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{ÉÉ`ö 1 (P¡th 1)
Dialogue 1

1. Vidy¡rth¢ : Namast®, adhy¡pak j¢. 1. Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ : xɨɺiÉä, +vªÉÉ{ÉEò VÉÒ *

2. Adhy¡pak : Namast®, ¡i®, bai¶hiy®. 2. +vªÉÉ{ÉEò : xɨɺiÉä, +É<B, ¤ÉèÊ`öªÉä *
3. Vidy¡rth¢ : Dhanyav¡d, yah ky¡ hai? 3. Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ : vÉxªÉ´ÉÉnù, ªÉ½þ CªÉÉ ½èþ ?
4. Adhy¡pak : Vah kurs¢ hai. 4. +vªÉÉ{ÉEò : ´É½þ EÖòºÉÔ ½èþ *
Yah ky¡ hai? ªÉ½þ CªÉÉ ½èþ ?
5. Vidy¡rth¢ : Vah p®nsil hai. 5. Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ : ´É½þ {ÉäÎxºÉ±É ½èþ *
6. Adhy¡pak : Sh¡b¡sh. 6. +vªÉÉ{ÉEò : ¶ÉɤÉÉ¶É *

Note : 1- "Yah" is pronounced "Ye" and "Wah" is pronounced "Wo".

Note : 2- Here 'w' is given for '´É', although some prefer 'v'. Actually the
pronunciation of ´É is between the English 'w' and 'v'.

Instructions for Inductive Grammar

These questions are set out with the answers below them. Between
each question and its answer there is a single row of dots. Cover all the
questions and answers below the question you are looking at with a piece of
paper, so that the dots below the question are just visible. Answer the question
mentally or, better, write the answer down (you could use the covering sheet of
paper to write on). Now move your paper down to the next row of dots. You will
find the answer to that question and below, the next question. Continue to work
through the questions in this way to the end.

Inductive Grammar
1. In sentences 3, 4 & 5 of the dialogue which word is the verb? Where is it
placed (does it come) in the sentences?
In sentences 3, 4 & 5 the verb is 'hai' and it comes at the end of the
2. Is the word order of the sentence changed in Hindi when asking a
3. When would you use 'wah' rather than 'yah'?
I use 'wah' when it refers to something at a comparative distance and
'yah' for something comparatively near me.
4. What do the words of request seem to have in common?
The ending '-iy®'
5. How would you greet a person?
By saying 'Namast®'.
6. How do you obtain a verb root from an Imperative?
By dropping '-iy®'.
7. How would you thank a person?
By saying 'Dhanyaw¡d'.
8, How is the honorific 'ji' used?
It is added after the identification of a person.
9. How would you express appreciation for 'a good try'?
With an enthusiastic 'sh¡b¡sh'.

Words Introduced in the Dialogue

Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ - vidy¡rth¢ - student xɨɺiÉä - namast® - greetings
+vªÉÉ{ÉEò - adhy¡pak - teacher VÉÒ - j¢ - (honorific similar
to 'sir', 'ma'am')
+É<ªÉä - ¡iy® - please come (in) ¤ÉèÊ`öªÉä - bai¶hiy® - please be
vÉxªÉ´ÉÉnù - dhanyaw¡d - thank you ªÉ½þ - yah - this
CªÉÉ - ky¡ - what ½èþ - hai - is
´É½þ - wah - that EÖòºÉÔ - kurs¢ - chair
{ÉäÎxºÉ±É - p®nsil - pencil ¶ÉɤÉÉ¶É - sh¡b¡sh - well done !

Other Words to be Introduced

+vªÉÉÊ{ÉEòÉ - adhy¡pik¡ - teacher (a lady),
ÊEòiÉÉ¤É - kit¡b - book +É{É VÉÉ<ªÉä - ¡p j¡iy® - please go
VÉä¤É - j®b - pocket +É{É ¤ÉÉäʱɪÉä - ¡p b°liy® - please speak
¨ÉäWÉ - m®z - table +É{É ºÉÖÊxɪÉä - ¡p suniy® - please listen
+É{É {ÉÚÊUôªÉä - ¡p p£chhiy® - please ask
EòÉNÉWÉ - k¡Âaz - paper +É{É näùÊJɪÉä - ¡p d®khiy® - please look
Fò±É¨É - qalam - pen +É{É ¤ÉiÉÉ<ªÉä - ¡p bat¡iy® - please tell
½þÉlÉ - h¡th - hand

Numerals 1 - 5:
1 - BEò - ®k; 2 - nùÉä - d°; 3 - iÉÒxÉ - t¢n; 4 - SÉÉ®ú - ch¡r;
5 - {ÉÉÄSÉ - p¡nch

Oral Exercises
The purpose of Oral Pattern Drills is to establish automatic manipulation of
the common structural forms of the language. In the first dialogue there are
statements that are related to greeting a person, requesting him to be seated
etc, and there are questions and their related answers. The first may be treated
as useful idioms to be learned and used at this stage without variation. The
questions and their answers represent forms which can be applied in almost
limitless cases. You will want to learn the names for many things. The structural
forms which apply to the words that we have given apply equally to many other
words. There are also other words in these questions and answers which are
called 'functional' words, such as "Yah" (this) and "Wah" (that). These take their
meaning from the associations with which they are used. As you proceed with
your studies you may instinctively try to assign English equivalents to them. If
you can restrict this tendency you will find it easier to use these words more
idiomatically. Oral drills are designed to help make this possible.
In this lesson Oral Exercises can take the form of the questions "Yah ky¡
hai?" and "Wah ky¡ hai?" while touching or pointing to various articles or their
pictures. The responses "Wah kurs¢ hai", or "Yah pensil hai" would depend upon
the article and its distance from the person answering. If the request words are
associated with hand signals they will become more meaningful. Move around
the room or wherever you are and use your hands in pointing to and touching
things. The encouraging exclamation "Sh¡b¡sh" should be used when deserved
and said with relish. Language is alive: keep it living at all times.

New Vowels: + +É
New Consonants: Eò xÉ {É ªÉ ½þ
+ -- +Eò +xÉ +{É
( ) -- Eò xÉ {É EòxÉ xÉ{É {ÉxÉ {ÉEò
+É -- +ÉEò +ÉxÉ +É{É
( #É) -- EòÉ xÉÉ {ÉÉ EòÉxÉ xÉÉ{É {ÉÉxÉ {ÉÉEò
ªÉ½þ -- ½þªÉ Eò½þÉ {ÉªÉ ½þEò xɽþÉxÉÉ

+½þ xÉɽþ ½þÉªÉ xÉɪÉEò Eò½þÉ +ɪÉÉ
{ÉÉxÉ - xÉÉEò EòÉ {ÉɪÉÉ xɪÉÉ +É{ÉÉ xÉÉEòÉ xɽþÉxÉ {ÉɽþxÉ EòÉxÉÉ
+É{É ªÉÉxÉ EòÉxÉ {ÉÉEò EòxÉEò xɪÉxÉ {ÉxÉ{É
Conjunct with Hal : EÂò ªÉÉ +xÉ ªÉ +xÉ ªÉÉªÉ {ÉEÂò EòÉ
Conjunct Form : CªÉÉ +xªÉ +xªÉÉªÉ {ÉCEòÉ
{ÉCEòÉ Eò½þ * ªÉ½þ EòÉxÉÉ +ɪÉÉ * EòxÉ EòxÉ Eò½þ *
+É{É EòÉ CªÉÉ +ɪÉÉ ? +É{É EòÉ ªÉÉEò +ɪÉÉ *
+É{É EòÉ EòÉEòÉ +ɪÉÉ * ªÉ½þ CªÉÉ Eò½þÉ ?
EòÉEòÉ EòÉ {ÉÉxÉ +ɪÉÉ * ªÉ½þ ªÉÉEò +ɪÉÉ *
CªÉÉ xÉÉ{ÉÉ ? ªÉ½þ xɪÉÉ {ÉɪÉÉ xÉÉ{ÉÉ * xɪÉxÉ Eò½þ *
Note : A Vowel in its full form is pronounced independently but in its initial
form (M¡tr¡) is pronounced in combination with a consonant. All
consonants in the Hindi Alphabet contain an inherent vowel "+" within
them, without which it is not possible to articulate these sounds. When the
inherent "+" is absent from a consonant it is known as a Conjunct letter

ºÉÖÊxɪÉä +Éè®ú ºÉ¨ÉÊZɪÉä :

1- +É{É ¤ÉÉWÉÉ®ú VÉÉ<ªÉä * ( PÉ®ú, ºEÚò±É, +º{ÉiÉÉ±É <iªÉÉÊnù )
2- +É{É Ê¡ò®ú PÉ®ú +É<ªÉä * ( ¦ÉÉ®úiÉ, ªÉ½þÉÄ )
3- +É{É ªÉ½þÉÄ ¤ÉèÊ`öªÉä * ( ´É½þÉÄ )
4- +É{É ºÉÆMÉÒiÉ ºÉÖÊxɪÉä * ( ¦ÉVÉxÉ, MÉÉxÉÉ )
5- +É{É Ê½þxnùÒ ¤ÉÉäʱɪÉä * ( Ê¡ò®ú, vÉÒ®äú - vÉÒ®äú )

Writing Exercises
The Devanagari script of Hindi makes use of several basic strokes. If a
reed pen or wide pointed nib cut at an angle is used, the nature of these strokes
will be clear. The advantage of practising with such a pen, in the early stages, is
that an Indian-looking penmanship will develop. Modern usage, of course,
includes pencil, fountain pen, ball point pen and computer. Most Indians
however, learned to write with a reed pen or similar instrument and they have set
the style of the script. Printing has tried to reproduce this so that the
Devanagari in either written or printed letters are the same basic letters and do
not differ as do many letters of English, i.e., F and f. We advise getting a writing
book such as is used by school children, and copying the basic strokes from it,
then take up the letters in the order that we have introduced them in this reader.
This will relate your writing with your reading and phonetic drill work. Whenever
you write a letter at this early stage, be sure to sound out the letter you have
written. This means you will have to be sure to start writing after you have done
the phonetic drill work and the reading. However, you can practise the basic
strokes any time to get your hand used to Hindi writing:

The basic strokes are:










After the reading and phonetic drill, copy the letters of Lesson 1 at least
three times:

+, +É, Eò, xÉ, {É, ªÉ, ½þ, ªÉ½þ, {ÉÉxÉ, EÂò ªÉÉ or CªÉÉ, +É{É *

Copy the words as shown below:

+É{É {ÉÉxÉ xÉÉEò EòÉxÉ

CªÉÉ {ÉCEòÉ ªÉ½þ



{ÉÉ`ö 2 (P¡th 2)
Dialogue 2

1. Adhy¡pak : Yah Kais¡ qalam hai? 1. +vªÉÉ{ÉEò : ªÉ½þ EèòºÉÉ Fò±É¨É ½èþ ?
2. Vidy¡rth¢ : Wah K¡l¡ qalam hai. 2. Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ : ´É½þ EòɱÉÉ Fò±É¨É ½èþ *
3. Adhy¡pak : Yah Kais¢ p®nsil hai? 3. +vªÉÉ{ÉEò : ªÉ½þ EèòºÉÒ {ÉäÎxºÉ±É ½èþ ?
4. Vidy¡rth¢ : Wah K¡l¢ p®nsil hai. 4. Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ : ´É½þ EòɱÉÒ {ÉäÎxºÉ±É ½èþ *
5. Adhy¡pak : Wah Kais¢ p®nsil hai? 5. +vªÉÉ{ÉEò : ´É½þ EèòºÉÒ {ÉäÎxºÉ±É ½èþ ?
6. Vidy¡rth¢ : Yah l¡l p®nsil hai. 6. Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ : ªÉ½þ ±ÉÉ±É {ÉäÎxºÉ±É ½èþ *
7. Adhy¡pak : Wah l¡l p®nsil kais¢ 7. +vªÉÉ{ÉEò : ´É½þ ±ÉÉ±É {ÉäÎxºÉ±É EèòºÉÒ
hai? ½èþ ?
8. Vidy¡rth¢ : Yah l¡l p®nsil 8. Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ : ªÉ½þ ±ÉÉ±É {ÉäÎxºÉ±É
chh°¶¢ hai. UôÉä]õÒ ½èþ*
9. Adhy¡pak : Yah k¡l¡ qalam kais¡ 9. +vªÉÉ{ÉEò : ªÉ½þ EòɱÉÉ Fò±É¨É EèòºÉÉ
hai? ½èþ ?
10. Vidy¡rth¢ : Wah k¡l¡ qalam baá 10. Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ : ´É½þ EòɱÉÉ Fò±É¨É ¤Éc÷É
hai. ½èþ*

Inductive Grammar
Questions are based on the dialogue above. Remember to use a piece of
paper to cover the answers until you have answered the question yourself:
1. What is the difference between EòɱÉÉ and EòɱÉÒ ?
The ending of the adjective is '+É' when it qualifies a masculine noun and
the ending is '<Ç' when it qualifies a feminine noun.
2. What is the difference between adjectives like EòɱÉÉ and ±ÉÉ±É ?
Adjectives ending in '+É' inflect (change) to show gender while adjectives
not ending in '+É' do not change.
3. Where may adjectives be placed in a sentence?
Either before a noun or before the verb. An adjective placed before a
noun, describes a general quality of the noun. When placed after the
noun, the quality of the noun becomes specific and emphasized.
4. Do inflectable adjectives agree with the noun in both positions i.e. before
and after the noun?
Yes, inflectable adjectives agree with the noun in both positions.
5. How is the word 'EèòºÉÉ' used in the Dialogue?
The interrogative 'EèòºÉÉ' has an adjectival nature, describing a general
quality of a noun. It inflects like other inflectable adjectives.

New Words Introduced in the Dialogue

EèòºÉÉ - kais¡ - what kind : ±ÉÉ±É - l¡l - red : EòɱÉÉ - k¡l¡ - black
UôÉä]õÉ - chh°¶¡ - small, little : ¤Éc÷É - baá - large, big

Other Words to be Introduced

¤Éc÷É °ü¨ÉÉ±É - baá r£m¡l - KÉ®úÉ¤É - Áar¡b - bad,
large handkerchief spoiled
UôÉä]õÉ EäòEò - chh°¶¡ k®k - small cake +SUôÉ - achchh¡ - good, nice
¤Éc÷É Ê¤ÉºEÖò]õ - baá biskut - large biscuit ºÉÉ¢ò - s¡f - clean
EòɱÉÒ {±Éä]õ - k¡l¢ pl®t - black dish ºÉ¢äònù - saf®d - white
UôÉä]õÒ PÉc÷Ò - chh°¶¢ ghaâ - small watch ¨Éè±ÉÉ - mail¡ - dirty
¤Éc÷É ÊMɱÉÉºÉ - baá gil¡s - big glass xÉÒ±ÉÉ - n¢l¡ - blue
EòɱÉÉ ¢ò¶ÉÇ - k¡l¡ farsh - black floor {ÉÒ±ÉÉ - p¢l¡ - yellow
½þ®úÉ - har¡ - green
UôÉä]õÒ nù®úÒ - chh°¶¢ dar¢ - small mat
UôÉä]õÒ iɺ´ÉÒ®ú - chh°¶¢ tasv¢r - small picture
¨Éè±ÉÒ nùÒ´ÉÉ®ú - mail¢ d¢w¡r - dirty wall
+É{É ±ÉÒÊVɪÉä - ¡p l¢jiy® - please take
+É{É ±ÉÉ<ªÉä - ¡p l¡iy® - please bring
+É{É nùÒÊVɪÉä - ¡p d¢jiy® - please give
Numbers: 6 Uô: chhah - 7 ºÉÉiÉ s¡t - 8 +É`ö ¡th - 9 xÉÉè nau - 10 nùºÉ das

Oral Exercises
Oral exercises or 'drills' as they are often called, can be prepared in a
variety of forms, some of which have been outlined in the introduction to this
course. At this stage most of the drills are in question and answer form as this
is a natural language form. When the drill is understood, care and time should
be taken that the teacher does not ask all the questions and the students don't
give all the answers. Students should also ask questions, either of the teacher
or of each other.
Remember that these drills are basically to master grammatical forms.
The forms drilled are to be mastered (shown by the time of response) and
pronunciation is of secondary consideration except where faulty pronunciation
indicates or sometimes masks faulty grammar or language patterns.
These drills are designed to be intensive and used without resort to
English. In class, the teacher (by means of objects and using the basic request
words, will give the instructions in Hindi). The drills can be read afterwards at
home. Later on other drills are designed to be read in class.
Each drill starts with a model. The teacher will hold up his hand or in
some other way indicate when he is taking the student's part in the model.
There are usually many examples of each drill: only a few are printed
1. Answer each question by using the adjectives supplied as in the example:
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : ªÉ½þ EèòºÉÉ EòÉNÉWÉ ½èþ ? : ºÉÉ¢ò/¨Éè±ÉÉ : ªÉ½þ ºÉÉ¢ò/¨Éè±ÉÉ EòÉNÉWÉ ½èþ *
Nam£n¡ : Yah kais¡ k¡Âaz hai? : s¡f/mail¡ : Yah s¡f/mail¡ k¡Âaz hai.
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : ªÉ½þ EèòºÉÉ ÊMɱÉÉºÉ ½èþ ? : ºÉ¢äònù/½þ®úÉ : ªÉ½þ ºÉ¢äònù/½þ®úÉ ÊMɱÉÉºÉ ½èþ *
Abhy¡s : Yah kais¡ gil¡s hai? : saf®d/har¡ : Yah saf®d/har¡ gil¡s hai.
ªÉ½þ EèòºÉÒ iɺ´ÉÒ®ú ½èþ ? : KÉ®úɤÉ/+SUôÒ : ªÉ½þ KÉ®úɤÉ/+SUôÒ iɺ´ÉÒ®ú ½èþ *
Yah kais¢ tasv¢r hai?
: Áar¡b/achchh¢ : Yah Áar¡b/achchh¢ -
tasv¢r hai.
2. Read the statements given below and change the description of the
objects by using your own adjective:
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : ªÉ½þ UôÉä]õÉ ½þÉlÉ ½èþ * ªÉ½þ (¤Éc÷É) ½þÉlÉ ½èþ *
Nam£n¡ : Yah chh°¶¡ h¡th hai. Yah (baá) h¡th hai.
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : ªÉ½þ ±ÉÉ±É °ü¨ÉÉ±É ½èþ * .........................................................
Abhy¡s : Yah l¡l r£m¡l hai. .........................................................
ªÉ½þ KÉ®úÉ¤É iɺ´ÉÒ®ú ½èþ * .........................................................
Yah Áar¡b tasv¢r hai. .........................................................
3. Change the given statements into questions using an appropriate form of
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : ªÉ½þ ºÉ¢äònù nùÒ´ÉÉ®ú ½èþ * ªÉ½þ EèòºÉÒ nùÒ´ÉÉ®ú ½èþ ?
Nam£n¡ : Yah saf®d d¢w¡r hai. Yah kais¢ d¢w¡r hai ?
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : ´É½þ ºÉÉ¢ò nù®úÒ ½èþ * .......................................................
Abhy¡s : Wah s¡f dar¢ hai. .......................................................
ªÉ½þ xÉÒ±ÉÉ Fò±É¨É ½èþ * ........................................................
Yah n¢l¡ qalam hai. ........................................................
4. Answer each question by adding the adjectives supplied. Inflectable and
un-inflectable adjectives are used indiscriminately. Watch the use of 'ªÉ½þ'
(Yah) and '´É½þ' (Wah). By pointing and touching object, make this
distinction clear:
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : ªÉ½þ ¤Éc÷É Fò±É¨É EèòºÉÉ ½èþ ? : EòɱÉÉ : ´É½þ ¤Éc÷É Fò±É¨É EòɱÉÉ ½èþ *
Nam£n¡ : Yah baá qalam kais¡ hai? : k¡l¡ : Wah baá qalam k¡l¡ hai.
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : ´É½þ ºÉ¢äònù °ü¨ÉÉ±É EèòºÉÉ ½èþ ? : ¨Éè±ÉÉ : ´É½þ ºÉ¢äònù °ü¨ÉÉ±É ¨Éè±ÉÉ ½èþ *
Abhy¡s : Wah saf®d r£m¡l kais¡ hai? : mail¡ : Wah saf®d r£m¡l mail¡ hai.
ªÉ½þ ½þ®úÒ EÖòºÉÔ EèòºÉÒ ½èþ ? : ºÉÉ¢ò : ´É½þ ½þ®úÒ EÖòºÉÔ ºÉÉ¢ò ½èþ *
Yah har¢ kurs¢ kais¢ hai? : s¡f : Wah har¢ kurs¢ s¡f hai.
5. The teacher is to indicate the object listed first in each drill then the
student is to ask what it is. On being told, he should ask what kind it is:
+vªÉÉ{ÉEò Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : PÉc÷Ò ªÉ½þ CªÉÉ ½èþ ?
Nam£n¡ : ghaâ yah ky¡ hai ?
ªÉ½þ PÉc÷Ò ½èþ * ªÉ½þ EèòºÉÒ PÉc÷Ò ½èþ ?
yah ghaâ hai. yah kais¢ ghaâ hai ?
ªÉ½þ UôÉä]õÒ PÉc÷Ò ½èþ * ªÉ½þ UôÉä]õÒ PÉc÷Ò EèòºÉÒ ½èþ ?
yah chho¶¢ ghaâ hai. yah chho¶¢ ghaâ kais¢ hai ?
ªÉ½þ UôÉä]õÒ PÉc÷Ò +SUôÒ ½èþ *
yah chho¶¢ ghaâ achchh¢ hai.
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : ¢ò¶ÉÇ ªÉ½þ CªÉÉ ½èþ ?..................
Abhy¡s : farsh yah ky¡ hai?................
6. Change the following Imperatives into verb roots or vice-versa:
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : ¤ÉiÉÉ<ªÉä : ¤ÉiÉÉ
¤ÉèÊ`öªÉä : ¤Éè`ö
näùÊJɪÉä : näùJÉ

Grammar of the Exercises

1. Practises the use of uninflectable/inflectable adjectives.
2. Practises the substitution of adjectives.
3. Practises the correct use of the inflectable interrogative 'EèòºÉÉ'.
4. Practises adding a second adjective.
5. Review of the exercises in a conversational format.
6. Practises obtaining verb roots from Imperatives and vice-versa.


