me:yes you are?

Uknw:am enhle jayden's girlfriend


Uknw:you better not throw your self in my man's


Me:or what?

Enhle:or am going to kick that fake ass of yours

Me:look here bitch don't test me,your man is not even
attractive he is not my type bitch.",I was fuming

Enhle:just stay on your line bitch.",she dropped the

call and I just slept,my mood was down.After some
hours Jay came back I don't know where he was and I
don't care.

Him:pack your clothes

Me:where are we going

Him:I looked for a flat ,I can't sleep on a couch while

my parents are the one paying this room",ouch!!!

Me:well I didn't know you are uncomfortable

Him: whatever just pack your shit

Me:hell don't test me please",I packed my clothes and

we drove off.


We arrived after 20 min and I went in.I ordered pizza

and we ate,it was 18:45 already so I went to my new
room and called my mother,sister and my brother
after that I went to take a shower and got under the
cover.I received a massage from jay saying that I must
come downstairs,i told her about my night dress
because it was short but guess what? He said am

Jay's prov🖤…

Well I didn't mean that we all know that I love her but
I don't want to hurt enhle,its have been 6 years dating
so I can't just replace her.Well she came guys this girl
is so beautiful.

Her:done staring?

Me: what?me staring at what?ohh please

Her: whatever

Me:don't roll your eyes on me,so I just want you to

check things we will need for this month,make a list
and we are going to town tomorrow with you

Her:ohk",she took a pen and paper then we went to

the kitchen.I was just looking at every move she take.

Her:you know staring is rude right?

Me:am not staring you don't have that thing

Her: keep telling yourself

Me:you are fooling yourself

Her:I don't need any comments from you

Me: because you know that you are not hot

Her:you know what?


Her:I don't care,here is your list Mr rude",she went

upstairs damn I like arguing with her she looks funny

Anyway good night

Insert 15🖤

Lunathi's prov🖤

it was a dull morning I just stayed in bed but I

remembered that I have to go to town with the "RUDE
GUY" yah that's what am going to call him.I just rolled
out of bed and made it.I went to the shower and did
my routine then wore my summer dress with
Sandles,tied my hair into a ponytail.I prefer natural so
I took my phone and handbag and heat downstairs
and "MR" was waiting for me.

Him:ey miss lunathi

Me:hy and let's go",we went out and drove to the town
in silence.we bought food and people where looking at
us,why??.Ohh!! Damn i forgot that mr rude is a
prince,we were receiving smiles,fake smiles and
annoying looks from girl.Guys can you believe that mr
wanted us to act as "a wife and husband' how funny.

Jay:are you hungry??


Him:let's go to spur",I just nod and we went to spur

and people paused and took pictures.

Waiter:your highness what can I get for you?come this

side ",we followed him and we sat down

Me:I will like to have a cheese burger and fanta

Him:me too but with sprite

Waiter:ohk I will be back to serve you",we nod and he

left,i just took out my phone and go through
WhatsApp and chatted with my friends until the food
arrive. We ate in silence and we went out

Jay:need anything?

Me:yeah I need to buy some outfit

Jay: ohk let's go but I will wait for you know the care
Me:cool",we went to legit and I bought bum
short,white long sleeve crop top,black leather jacket
and I went to pay.We drove home and I was tired.

I took a warm relaxing bath of about 40 min and I

went out to lotion my body and I wore the clothes I
bought with white air force,did messy bunny,took my
handbag and phone then I head downstairs.I was
about to hold a door handle when Jay grabbed my
hand.He dropped the call.

Him:where do you think you are going?

Me: excuse me?

Him: where do you think you are going lunathi?

Me:since when do you care?

Him:I don't care am just asking

Me:ohk am going to get some air and walk near the

water and stare at those guys with well built bodies",he
let go of my hand

Him:you are not going anywhere young lady wearing

like a bitch

Me:well watch me

Him:you are testing me

Me:and you are testing my patience,actually bye you
don't deserve it",I left

Jay's prov🖤💕

This girl is testing is testing me serious. I can't let her

wearing that and showing other guys my
assets!wait!did I say my assets? 😀As I was in that
thought my mom called

Her:my boy


Her:how is Mozambique?.
Me:pretty good

Her:where is my daughter?

Me:she went to get some air


Me:yes anything wrong??

Her:why are you so stupid??they will take her and

don't be here running to me

Me:mom she needed fresh air

Her:god help my dump son go out and look for her

Me:ok mommy

Her:go now",she dropped the call and I called one of

my friend here


Him:yooh dude am about to hit it

Me:haha boy sorry

Him:you owe me big but you will borrow me your wife

me:you are crazy dude

Him:what do you want?

Me:I want you to track her I will send you her phone
number but don't try something stupid

Him:ohk man count on me

Me:xo dude

I sent him the numbers and after 30 min I received a

location of where she is.

I took my car keys and went out.I drove to the

restaurant near the beach and I found her with some

Me:and then???

Her:and then what??

Me:I told you that don't test me

Her:and what if I do?

Me:so you are a man lunathi?you are famous because

of me and my rich family

Her:ohh really?well I don't care about you,i don't care

about how famous I am and lastly I don't care about
you rich family",she was half shouting in where by
nearest people where looking at us.

Me:am your husband

Her: excuse me? Whose husband?enhle?

Me:who is enhle?

Her:idiot I receive calls from your hoes and you telling

me that you are my husband?kohlwa

Me: lunathi let's go",I was angry guys

Her: listen here and listen carefully AM NOT GOING

ANYWHERE!!",this girl is full of shit,i left her with her
husbands and went back to the flat.After 20 my mom

Her:yey wena Jayden

Her:did you see how trending you are? arguing with

Me:that girl is full of shit shame

Her:we are becoming a laughing stock.Let me call that

bitch she will explain all these nonsense",she dropped
the call.
Insert 16❤️


❤️Have you ever felt to empty?not the emptiness of

being in pain but because of the nature you see up
from the sky.I kept looking outside the window
looking down.All I see is green and small building,how
I wish that I can just stay in the air and and
enjoy this peace.
Time is ticking we arrived and I found my mom
waiting for me,i went to her and attacked her with a
warm hug.She kissed me all over my face I I felt like a
small girl and emotional.When we were on our way to
the parking the paparazza were all over asking us
questions and taking pictures.

Jay:I promise you that if ever someone publish

anything concerning us that person will loose their job
and am not playing.Now move",they moved and I was
riding with my mom using her car.We didn't go to the
Jay's home but to my original home.I invited my
friends for a sleep over. We went downstairs to eat

Dad:so my angel how was the trip?

Me:it was so boring dad


Me:he is rude and so controlling.

Him:just like his grandfather.That man was a great

leader,so kind but yet dangerous.

Mom:he was scaring and most people obeyed him and

he was always keeping straight face
Me:just like him,he doesn't laugh or smile

Cloe:I can imagine

Nhla:you will have to deal with it.

Dad: thats it am going to sleep,girls take care and

please try to sleep my angel is tired",we laughed and
mom beated him playfully.We cleared the table and
we girl talked my mom was teaching us how to treat a
man and all staff.

Mom:girls let me go and satisfy my man

Mom:what??I am married girl and it is my duty.

Me:yooh I give up",she laughed and went

upstairs,we watched movies while taking and they
agreed to accompany me to Jay's home.we slept at

I woke up and checked the time and it was already 12

and I must go to Jay's home so that we can travel to
PE.I wonder what his mom is going to say.I played a
loud music and they woke up.

Khanyi:did you really have to wake us in that way

Me:i had to you only have 40 min to get ready if you

want to go with me.

We prepared and we left.we drove straight to PE using

cars.We arrived around 5 and Jay's mother was not

Jay's:I thought you are not coming anymore

Jay:never day,where is mom?

Jay's f:well she will be here soon are you hungry?


Jay's f: you can go and rest I will be in the study when

you need me and Jay follow me",we went upstairs and
they slept,i wore my long dress,doek,tshali and my
sleepers.I went to ma'goma's house and I knocked

Her:am coming,lunathi when did you arrive?

Me:just few minutes.

Her:ohk come in",we went in and sat down.It was not a

huge house but enough for one person.It was
old-fashioned but yet warm and fresh.

Me:I am here to apologize to the ancestors before the

queen arrive

Her:ohk let's go",we went out of the house and went to

her hut.Well performed everything and I went straight
to the house.I found Jay's mother,when she saw me she
became angry that's where the drama started.

Jay's prov❤️


❤️Well I went to my father in his study.

Me:you called me

Him:yes what really happened in Mozambique

Me: nothing dad

Him:why did you fight?

Me:that girl is full of herself father.She don't have


Him:I blame you

Me:you what???🙄

Him:I blame you,you took your fathers genes.You

always think for yourself.she is your wife

Me:my wife?that's your wife father,you are the one

who choose to marry her not me.

Him:that's Bullshits don't test me please

Me:or what?

Him:ohh ohk just leave n before I do something

stupid.As I was speaking we heard noise coming from
dining room and we ran there.Mother was busy
shouting lunathi and she was just crying.

Dad:what are you doing?

Mom: I don't understand why this bitch is still here.

Dad:yeeey leave this poor girl alone

Mom: just leave my house.Am going upstairs and

when I come back I don't want to find n you here.",she
went upstairs and I followed her,yes I was hurting but
she deserve it.

Lunathi's prov💕
Wow I never knew that she was like this.But hey "don't
judge the book by it's own cover". Jay's father took us
to the nearest hotel.We thanked him and he left.I
called my mother.

Her: lunathi talk and stop crying

Me:mom she kicked us out.


Me: Jayden's mother

Dad:what??where are you now?

Me:we are in the hotel the king helped us

Dad:that woman will know me how can she?

Mom:ohk angel I want you to sleep and think about

your future ohk?

Me: ohk good night rents

Mom:good night sugar

Dad:good night princess.we love you

Me:bye I love you two💕💕😊

Insert 17💕



❤️ well lunathi's mother and father went to the hotel

in PE.They went to get them and drove to the palace
and they found thembelihle(queen) on the door,she
was about to go out.They approached her and she just
put her hands on his hips.
Thembe:and then? didn't I tell you not to come here?

L'M:you will never talk to my daughter like that

Thembe:or what??mufazi ndina

L'M:don't drive me crazy please

Thembe:or what are....

Luba(king): enough let's get in and speak like adult

please",they went in and they discussed it and
everything was good.Lunathi asked for forgiveness
and even though she did our mighty thembelihle
pretended like she forgiven her.Later that day Jayden
moved with lunathi in durban.
Lunathi's prov❤️

Ehu!😔what a day.I Started to unpack my clothes and

sat on my bed and rest.I woke up around 20:00 and I
went to take a quick shower so that I can cook.I wore
my track suit and sleeper.As I was walking from the
passage I heard moans coming from Jay's room.I kept
on walking and the door was full open.

Me:eww guys next time close the door and I hope you
are enhle,well enhle try improving your moaning skills

Jay:and wena lunathi next time mind your own

business and try finding a place to stay because we
will do it anywhere we want.

Me:try me sweetheart this is our house bloody fools

Enhle:close the door for us since we disgust you.

I left truly speaking I was hurt but it's nothing.I went

to cook and I went upstairs to attend my phone and
when I came back I found them eating.I just passed
the I went to the kitchen and they poured water into
the food that was left in the pots.Wow!.I just took my
phone and ordered pizza.I went to collect it and went
straight to my room and ate.Nhla called me
Me:hello bbe

Her:are you cool?

Me:apart from those annoying creatures am good

Her:who are you talking about?

Me:Jay and his ugly girlfriend

Her:what!!??in day one?

Me:they even made love and poured water into the

food that was left for me.On top of that I am the one
who cooked it.

Her: friend??how could the be so cruel?

Me:I don't really know but I know that they will get
into my nerves and I won't hesitate to burn them
alive .

Her:I was also going to do that.We will be there

tomorrow we are doing shopping

Me:tag me before shopping

Her:I will pick you up.

Me:ohk bbe bye love you

Her: where is "I"

Me:ohk ohk tiger I love you😍

Her:I love you too good night",she hanged up atleast
am sleeping with a smile.


I woke and went to the bathroom and do my thing.I

wore my shorts and vest together with flip flops.I went
to the store room and took cleaning equipment and I
went to the start at the lounge I plugged my
headphones and started cleaning.I was done in about
2 hours because this house is so big but I only cleaned
the main rooms.Guess what?I also washed those two's
plate of yesterday.I know that am being soft but I am
planning something.I will continue being their slave.I
must also go to school In Monday,which is the coming
two days.I went upstairs and took a bath.I wore my
black ripped Jean,yellow wool Jersey and black
airforce.I left my hair loose and took my phone and
black.I locked my room and went upstairs and found
them watching TV.

Me:am out

Jay:wait where are you going?

Me: excuse me?

Him:you heard me
Me:mind your own business with this ugly chicken of
yours",I went out and my friends where waiting for
me.We drove off dancing for amapiano songs.We
arrived and we first went by the salon,i pleated blocks
braids.We went shopping after that we went to
steers.we ordered and enjoyed.They dropped me off.I
went in and found lovers kissing,i just passed them
and what made me angry is that they laughed after
me passing.Just took a shower and went to sleep.

Well it was Monday already am nervous but I trust my

self.I jumped out of bed and played "be with you by
Akon" I bathed and took out my leather skirt,with a
lime T-shirt with my long-lace sandles.Let loose of
the braid,i took my schoolbag and a phone.I found Jay
alone I'm the kitchen making breakfast for madam.

Me: morning

Him: morning need money?

Me:nah Shaun will take me to school

Him:my friend?

Me:our friend.

Him: whatever bye

I made a cereal and ate.I took an apple and and went
to wait for Shaun.He came and we drove off.

We talked into a lite conversation and he picked

outside the university.

Him:are you nervous?

Me: maybe

Him:well I know that you can do it Luu.You were born

ready so get out of there and kill it.I mean you are hot
and beautiful everyone will be looking at you.

Me:well let me go and beat this.",he kissed my cheeks

and I went out.
New life for me.😥😮😉

Insert 18❤️🖤

💜Well today they where just showing us new
students around and I must say it's big and
beautiful.Someone tapped me in my shoulder and I



Her:so mind if you join us for lunch?


Her:come on it is just lunch

Me:ohk cool
Her:am aphiwe and the rest we will do the
introduction after this boring speech",she rolled her
eyes.Yah neh khanyi itself.Well the speech went on
and boring Blu Blu Blu.So guys I have decided that I
will play shy and quiet.I want to see if they will step on
my toes because I know that one of them will
do.Aphiwe have a nice body,light skin and
medium.She is talkative but yet kind.I can see a her
inner good soul.They are

5 which means I will be the 6th one.We went to a

near restaurant not that fancy.We sat down and
Aphiwe stood up.Guys as you know that we have a
new person her,so Lunathi will you like to join our

Girl 1:i bet she will join after the conditions.

Me: what conditions?",I didn't know groups have


Phiwe:well lunathi bbe don't mind this one.By the way

she is diva N her real name is nolutho,this is diva G
Gabriella she is white as you can see and she is red
when she is angry"we laughed "ohk enough this one
her is our little diva S don't and here we have diva L
for lwandle.

Me:guys nice to meet you",they smiled at me but this

nolutu girl is getting to my nerves shame

Phiwe:well diva L in this group we are open to each

other,share and help each other.Uhm onething is that
when it's Friday we always hit club if there is no party
anywhere.We are gatecrasher.We beat up someone
who try to fight any of us.Diva N is responsible for any
event,diva G is responsible for money,when ever there
is any road trip, diva L is responsible for themes,diva S
is responsible for seducing"I popped my eyes out" and
here I am they boss you report everything to me.

Diva N:do what will diva L do since she is new?

Phiwe:she will help lwandle and Gabriella.Her clothes

is on top.

Me:thanks guys

Phiwe:anytime let's order guys",we ordered and

everything was good and I must say is good.

Diva G:ohh god",we all looked at her shocked

Diva p:what now !?

Diva G:look at lunathi's hand guys",ohh shoot

Phiwe:whoo you are married?",I nod showing a faint

Lwandle:oh god this is a real stone let me see",I

showed her my hand.

Phiwe:is he cute?

Me:yes he is hot and handsome.

Sonto:I can't wait to meet him

Me: 😂😂so that you can seduce my man",they


Sonto:well I will not mind.

Diva G:let me see him.",I searched for his pic and I
showed them his pic.

Phiwe:damn girl you have scored.

Nolutu:so since she is married,will she be able to do

what we do?

Me: everything has its own limit.

We talked and Shaun's call came through.

Shaun: beautiful

Me:hey you

Shaun:where are you because am at your house and

you are not here?

Me:I found new friends so we are hanging out.

Him:ohk call me to pick you up

Me:ohk boyfriend bye,love you

Him:uhm ...ok bye",maybe he is with Jay.

Sonto:your man?

Me:no just a friend.

Sonto:why are you calling him boyfriend?

Me:well we know each other and it's have been while

before knowing my husband and turn to be my
husband's friend.

Diva G:so you didn't smash?

Me:what? No 😂

Diva G:you are different shame.If it was someone she

would have long slept with him.

Me: 😂

Well I send Shaun I text as we went out.They waited

with me while I was waiting for Shaun.he came oh god
he is more handsome today.

Him: girlfriend",hi kissed my cheeks.

Me: boyfriend.

Him:hey beautiful ladies.

Them :hey/hi

Nolutu:you are so handsome

Him: thanks,bye guys."he opened the door for me and

close it.He walked to his side and we drove off.

Him:tell me who is that girl?

Me:some annoying chick

Him:ohk,i want to fuck her

Me:you can go on as long you are careful.She don't

deserve you.

We arrived and got in.

Me:hy guys",Jay was with enhle that ruined my mood

and Shaun saw it,he followed me upstairs.

Him:are you okay?

Me: what do you mean?",I acted surprised

Him:you know what I mean.

Me:I am used to this and I always clean,cook and wash

dishes for them.

Her:am surprised you are strong hey

Me:and evil too",we laughed and I walked to bathroom
and bathed.I found Shaun busy on the phone.

Me:dude what if I was naked?

Him: nothing new right??

Me:idiot",there was a soft knock

Shaun:come in",Jay came in and just looked at us.

Jay:uhm ....I should go",he left

Me:what was that?

Shaun:I don't know",I took my things and went back

to my room.
Me:will you help me cook?

Him:yes let's go,"he chased me and I ran while

laughing which grabbed those two's attention.We
went straight to kitchen and start cooking.Shaun went
to prepare the table and I went to place food.We
blessed the food and we ate.

Jay: enhle will wash the dishes.

Her:did I tell you so?

Jay:no I am saying so.

Shaun:that's my cue to leave lunathi walk me out.",I

walked him out and he left.I returned and lock the

Jay:what is going on between you two?

Me:does it matter?

Jay:yes we are married.

Me:"we" heeh",i chucked in disbelief

Jay:yes we

Me: whatever good night

I logged in WhatsApp and said my goo

Insert 19🌸


🌸Fast forward
Finally Friday decided to come.I rolled out of bed and
went to was my body.I wore my summer dress with
slippers and went to prepare breakfast for madam n
her boyfriend.I ate mine going through Facebook.

Enhle:these days you are becoming a good girl,i hope

you didn't poison me.",she chuckled

Me:got no time of killing people like you.Who just sit

all day and not doing anything to improve their
lives.",I went back to my phone

Her:dont forget that you are eating my man's money.

Me: atleast am doing something useful than sitting all

day and playing house wive.Ohh I forgot "house side
chick".I laughed

I just went upstairs without waiting for her to reply me

because she was starting to cry.The day I lay my hands
on her god will forgive me shame.I went to bathroom
to wash my mouth and I wore my black Jean,black
long sleeve and black Nike sneakers.I tied my hair into
a neat ponytail took my key and bagpack.I head

Jay: lunathi

Jay:don't give me that attitude


Jay:I want to surprise enhle because tomorrow is her


Me:ohk so what that has to do with me?

