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obje clive s Teacing Engish

chaten a: ard level

at pvino prirmy.
Ae bas econtly
Govtt tntroduced CBSt
pvt schoolg closs itt
SlakM8 fo govt
medium iostrcTon .

o cld, hee on-ootive speakes
than naive SPeakeSs Engish
Sodia oim enish cation
t aagtege
pre- Tndopendonco
to prepaoie cdeks.intenpretes ad agnts
mea 8 e s to Domte

dz the hiciol (onqag dia bt

coith (Gtte Buce88.

Sng sh is the ctiiat and &nk argeasg in irdia

ioteraRoral languae and too
to get a joo in gokal maret
Fronce ond GNmo ’ hey
treat engsh is a

Baoign langage
CosntsgEngftah Be Cond lorguage
and spoken Eniah s mofnly
thouh tamal Educotion
custtten to'stondod ng

to losn t8 buzine88
* Fae ign lonquag
tousism, a stucy obroad.
a Compulzay Butject

stronge than
baofgn longu
Runctton8 ensh n sducaion -

Cordced usualy alled tta" medim tnstcion

Dn it to gain the Krouldge ta subiect

’oto CNhg-Aulmoni -aoOs)
show that 401 -4he cildren tn Soalltoa

Joad in tth own

Droma, enaclna gnes days t
tradronal y t pseudo producion
languag in adAition to (ooning
hymes and poem 3.

A Got policiez Teac hing eieh

odvocoked that ergish hould be tauft

* Depotrnent schod educolion to Ap has

38ued an ade(Go. ms. No G: Ioosos
Engish az the melicem
introdu Cing
Tostrucion coith the ceSE Syllalous byom
Class in abat govt shol&

SOCCE Ss projeck b aald Bank (idad proj

stregthenirg od cntveaiation d quit
and aceg8 to secondoy scho
alds ße Snsh
t No, 9s. above pvake melicm
Govt i h schools
ted telsgu medium.
Trarig to
to tthe
e teahns
eengiah and Faeign Languogs urivosty
Regionol in stitute n Bosgolae
4ol45 Good Engisn SA [a sST to troining)
langua laboratuies in each tthe
ksro i s o s (oudio2quipmant to erade
*6 also isBued a diecRve trat eoch
hese scuods hall e %uppied ath atast
Gngs to Teluga
GTelusu to shutons Techs
Dr. GBS. ventatooman,TAS
Rinapal secvotoy to Gut)
NCFSE - aoos:-Nasol cuiclem
FromewiK fa schd sduation)
CERT Nationd couni ducaton Pesech
and Trainäng I
as estab shed io (96I CCERT)
By GcNt odia.

a00s Basig on NPE

NCE-2OOS proposed child contered sducaion.
*Te soit reglecked n the Byllabi pre

all te caurtg
NCFSEB Isu&ses
* khape- lorgg
educalan in genesa and Sngrah n poalfcal

has prepoed aoeTalam Bã te pre

-301Ce teacho educatin in ia io

chatr 4 cetculem frameuak A

Teochs sdcakon Coobt gives guidelRnes
hoa teach educoion progrmmes Can e

Te doeiared to Bocus on the child.

* objecktve s Teoching ish

mltt ingual cony
eoy lald gsoD8 up ot lea st a loneages
mothA tongue-’Notuoal settEtrg.
Second (onguage’ Simulated Cart
Studerts ot prmy (onelOrel an
st language
Erlteh odeperdert thuin
a ge Co la
* Sometimes dae to tte iote Rence mothan
torgue thore ceo problemn to loon onguage
with pYonouniotton and ommc
’ A Hmes studonts eRat to Usig }tR
trom lootth tthe ast ond orguae
longuog tn the
Bame seteNe ts alle Code Buithing
stulent e to be tinecd to aoe0
probic+ena to Sngfish and ma steg to
i al
ongage sAlz. te ojeche t8 to teach
meium and no a8 a Bukiject
78 long tem diet (atoromos looonaya
*longuag teochira dated bom ocoklay f
grammo to sN davelprnart ond tunckionl
uee t Conguog.
* Some
oojectives (Primay s OP
’To tomiiie pupils wilh the Bporen and
uitten Bãm t engih.
Lsoring enjogalale ockty
help lggns Epeok Gnish
wad/ hat
setences to help tee teache
trace ond auri te
pha e8, 3erterces. o agahs
Alp leones ne ate ye, poemg
* Teactng Lening ateaig *
* TLM i8 OCupy pivotal pozitio in the
edicaional scene
Syllabu8, textbook, wakoook , Coase book,d
vOy Gomprehensive tean
Some scolds call# tablue
Bcuolos it piot
on avopll plon'.
A aueiculem i8 a Specitic
Causoilem bas many syllabuses,
SpedRic to a ouSe ad a
* A slalaus

