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Unit 1 ………………..…….. pp. 2 - 11 Unit 2 ………………….. pp. 11 - 18 Unit 3 ………………….. pp. 18 – 1..
February, 24 - 28 March, 1 - 5 This. These. That. Those. Much.
The Armed Forces. Past Simple Used to + infinitive Many. Numerals. Quantifiers.
Passive Voice. Past Continuous
Passive Voice
Fe5. …………….. pp. 4 - 7 Unit 5 ……………………. pp. 74 - 84 Unit 6 ……………. pp. 85 - 93
Use Determiners quarter, half, all, Other. Another. Each. Every.

Unit 7 ……………. pp. 93 - 95 Unit 8 ……………. pp. 96 -99 Unit 9 ……………. pp. 99 - 103
Somebody, anybody, someone, No. None. Too. Enough. Several. Gerund.
anyone, nobody; something,
anything, nothing.
Unit 7 ……………. pp. 93 - 95
Somebody, anybody, someone,
anyone, nobody; something,
anything, nothing.

Russia has launched a brutal and unprovoked military attack on
Ukraine. Now the Armed Forces of Ukraine are fighting to hold
onto the capital city and the country's independence.
/ /

Horrific Russian rocket strikes on Kyiv. Last time our capital

experienced anything like this was in 1941 when it was attacked
by Nazi Germany. Ukraine defeated that evil and will defeat this
Dmytro Kuleba, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
Exercise 1.1 Complete the sentences with the words in the
box. Armed forces of
Ukraine - Збройні
basement cried hide was being
сили України
Hold onto – міцно
enough calm explosions shelter
“I’ll never forget my 31st birthday” утримувати
“My husband woke me up at 5 am. I thought he was
going to congratulate me on my 31st birthday, but instead he told that
our city …(1) and we had to leave.
We went to the …(2). There were many people there,
and all of them had their own terrible stories. In the ….
Zina B.
Past Simple Passive
Something was done by someone at some time in the past.

Object + was / were + verb-3 (past participle)

Affirmative Form Negative Form

The convoy was attacked by submarines. The convoy was not attacked by submarines.
Exercise 1.2 Complete the sentences with simple passive forms of the verbs in

To get discouraged - впадати у відчай, зневіритися
To be discouraged - бути у відчаї, почуватися зневіреним
To pass out / to faint - знепритомніти
Exercise 1.6 Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words in the box below.

1. The military, generally known as armed forces, is a heavily armed, highly organised
force primarily intended for … (1). The military … (2) protects its country by defending it
from the armed forces of enemies, if there is a war.////////////////////////////////////////

1 performance video games warfare competition
2 saves protects helps assists
3 the Army the Police the Patrol the Intelligence

Exercise 9. Put the words and phrases into the correct colummns.

During the war …

I saw … / My friend saw … I heard … / My friend heard …
Burnt-out buildings Explosions
… …
Flame; shellfire; burnt-out buildings; blaze; hissing of a shell; the roar of
rockets; explosions; the roar of rockets; the thump of shells; the rattle
of machine-gun fire; the cries of bereaved relatives; helicopters; the buzzing
of drones; a supersonic crack of bullets passing right in front of my face;
whooshes of rockets; debris; pebbles; killing someone with a single shot to the
head or heart; a mortar shell explosion; cruise missiles and bombs; the blast
wave from the explosion; the big splashes of bombs if they went into water;
shattered this glass.
Missiles are only used for military purposes. Rockets work for both
defense and space technologies.

Війна повинна залишитися у минулому. Її не повинно бути ані тепер, ані в майбутньому.
Тому у прикладах і вправах на вживання теперішнього пасивного стану використано
суто мирні теми.
Simple Present Passive
Something is done by someone regularly.

Object + am / is / are + verb-3 (past participle)

Affirmative Form Negative Form

The flowers are watered by the gardener The flowers are not watered by me every
every evening. evening.
Exercise 1.10 Complete the sentences with the simple present passive forms of the
verbs in brackets.
1. We ___ to see the documents. (Allow). 2. The car ___ every week. (Wash). 3. The data
___ to be ___. (Verify

Present Continuous Passive

Something is being done by someone at the moment.