Jay:well I will give you my black card,i want you to take

her to salon and shopping.

Me:whoo!me?enhle? Uphambene we buti?

Jay:am still your husband

Me:so you want me to take your side chick out??

Jay:look lunathi it...

Me:try something else please

I went outside and I found Shaun.

Me:hy lover boy,"I kissed his cheeks

Shaun:it's late let's go",I got in and we drove off.

Me:will you believe what your friend did?

Him: knowing his behaviour yes.Whats up?

Me:he asked me to take his girlfriend out tomorrow

because he want to surprise her.

Me: yeah crazy right?

Him: totally."he stopped by the gate and my friends

where waiting for me.I kissed his cheeks and went to
my friends.

Lwandle:kante girl when are we going to see your

husband because you are always with this guy?

Nolutu:who knows maybe they are dating",they

laughed taking it as a joke

Me:well my husband go to work around 11

Sonto: he is the boss?

Me:yep his business

Aphiwe:ohk I always see him on papers but I don't

really know his status

Me:mmhm",let's go guys.


Jayden's prov

Well I know you guys hate me right now but I can't

afford to loose enhle.We have been through shitt.Her
parents disowned her because they think she is evil
but I don't see anything evil with her.We have been
together for about 3 years.I want to marry her soon
soon.I just decided to pay Shaun a visit today.

I knocked on his door

Him:come in

Me:my man

Him:ey sit down

Me: thanks dude.

Him:what did I do to deserve the visit?

Me:nex man I want to talk to you.

Him:all ears are open

Me:I want you to convince Lunathi so that she can go

out with enhle

Him:why? Why do you treat lunathi like a trash?do

you know how Boys look at her?have you tried looking
at her? have you tried knowing her better?how she is
good hearted and cool? have you took a time and look
at her smiling? showing her perfect dimples?i think
you are starting to loose your self shame.I won't be
there when things get messy in your life bro.

Me:I thought you were my friend but no you are

not.You are busy checking out my wife.You want her?

Him:why would I do that? lunathi is that one chick

who people are keen to be involved in her life dude.I
bet when she decide to change her life you will regret
anything and am not going to talk to her especially
about that slut of yours.

Me:you know what am leaving you and don't ever

come to my house.

Him: whatever", I left him there and went to spur.I

settled down and I saw a group of girls by the corner.I
heard lunathi's voice and I went to them.

Me:good day girls

Me:am lunathi's husband jayden",I looked at lunathi
and she rolled her eyes.

Aphiwe:nice to finally meet you in person

Me:it's a pleasure.Bbe can I please talk to you?

Lunathi: ohk(to her friends) I will be back

Sonto:ohk girl

We went to sit down and I cleared my throat

Luna:you are waisting my time

Me:ohk look lunathi I know that you think I don't care

about you but I do.
Her:ohh you do??I didn't know

Me: atleast you know,i didn't know you have friends

Her:you didn't ask

Me:ohk so did you uhm..eeh..think about what I said

to you?

Me:well yeah I will go with her

Me: what?",she nod.I went to attack her with a hug

Her:am suffocating

Me:well.. ugh sorry

Her:I will see you at home",she left me and went to her

friends.I left with a huge smile on my face.

Lunathi's prov💙

Today I just saw how Jayden is in love with enhle and

there is nothing I can do about it.

Shaun:what are you thinking about?

Me:you know I realised how enhle is important to

Jay.You should have seen his face after agreeing to
take his girlfriend out.So unexplainable.

Shaun:just hold on that will be over in no time ohk?

Me:well am not jealous just that I haven't seen him so


Shaun:argh he annoy me yaz.",we laughed and he

dropped me off.I went in and Jay was cooking while
madam was just watching.I just greet them and went
upstairs to wash my body.Well me and my friends
decided to hit a club.Nhla's call came through while I
was lotioning my body

Me:ey bitch

Khanyi:yeeey lunathi you have replaced us

Me:am good thanks and you

Cloe:I thought we said we will not replace each other.

Nhla:I also thought so

Me:whoo guys,i don't want to get bored here alone I

also need some entertainment

Nhla:you have us,facebook,whatsapp and Instagram

what more do you want?

Me:did you call me to judge me?

Cloe:no but we don't like your new friends shame

Khanyi: anyway where is Mr hottie?

Me:yooh guys he is down there cooking with his

Khanyi n cloe: girlfriend!?

Me: nhla didn't tell you guys?am living with Jay's


Khanyi: Luna I don't know who you have turned into


Me:I don't want fights.I want to focus on my life and

become independent.

Nhla:yooh ohk bye we are going to the club.

Me:oh take care.

I immediatetly wear my white plain Jean,sweet pink

neck long sleeve(written diva L on it),peach hills and
sweet pink jacked Jean.I tied my hair into a messy
bunny,did a light make up,took my side back and
phone then I head downstairs.I was so cute shame I
took few picks and posted them on Instagram.Lovers
where watching TV.

Me:am out

Jay:its late lunathi


Jay:you can't go out its risky

Me:I don't care anyway lock the door.I will do some

sleep over.

I went out and the cab was waiting.I didn't know that
boys will be here but anyway I don't care.We went by
the club and it was loaded.Went by the VIP where
there was business man,judging by their dress code.

Me:I didn't know that we have boys in our group

Aphiwe:well here they are but not in our group.


Gabrielle:let the party begging

We drinked and danced.There was this guy's who was

stealing glace on me but I was ignoring him.we had
fun and we drinked more booze taking videos and

Am back

Insert 20 💙

💙Jayden's prov

Lunath is starting to push me shame.I really care

about her but she is a spoiled brat and I can't deal
with this kind of mom's call came
through and I went to my study to answer it.

Her:my son


Her:how are you

Me:uhm just good

Her:where is that little brat?is he treating you well?

Me:she is busy with school and am busy with enhle

Her: she is back??

Me:yeah and am planning to marry her soon.

Her:you what??

Me:mom we have been together since 3 years back and

am not going to brake her heart.

Me:your father will not take it

Me:we don't have to tell him.You can send aunty

thabitha and others to pay lobola

Her:ohk great so what about ma'goma?

Me:we will shut her

Her:ohk son gud night

Me:bye mommy I love you.

Her:bye bbe.

I smiled and went to my babe.

Enhle:you are happy.

Me:with you here am always happy.

Her:bbe let's go to sleep.


Lunathi's prov💙
We were having fun and I went to the toilet.I did my
business and washed my hands.When I head out Mr
glace was waiting.


Him:hy I have been waiting for you to stand up.

Me:oh ohk

Him:am jabu",he extended his hand.

Me:am lunathi

Him:nice name.You are beautiful,i like your

Me: thanks",he pulled me for a hug.I smelled his
Cologne and ohh boy it smell good.His body is so

Him:can I please have your number?

Me:xo 079*******

Him: thanks ey

Me:it's cool bye",I went to my friends and drinked

more vodkas and this time I was knocked off.

My friends hooked up with some classic men because

the boys refused to go.
Aphiwe: lunathi let's go but know that you will not
sleep because of my moans

Me:no I will be cool you can leave.",they left and I was

just looking around like a lost 5 years child.

"Wanna join me?",his Cologne and his breath on my


Me:no I want to go home.

Jabu:let me take you beautiful.",I had no choice but to

leave with him.

Well lunathi left with jabu.Jabu tried to ask for
directions but lunathi was also lost and drunk.He
decided to stop by his house,he packed in the garage
and lift lunathi up.He placed her on his bed and start
undressing her.Lunathi was only left with her
underwears which turned jabu on.He fought with his
feelings and he went to take a cold shower then slept.

Lunathi woke up around 9,she looked around and

noticed that she is in unfamiliar room.she pulled up
the sheet and found herself only on her
underwears,she touched her honey pot and it was
fine.That made her relieved.

Jabu: morning breakfast is ready

Luna:can I use the bathroom?

Jabu:open those two wardrobe doors.

Luna:ohk thanks you can leave",he chuckled and left.I

must admit he has a nice smile and body.lunathi
smiled and went to take shower.She wore her last
night outfit and took her phone and bag.

Jabu:come sit

Luna went to sit and as they were dishing someone

cleared his throat

"Eating without me"

Jabu:she is in hurry dude

Him:hy am Jimmy jabu's brother.", Luna smiled.

Luna:am lunathi

Jim:I must admit you are beautiful atleast my brother

decided to choose someone good unlike those shit he
bring.They all laughed and they ate into a light

Jabu took lunathi home and he drove off.

Lunathi's prov💙

I took a deep breath before getting in.

Enhle:yooh finally I have been waiting for you

Me: morning to you too.Wait for me I will be back",I

went upstairs and wore my yellow dress Jersey,yellow
socks and black vans.I tied my hair into a neat
bunny,took my phone and bag then head downstairs.

Me:let's go",well she was wearing a Jean tight dress

with sneakers and she looked nice in them.We called
an Uber and we drove to mall.

We started by the salon,we did our hair and nails.I

just washed my hair and madam pleated a Brazilian
hair 20 inch.We went to do some shopping.

Me:are you hungry?

Her:not yet I want to pass by the lingerie shop ",I hate

this shame.We went to that shop and I must say it has
beautiful things but expensive.

She was busy asking me what to choose because she

want to surprise her man.She bought a red n white
lingerie,black hills and some sex toys.I just bought
myself two pair of hills and we went to spur.It was
already 17:39 so we went home.I just head upstairs and

"Lunathi lunathi",ugh this girls is pushing me,anyway

I went to her room and I found her wearing a nice hot
dress which fits her perfectly.

Me:you called me

Enhle:help me with my zip",I did and she was wearing

that lingerie inside the dress.

Me:nice dress

Her:thanks and ohh lock up because we will not come

back", I just rolled my eyes the car hoated
Her:let me go bye sweets

Locked all doors and read my books.

Insert 21💋


I really can't say but am being jealous of Enhle.Not

that am loving Jay but I also want to be happy and
forget about how my marriage is.I have never
imagined my self in this kind of marriage
situation.Right now I feel like shouting so loud,am so
lonely .It pains me everyday hearing enhle moaning so
loud,i also want that,i want happiness and I deserve
it.I know that I deserve it.Its now time to fly all over
and experience all things that i missed.I won't let
anyone to suppress my own life.I stood up and went to
take a quick shower,did my staff and did light make
up mind you I am so cute shame.I sang along going to
my closet,i took out plain Jean,black vest and black
leather jacket.I put on my black fila shoes and fila hat.I
was on fire shame but the question is where I am

I took a phone and called Shaun and he picked up at

the third ring.

Him:ey lunathi
Me:hey where are you?

Him:I am at my mom's place I went to visit her.

Me:ohk bye",I hung up before he replied.I just took off

my shoes and lay on bed.Then that was when I heard
someone calling my name.It was angel


Her:hy what's wrong?

Me:I really dont know I feel so alone.I can't even go out

there and enjoy my life because am trapped in this
Her: lunathi just be strong for tomorrow because you
will enjoy every inch of it am telling you.

Me:when is that day coming?when I am tired of living?

should i wait to be killed?

Her:no don't be like that just focus on your studies

everything will be cool.I need to tell you something.

I sat up straight and looked at her.

Me:ohk shoot

Her:uhm Jay is planning to marry enhle and his

mother approved it.
Me:wha..t!?",i was so broken

Her:yeah so just accept it because it won't last please.

Me:no just leave I want to be alone.


Me:no just leave",she left and I just cried and I went to

wash my face and applied another make up.I told jabu
to come and fetch me.He came up after some
minutes.I locked and went out and we drove to some

Enhle's prov

Well our dinner was good at some classy

restaurant.My man booked all of the restaurant for
me.We ate and I asked for the toilet and when I came
back I found him on his knees.

OMG! I held my face and cried.I didn't know that he

take us this serious.

Him:enhle dolly mazuba will you make me the

happiest man that I am just by now?

I just nod and he slipped it in my hand.A diamond

ring.We kissed for a long time and he broke it.Can we
please finish this in hotel?",I nod we drove to one of
the classy hotel and we went in.When I opened,OMG!
Roses was all over the floor and champagne.We didn't
even waste any time.He pushed my on the wall and
our tongues danced on one one pace.He unzipped my
dress and it was on the floor.He rupped my nunu still
on my panties.i was so so hungry for him.I tried
touching me but he held both my hands against the
wall and after some minutes he carried me to the bed
that's was when the foreplay started....(Removed)

At the club

Jabu:ey ey take it easy lunathi.

Me:I want to drink my sorrows away.

Jabu:what is wrong please

Me:no no I rather deal with this alone.I am so

broken,dont be fooled by my beauty and smile.Am one
of the most people who go through hard seasons.

Jabu:ey tell me.Lets go",we went to his car.

Me:you know I grew up in a nice,happy and caring

family.But look at me now am in a unwelcome,hating
and evil family.I didn't know that I will fell under
those people who falls under having
mother-monster-in-law.Its not like I hoped for good
treatment in this marriage but it was good at the
beginning and look at it now, am married to
someone's man.Have you ever felt how it hurts to see
people doing things just in front of you?"I sniffed" am
so broken and just imagine he is even planning to
marry her.Love triangle? Actually it's not love triangle
because am not loved.",I berried my face with my
He just hugged me and I felt better.

Him:you know I am so speechless.I mean a beautiful

girl like you?going through that?am so sorry I wish I
could do something but what I can do is that I will
always be by your side when everything trouble you.He
is just so stupid to see how great you are and most of
man out there are likely to be in your life or even
marry you.",he took a deep breath.

Me:it's ok am fine and thanks.Take me to your house I

want to rest.Mind you it was around 3.We drove to his
house and his brother was with his friends and some
girls.I think they where 7 in total.

Jimmy: ngwetxi ya mma(my mother's daughter in law)

Me:hy gummy",well yes I know sepedi but not that


Jimmy:you can join us guys.

Jabu:no we are going to sleep",as we were about to go

some girl called jabu.

"Jabu"we all looked at her.

Jabu:ey Busi

Busi:I didn't know you are hooking up with married

girls.",god hold me please.

Jabu:your point??

Busi:girl does your handsome man know that you are

here or maybe he dont satisfy you?",all the girls

I just went to her and slapped the hell out of her,she

fell down.

Me:girl please choose words when you are talking to

people like me.And don't jump into conclusion,he is
my friend and we come from the club bloody bitch.I
wish I can just get on top of you right now and split
that dirty blood of yours but I don't have strength.", I
just left all of the shocked.I went to jabu's room and
took a shower,i went to his closet and took out his
T-shirt and wore it.I found him looking fresh only on
his boxers.

Him:I didn't know you are that...",he cut it short.

Me: heartless?well yeah am like that and one day am

going to show enhle who I am

Him: fighting for the man that don't love you?

Me:no for making me her puppet.Anyway try to wear

He chuckled so sexy.Girls this guy's is so hot
ey.Especially when he is showing his abs.

Him:you should also do that.",ohh snap

Me:let's just sleep am tired and don't do anything to


Him:I won't aw but you are too hot.",I gave him a

warning look".Yooh ohk sorry I won't do anything.

We laughed and we slept.💋

Insert 22

.well it was a lovely morning for me I guess.I woke up

and looked at jabu,he was still sleeping.I went to take
shower and wore his T-shirt.Went downstairs and
made us some breakfast.I looked at the clock and it
was already 1 o'clock,shitt.I just made a sandwiches. I
laughed alone remembering that I locked the house
and they left their key.Stupid couples.Went back to the
bedroom and I found him doing the bed.

Me: afternoon Mr."he gave me one of his best smiles

Jabu: afternoon miss

Me:come let's eat".we ate into a lite conversation.My

phone ranged.

Me:Mr smith, am with my friend, ok xap I am coming.

Jabu:your husband?

Me:does he deserve "husband" tittle?

Jabu:still he is your husband,anyway why did you

choose him?

Me:I didn't it was arranged marriage.

Jabu:ohh ohk let's go

Me:I need to change

Jabu: don't I will wash them for you,lets go."he

grabbed his car key and phone then we left.


Jabu's car stopped by the gate and the couple both

looked at the car.Lunathi got out and the car drove
Luna:hey guys

Enhle:this is not your house ohk.

Luna:am good thanks and you",still looking at their

annoyed faces.

Jay: unlock the door.

Enhle:she is even wearing her boyfriend's t-shirt.

Luna:and where do you fit?I mean mogirl you are also

with your boyfriend what more do you want?

Jay:YOU ARE MARRIED",he half shouted.

Luna:to who? I had a enjoyable night don't piss me

please." She unlocked the door and went straight to
her bedroom and started reading.

After 1 month.

Lunathi and jabu decided to give their self a chance to

date.Well our Mr smith is secretly married to enhle
but not in a court but traditionally so.Jay's mother is
getting along with enhle and Jay's father didn't
approve the wedding but his wife forced it.

At the airport Lunathi was with jabu.

Jabu:am going to miss you babe😥

Me:me too bbe it is just for a week then I will come


Jabu:but still am going to miss you.

"Flight 103 is ready to leave"

Luna:my flight I will see you ohk?

Jabu:ohk bye ",they hugged and lunathi left.


At jabu's crib.

Jimmy:you are going to hurt her.

Jabu:I know but I love her so much.

Jimmy:and you know very well that you promised

sandile's family that you are going to take her in this

Jabu:this is a mess",he buried his face in his hands.

Jimmy:you better make a plan because this time am

not getting involved.",he left him there.


At Johannesburg

Lunathi knocked in her parent's door.

The door opened and his father attacked her with hug.

Him: lunathi you should have called.

Luna:I wanted to surprise you guys.

Him:come in, mamakhe come and see!

Luna'mom: am coming", as she was walking to the

stairs she saw her angel and she ran and hugged
her.Lunathi found herself crying.

At first her parents thought it was tears of joy but it

got too emotional.

Him: lunathi what is wrong?

Luna'mom: come sweets let's sit down", she led her in

sitting room and they sat down.
Him: daughter tell me.

Luna: am not happy mom,am suffering,am always",tears rolled down.

Luna'mom:you are not happy??what do you mean?

Luna:you as my parents sold me out,to someone who

is cruel,who don't care about me,who already has a
future with someone,to monster in law ,to people who
hate so much.I wanted to hold my self but I can't,i
wanted to let this slide but I can't.Am so disappointed
in you ad my parents.Am now living a hell's life, if
anything happens to me am going to blame you guys.
Him: lunathi don't say that,we care about you.

Me:no you don't,did you know that he is married to

someone?father did you ever called me since? Mother
have you asked me how my marriage is going? No you
didn't you only care about money and your business.

Lunathi's sister interrupt them because she can't

stand what Lunathi is saying.

Luna'sis: sweetie you...

Luna:you are also here? Wena you are the last person
to talk to me.You don't care about me as your little
sister.You only care about that husband of yours and
your trips only.I think am done with this family.Only
my brother is there for me,he always gives me hope.I
think I will be like him,living my life without this
family.",at that time everyone was in tears.

Lunathi stood up to leave but her mother held her


Me:mom please let me be.

She let go of her hand and she took her bags and
left.She called Nhlanhla's phone and she answered
after the third ring.

Luna:can you please come and fetch me?

Nhla:we are in club and we are having fun sorry I


Luna:ohk xap",nhla dropped the call.She cried looking

at the phone,it was getting late.She walked to the park
and she sat down.Nothing made sense in her
mind.She end up sleeping in park.


Morning came she walked up and took a taxi to some

guest houses.She rented a room and she immediately
bathed.After some time she went out to buy kotas and
people where looking at her.Thats how it is to marry a
prince.She rolled her eyes as she walked back to her
room.She tried calling jabu but he didn't answer.