New vowels: <Ç B Bä

<Ç -- <ÇEò <Ç{É <ÇxÉ Eò<Ç {É<Ç ½þ<Ç
( #Ò ) -- EòÒ {ÉÒ xÉÒ EòÒ {ÉÒ ½þÒ
B -- BEò B{É BxÉ EòB {ÉB ½þB
( #ä ) -- Eäò {Éä xÉä Eäò {Éä ½äþ
Bä -- BäEò Bä{É BäxÉ EòBä {ÉBä ½þBä
(#è ) -- Eèò {Éè xÉè Eèò {Éè ½èþ
New consonants: ±É ºÉ ¨É ¤É
±É -- ±ÉɱÉ, EòɱÉÉ, {ÉÒ±ÉÉ, {ÉÒ±Éä, EòÒ±É, xÉÒ±ÉÉ, ±ÉÒ±ÉÉ
ºÉ -- ºÉɺÉ, {ÉɺÉ, ºÉÒxÉÉ, ºÉäxÉÉ, ºÉ½þÒ, ºÉɪÉÉ, EòºÉxÉÉ
¨É -- ¨ÉxÉ, ¨ÉɪÉÉ, ¨ÉÉ{ÉÉ, EòɨÉ, ½þ¨É, xɨÉEò, xÉÒ¨É, ¨ÉèxÉÉ
¤É -- ¤ÉxÉ, ¤ÉEò-¤ÉEò, ¤ÉÉEòÒ, ¤ÉÉxÉÒ, ¤ÉxÉɪÉÉ, ¤ÉÉ{É, ¤É½þÉ
EèòºÉÉ, ºÉè±ÉɤÉ, <ǺÉÉ<Ç, +ºÉ±ÉÒ, ¨Éè±ÉÉ, ¨Éä±ÉÉ, ºÉä¤É, ¤Éä¤ÉÒ, Bä¤É
BäºÉÉ, BäxÉEò, BEò, ¨ÉɱÉÉ, EäòEò, ºÉ±ÉÒ¤É, ¤ÉÒ¨ÉÉ, ±Éè±ÉÉ, ¨ÉºÉÒ½þ, ¤ÉºÉ*

<ǺÉÉ<Ç ¤É¨¤É<Ç ºÉä +ɪÉÉ * BEò ºÉä¤É {ÉÒ±ÉÉ ½èþ *

¨ÉɱÉÉ EòÒ ¨ÉɱÉÉ EèòºÉÒ ½èþ ? ¨ÉɱÉÉ EòÒ ¨ÉɱÉÉ EòɱÉÒ ½èþ *
¨Éè±Éä {ªÉɱÉä Eäò {ÉÉºÉ CªÉÉ ½èþ ? ¨Éè±Éä {ªÉɱÉä Eäò {ÉÉºÉ BEò EäòEò ½èþ *
±ÉÒ±ÉÉ Eäò {ÉÉºÉ EèòºÉÉ ºÉä¤É ½èþ ? ±ÉÒ±ÉÉ Eäò {ÉÉºÉ BEò ±ÉÉ±É ºÉä¤É ½èþ *
ªÉ½þ CªÉÉ ½èþ ? ªÉ½þ ¨É±ÉÉ<Ç ½èþ *
ªÉ½þ EòÉ¨É EèòºÉÉ ½èþ ? ªÉ½þ EòÉ¨É +ɺÉÉxÉ ½èþ *
ºÉÖÊxɪÉä +Éè®ú ºÉ¨ÉÊZɪÉä :
+É{É vÉÒ®äú-vÉÒ®äú ʽþxnùÒ ¤ÉÉäʱɪÉä * ({ÉÆVÉɤÉÒ, ¤ÉÆMÉɱÉÒ)
+É{É ´É½þ ÊEòiÉÉ¤É ªÉ½þÉÄ ±ÉÉ<ªÉä * (ÊMɱÉɺÉ, iɺ´ÉÒ®ú)
+É{É BEò ÊMɱÉÉºÉ `öhb÷É {ÉÉxÉÒ nùÒÊVɪÉä * (MɨÉÇ, ºÉÉ¢ò)
+É{É ¨Éä®úÒ iɺ´ÉÒ®ú xÉ ±ÉÒÊVɪÉä * (=ºÉEòÒ)
ºÉ´ÉÉ±É : +SUôÉ, ªÉ½þ ¤ÉiÉÉ<ªÉä, ¨ÉɱÉÉ EèòºÉÉ xÉÉ¨É ½èþ ?
VÉ´ÉÉ¤É : ¨ÉɱÉÉ +SUôÉ xÉÉ¨É ½èþ *
(¨ÉÉvÉÖ®úÒ, ¨ÉFò¤ÉÚ±É)

Writing Exercises

1. Practise the basic strokes of the Devanagari script.

2. Write the new letters of Lesson 2, three times each, being sure to use
the conjunct form of each vowel after using the full form.
<Ç, EòÒ, B, xÉä, Bä, ½èþ, ±É, ºÉ, ¨É, ¤É *
3. Copy the key words three times each.
±ÉɱÉ, ºÉɺÉ, ¨ÉxÉ, ¤ÉxÉ,
4. Write the following words that you know three times each.
¨Éè±ÉÉ, EèòºÉÉ, EòɱÉÉ * ªÉ½þ CªÉÉ ½èþ ?

5. Write the numerals 1 to 5 as digits: 1 2 3 4 5

6. Start a chart of vertical lines numbered from 1 to 10 with a vowel in full
form under each number. Under these write the consonants, as you
learn them, with the compounded form of the vowel at the top of each
line. Thus:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
+ +É <Ç B Bä
#É #Ò #ä #è
Eò EòÉ EòÒ Eäò Eèò
xÉ xÉÉ xÉÒ xÉä xÉè
etc. etc. etc.

You have learned five vowels and nine consonants.

Enlarge this chart as you learn new vowels and consonants, until it is
filled out. Your teacher can tell you the correct order of the vowels.
Later, you will learn the consonants in their alphabetical and phonemic
order. Here your goal is quick and easy recognition as you learn the



{ÉÉ`ö 3 (P¡th 3)
Dialogue 3

1. Adhy¡pak : ªÉ½þ CªÉÉ ½èþ ? 1. +vªÉÉ{ÉEò : ªÉ½þ CªÉÉ ½èþ ?

2. Vidy¡rth¢ : Wah qalam ½èþ * 2. Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ : ´É½þ Fò±É¨É ½èþ *
3. Adhy¡pak : ªÉ½þ EèòºÉÉ qalam ½èþ ? 3. +vªÉÉ{ÉEò : ªÉ½þ EèòºÉÉ Fò±É¨É ½èþ ?
4. Vidy¡rth¢ : Wah EòɱÉÉ qalam ½èþ * 4. Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ : ´É½þ EòɱÉÉ Fò±É¨É ½èþ *
5. Adhy¡pak : EòɱÉÉ qalam kah¡n ½èþ ? 5. +vªÉÉ{ÉEò : EòɱÉÉ Fò±É¨É Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ?
6. Vidy¡rth¢ : EòɱÉÉ qalam h¡th - 6. Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ : EòɱÉÉ Fò±É¨É ½þÉlÉ -
m®n ½èþ * ¨Éå ½èþ *
7. Adhy¡pak : H¡th kah¡n ½èþ? 7. +vªÉÉ{ÉEò : ½þÉlÉ Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ?
8. Vidy¡rth¢ : H¡th kit¡b par ½èþ * 8. Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ : ½þÉlÉ ÊEòiÉÉ¤É {É®ú ½èþ *
9. Adhy¡pak : J®b m®n CªÉÉ ½èþ? 9. +vªÉÉ{ÉEò : VÉä¤É ¨Éå CªÉÉ ½èþ ?
10. Vidy¡rth¢ : M¡l£m nah¢n. 10. Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ : ¨ÉɱÉÚ¨É xɽþÓ *
11. Adhy¡pak : D®khiy®, j®b m®n - 11. +vªÉÉ{ÉEò : näùÊJɪÉä, VÉä¤É ¨Éå -
chh°¶¢ p®nsil ½èþ * UôÉä]õÒ {ÉäÎxºÉ±É ½èþ *

Inductive Grammar
1. What is the gender of 'qalam' and how is it indicated?
'Qalam' is masculine as indicated by the adjectives EèòºÉÉ and EòɱÉÉ.
2. Is the gender of 'kit¡b' indicated in this dialogue?
The gender of 'kit¡b' is not indicated as there is no inflectable adjective
related to it? Be sure to learn 'kit¡b' as 'achchh¢ kit¡b' or 'chh°¶¢ kit¡b' and
make it a rule to learn every noun with a gender-indicating adjective,
because Hindi nouns have a grammatical gender which is usually arbitrary.

3. What interrogative is used to ask the location of a thing?
4. How is the location indicated in the answer?
By the use of the word 'm®n', meaning 'in', and 'par' meaning 'on'.
5. Where are these 'location indicating' words placed in relation to the
After the noun indicating the place 'in which' or 'on which' a thing is
6. How does this position differ from where similar words are placed in
In English the word which indicates where something is located comes
before the noun and its article.
7. In English these words are called 'prepositions'. What would you call
them because of their position in Hindi?
In Hindi grammar we call them 'post-positions'.
8. What would you say when you don't know something?
'M¡l£m nah¢n'. This approximates '(I) don't know'.

New Words Introduced in the Dialogue

Eò½þÉÄ - kah¡n - where ¨Éå - m®n - in
{É®ú - par - on ¨ÉɱÉÚ¨É xɽþÓ - m¡l£m nah¢n - (I) don't know

Other Words to be Introduced

+SUôÉ {ÉÉxÉÒ - achchh¡ p¡n¢ - good water
xɪÉÉ - nay¡ - new
{ÉÖ®úÉxÉÉ - pur¡n¡ - old
EòɱÉÉ xɨÉEò - k¡l¡ namak - black salt
iÉÉWÉÉ nÚùvÉ - t¡z¡ d£dh - fresh milk
+SUôÒ SÉÒxÉÒ - achchh¢ ch¢n¢ - good sugar
iÉÉWÉÉ - t¡z¡ - fresh
¤ÉɺÉÒ - b¡s¢ - stale (does not inflect)
iÉÉWÉÉ JÉÉxÉÉ - t¡z¡ kh¡n¡ - fresh food
MɨÉÇ - garm - hot
¤Éc÷É Sɨ¨ÉSÉ - baá chammach - big spoon
`Æöb÷É - ¶ha¸·¡ - cold
UôÉä]õÒ UÖô®úÒ - chh°¶¢ chhur¢ - small knife
¨Éè±ÉÉ ¤É®úiÉxÉ - mail¡ bartan - dirty utensil/dish/vessel
½þ®úÒ +±É¨ÉÉ®úÒ - har¢ alm¡r¢ - green wardrobe, cupboard
+É{É {ÉÒÊVɪÉä - ¡p p¢jiy® - please drink
+É{É JÉÉ<ªÉä - ¡p kh¡iy® - please eat

11 MªÉÉ®ú½þ - gy¡rah - eleven 12 ¤ÉÉ®ú½þ - twelve
13 iÉä®ú½þ - thirteen 14 SÉÉènù½þ - chaudah - fourteen
15 {Éxpù½þ - pandrah - fifteen

Oral Exercises
1. Answer each question using the phrase indicated. Make a
complete sentence:
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : ºÉÉ¢ò {ÉÉxÉÒ Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ? : ÊMɱÉÉºÉ ¨Éå : ºÉÉ¢ò {ÉÉxÉÒ ÊMɱÉÉºÉ ¨Éå ½èþ *
Nam£n¡ : S¡f p¡n¢ kah¡n hai? : gil¡s m®n : S¡f p¡n¢ gil¡s m®n hai.
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : ¤Éc÷Ò nù®úÒ Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ? : ¢ò¶ÉÇ {É®ú : ¤Éc÷Ò nù®úÒ ¢ò¶ÉÇ {É®ú ½èþ *

Abhy¡s : Baâ dar¢ kah¡n hai ? : farsh par : Baâ dar¢ farsh par hai.
iÉÉWÉÉ nÚùvÉ Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ? : ¤É®úiÉxÉ : iÉÉWÉÉ nÚùvÉ ¤É®úiÉxÉ ¨Éå ½èþ *
T¡z¡ d£dh kah¡n hai ? : bartan : T¡z¡ d£dh bartan m®n hai.
2. Answer each question using the cue word given. Keep in mind the
meaning of your answer:
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : +±É¨ÉÉ®úÒ ¨Éå CªÉÉ ½èþ ? : JÉÉxÉÉ : +±É¨ÉÉ®úÒ ¨Éå JÉÉxÉÉ ½èþ *
: Alm¡r¢ m®n ky¡ hai ? : kh¡n¡ : Alm¡r¢ m®n kh¡n¡ hai.
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : nùÒ´ÉÉ®ú {É®ú CªÉÉ ½èþ ? : iɺ´ÉÒ®ú : nùÒ´ÉÉ®ú {É®ú iɺ´ÉÒ®ú ½èþ *
: D¢w¡r par ky¡ hai ? : tasv¢r : D¢w¡r par tasv¢r hai.
¤É®úiÉxÉ ¨Éå CªÉÉ ½èþ ? : nÚùvÉ : ¤É®úiÉxÉ ¨Éå nÚùvÉ ½èþ *
Bartan m®n ky¡ hai ? : d£dh : Bartan m®n d£dh hai.
3. Ask a question about the object mentioned in the sentence using EèòºÉÉ or
EèòºÉÒ and get someone to answer your question:
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : VÉä¤É ¨Éå °ü¨ÉÉ±É ½èþ * VÉä¤É ¨Éå EèòºÉÉ °ü¨ÉÉ±É ½èþ ? VÉä¤É ¨Éå xÉÒ±ÉÉ °ü¨ÉÉ±É ½èþ *
: J®b m®n r£m¡l hai. J®b m®n kais¡ r£m¡l hai? J®b m®n n¢l¡ r£m¡l-
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : ¨ÉäWÉ {É®ú UÖô®úÒ ½èþ * ¨ÉäWÉ {É®ú EèòºÉÒ UÖô®úÒ ½èþ ? ¨ÉäWÉ {É®ú UôÉä]õÒ UÖô®úÒ ½èþ *
: M®z par chhur¢ hai. M®z par kais¢ chhur¢ hai? M®z par chh°¶¢ -
chhur¢ hai.
¤É®úiÉxÉ ¨Éå {ÉÉxÉÒ ½èþ * ¤É®úiÉxÉ ¨Éå EèòºÉÉ {ÉÉxÉÒ ½èþ ? ¤É®úiÉxÉ ¨Éå ¨Éè±ÉÉ {ÉÉxÉÒ ½èþ *
Bartan m®n p¡n¢ hai. Bartan m®n kais¡ p¡n¢ hai? Bartan m®n mail¡ -
p¡n¢ hai.
4. Make a sentence using the nouns given below. Make sure to use the
appropriate location:
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : °ü¨ÉÉ±É : ½þÉlÉ : °ü¨ÉÉ±É ½þÉlÉ ¨Éå ½èþ *
: r£m¡l : h¡th : R£m¡l h¡th m®n hai .
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : ÊMɱÉÉºÉ Sɨ¨ÉSÉ
gil¡s chammach
ch¡y ch¢n¢
¢ò¶ÉÇ nù®úÒ
farsh dar¢
5. Change the Imperatives given below into the verb root or vice-versa:
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : JÉÉ<ªÉä - JÉÉ : ±ÉÒÊVɪÉä - ±Éä
{ÉÒÊVɪÉä - {ÉÒ : nùÒÊVɪÉä - näù

Grammar of the Exercises

1. Answering Eò½þÉÄ questions using the postpositions ¨Éå (m®n) and {É®ú (par).
2. To establish that the location takes the postposition and not the thing
3. To review the use of EèòºÉÉ and help fix noun genders in the memory.
4. To attain the automatic placement of postpositions.
5. Obtaining verb roots from Imperatives and vice-versa.