Object + am / is / are + being + verb-3 (past participle)

Affirmative Form Negative Form

He is being helped by friends. He is not being helped by friends.
Exercise 1.11 Complete the sentences with present continuous passive forms of the
verbs in brackets.
1. Songs ___ by a famous singer. (Sing).. She ___ by us these days. (Serve). 10. __ the
cow not ___ by you? (Milk).

Exercise 2.1 Fill in the gaps with the words in the box.

In southern Ukraine, the city of Kherson was reportedly under

… (1) by Russian forces.
After Russia's Defense Ministry announced that it would hit
targets to stop "information attacks", missiles … (2)
broadcasting infrastructure for the primary television and
radio transmitters in Kyiv, taking TV channels off the
air. Ukrainian officials said that the attack killed five people
9 pause break rest ceasefire
10 breakdown breach violation disregard

Exercise 2.2 Change the sentences from active to passive voice.

Three cruise missiles hit the Ukraine’s southern port city. = The
Ukraine’s southern port city was hit by three cruise missiles.

Active Passive

1. Russian troops captured Bucha and ////////////////////////


2. The firemen extinguished the fire ////////////////////////

after several hours.

9. Bombardments damaged the ////////////////////////

equipment of a water pumping

10. The explosion shattered the ////////////////////////

nearby windows and wrecked two

Exercise 2.3 Is it true or false? Make your own
AThermal imager ––
1. Civilians are not directly involved in fighting a war. Checkpoint –
Abducted –
2. A casualty is a victim of war. контрольно-
пропускний пункт
3. A civilian casualty is someome who is injured or dies as Hostile – ворожий
a result of war even though they are not a soldier.
Bulletproof vest –
Battle - битва
Decisive -
Exercise 2.4 Fill in the gaps with the words in the box вирішальний
Body armour -
Javelin – джавелін
"We woke up to the sounds of the … (1). We went to the
basement with all the things and sat there for nearly two Bayraktar –
days. But it was impossible to stay there for so long, and we байрактар
Hold the line -
decided to … (2) Kyiv. Fighter jet –
тримати оборону
At one of the … (3) we were stopped by the guys from the винищувач
Armed Forces of Ukraine. They asked if everything was fine Repel an attack –
Cluster bombs –
with us and wished us a happy road. We thanked them and відбити атаку
касетні бомби
joined other people walking to the railway station. Transport Flashlight –
didn’t work and there was no traffic, but the roads were Armoured
ліхтарик combat
crowded by citizens seeking … (4). vehicles – бойові
Tetyana V”. машини піхоти
7 desire wish hope
8 housing residence cottage
9 house home place
10 quantity amount numbers

Exercise 2.5 Put the words in the correct order.

1. vehicle / soldiers / military / go / a / on / in / patrol.

2. war / everybody / the / knows / in / that / leg / he / his / lost.
3. need / aggression / defend / military / against / we / to.
4. enemies / it is / country's / an act / your / of / to / treason / secrets / to sell / military.
Exercise 2.6 Use the English words and collocations instead of their Ukrainian
1. , just … (глухе гупання снарядів) and whoosh of rockets, incoming and
outgoing. But I make myself believe that soon they volunteers come back and find
me …”. - Jeanna S.
2. ."We were really … (глухе гупання снарядів) and my husband told me we were
leaving. It's been terrible. For four months now we have been in the basement. I
asked about my friends, but he said he didn’t know where they were and what
happened to them”. - Nina Zh.
3. “I remember Volodymyr’s 13-year-old daughter Bohdana. She … (зазнала
серйозних травм) and was lying, semi-conscious, in a ward with other child victims
of the war. Doctors were not sure if she would survive. But Bohdan pulled through,
although she may never fully recover from the attack which left shrapnel in the right
side of her body”. - Halyna D.
4. …………………………………..

У кожній вправі є чимало слів і словосполучень, які допоможуть Вам

розповідати чи писати своїм друзям у світі про російсько-українську війну,
про свої переживання і власний досвід. Ви також зможете вільно читати чи
слухати повідомлення про перебіг бойових дій, про злочини окупантів тощо.

Тому фіксуйте усі ці та інші слова і фразеологізми у своїх словниках у
зручному для Вас порядку. Вони Вам неодмінно згодяться.