She signed and ate her Kota.She booked a flight to

Durban for tomorrow.She spent all day indoor and
busy with her phone.It started to get dark.She bathed
and doze up.

Insert 23💋
Today am going back to hell.I washed my face and
teeth and went to prepare breakfast.Jimmy came
down with his girlfriend.

Jimmy: morning.

Me: morning

Jimmy:slept well?",I signed

Me:yeah and you guys

The girl:we slept well,the aroma is hitting me up.",we


Me:sit down I will dish for you",they sat down and I

dished for them.

We ate in a light conversion.Sondi took the dishes and

washed them.I went upstairs and prepared myself.I
went downstairs and found Jimmy on his way out.

Jimmy:you are leaving?

Me:well yeah",I took a deep breath.

Jimmy:am sorry ohk?

Me:it's not your fault maybe he is busy with


Jimmy:let's go I will drop you off.

Me: thanks",we went out and his madam was on front
sit.We drove off and they dropped me off.I took a
breath before walking in.Gladly they were not at
home.I took my bags to my room and went to the mall
to buy few things like snacks.I went back home and
they where not yet back.I went to unpack my things in
my room and went to watch TV.Tomorrow our results
are coming out.I received a call from my brother.

Him:my favorite person

Me: brother

Him:are you ohk? because I heard your sister telling

me that you left home.

Me:I will be fine.I think I will need a place to stay.I

can't stay in this hell forever.

Him:ohk i had a flat on that side.I will send someoto

clean it for you ohk

Me: thanks bro

Him:always let me go ohk

Me:I love you

Him:I love you too.

"You love who?",I looked up and it was Jay together

with his rat.

Me:hello to you too.Am good and yourself? I had a

nice day.Well it's non of your business.

Enhle:your attitude though

Me:don't piss me yezwa?

Jay:ohk miss I found a flat for you.I mean we don't

have enough space for you.

Enhle:and we can't tolerate your attitude.

Me:ohk",I stood up and slapped enhle so bad.

Jay:are you crazy?

Me:this is the beginning.I long wanted to do this but I
held myself.

Jay:go and pack your things.

Me:ohk cool",I went to my room and pack everything.i

will not cry,they don't deserve my tears.After that I
went downstairs.I saw some dirty guy looking at me.

Him:hey am enhle little brother

Me:as if I care",I rolled my eyes as the those one come.

Jay:looks like you are ready.Baby take your brother to

the room and prepare him a bath.We will buy clothes
for him tomorrow.
Enhle:ohk bye Luna

The driver came and took me to the flat.It was

beautiful and fancy.


Insert 24💕
Lunathi's prov

Well it was a nice flat with 5 rooms. 2 bedrooms,

lounge,kitchen and study room. I called my brother.

Him: hi

Me: brother I just wanted to tell you that I moved out.

Him:why?we had an agreement mos

Me:yeah but he chased me out and luckily he bought

me a nice flat.

Him:that's better ey.

Me:yah good night bro

Him:night bbe.

I went to the kitchen, ohh he also bought me a

grocery.I took an ice cream and went to my room.

Jabu's prov💕

I woke up and wash my face and teeth.I went to the

kitchen and made breakfast for her.By the way her
name is Bianca.I took the plate to her room and we ate

Her: thanks

Me:my pleasure
Her:I will move in with you soon.

Me:why so soon? I have to talk to my girlfriend first.

Her:am also your girlfriend.

Me:no you are not.I made a favour for you just so that
you can have a bright future.

Her:still am going to come.

Me: whatever",I wore my clothes and went out.I drove

home and I found jimmy.


Me: lunathi was here?

Jimmy:yes she was here.You should have seen her.Pain

was written all over her face. She was broken bro.

Me:but I thought she was with her family

Jimmy:she came back the day after she left.


Jimmy:you will regret it am telling you boy", he went

out.I took a deep breath and went to my room to
bath.After some time I drove to Lunathi's house.I went
to the door and knocked several times.The door
Him:how can I help you!

Me:am looking for Lunathi.

Him:for what?

Me:non of your business.

Him:you are disrespectful mfan

Me:I don't care

Him:do you know who you are taking to?

Me:yes and I don't care.You are so stupid bro.We all

know how everyone wish to be with her.But you are
slowly breaking her and you will regret it. You should
seen how broken she was.she is deep broken but she is
too strong to show all of that.I respect a girl like
her.They are the pillars of strength.You are do dump
to see that.

Him:ohh so you know her better?

Me:I ..", someone talked from behind and opened the

door widely.

I look at her and laughed.The whole enhle?

Me:dude be careful because you are preparing your

grave slowly.",I chucked and left them.

I tried calling lunathi and she answered after the

second time.

Me:ey bbe


Me:where are you because I was at your house

Her:at the mall

Me:ohk wait for me at spur.



Well let me tell you about enhle.That girl have demons

shame.she was onced Jimmy's girlfriend.They where
really in love and they where so perfect together. They
where the best couple I have ever seen.Their love was so
deep and true.She was even staying with us and one
day my grandma decided to visit.I loved that woman
and I still do.She raised us.She was kind and
caring.Well she was always complaining about how
lazy enhle is,how she she dress,her hairstyle and
everything.Enhle started to hate her.One day she
cooked for us and decided to poison my grandma but
luckily we arrived in time at the hospital and they
managed to help her.They told us that she was
poisoned.Enhle was so scared and she ran out of the
hospital.Jimmy didn't report her but decided to let her

End of flashback

Lunathi's prov

I waited for him at spur.I didn't know how to feel .He

came straight to me.

Him:ey babe",he sat down


Him:look am sorry ohk?I didn't know you came back.I

was busy with work outside the country and I didn't
want to disturb you and your family am so sorry.

Me:you should have atleast told me.

Him:I know and am sorry come I will make it up to

you.",we stood up and left.We went to the salon,clothes
shopping,spa and steers.He received a call and he
told me that he has a meeting and he called an Uber
for me.I arrived at home and smile was all over my
face.It was 6 pm.I just went to bath and watched Tv
after 3 hours I received a call from Aphiwe they
where out of the country and I guess they came back
because we have to go to the party tomorrow.

Her:ey bbe


Her:we just arrived

Me:that's great I missed you guys.

Her:we missed you too bbe.

Me: nchooow take a rest we will talk tomorrow.

Her:never bbe can we come over?


Diva N:well am not coming

Diva S:me too my parents are waiting for me.

Me:ohk guys

Diva G:make sure you have lot of lot of lot of snack

Me:ohk cool let me send my location.

Her:ohk bye",I was so happy,i sent my location and

wait for them.They arrived.

Diva L: girls such a fancy flat?

Me:stop being dramatic

Diva A:aren't you staying with your husband?

Me:no I wanted a space

Diva A: ohk show us the bathroom.

I took them upstairs and diva G and L was using

another bedroom's bathroom and Aphiwe used mine.I
went downstairs to prepare the snacks and took them
to the study room.I shifted the table and chairs.I
placed the snacks on the mat and light candles.I then
switch off the light.I went back to them and took them
to the study room.

Gabriella:wow girl

Me:well just a small thing.

We sat down.
Me:ohk let's hold each other.Ohk am going to pray
and you are going to follow all the prayer's rules.

Diva L:ohk before you pray make me understand.

Me:well we are going to bottle up all our hidden secret

Aphiwe:ohk cool I long wanted someone to talk to.

Me:ohk now close your eyes.Father here we are as your

children.Help us to bottle all our sorrows and let
anyone talk the truth without hiding it Amen.


Gabriella:you are not a prayer fan neh?

Me: yeah",the all laughed.

Aphiwe:I will start.",she took a deep breath suddenly

her face changed.

Me:it's ohk A you can do this.

Aphiwe:well we were one happy family.My father was a

lovely person with a good heart.He was an officer and
my mom was just a housewife.My father used to give
me money and he gave me a nickname "simphiwe" i
loved that name and I still love it",she smiled" time
went by and my father had a lung cancer and
unfortunately it has already spread all over his body
that broke my mother,i was only 8 years I didn't know
anything but I knew that my dad is sick."tears
streamed down and I gave her a tissue" well after 2
months he died.2 years was good for us until my dad's
money run out.We were very poor and my mom
decided to sell the house.we were left with the car and
we drove back to the village but they chased us out.We
went to buy a house.It was RDP house.My mom
started having an affair with some man.He took us in
and gladly my mom didn't sell our old house.We
stayed with him for about 6 years that was when i was
16.My mom found a job and that kept her very
busy.My step father made me her..her..her wife"she
broke down and we comforted her" well I could tell my
mom because if I do he was going to kill her.The thing
continue and I started to loose wait but my mom
didn't notice.Gladly I was not dropping at school.One
day when my mom come back from work,she came
back early.She saw everything,i saw her but I told her
to shut up using my hands.My step father didn't see
her.My mother was full with anger and tears coming
down to her cheeks.I guess she called the police and
they found him still busy with him.I was in my matric
that time.I attended therapy but it didn't help.Untill I
managed to suppress the old memories but sometimes
I am having nightmares.Thats my life story",we where
all in tears.I thought am the one who is through shitt
but no am not.



. Jay's prov

This days my things are just missing just like that.I

have been quite for so long and today my expensive
watch is missing.I know that enhle's bro is stealing my
things.What was I thinking? bringing someone who is
abandoned by his family in my house? God hold me.I
don't want to lie I miss lunathi so bad.I went
downstairs and we ate.I kept my eyes to this boy but
everytime he looks at me he quickly look down.I will fix

Me:bbe where is my watch?",she was busy clearing the


Her:it was on top of the cupboard.

Me:it is not there.",the boy went upstairs I think he is

going to sleep.

Her:I don't know keh.Go to sleep I will look for it

tomorrow.",I went upstairs and went to his room

Me:when I wake up i want to find it where it was.Hear

me?",he nod"goodnight."I went out to Sleep.

Lunathi's prov

We where still comforting her.I must say people go

through shit.Life taught me to be independent and I
will just do that.Am so tired of relying to anyone.I
want to leave south African and start my life afresh.I
know that there people who care about me but I have
no choice but to leave.I will wait till this year so that I
can get my result and start afresh.

Diva G:ohk I will follow.When I was young 8 years old

my parents died in a car accident.I had to go to live
with my aunty.She is an independent lady,she don't
have children nor man.She spoiled me rotten at school
they all knew that am so rich.One of the bad was that
my aunt started...I don't know how to say this but she
was forcing me to lick her all over the body"ewe" I
know it's disgusting but I had no choice because all of
my family member hated me and my mom.Well
everything continued and it started to get into my
head.I was so angry and I started paying girls in the
toilet to lick them and they were also licking me.Mind
you I was 15 by that time.One day before my aunt sold
my parents house I went to my father's secret room.Yes
I knew the password.I entered and took all the photos
we had and his diary and I opened his save I took all
money and guns.I went back and she was not back
from the work.I packed my bags and told my self that
tomorrow am leaving.After I was done I hide them in
my closet and went to take a shower.When I stepped
out of the door.She was on my bed naked,as she saw
me she opened her legs widely and I went to do the
usual and this time she came with a rubber dick.She
directed me and told me what to do. I did it and she
was smiling and moaning.She left my room after
everything.I went to shower and slept.Morning came
and I went to prepare breakfast we ate and she left.I
wore my clothes and left a letter telling me how she
has damaged me.I went to the bus stop and came here
in durban and asked some guy he was on his 20 and I
was 15.I bought apartment but in his name. Applied
for school,we dated till he left the country.I loved that
nigga so much.Now here I am grown up.

Me:wow u didn't know even white people go through

Diva L: right?",we all laughed

Me:so you how did you deal with it?

Diva G:went to see a shrink and I must say it helped


Diva A:sorry bbe

Diva G:its nothing compared to yours bbe.He deserve

a painful death.

Me:true",they all looked at me.

Diva L:tell me you are joking.

Me:am not guys.You clearly don't know me neh? I

guess you need to learn more about me", they looked
at me and giggled.

Diva L:guys I don't have a lot to say but I need your

help.I don't know my parents,yes I don't", she shed a
tears", I really need your help please.I was raised by
some women and she told me about how they took my
parents away from me and my mom gave her me.It
was all because where they took her they don't want
children and she didn't want them to kill me.But why
don't she look out for me? I don't want to lie everyday
am sleeping with a broken heart.Well the lady died
when I was 17 and that's when I went to live at
orphans but now am free.I really need your help
please",she broke down which made us also broke
down.It was about 7 min,no one said anything.

Diva L:am so sorry guys.Luna tell us your story",she

acted strong but I saw hurt in her eyes.

Me:ohk guys back there at home I have my both

parents,sister and brother.I must say we are wealthy
family.Last year my parents sold me to some royal

Diva G:what??sorry I know that it's not good to

disturb but jeez.

Me:it's cool.Well at first I didn't want to but I had

to.My maids was so sad that am leaving them.

Diva A:your maids?

Me: yeah I had two maids of my own.

Diva G:you are rich shame.

Me:yeah the mother in law acted like she love me but

after the wedding everything changed.The traditional
healer told me that the worst are still coming.Ok I
moved here and my so called husband started inviting
her girlfriend and we end up leaving with her.I was a
maid in my own house.I had to watch them teasing me
and making love in front of me.The worst thing that
happened is that her mother supported their
wedding.They are married but people don't know.I
went back home and I confronted my parents about
how they messed my life.I left that night.I called my
best friends and they told me that they at the club they
can't help me ohk.I went to the park and slept there
the following day I went to book at home and spend
the day there and came back here.I went to my bf's
house and I found his brother.I lived there for a week
and still he was not back.I had to go to my house and
the "husband" chased me out and took me in this flat
because am making them to suffocate.Here I am and I
have a little secret.

Diva G: ohk?

Me:am leaving south African after my December


Divas:you what??!!?


Diva A:where will you go?

Me:I will figure out.

Diva G:what about us?.

Me:guys am sorry but ....

Diva L:no Luna you can't do that.

Me:am dog serious.

Week later.

Jay has been visiting me non stop.My parents are

blowing my phone yooh am so annoyed.Anyway I went
to spur to meet the crew.I called an Uber and left.I
found them. Nolutu is still acting weird and I don't

Diva A: running aways from jay?

Me:yeah he will be in my flat in about 20 min.

Diva L:yooh mogirl when will you stop?

Me:I will not. ", They laughed and we ordered.

Nolutu:guys my mom want to speak to me and it's


Diva A:ohk go bbe",she left

We went out of the spur and went to but my grocery.

Sonto: today we will just chill at your flat

Aphiwe:good idea

Me:yooh my food.",they laughed. we drove to my flat

using Gabriella's car.We packed and took out the
plastic.The door was not locked! Am going to kill Jay
so bad.When we opened we saw....... Nolutu was on top
of Jay.

Me:oh my goodness.

Nolutu:guys uhm..

Jay: Luna it's not what you think

Me:leave Jay", he wore his clothes and left.

G: Nolutu how could you.",I went to lock the door.

Me:look Nolutu I know you don't like me but don't

disrespect me like that." I was so calm

Nolutu:all I know is that he dont love you bitch.

Aphiwe: Nolutu you.....

Me:leave her to me.Ohk look her bitch am not going to

beat you up because you slept with him am going to
beat you because you disrespected me.Making love in
my house and in my couch.",I slapped her and she
slapped me back.I was angry.I beat her so bad that
Aphiwe separate us.
Me:you are full of yourself.And don't I hope that we
won't came across each other.", We throw her out still
naked and people too video.

Lwandle:I didn't know you are that crazy'',i chucked.

Me:it's nothing major now let me clean up here and

you can use the kitchen.

It's been 3 days that haven't heard from jay.Today my

brother is coming so am so happy guys.I rolled happly
out if bed.Went to take a bath,these days am always
tired.School is so tiring and I really miss my bf
jabu.Ohh god he is always complaining that am no
longer there for him.And guys back in the castle I
need to attend the gala.I want to look so beautiful
when I get there.I started cooking after bathing.Am
cooking my brother's meal.After cooking I went
downstairs to take a quick shower and wore my blue
jean, white long sleeve T-shirt together with my
sleepers.I am just simple yet cute.My hair was tied in a
messy ponytail.I heard a knock and quickly ran
downstairs to open only to find enhle on the door.

Me:how can I help you?

Her: aren't you going to invite me in?

Me:what do you want?

Her:am here to tell you one thing wife sister.Stay the

hell out of Jay's life.

Me:ohh are you warning me or something?

Her:yes am warning you", she was on her bad

attitude.This girl have nerves shame

Me:ohk wife sister listen.Did he tell you that he is

visiting me everyday?",I chucked at her reaction.

Her:well watch yourself sweetheart am coming for you

bitch.",she left me laughing.This girl is so crazy, I
closed the door and another knock followed.I went to
open only to find lwandle and Gabrielle.

Me:ey guys.

Diva G:hey bbe",I have them hugs

Me:what a lovely surprise

Diva L:let's go out to watch movies.

Me: actually am expecting someone",they looked each

other then back to me.

Diva L:you what?

Me:yeah my brother will be here so you guys can join


Diva G:I pray to God to hold me.Your brother look

good on pictures..and...

Him:and I also look more cute and hot in person",we

all turned to face him.He was so hot yeah hot.I know
he is my brother but damn he is so gud, he was with
his friend.Let me describe the guy,he was tall with a
well builded body, his lips where black but yet look
yummy, he has brown eyes good he is soo gud.

Me: brother",I attacked him with a hug.

Him:ey bbe how are you?

Me:am so good .

Him:you are gaining

Me:am happy

Him: nchooow come here", he gave me another hug

this time it was a too comfortable.

Guy:we are also here", damn his voice is to damn good.

Me: sorry ey", I gave him a hug

Bro:well this is my brother Oscar ochimbu", huh??we
all gave them a shocking face.

Me: Nigerian?

Oscar:yes my lady", can he shut the hell up because

am getting wet down there.

Me:well nice to meet you..well these are my friends

diva L and G

Bro:can you stop with the drama and tell us the full

Me:you are so annoying brother, this one is Gabrielle

and lwandle.
Bro:you look so beautiful girls.

Them: thanks

Me:I have cooked come",I lead the way .


Jay's prov

I know you hate me right now guys but do I look like I

care?? No well since that day am still sleeping with
nokwanda.She is good in bed.I pay her a lot of
money.My PA got in while I was busy with some
files.Let me tell you guys.Since I have hired her she
always wear short or rather tight things.I know that
she wants me and am going to tap that ass am telling

Her:hy sir

Me:Leo hey

Her:I just wanted to check if you don't need anything.

Me:well am still cool.You can remove those empty


Her:ohk anything else?

Me:nop am still busy.You can come back in an hour to

check me.
Her:boss people are leaving.Its knock off time

Me:are you people?


Me: exactly now leave and come back after an

hour.",she left,i can see in her eyes that she is happy.I
worked worked worked and worked.After one hour
she came.

Me:let's sit on the couch.",we went to sit there.She was

wearing a white tight dress above her knees with a
black jacket and black stilettos.The dress was short.I
won't lie she is so ugly guys but the shape is on point.
Her:sir tomorrow you have a meeting with Mr Johnson

Me:ohk I think I remember that.", I stood up and pour

us some whiskey.

Her: thank you sir", we chatted into a light

conversation and suddenly the my drink accidentally
poured her dress.

Me:am so sorry let me uhm wipe you",I went to take

tissue and wipe her but nothing was changing because
the dress is white.

Her:it's cool I have spare clothes.Do you mind

to...uhm..give me a space?
Me:never this is my office young lady you can go to
another room.

Her:this building is so big am scared", she is not lying

it's so big and scary.

Me:I guess you have no choice", she slowly took off her
jacket and then her dress.Shit her body.Her lace panty
was also wet and his bra.

Her:can you help me with the bra?

Me:xo why not.",I went behind her and took it off.My

dick suddenly poke her ass.She looked at me before
kissing me.I responded and things started hitting up.I
pushed her on the table and took my clothes off..........

