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Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54 (2021) 295104 (7pp)

Determination of interlayer electron

mobility in multilayer MoS2 flake using
impedance spectroscopy
Shikha Srivastava1 and Yashowanta N Mohapatra1,2,3,∗
Materials Science Programme, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016, India
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016, India
National Centre for Flexible Electronics, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016, India


Received 5 January 2021, revised 14 April 2021

Accepted for publication 27 April 2021
Published 14 May 2021

Layered molybdenum disulfide (MoS2 ) is emerging as a promising candidate for novel
electronic applications, though the focus has largely been on few-layered thin films and in-layer
electrical properties. MoS2 shows various nontrivial departures in its electrical properties in
comparison to isotropic crystalline materials, however the understanding of anisotropic
properties, particularly of charge carrier mobility in MoS2 flakes, is meagre. We experimentally
study inter-layer mobility in mechanically exfoliated MoS2 flakes. The choice of a suitable
sandwich device structure enables us to study the inter-layer transport using temperature
dependent current–voltage (J–V) and impedance spectroscopy. The separation of peaks in the
imaginary part of impedance i.e. Im (Z) spectra due to defects and transport in the space charge
limited regime allows measurement of mobility un-encumbered by other effects. We study
flakes obtained from both naturally occurring and synthetic crystals. The calculated inter-layer
mobility (µ⊥ ) exhibits µ⊥ ∼ Tδ temperature dependence with δ = 1.6 and thereby revealing
that impurity scattering is the dominant mechanism. A further confirmation that the mobility is
limited by charged impurity scattering comes from the observation that it improves for
temperatures lower than a characteristic temperature, which marks deionization of donor
impurities. Our results provide a direct estimation of the inter-layer mobility in exfoliated MoS2
flakes and would lead to carrier transport engineering and design strategies for applications
based on MoS2 flakes.

Supplementary material for this article is available online

Keywords: MoS2 , mobility, impedance spectroscopy, TMDC

(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)

1. Introduction [1–6]. Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2 ) is the most abundant

TMDC compound and is being envisioned as future material
Since the realization of two dimensional layer of graphene, due to their possible uses in flexible electronics, solar energy
immense efforts have been invested in exploring the family of harvesting devices and next generation electronic and opto-
layered transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDC) because of electronic applications [7–14]. MoS2 crystallizes in two poly-
their fascinating electrical, optical and mechanical properties types; rhombohedral (3 R) and hexagonal (2 H), but naturally
occurring MoS2 crystals are predominately of 2 H type and
show semiconducting properties [15, 16]. MoS2 crystals con-

Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed. sist of stacks of large number of atomic layers in which atoms

1361-6463/21/295104+7$33.00 1 © 2021 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54 (2021) 295104 S Srivastava and Y N Mohapatra