Безперервний обстріл - Relentless shelling

Не розбираючи / навмання - indiscriminately

Повітряні атаки зруйнували багатоповерхові житлові будинки /

багатоповерхівки - aerial attacks destroyed high-rise apartments buildings

Прокидатися від вибухів бомб - to wake up to bombs


Війна – це зло, яке не повинно ніколи повторитися, війна повинна стати

минулим. Для того, аби говорити про минуле, у мові існують граматичні
часові форми. В англійській мові є кілька способів розповідати про минулі дії
і ситуації. Один з них …used to … + infinitive. Це конструкція, яка вказує на
дію, що відбувалася або тривала певний час у минулому, але потім вже ніколи
не повторювалася.

…used to … + infinitive
A past routine or situation which no longer exists at the present time.

He used to smoke. i.e.: he smoked IN THE PAST, but he

doesn’t smoke AT THE PRESENT TIME.
P.S. Used to + infinitive’ is not used in a sentence with a phrase saying how often
something happened or how long it took: He lived in London for 2 years, but NOT: He
used to live in London for 2 years.
Exercise 2.7 Complete the sentences with the used to + infinitive construction of the
English verbs.
1. He ___ (пив каву). Now he prefers tea.
2. As a child he ___ (мав спільну кімнату) with his brother.
3. This is what our teachers ___ (говорили) about all the time.
8. Things aren't what they ___ (були).
9. She ___ (ходила слідом) after him wherever he went.
10. He ___ (ходив) to our school.

Exercise 3.1 Translate the verbs in brackets into English.

The Zhytomyr Armour Plant ___ (1 – був зруйнований) in a Russian

air strike.
A second attempt to evacuate civilians from Mariupol ___
meanwhile ___ (2 – була призупинена).

The Hostomel City Council announced that mayor Yuri P. ___

(3 – був убитий) by Russians.] Oleksandr M., the mayor of Irpin, (4
– був захоплений).[

The Ukrainian armed forces claimed to have retaken Chuhuiv

in a counter-attack overnight, in addition to killing two
Russian commanders.[ The Ukrainian Air Force also bombed
the military airbase at the Russian-occupied Kherson
International Airport
The Russian Defence Ministry stated that it would open six
humanitarian corridors. The Ukrainian government criticised
the announcement, since only two of them led to other
Ukrainian territories, while the others led to Russia or Belarus.
The oil depots in Zhytomyr and Chernyakhiv___ (5 – по … було
завдано удірів) by Russian missiles.

Another attempt to evacuate civilians from Mariupol

Extremely devastating weapons that create a gas [fuel] …
cloud which then explodes.

Ukrainians have invoked the Lord of the Rings villains to

refer to Russia's force, saying the hordes were being sent …
to loot their country and dismantle its democracy. That’s
why we call them like that.

Exercise 3.3 Choose the appropriate words to fill in the
gaps. Fire a missile –
Conversation запустити ракету
- Well, Stepan, you asked me to explain you the use of
Launch a missile –
(1 – military / war / warfare) … vocabulary. Are you sure
запустити ракету /
you really want to speak about the military, about wars
and battles, about soldiers and armies? завдати ракетного
- Yes, I am. And the reason for it is the war in my country. удару
- Well, I think it’s the word “military” you are to start hit a target -
влучити в ціль
- Oh no. I know the word. The military is the group or
groups of people that are given power (2 – to save / to miss a target – не
defend / to support) … their country. влучити в ціль
- And they are certainly armed…
- Yes, that’s why we call them armed forces…… (To be continued)
Exercise 3.4 Use the correct prepositions.

1. (on; in; by; at) … response to Putin’s actions, European countries have imposed sanctiond
(on; over; to; at) … Russia.

2. There were dosens of casualties (at; on; in; along) … either side.

3. This new training programme is the next phase (of; on; in; along) … the UK’s support
Будь яка війна завершується перемогою, НАШОЮ ПЕРЕМОГОЮ. Але про війну
не можна забувати і про неї треба розповідати світові. Для розповідей про події
минулого у мові використовують форми МИНУЛОГО ЧАСУ. В англійській мові їх
декілька. Одна з них – used to + infinitive - Вам уже знайома, сьогодні
познайомимось з іншими.
Past Simple
Past Simple is used to talk about a completed action in a time before now.

Russian Grad rockets damaged a The strike took place on Saturday

school and a house. Four civilians evening in the town of C.
died in a strike on S.

Past Continuous
It refers to a continuing action or state that was happening
at some point in the past.