Botth Bllobug d coOlalm have som

need to tsame uoR culeem. tehe gdor
* we
Avesase ås posilive'

** cojecives also Called Temin

ALL dojechves should be obseVable
albiiy to Speak ,Yead 3 wite do omettuins
All dojets shold be measUhalble
e: abtlity to Bpek måe Hoenty.
nead longen tet8 ith undesstordirg,
rite without ommitina emoYR
objects should ke pracical
: coe contepeck that/cla8s
CoconeSs to
Yead and candeSEtard a long oem by wodath
F The pi niples used in
tn content aonidaton
Called Sele dion and Gwadation
Selectior' uht it i8 that ae lenen ant.
’ue nee to give ttnem guzt a ittlo
occadirg to thoi af and Yeqirement
’he golden ule gadatton 8
Fron ioge to complex
from Kan to cn Koan

Enfsah Lorgoge Kit
Authenc mateial Tern

va Coo
io logt
not pscduced
VJ Cooek.
tai ppoBes teochin3
Ratluay iket,
Elediity Bill,
a A t o t pa Bte
A oroche tna placa
the cheapest and foogt ugekul tool to
akot simus voiaion.

(Auclio to veio) also achs as

*Tis s i t
vefnßacing gent
mnemoic device to e Capitulate
onslgdate the lesso.

* A good teocler develops

eie on the chalk bo
(eoes tarirg d don ntes

the teachoa
helps to teue tn ezploining Conc
teacha in
eptz o doig Bigues/ tllustration
leon Biendly
* A (zatast) teaches shald tart cesirg
leßt n
the toom the top
docwn to
Corne and progressvely go
lbottu igh hand Corne
* Yolle l o d i o boo, i h on be
Coaied a home s much
the cak on he ocod on e
done belae lond
Saves he ca88 Scom teochina

’ s a intoactive boocD
CAT- omputer Aided @natuction :
* aompute Corme into eistece a a t so yGOg
ove small onpact omputeng
Can oe use orttt any

RiCalt ithoat having to

Gorrpute (ongug.
telos i g do something wrong.
omputes8 begpn thaio tonction s numeaial

Gant be
bixed,7ey changed
wtin a system either tneianeikish
* Second aspetdeßinNteres8 was grammotical
Scielists Progromed t e Compu
to checK the spelirg ard gammA data
fed oto teterem. Eis cas the Geginhig wc

t Dn ad PNOCe 88 irg, yau have a Baciity

Ceuk and Paste
t t e Coput maynt be adle to hale gu wTte,
garig tdoaz, But a teocle Con alwas hlp
* Raio
instrament tthat as invegted
tthe doys o w-to Aacilitate Gommeni
Cohion toetween tuuo points teal JeO n
pysicolay conneted witlh cwtes.
ollod eless tran&mission

RnetsGe enttoinment and Qsed to

Provide bãm edaoo to Bone
and lssewive 8,
conirg Togtruc ional
place ztateg
in Gy the
* Speiol eRat we pl
honeB8 raio od by oia-ine
dk to
Yeo de
* Tape
possibe t stae oge uonitieg
4 Kstenäng text easty
-k Tape hecSdes
SOsd that aldn ofN
to t e LeneS
oi se be produced in the lass
tte oaang Uon,
the boce a ted zBngr.
* stde proectas:-Coulcd preieck iSual Rctoes
têi tehe de class vieing:
Chctgghe to siles to projecked to the
See bytefy/
co88) (limpse= poltoly
* side projeclas didt cooy aucto Tnguts.
Tape Neadeg
Tape- sides'
Sade projeckas
(eltect vide0)
slides bai a
show -relo tape
view~ magten
Cetoio roiod
place t slido projetaz
ale osolete tokay
video tape e caide e|Gum plag
he ViBuals hee dynamic and d
uße Could ce Grouat nto tte
ta betteo appvecãation sfonden
stardia Cog Eime (to tedan)
haz ben
ottp ue
to cse
Teacha neec Gte paice
ttiis piece aquipment
* PPT ’ Pa poit presentatio
on loring in the
t csnga pPT a teache
Video, sid
OHP, Nideo, projecka,
Se cides.
tope animation
al so ocdude- f
* *Animalon rookes tee tattc
wadsto kineic| ynamic
h d Corne
Arümain provides moion to them tue
moing class vely