of sulfur and molybdenum (S–Mo–S) are bonded together most instances, synthetic single crystals are grown in more
by strong covalent bonding, whereas layers are held together controlled environment by chemical vapor deposition using
by weak inter-layer interaction. Presence of weak inter-layer various carrier gases. Thereby the synthetic single crystals are
bonding facilitates the exfoliation of MoS2 crystal in stable generally of higher grade compared to natural crystals in terms
monolayer and multilayer flakes which shows remarkably dif- of purity and defect concentration. The reported carrier density
ferent electrical and optical properties [17–19]. It has been for bulk MoS2 is in range ∼1015–16 cm−3 [36, 37].
reported that in comparison to monolayer, multilayer MoS2 The structure and naming of the two types of devices are as
(m-MoS2 ) flake has relatively high dielectric constant and can follows:
sustain high electrical power [20]. Moreover, the presence of I-a-N: Au|m-MoS2 flake (natural)|ZnO
an indirect bandgap (1.2 eV) comparable to silicon (Si) offers a I-b-S: Au|m-MoS2 flake (synthetic)|ZnO
wide spectral response. Thus m-MoS2 flakes could be thought A detailed temperature dependent J–V characteristics and
of as an important complement to silicon. Recently, multilayer impedance spectroscopy were carried out to characterize these
MoS2 has been embedded in various devices, including FETs, devices. We utilize complex part of the impedance spectra
sensors, and phototransistors, but the electrical properties of Im (Z) in the space charge limited current (SCLC) regime to
such m-MoS2 are not well explored [8, 20–24]. Therefore, to determine the inter-layer charge carrier mobility. Our results
harness full potential of the m-MoS2 flake, a systematic study provide an insight into the direction dependent charge car-
of its electrical properties is desired. Some recent reports men- rier transport, and this approach would further lead to tailor
tioned anisotropic behaviour of layered TMDC and showed and design the multilayer MoS2 based electronic devices for
that MoS2 exhibits highly anisotropic electronic and mechan- optimum performance. It is to be noted that the proposed
ical properties in comparison to isotropic crystalline materials method is generic and can be suitably applied to measure fun-
such as Si and Ge [18, 25, 26]. For instance, dielectric con- damental charge transport properties in all layered materials.
stant in MoS2 is highly direction dependent and profoundly
depends on the number of layers present in the stack of the
m-MoS2 [27, 28]. Carrier mobility and lifetime are the key 2. Experimental details
material parameters, and are known to be highly dependent
on local dielectric environment; this evidently inspires the The schematic of the fabricated Au|m-MoS2 |ZnO device is
investigation of anisotropy in the mobility of m-MoS2 . Nearly presented in figure 1(a). For the fabrication of devices we
five decades ago, the first comprehensive study of charge car- utilize commercially available natural and synthetic MoS2
rier mobility in MoS2 single crystal was carried out by Fivaz (n-type) single crystals. We performed standard mechanical
and Mooser, in which the room temperature Hall mobility of exfoliation process to obtain a flake of thickness ∼10 µm. The
charge carrier in m-MoS2 was found to be in the range 200– exfoliated flakes were thoroughly cleaned using acetone and
500 cm2 V−1 s −1 with phonon scattering as the dominant IPA solution to remove contamination and traces of adhesive
mechanism above 200 K [29, 30]. In a more recent report Das materials. After cleaning, flakes were examined under optical
et al observed that the carrier mobility is highly dependent microscope to identify smooth region (free from mechanical
on the thickness of MoS2 flake [31]. However, these mobility damages) for the deposition of metal electrodes as shown
estimations utilize FET architecture and multi-terminal Hall in inset of figure 1(b). After this identification, MoS2 flakes
measurements. Generally, in these techniques, device config- were sandwitched between two shadow masks. Further, MoS2
uration, as well as contact resistance plays a very crucial role flakes along with shadow masks were transferred for vacuum
in mobility estimation [32, 33]. In contrast, we observe that deposition of the electrodes. These shadow masks have cir-
impedance spectroscopy tracks the time constant associated cular opening of 1 mm diameter to leave space for the bot-
with different relaxation processes occurring in material and tom and top electrodes. On one side of each m-MoS2 flake,
thus offers the most reliable estimate of charge carrier mobility a 100 nm thick ZnO:Al (2 wt% aluminum doped) film was
in comparison to other popular techniques of mobility meas- deposited using pulsed DC magnetron sputtering technique.
urements, and is especially suited for inter-layer studies with After ZnO:Al deposition, flakes along with mask are trans-
simple device structure [34, 35]. ferred in thermal evaporator chamber to deposit gold (Au)
In this work, we measure inter-layer mobility (µ⊥ ) of mech- electrode of thickness 100 nm. The Au contact acts as the
anically exfoliated MoS2 flakes. For this purpose, we util- bottom ohmic electrode. After the electrode deposition, each
ize the most straight forward device structure consisting of m-MoS2 flake was carefully removed from shadow masks
a thick m-MoS2 flake sandwiched between two electrodes to and mounted on a TO-header using conductive silver paste.
obtain suitable current density voltage (J–V) characteristics. Electrical connections to outer pins of TO-header were made
The mobility is measured using the analysis of complex part of using Au wire of thickness 25 µm. Finally, to avoid any
impedance spectra (Im (Z)) in impedance spectroscopy [34]. mechanical damage, the device is sealed with a metal cap
We study flakes obtained from both synthetic and nat- on TO-header, as shown in figure 1(c). Temperature depend-
urally occurring crystals for comparison. The natural MoS2 ent J–V characteristics of the fabricated device were conduc-
single crystals are geological crystals and usually obtained ted utilizing Keithley-2601 Source Meter Unit, which has the
from the crystallization of mineral molybenite. Since, these noise limit in 100 pA for applied voltages up to 40 V. The
natural crystals are directly taken out of the mines therefore Im (Z) characterizations of the device were measured using
has a possibility of possessing large amount of impurities. In Agilent Impedance 4294 A precision impedance analyzer.

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54 (2021) 295104 S Srivastava and Y N Mohapatra

Figure 1. Schematic representation and fabricated device. (a) Schematic of the Au|m-MoS2 |ZnO device. (b) Optical microscopy image of
the exfoliated m-MoS2 flake. Inset depicting flat area of the flake used for device fabrication. (c) Picture of the fabricated device capped
inside TO header.