Russian forces were purposefully Russia was moving forces across the
destroying crops in the Kherson country and assembling them near
region. Ukraine for future offensive operations.

Past Perfect

It is used to make it clear that one event happened before another in the past.

He had saved his document The train had just left

before the computer crashed. when she arrived at the station.

Past Perfect Continuous

It is used to show that an action started in the past and

continued up to another point in the past.

 They had been talking for over Oksana wanted to sit down because
an hour before we arrived. she had been standing all day at work.
Exercise 3.5 Use the suitable past tenses of the verbs in brackets. (Active or Passive).

I. 1. The first cohort of Ukrainian soldiers … (arrive) in the UK to be trained in combat by

British forces. 2. Prosecutors are treating what … (happen) in the small city of Bucha. 3. At
least six people … (to be killed) and more than 30 are feared trapped after Russian Uragan
rockets … (hit) a five-storey apartment block. 4. The reporter said that British forces …
(begin) training Ukrainian soldiers in a new
Exercise 3.7 Use the appropriate words.

Death in the Sea

A 50-year-old man … (1 - entered / went / stepped) the sea in the Ukrainian city of
Odesa. Every summer he used to … (2 - jump / dive / dig) into the sea and search for sea
snails. But on this … (3 - happening /occasion / event), it was his last … (4 - dive / jump
/ fall). A mine … (5 - sank / fell / exploded) and killed him instantly. His family, who were
sitting on the beach, watched the incident in … (6 - horror / fear / terror).

The Black Sea is infested with mines, posing a serious … (7 - threat / danger / fear) to
people and ships. The new mines are there with other unexploded … (8 – arms /

grenades / exploded) sea. But everyone agrees that it will take a long time to … (9 -
clean / tidy / clear) the waters of these devices.

Exercise 3.8 Match the words and collocations below to their English counterparts
Exercise 4.2 Choose the appropriate words to fill in the gaps.


- Well, last time Stepan, in response to your request, I promised to tell you about the
(1 –post system / rank system / position system) … in the armed forces.
- Wow, “in response to your request”… It sounds extremely formal...
- You are right. It’s because I’d like you to remember the phrase and be careful,
because the topic is rather tricky. To make it easier I’ve decided to tell you about (2
– military posts / military ranks / military positions)… in the Brtitish army.
- I know that a soldier is called a private – рядовий.Yes, and a private after special
training, or after about 4 years as a private, may be (3 – increased / appointed /
- of field marshal has become (8 – special rank / glorious rank/ the honorary rank)… .

Exercise 4.3 Guess what you must do to follow the orders.

a) you should move from your position

1. Attention! b) you have to stand up straight
c) you have to look around

a) you don’t know what to do

2. At ease!
b) you may run away
c) you are free to stand in a comfortable way

a) you should move from your position

3. Fall out! b) you no longer need to hold your position in the
c) you are free to start talking

The Russian occupiers entered Bucha in February.

Later, after regrouping, they returned to the city on
March 3...
(A true story retold by foreign news outlets)
1. On that day , a taxi-driver and father of four, Ivan Skyba, and five other military volunteers
were (1) … at a checkpoint. They were warned by radio that Russians (2) … had returned
to Bucha and (3) … in their direction. They (4) … in a house near the checkpoint. The owner
of the house was with them, too. They were later joined by two other friends. The men sent
messages to their relatives and called them.
One of Ivan’s friends message to his wife read that they (5) …, but hoped to get away as
soon as there was an opportunity.
But soon they (6) … that (7) … was impossible. About an hour later, Russian soldiers (8) …
and drove the men out of the house under the barrel of a gun. Then they were taken to the
so-called "base".
A ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1 busy involved on duty found
2 had returned have returned are returned were returned
3 are moving were moving was moving moved
4 hide hidden hiding hid
5 have been has been encircled had been would have been
encircled encircled encircled
6 found out realised heard were told
7 escape running rece exit
8 went arrived stepped broke in
2. They were (1) … against a wall next to the Russian base and (2) … . They (3) … with
rifle butts and verbally abused. They shouted: "You are the Bandera fighters.You wanted to
burn us with Molotov cocktails! We'll burn you alive now!..................................................
Exercise 4.7 Is it true of false?
Ivan Skyba was a soldier.

Ivan Skyba was a father of three.

He and his friends took a cover in a house far from the checkpoint.

