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Company name: Cadbury plc

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY......................................................................................................................1
CURRENT MARKETING SITUATION ANALYSIS............................................................................2
OBJECTIVES AND VALUE PROPOSTION.........................................................................................4
MARKETING STRATEGY....................................................................................................................5

Product & Unique Selling Point: Chocolate pralines infused with moringa ganache, offering a
unique blend of indulgence and health benefits. Emphasize the superfood qualities of moringa,
including its rich nutrient profile (vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants).
Target Consumers & Distribution Channels: Health-conscious consumers, premium chocolate
buyers, and eco-friendly consumers in France. Focus on segments such as fitness enthusiasts, organic
food shoppers, and affluent individuals seeking luxury treats via health food stores, gourmet shops,
online retail platforms, and partnerships with premium supermarkets.
Market Opportunity: The growing trend towards functional foods and health-oriented products in
the French market. A gap in the market for a premium chocolate product that offers significant health
Key Competitors: Established chocolate brands like Valrhona, Lindt, Nestle and niche health-
focused chocolate brands. Limited direct competition presenting a unique market opportunity.
Competitive Advantage: Differentiation through the unique ingredient (moringa), emphasizing its
health benefits and the product's premium quality and taste.
Brand Positioning: Position the product as a luxurious and healthy indulgence. Highlight the
superfood benefits of moringa and the artisanal quality of the chocolate.
Promotional Plan: Utilize a mix of digital marketing, social media campaigns, influencer
partnerships, and in-store tastings to build awareness and generate buzz. Educational content to
inform consumers about moringa's health benefits.
Pricing Strategy: Premium pricing to reflect the high quality and health benefits of the product,
targeting a niche but affluent market segment.
Potential Risks: Market acceptance of moringa-infused chocolate, competition from established
brands, recent shortage of cocoa and economic factors affecting consumer spending.
Mitigation Strategies: Robust marketing and education efforts to build awareness, strategic
partnerships, and flexibility in marketing tactics to adapt to market feedback.
Conclusion: The innovative combination of an increasingly popular superfood with a quality
premium chocolate aligns with current market trends, capturing a niche but lucrative market
a. External environment
Political Environment
Regulations and Standards: France has strict food safety and labelling regulations governed by both
national and EU laws.
Trade Policies: France benefits from free trade within the EU, however, specific tariffs or trade
agreements are affecting imports from non-EU countries.
Subsidies and Support: Government support for agricultural sectors, including cocoa farming (if
sourcing from specific regions), can influence costs and supply chains.
Economic Environment
Economic Stability: France has a stable and developed economy, with a high standard of living and
disposable income, which is favourable for premium chocolate products, especially with the issue of
recent cocoa shortage.
Consumer Spending: French consumers value quality and are willing to spend on premium and
artisanal products, making it a good market for high-end chocolates.
Inflation and Pricing: recent cocoa prices spikes and inflation rates (INSEE: total IPC for December
2023 amounted to 3.7%) should be pricing factors to consider.
Socio-Cultural Environment
Chocolate Consumption: France has a rich tradition of chocolate consumption, with a preference for
high-quality, artisanal, and often dark chocolates.
Health Trends: Increasing health consciousness among consumers drive demand for healthier, organic,
or low-sugar chocolate options.
Cultural Preferences: French consumers with their “l’art de vivre” appreciate craftsmanship and
quality. Overall, in EU we can note a trend towards ethical and sustainably sourced products. Our
company should consider joining The French Sustainable Cocoa Initiative (IFCD).
Technological Environment
E-commerce: Online sales, e-commerce and digital marketing strategies became the new standard.
Innovation in Production: Advances in production technology can help create unique product features
(e.g., new flavours, textures).
Social Media: Leveraging social media for marketing campaigns can be highly effective in engaging
with consumers and building brand loyalty.
Ecological Environment
Sustainability: Consumers are increasingly looking for products that are ethically sourced and have a
minimal ecological footprint. This will be a key factor for sourcing of the cocoa ingredients.
Packaging: Eco-friendly packaging can also be a significant selling point. We advise to use recyclable
or biodegradable materials to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.
Legal Environment
Advertising Regulations: Adhere to French and EU regulations regarding food advertising. Claims
about health benefits or sustainability need to be substantiated.
The two main sustainability labels used in the cocoa sector are Rainforest Alliance (from the UTZ-
Rainforest Alliance merger) and the Fairtrade label. The specificity of the cocoa sector is that it now
has an international ISO standard for sustainable and traceable cocoa, the first of its kind for
agricultural products, but which is debated in West Africa where workshops are underway for the
creation of a specific sub-regional standard.
Intellectual Property: Ensure trademarks and any proprietary technology or recipes are protected to
avoid legal disputes.
b. Industry analysis – Main Customer Segments
1) Premium chocolate lovers – appreciating gourmet aspects of chocolate -> while gaining
popularity, moringa is still relatively niche in the mainstream market, offering a unique selling
proposition as a novelty alternative to matcha without caffeine.
2) Health-conscious consumers – preference towards products offering health benefits, such as
dark chocolate, low sugar, added functional ingredients like antioxidants, proteins -> appeals
to consumers looking for superfoods and nutrient-dense ingredients.
3) Ethically focused consumers – valuing ingredients sourced ethically and sustainability
which can be reflected in eco-friendly packaging -> Moringa trees grow quickly and are
drought-resistant, making them a sustainable ingredient choice.
4) Gift buyers – chocolates are a popular gift not only in France but across EU -> seeking
beautifully packaged, high-quality chocolates highlighting the luxury and appeal of the gift
c. Industry analysis – Competitors
Valrhona a premium French chocolate manufacturer, known for high-quality products and extensive
range of flavours, committed to ethical sourcing, highly regarded by professional chefs and pastry
- market position: a luxury brand, Valrhona appeals to both professional and consumer markets
Lindt & Sprüngli well-known Swiss chocolate brand of strong brand recognition with a wide
product range.
- market position: offers both premium and everyday chocolate products, targeting a broad
consumer base
Nestlé a global food and beverage leader with an extensive product range, strong distribution and
competitive pricing.
- market position: offers a variety of chocolate products from mass-market to premium
d. Industry analysis
Capital Requirements: Entry into the chocolate market requires significant investment in production facilities, quality control, and marketing.
Threat of New Brand Loyalty: Established brands like Valrhona and Lindt have strong customer loyalty, making it challenging for new entrants.
Regulatory Compliance: Food safety regulations in France and the EU require strict adherence, which can be a barrier for new companies.
Entrants Economies of Scale: Large-scale producers benefit from economies of scale, reducing their costs compared to new entrants.
: moderate Potential Impact: While entry barriers are moderate, the niche aspect of incorporating moringa could attract innovative startups willing to invest in a
health-oriented product.