These measurement setups were connected to He-gas based and I-b-S, respectively. The J–V characteristics were meas-
closed cycle refrigerator incorporated with the Lakeshore ured at a temperature ranging from 8 K–300 K. As shown in
temperature controller to perform the measurements in the figure 2(a), I-a-N device possesses weak rectifying behaviour.
temperature range 8 K–300 K. However, the J–V characteristic of the I-b-S device exhibits
excellent rectifying behaviour over the entire measured tem-
perature range. In I-b-S device, under the forward bias, elec-
3. Result and discussion trons can easily flow from MoS2 to ZnO due to the lowering
of the barrier seen by the electrons. On the other hand, an
The device structures are chosen such that they form single effective Schottky barrier suppresses the flow of charge car-
carrier diodes to enable characterization using J–V character- riers in reverse bias. This results in the rectification of the
istics and impedance spectroscopy. The electron affinity of the order 103 . However, in I-a-N device, poor rectifying beha-
m-MoS2 is 4 eV, whereas the work function of Au and ZnO viour possibly arises from the large amount of impurity con-
are 5.1 eV and 4.7 eV, respectively [38, 39]. centration that allows the charge carriers to readily flow in
Therefore, it forms a built-in potential (V bi ) at the both directions on applying forward and reverse bias. The
m-MoS2 |ZnO interface. Since ZnO acquires an accumulation J–V characteristics of both the devices I-a-N and I-b-S are re-
region and depletion region is formed in m-MoS2, thereby res- plotted in the log-log scale, as shown in section 2 of the sup-
ulting in a barrier at the m-MoS2 |ZnO interface to the inject- plementary material. The J–V characteristics of the devices
ing electrons. It is known that Au acts as an ohmic contact to measured at different temperatures (8 K to 300 K) follow
MoS2 . In our fabricated Au|MoS2 |Au device the ohmic nature power-law voltage dependence (J α V n ). At low bias, slope
of Au is further verified by the linear J–V characteristics as n ∼ 1 was observed indicating that the charge conduction is
shown in figure S1 (available online at ohmic in nature. Whereas, at higher voltages, n deviates from
54/295104/mmedia), in section 1 of supplementary material 1 (n > 2) suggests trap limited SCLC implies the trap filling
[40–42]. in bulk
Therefore, the transport properties in these devices are One striking feature is that the reduction in absolute values
mainly controlled by the interface quality and the barrier of the current is not monotonic with temperature.
at the MoS2 |ZnO interface. Figures 2(a) and (b) depict the As shown in figure 2, for both devices I-a-N and I-b-S,
semi-log plot of J–V characteristics for the devices I-a-N the current density shows its minimum value and looks more

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54 (2021) 295104 S Srivastava and Y N Mohapatra

Figure 2. Temperature dependent J–V characteristics. J–V

characteristics of Au|m-MoS2 |ZnO device with (a) natural m-MoS2
(I-a-N) flake and (b) synthetic m-MoS2 (I-b-S) flake, measured in
the temperature range 18.5 K to 297.1 K.

exponential with voltage at around 37 K (indicated by arrow),

at this temperature the charge carrier concentration is suddenly
reduced due to carrier freeze out, ostensibly due to Fermi level
crossing the donor level in the gap.
For the estimation of mobility, impedance measurements
were carried out in the SCLC regime. A typical set of imped-
ance spectra for both the fabricated devices I-a-N and I-b-S Figure 3. Temperature dependent Im (Z) versus frequency
is recorded as a function of temperature. The characteristic characteristics of Au|m-MoS2 |ZnO device with (a) natural m-MoS2
(I-a-N) flake and (b) synthetic m-MoS2 (I-b-S) flake, measured in
frequencies for specific charge carrier relaxation mechanisms the temperature range 17.7 K to 298.1 K. The continuous lines are
appear as peaks in such plots. In brief the principle of mobil- fitted to the simulation of lumped circuit model as shown in (c).
ity measurement is based on the fact that in the SCLC regime,
the peak in Im (Z) appears when the reciprocal of the transit
time of the charge carrier across the device matches the fre- increases except at and below 37 K. The I-a-N device exhibits
quency of the probing signal. Though defects charging and two well separated Im (Z) peaks, whereas two closely spaced
discharging can also lead to such a peak, in practice it is not Im (Z) peaks are observed for the I-b-S device. The frequency
difficult to distinguish between the two. The variation of Im dependence of impedance and the time constants associated
(Z) versus frequency recorded at 2 V (i.e. at V > V bi ) for tem- with these peaks are analyzed. In I-a-N device, the time con-
perature range 8 K–300 K, as shown in figure 3. Both plots stant corresponding to low frequency peaks (at 10 kHz fre-
show the typical decrease of impedance as the temperature quency) seems to be weakly temperature dependent. To get