The men texted to their families and relatives

The Russian soldiers btoke in and allowed the men to leave.

The men were beate
Exercise 4.8 Translate the texts into Ukrainian. And
in 1 – 2 days translate the Ukrainian texts anew into
Bidirectional translation
To lean more about the
English without glancing at the original texts. Then bidirectional translation,
check your translation. Do the exercise as many see Unit 6 of the Get it right-
2 ebook.
times as you need to get rid of the mistakes, if any.
If you do not have the
1. Five-year-old Anton is still very weak. He looks above-mentioned ebook,
you are always free to have
exhausted. For two months he lived in the basement it forwarded at your
request. Good luck.
without sunshine and with little food. By the time he and
his mother managed to escape, he stopped talking and smiling. And even now he wakes up
after midnight and tries to run away and hide. It's because at this time Russians were usually
bombing his home city.
Translate the text into Ukrainian. In 1 – 2 days translate the Ukrainian text anew into English
without glancing at the original text. What kind of mistakes have you done and what are you
going to do to avoid them next time? Retell the text.
2. Tetyana was scared a lot. She realised that a missile couId hit her home. Even sitting in

the basement, she was afraid a missile could kill her parents. She saw dead people in the

streets, it was terrifying.

Your feelings and emotions… Does the war affect them?


Exercise 4.9 Divide the emotions below into negative and positive.

Negative emotions Positive emotions

Anger, ... Joy, …

love, grief, guilt, shame, fear, hatred, joy, sadness, surprise, homesickness, relief,
horror, disgust, fury, depression, hopelessness.

Why do you think so?

Exercise 4.10 Which do you think are the most suitable adjectives to match the nouns
below? /Your answers depend on YOUR feelings so they may be different with
defferent people/.

untold deep incredible increased horrific disturbing fierce
hostile mental

1. ________________ news 2. ________________ suffering

2. ________________ crime 4. ________________ sadness

5. _______________ hatred 6. ________________ cruelty

7. ________________ atmosphere 8. ________________ treatment

9. ________________ anguish 10. ________________ nervousness

Exercise 4.11 Match English

Expand your vocabulary

Крилаті ракети великої дальності - long-range cruise missiles

На фото зображений чоловік, який лежить долілиць, голова у крові … - the
photo shows a man lying face down, his head covered in blood
Активізувати військові операції - to step up military operations
Світ переживає гостру нестачу харчів - the world is undergoing a food scarcity
Ігнорувати сигнали повітряної тривоги - to ignore the air raid sirens
Ніщо не залишиться безкарним. Кожен злочинець буде притягнутий до
відповідальносьті / постане перед судом. - Nothing will go unpunished! Every
criminal will be brought to justice!
Україна стала найбільш забрудненою мінами країною світу - Ukraine has
become one of the most landmine-contaminated countries in the world
Розглянути посилення санкцій проти Росії – to discuss
tightening sanctions against Russia
… не дає ворогові прорватися - … does not let the enemy through
Групи опору - resistance groups
Також обстріляли околиці міста - also shelled the outskirts of the city
5.4 Translate the texts into Ukrainian. Then in 1 – 2 days translate the Ukrainian texts
anew into English without glancing at the original texts. Check your new translation.
Do the exercise as many times as you need to get rid of the mistakes, if any.


Exercise 6.4 Read the text and answer the questions.

Queues at the
A 16-year-old Ukrainian boy has described how he was
border – черги на
held hostage by Russian soldiers for 90 days as he heard кордоні
other prisoners being tortured in a nearby cell.
Refugee camp –
Vladyslav Buryak, who was separated from his family on 8
табір для біженців
April at a checkpoint while attempting to flee the city of
Evacuation train –
Melitopol, was released after a months-long negotiation
евакуаційний потяг
between his father, Oleg – a local Ukrainian official – and
Homesickness –
Russian soldiers, who wanted to exchange Vladislav for an
туга за домівкою
individual of interest to the Russian military.
Vladislav’s vivid account of his time in captivity is a depiction Support Ukrаine
of violent interrogations involving brutal beatings, and
remotely –
confirms other reports of Russian and pro-Russian separatist
Україну дистанційно
forces mistreating detainees.
In an interview with the Guardian, Vladislav described his long Look for a job –
ordeal and how he was taken from a convoy of vehicles. (The
шукати роботу
Guardian; Cross to
held-hostage-by-russia-tells-of-cleaning-up-torture-rooms ). neighbouring
1. How old was the boy?
countries -
перейти у сусідні
2. Who was he held hostage by?
3. How long was he held hostage?
Reception point –
4. Were there other prisoners in a nearby cell?
пункт прийому
5. Dis Vladyslav hear their voices?
6. Where was the boy separated from his family?
Temporary job –
7. Were the family attempting to flee the city?
тимчасова робота
8. Who was negotiating with Russian soldiers?
Avoid danger –
9. Did Russian soldiers want to exchange Vladyslav for
уникнути небезпеки
an individual of interest to to them?
Ordeal – важке
10. Was that a months-long negotiation?
11. Wa Vladyslav released?
Brutal beatings –
12. Does Vladyslav remember his time in captivity?
жорстоке побиття
13. Did he describe his long ordeal?
Captivity - полон
14. Do Russian soldiers and pro-Russian separatists
mistreat detainees?