New Vowels: <, +Ä (Vowel nasalisation)
< - <ºÉ, <xÉ, <±É, <Eò, ºÉ<, iÉ<, ±É<, Eò<
(Ê#) - ʺÉ, ÊxÉ, ʱÉ, ÊEò, ʨÉ, ʤÉ, Ê{É
+Ä - +ÉÄ, BÄ, <Ä, Bå, <È
(#Ä) - ¨ÉÉÄ, ºÉÉĺÉ, ½ÄþºÉ, EòÓ, ¨Éå, ½þÉÄ, xɽþÓ
Note: If any part of the vowel is written above the line, then in modern
Hindi the moon-shaped line is omitted and only the dot is shown.
iÉ, lÉ, SÉ, Uô, ®ú, c÷
New Consonants:
iÉ - {ÉiÉÉ - iÉ{É, iɨÉ, iɤÉ, iɽþ, EòÉiÉ, {ÉÊiÉ, ¤ÉÉiÉ, ÊEòiÉɤÉ
lÉ - lÉɱÉÒ - lÉÉ, lÉÒ, lÉä, lÉxÉ, lÉÉEò, lÉɨÉxÉÉ, ½þÉlÉ,
ºÉÉlÉ, EòlÉÉ
Uô - UôiÉ - UôÉiÉÉ, Uô±ÉEò, UôɪÉÉ, UôÒ±É, Uô±É, ¨ÉUô±ÉÒ, ÊUôxÉ
®ú - ®úºÉ - ®úlÉ, ®äúiÉ, ®úÉiÉ, iÉ®ú, Eò®úxÉÉ, {É®ú, ºÉÉ®úÉ, ½þ®úÒ
c÷ - {Éäc÷ - ¤Éc÷É, iÉÉc÷, ºÉc÷Eò, {Écä÷, Eòc÷Ò, EòÒc÷É,
Sentences for reading using words you understand:
1. {ÉÉxÉÒ EèòºÉÉ ½èþ ? {ÉÉxÉÒ +SUôÉ ½èþ *
2. ¤Éc÷Ò {ÉäÎxºÉ±É EèòºÉÒ ½èþ ? ¤Éc÷Ò {ÉäÎxºÉ±É EòɱÉÒ ½èþ *
3. ¤Éc÷É Sɨ¨ÉSÉ Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ? ¤Éc÷É Sɨ¨ÉSÉ +±É¨ÉÉ®úÒ ¨Éå ½èþ *
4. ½þÉlÉ ¨Éå CªÉÉ ½èþ ? ½þÉlÉ ¨Éå ¤Éc÷Ò ÊEòiÉÉ¤É ½èþ *
5. ½þ®úÒ ÊEòiÉÉ¤É Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ? ½þ®úÒ ÊEòiÉÉ¤É ½þÉlÉ ¨Éå ½èþ *
6. xɨɺiÉä, +É<ªÉä, ªÉ½þ ¤ÉiÉÉ<ªÉä, {ÉÒ±ÉÒ {ÉäÎxºÉ±É Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ?
xɨɺiÉä, {ÉÒ±ÉÒ {ÉäÎxºÉ±É EòɱÉÒ ÊEòiÉÉ¤É ¨Éå ½èþ *
Sentences for reading:
1. ®úɺiÉÉ ¤Éc÷É lÉÉ * 2. ºÉc÷Eò {É®ú ¤Éc÷É {Éäc÷ lÉÉ *
3. ªÉ½þ ÊEòºÉEòÉ ±Éc÷EòÉ ½èþ ? 4. ½þÉÄ +É{É xÉÉ¨É ¤ÉiÉÉ<ªÉä *
5. SÉÉªÉ EòÉ ¤É®úiÉxÉ ±ÉÉ * 6. {ÉÒ±ÉÒ ÊSÉÊc÷ªÉÉ +SUôÒ lÉÒ *
7. UôÉiÉä EòÒ UôɪÉÉ +SUôÒ ½èþ * 8. CªÉÉ®úÒ Eäò {ÉÉºÉ ¤ÉÉÄºÉ ½èþ *
9. ¨ÉÉÄ Eäò {ÉÉºÉ +É *
10. ®úɺiÉä {É®ú CªÉÉ {Éc÷É lÉÉ ? ±Éc÷Eäò Eäò {ÉÉºÉ ÊEòºÉEòÉ Sɨ¨ÉSÉ ½èþ ?
11. ±Éc÷Eäò Eäò ½þÉlÉ ¨Éå SÉÉʤɪÉÉÄ lÉÓ * ±Éc÷ÊEòªÉÉÄ Eò½þÉÄ ½éþ ?
12. +É<ªÉä, ¤ÉiÉÉ<ªÉä, ªÉ½þ {ÉÒxÉä EòÉ {ÉÉxÉÒ ½èþ ? ½þÉÄ ½èþ; ÊEòºÉä SÉÉʽþªÉä ?

ºÉÖÊxɪÉä +Éè®ú ºÉ¨ÉÊZɪÉä :
(+) - 1. Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ? (ºEÚò±É, ¤ÉÉWÉÉ®ú, MÉäº]õ ½þÉ=ºÉ)
2. +KɤÉÉ®ú Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ? (½þÉlÉ, ¨ÉäWÉ, +±É¨ÉÉ®úÒ)
3. ¨ÉºÉÚ®úÒ Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ? (=kÉ®úÉJÉhb÷)
(¤É) - 1. +É{É ½þÉä]õ±É ¨Éå nùɱÉ-SÉÉ´É±É JÉÉ<ªÉä * (xɨÉEòÒxÉ, SÉÉ]õ, ʨÉ`öÉ<Ç)
2. +É{É ÊºÉMÉ®äú]õ xÉ {ÉÒÊVɪÉä * (¶É®úɤÉ)
3. +É{É BEò ºÉ´ÉÉ±É {ÉÚÊUôªÉä * (¤ÉÉiÉ)
4. ¦ÉÉ®úiÉ +É<ªÉä +Éè®ú iÉÉVɨɽþ±É näùÊJɪÉä * (+VÉxiÉÉ, ʽþ¨ÉɱɪÉ)
5. ºÉÖÊxɪÉä, ´É½þ ÊEòiÉÉ¤É nùÒÊVɪÉä * ({±Éä]õ, Sɨ¨ÉSÉ)

Writing Exercises
1. The new letters of this lesson are given below. Copy them at least three
times each. Write the conjunct forms of the two vowels with consonants
you already know. Be sure to pronounce each letter as you write it:
< ÊxÉ +Ä ½þÉÄ iÉ lÉ SÉ Uô ®ú c÷

2. The following words have been learned and may now be written.
Pronounce each word and be aware of it's meaning as you write it. Write
each word or combination of words at least twice. Note that each noun
has a gender indicating adjective given with it. Copy this adjective also to
help fix the gender in your mind:
+SUôÉ {ÉÉxÉÒ, ¤Éc÷É Sɨ¨ÉSÉ, ¤Éc÷É ½þÉlÉ, {ÉÒ±ÉÒ {ÉäÎxºÉ±É, ½þ®úÒ ÊEòiÉɤÉ, {ÉÉxÉÒ ¨Éå,
ÊEòiÉÉ¤É {É®ú, +É<ªÉä, ¤ÉiÉÉ<ªÉä, xɨɺiÉä, Eò½þÉÄ *

3. Write out sentences from the substitution tables given below. You have
already used substitution tables in the Dialogue Exercises to make
sentences orally. In the following tables only the words and letters that
you have learned are used. The tables give adjectives in their basic

dictionary (masculine singular) form: as you write out the sentence, make
sure that the adjectives are appropriately inflected to agree with the noun.
A. Write out the question three times and answer each question using
different words from the substitution box each time:

Question : ªÉ½þ CªÉÉ ½èþ ? Answer: ªÉ½þ ½þÉlÉ ½èþ *

B. Write three questions and six answers:

{ÉäÎxºÉ±É ±ÉÉ±É {ÉäÎxºÉ±É

Question ªÉ½þ EèòºÉÉ ÊEòiÉÉ¤É ½èþ ? Answer ªÉ½þ ¨Éè±ÉÉ ÊEòiÉÉ¤É ½èþ *
½þÉlÉ ¤Éc÷É ½þÉlÉ

C. Write three questions and six answers:

¤Éc÷É ¤É®úiÉxÉ ¤Éc÷É ¤É®úiÉxÉ +±É¨ÉÉ®úÒ {É®ú

ªÉ½þ {ÉÒ±ÉÉ ÊEòiÉÉ¤É Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ? ªÉ½þ {ÉÒ±ÉÉ ÊEòiÉÉ¤É ½þÉlÉ ¨Éå ½èþ*
½þ®úÉ {ÉäÎxºÉ±É ½þ®úÉ {ÉäÎxºÉ±É ÊEòiÉɤÉ

4. Write the numerals 1 - 15 in figures:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15

{ÉÉ`ö 4 (P¡th 4)
Dialogue 4

1. Adhy¡pak : D®khiy®, gil¡s - 1. +vªÉÉ{ÉEò : näùÊJɪÉä, ÊMɱÉÉºÉ -

m®z {É®ú ½èþ * ¨ÉäWÉ {É®ú ½èþ *
¤ÉiÉÉ<ªÉä, gil¡s EèòºÉÒ m®z {É®ú ½èþ ? ¤ÉiÉÉ<ªÉä, ÊMɱÉÉºÉ EèòºÉÒ ¨ÉäWÉ {É®ú ½èþ ?
2. Vidy¡rth¢ : gil¡s ¤Éc÷Ò m®z {É®ú ½èþ * 2. Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ : ÊMɱÉÉºÉ ¤Éc÷Ò ¨ÉäWÉ {É®ú ½èþ *
3. A. : Gil¡s ¨Éå EèòºÉÉ {ÉÉxÉÒ ½èþ ? 3. +0 : ÊMɱÉÉºÉ ¨Éå EèòºÉÉ {ÉÉxÉÒ ½èþ ?
4. V. : Gil¡s ¨Éå s¡f {ÉÉxÉÒ ½èþ * 4. Ê´É0 : ÊMɱÉÉºÉ ¨Éå ºÉÉ¢ò {ÉÉxÉÒ ½èþ *
5. A. : {ÉÉxÉÒ EèòºÉä gil¡s ¨Éå ½èþ ? 5. +0 : {ÉÉxÉÒ EèòºÉä ÊMɱÉÉºÉ ¨Éå ½èþ ?
6. V. : {ÉÉxÉÒ ¤Écä÷ gil¡s ¨Éå ½èþ * 6. Ê´É0 : {ÉÉxÉÒ ¤Écä÷ ÊMɱÉÉºÉ ¨Éå ½èþ *
7. A. : Phir d®khiy®, ªÉ½þ {ªÉɱÉÉ ½èþ * 7. +0 : Ê¡ò®ú näùÊJɪÉä, ªÉ½þ {ªÉɱÉÉ ½èþ *
8. V. : {ªÉɱÉä ¨Éå CªÉÉ ½èþ ? 8. Ê´É0 : {ªÉɱÉä ¨Éå CªÉÉ ½èþ ?
9. A. : {ªÉɱÉä ¨Éå SÉÉªÉ ½èþ, lijiy®. 9. +0 : {ªÉɱÉä ¨Éå SÉÉªÉ ½èþ, ±ÉÒÊVɪÉä *
10. V. : Dhanyaw¡d ªÉ½þ +SUôÒ - 10. Ê´É0 : vÉxªÉ´ÉÉnù * ªÉ½þ +SUôÒ -
SÉÉªÉ ½èþ * SÉÉªÉ ½èþ *
11. A. : ¤ÉiÉÉ<ªÉä, SÉÉªÉ EèòºÉä {ªÉɱÉä ¨Éå ½èþ? 11. +0 : ¤ÉiÉÉ<ªÉä, SÉÉªÉ EèòºÉä {ªÉɱÉä ¨Éå ½èþ ?
12. V. : SÉÉªÉ saf®d {ªÉɱÉä ¨Éå ½èþ * 12. Ê´É0: SÉÉªÉ ºÉ¢äònù {ªÉɱÉä ¨Éå ½èþ *

Inductive Grammar
1. Do either 'gil¡s' or 'm®z' change because of the postposition following
No, neither change.
2. What happens when {ªÉɱÉÉ is followed by a postposition?
The final +É in singular masculine nouns ending in +É changes to B when
followed by a postposition. These are inflectable nouns.
3. In the phrase '¤Éc÷Ò m®z {É®ú' why is ¤Éc÷Ò used instead of ¤Éc÷É ?
¤Éc÷É has changed to ¤Éc÷Ò because 'm®z' is a feminine noun. There is no
further change because singular feminine nouns do not inflect when
followed by a postposition. These are uninflectable nouns.
4. Why is EèòºÉä used in 'EèòºÉä gil¡s ¨Éå' and 'EèòºÉä {ªÉɱÉä ¨Éå' rather than EèòºÉÉ ?
Because it is an inflectable adjective (one ending in +É) which inflects to B
when qualifying a masculine noun followed by a postposition.
5. Why does 'safed' not change in 12?
There is no change in 'saf®d' as it does not end in +É and thus is an
uninflectable adjective.
6. Is there any important difference between 'gil¡s ¨Éå {ÉÉxÉÒ ½èþ' and '{ÉÉxÉÒ gil¡s ¨Éå
No, only a difference in emphasis. Either order is correct.
7. Does the form of the question indicate the form of the answer ?
Yes. Compare the question and answer of lines 3 and 4 with the question
and answer of lines 5 and 6 in the dialogue.

New Words Introduced in the Dialogue

¤Éc÷É {ªÉɱÉÉ - large cup +SUôÒ SÉÉªÉ - good tea Ê¡ò®ú - phir - again

Other Words to be Introduced

½þ®úÉ {ÉnùÉÇ - har¡ pard¡ - green curtain
¤Éc÷É Eò¨É®úÉ - - big room
xɪÉÉ nù®ú´ÉÉWÉÉ - nay¡ darw¡z¡ - new door
UôÉä]õÒ ÊJÉc÷EòÒ - chh°¶¢ kh¢Ãak¢ - small window
EòɱÉÉ UôÉiÉÉ - - black umbrella
{ÉÖ®úÉxÉÉ lÉè±ÉÉ - - old bag
¨Éè±ÉÉ iÉÉèʱɪÉÉ - mail¡ tauliy¡ - dirty towel
UôÉä]õÉ iÉɱÉÉ - small lock
¤Éc÷Ò SÉɤÉÒ - big key,
ºÉÖxnù®ú - beautiful
+É{É ®úÊJɪÉä - please keep, put, place
+É{É vÉÉä<ªÉä - please wash
Numerals - 16 to 20:
16 17 18 19 20
ºÉÉä±É½þ ºÉjɽþ +]Âõ`öÉ®ú½þ =zÉÒºÉ ¤ÉÒºÉ
s°lah satrah a¶¶h¡rah unn¢s b¢s

Oral Exercises
1. Answer the questions using the cue words:
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : EäòEò Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ? : ºÉ¢äònù {±Éä]õ : EäòEò ºÉ¢äònù {±Éä]õ {É®ú ½èþ *
K®k kah¡n hai ? : saf®d pl®t : K®k saf®d pl®t par hai.
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : iɺ´ÉÒ®ú Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ? : ºÉÖxnù®ú nùÒ´ÉÉ®ú : iɺ´ÉÒ®ú ºÉÖxnù®ú nùÒ´ÉÉ®ú {É®ú ½èþ *
Tasv¢r kah¡n hai ? : sundar d¢w¡r : Tasv¢r sundar d¢w¡r par hai.
{ÉÉxÉÒ Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ? : ºÉÉ¢ò ¤É®úiÉxÉ : {ÉÉxÉÒ ºÉÉ¢ò ¤É®úiÉxÉ ¨Éå ½èþ *
P¡n¢ kah¡n hai ? : s¡f bartan : P¡n¢ s¡f bartan m®n hai.
2. Answer each question using the words indicated, adding ¨Éå or {É®ú as required:
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : ¤Éc÷Ò ¨ÉäWÉ Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ? : Eò¨É®úÉ : ¤Éc÷Ò ¨ÉäWÉ Eò¨É®äú ¨Éå ½èþ *
Baâ m®z kah¡n hai ? : kamr¡ : Baâ m®z kamre m®n hai.
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : ¤Éc÷É {ÉnùÉÇ Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ? : nù®ú´ÉÉWÉÉ : ¤Éc÷É {ÉnùÉÇ nù®ú´ÉÉWÉä {É®ú ½èþ *
Baá pard¡ kah¡n hai ? : darw¡z¡ : Baá pard¡ darw¡z® par hai.
+SUôÒ SÉÉªÉ Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ? : {ªÉɱÉÉ : +SUôÒ SÉÉªÉ {ªÉɱÉä ¨Éå ½èþ *
Achchh¢ ch¡y kah¡n hai ? : py¡l¡ : Achchh¢ ch¡y py¡l® m®n hai.
3. Answer each question using the word or words indicated:
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : iɺ´ÉÒ®ú EèòºÉÒ nùÒ´ÉÉ®ú {É®ú ½èþ ? : {ÉÒ±ÉÉ : iɺ´ÉÒ®ú {ÉÒ±ÉÒ nùÒ´ÉÉ®ú {É®ú ½èþ *
Tasv¢r kais¢ d¢w¡r par hai? : p¢l¡ : Tasv¢r p¢l¢ d¢w¡r par hai.
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : °ü¨ÉÉ±É EèòºÉÒ VÉä¤É ¨Éå ½èþ ? : UôÉä]õÉ : °ü¨ÉÉ±É UôÉä]õÒ VÉä¤É ¨Éå ½èþ *
R£m¡l kais¢ j®b m®n hai? : chh°¶¡ : R£m¡l chh°¶¢ j®b m®n hai.
¤É®úiÉxÉ EèòºÉÒ +±É¨ÉÉ®úÒ ¨Éå ½èþ ? : {ÉÖ®úÉxÉÉ : ¤É®úiÉxÉ {ÉÖ®úÉxÉÒ +±É¨ÉÉ®úÒ ¨Éå ½èþ *
Bartan kais¢ alm¡r¢ m®n hai? : pur¡n¡ : Bartan pur¡n¢ alm¡r¢ -
m®n hai.
4. Answer the questions using the cue words:
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : SÉÉªÉ EèòºÉä {ªÉɱÉä ¨Éå ½èþ ? : {ÉÒ±ÉÉ : SÉÉªÉ {ÉÒ±Éä {ªÉɱÉä ¨Éå ½èþ *
Ch¡y kais® py¡l® m®n hai? : p¢l¡ : Ch¡y p¢l® py¡l® m®n hai.
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : nù®úÒ EèòºÉä Eò¨É®äú ¨Éå ½èþ ? : UôÉä]õÉ : nù®úÒ UôÉä]äõ Eò¨É®äú ¨Éå ½èþ *
Dar¢ kais® kamre m®n hai? : chh°¶¡ : Dar¢ chh°¶® kamre m®n hai.
JÉÉxÉÉ EèòºÉä ¤É®úiÉxÉ ¨Éå ½èþ ? : xɪÉÉ : JÉÉxÉÉ xɪÉä ¤É®úiÉxÉ ¨Éå ½èþ *
Kh¡n¡ kais® bartan m®n hai? : nay¡ : Kh¡n¡ nay® bartan m®n hai.
5. Combine the pairs of words given with ¨Éå or {É®ú. Follow the order in which
the pairs are given:
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : ±ÉÉ±É nù®úÒ : ¨Éè±ÉÉ ¢ò¶ÉÇ : ±ÉÉ±É nù®úÒ ¨Éè±Éä ¢ò¶ÉÇ {É®ú ½èþ *
L¡l dar¢ : mail¡ farsh : L¡l dar¢ mail® farsh par hai.
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : ¤Éc÷É nù®ú´ÉÉWÉÉ : ºÉÉ¢ò {ÉnùÉÇ : ¤Écä÷ nù®ú´ÉÉWÉä {É®ú ºÉÉ¢ò {ÉnùÉÇ ½èþ *
Baá darw¡z¡ : s¡f pard¡ : Baî darw¡z® par s¡f pard¡ hai.
UôÉä]õÉ UôÉiÉÉ : EòɱÉÉ lÉè±ÉÉ : UôÉä]õÉ UôÉiÉÉ EòɱÉä lÉè±Éä ¨Éå ½èþ *
Chh°¶¡ chh¡t¡ : k¡l¡ thail¡ : Chh°¶¡ chh¡t¡ k¡l® thail® m®n hai.
6. Ask a question using EèòºÉÉ/EèòºÉÒ about the location mentioned in the
sentence and get someone to answer your question:
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : {ÉnùÉÇ nù®ú´ÉÉWÉä {É®ú ½èþ * : {ÉnùÉÇ EèòºÉä nù®ú´ÉÉWÉä {É®ú ½èþ ?
Pard¡ darw¡z® par hai. : Pard¡ kais® darw¡z® par hai?
{ÉnùÉÇ ½þ®äú nù®ú´ÉÉWÉä {É®ú ½èþ * : Pard¡ har® darw¡z® par hai .