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54 (2021) 295104 S Srivastava and Y N Mohapatra

more insight, normalized Im (Z) is plotted against frequency

(see section 3 of supplementary material) which clearly shows
that the apparent temperature-shift in time constant is observed
because of superposition of two components of time constants
with the slower component of time constant dominating at low
temperature, and the faster component dominating at higher
temperature. Thus, the charge processes occurring at mid gap
defect states are responsible for the appearance of the peaks in
low frequency regime. The time constant associated with the
process is moderately temperature independent. Since the trap-
ping and de-trapping of charge carriers in the trap states show
temperature dependent time constants, therefore, defect states
in our fabricated device acts as generation-recombination (g-r)
centers. These g-r centers have the capability of capturing or
emitting charge carriers and hence deteriorate the performance
of the device.
However, the peak in Im (Z) plot at high frequency regime
is due to the charge carrier transport as has been shown earlier
Figure 4. Charge carrier mobility as a function of temperature
and characteristic time constants associated with these peaks estimated from fabricated I-a-N and I-b-S devices, respectively.
provide the information of the mobility of charge carriers [34]. (a) natural m-MoS2 (I-a-N) flake and (b) synthetic m-MoS2 (I-b-S)
For the I-b-S device, Im (Z) vs frequency plot exhibits two flake. Mobility values are fitted with the µ = A + BTδ function and
overlapping peaks. However, only transport related peak at represented with solid lines. The best-fitting δ value is indicated as
the exponent of T.
the higher frequency is monitored for mobility extraction. The
experimental Im (Z) data is fitted with equivalent circuit rep-
resented by two standard RC networks connected in series and
is given by the formula the mobility keeps decreasing at a relatively slower pace, and
suddenly an apparent dip in the mobility appears around 37 K.
1 1 This anomalous behaviour can be understood on the basis of
Z = Rs + + (1)
+ jωC1 1
+ jωC2 freeze-out phenomenon of the charge carriers. It is to be noted
R1 R2
that the carrier freezeout phenomenon has been observed irre-
where Rs is the series resistance, R1 , R2 and C1 , C2 are the res- spective of the choice of the source of m-MoS2 flake (natural
istances and capacitances corresponding to bulk and interface, or synthetic crystal). On lowering the temperature, the Fermi
respectively. Here, ω represents the monitoring frequency. level starts moving toward the conduction band edge. Possibly,
The steady state charge carrier mobility can be expressed as 37 K represents the initiation of carrier freeze out in particular
impurity/defect state, beyond which mobility starts increasing
due to lowered concentration of charged impurities.
d2 The mobility increases to a saturation level at temperat-
µ= (2)
τdc (V − Vbi ) ures below 10 K owing to the scattering due to the resid-
ual impurities. Thus, 37 K can be considered as a crossover
where d is the thickness of m-MoS2 flake, V is the applied point at which impurity concentration dependence of scat-
voltage, Vbi represents the built-in voltage, and τdc is the dc tering kicks in. The fact that we do not observe temperature
carrier transit time. The dc carrier transit time is related to dependence due to phonon scattering mechanism seems reas-
the ac transit time (τp ) by the expression τdc = κτp , where onable since the carrier negotiates weak van der Waal potential
κ = 0.56, is a numerical factor for dispersive and non- during transport. Earlier, many studies highlighted the role of
dispersive transports [43]. the orbital overlap of sulfur atoms in adjacent layers in gov-
Using the expression (2), electron mobility has been extrac- erning the charge carrier transport in multilayer MoS2 . These
ted for both I-a-N and I-b-S devices. The extracted temperat- exfoliated flakes are known to have high defect density related
ure dependent mobility is plotted in figure 4, which depicts to sulfur (S) vacancies [44, 45]. The calculated mobilities are
that the mobility follows power-law temperature dependence in the range of 0.25–0.3 cm2 V−1 s−1 . Though the meas-
above T > 37 K and varies as µ ≈ Tδ . Here, δ is the power expo- ured mobility values are lower in comparison to reported FET
nent, which depends on carrier density, temperature, and dom- (>100 cm2 V−1 s −1 ) and hall mobility values in few layer
inant scattering mechanism. By fitting the calculated mobility samples (50–200 cm2 V−1 s −1 at room temperature) [29, 37].
with a three parameter polynomial function µ = A + BTδ , But here it is to be noted that we have measured mobility of
we find that for I-a-N and I-b-S devices δ = 1.6 and 0.9, charge carriers in micron size thick mechanically exfoliated
respectively. In our case, µ ≈ T 1.6–0.9 for both the devices MoS2 flake where in perpendicular direction layers have larger
indicating that charge carrier impurity scattering is the dom- separation due to weak interactions. Therefore, the mobility is
inating scattering mechanism over all the measured temperat- likely to be lower than expected values purely due to impur-
ure range (T > 37 K). However, on lowering the temperature, ity and defect scattering. We attribute the observed behaviour,

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54 (2021) 295104 S Srivastava and Y N Mohapatra

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