Collocations with “war”

all-out war / full-scale war bloody war unprovoked war

повномасштабна війна кривава війна неспровокована війна

declare war on … fight in war fight a war / wage a war

оголосити війну … воювати / брати участь у вести війну / військові дії


win a war / lose a war avert, prevent be ravaged by

виграти війну / програти запобігти війні / не бути спустошеним /

війну допустити війни знищеним

a war breaks out continue rage

війна вибухає / спалахує продовжуватися вирувати, лютувати,

починається бушувати

Exercise 7.3 Complete the sentences with the suitable words, collocatiobs or idioms.
1. They … (були озброєні до зубів) and ready to fight fire with fire. 2. They united in the
face of the … (спільного ворога). 3. The civilians, including old people and women with
children, found themselves … (на лінії вогню) and had to flee and seek refuge in the
positions of Ukrainian servicemen. 4. The documentary about … (жахіття війни) cannot
leave viewers indifferent. 5. In 1917 the US President Wilson … (оголосив війну)
on Germany and shipped more than a million troops to France. 6. As a volunteer (while still
a schoolboy), he … (воював) against the Bolsheviks in 1920. 7. He studied in his second
course when the war … (спалахнула). 8. Unless we establish some form of world order, it
will not be possible … (запобігти) a World War III in the future. 9. We are determined …
(виграти війну). 10. We must ncrease our power as much as we can because our power
… (стримує ворога) and forces it to retreat.


VOLUNTEER - a person who does work without being paid Volunteer centre –
for it, because they want to do it. волонтерський
TO VOLUNTEER - to offer to do something without being центр
asked or told to do it. To host – приймати
To Humanitarian aid –
Exercise 7.4 Complete the sentences with the suitable гуманітарна
words. Tell if you know someone who voluntarily helps допомога
other people. What do you know about them? Commodities –
1. She and her friends regularly travel to and from towns and товари
cities not far from the frontline. Their job is risky and the Fund-raising – збір
Ukrainian military order them to put their … (бронежилет) on. коштів
2. There are tens of thousands of Ukrainian shopkeepers, Weave camouflage
teachers, farmers and others who have dropped their old work net – плести
and joined the ranks of the … (опору/спротиву). маскувальну сітку
3. Her British friend filled a van with … (допомогою) and drove
Aid supplies -
it over from the UK to Ukraine.
поставки допомоги
4. As a volunteer Anton cooked … (страви) for territorial
security forces.
Sort and transport –
сортувати і
5. The two drivers had the lists of … (евакуйованих) to be
collected each day, along with information about their medical
condition, and they moved them either to hospital or to a train Make Molotov
cocktails –
6. They try to help those who are …(потребують) evacuation.
коктейлі Молотова
7. A group of volunteers assembled … (мішки з піском) to cover
and protect the monuments in their city. Distribute –
8. A young volunteer sewed Ukrainian … (прапори) for the
Ukrainian military at a library in L.
9. Volunteers make ballistic plates for … (куленепробивні Deliver to the front
жилети) in the basement of a former furniture company. line – доставити на
10. Oksana weaves … (маскувальні сітки) for the Ukrainian
army in the shelter of the public library.
What have you been doing to bring closer our victory?


"My work for the company had already been put on pause. So I've been free to come
out here and stay out here indefinitely. We just want to get things done without any
bureaucracy, any red tape. We work every day because this is what we care about. This
is what matters because we are all Europeans. An attack on Ukraine by Russia is attack
on all of us."
Ariana D.