+¦ªÉÉºÉ : UôÉiÉÉ lÉè±Éä ¨Éå ½èþ * : UôÉiÉÉ EèòºÉä lÉè±Éä ¨Éå ½èþ ?
Chh¡t¡ thail® m®n hai. : Chh¡t¡ kais® thail® m®n hai?
UôÉiÉÉ {ÉÖ®úÉxÉä lÉè±Éä ¨Éå ½èþ * : Chh¡t¡ pur¡n® thail® m®n hai.
SÉÉªÉ {ªÉɱÉä ¨Éå ½èþ * : SÉÉªÉ EèòºÉä {ªÉɱÉä ¨Éå ½èþ ?
Ch¡y py¡l® m®n hai. : Ch¡y kais® py¡l® m®n hai?
SÉÉªÉ EòɱÉä {ªÉɱÉä ¨Éå ½èþ * : Ch¡y k¡l® py¡l® m®n hai.
7. Expand the sentences given below by using appropriate objects and
locations etc.:
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : ¤ÉèÊ`öªÉä : nù®úÒ {É®ú ¤ÉèÊ`öªÉä *

Grammar of the Exercises

1. To drill uninflectable adjectives qualifying masculine and feminine nouns
with postpositions.
2. To drill inflectable masculine nouns followed by a postposition.
3. To use inflectable adjectives, including adjectival interrogatives, with
feminine nouns followed by postpositions.
4. To drill inflectable adjectives with inflectable masculine nouns followed by
5. To practise the selection of ¨Éå or {É®ú in the context of inflections given
in this lesson.
6. To practise asking the kind of place where something is located.
7. Expansion of Imperative sentences.

Free Conversation
Now is the time for you to start using what you have learned.
Conversation is the most natural form of any language and is the evidence of
mastery. Start the habit of daily conversation with your teachers and friends.
You have several very useful tools - you can greet a person; there are at least
nine things you can ask him to do; you can ask at least three questions about
quite a number of things using the interrogatives, CªÉÉ, EèòºÉÉ, Eò½þÉÄ. Arrange for a
tea interlude in which you speak Hindi only. I am sure your teacher will respond

New Vowels: = >ð

= - =ºÉ =xÉ =iÉ =®ú ºÉ= xÉ= iÉ= ®ú=
( #Ö ) - EÖò SÉÖ UÖô ¨ÉÖ ºÉÖ xÉÖ iÉÖ ¯û
>ð - >ðxÉ >ð¤É >ð{É >ð®ú xÉ>ð ¤É>ð {É>ð ®ú>ð
( #Ú ) - EÚò SÉÚ UÚô ¨ÉÚ xÉÚ ¤ÉÚ iÉÚ °ü

New Consonants: VÉ ´É ]õ `ö nù vÉ
]Úõ]õ - VÉÖ]õ VÉÚ]õ ±ÉÖ]õ ±ÉÚ]õ EÖò]õ EÚò]õ ]õÉ]õ ]õÉ{ÉÚ ]õÉxÉ ºÉÚ]õ
{ÉÉ`ö - {ÉÚ`ö `ö{É `öÉ¨É {ÉÒ`ö ±É`ö +É`ö `öÉEÖò®ú
nÚùvÉ - {Énù nù®úÒ ªÉÉnù nùÉ¨É ºÉÚnù nÚù®ú näù®ú EÚònù Ênù±É

A dialogue to read and understand:

Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ : xɨɺiÉä, +vªÉÉÊ{ÉEòÉ VÉÒ, +É<ªÉä, ¤ÉèÊ`öªÉä *
+vªÉÉÊ{ÉEòÉ : xɨɺiÉä VÉÒ, vÉxªÉ´ÉÉnù *
Ê´É0 : SÉÉªÉ {ÉÒÊVɪÉä, ªÉ½þ nÚùvÉ - SÉÒxÉÒ ½èþ * ±ÉÒÊVɪÉä *
+0 : vÉxªÉ´ÉÉnù, ¤ÉiÉÉ<ªÉä, nÚùvÉ EèòºÉä ¤É®úiÉxÉ ¨Éå ½èþ ?
Ê´É0 : nÚùvÉ ¤Écä÷ ¤É®úiÉxÉ ¨Éå ½èþ *
+0 : `öÒEò ½èþ * Ê¡ò®ú ¤ÉiÉÉ<ªÉä, ʤɺEÖò]õ Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ?
Ê´É0 : ʤɺEÖò]õ {±Éä]õ {É®ú ½èþ * näùÊJɪÉä, ´É½þ lÉè±ÉÉ ½èþ * lÉè±Éä ¨Éå CªÉÉ ½èþ ?
+0 : lÉè±Éä ¨Éå UôÉiÉÉ ½èþ * UôÉiÉÉ EèòºÉÉ ½èþ ?
Ê´É0 : UôÉiÉÉ ±ÉÉ±É - xÉÒ±ÉÉ ½èþ * +vªÉÉÊ{ÉEòÉ VÉÒ, MɨÉÇ {ÉÉxÉÒ ±ÉÒÊVɪÉä *
½þÉlÉ vÉÉä<ªÉä*
+0 : +SUôÉ, ªÉ½þ {ªÉɱÉÉ ªÉ½þÉÄ ¨ÉäWÉ {É®ú ®úÊJɪÉä *

Reading for letter recognition:

´É½þ {ÉÉ`ö ¤É½ÖþiÉ EòÊ`öxÉ lÉÉ {É®ú ªÉ½þ +ɺÉÉxÉ ½èþ *
=xÉ EòÉ >ðxÉ ±ÉÉ±É ½èþ *
nù®úÒ {É®ú ±ÉÉ`öÒ ±ÉäEò®ú ¨ÉiÉ SÉ±É * =ºÉ ]õÉ]õ Eäò {Énæù {É®ú vÉÚ±É lÉÒ *
nÚùvÉ xÉÉ{É Eò®ú nùÒÊVɪÉä * °ü¨ÉÉ±É ¨Éå vÉÉxÉ SÉÖxÉ - SÉÖxÉ Eò®ú ±ÉÉ *
ºÉ¤É EòÒ `öÒEò ºÉä´ÉÉ Eò®ú * =ºÉEòÉ ¤Éä]õÉ VÉ´ÉÉxÉ ½èþ *
+É{É `öÒEò ¤ÉÉiÉ ¨ÉɱÉÚ¨É Eò®úEäò +É<ªÉä * SÉÚ½þÉ BEò VÉÒ´É ½èþ *

ºÉÖÊxɪÉä +Éè®ú ºÉ¨ÉÊZɪÉä:

1. ºÉÖÊxɪÉä, +É{É ¤É®úiÉxÉ vÉÉä<ªÉä +Éè®ú +±É¨ÉÉ®úÒ ¨Éå ®úÊJɪÉä *
2. UôÉiÉÉ ªÉ½þÉÄ ±ÉÉ<ªÉä +Éè®ú lÉè±Éä ¨Éå ®úÊJɪÉä *
3. näùÊJɪÉä, {ÉÖ®úÉxÉÉ +KɤÉÉ®ú xÉ nùÒÊVɪÉä
4. +É{É ¤ÉɺÉÒ JÉÉxÉÉ xÉ JÉÉ<ªÉä *
5. +É{É ªÉ½þ iɺ´ÉÒ®ú näùÊJɪÉä +Éè®ú BEò ºÉ´ÉÉ±É {ÉÚÊUôªÉä *

Writing Exercises
1. Copy each new letter of this lesson from the Reading Section three times.
Write the conjunct forms of the two vowels with the consonants you
already know. Pronounce each letter as you write it.

2. You have learned the following words in previous lessons and you can
now write them. Write each word at least twice. Supply gender indicating
adjectives for each of the nouns. Where you make a mistake, write it
correctly several more times to impress the correct gender and spelling on
your memory:

¤ÉèÊ`öªÉä, {ÉÚÊUôªÉä, ºÉÖÊxɪÉä, ´É½þ, vÉxªÉ´ÉÉnù VÉÒ, +É`ö (8), nùºÉ (10)

............. +vªÉÉ{ÉEò, ............... +vªÉÉÊ{ÉEòÉ, .............EÖòºÉÔ,............ VÉä¤É,

............ Sɨ¨ÉSÉ, ............... nù®úÒ, ................. iɺ´ÉÒ®ú,............... lÉè±ÉÉ..........

3. Out of each of the following tables, write six sentences, two of which
should be questions. Adjectives and nouns are given in the singular
masculine form in the table: when writing the sentence make sure they
are inflected where necessary:

´É½þ EèòºÉÉ °ü¨ÉÉ±É nÚùvÉ Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ?

1. ½èþ * 2. SÉÒxÉÒ ¤É®úiÉxÉ ¨Éå ½èþ *

ªÉ½þ ¨Éè±ÉÉ nùÒ´ÉÉ®ú {ªÉɱÉÉ {É®ú
½èþ ? SÉÉªÉ ÊMɱÉɺÉ
¤Éc÷É Eò¨É®úÉ

3. ªÉ½þ UôÉiÉÉ EèòºÉÉ ½þÉlÉ ¨Éå ½èþ ?

´É½þ iÉɱÉÉ ½þ®úÉ ¨ÉäWÉ {É®ú ½èþ *

4. Make sentences from the following tables so that you write every
Imperative at least once:

Eò¨É®äú ¨Éå +É<ªÉä ºÉÖÊxɪÉä

+vªÉÉ{ÉEò VÉÒ, +É{É +Éè®ú ¤ÉiÉÉ<ªÉä
EÖòºÉÔ {É®ú ¤ÉèÊ`öªÉä {ÉÚÊUôªÉä

nÚùvÉ ±ÉÉ<B *



{ÉÉ`ö 5 (P¡th 5)
Dialogue 5

1. +vªÉÉ{ÉEò : ªÉ½þ CªÉÉ ½èþ ?

2. Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ : ´É½þ ÊEòiÉÉ¤É ½èþ *
3. +vªÉÉ{ÉEò : <ºÉ ÊEòiÉÉ¤É {É®ú CªÉÉ ½èþ ?
4. Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ : =ºÉ {É®ú Fò±É¨É ½èþ *
5. +vªÉÉ{ÉEò : <ºÉ ÊEòiÉÉ¤É ¨Éå EèòºÉÉ EòÉNÉWÉ (k¡Âaz) ½èþ ?
6. Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ : =ºÉ ¨Éå ºÉ¢äònù EòÉNÉWÉ (saf®d k¡Âaz) ½èþ *
7. +vªÉÉ{ÉEò : CªÉÉ ªÉ½þ ½þ®úÒ ÊEòiÉÉ¤É ½èþ ?
8. Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ : VÉÒ ½þÉÄ, ´É½þ ½þ®úÒ ÊEòiÉÉ¤É ½èþ *
9. +vªÉÉ{ÉEò : CªÉÉ ªÉ½þ {ÉäÎxºÉ±É ½èþ ?
10. Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ : VÉÒ xɽþÓ, ´É½þ Fò±É¨É ½èþ, {ÉäÎxºÉ±É xɽþÓ ½èþ *

Inductive Grammar
1. Is <ºÉ a form of ªÉ½þ or ´É½þ ? Of which is =ºÉ a form?
<ºÉ is a form of ªÉ½þ and =ºÉ of ´É½þ.
2. How would you explain the use of <ºÉ instead of ªÉ½þ in Line 3?
<ºÉ is the inflected form of ªÉ½þ and is inflected because of the postposition.
3. How would you explain the use of =ºÉ instead of ´É½þ in Line 6?
=ºÉ is the inflected form of ´É½þ and is inflected because of the
postposition. We refer to a singular noun or pronoun followed by a
postposition as Oblique Singular.

4. How would you answer in the affirmative?
Yes is expressed by ½þÉÄ with or without the honorific.
5. How would you answer in the negative?
No and not are expressed by xɽþÓ with or without the honorific.
6. Why is xɽþÓ repeated in the statement while ½þÉÄ comes in the response
xɽþÓ is used to mean both 'no' and 'not' and is necessary to change an
affirmative statement into a negative statement.
7. How does the use of CªÉÉ in 7 and 9 differ from its use in 1, as you
learned in Lesson 1?
CªÉÉ at the beginning of a question calls for an affirmative or negative
answer, either stated or implied, to which more can be added, if desired.
New Words introduced in the Dialogue
½þÉÄ - yes (affirmation) xɽþÓ - no (negation)
Other Words to be Introduced
½þ®úÒ PÉÉºÉ - har¢ gh¡s - green grass
¤Éc÷É {Éäc÷ - - large tree
UôÉä]õÉ ¤ÉÆnù®ú - - small monkey
{ÉÒ±ÉÉ ¡Úò±É - ph£l - yellow flower
¤Éc÷É ±ÉÆMÉÚ®ú - - big langur
+SUôÉ ¡ò±É - phal - good fruit
¤Éc÷É VÉÆMÉ±É - - big forest, jungle
UôÉä]õÉ ¤ÉÉNÉÒSÉÉ - ba¢ch¡ - small garden
½þ®úÉ {ÉkÉÉ - - green leaf

½þ®úÉ {ÉÉèvÉÉ - paudh¡ - green plant
{ÉÖ®úÉxÉÉ MɨɱÉÉ - - old flower pot
+SUôÉ ºÉ´ÉÉ±É - - good question
+SUôÉ VÉ´ÉÉ¤É - - good answer
xɪÉÉ PÉ®ú - - new house, home
MÉÖ±ÉɤÉÒ - - pink
¤ÉéMÉxÉÒ - - purple
+É{É EòÒÊVɪÉä - - please do it
+É{É ¤ÉxÉÉ<ªÉä - - please make it
Oral Exercises
1.A. Answer each question using the cue word given or object shown. Use
the form given in the example. The articles referred to are equally close
to both the questioner and the person replying:
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : ªÉ½þ ÊEòiÉÉ¤É ½èþ * <ºÉ ÊEòiÉÉ¤É {É®ú CªÉÉ ½èþ ? : Fò±É¨É : <ºÉ {É®ú Fò±É¨É ½èþ *
(qalam) (qalam)
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : ªÉ½þ nùÒ´ÉÉ®ú ½èþ * <ºÉ nùÒ´ÉÉ®ú {É®ú CªÉÉ ½èþ ? : iɺ´ÉÒ®ú : <ºÉ {É®ú iɺ´ÉÒ®ú ½èþ *
Yah d¢w¡r hai. Is d¢w¡r par ky¡ hai? : tasv¢r : Is par tasv¢r hai.
ªÉ½þ lÉè±ÉÉ ½èþ * <ºÉ lÉè±Éä ¨Éå CªÉÉ ½èþ ? : UôÉiÉÉ : <ºÉ¨Éå UôÉiÉÉ ½èþ *
Yah thail¡ hai. Is thail® m®n ky¡ hai? : chh¡t¡ : Is m®n chh¡t¡-
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : ªÉ½þ {Éäc÷ ½èþ * <ºÉ {Éäc÷ ¨Éå CªÉÉ ½èþ ? : ¡ò±É : <ºÉ¨Éå ¡ò±É ½èþ *
Yah p®d hai. Is p®d m®n ky¡ hai ? : phal : Is m®n phal hai.
B. Do the same as for A, except that the articles referred to are equally
distant from the two persons:
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : ´É½þ nù®ú´ÉÉWÉÉ ½èþ * =ºÉ nù®ú´ÉÉWÉä {É®ú CªÉÉ ½èþ ? : {ÉnùÉÇ : =ºÉ {É®ú {ÉnùÉÇ ½èþ *
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : ´É½þ nù®úÒ ½èþ * =ºÉ nù®úÒ {É®ú CªÉÉ ½èþ ? : ¨ÉäWÉ : =ºÉ {É®ú ¨ÉäWÉ ½èþ *
(m®z) (m®z)
´É½þ {Éäc÷ ½èþ * =ºÉ {Éäc÷ ¨Éå CªÉÉ ½èþ ? : ¡ò±É : =ºÉ ¨Éå ¡ò±É ½èþ *
(phal) (phal)

2.A. Answer each question in the affirmative and repeat the statement:
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : CªÉÉ ªÉ½þ MɨÉÇ SÉÉªÉ ½èþ ? VÉÒ ½þÉÄ, ªÉ½þ MɨÉÇ SÉÉªÉ ½èþ *
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : CªÉÉ ´É½þ MÉÖ±ÉɤÉÒ ¡Úò±É ½èþ ? VÉÒ ½þÉÄ, ´É½þ MÉÖ±ÉɤÉÒ ¡Úò±É ½èþ *
CªÉÉ ªÉ½þ ±ÉéM´ÉäVÉ ºEÚò±É ½èþ ? VÉÒ ½þÉÄ, ªÉ½þ ±ÉéM´ÉäVÉ ºEÚò±É ½èþ *
B. Answer each question in the negative and complete the answer:
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : näùÊJɪÉä, ªÉ½þ Fò±É¨É ½èþ * CªÉÉ ªÉ½þ {ÉäÎxºÉ±É ½èþ ? VÉÒ xɽþÓ, ´É½þ Fò±É¨É ½èþ,
(d®khiy®) {ÉäÎxºÉ±É xɽþÓ ½èþ *
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : näùÊJɪÉä, ªÉ½þ ¡ò±É ½èþ * CªÉÉ ªÉ½þ ¡Úò±É ½èþ ? VÉÒ xɽþÓ, ´É½þ ¡ò±É ½èþ,
¡Úò±É xɽþÓ ½èþ *
näùÊJɪÉä, ´É½þ ±ÉÆMÉÚ®ú ½èþ * CªÉÉ ´É½þ ¤ÉÆnù®ú ½èþ ? VÉÒ xɽþÓ, ´É½þ ±ÉÆMÉÚ®ú ½èþ,
¤ÉÆnù®ú xɽþÓ ½èþ *
3. Make questions about common objects around you, some questions
expecting a 'Yes' answer, some a 'No' answer. The teacher or another
student should answer. Here are some examples:
xɨÉÚxÉä : ½þ®úÉ {ÉnùÉÇ * Q: CªÉÉ ÊJÉc÷EòÒ (kh¢Ãak¢) {É®ú ½þ®úÉ {ÉnùÉÇ ½èþ ?
A : VÉÒ ½þÉÄ *
UôÉä]õÒ +±É¨ÉÉ®úÒ * Q: CªÉÉ Eò¨É®äú ¨Éå UôÉä]õÒ +±É¨ÉÉ®úÒ ½èþ ?
A : VÉÒ xɽþÓ *
¡ò±É * Q: CªÉÉ Eò¨É®äú ¨Éå ¡ò±É ½èþ ? A : VÉÒ ½þÉÄ *
¨Éè±ÉÉ {ÉÉxÉÒ * Q: CªÉÉ ÊMɱÉÉºÉ ¨Éå ¨Éè±ÉÉ {ÉÉxÉÒ ½èþ ?
A : VÉÒ xɽþÓ *
4. Change the following sentences so that those that are affirmative
become negative and those that are negative become affirmative:
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : ¨ÉÉä½þxÉ ¤ÉÉNÉÒSÉä ¨Éå ½èþ * ¨ÉÉä½þxÉ ¤ÉÉNÉÒSÉä ¨Éå xɽþÓ ½èþ *
½þÊ®úuùÉ®ú ªÉÚ0 {ÉÒ0 ¨Éå ½èþ * ½þÊ®úuùÉ®ú ªÉÚ0{ÉÒ0 ¨Éå xɽþÓ ½èþ *
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : =ºÉ ¤É®úiÉxÉ ¨Éå iÉÉWÉÉ nÚùvÉ ½èþ * =ºÉ ¤É®úiÉxÉ ¨Éå iÉÉWÉÉ nÚùvÉ xɽþÓ ½èþ *
5. Some of the following sentences are logical and obviously possible, others
are quite impossible, as made clear in the two examples. Answer in the
affirmative if a sentence makes sense, and affirm it by repeating the
statement. If it does not make sense, then answer in the negative
followed by the correct statement, as in the examples:
xɨÉÚxÉä : CªÉÉ °ü¨ÉÉ±É VÉä¤É ¨Éå ½èþ ? VÉÒ ½þÉÄ, °ü¨ÉÉ±É VÉä¤É ¨Éå ½èþ *
CªÉÉ VÉä¤É °ü¨ÉÉ±É ¨Éå ½èþ ? VÉÒ xɽþÓ, VÉä¤É ¨Éå °ü¨ÉÉ±É ½èþ *
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : 1. CªÉÉ SÉɤÉÒ iÉɱÉä ¨Éå ½èþ ? VÉÒ ½þÉÄ, SÉɤÉÒ iÉɱÉä ¨Éå ½èþ *
CªÉÉ iÉɱÉÉ SÉɤÉÒ ¨Éå ½èþ ? VÉÒ xɽþÓ, SÉɤÉÒ iÉɱÉä ¨Éå ½èþ *
2. CªÉÉ ±ÉÆMÉÚ®ú {Éäc÷ {É®ú ½èþ ? VÉÒ ½þÉÄ, ±ÉÆMÉÚ®ú {Éäc÷ {É®ú ½èþ *
CªÉÉ {Éäc÷ ±ÉÆMÉÚ®ú {É®ú ½èþ ? VÉÒ xɽþÓ, ±ÉÆMÉÚ®ú {Éäc÷ {É®ú ½èþ *
6. Act out as far as possible your recognition of the following requests. If
acting is not feasible use hand signals to make it clear that you
understand. Use other objects if you do not have these to hand:
ªÉ½þ lÉè±ÉÉ ¨ÉäWÉ {É®ú ®úÊJɪÉä *
=ºÉ Eò¨É®äú ¨Éå VÉÉ<ªÉä *
+É{É ºÉ´ÉÉ±É {ÉÚÊUôªÉä *
ÊEòiÉÉ¤É Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ? +É{É VÉ´ÉÉ¤É nùÒÊVɪÉä *
xɨɺiÉä EòÒÊVɪÉä *
EòÉNÉWÉ {É®ú ¡Úò±É ¤ÉxÉÉ<ªÉä *
±ÉÒÊVɪÉä, ªÉ½þ nÚùvÉ {ÉÒÊVɪÉä *
ºÉÖÊxɪÉä, ´É½þ Fò±É¨É nùÒÊVÉB *
ªÉ½þ Eò¨É®úÉ ºÉÉ¢ò EòÒÊVɪÉä *
{ÉÉxÉÒ `öhb÷É EòÒÊVÉB *

Grammar of the Exercises

1. To use <ºÉ and =ºÉ in relationship to proximate and remote things and in
relationship to ªÉ½þ and ´É½þ.
2. To practise affirmative and negative responses to CªÉÉ questions.
3. To relate questions to 'Yes' and 'No' answers.