We where done and ready to go home.His pussy is not

nice sis.I regret it but whatever.When I got home it was
all ready 9.I took a deep breath before getting in.

Enhle: really?Jay what's wrong with you this days?

Me:what do you mean??

Her:you love her don't you?

Me:who?! Lunathi?? Yes I do she is my first wife and I

want her back in this house.

Her:over my dead body.

Me:is this your house?

Her:our house idiot",I slapped her across the face and

went upstairs to bath and after I went to sleep.


Lunathi's prov

I must say we are having fun and Aphiwe joined

us.Am busy chatting with my jabu and the vibe Joe.

Diva G:i need a toilet.

Me:you know your way mos",we continued talking

until my brother stood up.
Bro:am going to fetch bags in the car.",he went out
and we continued talking and laughing.Diva G came
back and suddenly her phone ringed and she went



Gabriella was talking with her boyfriend who broke up

with her just like that.She was begging him but
nothing made things better.She released a sorb and
Jay head her when he was about to reach the door.He
placed the down and went where G was.
Him:ey what's wrong?

Her:my boyfriend broke up with me

Him: what!?why would he do that?

Her: apparently am not good enough for him

Him:come here you deserve better", she went to him

and Jay hugged her.

Her:am sorry

Him:it's cool let's go for a ride.

Her:xo",they went to the car it's was a black Audi

A6.They drove aways for such a distance.They found
themselves on some bush along the sideways of the
main road.He drove to some big tree and they started
talking.They fell under a comfortable silence.G kissed
him and that's how things got heated up.

"Ohh shit" that was lunathi's brother after coming.He

suddenly realized that he made her pregnant.

Him:are you on pills?

Her:yeah but today I forgot to drink them,ohh my


Him:shit is about to happen.

Her:I should have told you just that things happened


Him:it's cool it's not like I don't want the baby", he

hugged her.



Charity(Lunathi's brother)

They stayed in a there until 22:00.They drove back and

found everyone still having fun.

Luna:guys did you have to leave without telling us?

Me:am very sorry bbe your friend here was having

some problems so I took her for a drive.

Luna: ohk.

Aphiwe:am smelling love love.

We all laughed.We enjoyed until 00:00.Thats the time

we dose off.It was really good having my sister around.


Lunathi's prov

I really know that something happened between my

brother and Gabrielle but whatever they are adults.I
woke up in the morning and went to freshen up and
woke my friends up.They also freshened up and we
went downstairs to clean around and make dinner.

Oscar: morning ladies",we turned around and see a

half naked Oscar really?

Me: morning to you too can you try putting something

on please?

Aphiwe:some of us like what we see we can just watch

him all day", ohh snap she is in love with the guy?
Wow that's better after her break up with her crazy ex.

Me: lwandle will be my partner since everyone has a

partner", they all chucked.

Breakfast was ready and we settled on the table.

Lwandle:I will pray,close your eyes.God please protect

us from everything that has been poured on this food
because the hands that prepare them said am her
partner thank you amen",we all bust out of laughter.
Me:really lwandle??

Lwandle:I need to be safe aw.We all were eating until

Gabrielle stood up running upstairs.

Bro:I will check up on her", he left.

Aphiwe:this can't be


Aphiwe:I think she is pregnant.


Lwandle:am going out with my bf so see you later


Later that day.

Everyone left me alone.I thought of visiting jabu it's

been long shame.I wore my comfortable clothes and
went to the mall to buy snacks and went to jabu's
house.I knocked and some girl opened wearing a
oversize t-shirt.She looks pretty.

. Lunathi's prov


Her:ey how can I help you??

Me:am looking for jabu

Just when she was about to come jabu opened the door
widely.He was on his boxers,guys you should have
seen her reaction.

Jabu: uhm...ey..


Her:babe??jabu is this your gf that you was telling me


Jabu:can you just shut that mouth of yours.

Her:yooh girl did he tell you that he is married?

Jabu:did we sign??
Her:still we are

Jabu: lunathi can we talk??.

Me:nah it's cool",I turned around and left.

When I got home I sat down and cried.I thought I

found someone who understand me better.Whome
will be my shoulder when I needed one.Life sucks
really.Someone opened the door.I thought it was my
brother but it was Jay.

Me:and then?

Him:where you crying?

Me:what do you want!(shouting and crying)

Him:ey ey come here",he hugged me,it was warm.

Him:will you tell me what is wrong?


Him:ohk it's cool but I want you to go up there to wash

your face we are going out.

Me:no sorry I can't

Him: please?

Me:fine",I went upstairs and wash my face and wore

my leather skirt,black brallet,black puma socks,black
jordan and my slim bag.I went upstairs.

Him:wooow that's why you took your sweet time.You

look pretty

Me:come on.Thanks",I locked the door and we went to

the mall.We took pictures,went to salon for hair and
nails,spur and cinema.I really had a great day.

Me:it's getting late

Him:you know what? I love you lunathi.

Me:Jay not now

Him:look at me", I did so and he kissed me.His soft

lips god,i was missing good things.I broke it.

Me:take me home please.

Him:ohk I will do that",we got I'm the car and he

played Nicki Minaj moment for life.Damn he got a
sweet taste.We sang along ,he was taking a video and
it was fun.He dropped me off and he left.

I went in and I found jabu.I just passed him and went

to unlock the door.He followed me inside.

Jabu:am sorry I was going to tell you lunathi.I just

needed the perfect time to do that.
Insert 29🌼


🌼Sorry guys😥

Have you ever in life thought about that one person in

your life who have hurt you but felt like you need to
forgive them and give them a chance to make a
change?. Sometimes it doesn't matter how hurt you
are all you need is to forget.No one have a life that is
sweet and plain.We all have that complicated road,
somewhere it's smooth and somewhere it is very
rocky.Thats how life it is, you will never grow and
move forward if you don't fix your past.I know you all
think that am stupid but I think its time for me to
fight for my man.I am not sure how I feel about him
but I am willing to fix things with him.He was so
happy being with me and truly speaking I was also
happy.I needed to make a change in my life.I think it'd
worth it, even if it gets wrong it's cool but I know that
am not making a mistake.Let the game begin.

Enhle's prov.

I think am loosing Jay bit by bit.Its now 8 pm and he is

not yet back.I really need to make a plan to win him
back.I really need to make a quick plan, I can't loose
this never.I waited for him and after some time he

Him:ey and goodnight", I quickly stood in front of


Me:ey babe I have been waiting for you.

Him: as you can see am back

Me:where have been?

Him:I don't owe you an explanation.

Me:I need to know!!!", I half shouted

Him:you are shouting at me??..heh..

Me:sorry just tell me ohk?

Him: you want to know??", I nod " ohk ke sis i was

with lunathi.
Me:you what????!😨

Him:you heard me now move", he pushed me

Me:this will get ugly am telling you...

Him:with that you will sleep in the guest room.

I went to guest room and called his mother.

Her: enhle it's late what do you want?

Me:ma he was with lunathi, he was with her.

Her:come down babe and tell me everything.

I told her everything that happened today

Her:don't worry we will sort that bitch together, come

this weekend ohk?

Me:ohk ma thanks.

Her:ohk now sleep don't worry you have me.

With that I slept with a relieved heart.

Lunathi's prov

I woke up early and went to take a bath.My brother is

leaving today so I have to prepare something for
them.I went to the kitchen and start by breakfast.

Gabriella: morning girl

Me:ey you slept here?

Her: yeah , look am sorry for sleeping with your
brother.I was not thinking straight,i was hurt that my
bf broke up with me and....

Me: G come down.I understand ohk, am not angry at

you beside you deserve better and you two look good

Her:you are not angry? Thank you thank you!",she

jumped up and down.

Me:chill you act like a five year old child.", We giggled

and start preparing breakfast.Everything was
good.My brother left and Gabrielle was so
emotional.As for Aphiwe she was even crying.I had to
deal with two crying babies yooh.We watched movie
and Jay's phone went through.


Him:ey can we meet

Me:ohk where?

Him:I will send you the details.

Me:ohk cool.

G:going somewhere?

Me:yeah Jay is taking me out.

G:back together??

Me:not really I think I need to give him a chance.

Aphiwe:good idea now go and bath I will make up you.

G:I will find a perfect outfit for you.

Me: thanks guys.

I went to take a bath and Aphiwe make up me.I was

really cute with make up.I wore a black tight fit
dress,black high hill and black bag.Damn my mom
gave birth.Speaking of my mother I need to pay her a
visit,its been long and I will forgive them.I called an
Uber to take me there and I found him already
ordered but just a mere drink.

Me:hi", he just looked at me.He look surprised. I

cleared my throat.

Him:ohh..uhm..hi.You look amazing.

Me: thanks",I took a sit.

Him:uhm look I need a favor from you. please forgive

me for everything I have done.Its Just that me and
enhle have been together for such a long time.I need
you to understand but I love you lunathi, it's fine if
you don't love me but always know that you have a
special spot in my heart.
Me:it's cool I forgive you.I have been planning to tell
you this but I didn't know how.Well I understand that
I won't separate you and enhle and it's not by my
choice to be your wife.I also love you and I will be glad
to give us a chance.

Him: thanks you are the best.So that means you are no
longer leaving?

Me: leaving? I don't remember telling you that.

Him:shit! Am sorry I have been following you around.

Me:wow ohk am no longer leaving beside it's

November so yeah.
Him:wow ohk can we order?


We ordered and everything was so perfect.We took

pics together,he uploaded them on social media.We
bought clothes, matching outfits and shoes.

Me: it's late,tomorrow am writing so let's go

Him: yeah cool", we left and he dropped me off.

The door was not locked.I wonder who is there.

Me:guys you are still here?

G:yes we saw your videos and pictures on Instagram

you where flame mgani

Me: thanks do you guys know that we are writing


Aphiwe:yeah we fetched our staff so we will be staying

here for a week.

Me:my food god.

G: speaking of food let's see what you have.

We ate and went to sleep .

Insert 30🌼


Fast forward it was Thursday and on Saturday it is ma

lunathi's birthday.She is so worried that her last born
will not make it after what happened.She went
through the pictures of them in her birthday.They
were one of the happiest family.Tears rolled down her
eyes and she wiped them.

The door opened and her husband got in and sat on

the bed.

Him:don't worry I know that she will come.

Luna'mom:I doubt,that child is so broken because of

us.Mostly because of you.I told you it was a bad idea
and what did you do?

Him:kahle sthandwa Sam.look am...

Her: save it", she stormed out and went to the kitchen
to make a breakfast.After she called her husband and
they ate with silence.They left for work.

Enhle's prov

Hi hi guys why do you hate me so much? Look I don't

even care.Tomorrow am going to PE to my mother in
law we have to figure out something very fast.

Jay:hi enhle

Me:ey you are happy.

Jay:am always happy this days.I have been missing all

of this.If I knew at the beginning eish

Me:ohk tomorrow am going to see my cousin I will be

back on Sunday.

Jay:take your brother with you and when you come

back you should start job hunting.

Me:what?? Jay I can't work for someone.

Jay:you don't want to work for someone but yet you

don't do anything to be your own boss.

Me: I will ask your mother to give me money.I want to

open a coffee shop

Jay: great idea I will also contribute.

Me:ohk thanks
Jay:before I forget am going to a wedding this

Me:oh ok

Jay: but I will leave on Saturday morning.

Me:ohk where?

Jay: Johannesburg

Me:great let me go and pack my things.

Jay:and your brother's things

Me:ohh yeah.

Lunathi's prov
Tomorrow am spending a night at Jay's house.Yey🌼 I
think I will try something new yaboh guys.Something
so sexy, my friends are having the good time of their
life and Mina here I am yooh.

Me:guys am leaving you konje I have been waiting for


G: coming", we are going for a shopping.I want to buy

my mother something for her birthday,i want it to be a
surprise.We went out.I bought her chocolates because
she says chocolate give peace and uplift someone's
mood, I also bought her female suit she loves them
very much.Grabrielle bought her set of dishes and
Aphiwe bought her some expensive toiletries.I don't
if my it's enough but let hope so.There is one last thing
I need to do,to call my brother to join us.We went to
steers and ordered.

Me:G I need your favour.


Me:can you convince my brother to come? Please it

will be fun.


Me:call him
She dialed his number and he picked up at the third

G:hi bbe


G:am gud and the baby is good too


G:yeah am babe


G: can you please come here tomorrow even in mid


G: please babe we are going to attend your mother's



G: no they don't know she is coming but she want to

please bbe.


G: thank you see you tomorrow.I love you

He dropped the call.

G:good news he agreed

Me:yeah atleast

Aphiwe:come remember you are going to Jay



Aphiwe:we should buy you something sexy.

G:yeah good idea



🌼Well fast forward it was Friday,my mood is all over

the place.Am happy about everything,about my
mom,my brother finally coming to spend a special day
with us,my supportive friends and lastly my man.😔 I
even forgot that I had my childhood friend just
because of the way they are treating me.I still love
them but I also have pride like them that don't allow
me to talk to them.I know one day they will need me
and very badly.I took them as my sisters but look at us
now neglecting each other.And my monster in law is
hating me without any reason.It is true that not
everyone will love you.No Matter how good hearted
person you are.Thats why I wanted to start my life
somewhere but there are people who still need me
more than I need them.Yah neh life can show you
flames.I even forgot about my guardian angel and am
not afraid of calling her, am selfish I know but it is
what it is.

I snapped out of my mind realizing that am going to

be late for my class. I walked to my bathroom and do
my business. I did everything and wore my white tight
fit dress above my knees,white hill boots and white
jacket.Did my hair and took my book bag,phone and
went to the kitchen and took my breakfast.

G:no good morning?

Me:am sorry haw

Aphiwe:you must be happy for today hee.?

Me:well yeah but it's bit cold outside.

G: perfect whether", I just rolled my eyes and ate.

Aphiwe:are tsamayeng retlo latelwa(let's go we will be


Me:lwena ka sepedi sago(you and your sepedi

language)", well guy as I told you I know sepedi but
not deeply so.

G:you sound do funny Luna.

Me: whatever let's go.", We went out and called an

Uber and it took us to the school.We separated and
went to our classes.Someone touched my shoulder.

Me:ey", his smile was so cute,with several gold tooth.He
smell so rich.

Him:am SBI

Me:am lunathi

Sbu:I always wanted to talk to you.

Me:ohh ohk

Sbu:yeah can we meet at m&t during lunch? Lunch on


Me:I will never say no to food.

Sbu:ohk what should I order because I know you will

arrive lil late?

Me: velvet muffins and the drink you will decide.

Sbu:ohk cool", the lecture got in and the lesson

started.Sbu was busy looking at me blushing.I admit
he has a very beautiful smile and he is cute.He has a
chocolate skin which makes him more cute,with a
hunk body nyana.Not tall but medium.we attended
more three classes and it was lunch.I found G and
Aphiwe waiting for me.

Me:guys I won't be able to have lunch with you.

Aphiwe:and then!
Me:am going with sbu.

G: sbu!?

Me:I will tell you when I come back.", I left them and
went to m&t.

Sbu:you came.


Sbu:you are so cute ey

Me: thanks.


Jay's prov
"The meeting is over" I said that going to my office.Am
so excited about today yaz.Leo got in.

Leo:sir you have another meet in less than 45 min with

Mr chunkwe.

Me:cancel every meeting for today.

Leo:sir I..

Me:you what!!!!!!? Don't piss me off wena am wife is

waiting for me and here you are telling me "sir I." You
want me to fuck you?

Leo: uhmm people will hear us.

Me:go to my bathroom I am coming.", She left such a
slut.I closed my office door and went straight to my
bathroom.I found her playing with it..I roughly kissed
her and.......................

I checked the time and it was already 2 .

Me:I have to go clean yourself.", I quickly took my

things and went home to freshen up.I drove straight to
Lunathi's flat.

I knocked

G:ohh hi Mr Smith

Me: Gabrielle ey
G:come in", I went in and I met my baby so hot and

Me: you look so beautiful.

Luna: thanks let's go.Bye guys.

Aphiwe: remember about what I told you.

Luna: whatever", we left


Lunathi's prov

We went to his house.I took of the clothes I was

wearing and put on oversized T-SHIRT and
legging.Jay also wore a summer short and vest.We
cooked together, it was really good being around
him.We ate and washed the dishes.We chase each
other around.He danced for me and we played games
in play room .

Me:I need to freshen up.

Him:me too

Me:ohk let's watch movies after

Him:ohk cool", I went to my room and bathed.I wore

my lingerie and put a gown on top.It was really cold
and just small droplets of rain.I found him on his
boxers and vest.

Me:it's cold why are wearing that?.

Him:come on am a man.

Me:ohk man you will get cold

Him:don't worry i have something to make the room

hot.", He switched on wall heaters.We watched movie
and it was getting hot for me because am wearing a
very heavy gown.

Him: babe you are sweating take the gown off.

Me:no it's cool

Him:what are you wearing inside?

Me:nothing that's why I don't want to take it off.

Him:let me see key

Me:no ", he came to me and we started to fight but not

a serious one.He managed to take it off and he was
shocked,he gave me a dirty eyes,bedroom eyes.I
chucked and look down.He lifted my face.

Him:you are ready for me?

Me:yeah I am

Him:are you sure!? I don't you to do it because you feel

like you owe me.

Me:I am ready", I kissed him and he kissed me

back.We went to my bedroom because I can't go to
where he was busy with another woman.He kissed me
so passionate it was full of love.Butterflies all over
my stomach.This started heating up.He took off my
lingerie and kissed me all over.God hold me I have
never experienced this shame.He went down my
princess and that's where real fun was.I moaned his
name, he stopped and ask me if am ready.I said yes
and he fingered me with one finger then two fingers.It
was little painful but good though. He made me feel
good.He took off her clothes.I jumped out of bed
looking at his thing.

Me:it that even real?

Him: come on it's just a dick.

Me:am about to die Lord let your will be done",he

giggled and we continued......................................

After our session Jay prepared a bubble bath for
me.Am not going to lie but it is hot down there. I can't
even walk properly, how will my mom look at me
tomorrow? Aii yooh. He picked me up and put me
inside the bath.

I was done after some minutes.I wore my long PJ

because the rain was raining very seriously.

Him:I booked plane ticket

Me:when are we living?

Him: I think at 10 because we will be using

plane.Beside it's not that far.
Me:ohk let me call my girls keh", I took my phone and
called Aphiwe.



Her:I hope you are able to walk keh mgirl", such


Me:I just wanted to tell you guys that we bought

ticket.We are living at 10 am.

Her:ohk cool let me get some

Me:from who?
Her:ohh your brother and his friend has arrived so
chio",she dropped the phone.

Him:I think we should just sleep.

Me: yeah good night bbe.

Him:good night kiss?

Me:no thank you.




Lunathi's mother kept on crying.She is afraid that this
time around she won't be able to spend her special day
with her two children.She don't have anything

L'father: my dear it will be ohk. Remember how

lunathi left here?she was angry at us. And our only
son is a rebel, he dont want to marry or take care of
our company. The only person we have right now is
their sister. I have failed as a father.

L'mother: am just so broken. My two babies are no

longer want anything to do with us.
L'FATHER: let's sleep what I promise is that am going
to make your day good and enjoyable.

L'MOTHER: thank you", she kissed him and they


The morning came.When she woke up.Her husband

was not beside her.She just woke up and went to take a
shower.She wore a simple dress and went to the
kitchen.Het husband and her daughter left a note
saying that they are at work.She immediately lost
apatite.She connected a speaker and played gospel
songs and do a spring cleaning.


After cleaning up she took a nap on the sofa.Her first

daughter came in holding present bags.She shook her
mother and that made her jump.

Mother: ohh it's you.

Nolwazi: yes it's me.Why are you sleeping on sofa?