Exercise 9.10 Ukrainian children share their expectations for the next few years.
Share your ideas. Ask the same question to your friends.

What are your expectations for the next few years?

Alina: Tetyana: Boris:
“After the war we will rebuild “I believe that no one will “I still want to go back to my
our cities and villages, ever ask:‘Ukraine? Where is University and see my friends
renovate our houses and other it?’ Our country will join and relatives. And I believe
buildings. We will live in a NATO and European Union. that after the victory, not
free democratic country and We’ll be recognised as the Ukraine will ask to join
other nations will respect us.” part of the civilized world and NATO, but NATO will invite
no one will dare to attack us us to become its member
again”. because we strong and always
ready to defend peace and

Oksana: Olena: You:

“When this war is over I will “I believe there will be better
be thanking our Heroes, our days in my country’s future. What do you expect
fearless defenders for their We have enough strength to from the coming
courage and self-sacrifice. go through this hard period.
Their behaviour has inspired And I know that the coming future and what do
all the world and I’m proud of years will be filled with peace you plan to do after
them. They defend out secure and happiness.”
the war?
and prosperous future as a
member of Europe's family.”


Exercise 10.1 Use the English words instead of the Ukrainian ones in brackets.

Exercise 10.4 Complete the sentences with the correct tense forms of the verbs.

1. I didn't go to see the movie because I … (saw / had seen / have seen) it twice.

2. Our teacher told us that the earth … (turns / is turning / turned) around the sun.

3. He closed the livestock business down after rockets … (would hit / was hitting / hit) a
cattle shed, killing more than 20 animals. Another rocket … (has missed / missed / haf
missed) the farm offices by a few metres, shattering windows.
Exercise 10.5 Translate the text into Ukrainian and then again into English. Do it a
few times in two – three days.

Ksenya, who spent more than 36 hours underground, told the BBC she had managed to get
home. "I can't describe how I am feeling, I'm happy to stay alive and safe and just have the
possibility to see my splendid and beautiful Kyiv," she said.
"Even underground, everyone is trying to help one another and help our army to be stronger
and to spread the world about our situation here."


Exercise 10.6 Fancy you are writing a letter to a foreign politician. What would you
like to change or to add to the sample below?

Dear Ms/Mr …,
I am writing to you to ask for more urgent help to Ukraine amid the intensifying Russian
The attacks are targeting civilians all over Ukraine. Many, including children, have been
killed. Millions of ptople have fled the country as refugees. Encircled cities and towns are cut
off from essential supplies such as food and medicines.
Ukrainians are defending not only their country, but freedom and democracy in the world.
They need maximum support from their allies and friends in the UK.
Yours sincerely,

////////////////////////////////// KEY ANSWERS ///////////////////////////
Exercise 1.1
1) was being bombed; 2) basement; 3) shelter; 4) explosions; 5) hide; 6) calm; 7) cried; 8) enough.
treason to sell military secrets to your country's enemies.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Exercise 1.2
1) was … attacked; 2) were forced; 3) were found; 4) was hit; 5) was injured; 6) was shot; 7) was burnt; 8) was paralyzed;
9) was taken; 10) were destroyed.
treason to sell military secrets to your country's enemies.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Exercise 1.3.
1) were being prepared; 2) were being sent off; 3) were being sent; 4) was being bombed; 5) was being followed; 6)
were being held.
treason to sell military secrets to your country's enemies.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Exercise 1.6
1) C; 2) B; 3) A; 4) D; 5) B; 6) B; 7) A; 8) C.
treason to sell military secrets to your country's enemies.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Exercise 1.7
1) A; 2) D; 3) B; 4) B; 5) C; 6) B; 7) A; 8) C; 9) A; 10) D.
treason to sell military secrets to your country's enemies.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Exercise 1.10
1) are allowed; 2) is washed; 3) are … verified; 4) are imported; 5) are washed; 6) are … brought; 7) are … accepted; 8)
are required; 9) are … scared; 10) are driven.
treason to sell military secrets to your country's enemies.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Exercise 1.11
1) are being sung; 2) are being bought; 3) are being printed; 4) are being flown; 5) is being sold; 6) is being helped; 7)
are being looked at; 8) are being spelled; 9) is being served; 10) Is … not being milked.
treason to sell military secrets to your country's enemies.
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Exercise 2.1
1) D; 2) A; 3) C; 4) B; 5) C; 6) A; 7) D; 8) B; 9) D; 10) A.
treason to sell military secrets to your country's enemies.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Exercise 2.2
1) Bucha and Hostomel were captured by Russian troops. 2) The fire was extinguished by the firemen after several
hours. 3) The residential areas were being shelled by the Russian military. 4) Another two missiles near the city were
shot down by the air defences. 5) At least ten civilians were killed and 35 others wounded by a Russian missile. 6) Parts
of the region were attacked by Russian troops early in the war. 7) The television tower in the Ukrainian separatist-held
city has been badly damaged by the shelling and broadcasting has been interrupted. 8) The governor says 90% of homes
in the city are damaged or destroyed. 9) The equipment of a water pumping station was damaged by bombardments.
10) The nearby windows were shattered and two cars were wrecked by the explosion.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Exercise 2.4
1) A; 2) C; 3) C; 4) B; 5) A; 6) B; 7) C; 8) A; 9) B; 10) C.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Exercise 2.5