4. To practise changing affirmative sentences into negative ones and
5. To practise 'Yes' and 'No' answers to sensible and nonsensical questions
using postpositions.
6. To review the students's understanding of Imperatives.

New Vowels: +Éä +Éè
+Éä - +Éä®ú +ÉäºÉ +ÉäEò +Éä±É ®ú+Éä ºÉ+Éä Eò+Éä ±É+Éä
(#Éä) - ®úÉä ºÉÉä EòÉä ±ÉÉä ®úÉä ºÉÉä EòÉä ±ÉÉä
(+Éè) - +Éè®ú +ÉèºÉ +ÉèEò +Éè±É ®ú+Éè ºÉ+Éè Eò+Éè ±É+Éè
(#Éè) - ®úÉè ºÉÉè EòÉè ±ÉÉè ®úÉè ºÉÉè EòÉè ±ÉÉè

New Consonants: JÉ MÉ ¡ò
Ê¡ò®ú - ¡ò®ú ®ú¡ò ¡ò±É ¡Úò±É ¡òxÉÒ ¡òÉ]õEò ¡Úò]õ ¡äòxÉ ¡èò±ÉÒ

Loaned Letters from Urdu: Fò KÉ NÉ WÉ ¢ò

FòÉè¨É - ¨ÉÉèFòÉ Fò±É¨É SÉÉFÚò FòɱÉÒxÉ FòÉÊnù®ú FòÉÊ¤É±É Fònù®ú
KÉ¢òÉ - KÉ¢ò Eò¢ò nù¢òÉ ºÉ¢òÉ ¢òÉxÉÒ KÉÚxÉÒ KÉÚ¤ÉÒ ¢òÉäxÉ
A dialogue to read and understand:
+vªÉÉ{ÉEò : näùÊJɪÉä, ´É½þ ¤ÉÉNÉÒSÉÉ ½èþ * CªÉÉ =ºÉ ¤ÉÉNÉÒSÉä ¨Éå {Éäc÷ ½èþ ?
Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ : VÉÒ ½þÉÄ, =ºÉ¨Éå {Éäc÷ ½èþ *
+0 : ¤ÉiÉÉ<ªÉä, ´É½þ EèòºÉÉ {Éäc÷ ½èþ ?
Ê´É0 : ´É½þ ¤Éc÷É {Éäc÷ ½èþ * {Éäc÷ ¨Éå CªÉÉ ½èþ ?
+vªÉÉ{ÉEò : {Éäc÷ ¨Éå ¡ò±É ½èþ * ´É½þ ¡Úò±É Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ?
Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ : ´É½þ ¡Úò±É PÉÉºÉ {É®ú ½èþ * näùÊJɪÉä, =ºÉ {Éäc÷ {É®ú CªÉÉ ½èþ ?
+0 : =ºÉ {É®ú BEò ±ÉÆMÉÚ®ú ½èþ * +SUôÉ, ¤ÉiÉÉ<ªÉä, ´É½þ EèòºÉÉ
±ÉÆMÉÚ®ú ½èþ ?
Ê´É0 : ´É½þ KÉ®úÉ¤É ±ÉÆMÉÚ®ú ½èþ *
+0 : +SUôÉ, +É<B, ´É½þÉÄ ½þ®úÒ PÉÉºÉ {É®ú ¤ÉèÊ`öB *
Ê´É0 : ªÉ½þÉÄ PÉÉºÉ {É®ú {ÉÉxÉÒ ½èþ, nù®úÒ Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ?
+0 : nù®úÒ ´É½þÉÄ Eò¨É®äú ¨Éå ½èþ, ±ÉÉ<ªÉä *
Ê´É0 : ±ÉÒÊVɪÉä, ªÉ½þ ½èþ *
+0 : vÉxªÉ´ÉÉnù *
Sentences for letter recognition:
ºÉÉ¢ò +Éè®ú ºÉ¢äònù EòÉNÉWÉ WÉ°ü®ú näùxÉÉ *
FòÉè¨É EòÉä ¨ÉÉèFòÉ Ê¨É±ÉÉ *
+Éè®úiÉ +{ÉxÉä ¤ÉSSÉä Eäò ºÉÉlÉ lÉÒ *
KÉÖnùÉ FòÉÊnù®ú ½èþ *
=ºÉ +Éä®ú ¨ÉiÉ VÉÉ *
ºÉÖÊxɪÉä +Éè®ú ºÉ¨ÉÊZɪÉä :
1. +É{É <ºÉ ¤É®úiÉxÉ ¨Éå BEò ÊMɱÉÉºÉ {ÉÉxÉÒ MɨÉÇ EòÒÊVɪÉä * (nÚùvÉ, SÉɪÉ)
2. EòÉNÉWÉ ±ÉÒÊVɪÉä +Éè®ú <ºÉ {É®ú BEò iɺ´ÉÒ®ú ¤ÉxÉÉ<ªÉä *
3. BEò {ªÉɱÉÉ SÉÉªÉ ¤ÉxÉÉ<ªÉä *
4. ªÉ½þ ¤É®úiÉxÉ ºÉÉ¢ò xɽþÓ ½èþ, ºÉÉ¢ò EòÒÊVɪÉä *
5. ªÉ½þ nÚùvÉ ¤É½ÖþiÉ MɨÉÇ ½èþ * `öhb÷É EòÒÊVɪÉä *
6. +É{É ºÉ´ÉÉ±É {ÉÊgøªÉä +Éè®ú EòÉNÉWÉ {É®ú VÉ´ÉÉ¤É Ê±ÉÊJɪÉä *
7. +É{É VÉ´ÉÉ¤É nùÒÊVɪÉä * +É{ÉEòÒ ÊEòiÉÉ¤É Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ?

Writing Exercises
1. Here are the new letters from this lesson. Copy each three times. Write
the conjunct form of the two vowels with consonants you know.
Pronounce each letter as you write it:

+Éä EòÉä +Éè {ÉÉè JÉ MÉ ¡ò Fò, KÉ, NÉ, WÉ, ¢ò

2. Listed below are the words that you have learned orally and can now
write. Copy each one recalling the meaning and pronouncing it as you
write. Each noun that you have learned prior to Lesson 5 is given with a
blank for you to select an adjective to attach to it. This will check your
recall of gender. For each gender you must be sure to write the noun and
adjective three times to help fix the gender in your mind. The
new nouns of this lesson have an adjective attached:
Ê¡ò®ú, VÉÒ ½þÉÄ, VÉÒ xɽþÓ, <ºÉ, =ºÉ, ºÉ¢äònù, ºÉÉ¢ò,
KÉ®úɤÉ, UôÉä]õÉ, ¤ÉÉäʱɪÉä, näùÊJɪÉä, ¤Éc÷É {Éäc÷, UôÉä]õÉ ¤ÉÉNÉÒSÉÉ,
½þ®úÉ {ÉÉèvÉÉ, UôÉä]õÉ ¡ò±É, {ÉÒ±ÉÉ ¡Úò±É, +SUôÉ ºÉ´ÉɱÉ, +SUôÉ VÉ´ÉÉ¤É *
__________ ¨ÉäWÉ, ___________ EòÉNÉWÉ,___________ ÊMɱÉɺÉ,
__________ nù®ú´ÉÉWÉÉ, ________ ÊJÉc÷EòÒ, __________ Fò±É¨É *

Numerals: nùÉä, xÉÉè, MªÉÉ®ú½þ, ¤ÉÉ®ú½þ, iÉä®ú½þ, SÉÉènù½þ, {Éxpù½þ

Figures: 2 9 11 12 13 14 15

3. Using the sample and table below write four requests. Use Ê¡ò®ú in two of
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : +vªÉÉ{ÉEò VÉÒ, Ê¡ò®ú ºÉ´ÉÉ±É {ÉÚÊUôªÉä *
+vªÉÉ{ÉEò VÉÒ, Ê¡ò®ú ºÉ´ÉÉ±É {ÉÚÊUôªÉä *
+É{É ¡Úò±É ºÉÖÊxɪÉä *
¤ÉÉäʱɪÉä *
näùÊJɪÉä *

4. Follow the pattern below and use the table to write 5 pairs of sentences
that make sense:
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : ªÉ½þ VÉä¤É ½èþ * <ºÉ ¨Éå {ÉäÎxºÉ±É ½èþ *
ªÉ½þ ÊEòiÉÉ¤É ½èþ * <ºÉ ¨Éå {ÉÉxÉÒ ½èþ *
´É½þ {ªÉɱÉÉ =ºÉ {É®ú {ÉiiÉÉ
Eò¨É®úÉ SÉɪÉ

5. In the sentences below fill in VÉÒ ½þÉÄ or VÉÒ xɽþÓ as fits in each case
and when the negative is indicated complete the answer:
xɨÉÚxÉä : CªÉÉ ªÉ½þ ½þ®úÒ ÊEòiÉÉ¤É ½èþ ? VÉÒ ½þÉÄ, ´É½þ ½þ®úÒ ÊEòiÉÉ¤É ½èþ *
CªÉÉ ªÉ½þ ½þ®úÒ ÊEòiÉÉ¤É ½èþ ? VÉÒ xɽþÓ, ´É½þ ºÉ¢äònù ÊEòiÉÉ¤É ½èþ *
CªÉÉ ªÉ½þ ¡Úò±É ½èþ ? __ ____, ´É½þ ¡Úò±É ½èþ *
CªÉÉ ´É½þ ¡ò±É ½èþ ? __ ____, ´É½þ ¡Úò±É ½èþ *
CªÉÉ ´É½þ {ÉÉèvÉÉ ½èþ ? __ ____, ´É½þ {Éäc÷ ½èþ *
CªÉÉ ´É½þ {ÉiiÉÉ ½èþ ? __ ____, ´É½þ {ÉkÉÉ ½èþ *
CªÉÉ ´É½þ iɺ´ÉÒ®ú ½èþ ? __ ____, ´É½þ ÊJÉc÷EòÒ ½èþ *
CªÉÉ UôÉiÉÉ ¨ÉäWÉ {É®ú ½èþ ? __ ____, UôÉiÉÉ ¨ÉäWÉ {É®ú ½èþ *
CªÉÉ ªÉ½þ ±ÉÉ±É MɨɱÉÉ ½èþ ? __ ____, ´É½þ ±ÉÉ±É MɨɱÉÉ ½èþ *
CªÉÉ <ºÉ Eò¨É®äú ¨Éå UôÉä]õÉ nù®ú´ÉÉWÉÉ ½èþ ? __ ____, <ºÉ ¨Éå ¤Éc÷É nù®ú´ÉÉWÉÉ ½èþ *

6. Translate these sentences into English:

xɨɺiÉä EòÒÊVɪÉä *
SÉÉªÉ ¤ÉxÉÉ<ªÉä *
¡Úò±É ¤ÉxÉÉ<ªÉä *
iÉÉèʱɪÉÉ +±É¨ÉÉ®úÒ ¨Éå ®úÊJɪÉä *
½þÉlÉ vÉÉä<ªÉä *



{ÉÉ`ö 6 (P¡th 6)
Dialogue 6

Imagine you are meeting your teacher for the first time:
1. +vªÉÉ{ÉEò/ : ¨Éé +vªÉÉÊ{ÉEòÉ/+vªÉÉ{ÉEò ½ÚÄþ * +É{É EòÉèxÉ ½éþ ? CªÉÉ +É{É Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ ½éþ ?
2. Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ : VÉÒ ½þÉÄ, ¨Éé Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ ½ÚÄþ +Éè®ú ¨Éä®úÉ xÉÉ¨É ................ ½èþ * +É{ÉEòÉ
¶ÉÖ¦É (shubh) xÉÉ¨É CªÉÉ ½èþ ?
3. +0 : ¨Éä®úÉ xÉÉ¨É .............. ½èþ * +É{É Eò½þÉÄ Eäò/EòÒ ½éþ ?
4. Ê´É0 : ¨Éé +Éìº]ÅäõʱɪÉÉ EòÉ/EòÒ ½ÚÄþ * ¨ÉºÉÚ®Òú ¨Éå +É{É EòÉ PÉ®ú Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ?
5. +0 : ¨Éä®úÉ PÉ®ú ±ÉxføÉè®ú ¤ÉÉWÉÉ®ú ¨Éå ½èþ * CªÉÉ +É{ÉEäò ½þÉlÉ ¨Éå ªÉ½þ ±Éè{É-
]õÉì{É Eò¨{ªÉÚ]õ®ú ½èþ ?
6. Ê´É0 : VÉÒ xɽþÓ, ªÉ½þ ]äõ{ÉÊ®úEòÉìbÇ÷®ú ½èþ *
7. +0 : ªÉ½þ ÊEòºÉEòÉ ½èþ ?
8. Ê´É0 : ¨Éä®äú nùÉäºiÉ EòÉ ½èþ * +vªÉÉÊ{ÉEòÉ/+vªÉÉ{ÉEò VÉÒ, SÉʱɪÉä, +Éè®ú <ºÉ
{É®ú {ÉÉ`ö 6 Ê®úEòÉbÇ÷ EòÒÊVɪÉä *
9. +0 : +SUôÉ, +É<ªÉä *

Inductive Grammar
1. Which two pronouns are used in the first sentence and to whom do they
apply? When you are speaking about yourself which pronoun will you
¨Éé and +É{É. ¨Éé applies to the speaker and +É{É to the listener. When
speaking about myself I use ¨Éé.
2. Which part of the verb is used with ¨Éé and which with +É{É?
½ÚÄþ is used with ¨Éé and ½éþ with +É{É *
3. Which other part of the verb is used in the dialogue?
The other part of the verb used is ½èþ.
4. Can you give grammatical names to these parts of the verb? Say which
person they are and whether singular or plural.
½ÚÄþ is the first person singular, ½èþ is the third person singular and ½éþ the
second person plural. ½éþ is also used for the first person plural and the
third person plural (see L8 and L9).
5. What do you understand from "+É{É Eò½þÉÄ Eäò/EòÒ ½éþ" in line 3?
The question refers to the origin of a person.
6. Which interrogative word is introduced in line 1? What information do you
want when you use it?
EòÉèxÉ. I want to know who a person is.
7. How would you indicate that a thing is (a) yours? (b) belongs to the person
spoken to?
(a) by ¨Éä®úÉ (b) by +É{É EòÉ.
8. How do you ask who owns an object?
By using ÊEòºÉ EòÉ which is inflectable.
9. How are EòÉèxÉ and ÊEòºÉ related?
ÊEòºÉ is the inflected form of EòÉèxÉ due to the postposition.
10. Why is +É{É Eäò used in line 5 rather than +É{É EòÉ ?
Because +É{É EòÉ functions as an inflectable adjective, it therefore inflects
because of the postposition following the noun it qualifies. The same is
also true of +É{É Eäò.
11. Is +É{É an inflectable pronoun ?
No, +É{É never inflects.

New Words Introduced in the Dialogue

EòÉèxÉ - who ¨Éé - I
½ÚÄþ - am +Éè®ú - and
ÊEòºÉ EòÉ - whose ¨Éä®úÉ - my, mine
½éþ - are +É{É EòÉ - your, yours
+SUôÉ xÉÉ¨É - good name ¶ÉÖ¦É (shubh) - auspicious,-
]äõ{É Ê®úEòÉìbÇ÷®ú - tape recorder lucky, good

Other Words to be Introduced

+SUôÉ vÉÉä¤ÉÒ - good washerman
+SUôÉ ¨ÉɱÉÒ - good gardener
+SUôÉ EÖò±ÉÒ - good coolie
+SUôÒ +ɪÉÉ - good ayah, female servant (usually employed
to take care of children)
+SUôÉ KÉÉxɺÉɨÉÉÄ - good cook
+SUôÉ SÉÉèEòÒnùÉ®ú - good watchman
+SUôÉ nÚùEòÉxÉnùÉ®ú - good shopkeeper
¨Éä®úÉ nùÉäºiÉ - my friend
¤Éc÷É ¤ÉÉWÉÉ®ú - large market
¤Éc÷É º]äõ¶ÉxÉ - big station
=ºÉEòÒ nÚùEòÉxÉ - his/her shop

SÉʱɪÉä - please come along, go, start
ʱÉÊJɪÉä - please write
{ÉÊgøªÉä - please read
ÊnùJÉÉ<ªÉä - please show
Numerals: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80,
90, 100.

Oral Exercises
1. Take turns in asking and answering these questions. Make as many
different combinations as possible:

¨Éé ½ÚÄþ ?
ºÉ´ÉÉ±É : ´É½þ EòÉèxÉ ½èþ ?
+É{É ½éþ ?