Her:am so tired, I did a little cleaning here and there.

Nolwazi: I want you to go up there and take a bath we

are going out.

Her:you are taking me out?," Her daughter

nodded.You could see that she was so happy and

Nolwazi: now go go go..

Her:ohk ohk miss am going", she went upstairs to take

a bath.She called her daughter because she don't know
what to wear.
Her: my girl I don't really know what to wear.

Nolwazi:don't worry I got you mother the dearest.

Her: I feel so special.

Nolwazi: you are special mom.I might not always be

there for you but you are special to me.You are the
definition of true love, you are the piller of the
strength.I am so lucky to have a mother like
you.People are out there wishing to have mother who
support them and help them to fight against the

Her mother was so touched by those words.Tears of joy

running out, she felt like a mother again.She gained
that trust of being a good mother. Atleast one of her
children still value her and see a good person in her.

Her: thank you my baby, those words mean a lot to


Nolwazi: ohk now let's make you a queen you are.

She firstly fixed a make up for her.The make-up was

not that much but yet beautiful. She seems so young
and so beautiful like she is.Nolwazi gave her mother a
black dress with little sparkles.With black stilettos, the
chain and earings was screaming diamond.She was
looking beautiful as ever.

Nolwazi: i think we are ready to go.

Her: where are we going?

Nolwazi: don't worry you will see let's go," they went to
the garden and took pictures.I placed them on
WhatsApp,Twittet and Instagram. Our driver came
and we got in the car. We drove to one of the expensive
restaurant.My father booked the whole restaurant. My
husband was also there. We got in and the waiter led
my mom in one of the romantic table.I took a sit at
table two where my husband was. I looked at my
father and my mother.Really god can match ey.

On the other side.

The plane landed and they got off.They drove to town

to buy balloons, snacks and other things.They bought
one of the biggest cake.That worth about 3500.

Lunathi: we have only 2 hours to get ready.They are at

the restaurant.

Aphiwe: we better hurry up keh.",they drove to the

house.Lunathi used her key to get in.They set up
everything, that took them 45 minutes to do so.They
went upstairs to freshen up.Everyone was ready and
they sat down waiting for them to arrive.They waited
and waited.As they were about to give up the car
parked outside. They took positions.


Mother: thank you for making this day to feel so


Husband: anything for you ma babe.", They sheared


Nolwazi: get a room guys", they giggled and approach

the door.Nolwazi tried to unlock the door but it was
not locked.
Nolwazi:the door is not closed.

Mother: ohh what if they??...

Husband: no let's get in

Nolwazi's hus: let's get it, I will go first."., He got in and

he just froze

Mother: what is it? ", She opened the door widely and
there was a loud noise. SURPRISE!!!!
🌼🌼❤️❤️❤️She just froze and looked at
everything.She felt like she was dreaming.Everything
around her closed, she was on her own world.Everyone
tried to call up her name but dololo.Her husband
shook her but she just froze.He shook her so hard
until she came back.She sat down and cried so loudly,
that broke everyone.She have never thought that her
son will ever come and celebrate with them.They
comforted her and she hugged everyone.Her face was
full of happiness.They sat down and the cake was cut.

Luna: mom I know you didn't expect me and I

understand. Am sorry for what I did the other day.Life
was not good for me. It was heavy for me to carry
and I decided to blame you for everything but from
now on I will fight for my life and face my demons.
Mother: we are so sorry my daughter.

Luna: it's cool

Nolwazi's hus: you have grown up ey.

Luna: ohh buti",she rolled her eyes.

Brother:mom, dad and you my sister am so sorry for

neglecting you.Well you know my reasons.

Mom: all we wanted was for you to have a better life.

Dad: yeah you are not getting any younger.

Bro: in that case I want to tell you something. Uhm ad

you can see we are with people you might not know.

Bro: here I have lunathi's friends Aphiwe and

Gabrielle.And my man Oscar he has been a brother to
me for such long time.

Dad: you are welcome my children.You have a taste

when coming to.friends lunathi.

Mother: I will kill someone here", they all laughed out.

Bro: no.need ey", he took a deep breath." Dad ,mom I

want to tell you that I have impregnated someone.

Mother: my boy has grown atleast.Who is that special

person who I will spoil everyday.
Bro: uhm here is my wife to be.", He pointed Gabrielle
who was looking down.

His dad stood up and clap hands for him.Then

everyone followed.

Mother: my daughter please just make sure that he

doesn't slip out of your hands.He was bitten by a
rabbit this one", everyone laughed.

Dad: I can see in your eyes that you will make a good
wife.We need to take her as soon as possible.The baby
can't be born out of the wedding.

Mother: yeah you got it.

Dad: as for you Jay we really need to talk so seriously.

Jay: yes sir", to be honest he was scared.

Nolwazi:lunathi where are your other friends?

Luna: you have no idea they abandon me.I was hurt

but now I have everything that I need.They have filled
all the fans and they will always be there in my life.

Aphiwe: nchoow it's time for present.

Mother: present for me?

Aphiwe: yes mother.", They gave her all the present

and she was so excited.He thanked them.
Jay: one more thing here", he gave his mother in law
an envelope.

Mother: thanks mtanam", she opened it and she was

so so speechless.

Nolwazi:what is it?

Mother: a whole week at any place me and my

husband like??

Dad: what? Atleast I will have you all to me",

everyone giggled.

Oscar: one more thing here", he hand it to the father.

Dad: my god this kids want to kill us.A weekend at
one of the biggest hotel in Mozambique.

Mother: this is too much my children.

Gabriella: here from me.

Mother: my god a full body massage? Thank you my


Gabriella: it is a pleasure mother", she smiled missing

her mom.She dropped tears.

Bro: babe are you ok?

Gabriella: yeah I am.Your mother remind me of my

mom.", She looked down.

Mother: ohh god", she went to hug her.She felt the love
and she smiled.

Gabriella: thank you😊

Mother: you are my daughter ohk?", She nod

Luna: here from me.

Mother: bawe futhi?", She opened it and made some

dance moves.

Dad: what is it? Am jealous.

Mother: a month treatment at any salon.Thank you

my baby.

Aphiwe: here from my heart.

Mother: shopping here I come', giggled followed.

Bro: ohk and here from me.

Dad: yooh my god." The wife opened it and she stood

up and jumped up and down.It was a car key, the car
she always dreamed of.Not that she can't buy it but
she wanted to save money for it.She ran to the garage
and everyone followed and congratulated her.

Mother: thank you so much this mean a lot to me.

Bro: you always wanted it.",

Mother: group hug?", They group hugged.

Insert 34❤️🌼

After 2 weeks

Lunathi and Jay where still in love with each other.

Their life was so great, people praised them."The best
couple of the year" that really made enhle more
furious plus Jay was no longer giving her attention.

In craspy's restaurant

Lunathi: my baby is growing ey.

Gabriella: yeah but he really makes me eat a lot.

Lunathi: good thing a baby must eat mgani

Aphiwe: what do you know about a baby?

Gabriella: my words girl.

Lunathi: I just know aw

Aphiwe: you have to make a baby for Jay.

Lunathi: never guys yooh.I am left with 3 years to
graduate.So I can't manage.Wena Gabrielle you are
better because you are graduating this year.

Gabriella: only 1 month left.Then am done.I want to

open my own boutique, hotel and I will need models

Aphiwe: am in bbe

Lunathi: am also in aw", they laughed and ate their


Jay's prov

Me: this meeting is over, thank you.", everyone left.

Receptionist: sir there is someone looking for you.

Me: send that person to my office sindi.

Sindi: ohk sir", I went to my office and waited for that

person.The door opened and my mother got in.I don't
like the face she is having right now.

Ma: Jay you are starting to annoy me really.

Me: hello to you mother.You can sit down", she sat

down and looked at me before talking.

Ma: enhle is needing you right now and you are busy
with that stupid girl.
Me: stop! Stop calling her stupid girl aren't you the
one who arranged a marriage for me? It was you, this
all you wanted.So that you can treat her like a slave?
You are old enough mother.Stop all of this!!!", It was
my first time shouting at her like this.

Ma: ohh you are shouting? Heeeh look it was not my

idea but your father's idea.Those people sold their
daughter for them to get shares in some of our
businesses.Theur business is growing because they
have all our support.

Me: so what? You know what get out of my office. You

don't deserve my words right now mother please.", She
stood up and opened the door but before she get out
she looked at me.

Ma: know that I rather die to let that girl take over
what we have worked for.", the she left me shocked.I
wonder what she is planning.

Khanyi's prov

Well you guys know me. Am Lunathi's friend. I don't

know why these days she has distanced herself from
us.Since she got married to a rich Prince she has
changed.Reallu money can change people.
Nhlanhla: you know lunathi has turned her back
against us guys.

Me: did you see her pictures and statuses?

Cloe: I don't think she just turned her buck on us.I

think there is a reason for that.

Me: which reason ? She also left our group and you
call that nothing? Haiboh sis

Cloe:guys let's call her and talk to her.

Nhla: haiboh sis count us out.If you dare to then we

are not your friends.
Cloe: ohk ke guys

Me: guys my boyfriend was thinking that we should

just go to Durban just to get some fresh air.

Nhla: good idea. So did he tell our boyfriends?

Me: I think so. We need to go out for a shopping

Cloe: we will shop there.We have lot of clothes.

Me: ohk yeah yeah.

Cloe: when are we going?

Me: Friday after our last paper.

Nhla: yeeey durban here we come.

We went to the nearest tuck shop to get bunny chow.

Enhle's prov

Me: babe I was thinking

Jay: ohk?

Enhle: how about we go out for the weekend?

Jay: I can't

Me: you can't or you won't?

Jay: I don't have time for this please.

Me: ohk am going out with my friend tonight.

Jay: come here first.

Me: I like the sound of that.

After 3 hours of good time with my husband.I took a

bath.I wore black leather dress above my knee.It fit me
very nicely.With black hill leather boots.I took my
bag,phone and money and let my hair loose.Did a
make and there.

Me: bbe am out

Jay: ohk bye, come back please.

Me: will do bye.", I went to wait for my friend at the

gate and she came and picked me up.We arrived and
it was packed and very.
We went to sit on the VIP and telling you this my
friend is selling herself for a living.We were around
men who were really loaded.

Zee:why are you quite?

Me: these men are bit scary.

Zee: come on have fun, that one on that couch is

looking at you now let's go and sit down.", We took
our drinks and went to sit down.

Me: friend I can't do this.

Zee: relax beside your husband is another girl's

husband and you are here around money playing
loyal wife? Come on.

Me: ohk.ohk fine", that man who were looking at me

came to us.

Him: ladies am Donald Jones.

Zee: hey Donald this is my friend enhle.

Don: ooh nice to meet you my lady.Can I have a

moment with you.

Me: uhm I..

Zee: sho go enhle

Me: ohk sure",we went to some table and we had fun

there.I was so drunk yooh.

Don: I think we should take this into my room

Enhle: ohh", I think its a good idea because I slept with

Jay today and I Didn't see any symptoms of being
pregnant and this is.the opportunity to frame him.

Don: yeah shall we?

Me: why not

Don: are you on morning pill or preventing?

Me: yes", I had to lie to carry on with my plan.

Don: good let's go', we went to the room not far from
here.Actually it was those expensive apartment.Let the
game begin.

Insert 36💚🖤

Luna's prov

Eyy guys tomorrow it's Christmas day.Everyone is so

happy and preparing for it.Well the king decided that
we will do it at their expensive restaurant.As for us we
will leave the elders after the dinner and hit club.I
haven't seen my angel for a long time.Tonight I have to
go and ask gogo.By the way we are in PE, even if my
mother-in-law doesn't give me a best attitude Mina I
don't care. Everyone is here my parents, sis and bro,
my two lovely friends, my bro's friend, Jay's s parents,
3 sisters,brother, even some of her aunties and uncles
and cousins.This was one of the huge family..

Mom: lunathi we are waiting for you.", I looked at my

self one last time and went out.

Aphiwe: you are slow yooh

Me: let's go and stop complaining.", Ohh well we are
going to the mall to buy the clothes for dinner.

Mom: ohk let's go ",


At the palace❤️

Gogo: xola call the queen for me.Tell her to come in my


Xola: ohk ," xola is just a body guard

Queen: I heard that you are calling me.

Gogo: haiboh you don't even greet me.

Queen: xolo mama, unjani?

Gogo: hau am good, there is something that someone

is planning to kill our future queen

Queen: future queen?

Gogo: lunathi, I can't see that person's face but she is a

female.Actually they are two.

Queen: this is strange ey, I wonder who is trying to kill

my daughter .", Oh her heart she was happy that the
seer can't see the face.

Gogo: but what I know is that one of them has a royal

blood and she will get a bad punishment from the
ancestors.A bad one, no one will be able to help her.

Queen: uhm... husband is waiting for me we

where in the middle of something.

Gogo: ohk you can go.

The queen left, she knew that if the ancestors punish

they really punish.But she told herself that she is the
queen they will forgive her.she called enhle

Enhle: ey

Queen: ey are you sleeping?

Enhle: this baby is making me lazy

Queen: ayy kahle you are carrying my grandson.",
Well Jay's mother think that it's jay's son.enhle didn't
tell her.

Enhle: what's up?

Queen: the seer know about our plan.But she don't

know that it's us, she said she can't see the faces.

Enhle: we are still save.

Queen: yeah I want you to book a flight now and come

here.I will fetch you and you will sleep in the hotel.

Enhle: right now?

Queen: yes, I will tell you full details when you have

Enhle: ohk bye let me get ready.

Queen: xap", she giggled and her husband got in.

King: is everything ready?

Queen: yeah the venue is ready.

King: ohk that's better.I had a long day come here and
give me something so good.

The queen slowly walked to him and they started to

kiss each other...............
Lunathi's prov💚

Shopping was good.We managed to buy beautiful

outfits, our nails, hair was on feel.I don't know but
am so excited about everything. I just went straight to
our room and took a shower.After that I found Jay
sitting in the edge of the bed.

Me: come on man you are dirty.

Jay: I was at the farm

Me: ew go and bath

Jay: please bath me, am so tired

Me: well....I...

Jay: haha 😂it's not like you don't know anything in

my body.

Me: ohk fine let's go", we went to our bathroom.I

undressed him, I was praying for God to hold Mr
because it's been I while since I got some.He was
always busy.He got in a bath and I started doing my
business while in our mini conversation.In no time i
was done.

Me: you will wipe yourself.

Jay: lunathi

Me: am also tired", opened the door and it led me to
our room.I sat on the bed thinking about our first
night.I found myself smiling like and idiot.

Jay: why are you smiling alone?

Me: nothing, no way go wipe yourself and wear


Jay: please wipe me my beautiful wife", that sent

butterflies in my stomach.

Me: you are lazy yooh", I went to wipe him, starting

with his big head,when I was busy wiping his legs I
accidentally touched his private part.It erected
immediately.He looked at me and smiled. He took off
my towel and I was naked.He made me look at him
and we started kissing. The best feeling ever, we went
to the bed and continue kissing.I want it inside.He got
on top of me and lick my boobs.I don't have time for a
foreplay, I took it and put it in.

Jay: lunathi can't you just wait for me😀😀

Me: I want it now please fuck me as hard as you can",

whoop! Did I really said those??well whatever.

The game begins, he started being so fast and I loved

After our session I was shaking.He wiped himself and
wore his clothes and went out.I was left alone.This feels
so good, I want us to hit it again.He came back with a
tray full of food.

Me: and then?

Jay: i told them we won't be able to join them for


Me: ayy Jay what will they think about me?

Jay: nothing now let's eat.", We ate talking and

laughing.He stood up and went out.He came back and
sat on the bed.
Jay: why are you still naked?

Me: just😊

Jay: yooh ohk", he the sweater and left with

boxer and vest.He got in and switched off the light.

Jay: good night my beautiful wife", he kissed me on the


Me: good night", I waited for him to sleep.After that I

made him sleep on his back.I slowly took off her boxer
and rubbed his d""k.It erected and I gave him a blow
job, after that I got on top of him and did my
business.I heard him groaning and I fasten up.It was
really good shame.I end up sleeping on top of him still

Morning came

I was waken by something inside me.I was going up

and down, when I opened my eyes Jay was busy.I just
smiled and follow the mo

I can see you are working too hard😁

Insert 37😊



Everyone was going up and down in the

palace.Everyone was getting ready for the day.

Luna: you know bbe I just can feel it in my blood that

something is going to happen.Something so bad.

Jay: ohh, maybe you are just imaging things bbe.

Luna: you think so?

Jay: I know so now make it snappy.", Luna made her
makeup and took a last look on the mirror.She smiled
and turned around.

Luna: how do I look?

Jay: you look yummy😁

Luna: really? 🙄

Jay: am sorry you look like my wife only.For my eyes

only.You are so cute.

Luna: I know let's go", they went to the main room.

Joseph(king): I think you are ready let's go.

Daisy(queen): yeah let's hit the road", they all went out
and drove to the venue.

Everything was cute.There was a long table that

screamed "rich".It will just be waiters and the
family.There was a soft music on the background.They
got in and took their sit.As for Lunathi and Jay they
where still outside and late as always.They finally
arrived at the door and lunathi had a sharp pain in
her heart.She paused and put her hands on her heart
side and closed her eyes.

Jay: lunathi are you alright.

Luna: yeah", the pain disappeared and they went to sit
down.The king stood up.

Joseph: my beautiful family, it is lovey to see us all

here.Spending time together as a family.We all know
that Christmas is a family day.What I want to tell you
is that thank you for taking your time to come
here.Thank you", everyone clapped hands and
everyone had their own conversation.

Daisy: lunathi daughter are you sure you are OK?

Lunathi: yeah ma am fine

Daisy:that's good, when are you planning to give us


Luna: uhm I need to put my life on a track.As soon as

am done with school.

Daisy: haiboh that's about 3 years coming.

Jay: ma we will have children when we are comfortable

with it.

Daisy: as for wena Jay, you are not getting any


Jay: ma I ...

Daisy: mmhm I can see that this girl is starting to

control you right?

Joseph: haiboh mamakhe they said they will have

children when they are ready to do so.

Daisy:I heard them but...

Joseph: No but!!!", He half shouted that, which made

everyone quite and look at them.

Daisy: I was just saying nje...

Lumka: saying what??

Daisy: that it's time for Lunathi to give us

Lumla: I am sure she will do it when she is ready.

Joseph: that is what am trying to tell her.

Luthando( Jay's lil sis): Mina am hungry.

Everyone laughed.The king called a waiter.

Joseph: you can bring the food.

Waiter: ohk sir

After some minutes the food arrived and everyone ate

in silence.Daisy was busy look at lunathi with hatred.

Luthando: sis Luna what are you studying?

Luna: medicine
Luthando: I also want to study it.Next year am going
to Cuba to study there.

Luna: it's nice ey.You will be helping me in my own

private hospital?

Luthando: why not I mean you are the best.

Karabo: lunathi has took my place.", Karabo is Jay's

brother's wife.

Luthando: aii we are having a same dreams.

Luna: what are you doing sis karabo?

Karabo: manager of some restaurant

Luna: we should have had this dinner at your

Karabo: it's fine",she left a fake smile.

Luthando: you know .....

Daisy: can't you just close that pipe of yours?

Luna: I need a fresh air", I stood up and went

outside.After that karabo came.

Karabo: bad mother in law?

Luna: yeah I don't know how you survived.

Karabo: nna mgirl akena nako yao tshamika le

mokgekolo.Keila ka mmetha ka clapa yao fixa( I don't
have time to play with an old lady,i once gave her a hot

Luna: 😂😂 you are joking right

Karabo: no I was tired of her. Just because they took

me to a poor family doesn't mean that she will Make
me a slave.

