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QNO1: Choose the right synonyms.(5)

1. English writers translated Sadi's parables in their divine books .
(a) stories (b) poems (c) proverbs (d) essays
2. The others tried to pacify the slave.
(a) grip (b) punish (c) calm (d) enrage
3. The slave stern to the stern of boat.
(a) right (b) left (c) back (d) front
4. Curse abides on the tyrant forever.
(a) pays (b) rewards (c) hangs (d) diverts
5. The king summoned the father and the mother of the boy.
(a) castigated (b) sent for (c) slaughtered (d) forced
Choose the right option.(5)
1. Who called ' The Gulistan of Sadi ' a literary curry ?
(a) Matthew (b) Edwin Arnold (c) Emerson (d) David
2. What hit the boat ?
(a) a snake (b) a crocodile (c) a fish (d) storm
3. What was being roasted for Nushirvan ?
(a) a goat (b) a bird. (c) a deer (d) a rabbit
4. Who was sent to bring the salt ?
(a) a girl (b) a woman (c) a man (d) a boy
5. What could cure the king according to the physicians ?
(a) an eagle (b) a cock (c) a bile (d) a bird
QNO2: Answer the following questions.(10)
1. What was the remedy suggested by the physicians for the disease of the king ?
2. Why did the boy look to the sky and smile ?
3. What should be the role of a Qazi ?
4. Why did Nushirvan ask the boy to pay for the salt ?
5. How did king recover ?

QNO3:Punctuate the following lines.(5)

no said the boy pay for the salt said the king lest it should become a custom and
village will be ruined

QNO4:Translate the following passage into Urdu.(15)

Once a king and Persian slave were sailing in the same boat. The slave had never
been at sea, and experienced any calamity. After sometime the boat was hit by a
storm and started tossing. It was very inconvenient for the passengers. All
remained quiet except the slave who in fear of being drowned began to cry and
tremble, and created inconvenience for the others. The others tried to pacify him
by kindness and affection but he didn't hear anybody. When the uneasiness lasted
longer, the king also became displeased.

QNO1: Choose the right synonyms.(5)

1. English writers translated Sadi's parables in their divine books .
(a) stories (b) poems (c) proverbs (d) essays
2. The others tried to pacify the slave.
(a) grip (b) punish (c) calm (d) enrage
3. The slave stern to the stern of boat.
(a) right (b) left (c) back (d) front
4. Curse abides on the tyrant forever.
(a) pays (b) rewards (c) hangs (d) diverts
5. The king summoned the father and the mother of the boy.
(a) castigated (b) sent for (c) slaughtered (d) forced
Choose the right option.(5)
1. Who called ' The Gulistan of Sadi ' a literary curry ?
(a) Matthew (b) Edwin Arnold (c) Emerson (d) David
2. What hit the boat ?
(a) a snake (b) a crocodile (c) a fish (d) storm
3. What was being roasted for Nushirvan ?
(a) a goat (b) a bird. (c) a deer (d) a rabbit
4. Who was sent to bring the salt ?
(a) a girl (b) a woman (c) a man (d) a boy
5. What could cure the king according to the physicians ?
(a) an eagle (b) a cock (c) a bile (d) a bird
QNO2: Answer the following questions.(10)
1. What was the remedy suggested by the physicians for the disease of the king ?
2. Why did the boy look to the sky and smile ?
3. What should be the role of a Qazi ?
4. Why did Nushirvan ask the boy to pay for the salt ?
5. How did king recover ?

QNO3:Punctuate the following lines.(5)

no said the boy pay for the salt said the king lest it should become a custom and
village will be ruined

QNO4:Translate the following passage into Urdu.(15)

Once a king and Persian slave were sailing in the same boat. The slave had never
been at sea, and experienced any calamity. After sometime the boat was hit by a
storm and started tossing. It was very inconvenient for the passengers. All
remained quiet except the slave who in fear of being drowned began to cry and
tremble, and created inconvenience for the others. The others tried to pacify him
by kindness and affection but he didn't hear anybody. When the uneasiness lasted
longer, the king also became displeased.

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