¨Éé +vªÉÉ{ÉEò ½ÚÄþ *

VÉ´ÉÉ¤É : ´É½þ Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ ½èþ *
+É{É SÉÉèEòÒnùÉ®ú ½éþ *
2. Take turns in asking and answering these questions:

¨Éé ½ÚÄþ ? ¨Éé Eò¨É®äú ½ÚÄþ*

ºÉ´ÉÉ±É : ´É½þ Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ? VÉ´ÉÉ¤É : ´É½þ PÉ®ú (ghar) ¨Éå ½èþ*
+É{É ½éþ ? +É{É EòÉä`öÒ ½éþ*

3 a. Answer the questions. In questions with ªÉ½þ the object belongs to the
questioner, with ´É½þ to the answerer. Take turns:
ºÉ´ÉÉ±É : ªÉ½þ ÊEòºÉ EòÉ Fò±É¨É ½èþ ? VÉ´ÉÉ¤É :
´É½þ +É{É EòÉ Fò±É¨É ½èþ *
´É½þ ÊEòºÉ EòÒ iɺ´ÉÒ®ú ½èþ ? ªÉ½þ ¨Éä®úÒ iɺ´ÉÒ®ú ½èþ *
Make more questions and answers using UôÉiÉÉ, iÉÉèʱɪÉÉ, SÉɤÉÒ, EòÉä`öÒ, ¨ÉEòÉxÉ,
{ªÉɱÉÉ, and other words you know.
3 b. Ask more questions using +vªÉÉÊ{ÉEòÉ, KÉÉxɺÉɨÉÉÄ, vÉÉä¤ÉÒ etc.:
ºÉ´ÉÉ±É : ªÉ½þ ÊEòºÉEòÉ Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ ½èþ ? : VÉ´ÉÉ¤É : ´É½þ +É{ÉEòÉ Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ ½èþ *
´É½þ ÊEòºÉEòÒ +ɪÉÉ ½èþ ? ´É½þ ¨Éä®úÒ +ɪÉÉ ½èþ *
4. Answer the questions using the cue words:
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : ´É½þ ÊEòºÉ EòÉ Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ ½èþ ? : +É{É : ´É½þ +É{É EòÉ Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ ½èþ *
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : ´É½þ ÊEòºÉ EòÒ +ɪÉÉ ½èþ ? : ¨Éé : ´É½þ ¨Éä®úÒ +ɪÉÉ ½èþ *
´É½þ ÊEòºÉ EòÉ SÉÉèEòÒnùÉ®ú ½èþ ? : ´É½þ : ´É½þ =ºÉEòÉ SÉÉèEòÒnùÉ®ú ½èþ *
´É½þ ÊEòºÉ EòÉ nùÉäºiÉ ½èþ ? : +É{É : ´É½þ +É{É EòÉ nùÉäºiÉ ½èþ *
5. Answer the questions using the cue words and +Éè®ú. (Answer given for
example only):
xɨÉÚxÉÉ 1 : ¨Éé EòÉèxÉ ½ÚÄþ +Éè®ú +É{É EòÉèxÉ ½éþ ? : +vªÉÉ{ÉEò VÉÒ, Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ :
+É{É +vªÉÉ{ÉEò VÉÒ ½éþ +Éè®ú ¨Éé Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ ½ÚÄþ *
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : ½þÉlÉ ¨Éå CªÉÉ ½èþ +Éè®ú VÉä¤É ¨Éå CªÉÉ ½èþ ? : iÉɱÉÉ, SÉɤÉÒ :
+É{É EòÉèxÉ ½éþ +Éè®ú +É{É EòÉ xÉÉ¨É CªÉÉ ½èþ ? : Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ (.......................)
xɨÉÚxÉÉ 2 : +É{É Eäò lÉè±Éä ¨Éå CªÉÉ ½èþ ? : BEò iɺ´ÉÒ®ú, BEò ÊEòiÉÉ¤É :
¨Éä®äú lÉè±Éä ¨Éå BEò iɺ´ÉÒ®ú +Éè®ú BEò ÊEòiÉÉ¤É ½èþ *
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : ¨Éä®úÒ ¨ÉäWÉ {É®ú CªÉÉ ½èþ ? : BEò ÊMɱÉɺÉ, BEò {ªÉɱÉÉ *
<ºÉ ¤ÉÉNÉÒSÉä ¨Éå CªÉÉ ½èþ ? : BEò EòÉä`öÒ, BEò {Éäc÷ *
6. Here are six examples using Eò¨É®úÉ and each of the five interrogatives
learnt so far. Make as many questions as you can, using these
interrogative words at random, and get someone to answer:
xɨÉÚxÉä : Eò¨É®úÉ Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ? Eò¨É®úÉ PÉ®ú ¨Éå ½èþ *
Eò¨É®úÉ ÊEòºÉ EòÉ ½èþ ? Eò¨É®úÉ ¨Éä®úÉ ½èþ *
Eò¨É®úÉ EèòºÉÉ ½èþ ? Eò¨É®úÉ ¤Éc÷É ½èþ *
<ºÉ Eò¨É®äú ¨Éå CªÉÉ ½èþ ? <ºÉ Eò¨É®äú ¨Éå BEò ¨ÉäWÉ ½èþ *
=ºÉ Eò¨É®äú ¨Éå EòÉèxÉ ½èþ ? =ºÉ Eò¨É®äú ¨Éå SÉÉèEòÒnùÉ®ú ½èþ *
CªÉÉ Eò¨É®äú ¨Éå EÖòºÉÔ ½èþ ? VÉÒ ½þÉÄ, Eò¨É®äú ¨Éå EÖòºÉÔ ½èþ *
7. Given below are different ways of asking the same question using the
same words. Repeat them after your teacher paying particular attention
to intonation, which expresses the speaker's mood:
1. +É{É EòÉèxÉ ½éþ ? +É{É ½éþ EòÉèxÉ ?
2. SÉÉèEòÒnùÉ®ú Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ? Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ SÉÉèEòÒnùÉ®ú ?
3. +É{É EèòºÉä ½éþ ? EèòºÉä ½éþ +É{É ?
4. ªÉ½þ EèòºÉÉ {ªÉɱÉÉ ½èþ ? ªÉ½þ {ªÉɱÉÉ EèòºÉÉ ½èþ ? EèòºÉÉ ½èþ ªÉ½þ {ªÉɱÉÉ ?
5. ªÉ½þ ÊEòºÉ EòÒ SÉɤÉÒ ½èþ ? ªÉ½þ SÉɤÉÒ ÊEòºÉ EòÒ ½èþ ?
8. Answer the questions using the cue words:
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : +É{É Eò½þÉÄ Eäò/EòÒ ½éþ ? : VÉÉ{ÉÉxÉ : ¨Éé VÉÉ{ÉÉxÉ EòÉ/EòÒ ½ÚÄþ *
(¨Éé VÉÉ{ÉÉxÉÒ ½ÚÄþ )
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : ´É½þ Eò½þÉÄ EòÉ/EòÒ ½èþ ? : MÉgø´ÉÉ±É : ´É½þ MÉgø´ÉÉ±É EòÉ/EòÒ ½èþ *
´É½þ Eò½þÉÄ EòÉ/EòÒ ½èþ ? : {ÉÆVÉÉ¤É : ´É½þ {ÉÆVÉÉ¤É EòÉ/EòÒ ½èþ *

Following on from this, there are four ways of asking a person's name:
the first below is the most formal, the last the least formal. Two answers are
given, although the grammar for the first one does not come until later: it means
"(They) call me Peter". Repeat the questions and answers after your teacher,
mimicking carefully the intonation:
1. +É{É EòÉ ¶ÉÖ¦É (shubh) xÉÉ¨É CªÉÉ ½èþ ? ¨ÉÖZÉä {ÉÒ]õ®ú Eò½þiÉä ½éþ *
2. +É{É EòÉ CªÉÉ ¶ÉÖ¦É (shubh) xÉÉ¨É ½èþ ? ¨Éä®úÉ xÉÉ¨É {ÉÒ]õ®ú ½èþ *
3. CªÉÉ ½èþ +É{É EòÉ ¶ÉÖ¦É (shubh) xÉÉ¨É ?
4. CªÉÉ xÉÉ¨É ½èþ +É{É EòÉ ?

Grammar of the Exercises
1. To practise the use of EòÉèxÉ.
2. To practise the use of Eò½þÉÄ with ¨Éé and +É{É.
3. To practise the use of ÊEòºÉEòÉ, +É{ÉEòÉ and ¨Éä®úÉ showing ownership.
4. To practise the use of possessive adjectives showing relationship.
5. To practise the use of ÊEòºÉEòÉ, +É{ÉEòÉ and ¨Éä®úÉ with postpositions, and
joining clauses and words with +Éè®ú.
6. To review interrogative words.
7. To introduce idiomatic questions and their intonations.
8. To practise possessives reflecting the origin of a person.

Free Conversation
Do not neglect to spend at least twenty minutes each day in
conversation. The possessive adjective (¨Éä®úÉ, +É{ÉEòÉ and =ºÉEòÉ) will be further
developed in the next lesson. Practise the use of interrogatives with every word
you know.
New Letters: PÉ b÷ fø hÉ ¶É
¶ÉɤÉÉ¶É --- ¶É¤nù ¶ÉÉxiÉ xÉÉ¶É ¶ÉÒ¶É ¶ÉÒ¶ÉÉ ¶ÉÉÎxiÉ
¢ò¶ÉÇ (¢òœÆú¶É) <Ƕ´É®ú (<ǨÌÆ´É®ú)
PɨÉhb÷ --- PÉ®ú PÉÉºÉ ®úhÉ ¤ÉÉhÉ b÷®ú bä÷®úÉ PÉä®úÉ PÉÉäc÷É
(PɨÉhÉb÷) PÉc÷Ò b÷É±É b÷Ò±É b÷Éä±É b÷hb÷É ®úÉhÉÉ ´ÉÒhÉÉ
¤ÉÉPÉ `öhb÷É ½þbÂ÷b÷Ò ¨É®úhÉ
føÉ<Ç --- føÉ±É føÒ±É føÒ±ÉÉ fäø±ÉÉ føÉä±É føÉä±ÉEò ÊSÉbÂ÷føÉ
A dialogue to read and understand:
+É<ªÉä, ¤ÉÉWÉÉ®ú SÉʱɪÉä,
näùÊJɪÉä, ´É½þ ¨Éä®äú nùÉäºiÉ EòÒ nÚùEòÉxÉ ½èþ * ´É½þ BEò +SUôÉ nÚùEòÉxÉnùÉ®ú ½èþ *
=ºÉEòÒ nÚùEòÉxÉ EòÉ xÉÉ¨É ........................ ½èþ * =ºÉEòÉ PÉ®ú ªÉ½þÉÄ
EÖò±Éc÷Ò ¤ÉÉWÉÉ®ú ¨Éå ½èþ * ªÉ½þ =ºÉEòÒ º]äõ¶ÉxÉ®úÒ EòÒ nÚùEòÉxÉ ½èþ +Éè®ú =ºÉEòÒ
nÚùEòÉxÉ {É®ú ºÉÖxnù®ú OÉÒË]õMÉ EòÉbÇ÷ ½éþ *
nùÉäºiÉ - BEò-nùÉä ¶ÉÖ¦ÉEòɨÉxÉÉ1 EòÉbÇ÷ +Éè®ú xɪÉä ºÉÉ±É EòÒ b÷ɪɮúÒ
nÚùEòÉxÉnùÉ®ú - ±ÉÒÊVɪÉä, näùÊJɪÉä *
nùÉäºiÉ - +SUôÉ ªÉ½þ b÷ɪɮúÒ +Éè®ú BEò MÉÖ±ÉɤÉÒ EòÉNÉWÉ nùÒÊVɪÉä *
nÚùEòÉxÉnùÉ®ú - VÉÒ, ªÉ½þ ±ÉÒÊVɪÉä *
1. ¶ÉÖ¦ÉEòɨÉxÉÉ - well wishing
Sentences for reading:
ªÉ½þ ®úÉhÉÉ EòÉ PÉ®ú ½èþ * PÉ®ú EòÉ ¢ò¶ÉÇ ¶ÉÒ¶Éä Eäò ºÉ¨ÉÉxÉ ½èþ *
PÉ®ú ¨Éå BEò ¤Éc÷Ò PÉc÷Ò ½èþ * +¤É PÉc÷Ò ¨Éå føÉ<Ç ¤ÉVÉä ½éþ *
<ºÉ PÉ®ú Eäò vÉxÉÒ Eäò {ÉÉºÉ ¤É½ÖþiÉ vÉxÉ ½èþ *
=ºÉ xÉä EòhÉ EòhÉ Eò®ú Eäò ªÉ½þ vÉxÉ VÉÉäc÷É ½èþ *
=ºÉEäò PÉ®ú ¨Éå ¤É½ÖþiÉ vÉxÉ ½èþ *
BEò Eò¨É®äú ¨Éå føÉ±É iɱɴÉÉ®ú +Éè®ú nÚùºÉ®äú ¨Éå føÉä±É føÉä±ÉEò ½éþ *
MĘ́ɪÉÉå ¨Éå ªÉ½þ PÉ®ú ¤É½ÖþiÉ `öhb÷É ®ú½þiÉÉ ½èþ *
®úhÉ Eäò ÊnùxÉÉå ¨Éå EÖòUô ±Éc÷xÉä ´ÉɱÉä ±ÉÉäMÉ bä÷®úÉå ¨Éå ®ú½þiÉä ½éþ *
´Éä ¤Éè®úÒ ºÉä xɽþÓ b÷®úiÉä * ´Éä ®úhÉ ¨Éå b÷hbä÷ ªÉÉ føÉ±É iɱɴÉÉ®ú ºÉä ¤Éè®úÒ EòÒ
½þbÂ÷b÷Ò iÉÉäc÷iÉä ½éþ * ®úhÉ ¨Éå ¤Éc÷É ¶ÉÉä®ú ½þÉäiÉÉ ½èþ *
ʺÉ{ÉɽþÒ ®úhÉ ¨Éå ¤Éè®úÒ EòÉ xÉÉ¶É Eò®úiÉä ½éþ *
®úÉVÉÉ xÉä =xÉ ºÉä Eò½þÉ ÊEò ¶ÉɤÉÉ¶É ´ÉÒ®úÉä ! iÉÖ¨É xÉä näù¶É ¨Éå ¶ÉÉÎxiÉ ºlÉÉÊ{ÉiÉ
Eò®úxÉä Eäò ʱÉB ¤É½ÖþiÉ EòÉ¨É ÊEòªÉÉ ½èþ *
®úÉVÉÉ Eäò ¶É¤nùÉå Eäò EòÉ®úhÉ ÊºÉ{ÉɽþÒ ¤É½ÖþiÉ KÉÖ¶É ½ÖþB *
´Éä KÉÖ¶ÉÒ ¨Éå ´ÉÒhÉÉ +Éè®ú føÉä±É ¤ÉVÉÉiÉä ®ú½åþ *
ºÉÖÊxɪÉä +Éè®ú ºÉ¨ÉÊZɪÉä :
+É{É ¤ÉÉNÉÒSÉä ¨Éå SÉʱɪÉä +Éè®ú ¡Úò±É ÊnùJÉÉ<ªÉä *
+É{É ªÉ½þ ÊSÉ]Âõ`öÒ {ÉÊgøªÉä +Éè®ú <ºÉEòÉ VÉ´ÉÉ¤É Ê±ÉÊJɪÉä *
iÉÒxÉ - {ÉÉÄSÉ xÉ EòÒÊVɪÉä *
nùÉä - SÉÉ®ú ¡ò±É ±ÉÉ<ªÉä *
+É{É <ºÉ nù®ú´ÉÉWÉä {É®ú ½þ®úÉ ®ÆúMÉ EòÒÊVɪÉä *
+É{É ªÉ½þ {ÉÉ`ö {ÉÊgøªÉä +Éè®ú ªÉÉnù EòÒÊVɪÉä *

Writing Exercises
1. There are five new consonants to be learned in this lesson. The first two
are in words that you have already learned orally. Following each new
letter we have shown letters which you already know that are similar
(shown between brackets). Note carefully the distinguishing features.
The last letter is used commonly in its conjunct form in which the vertical
bar is dropped. Write each of these letters three times sounding them out
as you write. Where contrasting letters are given, write each of these
once only:
PÉ (vÉ), ¶É (JÉ), b÷ (c÷ and <), fø (nù and ]õ), hÉ (conjunct form h)
You have learned the following words which you can now write. Fill in
adjectives for the nouns:
PÉc÷Ò * ¢ò¶ÉÇ * ¶ÉɤÉÉ¶É *
2. Write three questions and three answers from the tables in Oral Exercise
No. 1.
3. Using the table below and following the example, write ten sentences,
each making sense, and using as wide a variety of words and phrases as
you can. Be sure that each form is used. Four sentences should be
questions. Words are in "Dictionary" form and should be inflected when
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : ªÉ½þ ÊEòºÉ EòÉ ½þÉlÉ ½èþ ? ´É½þ +É{É EòÉ ½þÉlÉ ½èþ *
ªÉ½þ ÊEòºÉ EòÉ ½þÉlÉ ½èþ ? ´É½þ +É{É EòÉ ½þÉlÉ ½èþ *
´É½þ nùÉäºiÉ ªÉ½þ ¨Éä®úÉ nÚùEòÉxÉ
PÉ®ú =ºÉ EòÉ nùÉäºiÉ
nÚùEòÉxÉ PÉ®ú
4. Using the table below and following the example, write six questions and
their answers. Be sure that the questions and answers are natural. Use
all the forms at least once each :
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : Fò±É¨É ÊEòºÉEòÒ VÉä¤É ¨Éå ½èþ ? Fò±É¨É +É{ÉEòÒ VÉä¤É ¨Éå ½èþ *
Fò±É¨É ÊEòºÉ EòÉ VÉä¤É ¨Éå ½èþ? Fò±É¨É +É{ÉEòÉ VÉä¤É ¨Éå ½èþ*
EÖòºÉÔ iÉɱÉÉ {É®ú SÉɤÉÒ PÉ®ú
¨Éä®úÉ {É®ú
nù®úÒ ¢ò¶ÉÇ PÉc÷Ò ¢ò¶ÉÇ
PÉc÷Ò ½þÉlÉ nù®úÒ ½þÉlÉ
5. Re-write each of these sentences and insert +Éè®ú where it is needed in one
of the spaces marked:
¨Éä®úÉ xÉÉ¨É : : nù®ú´ÉÉWÉä {É®ú : : ½èþ : : nù®ú´ÉÉWÉÉ : : PÉ®ú ¨Éå : : ½èþ*
{ªÉɱÉÉ : : ÊMɱÉÉºÉ : : ¨ÉäWÉ {É®ú : : ½èþ *
ªÉ½þ : : ¨Éä®úÉ iÉɱÉÉ : : ¨Éä®úÒ : : SÉɤÉÒ ½èþ *
6. Write a few sentences in Hindi introducing yourself.

