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Revision Questions Chapter 2 (part 1.

1. Explain Security, Constrained Device and Networks, Legacy Device

 Security: Security refers to the measures and strategies implemented to protect

internet of things devices, networks, and data from unauthorized access,
manipulation, and other potential security threats. The IoT involves connecting a
vast array of devices and sensors to the internet to gather and share data.
Common security measures include encryption, authentication, access control,
regular software updates, and monitoring for unusual activities.

 Constrained Device and Networks: Constrained devices refer to devices with

limited resources such as processing power, memory, and energy. These devices
are often used in IoT applications where cost, size, and power consumption are
critical factors. Examples of constrained devices include sensors, actuators, and
other small embedded systems. Constrained networks, on the other hand, refer
to networks with limitations, such as low bandwidth, high latency, or
intermittent connectivity. These constraints pose challenges for implementing
traditional security measures.

 Legacy Device : Legacy devices are older, often outdated, electronic devices or
systems that may still be in use but are no longer produced or maintained by the
manufacturer. These devices might lack modern features, connectivity, and
security mechanisms. In the context of IoT, integrating legacy devices into a
network can pose security challenges because these devices were often designed
without considering the current cybersecurity landscape.

2. Define what IoT system must do.

An internet of things system must perform several key functions to effectively gather,
process, and utilize data from connected devices. Example of essential aspects that
define what an IoT system must do are device connectivity, data processing and
analytics, security and privacy, user interface and experience, scalability, fault tolerance
and reliability, compliance and regulation, and device management.

3. What is oneM2M architecture? (oneM2M architecture)

One Machine-to-Machine is a global standardization initiative for M2M and IoT
technologies. It aims to provide a common framework for IoT deployments, ensuring
interoperability between different IoT systems and devices. The oneM2M architecture
defines a standardized approach for building and deploying M2M and IoT applications.

4. What do you mean by M2M architecture?

Machine-to-Machine (M2M) architecture refers to the design and structure of
systems that enable communication and interaction between devices, sensors,
machines, and other entities without the need for direct human intervention. M2M
communication allows these devices to exchange data and information seamlessly,
enabling automation, monitoring, and control in various applications.
5. What are the layers of oneM2M architecture?
The oneM2M architecture is organized into several layers, each serving specific functions
within the overall framework. The architecture is designed to provide a standardized
approach to enable interoperability and communication between diverse Internet of
Things (IoT) devices and systems. The layers:
 Application layer
 Common services layer
 Interface layer
 Security layer
 Management layer
 Mobility and interworking layer
 Common protocol binding
6. Compare oneM2M architecture and Form (IoTWF)
1. oneM2M Architecture:
 Standardization:
 oneM2M: oneM2M is an international standardization initiative with
the goal of providing a common framework for IoT deployments to
ensure interoperability.
 Layered Architecture:
 oneM2M: The oneM2M architecture is structured into layers, including
Application Layer, Common Services Layer, Interface Layer, Common
Protocol Binding, Security Layer, Management Layer, and Mobility and
Interworking Layer.
 Common Services:
 oneM2M: Provides common services such as Data Management
Service (DMS), Device Management Service (DMS), and
Communication Management Service (CMS).

2. IoTWF:
 Standardization:
 IoTWF: Information about "IoTWF" is not provided, so it's unclear if it
represents a specific standardization initiative.
 Architecture Details:
 loTWF: Without specific details, it's challenging to compare the
architectural structure or components.
 Common Services:
 IoTWF: Information about common services or functionalities within
IoTWF is not available.
7. Draw the main elements of the oneM2M IoT Architecture.

8. List the 3 major domains.

 The application layers.
 The services layers.
 The network layers.

9. Explain Application layer, Service layer, Network layer

 The application layer: The oneM2M architecture gives major attention to
connectivity between devices and their applications This domain includes the
application-layer protocols and attempts to standardize northbound API
definitions for interaction with business intelligence (BI) systems
 The services layer: This layer is shown as a horizontal framework across the
vertical industry applications. This layer, horizontal modules include the physical
network that the IoT applications run on, the underlying management protocols,
and the hardware. Examples include backhaul communications via cellular, MPLS
networks, and VPNs.
 The network layer: This is the communication domain for the IoT devices and
endpoints. It includes the devices themselves and the communications network
that links them Communications infrastructure include wireless mesh
technologies, such as IEEE 802.15.4, and wireless point-to- multipoint systems,
such as IEEE 801.11ah

10. What is IoT World Forum?

The IoT World Forum (IoTWF) is an industry event that brings together professionals,
experts, and organizations interested in the Internet of Things (IoT). It serves as a
platform for discussions, presentations, and collaborations related to IoT technologies,
applications, and trends.

11. What is the IoT World Forum Standard architecture?

The IoT World Forum (IoTWF) Standardised Architecture is a set of rules that enable
those who deal with the Internet of Things (IoT) to accomplish their jobs better .

12. What is the standard IoT architecture?

Perception (or Devices), Network, and Application.

13. List each level of the IoT World Forum (IoTWF) Standardized Architecture and explain
the function of each level.

 A seven-layer IoT architectural reference model

 Edge computing

 Data storage

 Access

14. Explain each level of the IoT world forum (IoTWF).

15. List the Core IoT Functional Stack
16. List IoT Data Management and Compute Stack
17. What is the IoT data management and computer stack?
18. What is IoT technology stack?
19. List the 3 data management layers.

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