1) He did his military service in Afghanistan. 2) Their military vehicles have been camouflaged. 3) His eldest brother
served in the military. 4) They intended to increase the military budget. 5) The armed forces were prepared to repulse
any attacks. 6) A succession of military defeats weakened the aggressor. 7) Soldiers go on patrol in a military vehicle. 8)
Everybody knows that he lost his leg in the war. 9) We need to defend against military aggression. 10) It is an act of
treason to sell military secrets to your country's enemies.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Exercise 2.6
1) frightened and exhausted; 2) packed up their things; 3) shelling; 4) in the staircase; 5) a humanitarian corridor; 6) I
used to live in; 7) sheltered; 8) the thud of shells; 9) scared; 10) suffered serious injuries.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Exercise 2.7
1) … used to drink coffee. 2) … used to share a room … 3) … used to talk; 4) … used to take; 5) …used to sit; 6) … used
to see; 7) … used to go; 8) … used to be; 9) … used to follow; 10) … used to go.
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Exercise 3.1
1) was destroyed; 2) was suspended; 3) was killed; 4) was captured; 5) were hit; 6) was forced; 7) was stopped;
8) was reported; 9) was shot dead; 10) was stalled.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Exercise 3.2
1) vacuum bombs; 2) orcs; 3) MANPADS; 4) koloradi; 5) Javelins; 6) humanitarian corridors; 7) hedgehogs; 8) cluster
munitions; 9) cease-fire; 10) cessation of hostilities.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Exercise 3.3
1) military; 2) to defend; 3) invaders; 4) led by; 5) is comprised of; 6) range; 7) depending on; 8) responsible.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Exercise 3.4
1) in; on; 2) on; 3) in; to; 4) of; 5) to; with; 6) to; in; 7) off; 8) at; at; 9) on; 10) for; by.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Exercise 3.5
I. 1) arrived; 2) happened; 3) were killed; 4) had begun; 5) applied; 6) were mobilising; 7) said; had attacked; 8) were
doing; didn't carry; 9) came; landed; 10) decided.
II. 1) worried; 2) lifted; 3) surprised; resisted; 4) called on; 5) stepped up; 6) said; 7) had been playing; 8) warned; 9) put
on; set off; 10) took.
III. 1) had been unloading; 2) rose; 3) were still trying; 4) were; 5) used; 6) arrived; 7) had been waiting; 8) had been
waiting; 9) ran; saw; 10) told; had.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Exercise 3.6
1) sailor; 2) set up an ambush; 3) got under fire; 4) lay siege to the city; 5) were caught in the crossfire; 6) a marine; 7)
prisoners of war; 8) cannon fodder; 9) evacuation route ; 10) go on the offensive.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Exercise 3.7
1) entered; 2) dive; 3) occasion; 4) dive; 5) exploded; 6) horror; 7) threat; 8) devices; 9) clear. 10) go on the offensive.
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///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Exercise 4.1
1) counter-offensive; 2) fighting; 3) military barracks; 4) were taking shelter; 5) exclusion zone; 6) radioactive waste; 7)
on the frontline; 8) recapturing.
Exercise 4.2
1) rank system; 2)

глійської мови в Україні


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