{ÉÉ`ö 7 (P¡th 7)
Dialogue 7

1. SÉɪɴÉɱÉÉ :+É<ªÉä bä÷Ê´Éb÷ VÉÒ, ¤ÉèÊ`öªÉä *

2. bä÷Ê´Éb÷ : vÉxªÉ´ÉÉnù * +É{É EèòºÉä ½éþ?
3. SÉÉ0 : ¨Éé +SUôÉ ½ÚÄþ +Éè®ú +É{É?
4. bä÷0 : +É{ÉEòÒ EÞò{ÉÉ ½èþ *
5. SÉÉ0 : +É{ÉEäò lÉè±Éä ¨Éå ªÉ½þ CªÉÉ ½èþ?
6. bä÷0 : ªÉ½þ ¨Éä®úÉ ±Éè{É ]õÉì{É Eò¨{ªÉÚ]õ®ú ½èþ * ªÉ½þ EòÉèxÉ ½èþ? +Éè®ú <ºÉ EòÉ xÉɨÉ
CªÉÉ ½èþ?
7. SÉÉ0 : +É{É ½þÒ {ÉÚÊUôªÉä *
8. bä÷0 : iÉÖ¨É EòÉèxÉ ½þÉä +Éè®ú iÉÖ¨½þÉ®úÉ xÉÉ¨É CªÉÉ ½èþ?
9. xÉÉèEò®ú : ¨Éé <ºÉ nÚùEòÉxÉ EòÉ xɪÉÉ xÉÉèEò®ú ½ÚÄþ * ¨Éä®úÉ xÉÉ¨É ¨ÉÆMÉ±É ½èþ *
10. bä÷0 : +SUôÉ ºÉÖxÉÉä, BEò {ªÉɱÉÉ SÉÉªÉ ¤ÉxÉÉ+Éä *
11. xÉÉèEò®ú : VÉÒ +SUôÉ *

Inductive Grammar
1. In Line 6 we find "ªÉ½þ EòÉèxÉ ½èþ +Éè®ú <ºÉEòÉ xÉÉ¨É CªÉÉ ½èþ ?" How does it differ
from "´É½þ EòÉèxÉ ½èþ +Éè®ú =ºÉEòÉ xÉÉ¨É CªÉÉ ½èþ" ?
ªÉ½þ and <ºÉEòÉ are used here as personal pronoun and possessive
adjective, showing proximity whereas ´É½þ and =ºÉ EòÉ are used to show a
comparative distance.
2. Make a list of where EòÉ, EòÒ, Eäò are used in the dialogue:

+É{ÉEäò lÉè±Éä ¨Éå, +É{ÉEòÉ xÉɨÉ, <ºÉ nÚùEòÉxÉ EòÉ (xɪÉÉ) xÉÉèEò®ú, <ºÉEòÉ xÉÉ¨É *
EòÉ, EòÒ, Eäò indicate belonging or possession.
The postposition EòÉ / EòÒ / Eäò when used after a noun or a pronoun,
changes these into an adjective e.g. ¨ÉÉä½þxÉ EòÉ .............. Mohan's .............,
=ºÉ EòÉ ............. Belonging to a third person. The basic idea of EòÉ/ EòÒ / Eäò
is to express relationship between the two nouns.
3. What do ¨Éä®úÉ and iÉÖ¨½þÉ®úÉ indicate?
¨Éä®úÉ and iÉÖ¨½þÉ®úÉ indicate possession or belonging. Generally these words
show permanent possession.
Note that ¨Éä®úÉ and iÉÖ¨½þÉ®úÉ are the condensed forms of ¨Éé + EòÉ, and
iÉÖ¨É + EòÉ *
4. Write all the interrogative words you know. What is common to them all?
CªÉÉ, EèòºÉÉ, Eò½þÉÄ, ÊEòºÉ EòÉ, EòÉèxÉ *
They all begin with Eò as their English equivalents begin with 'wh'.
5. What is the difference between +É{É {ÉÚÊUôªÉä and +É{É ½þÒ {ÉÚÊUôªÉä from Line 7 of
the dialogue, i.e., what difference does the ½þÒ make?
½þÒ emphasizes the word it follows. You can emphasize a subject,
location, description and even a verb, with the help of this particle.
Remember that ½þÒ, along with verbal emphasises, shows exclusion of
other possible persons, locations, or qualities:
e.g. +vªÉÉ{ÉEò ºEÚò±É ¨Éå ½èþ - +vªÉÉ{ÉEò ºEÚò±É ¨Éå ½þÒ ½èþ *
Here ½þÒ shows that the teacher is definitely at the school, not anywhere else.
6. What new imperatives appear in the dialogue? With what kind of people
are these used?
ºÉÖxÉÉä, ¤ÉxÉÉ+Éä. They are used with people who are addressed as iÉÖ¨É.
New Words in the Dialogue
EÞò{ÉÉ - (¨Éä½þ®ú¤ÉÉxÉÒ) kindness iÉÖ¨½þÉ®úÉ - your, yours (informal)
½þÒ - (emphatic particle) ±Éè{É]õÉì{É Eò¨{ªÉÚ]õ®ú - laptop computer
iÉÖ¨É - you (informal) xÉÉèEò®ú - servant (male), ½þÉä - are (informal)

Other Words to be introduced

+É{ÉEòÉ ºÉɨÉÉxÉ - your luggage, belongings
¨Éä®úÉ EòÉ¨É - my work, job +É{ÉEòÒ ¦ÉɹÉÉ - (bh¡sh¡) - your language
¨Éä®úÒ +ÆOÉäWÉÒ - my English +SUôÒ Ê½þxnùÒ - good Hindi
xɪÉÉ {ÉÉ`ö - new chapter/lesson +SUôÉ ¶É¤nù - good word, sound
<ºÉEòÉ +lÉÇ - its meaning {ÉÒ±ÉÉ {ÉÞ¹`ö - yellow page
UôÉä]õÉ ´ÉÉCªÉ - small/short sentence +ɺÉÉxÉ - easy
VɱnùÒ - fast, quickly ¨ÉÖζEò±É - difficult
vÉÒ®äú - slowly ¢òÉè®úxÉ - immediately
........... ´ÉɱÉÉ as a suffix is added to a noun and is inflectable. (It indicates
one who sells or delivers).

The Ordinals from Ist to 10th:

First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth,
{ɽþ±ÉÉ, nÚùºÉ®úÉ, iÉҺɮúÉ, SÉÉèlÉÉ, {ÉÉÄSÉ´ÉÉÄ, Uô`öÉ, ºÉÉiÉ´ÉÉÄ, +É`ö´ÉÉÄ,
Ninth, Tenth
xÉÉè´ÉÉÄ, nùºÉ´ÉÉÄ
Oral Exercises
1. Answer all of the questions, using the cue words and substituting ´É½þ for
=ºÉ and ªÉ½þ for <ºÉ as required in each case. Remember, cue words are
in their uninflected forms:
A. xɨÉÚxÉÉ : ¨ÉɱÉÒ Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ? : ¤ÉÉNÉÒSÉÉ : ´É½þ ¤ÉÉNÉÒSÉä ¨Éå ½èþ *
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : +ɪÉÉ Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ? : ¨Éä®úÉ PÉ®ú : ´É½þ ¨Éä®äú PÉ®ú ¨Éå ½èþ *
: ¡Úò±É Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ? : PÉÉºÉ : ´É½þ PÉÉºÉ {É®ú ½èþ *
B. xɨÉÚxÉÉ : +ɪÉÉ EòÉ xÉÉ¨É CªÉÉ ½èþ ? : ¶ÉÉÎxiÉ :=ºÉEòÉ xÉÉ¨É ¶ÉÉÎxiÉ ½èþ *
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : ®úÉ¨É ±ÉÉ±É EòÉ PÉ®ú Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ? : Ênù±±ÉÒ : =ºÉEòÉ PÉ®ú Ênù±±ÉÒ ¨Éå ½èþ *
: <ºÉ ¨ÉɱÉÒ EòÉ JÉÉxÉÉ EèòºÉÉ ½èþ ? : `Æöb÷É : <ºÉEòÉ JÉÉxÉÉ `öhb÷É ½èþ *
C. xɨÉÚxÉÉ : ¨ÉɱÉÒ Eäò ½þÉlÉ ¨Éå CªÉÉ ½èþ ? : ¡Úò±É EòÉ {ÉÉèvÉÉ :
=ºÉ Eäò ½þÉlÉ ¨Éå ¡Úò±É EòÉ -
{ÉÉèvÉÉ ½èþ *
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : +ɪÉÉ Eäò ½þÉlÉ ¨Éå CªÉÉ ½èþ ? : `Æöb÷É {ÉÉxÉÒ : =ºÉ Eäò ½þÉlÉ ¨Éå `Æöb÷É {ÉÉxÉÒ ½èþ*
: =ºÉ Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ EòÒ ¨ÉäWÉ {É®ú CªÉÉ ½èþ ? : MɨÉÇ JÉÉxÉÉ : =ºÉEòÒ ¨ÉäWÉ {É®ú -
MɨÉÇ JÉÉxÉÉ ½èþ *
2. Ask one of the questions given below and get someone to answer
appropriately, using ¨Éé, iÉÖ¨É or +É{É. The questioner then makes a
confirmative statement as the answer. Teacher and student should take
turns or the drill can be used best between two students:
A. xɨÉÚxÉä : iÉÖ¨É EòÉèxÉ ½þÉä? ¨Éé SÉÉèEòÒnùÉ®ú ½ÚÄþ * iÉÖ¨É SÉÉèEòÒnùÉ®ú ½þÉä *
¨Éé EòÉèxÉ ½ÚÄþ? iÉÖ¨É +ɪÉÉ ½þÉä * ¨Éé +ɪÉÉ ½ÚÄþ *
B. xɨÉÚxÉä : iÉÖ¨É EòÉèxÉ ½þÉä? ¨Éé ¨ÉɱÉÒ ½ÚÄþ * iÉÖ¨É ¨ÉɱÉÒ ½þÉä *
¨Éé EòÉèxÉ ½ÚÄþ? +É{É +vªÉÉ{ÉEò ½éþ * ¨Éé +vªÉÉ{ÉEò ½ÚÄþ *
+É{É EòÉèxÉ ½éþ? ¨Éé Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ ½ÚÄþ * +É{É Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ ½éþ *
Note on usage: In most Indian situations, students are addressed with the
informal iÉÖ¨É by both their teachers and contemporaries. University and
graduate status students are sometimes addressed by their teachers with
the formal +É{É. Where relationships are such that personal names are
used, the informal is most common. Servants in the home are usually
addressed informally. Outside the home, social situations often call for the
use of formal address.
3. Affirm or contradict each question according to the meaning. Select
pronouns and be sure to use the proper verb with each:
Note: When contradiction is called for, the corrective clause may
come: either first after the negation, or at the end. It's position is
a matter of choice and desired emphasis.

xɨÉÚxÉä : +ɪÉÉ : CªÉÉ ¨Éé ¨ÉɱÉÒ ½ÚÄþ ? VÉ´ÉÉ¤É : xɽþÓ, iÉÖ¨É +ɪÉÉ ½þÉä * iÉÖ¨É ¨ÉɱÉÒ xɽþÓ ½þÉä *
+vªÉÉ{ÉEò : CªÉÉ ¨Éé +vªÉÉ{ÉEò ½ÚÄþ ? VÉ´ÉÉ¤É : VÉÒ ½þÉÄ, +É{É +vªÉÉ{ÉEò VÉÒ ½éþ *
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : ¨ÉÆMÉ±É (Mangal) : CªÉÉ ¨Éé ¶ÉÉÎxiÉ ½ÚÄþ ? VÉ´ÉÉ¤É : xɽþÓ iÉÖ¨É ¶ÉÉÎxiÉ xɽþÓ ½þÉä *
iÉÖ¨É ¨ÉÆMÉ±É (Mangal) ½þÉä *
+vªÉÉ{ÉEò : CªÉÉ ¨Éé Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ ½ÚÄþ ? VÉ´ÉÉ¤É : VÉÒ xɽþÓ, +É{É +vªÉÉ{ÉEò VÉÒ ½éþ *
+É{É Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ xɽþÓ ½éþ *
4. Change statements or questions to the 2nd. person (informal) as in the
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : ¨Éé KÉÉxɺÉɨÉÉÄ ½ÚÄþ +Éè®ú ¨Éä®úÉ xÉÉ¨É ¨ÉÆMÉ±É (Mangal) ½èþ *
iÉÖ¨É KÉÉxɺÉɨÉÉÄ ½þÉä +Éè®ú iÉÖ¨½þÉ®úÉ xÉÉ¨É ¨ÉÆMÉ±É (Mangal) ½èþ *
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : ¨Éé EÖò±ÉÒ ½ÚÄþ * +Éè®ú ¨Éä®úÒ ¦ÉɹÉÉ (bh¡sh¡) ʽþxnùÒ ½èþ *
iÉÖ¨É EÖò±ÉÒ ½þÉä +Éè®ú iÉÖ¨½þÉ®úÒ ¦ÉɹÉÉ (bh¡sh¡) ʽþxnùÒ ½èþ *
¨Éé EòÉèxÉ ½ÚÄþ, +Éè®ú ¨Éä®úÉ xÉÉ¨É CªÉÉ ½èþ ?
iÉÖ¨É EòÉèxÉ ½þÉä +Éè®ú iÉÖ¨½þÉ®úÉ xÉÉ¨É CªÉÉ ½èþ ?
5. Change each Imperative you are familiar with to its formal form which you
are learning in this lesson:
A. xɨÉÚxÉä : 1. ÊnùJÉÉ<ªÉä * ÊnùJÉÉ+Éä 2. +É{É SÉʱɪÉä * iÉÖ¨É SɱÉÉä *
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : vÉÉä<ªÉä * vÉÉä+Éä *
{ÉÊgøªÉä * {ÉgøÉä *
B. xɨÉÚxÉä : 1. ʤɺEÖò]õ nùÒÊVɪÉä * ʤɺEÖò]õ nùÉä * 2. +É{É EòÒÊVɪÉä * iÉÖ¨É Eò®úÉä *
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : VÉ´ÉÉ¤É nùÒÊVɪÉä * VÉ´ÉÉ¤É nùÉä *
6. Change the formal statements to informal and the informal ones to formal:
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : iÉÖ¨É Eò¨É®äú ¨Éå +É+Éä * +É{É Eò¨É®äú ¨Éå +É<ªÉä *
+É{É SÉÉªÉ ±ÉÒÊVɪÉä * iÉÖ¨É SÉÉªÉ ±ÉÉä *
iÉÖ¨É ªÉ½þ EòÉ¨É Eò®úÉä * +É{É ªÉ½þ EòÉ¨É EòÒÊVɪÉä *
7. Practise the following dialogues several times so that you can repeat
them from memory:

1. A : +vªÉÉ{ÉEò VÉÒ, +É{É EèòºÉä ½éþ ?
B : +É{ÉEòÒ EÞò{ÉÉ ½èþ (k¤ip¡) ½èþ * ¨Éé +SUôÉ ½ÚÄþ +Éè®ú +É{É ?
A : +É{ÉEòÒ EÞò{ÉÉ (k¤ip¡) ½èþ *
Substitute names e.g. ¶É¨ÉÉÇ VÉÒ for +vªÉÉ{ÉEò VÉÒ *
2. C : SÉÉèEòÒnùÉ®ú, iÉÖ¨É EèòºÉä ½þÉä ?
D : +É{É EòÒ EÞò{ÉÉ (k¤ip¡) ½èþ * ¨Éé +SUôÉ ½ÚÄþ, +Éè®ú +É{É ?
C : ¨Éé +SUôÉ ½ÚÄþ *
Substitute other identities, e.g., vÉÉä¤ÉÒ, KÉÉxɺÉɨÉÉÄ etc., for SÉÉèEòÒnùÉ®ú *
8. The teacher, in giving the sentences below, emphasizes the word
underlined and the student repeats the sentence with ½þÒ after the
emphasized word:
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : BEò nùÒÊVɪÉä * BEò ½þÒ nùÒÊVɪÉä *
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : KÉÉxɺÉɨÉÉÄ PÉ®ú ¨Éå ½èþ *
KÉÉxɺÉɨÉÉÄ PÉ®ú ¨Éå ½þÒ ½èþ *
´É½þ b÷ÉC]õ®ú ½èþ * ´É½þ b÷ÉC]õ®ú ½þÒ ½èþ *
¨Éé ªÉ½þÉÄ ½ÚÄþ * ¨Éé ªÉ½þÉÄ ½ÚÄþ ½þÒ *
Note : The addition of the exclusive emphatic particle ½þÒ to the sentences above
achieves two things: it provides emphasis and it excludes other
possibilities. In some, but not all, of the cases ½þÒ can be translated by
the English word 'only'.
9. Use the most appropriate adverb/adjective for following sentences, vÉÒ®äú-
vÉÒ®äú, VɱnùÒ, ¢òÉè®úxÉ, ¨ÉÖζEò±É, +ɺÉÉxÉ *
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : ªÉ½þ EòÉ¨É ½èþ * ªÉ½þ +ɺÉÉxÉ EòÉ¨É ½èþ *
+¦ªÉÉºÉ : ªÉ½þ {ÉÉ`ö ½èþ * ...................................................
SÉʱɪÉä * ...................................................
iÉÖ¨É ªÉ½þ EòÉ¨É Eò®úÉä * ...................................................

Grammar of the Exercises

1. To use ´É½þ, ªÉ½þ, =ºÉ and <ºÉ as personal pronouns as well as
demonstrative pronouns.
2. To use iÉÖ¨É and ½þÉä with EòÉèxÉ and to select iÉÖ¨É, +É{É or ¨Éé and their verb
forms appropriately.
3. To review the use of ½þÉÄ and xɽþÓ with or without VÉÒ - reinforcement of 2nd
person pronouns and verbs.
4. To use iÉÖ¨½þÉ®úÉ with iÉÖ¨É.
5. To form the informal imperative from the formal.
6. To convert imperatives from one form to the other.
7. To practise greeting rituals.
8. To practise the use of the exclusive emphatic particle ½þÒ.
9. Introducing adverbs and adjectives.

Free Conversation
Do not neglect to spend at least twenty minutes each day in free
conversation with your teacher. Obviously your conversation will be very limited
at this stage. Remember that you are concentrating on fundamentals of speech
without which advanced conversation will be impossible. We have already
advised you to learn vocabulary outside the prescribed word lists. In the same
way, if there are short sentences that you feel you need to use often, ask your
teacher to give you the simplest idiomatic Hindi equivalent, and learn it. Be
careful that you do not neglect the phrases and sentences being learned in the
lessons; these must be mastered whether or not you master supplementary
material. You will find that most of the sentences you will want to ask for will be
given later. Another warning - do not get lost in asking grammatical explanations
about the sentences you request. It is very easy to waste hours in this way
which would be better spent on drilling and a thorough mastery of the material
being learned in the course.
This mastery of material is sometimes referred in language teaching
methodology as "over-learning", that is "habit formation". The purpose of free
conversation is to permit you to use what you have "over-learned" in a greater
variety of situations.


New letters: @ñ +: ¹É ¦É ZÉ gø Ró \É
@ñÊ¹É - @ñiÉÖ @ñM´Éänù @ñhÉ EÞò{ÉÉ iÉÞ{iÉ
¦ÉɹÉÉ - ¶Éä¹É ±ÉÉä¦É ¶ÉÖ¦É +¦ÉÒ Eò¦ÉÒ ¦ÉɱÉÚ
¦ÉÉä±ÉÉ ¦ÉÒc÷ ¶Éä¹É nùÉä¹É
ZÉÉc÷xÉ ZÉÉcÝ÷ ZÉÉc÷Ò ZÉ]õ{É]õ
{ÉgøxÉÉ - bä÷gø +Éägø EòÉägø oùgø nùÉgøÒ ºÉÒgøÒ
MÉgøÉ ¤Égø<Ç ]äõgøÒ
Note: +:, Ró and \É are listed here to complete the Devanagari alphabet used in
Hindi. +: is seldom used in Hindi and Ró and \É are used in conjunct form
only (see supplement). Examples are:

Uô:, nÖù:JÉ, ¤ÉRÂóMÉɱÉ, +RÂóEò, {É\VÉɤÉ, ({É\ÉVÉɤÉ), {É\SÉɪÉiÉ

Three dialogues to read and understand:
ºEÚò±É EòÉ ºÉɨÉÉxÉ (1)
nÚùEòÉxÉnùÉ®ú : Bä EÖò±ÉÒ ! VɱnùÒ, ªÉ½þÉÄ +É+Éä *
EÖò±ÉÒ : xɨɺiÉä VÉÒ, ¤ÉiÉÉ<ªÉä, CªÉÉ EòÉ¨É ½èþ ?
nÚù0 : ªÉ½þ ºÉɨÉÉxÉ <ºÉ ¤Écä÷ lÉè±Éä ¨Éå ®úJÉÉä +Éè®ú ¢òÉè®úxÉ
±ÉéM´ÉäVÉ ºEÚò±É ±Éä VÉÉ+Éä *
EÖò0 : ºEÚò±É ¨Éå EòÉèxÉ ½èþ ?
nÚù0 : ´É½þÉÄ ºEÚò±É EòÉ SÉÉèEòÒnùÉ®ú ®úɨÉÚ ½èþ *
EÖò0 : +SUôÉ VÉÒ *
{ ºEÚò±É ¨Éå }
EÖò0 : CªÉÉ iÉÖ¨É ½þÒ ºEÚò±É Eäò SÉÉèEòÒnùÉ®ú ½þÉä ?
®úɨÉÚ : ½þÉÄ ¨Éé ½þÒ ½ÚÄþ *
EÖò0 : ªÉ½þ ºEÚò±É EòÉ ºÉɨÉÉxÉ ½èþ, ±ÉÉä *
®úÉ0 : +SUôÉ, ...... ºÉɨÉÉxÉ ªÉ½þÉÄ ®úJÉÉä +Éè®ú ªÉ½þ ±ÉÉä, {ÉèºÉä *
EÖò0 : +SUôÉ, xɨɺiÉä *
Bä ! - Hey! vocative
EòÉ¨É - work
ºÉɨÉÉxÉ - luggage, material