Luna: yooh you are brave ey

Karabo: trust me that one need a brave person.I bet

she is a witch shame.I am the second wife to my

Luna: what??where is the first wife?

Karabo: this is a family secret. Your mother in law was

abusing Jessie( the first wife). She was a quiet girl, who
was always obeying.She was cute and had the most
beautiful body ever.Before she died she told us that
mother in law wanted her to bewitch her husband.My
husband and ma don't get alone because of that
thing.One day we found her stabbing her countless
time.Thats when she told us those words.As a family
they didn't want the public to know this.And even
today no one knows.She had a beautiful baby girl that
looked exactly like her.She is staying with us.I can see
that you want to know that I was happy to be a second
wife.Well at first I wasn't but as soon as I get to know
Jessie everything changed.She accepted me with a gold
heart.Even now my children are saying that I love
Jessica( Jessie's daughter) than them.

Luna:✋✋ I don't even wish to be in your shoes.

Karabo: well there is nothing I can do.But am grateful

that I have a loving husband and children.

Luna: yeah right? You deserve it.

Karabo: everyone deserves love.

Luna: so what made you slap her?

Karabo: she was....

Jay: guys come inside.We are about to have desert and

opening of present.

Luna: we will finish it.

Karabo: yeah let's go.

We went inside and ate the desert.As for Gabrielle and

Aphiwe where also there.The king was busy telling us
about his children's childhood when someone got in
and called Jay name.

" Jay", we all looked and my eyes where all out...

Insert 38🌼


Aphiwe: Sonto😲 (diva S)

Luna: what are you doing here??

Sonto: I came here to tell Jay that am 7 months

pregnant.I need to be taken care of and he is busy
eating here.

Jay: you what?😲

Sonto: you heard me very well

King: Jay we'nfan

Jay: dad I don't know what she is talking about.

Sonto: don't you remember? Should I remind you?

Isn't that day lunathi beated me ??

The queen was just listening smiling.

Charity: Jay you have hurt my lil sister so much now


" And she will still be hurt", that was enhle who was
standing on the door.

Lumka: what do you mean? We all know that you are

a lier.

Enhle: wena am not here for you.

Lumka: don't talk to my sister like that. I will wipe that

make up of yours with a hot slap.Baboon

Daisy: let's hear what enhle have for us.

Lunathi's mom: you are enjoying this aren't you?

Daisy: don't get!! Please am not into you.

Luna's mom: yeey don't talk to me like that.

Daisy: or what?

Luna'mom: I will forget that you are a queen am tell

you.I will ....

Joseph: ohk enough both of you.Enhle you were

Enhle: ohh I was saying am pregnant ...

Lunathi: what?😲 ", She looked at Jay and her eyes

were full of tears.She quickly ran outside and there
was a loud car crash outside.Everyone stood up and
ran there and lunathi was there in a pool of blood.Her
mother touched her pulse and she still had it.She
touched it and screamed.His brother called an
ambulance but it was taking time.He took her and put
her at the back and rushes to the hospital.He went to
an emergency room with lunathi in his hands.The
nurses rushed to him and took lunathi.The rushed her
to ICU .

After 5 minutes the family arrived and found charity

at the benches.

Luna'mom: where is she?

Charity: they took her into the ICU

Luna'mom: my poor child", she sat down and started

crying.Her husband comforted her.

Charity: wena Jayden milokuhle smith if anything

happen to my sister you will rue the day you where
born.You will regret am telling you.
Daisy: don't blame my son.What should he do when
you precious sister don't want to give her children?

Charity: that gives him the right to cheat.?

Jay: I didn't cheat ii..", before he could finish charity

punched him.

Luna'dad: charity are you crazy?

Charity: crazy? You must be joking.Your child is I'm

there fighting for her life and you are telling me that
am crazy?? That is the reason I don't want to be
involved in this family.What kind of a father are you?
Gabriella: babe stop please😭

Charity: lunathi is not your sister right?

Gabriella: we all care for her but you need to come

down please.

Charity: you don't know what it feels to have a lil better shut the hell up.

Gabriella: charity I will not allow you to talk to me like

that never.

Charity: what will you do?😲

Luna'mom: CHARITY stop it man", Gabriella went

outside crying.Aphiwe followed her.

Aphiwe: you know he didn't mean all that right?

Gabriella: he did why should he remind me that I

don't have a family?is this how he will be when he is
angry? Reminding people about where they come

Aphiwe: wait for me I will be back.", She rushed

inside and asked Oscar to drive them to the palace for
Gabriella to rest.

Lunathi's prov🌼

Mmhm I can feel the freshness of this place.It feels so

good with a fresh air hitting my skin.I opened my eyes
and I was laying on a beautiful garden wearing white
clothes.I looked around and everyone was minding
their own business.Children playing and having fun.It
was peaceful and relaxing.I walked around until I saw
a river.I walked to it and there was two woman sitting
down facing the side of river.I walked to them and
started greeting them.They all looked at me and it was
my grandma.

Luna: grandma what is happening here? But you are

Grandma: yeah I died you are in heaven.

Luna: am dead??", I touched my self and smiled.

Grandma: why are you smiling? And no you are not

dead, you are here in order for me to guide you.

Luna: but I don't want to go back.

Grandma: you will go back.There are lot of beautiful

things that are waiting for you.

Luna: there is nothing left for me.

Grandma: there are lot of things.The first one is the

beautiful soul that you are caring.
Luna: am pregnant?

Grandma: yeah you are and it will bring joy in your


Luna: ohk I hear you but can I please stay here and
enjoy the peace? I promise I will go back please

Grandma: ohk I will let you stay here but you will go

Narrated back to the hospital😢

Dais: as for me am going home.Lets go luthando

Luthando: am waiting for sis lunathi to wake up.

Daisy:don't test me please please

Lumka: go sis we will update you.

Luthando: promise?

Lumka: yah go and rest.

Luthando: ohk bye.Ma ka' lunathi be stron

Insert 40🌼😍

After 6 years.
Jay and enhle finally got married, enhle gave bath to a
baby boy who is now 5 years.He don't look like Jay but
he look like her mother and don.Enhle named him
Donald senzo smith.Jay was supporting sonto's baby
girl because she was his.She spend a lot of time with
Jay's family. Gabriella also gave birth to a baby boy
and she has pursued her dreams.

Gabriella: this is the last shoot then you can go to have


Well she was owning a modelling company.It was the

big one and was doing good.Charity was no longer
coming to SA.His family and Gabriella since lasted
him 3 years ago.But as for Gabriella she was fine with
everything because she had everything anyone could
as for.As for Aphiwe she was married to Oscar with
two children and they where living together in Nigeria.

The truth is things at the palace was lil bit rough.Daisy

was someone else, she would go to the clubs and sleep
with different men.She has found herself another man
who makes her more happier.Lunathi's mother
became someone else, she would just be in her own
world around people.She did not accept that her baby
girl was gone.She would cry to sleep everyday which
made her husband angry.Her husband started being
a Blesser.She sleep with young girls and give them
money. Things where lil bit tough for Lunathi's
mother(andisile).She was loosing her self and her
body.She tried many shrinks but no luck.Nolwazi was
worried about her and could not tell her about what
her father do lately.She knew that she might notice but
not that deep.She even though of taking her to her
house.She had a 3 years baby girl layla.

Lunathi's prov🌼
Me: it was my pleasure to save your daughter.

Her: thank you my child.

Me: ohk let me leave", that was after doing operation.

PA: doctor jordan there is someone waiting for you in

your office.

Me: ohk thank you sappy.", I went to the office and I

found my mom sitting down with a lunch in my table.

Me: you had no idea how tired I am.

Laura:( lunathi's mom) you are doing just great.I

think it's time for you to open your own private
hospital.You are the best doctor in the whole USA.

Me: yeah right, I also need to open a hospital in South

Africa. People that comes from South Africa are many
because they don't have doctors that can save their

Laura: I don't think that's a good idea.South Africa is

not a good place for you daughter.

Me: but ma...

Laura: no but

Me: ohk let's eat ",we ate in a lite conversation.I don't

get it, everytime I speak about south Africa this
woman stand against my words.We talk about lot of
countries but when coming to South Africa we are
fighting.But whatever.

After the work, I just took my things and went to my

car.I drove straight to home am really tired.

Sharonia: mommy

Me: no running remember?

Sharonia: yeah I remember that.Anyway what do you

have for me?

Me: I come from work lil girl, where is your brother..

Sharonia: you know him, he is on his room.

Me: call him I need a massage", she went to call

him.Well I gave birth to two beautiful twins.Everyday I
try to think about the person my babies look like but
nothing comes out.But whatever I love them very

Levid: I think you should get a man to do that.My

grandson can't keep on massage you.

Shaun: I don't mind grandpa", guys can you believe

that they are only 5 years old? But their mind yooh.

Me: see dad

Levid: whatever", I sat down and my baby gave me a
massage.I went upstairs to freshen up and went to
cook dinner.

Me: food is ready", they all came downstairs to eat.

Shaun: I will pray close your eyes.Dear god thank you

for giving us this day an thanks to the days you are
still going to give us.Thank you for protecting
us.Please bless our food and the hands that prepared

Us: amen", we started to eat

Me: mom do you have any idea of who my children

look like?

Laura: uhh...yeah they look like your boyfriend.

Me: my boyfriend?

Laura: yeah he died on a car accident.

Me: ohh ohk", me a boyfriend?? This

Insert 41🌼
Abrinah jordan( lunathi)

Today it's lil bit rainy and I decided to call my boss.He

answered after the second ring.

Me: ey Mr Brown

Him: miss jordan

Me: how are you this morning?

Him: can't complain am good you

Me: am also good, I was telling you that I will not come
to work today.

Him: ohh why? You know that am counting on you.

Me: I know but I need a time off.

Him: ohk it's cool

Me: thanks bye", I woke up and did my bed and took a

shower.I went to my children's bedroom and wake
them up.

Me: wakey wakey babies.

Sharonia: mom I dreamt about someone telling me

that my people are calling me.

Me: aw baby maybe it's just a dream.

Sharonia: it felt so real

Me: it's cool baby come and hug mommy", she came
and hugged me.

Sharonia: Shaun wake up.

Shaun: one minute

Me: wake up Shaun",

Shaun: am awake mommy", he came and kissed my


Me: let's go and bath", everyone in their bedroom have

a bathroom.I bathed my babies.I like spending time
with them shame.
Shaun: mommy Joe have a father and I don't have one.

Me: uhm baby you don't have a father.

Shaun: why do you have a father?

Me: Shaun please, your father had passed away.

Shaun: I don't understand you.

Me: she is with God ohk.

Shaun: ohk ",I prepared them for school and went to

make them a breakfast.

Laura: morning bbe", she kissed my cheeks

Me: hi mommy, where is dad?

Laura: he went to work

Me: ohk sharonia bless the food.

Sharonia: ohk dear god thank you for waking us up

today.Please bless our food and the hand that
prepared them Amen.

Us: Amen

Laura: aren't you going to work?

Me: no I will be working from home

Laura: ohk ", after eating I took my children to school.

Me: Shaun come and kiss mommy

Shaun: my friend are looking at me

Me: Shaun!

Shaun: ohk ", he came and kissed me.

Sharonia: bye mommy

Me: bye babies", I went back home and started

working.It is boring yooh.i decided to take a bath and
wore blue bumshort, white long sleeve crop shirt and
fluffy flip flops.I let loose of my weave and did my
make up.I took my car keys,phone and handbag.Well I
drove one of the restaurants and sat down by the
corner.Yes I don't have friends, my parents where
always keeping me away from people.I called a waiter
and ordered

"Uhmm", I looked up and my eyes met with some


Me: ohh hy

Him: hy sorry to disturb your peace can I?

Me: sure", he unbuttoned two buttons before sitting


Him: am Santiago lubrisa

Me: am abrinah jordan

Him: I always hear more about you

Me: good thing I hope.

Him: yes " best doctor" in USA

Me: yeah yeah

Him: have you ever left the country?

Me: no

Him: how about you come with me to Russia just for a


Me: aw you think I can agree to go with stranger?

Him: haha
Me: anyway I can't I have two children

Him: I would like to meet them one day and take them

Me: ohh I see what are you doing for a living?

Him: I own every five star hotel in here, SA,Russia,Uk,

Nigeria and many more countries.

Me: that's great

Him: yeah it is.

Me: yeah

Him: so will you be available tomorrow?

Me: am taking my children out its Saturday.

Him: you take them out every Saturday?

Me: yeah I do

Him: that's great , can I have your number?

Me: xo 07********

Laura's prov🌼

Hy guys am Laura jordan. Am 52 years old.I know you

guys think am a bad person but am not.I have been
trying for a child but no luck.I had a deal with Daisy
and I got myself a beautiful soul.
Laura: I cant tell her that.

Him: you will do it.Am also her father and I love her
but she can see that everything doesn't make sense.

Laura: you know that she is my joy please don't do

that to me.

Him: always know that the truth will come out one

Laura: I know but please don't tell her.

Him: ohk let me go and fetch my grandchildren.

He went out and I sat on the couch.I love her so much

that I can't loose her.All I wanted was a child that I will
raise and be proud of. I also wanted to be a mother,
there is no good thing than being called a
mother.Look at her now, everyone knows her because
of the good work she is doing.I took her to school to
make sure she had a bright future.

As I was busy thinking about her she came in.

Abrinah: mom

Me: hy bbe where have you been?

Abrinah: out

Me: with who?

Abrinah: when will you stop being so overprotective?
Am getting tired of that really.I have children right
now but still you treat me like a child mother. You
stopped me from moving out and you also want to
control me??

Dad: abrinah that's not how you talk to your mother.

Abrinah: am tired aw. Come let's go upstairs my

babies I have something for you", she went upstairs
with her children.This is the first time talking to me
like that.

Him: and then?

Insert 42💕

Abrinah's insert

Nicky Minaj-moment for life that was my phone

ringing. Yooh at this time.I checked the time and it
was 05:00 really?
Me: hello

Him:hi beautiful

Me: uhmm who is this?

Him: dont you remember me? The guy from the


Me: ohh ey

Him: lol anyway i was checking you

Me: thats so sweet of you.

Him: can i go out with you and your children

Me: ummm
Him: please i will introduce my self as tour friend

Me: aw vele you are my friend to be

Him: who said so?

Me: me

Him: lol am your boyfriend not your boyfriend

am your fiance.

Me: my god bye i will tell you ohk.

Him: tell me now please.

Me: ohk fine

Him: dont come with your car i will pick you up.
Me: ohk bye", yooh i cant even go back to.sleep.
Anyway morning guys.

Jay's prove

Its been a year since i lost my wife.And the

traditional healer was bunned from the kingdom
for calling my mother a witch and for saying she
murdered lunathi.I know my mother was not
getting along with lunathi but killing her
never.Anyway i cant say am happy with my new
family.My old house bunned to ash nothing was left
and i had to find a new things.Enhle is very weird
this days but am happy that i have children with

Enhle: please come back to take the children out.

Me: i will take them to the park don't worry.

Enhle: ohk bye", she kissed me and i left.

Leo: morning boss you have a message from mr


Me: ohk follow me", we went to my office and sat


Leo: he said that jhe want to meet you tomorrow.

Me: tell him to come here tomorrow morning.

Leo: but its sunday

Me: arhgh ohk monday morning.

Leo: ohk anything else?

Me: yeah where is mrs devant?

Leo: sir today its Saturday its only me, you and the
new workers.

Me: ohh yeah ", what is wrong with me.

Leo: are you alright sir?

Me: yeah yeah am ohk

Leo: are you sure?", am i??

Me: well i don't know since i had kids my wife

doesn't want us to smash.😏🙄

Leo: ohj sorry

Me: yeah

Leo: how about we go to a hotel after work?

Me: you have something for me?😋😋😊

Leo: yeah", with that she left my office and i started


After work it was around 12:00

Leo: sir are you ready?

Me: sho lets go", i put my things in my suitcase and

left.We went to a hotel and checked in.

Abrinah's prov💕

You can come and fetch us" i sent a text to Santiago

"Your parents are home?"

" no silly come or i will leave"

" ohk jeez😂😄" after 10 min he came and picked u.

Sharonia: mommy who is this?

Santiago: am your mother's friend.

Shaun: mommy you have a male friend?

Me: yeah

Shaun: where are we going?

Santiago: where do you want us to go?

Shaun: i think we should go and ride horses.

Sharonia: i think playing games in eloww game

reserve is good.

Shaun: no we will start with riding horses

Sharonia: no Shaun

Shaun: yes!!!", they were making a noise

Me: ohk ohk guys Shaun i think its better if we
start with your sister's choice.Because she is over you.

Shaun: aaah mom but with just 60 seconds

Me: still she is your sister.

Shaun: ohk fine

Me: good", we bought food and went to game reserve.It

was really good and fun. We then went to ride
horses.We spent the day with so much fun. We went to
eat at steers and all of that.

Shaun: uncle Santiago can i chill with you

Him: well i dont have a problem only if your mother

Shaun: please mommmy

Me: dont give me that puppy eyes.

Shaun: please my sweet mom.

Me: ohk fine

Shaun: yeeees", he jumped up and down

Sharonia: what about me?

Shaun: you will go with mom boys to boys.

Him: dont be selfish we will go with your sister.

Me: ohk lets go its getting late.

Jay's prov

Yooh its now 8 pm.I went in and opened the door.

Enhle: jay you are full of yourself yezwa. Look at my

poor children.They have been waiting for you.

Me: enhle am sorry i got held at work

Enhle: work my foot i came with them and they told

me that you long left. Where were you?

Me: i dont have to explain myself to you.

Enhle: ohh ohk fine fine milokuhle.

I just passed her and went to take a bath and slept..

Insert 43🔥🔥


🔥few days later

Abrinah's prov
I woke up and took a bath. It's Friday today.I am really
worried about sharonia it's been while having a
nightmare.My baby can't even sleep.I went to their
room and wake them up.

Me: wakey wakey

Shaun: mom can't we skip school today

Sharonia: Shaun come on", I took them and went to

bath them.I dressed them and make food for them.

Shaun: our transport is here bye mommy

Sharonia: bye", I went to their bedroom.I cleaned up

and found a drawing book under the bed.I took it and
opened it.This is weird because there was drawing of
people who looked like they are from Royal family.I
quickly closed it and put it back.

I went to prepare myself to work.After that I left to


Mr Brown: miss jordan please come to my office as

soon as you can.

Me: ohk I will be there", I went to put my things on my

office and went to his office.

Me: am here

Mr Brown: there is this hospital in South Africa that

need someone to run it.I know this is such a short
notice but I think you are perfect for it.

Me: me?? Ohh yes yes I will go.I have been waiting for
this day to come.

Mr Brown: I will tell them that you have agreed.You

will leave in about 5 days.

Me: ohk thank you sir", I went to my house happily

but I don't think my mom will agree to this.But am old
now, i need to explore new things, but what about my

Andisile's prov
I am feeling better this days.I have already accepted
that my child is gone.I took my things and went to
work.Its have been 3 months now.

Sandra: welcome back mam

Me: thank you Sandra.

Sandra: someone have been looking for you since you


Me: ohh did she leave a message or something?

Sandra: she left this", it was a paper with contact.

Me: thank you.

I went to my office and sat down.I wonder who was.I
took my phone and made a call.

Me: hi I got your message.

Her: after so long

Me: who are you?

Her: the traditional healer.

Me: which one!?

Her: I was working for your in-laws.

Me: ohh it's you

Her: yeah please let's meet tonight.

Me: you can come to my house.

Her: ohk your husband?

Me: didn't you hear about that one? He is busy

running after young girls he has moved from our

Her: man😂😂 ohk send me your location.

Me: ohk thank you", mmhm this is weird

Abrinah's prov

Laura: tell us that good news we have been waiting.