* planning is
the eret & ony
planning R uique impatace in the
Teaching Leing proce S8,
planing kalps s Sivide the a labus tnto
wakoble hunks.
* he acaderic R is livided ioto three
teeri. C3tems)
* n- each tem a pai caul amaunt sylab
8 rqüred to oe Coveed.
* sylagus-’ units- lesson3’ectives ar
plonring prozess Bro
f pon’ rit on
t he Teocha pRed lan.
dlo on tink
Oasseg bos
) cc hieves.

planning 7ves dobibyby to tloe acttena

* Thee o e 2
2 ypes panng schedules
’ ong ter zhat t n .

uit plon
te le sSn pan- sht tem. don
* yeo plan
* yeos plan Compesed with annual budget.
* ît gives a ay teat lesons uhich hawe
sinilo theme Canbe taught at the 8ame
tine the yeo.
* yeo don i prepooed at tthe logirig
the aCademic ye.
* Sabiek wise+ lass wiBe e pan Srogiste;
sol le mootoined oy the techn

tollauig a
Bized y plan Gy al tEhe sclds
to tthe stote/Cortral botds e ondouy
ensuSeg steody proate&8 activities
* yen pan T
geneoly inicate in the
teztooks pinte b the atate gOvOn me
-* Teache ads to teis ba
impsovig &
he gesia

* unit plan cornaists t

in eNeny subject
* neemoe o nits ech cenit as
the Gngliah PrOBe a n poem.
diide to tte
Ttese e a0z eal cenit
Swamma e speckie
4 S(al CLSew
19ocatulay and
and pety
*Teoching T8 a nique and complex aivity
an bring
atoout Gnalitakive proemernt în teohing
studet has his mot cout
* A
enample micoteaching
** A Teache mest
t teach ina classYOOm

situao yeheasal in a
ala doc Vesion
Miro teoching the
the intenship pYcgramme tteacher
Caefll plonned o
he le8son is
the help pevis&.
toinee with
Prîncile s deing micoteacing -
îs the Concept i& t e the ag
cadiioning by tee torz
peant Candiiniog"
PBychologist - B-F. Stnnes
** opoant, Gonditoning oule-s'ny leooung
is styengtened ahen itts sppated y
teodlbacK and reinaced
Mc Donold Buge sted
I- stotira te celhaviaa in opetional tem
a. setting Criteia checklist ba meaBoing
3. obseing the losso
4 Reision
4. the lessOn
5. Reteochir tte Concept
* Htt8y micro teaching
k he idea mico teac ig 3gonigd at
tontad Sur¥vesit in (96as aa pot
experimental researh proeck aide
by Fad foundoion
* Tis Project ested in the dewelopment
of Coponert rillg appxoach.
t Thosy ugeda tope oueydor to ecãd
ia technique goied momentmn in sA
and adapted Gy othey ountriez
Dndia looge- scale peimental Aiel
he bepootrrert t Teoch educotion, NCET
Gdlotaion th cSE BoDoda or
nine otthey conivesity depotments
CASE’ antre ba adanced stucAies
sducation (Baodo)
t mio teochirg Ts shorg step toude
Fare-8viG taining
t micro teacing povides a crique ztting
troining and esebh
* Peod
te00 me
QSke d Aice
soid cheshire cat
That lopend -
|963 AiCe
ohae thesy tech a
* which way to o
cuant/ askod hat posela
le &&on gu
teachers moy engae in tem
* Expoiece
(esson ploing out B8 Geginnes
a aeerly mugt
teache8 diy le& $on plans a e
cotes cwriting osjekves
plone begos
tee teach nntg
te (eSSorn 3 at
achieve by the e
he to

the (988on.
sed to Urite
Knoledg TdontibH Deine, at
Gorpyelerns+ve Expoin, Summai 32, Pvedict
Applicolion prodce, show, pemon gtrate
Arolgs selec, ßeentiate ,Tdoniby
Sgnthogis ErpainComoine, cakegorte
Evoluoon JuslibyRelate, Scammi
The sesign modl
Beke he le88oO
hat do student& koa?
ahat ve 8oces do î haNe?
ahat shall N do?
Dsin the (eszn:
wath ond usteo t the gtuont
tto & the e gong
Note dorn nezian8 eacions
Atte the lesson:

Ghat te chansex to be mae?

t* Teaclng Prose, poetg and suploentoy
Teodirg proe
PrOBe i8 ads in thei best gde
* proSR lessan8 b-’ etoiled ornd intensive
study longag

stuckes ,vocalaulag, iteauy appaeation

ard Compahenon sals.
* The objecves teacg och one b
thege Qtteent
execses gBven io Gontnuation to the lezsoo
4he taler bDd
* Comprehension Ouesiong
this secion oe mostyh-Geeztians
Can e taced fo tee tetbook
Loog le
tee looden
an BDeSL
Bwes lothe studertg

* &mt aãd shudy tars T to develop

* matig
tehe stucents.

missig lettos
prrosniation cwöds,
gs, e nclaled n thie.
Aclevtes uad usles, ynogms
otonymB pretixes, sttixes.
*langg study i
chcosen cuth tcug
prose lesson
potiaas ttem.
*The ekampes given in tee t e t oe imited
* so tthe teach ha to UBe exee

Bom ohay &OCes.

*Text tudy Readina tthe text a sndor

stondingimied mesnisg ond tntererce cou
enasagad b giving tosK& in the seoaas.
* ornposition (uoriing octivitie
-’ lette & peeagraphe, essys, roice,
telegsams etc.
Since pOSe esson
nee to cAivide
divide tte een to moaningt
* Each post shoald be taught
atth a
and Componots LSeo)
cokle introducáirg tthe therne teocho shold
* silent eang snould be encaagd ag it
Rmpooves the comprehension tthe tel
Baster ard loette and o it Qoes n
distrab tehe othe studernts in tehe
* dojeckives Teaching paose
To aed Gngisn passage loudly witth the,
Covect prorauniation, stre s intonation
TO develp tte aloitty to Compreled a

given text.
Prepe them ba slert reading.
To eich thir acive t passive oabulay

helo them write a Beus meanirgtl

*Teoching poety
poety is special type t Ergish ich

ppealing childen ond odlte

hgthc,musical and baul
make them eo&y to yemenn
-’ret mproves aS assthelic sense etin&
’ Henco poetry oceopies tmçatant plaa in

etng helps to frrgginattan an! ppeaation

poetry has thor wich oe conron n
al Cultuoeg

* poety t2 genel0y taught aith a tocS

on he Content and tnopetat ton Gontent.
* modn poety ts simae in longuage tt Con
Used to teach Conguag &Kill8.(LSR
poems Con loe U&ed ag input Ba mony
(anguagea actviies.
kAl pcem8 need prepoation acviieg to
molivate tho CoaonN
t cojeckives Cpeetry
STo enade the stuonts oppre@ate tdos
and expeüence selaked treugh poems
dowelop tmaginatve creative aloilitie
dawelop language 8rill8.
’ To enable thom enjay eading pns.
TO erado ttom ote the poem th pope
pauuzes and hythm.
To halp udants undastand the ktusty

* Teochig Suppenontoy Roodos

owlolge piad sitensive eaig.
pleaBe s toBamaBion

*Tfey Cstudont s) develop eading halbit&

hansie Oueglin8 aQ 8tven. CornpOsition)
* Beße aling tho oe aa briel rsaSBon
Con be

t This helps to Suspervse in the neu chaptos

t Some an e erploined Bat mae
ãds they
an Q3e

Ba- extengve eing.
Seneal itCs.) hos st8çe s, tidont8,
datoils desoipios i8 oVeSies
pYuse/lustations cae Golousbul
* Tie 3e tets Con e esed to teach LSRW.
* hey on be eoted to improve the Compre
-Roneion and Cicol Soodirg
* onmnicotve Longuage Teaching
Teahr Con
and patpation.
ke the Content t the SR

is co& sion 8iente (sppenentooy


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