EòIÉÉ ¨Éå ¤ÉÉiÉSÉÒiÉ {2}

+vªÉÉ{ÉEò : ºÉÖÊxɪÉä, {ÉÞ¹`ö =zÉÒºÉ {É®ú {ÉÉ`ö 7 näùÊJɪÉä +Éè®ú <ºÉ
´ÉÉCªÉ EòÉ +lÉÇ ¤ÉiÉÉ<ªÉä *
Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ : VÉÒ +SUôÉ * ªÉ½þ ´ÉÉCªÉ ¨ÉÖζEò±É ½èþ *
+vªÉÉ{ÉEò : +SUôÉ "{ÉSSÉÒºÉ" ¶É¤nù EòÉ +lÉÇ ¤ÉiÉÉ<ªÉä *
Ê´É0 : "{ÉSSÉÒºÉ" EòÉ +lÉÇ ½èþ 20 +Éè®ú 5. ªÉ½þ ¶É¤nù
+ɺÉÉxÉ ½èþ *
+0 : +SUôÉ, ªÉ½þ ¶É¤nù EòÉNÉWÉ {É®ú näù´ÉxÉÉMÉ®úÒ ¨Éå ʱÉÊLɪÉä *

+vªÉÉ{ÉEò +Éè®ú Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ ¨Éå ¤ÉÉiÉSÉÒiÉ {3}
(Note: ¦ÉÉ®úiÉ - India)
+vªÉÉ{ÉEò : CªÉÉ +É{É ½þÒ ¸ÉÒ bä÷Ê´Éb÷ ½éþ *
Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ : VÉÒ ½þÉÄ, ¨Éé ½þÒ ½ÚÄþ * +É{É EòÉèxÉ ½éþ +Éè®ú +É{ÉEòÉ ¶ÉÖ¦É
xÉÉ¨É CªÉÉ ½èþ ?
+0 : ¨Éé +É{ÉEòÉ +vªÉÉ{ÉEò ½ÚÄþ +Éè®ú ¨Éä®úÉ xÉÉ¨É ®úÉ¨É EÞò¹hÉ ½èþ *
Ê´É0 : +É<ªÉä, ¤ÉèÊ`öªÉä *
+0 : vÉxªÉ´ÉÉnù, +É{É EèòºÉä ½éþ ?
Ê´É0 : +É{ÉEòÒ EÞò{ÉÉ ½èþ, ¨Éé +SUôÉ ½ÚÄþ *
+0 : ¤ÉiÉÉ<ªÉä, +É{ÉEòÉ PÉ®ú Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ?
Ê´É0 : ¨Éä®úÉ PÉ®ú <ÆM±Éèhb÷ ¨Éå ½èþ *
+0 : ¦ÉÉ®úiÉ ¨Éå +É{ÉEòÉ PÉ®ú Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ?
Ê´É0 : +¨ÉÞiɺɮú ¨Éå ½èþ * +É{É EòÉ PÉ®ú Eò½þÉÄ ½èþ ?
+0 : @ñʹÉEäò¶É ¨Éå ½èþ * CªÉÉ ¨ÉäWÉ {É®ú {É\VÉɤÉÒ ¦ÉɹÉÉ EòÒ
ÊEòiÉÉ¤É ½èþ ?
Ê´É0 : VÉÒ xɽþÓ, +ÆOÉäWÉÒ EòÒ ½èþ * +É{É +ÆOÉäWÉÒ xÉ ¤ÉÉäʱɪÉä,
+É{É Ê½þxnùÒ ¤ÉÉäʱɪÉä *
For reading:
´É½þ bä÷gø ¤ÉVÉä ªÉ½þÉÄ {ɽÖÄþSÉÉ * ¤Égø<Ç MÉbÂ÷fäø ¨Éå ÊMÉ®úÉ *
UôÉä]õÉ ±Éc÷EòÉ {Éäc÷ {É®ú SÉgøÉ *
ºÉÉvÉÖ EòÒ ZÉÉä±ÉÒ ¨Éå +É]õÉ ½èþ * ´É½þ {ÉÉèvÉÉ KÉÚ¤É ¤ÉgøÉ *
Eò¦ÉÒ ¦ÉÒc÷ Eäò {ÉÒUäô ¨ÉiÉ ¦ÉÉMÉÉä *
+ÉVÉ Eò±É @ñiÉÖ ¤É½ÖþiÉ +SUôÒ ½èþ *
=ºÉ {ÉÞ¹`ö {É®ú ÊEòºÉ EòÒ iɺ´ÉÒ®ú ½èþ *
+É{É Uô: ZÉÉä±Éä ±ÉÒÊVɪÉä, ¶Éä¹É ¨ÉÖZÉä nùÒÊVɪÉä *
<Ƕ´É®ú |Éä¨É ½èþ * +RÂóMÉÚ®ú EòÒ ¤Éä±É xɽþÓ, +\VÉÒ®ú EòÉ {Éäc÷ EòÉ]õÉä *
½þ¨É {É®ú =ºÉEòÒ ¤Éc÷Ò EÞò{ÉÉ ½èþ *
=ºÉ CªÉÉ®úÒ Eäò {ÉÉºÉ BEò MÉbÂ÷føÉ ½èþ *
=ºÉ ¨Éå ¤É½ÖþiÉ <È]õ {ÉilÉ®ú ½éþ *
UôÉä]õÒ MÉÉc÷Ò {É®ú <iÉxÉÉ ¤ÉÉäZÉ ¨ÉiÉ ±ÉÉnùÉä *
ºÉÖÊxɪÉä +Éè®ú ºÉ¨ÉÊZɪÉä :
+É{É ªÉ½þ ´ÉÉCªÉ {ÉÊgøªÉä +Éè®ú <ºÉEòÉ +lÉÇ Ê½þxnùÒ ¨Éå ¤ÉiÉÉ<ªÉä *
ªÉ½þ EòÉ¨É ¨ÉÖζEò±É ½èþ +É{É nÚùºÉ®úÉ EòÉ¨É EòÒÊVɪÉä *
nÚùvÉ ´ÉɱÉÉ nù®ú´ÉÉWÉä {É®ú ½èþ, +ɪÉÉ - VÉÉ+Éä +Éè®ú BEò ±ÉÒ]õ®ú nÚùvÉ ±ÉÉä *
¨ÉÉä½þxÉ, ¢òÉè®úxÉ ®úºÉÉä<Ç PÉ®ú ¨Éå VÉÉ+Éä +Éè®ú xÉɶiÉÉ ¤ÉxÉÉ+Éä *
Lap Top ¶É¤nù näù´ÉxÉÉMÉ®úÒ ¨Éå ʱÉÊJɪÉä +Éè®ú <ºÉEòÉ +lÉÇ +ÆOÉäWÉÒ ¨Éå ¤ÉiÉÉ<ªÉä *

Writing Exercises
The new letters of the lesson are given below on the first line. Copy the
middle four, three times each, as you will be using them often. The first two are
classified in the Devanagari alphabet as vowels though modern phonetics would
classify the first as a consonant-vowel combination and the second as an
aspirate modification of vowels. The first is used most commonly as a conjunct
and the second, though common in Sanskrit, is retained rarely in modern Hindi;
both conjunct forms are shown in the second line. The last two are the nasal
consonant of "Guttural" and "Palatal" stop consonants and are almost exclusively
used in their conjunct forms which will be presented along with the supplement
immediately following this lesson. In parentheses in the second line we have
shown similar letters which should be clearly distinguished from these that you
are now learning. These complete the Deva-Nagri letters used in Hindi. In the
supplement we will show their classification as an Alphabet system so that you
can start using a dictionary:

@ñ +: ºÉ ¦É ZÉ gø Ró \É
EÞò Uô: ({É) (¨É) (<) (fø) (b÷, c÷ ) (VÉ)
You have learned the following words which you can now write:
Uô:, ¶ÉÖ¦É, EÞò{ÉÉ, ¦ÉɹÉÉ, {ÉÊgøªÉä *
1. Use the tables below to write four questions and their answers. Be sure
that each question and answer makes sense. Think of who is asking the
question :
Use +vªÉÉ{ÉEò with ¨Éé and +É{É only.
ªÉ½þ ½èþ ? ªÉ½þ +ɪÉÉ ½èþ *
´É½þ ½þÉä ? iÉÖ¨É ¨ÉɱÉÒ ½ÚÄþ *
iÉÖ¨É EòÉèxÉ ½ÚÄþ ? ´É½þ KÉÉxɺÉɨÉÉÄ ½þÉä *
¨Éé ½éþ ? ¨Éé Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔ ½éþ *
+É{É +É{É +vªÉÉ{ÉEò
2. Translate the following into Hindi:
1. Her name. 8. In her hand.
2. His name. 9. In his hand.
3. My name. 10. In my hand.
4. Your name (informal) . 11. In your hand (informal).
5. Your name (formal). 12. In your hand (formal).
6. The gardener's name. 13. In the gardener's hand.
7. The name of the book. 14. In whose hand?
3. Change each line in the table below into a sentence by making the
necessary corrections. The example the sentence is given first, then it is
shown in table form using the basic forms of the words:
Example Sentence: ¨Éä®äú ½þÉlÉ ¨Éå ¡Úò±É EòÉ {ÉÉèvÉÉ ½èþ *

Table form: ¨Éä®úÉ lÉè±ÉÉ ¨Éå ºEÚò±É EòÉ ºÉɨÉÉxÉ ½èþ *

¨Éä®úÉ ¤ÉÉNÉÒSÉÉ ¨Éå ¡ò±É EòÉ {Éäc÷ ½èþ *
½þ®úÉ PÉÉºÉ {É®ú ¨ÉɱÉÒ EòÉ nù®úÒ ½èþ *
ªÉ½þ ´ÉÉCªÉ ¨Éå +ÄOÉäWÉÒ EòÉ ¶É¤nù ½èþ *
iÉÖ¨½þÉ®úÉ ¨ÉäWÉ {É®ú ½þÉlÉ EòÉ PÉc÷Ò ½èþ *
¦ÉɹÉÉ EòÉ ÊEòiÉÉ¤É ¨Éå ¦ÉÉ®úiÉ EòÉ ¦ÉɹÉÉ ½èþ *

4. Complete the four questions, inquiring about a person's health, using the
appropriate forms in each case:
xɨÉÚxÉÉ : +vªÉÉ{ÉEò VÉÒ, +É{É EèòºÉä ½éþ ?.
+¦ªÉɺÉ: 1. +vªÉÉÊ{ÉEòÉ VÉÒ,....................... 3. ¶É¨ÉÉÇ VÉÒ,..................................
2. ¨ÉɱÉÒ, ................................ 4. +ɪÉÉ, ......................................
5. As +É{É {ÉÚÊUôªÉä changes to iÉÖ¨É {ÉÚUôÉä, and +É{É ¤ÉiÉÉ<ªÉä to iÉÖ¨É ¤ÉiÉÉ+Éä, and +É{É
nùÒÊVɪÉä to iÉÖ¨É nùÉä so change each of these sentences from "formal" to
ªÉ½þ +É{É EòÒ ÊEòiÉÉ¤É ½èþ, {ÉÊgøªÉä * näùÊJɪÉä, +É{É EòÒ +±É¨ÉÉ®úÒ ªÉ½þ ½èþ *
+É{É PÉÉºÉ {É®ú ¤ÉèÊ`öªÉä * +É{É <ºÉ ºÉ´ÉÉ±É EòÉ VÉ´ÉÉ¤É ¤ÉiÉÉ<ªÉä *
+É{É VÉ´ÉÉ¤É Ê±ÉÊJɪÉä * +É{É Ê½þxnùÒ ¨Éå ¤ÉÉäʱɪÉä *
+É{É ¨Éä®úÒ EÖòºÉÔ ±ÉÒÊVɪÉä * +É{É ¨Éä®úÉ ºÉ´ÉÉ±É ºÉÖÊxɪÉä, Ê¡ò®ú VÉ´ÉÉ¤É nùÒÊVɪÉä *
+É{É <ºÉ Eò¨É®äú ¨Éå +É<ªÉä * +É{É Ê½þxnùÒ ¨Éå ºÉ´ÉÉ±É {ÉÚÊUôªÉä *

6. Write the new numerals in digits and words:

In digits : 6, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
In words : Uô:, ºÉÉä±É½þ, ºÉjɽþ, +`öÉ®ú½þ, =zÉÒºÉ, ¤ÉÒºÉ
The Hindi Alphabet
+ +É < <Ç = >ð @ñ B Bä +Éä +Éè +Ä +:
Matras #É Ê# #Ò #Ö #Ú #Þ #ä #è #Éä #Éè #Ä :
Gutturals Eò JÉ MÉ PÉ Ró
Palatals SÉ Uô VÉ ZÉ \É
Cerebrals ]õ `ö b÷ fø hÉ
Dentals iÉ lÉ nù vÉ xÉ
Labials {É ¡ò ¤É ¦É ¨É
Semi-Vowels ªÉ ®ú ±É ´É
Sibilants ¶É ¹É ºÉ
Glottal ½þ
Flaps c÷ gø
Loaned Letters from Urdu:

Fò KÉ NÉ WÉ ¢ò
In Hindi two signs are used to indicate the modification of vowel sounds.
1. The sign (SÉxpù ʤÉxnÖù) denotes nasalisation of the vowel in its syllable and is
written over the vowel it nasalises e.g. ½þÉÆ, ½ÚÄþ, ®ÆúMÉxÉÉ, ¤ÉÉÄvÉxÉÉ. The full sign
only appears when no part of the vowel is written above the line. When
part of the vowel is written above the line only a dot is shown e.g. JÉÓSÉxÉÉ,
¨Éå, ¨Éé, ºÉÓMÉ, ¤ÉSSÉÉå. Now-a-days, in printed Hindi, unless particular care is
required, the full sign is not used at all but only the dot.
2. The sign: (ʴɺÉMÉÇ) is a voiced aspiration placed after a vowel or consonant
plus vowel. It is used almost exclusively in Sanskrit loan words e.g. |ÉɪÉ:,
ÊxÉ:º´ÉÉlÉÇ, nÖù:JÉ *
There is a third sign - this sign (+xÉÖº´ÉÉ®ú) is used as a shorthand
device to represent any nasal letter in conjunct form with a consonant
following, usually of the same group. It is written above the preceeding
letter e.g.:
RÂó + JÉ = RÂóJÉ = #ÆJÉ as in {ÉRÂóJÉ = {ÉÆJÉ
\É + VÉ = \VÉ = #ÆVÉ as in ®ú\VÉxÉ = ®ÆúVÉxÉ
hÉÂ + ]õ = h]õ = #Æ]õ as in PÉh]õÉ = PÉÆ]õÉ
xÉÂ + nù = xnù = #Ænù as in +ÉxÉxnù = +ÉxÉÆnù
¨É + ¦É = ¨¦É = #Æ¦É as in +É®ú¨¦É = +É®Æú¦É
This sign is not so commonly used to represent xÉ or ¨É but such usage
does occur. It is used exclusively with these eight letters - ªÉ, ®ú, ±É, ´É, ¶É, ¹É, ºÉ,
½þ e.g. ºÉƪɨÉ, ºÉƺÉÉ®ú.
This sign is also used in place of the SÉxpù ʤÉxnÖù sign as given in (1) above.
In some grammar text books these three signs are shown as letters of the
alphabet appearing as +Ä, +Æ, and +: after the vowels.

Alternate forms of writing letters:

ºÉƪÉÖCiÉ +IÉ®ú
Conjunct Letters

The conjunct letters given here are not to be memorized but this list will
help you to understand their formation and recognize them as they appear in
script. This is not an exhaustive list :

EÂò + Eò = CEò {ÉCEòÉ PÉ + ªÉ = PªÉ ¶±ÉÉPªÉ

EÂò + JÉ = CJÉ ¨ÉCJÉÒ PÉ + ®ú = QÉ ¶ÉÒQÉ
EÂò + ]õ = C]õ b÷ÉC]õ®ú RÂó + Eò = RÂóEò, #ÆEò +RÂóEò =+ÆEò*
EÂò + iÉ = CiÉ,(Hò) ¶ÉÎCiÉ SÉ + SÉ = SSÉ ¤ÉSSÉÉ
EÂò + ¨É = C¨É ½ÖþC¨É SÉ + Uô = SUô +SUôÉ
EÂò + ªÉ = CªÉ CªÉÉ SÉ + ªÉ = SªÉ ´ÉÉSªÉ
EÂò + ®ú = Gò SÉGò VÉ + VÉ = VVÉ ±ÉVVÉÉ
EÂò + ±É = C±É C±Éä¶É VÉ + \É = YÉ +ÉYÉÉ
EÂò + ´É = C´É C´ÉÊSÉiÉ VÉ + ªÉ = VªÉ ®úÉVªÉ
EÂò + ¶É = C¶É xÉC¶ÉÉ VÉ + ®ú = XÉ ´ÉXÉ
EÂò + ¹É = IÉ Ê¶ÉIÉÉ VÉ + ´É = V´É V´ÉɱÉÉ
EÂò + ºÉ = CºÉ ¤ÉCºÉ \É + SÉ = \SÉ SÉ\SÉ±É = SÉÆSɱÉ
JÉ + ªÉ = JªÉ ¨ÉÖJªÉ ]Âõ + ]õ = ]Âõ]õ ʨÉ]Âõ]õÒ
JÉÂ + ®ú = LÉ LÉÒ¹]õ ]Âõ + ]Âõ`ö = `Âö`ö ÊSÉ]Âõ`öÒ
MÉ + nù = Mnù ´ÉÉMnùÉxÉ ]Âõ + ªÉ = ]õ¬ xÉÉ]õ¬
MÉ + vÉ = MvÉ ¨ÉÖMvÉ ]Âõ + ®ú = ]Åõ ®úɹ]Åõ
MÉ + xÉ = MxÉ ¨ÉMxÉ bÂ÷ + b÷ = bÂ÷b÷ ½þbÂ÷b÷Ò
MÉ + ¨É = M¨É ´ÉÉM¨ÉÒ bÂ÷ + fø = bÂ÷fø MÉbÂ÷føÉ
MÉ + ªÉ = MªÉ ¦ÉÉMªÉ bÂ÷ + ªÉ = b÷¬ VÉÉb÷¬
MÉ + ®ú = OÉ OÉÉ¨É bÂ÷ + ®ú = bÅ÷ {ÉÖÆbÅ÷
MÉ + ±É = M±É M±ÉÉÊxÉ fÂø + ªÉ = fø¬ +Éfø¬
MÉ + ´É = M´É M´ÉɱÉÉ hÉ + ]õ = h]õ, #Æ]õ PÉh]õÉ = PÉÆ]õÉ
PÉÂ + xÉ = PxÉ Ê´ÉPxÉ hÉÂ + hÉ = hhÉ +IÉÖhhÉ
hÉ + ªÉ = hªÉ {ÉÖhªÉ {É + {É = {{É Ê]õ{{ÉÉ
iÉ + Eò = iEò =iEò±É {É + ªÉ = {ªÉ {ªÉɱÉÉ
iÉ + iÉ = kÉ {ÉkÉÉ {É + ®ú = |É |Éä¨É
iÉ + lÉ = ilÉ {ÉilÉ®ú {É + ±É = {±É {±ÉÉ´ÉxÉ
iÉ + xÉ = ixÉ ªÉixÉ {É + ºÉ = {ºÉ +{ºÉ®úÉ
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¹É + {É = ¹{É {ÉÖ¹{É ½Âþ + ¨É = À ¥ÉÉÀhÉ
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¹É + ªÉ = ¹ªÉ ¨ÉxÉÖ¹ªÉ ½Âþ + ®ú = ¿ ¿ÉºÉ
ºÉ + Eò = ºEò xɨɺEòÉ®ú ½Âþ + ±É = ¼±É |ɼ±ÉÉnù
ºÉ + VÉ = ºVÉ ¨ÉκVÉnù ½Âþ + ´É = ¼´É +ɼ´ÉÉxÉ
*See note on the Anuswar Sign (+xÉÖº´ÉÉ®ú). Accordingly, conjuncts with xÉ and ¨ÉÂ
are given in some detail above. ____________

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