Me: ohk well am going to SA.

Laura: you what??😲

Me: am going to SA mom and going to own a hospital.

Laura: you are not going there

Me: I am going there.An 27 years old mother I can

make my own decisions.

Laura: abrinah!!!

Me: leave me alone am going

Laura: I hope you are not taking this children with


Me: for this year

Laura: eish

Insert 44🌼


In past 4 days the traditional healer went to meet

lunathi's mother.She told her that something big is
about to happen.She knew that lunathi was alive but
she wanted her family to found out for themselves.She
only told ma'ka lunathi that something big and
shocking is about to happen.

At the other side

Abrinah was preparing herself.Things has been

awkward between her and Laura.Sharonia was
starting to dream scary things, she would dream a
village like burning people running all over asking for
help, some crying because they lost their loved
ones.It awkward because of course abrinah's parents
knew what was going on.Laura tried to call the queen
but it seems like she lost the phone she was using.

Abrinah's prov❤️

I am so happy today that I will be out if this country

and I am also happy that Santiago is moving with
her.He also have a business in South Africa so why

Me: my babies am going to miss you.

Shaun: can we go with you to the airport atleast?

Me: I don't know go and ask if grandpa will take you.

Shaun: ohk I will ", he ran out and I was left with
sharonia who looked like her mind is not here.

Me: baby", she snapped

Sharonia: mommy will I be ohk?

Me: yeah I told grandma to take you someone who you

will speak with and it will help you.

Sharonia: don't forget us mommy.

Me: I will not my baby", I hugged her and she helped

me with my bags.Laura was no where to be

Me: why are you sad Shaun?

Shaun: grandpa didn't agree.

Me: it's cool let me make a phone call I am sure that he

is off to work.

Levi: I told him so but ge would listen.

Shaun: we skipped school why don't you skip work for


Levi: I can't Shaun anyway have a safe trip daughter.I

hope you will come back still the same because
miracles happen.

Me: what do you mean?

Levi: nex bye my only daughter.

Me: bye daddy", I kissed his cheeks and he left

Shaun: what about us?

Me: don't worry", I called San(Santiago)

San: hi bbe

Me: hi uhm I have a mini problem

San: don't tell me that you are no longer going.

Me: what?!😁 No am going it is just that my children

want to go with me to the airport.

San: don't worry tell them that daddy will take care
of everything.

Me: haha😀😂 ohk daddy am ready.

San: give me 20 min I will be there.

Me: ohk bye", ohh guys I forgot to tell you that me and
San we are taking things slowly.Nani ni'thanda
ezindaba ayy😂😂

Jay's prov

I am really confused right now really.My dad want me

to solve this matter and I don't know how I will do
That.He said I should do it to prove that I will be a
king soon.People's house and gardens are on fire I
don't know what to do really.

Dad: fix this matter before Friday mind you it was


Me: am so confused right now.Where are they going to


Dad: they will sleep at the hall

Me: ohk I will call the meeting", I went out and I

told .Ike to blow a horn.After 10 min people gathered.

Dad: my people my son is here to come with the

solution.You can take over", he said that referring to
Me: uhmm....I don't have a lot to tell but I think I will
solve your problems.We have a hall that will keep you
save for these coming days.

Lady1: what about our dead families? How will we

identify their bodies?

Me: there is a book here for people who losed their

families and I will hire people who will help you
identifying the bones.

Lady2: we would be happy how about food?

Me: I want names that will cook and I need men to go

and look for wood so that you can cook.
Man1: we thank you ,you are a good leader.

Me: thank you now gather urself and head to the hall",
the crowd left and I sigh😮

Dad: you did well son

Me: thank you

Abrinah's prov🌼

There was a hooter outside.

Me: let's go guys", they helped me with my bags and

we put them in the car.They hugged Santiago.My
babies love him so much shame.
Shaun: uncle what is going to happen with us?

San: I will ask my guard here to take you out until

your grandparents comes back.

Shaun: yeyyyyy", he jumped up and down.Well

Santiago came with one of his guards.We drove to the
airport.We said our goodbyes to my babies and we
left.I was so emotional guys I couldn't hold my
self.WELL HELLOW SA🌼🌼❤️❤️


Enhle's prov

Hi people I know you miss me😀😀 yes you do.Well

everything has been nothing but good for me and Jay.I
am bored all alone in this house, my baby boy is in day
care.Well yes am a housewife,i don't see myself
working shame especially for someone.I just decided
that today am going out, it has been a while shame.I
went to take a bath and did my things.I applied a
make up and wore my tight leather dress with my
black red bottom heels.I took my car keys, handbag
and left.I stopped at some salon am used to go to.

Litha: eyy girl you are so hot.

Me: you know me very well that I don't settle for less.

Litha: yes girl, what can I do for you today?

Me: nails girl", well he is a gay.

Litha: ohk let me go and fetch them.

Girl: litha am running late finish my hair first

Litha: haiboh girl don't you see who just stepped in?

Girl: I can see but it has nothing to do with you

pleating my hair.

Litha: you must be crazy wena

Girl: I don't have enough time

Me: who do? Girl chill am a very busy person I need

to be somewhere.

Girl: what does that have to do with me?

Me: don't piss me

Girl: you know if it was lunathi she was going to wait

for litha to finish my hair.

Me: well keh mgirl am not lunathi.

Girl: I can see that and u will never be like her.

Me: whatever", I did my nails and paid litha double of

the amount of the nails.

Litha: thank you girl", I left and went to one of the

fancy restaurant and sat down.I ordered a milkshake
and went through my phone.Someone cleared his
throat.I looked up and met up with Donald who still
looked good.

Don: can I?
Me:sho ", he sat down

Don: you still look fresh and more than before.

Me: yeah how was cape town

Don: it is good and am happy that my family agreed

to settle there.

Me: that's a good thing righ?

Don: yeah", he called a waiter and ordered lemon


Me: so what brings you here?

Don:you of course.
Me: me?", I hope he dont know about the baby.

Don: actually you and our son

Me: your what?!😯

Don: my son

Me: how did you know?

Don: it was a secret??

Me: kind of

Don: well I know and i want to see him tomorrow.

Me: that won't happen.

Don: you will make it happen or I will come and take


Me: ohk I will bring him.

Don: at my house.


Santiago's prov🌼

Hi guys well you all know my name.Am 30 yes 30 years

but I bet you will say am still 24.Guys I know you
wonder if I love abrinah and yes I love her but my
problem is that I have a wife at home and baby girl
who is 8 years old.I stay in Russia and my culture
don't allow me to marry someone who is not from
Russia.I didn't tell abrinah about this before but I
promise you that I will tell her as soon as I am free to
do so.Well now we are still heading to SA.I have a
house there in cape town and fair enough abrinah will
be owning on of cape town's biggest hospital.Am
happy for her and I will help her through this.

Me: are you still fine?

Her: yeah I just can't wait to get there.

Me: we still have about 8 hours..

Her: yooh am so tired you.

Me: tell me about your childhood

Her: truly speaking I don't remember anything which
is shocking as hell.

Me: how is that possible?

Her: I also don't know.All I remember is me waking up

in hospital about six years ago.You know when I woke
up I was not able to recognize my own parents but
when time goes on I get used to them and I was
pregnant.And still today I don't remember the father
of my children.My parents told me that he died in a
car accident with me inside and if course I survived
and they told me that is why I woke up from hospital.
Me: does that even make sense?

Her: I also found it strange but I don't care here I am

grown up am turning 25 next month.Whay I know is
that my parents made me who I am today One of the
biggest doctor in the world.

Me: yeah right? As long as you are happy.So you were

born in November?

Her: yes 25 November

Me: ohk", I really don't get it.Hos can a person forget

about her past?just like that? Her parents know
something about this.
Next day

The plane landed and I perfectly shook abrinah.

Her: Mmmhm

Me: we have arrived let's go.", We stood up and took

our belongings and head inside.They scanned our
luggage and we went to wait for one of my guy to fetch
us.He came and fetched, well he was my friend for
about 3 years and he is a COO at my company.

Shaun: ey man", we bumped

Me: hi man meet my lady here abrinah.

Shaun: hi

Her: ey

Me: baby this is Shaun my friend here in SA.

Her: nice to meet you Shaun.My son's name.

Shaun::aw mos I will meet him when time goes on.

Her: yeah

Me: let's go",we went to the car and drove to my house.



Enhle's prov

It is Saturday of course.Today Jay is not going to work

and I don't know how am going to explain to him
about my whereabout with Larry( our son). I woke
from bed and went to the bathroom to wash my face
and teeth.I took off my night dress and went to clean
the house.After that I went to make a breakfast, I went
to Larry's room and wake him up.

Larry: morning mommy.

Me: morning baby

Larry: how did you sleep?

Me: good baby u?

Larry: I slept good", my baby has grown up shame.

Me: ohk go and bath and come down for a breakfast

Larry: ohk", he ran to the bathroom and I fixed his
bed and put his toys in a toy drawer.I went to our
room and found Jay all dressed up.

Jay: hi baby", he kissed my cheeks.

Me: ohk where are you going??

Jay: PE baby I need to fix something up.

Me: ohh that village issue?

Jay: yah today we are doing a test in order for them to

bury their families.

Me: am proud of you baby.

Jay: you sound so sexy right", I giggled and kissed him.

Larry: eww guys, mommy am ready.

Jay: your child likes to disturb yooh.

Me: aw am following you baby", we went down and sat

down, I dished for them and we blessed the food and
ate.Guys do you know that happy small family?
Laughing together and stuff? Well thats us.This is
what I was fighting for all along and here I am I won
at the beginning. They say fight for what you love.

Jay: ohk am off guys.

Larry: when will you come back?

Jay: Sunday night.

Larry: am going to miss you and am going to be


Jay: uhmm" he took 1000" be a gentleman and

take your mother out ohk?

Me: you are spoiling him

Jay: this is my son, the next Prince so why not.Anyway

bye guys", he kissed my cheeks and left.

Me: ohk let's clean up here. I need to be somewhere

with you.
Larry:ohk", we cleaned up

We went to take a bath and we wore matching

outfits.Black Jean, black redbat T-shirts, white air
forces and black Jean jackets.We wore Nike caps and I
took the keys( Jeep) and we left.


Shaun: here you go.I need to get going sharp guys.

San: bye man", we got in and went inside

Me: I really need a long bath yooh.

San: me too how about I join you?

Me: only if you won't touch me

San: but bbe

Me: you said you will wait now let's go.

We went to take a bath.An innocent one and we went

to dose off.Tomorrrow I have a long day.Mind you it
was around 13:30 when we slept.


Me: ohh my boy", we went to hug him.It was one of the

long warm hug.I have never seen in about 3 years.He
never called or anything, but am happy that her
daughter know him even in it has been ages not seeing

Him: mom am dying😁😁", L let go and looked at


Me: where were you?

Him: a long story am even afraid to go and see my


Me: she won't have a problem.She is a busy woman, I

doubt that she will do that.

Him: I will go and check her out.

Me: try to fix things with her.Explain everything to her

please son

Him: was she visiting?

Me: yeah sometimes she bring me clothes from her


Him: that's good I will check her.

Me: are you hungry?

Him: no let me get going.

Me: are you sure that you will drive to Durban?

Him: yes I will sleep at the hotel bye ma

Me: good luck with that", he kissed my cheeks and

left.My only son god.He is 39 now but not yet married,
I pray that God can make a way in his life.

Insert 47💚💓


The following day.

After fixing himself he looked at the mirrow and
smiled.Of course he was one of tge good looking
that all girls will die to have, even girls who read this
will crash him😁. Ohk enough he walked out to his
car and drove off.The music was on.He firstly drove to
spur and had his breakfast there.He also bought some
for Gabriella.He drove to her store and got in.

Clarity: ey esther

Esther: hi(the receptionist)😍how did you know my


Clarity: on your name tag.Can i see your boss?

Esther: she is in a meeting right now.

Clarity: show me her office i will wait for her.

Esther: ohk you can go through the lift and walk up

straight.The doors have names.Call me if you need

Clarity: ohk sho", such a bitch.I got on a lift and went

to wait for her in her office. It was smelling nice and
clean.I took a look at the picture that was on the table,
it was her and my daughter on a vacation. They
looked beautiful as ever.I smiled and hugged the
picture. The door open and she was with some girl.I
stood up and placed the picture down abd looked at
them.She was more beautiful than on pictures.

Gabriella: lesedi can you give us a moment.", still

looking at clarity😑

She got out and she walked to me and fold her hands.

Clarity: ey how are you.

Gabriella: am fine as you can see.Tell me what do you


Clarity: am back for you and my daughter. I

applied for a job here and they have approved me.
Gabriella: that took you 3 years to do so? Clarity your
daughter is 5 years old.She was always asking me
about you.I didnt know what to say to her.You even
failed to video call your own daughter.Who knows
what you were doing there? So just because you
came back i must accept you? No thanks but you
can come today and see your daughter.I have alot of
work to do.So please see yourself out.And thanks
for the breakfast.

Clarity: ohk send me address via WhatsApp. Can i

get a hug?
Insert 48💛

💛After few weeks later


Things has been good between her ,family and

Santiago. She has been checking out her children.

At the resturant
Shaun: you know you remind me of someone.

Abrinah: ohh really who?

Shaun: 😑 lunathi she was just a sweetheart. I loved

her like my sister.

Chichi: yeah he did i remember when we started

dating.He was very worried about her.I wanted to
meet her but she died 6 years ago.

San: sorry about that.

Shaun: its cool i moved on with it.

Chichi: yeah so when last did you see jay?

Shaun: about one year ago.I know what he did to
lunathi was not right but we are friends, we come way
to far .

Chichi: yeah i get it.

San: babe have you checked on the babies?

Abrinah: i did yesterday

Chichi : you have kids?

Shaun: yeah they do but i have never saw them.

San: they are cute shame.Babe show them.

Abrinah: ohk let me look for them........ohh yeah u will


She gave chichi a phone.chichi looked at the pictures

and looked at shaun with a questioning eyes.

Chichi: bbe can we go outside i want to talk to you

about something fast.", she placed the phone down
and they went outside.

Shaun: you didn't wait for me to look at their


Chichi: those children look exactly like jay

Shaun: what??🙄🙄
Chichi: am telling you the truth we need to find out
what is going on.

Shaun: not until i see them.You just see things wena


Chichi: am telling you the truth.Its either lunathi

faked her death or something.

Shaun: as far as i know her she wont do that babe",

chichi rolled her eyes and walked to where they
were sitting.

Chichi: uhm ... sorry about that.You have beautiful

babies really.
Abrina: thank you very much.



We enhle have been taking her chils to Don.Jay dont

even see anything because he is busy with the
situations in village.

Larry: daddy why dont you go out with us


Jay: i have been busy with something my boy.

Larry: ohk i get it and am just glad that am not bored

Jay: what do you mean??

Larry: we are always with mommy's friend.

Jay: thats better

Enhle: ey bbe", kissing him in the cheeks and her

son on the forehead.

Larry: mommy i have been telling dad about your

friend that we always with.

Enhle: ohh", this boody child.

Jay: babe let me get going.I will see you when i come
back from work.
Enhle: ohk sharp babe.", he kissed her and left.


Maybe i will drop another one late cause am using my

mom's phone💛💛❤

Insert 49💓💓

Enhle looked herself in a mirror one last time and

smiled. She looked hot and sexy with her red tight fit
dress with blings and black hills.She took her phone
and dailed her friend .

Enhle: ey babe

Lucy: hi baby i know you want something what is


Enhle: is your kidz home?

Lucy: yeah why?", she had 3 kids.A 13 years girl, 6

years boy and 1 year boy.
Enhle: i want to drop larry there

Lucy: its cool but you owe me and my children.

Enhle: its cool whatever it is.

Lucy: ohk we will be expecting him plus i long saw


Enhle: ohk xap", she hung the phone and went out .

Larry: mommy you are taking me to junior's home?

Enhle: yeah am going somewhere.

Larry: yeey yes", he was jumping up and down which

made enhle smile.Even if she dont tell about his
identity she loves him so much.

Enhle: lets get going

They drove off💓


Its has been long right guys? But there are lot of
things going on in my life.Me and jay we are friends
again because someone that i was fighting for was
gone.I was always there for him when he was a
mess.Even enhle i have accepted that she is his
wife.Well i decided to settle down with chichi, the first
person that took care of me when i came to cape town.
I love her but am not ready for marriage and all of
that. She support me with everything thats why i love
her.😚 Enough about my life, there is a case that i
really need to look into.This whole of abrinah is not
making sense.If she is lunathi why dont she remember
me? Or even jay?? I think maybe jay onced went to
America and cheated because it is impossible that a
person cannot remeber anything for about 6 year?
Maybe she is acting or something.I don't know
where i will start but i need a meeting with her
because if i can say this to Santiago he will not
even allow it. But i need a plan before i talk with

Chichi: baby you seems far away

Shaun : this whole thing is not making sense really.

Chichi: yeah but we need to make sure that its lunathi

what if she just a girl that jay smashed?

Shaun: but hear this she has two kids who are 5
years old. Lunathi died 6 years ago.

Chichi: makes sense but we need a proof

Shaun: yeah what do you think we can do?

Chichi: how about we introduce her to jay as our
friend? She is a well known doctor..

Shaun: look bbe jay's father is suffering from cancer.

I will tell him that i have a best doctor that can
possibly heal him.

Chichi: fair enough but we should make a deal with


Shaun: yeah😶😑

Chichi: you are one of the brilliant man you


Shaun: really?", he gave her naughty eyes.

Chichi: yeah come here", she got on top of him and
kissed him.

Shaun: rough or smooth ( slow)

Chichi: both", he picked her up and went to their



We arrived at Lucy's .she got out and took larry's

bag and things that she bought on their way here.
Junior ran to them and hugged enhle.

Enhle: hy junior how are you?

Junior: am good thank you for bringing larry.

Enhle: ohk call your mom for me.. hi lucia

Lucia: hi aunty

Enhle: you look great

Lucia: and you look gorgeous.

Enhle: thanks

Lucy: someone has gained

Enhle: 😁 really ?

Lucy: yeah how are you dear?

Enhle: am good, you look beautiful.

Lucy: thanks

Enhle: where is my lil baby?? And his dad?

Lucy: he is sleeping and my husband is not home.

Enhle: kiss him for me ok?

Lucy: yeah where are you going looking so goid?

Enhle: somewhere, take me to car i will tell you.Bye

larry", he waved at her and they went to the car.

Lucy: tell me aw", they giggled

Enhle: am going to see don

Lucy: no ways you are still seeing each other? What

about jay?

Enhle: that was is always at work or to PE.I no

longer get enough sex like before.Just one round and
he sleep.

Lucy: ohh... ohk ", she laughed at her.

Enhle: really lucy you are laughing at me??

Lucy: sorry bbe just that aii.. so

Enhle : ey dont start with larry's identity bye bbe",

she hugged her and drove offf.

She arrived after 30 min.She fixed herself and went to

knock on the door.

Don: am coming.....ohh look at you.You look sexy.

Enhle: thank you bbe.. can i?

Don: ohh yeah', he opened the door wide and he

looked at enhle's ass as she walked in.He licked his lips
and closed the door.

Enhle: are you good?

Don: yeah lets go this way", they went to one of the

empty room.He did a lil picnic .

Enhle: wow baby i love it.

Don: ohh really? I tried lets go and sit.

They sat down busy eating and talking.They were both

tipsy.Don looked at her and kissed her, the kiss was
not those slow one but the rough one because its about
to get rough.They took off each others clothes
Insert 50💗💓

😑2 weeks later

Jay: mom can't you see that dad is going to die? He

need to be good taken of before the cancer spread
all over.

Daisy: he is all after all

Jay: aren't you old??

Daisy: don't get into my nerves.If you want to save

him do so am out.", she stormed out

Well jay's father had only 5 days to cure the cancer

before it spread.

Enhle: i think we should just look for s better doctor

because they don't have anything to help him

Jay: i think its a good idea.

Enhle: kunje where is that cute friend of yours?

Jay: who?

Enhle: the one who stays in cape town plus i heard

that there is a new doctor there.Who just came from
American in Los Angeles.
Jay: really bbe?

Enhle: yeah i think you should call him before we go

back to Johannesburg.

Jay: ohk where is larry?", guys 'larry' is just a

nickname his real name is donald remember?

Enhle: i think outside with your daughter. Sonto

always dump her here why?

Jay: i really dont know but i just heard that she is

a stripper.

Enhle: what??? All of the things all she chose was to be

a stripper? Ew thats so low.
Jay: yeah i think i should fight for a child custody

Enhle: and you will win

Jay: yeah right?

Enhle: yeah bbe tell me where is karabo and your


Jay: at their house i guess.

Enhle: why don't they visit ??

Jay: long story but to cut it short they are not getting
along with my mother so yeah

Enhle: sound interesting bbe tell me more😁

Jay: enhle am not your friend😑

Enhle: babe???🙄come back😀😂


Long time my friends.Am too busy this days, always

on work.I just decided to visit my mother in law
today.Even though me and charity are still
co-parenting i still love his mother.She was always
there for me , she gave me the mother's love and
hope that i didn't know i was lacking.Sometimes
god send us where we will get help and be able to
make it in life.Look where i am today, god is indeed
great.Since my friend died i have been nothing but
stressed which led me to shove my self with lot of
work.I dont even have a boyfriend how funny but
maybe god has a plan for me right?😗😁

Gabriella: kuhle hurry up we will miss our flight.

Kuhle: am coming mom', my baby has fully grown


Gabriella: don't forget your laptop because i

won't borrow you mine.

Kuhle: daddy will do

Gabriella: whatever come am leaving you", well we

decided to name him thandokuhle because they say it
means beautiful love or something but i named
him Gabriel 😍

Kuhle:lets go am ready", we went to put bags in my car

and i went to lock my door.Well i didn't tell her that
am coming but i guess i will find her at home.

Jay 😋

I will kill that bloody shit my mom is dating.All he

want is the money that my mom has.But i will focus on
my dad's health .I decided to take a break on
gangsterism after trying to know what happened
to lunathi and i didn't get any.But its time to me back
on the game .I took my phone and called
shaun( musa).

Jay: my man

Shaun: ey buddy o grant?

Jay: yeah but taima( dad) is not getting any better i

need to help him before its too late.

Shaun: ohk i get you but dont worry man.Do you

remember the doctor that they talked about ?

Jay: the one from America?.

Shaun: yeah that one.She is my friend's girlfriend
boy.We are always with them man.That chick is hot

Jay: mmmhm am about to hit someone with a brick.

Shaun: you don't want to make conflict

between you and the Russians are you?

Jay: no boy those man are real deal.

Shaun: yeah.

Jay: so please tell her that he only has 5 days to

go man please.
Shaun: ohk its cool but you know that chemo what
what is expensive righ?

Jay: am willing to pay.

Shaun: you are loaded ey?

Jay: yeah kind of.Boy i want to be back on the game.

Shaun: ohk i get you let the game began.

Jay: i want to start with that son of a bitch that is

fucking with my mom.

Shaun:🤣🤣🤣 boy you are crazy.Your mother is

getting it.Where will she get it cause your taima is sick.
Jay: fuck you buddy am glad you find it funny.

Shaun: sorry man and am about to fuck someone.

Jay: dude taking about fucking.Did you know that

Jayden milokuhle is not getting any this days?

Shaun:🤣🤣😂😂😂 dude i am sure that anger is

caused by the salt that is just up in your head.

Jay: dude am suffering but when am in Johannesburg

am getting it from Leo.

Shaun: always knew that she is a hoe dude.You will be

infected am telling you.
Jay: we tested.

Shaun: you know that she is not fucking with you

only so free advice use condom.

Jay: ohk ohk

Shaun: truly speaking i think enhle is cheating on

you boy.I mean everyone know that she is a sex
freak .

Jay: my words and that the reason why i want to be

back on the game.The man she is dating will know
me very well.

Shaun: things are about to get real.Anyway boy my

girlfriend just walked in looking sexy as ever.

Insert 53


Mze: boss i think we are already late.

Boss: no mze this can't be happening. After

everything?? No i can't allow that..
Mze: well there is nothing we can do but i think we
will find the solution. And if you stand by her side
you will win.

Boss: how?? I mean how??

Mze: don't worry i have a better plan

Boss: ohk share


Jay: hurry up the plane will be here anytime.

Enhle: ohk bbe", well i decided to be there for my

husband. I want to support him 😊
Jay: ma make sure that you don't leave my kids
behind because i will crash you.

Daisy: don't worry son

Enhle: lets go babe'', we went to the airport and we got

in and off we go.We arrive and went straight to
the hospital.

Shaun: ey guys you arrived?

Enhle: yeah we missed the doctor?

Shaun: no sit down she will be here ", they sat down
and hold hands.
Chichi: are you ready for this?", chichi whispered into
my ear

Shaun: yah and i ho....

Abrinah: am back with the result ", she said that

looking at papers that she was holdind


Abrinah: well the surgery was successful

and...?😲😳😱 whooa shaun who is this man??

Shaun: thats jay my friend

Enhle: what are you asking? You know him or


Abrinah: no no this can't be.

Chichi: it is abrinah

Jay: whooa guys what are you two talking about?

Shaun: boy..Daliy new African novels download here


Jay: don't boy me what is going on?

Abrinah: why do you look exactly like my children?

Enhle: whoaa no this is not happening jay you want to

tell me that you have cheated on me again?

Jay: bbe i don't know what she ie taking about",

meanwhile they where arguing Santiago
came in.Abrinah ran to him ans hugged him

San: bbe what is wrong??

Abrinah: i want to show you something ", they walked

to where shaun and others were.

San: what!!😳lets go to your office and talk about

this.People are starring at us", we went to her office
and close the door.

Jay: shaun what is going on here?

Shaun: jay i think this is lunathi

Enhle: what??! No this can't be happening lunathi

is dead.

Jay: yeah she died 6 years ago.

Chichi: if she is not lunathi thats means you

cheated 6 years ago because she have two
children who are 5 years in age.
San: whoa how come she doesn't know him

Enhle: exactly

Shaun: i don't know either but all i know is that

she is lunathi.Abrinah don't you remember a

Abrinah: no i don't even remember my

childhood.This is what i have been telling my
parents back home.I tried to talk to them about this
but nothing.This can't be amnesia because its
a temporary thing, it can't take this long.

San: don't you have a twin brother or


Jay: no but i have a brother

Enhle: excuse me", i went out and dialled daisy.

Daisy: he is dead??

Enhle: yeyy wena things are bad here.The truth is

about to get out, i want to escape with my baby you
will deal with this alone.

Daisy: what do you mean?

Enhle: lunathi is back, she is the famous doctor.

Daisy: what??? Ohh no this can't be happening .Jay

will hate me.

Enhle: hate you? Nna he will kill me.Am coming back

now to fetch my son", she hung up and ran out of the


San: babe lets go home and rest maybe you Will

find the truth .

Abrinah: i think its better to call my mother.

Shaun: don't call your mother.What if she is not

your biological mother? She will run with your kids.
San: you are right after this we will go home and get
the kids.

Abrinah: are you from royal family?

Jay: yes why?

Abrinah: my daughter always tell me about her

dreams.I think she is the one who will help us. And if
you happen to be the father know that we will not
be together again.You failed to try to find the truth
and you guys you will not see me anymore.You should
have told me the first time you found about this.

Shaun: but...
Abrinah: no but lets go babe. And ohh your father is
in ward NO 12.", we went out.


Well the shopping was going fine apart from

zamo's attitude.

Ma: are you buying that for kuhle?

Gabriella: yes i have been looking for them for such a

long time.

Ma: you spoil him too much.

Gabriella: my one and only child of course ma and i

Will get the pink one for layla", it was some jordan
kicks my baby was looking for.We saw them online
and here i got it but they were lil bit costy for children.
They were 4500🙄 and i bought two.

Ma: yooh aii i give up i mean yo..", she was disturbed

by her phone.

Ma: ohh jay hi", jay??🙄


Ma: i am good and you.

Jay:am also good where are you?

Ma: at the mall why?

Jay: i didnt want to tell you on the phone but i have


Ma: don't tell me that your dad is dead.

Jay: no please sit down where ever you are.

Ma:ohk", to gab and zamo", lets go to the nearest

resturant and sit down.

Gabriella: ohk let go", we went to the nearest

resturant and sit down on the outside chairs.

Ma: ohk talk.

Jay: i think lunathi is not dead

Gabriella: what?

Ma: whoaa i don't understand

Jay: you won't understand ma.Am also confused

but i think we will be having the meeting this
Wednesday with the person i assume is lunathi.

Gabriella: but don't you know how she looks?

Jay: her face changed i think there was a face

surgery done over there.She told me that i lool
like her children.
Ma: ohh my god😱😱😱 i don't know what to

Jay: i will tell you all the details about the meeting.

Ma: ohk fine",he hung the phone

Zamo: your dead daughter is alive?

Ma: looks like that

Gabriella: let's just go home

Ma: yeah i nees to rest", you could see hurt in her

eyes.Poor woman
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Insert 54🖤

After the meeting everyone went outside to get some

fresh air and some where preparing to go.Jay
went to Abrinah who was with Gabriella. She managed
to remember her childhood and her family .It
was sad because her father was no where to be
found.😑 jay approached her while she was busy
taking to Gabriella, she was helping her to remember
their friendship.

Jay: ladies

Gabriella: i will come to visit you in cape town

Abrinah: ohk bye," she turned to jay

Jay: i really don't know what to say for now but i

have lot of questions.

Abrinah: i wish to remember so that we can talk

about mi kids and introduce you to them but for
now lets wait.

Jay: i understand ", they talked for sometime and jay

was telling her about their road to their
marrage.They were both having fun and laughing
even if she doesn't remember lot of things about
them but all the feelings were starting to be there.She
was feeling all the love for jay. As soon as Santiago
saw them laughing he hurried to them.

San: bbe i think its time for us to go am tired.

Abrinah: yeah right?

San: yeah just want to take a bath and sleep next to

your soft skin", abrinah faked a smile and you
could see the irritation from jay's face.

Abrinah: ohk nice to meet you again "husband "

San: soon to be an ex-husband

Jay: nice to meet you too bye", he left

Abrinah: was that necessary??", she said thay walking

to the car.

San: are angry ? I was just being honest.

Abrinah: today was my special day and i don't want

you or anyone to ruin it.
San: i wasn't planning to do it anyway.

Abrinah: as if you mean it", she rolled her eyes

San: if you still want those eyes treat them right", he

started the engine and they drove to the


I was so happy to finally have my friend back even if

she doesn't remember lot of things about me but
its cool i will help her.But its like teaching an grade
R learner how to read.

Charity: why are u smiling?

Gabriella: am i? ", i didn't know i was even smiling.

Charity: yeah

Gabriella: ohh ohk

Charity: so how is your life going?

Gabriella: good😀

Charity: good?🙄

Gabriella: yeah good and by the way am not seeing

anyone coz i can see that you mean my love life.

Charity: good....mhm i mean ohk", 😂😂😂😂

charity is such a bad actor shame
Gabriella: ayy let me go and start with the pots.

Charity: wait look Gabriella i want my family back

Gabriella: you have it and soon your father will be


Charity: i don't mean them.I am taking about you

Gabriella: am not up for this conversation ", i said that

walking away but he pulled me.

Charity: please 🙏🙏

Gabriella: i won't pretend to be happy by another

woman's tears .
Charity: did she do that to you?

Gabriella: she didn't know about me.

Charity: i told her that we are still together and she

said its ohk.

Gabriella: thats your problem and hers.I wasn't

there when you couldn't keep your dick to
yourself .So leave me alone please", she said that
walking away.

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Insert 55

Sorry guys seriously 😭


Few weeks later


Few minutes later they arrived at her parents house.

She couldn't wait to go inside but she was not sure
what she is going to say.

San: bbe I think it's better u let things be. Don't

confront them, think about everything else.

Abrinah: but I..

San: no but now let me help you with your bags

San got out of the car and offload abrinah`s bags and
helped her to take them inside. But the door was
locked,she couldn't breath for a few seconds.

San: bbe what's wrong??

Abrinah: what if...what if they ran with my babies?

Where will I look for them? All my life...

San: take a breath in and out. Maybe they went to a

mall use your key

Abrinah took out her key and opened the door. She
ran upstairs to her babies room and...

Gabriella: I will be dropping my baby there in few

hours I have somewhere to go.

Phiwe: my friend I was just here for few days and all of
the sudden am a nanny really?

Gab: please my friend this is important.

Phiwe: so a dick is important than your child?😁🤣

Gab: aren't you the one who just told me that I need to
move on?

Phiwe: you can move on with your child.

Gab: come on friend.. I can see that they Bewitched
you in Nigeria😂

Phiwe: I will tell Oscar he will be waiting when u drop

your child here.

Gab: 🤣 xap friend I want to perform a miracle in my


Phiwe: bbes am so happy for you. It's been a long time

since you have been this excited 😊

Gab: yeah thanks bbe 😛

She hang the call and sat down doing her make-up.
She quickly remembered how she used to perfectly
prepare herself for charity and sigh putting eye liner
down. She wasn't sure if she should continue with
meeting the guy or what. What she couldn't
understand is why is she still holding herself from the
past. Why couldn't she free herself from him even
when he moved on? She looked at her child who was
peacefully sleeping. An image of charity.

"You got this Gabriella" she silently said those words

convincing herself.she continued with her make-up
and after that she wore her Black Velvet dress that
reviled her cleavage and back. She just bought it 2
day back, it fitted her perfectly reviling her body. She
wore black red bottom hills and gathered her things



Jay: you know what I learned about life?? That no

one is always as good as you see them(sniffed ) I
trusted her with my everything, I couldn't see the bad
she was doing because all I cared about is our
relationship. We all know that a mother is a Piller
someone to always look up to😭 but I guess not all
mother's. I remember how my father used to fight her
because of the way she was. She would change for few
weeks and go back to how she was😭😴😔 but
regardless of that I was taking her side. A MOTHER

Therapist: I think you should come down sir..

Jay: calm down! How will u feel if your own mother sell
your husband? Make sure that he doesn't even
remember where he comes from?? Where he grew up ?
His parents?

Therapist: did you somehow accepted that your wife is

dead? I don't think you did that because I saw you the
moment you got here that u have lot of emotions.

Jay:can we do this tomorrow? I need to take care of


Therapist: ohk you are free to go and come back we

have a lot to do

Jay: ohk thank you.

Jay drank water before leaving . He took a phone and
called his friend.

Jay: sho bro anything??

James: unfortunately no they are not in the country. I

have to contact my guys from different countries to
check them out.

Jay: do so man I want those two alive .

James: don't worry I will do so xap.

He hit the steering wheel and stopped by the side of

the road. He went through his contact and pressed
abrinah's contact and sigh. He went through his
pictures looking at his twins. They were exactly like
him especially the girl. He found himself smiling
😊only if he could just hold them and show them how
he loves them. He has been living his life to the fullest
and playing happy family with an evil person when his
children and wife needed him the most.


Phiwe: bye friend I will see you later.

Gab waved at her and drive off. Was this worth it?😟
She drove to the place and fixed herself before getting
out. She was walking like the world belongs to her. All
eyes where on her, she suddenly felt alive again. She
went to the fancy restaurant and spotted him by the
corner busy with his phone. She walked to him and
cleared her throat.

Him: ohh 😋 wow hi.

He stood up extending his hand. After the greeting he

opened the chair for her. He looked very very cute and
handsome, so clean and nicely dressed. Gab smiled at
him and he smiled back.

Him: well can we order something to drink?

She just nodded still looking at this creature in front

of her. "Some people are handsome"she silently said.
The waiter came and they ordered water.

Him: you are more beautiful in person.

Gab: thank you😊 you look handsome..

Him: thanks so u said you have a child right?

Is he serious? Damn I want to jump into him right


Gab: uhm yes I do.

Him: good
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Insert 56❤️


She waited until she fell asleep on the couch. But after
some hours she heard noises and she woke up.
Shaun n sharonia: mommy", they ran to her and she
smiled hugging them. She quickly became emotional.

Shaun: are u crying?

Sharonia: of course she missed us right mommy?

Abrinah: yeah, hi Mom n dad", she said it forcing it.

One thing that she knows is that they loved her even if
they knew the truth. She wanted to ask them but don't
know where to start.

Dad: you didn't tell us you are coming.

Abrinah: I wanted to surprise you.

Shaun: how was south Africa? What did you bring?
Was it awesome ?

Abrinah: slow down bbe. It felt like home, the breezing

air, live giving, kind people alot of things are good

Sharonia: can I come with you next time.

Mom: after the school holidays babe.

Shaun: few weeks later don't worry sis.

Abrinah: yeah plus I took a month leave so yeah I will

be leaving with you.
Sharonia: even grandma and grandpa?

Abrinah: yes they can also come😫.


After the date she went to fetch her daughter.

Phiwe:how was it?

Gab:aii the guy is too sweet for my liking.

Phiwe: stop looking for charity in all man bbe.

Gab: yeah whatever, can u believe that he do his nails?

Not forgetting his eyebrows aii.

Phiwe:🤣🤣🤣kill me my friend.
Gab: am so turned down I need some sleep aii.

Phiwe: bye", Gabriella drove off to her house. A car was

parked near her house. As she got near it was
Charity's car she rolled her eyes before driving in. She
stepped out and stopped after seeing him driving in.

Gab: what do you want charity?🙄

Clarity: where do you come from?

Gab:a date anything wrong?

Clarity: yes you belong to me gab and I will fight who

ever tries to stop that. IF I CANT HAVE U THEN NO
gab: ohk are u done?

Clarity: where is my child?

Gab: in a car sleeping carry him for me ", she said that
going inside the house. She thought about what clarity
said n how he said it. It sent chills in her spine.

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Insert 58🖤

.The following day abrinah and her kids went to meet


San: hi babies", ye hugged them

Them: hi", they returned the hug, they got in the

restaurant and sat down.

Abrinah: what are you going to do in Russia again?

San: I have a business to take care of.

Shaun: will you come back?

San: yes I will come back", their food arrived and they

At Jay's

Joseph: I knew that your mother was a witch. you were

the one who was standing for her.

Jay: I know Dad u don't have to remind me that I am

going to....", His twin sisters got in

Lumla: hey family....uum where is the others?

Lumka: ur annoying wife?

Jay: am not in the mood really.

Joseph: you have to tell them there is no other way


Lumka: tell us what??

Jay: sit down", they sat down and Jay told them

Lumka: I knew day one that mom is a bad idea.

Lumla: where is Luna?

Jay: she went back to the state I don't know if she will
come back or what. Oh we have twins together

Them: what?!!😲

Jay: yeah but she has a boyfriend soon to her fiance

but I don't like him at all I have to dig up.

Lumka: obvious you won't like him daa🙄

Jay: not like that eix this is a mess. I have to look ok for
your mother and enhle.

Lumka: not my mother but yours.


San went to the toilet and a WhatsApp message came

through. It showed on the screen but not fully " bbe I
can't wait for our big day I mean to our...." She tried to
open it but it needed a fingerprint. She felt her throat
drying up and she drank her milkshake. From that
moment she has been trying to figure out what day
was she talking about. " Maybe it's a wrong
number" she thought to herself.

San: shall we?", They stood up and went out for

shopping. San was loaded guys he did not mind
spending money. After the shopping they went to the
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