Bargaining Power of Ingredient Availability: Moringa and high-quality cocoa are relatively specialized ingredients, but they are not scarce. Multiple suppliers exist globally.
Switching Costs: Switching suppliers for moringa or cocoa can involve quality control challenges but is feasible.
Suppliers Supplier Differentiation: Suppliers of organic and sustainably sourced ingredients might have more power due to their differentiated offerings.
: low to moderate Potential Impact: Suppliers have moderate power, particularly if they provide organic or certified sustainable ingredients.

Consumer Preferences: Consumers have a wide range of chocolate products to choose from, giving them significant power.
Bargaining Power of Price Sensitivity: While there is a market for premium chocolates, price sensitivity remains, especially in a competitive market.
Buyers Product Differentiation: Moringa ganache pralines offer a unique health benefit, which can reduce buyer power if the product successfully differentiates
: high Potential Impact: High buyer power due to the availability of numerous alternatives and the need to convince consumers of the unique benefits of moringa.

Threat of Substitute Alternative Snacks: Numerous substitutes exist, such as other types of chocolates, candies, health bars, and even non-chocolate snacks.
Health-Conscious Alternatives: Products like fruit bars, nuts, and other superfood-infused snacks can serve as substitutes for health-conscious consumers.
Products Indulgent Alternatives: Traditional luxury chocolates and confections remain strong substitutes.
: high Potential Impact: High threat due to a wide variety of available substitutes in both the indulgent and health-oriented segments.

Market Saturation: The French chocolate market is well-developed and highly competitive, with numerous established players.
Industry Rivalry Brand Strength: Strong brand identities and customer loyalty for established brands like Valrhona, Lindt, and La Maison du Chocolat increase competition.
Innovation and Differentiation: Continuous innovation and product differentiation are necessary to stand out in this market.
: high Potential Impact: High rivalry due to established brands and intense competition in both the premium and health-oriented segments.

e. Market gap
The French market for chocolate pralines with moringa leaves powder does not seem to have many
direct competitors, indicating a unique niche opportunity. There are a few related products, such as
Moringa Wave chocolate bars and CocoRinga, a moringa-infused hot chocolate marketed as a
nutritious superfood drink.
Opportunities: Unique product differentiation through health benefits of moringa, targeting niche
markets, and leveraging health and wellness trends.
Challenges: High buyer power, threat of substitutes, and intense rivalry among established


a. Objectives and issues
Objective 1: Increase Product Awareness and Educate Consumers
Raise awareness about the unique benefits of the Moringa Dark Chocolate Ganache Praline by
highlighting the exquisiteness and health advantages of moringa as a superfood. Launch an
informational campaign aimed at parents, health-conscious adults, and chocolate connoisseurs,
resulting in a 30% increase in brand recognition and a 25% increase in product awareness within the
first six months.
Objective 2: Drive Consumer Engagement and Acceptance
Promote the incorporation of moringa powder into a slightly sweet chocolate praline as an innovative
solution for consuming beneficial nutrients in the form of a delicacy. Implement interactive marketing
strategies, including taste tests, social media challenges, and influencer partnerships, to increase
consumer engagement. Aim to achieve a 30% increase in social media interactions and a 20% boost in
positive consumer reviews and feedback within the first quarter.
Objective 3: Expand Market Reach and Boost Sales
Expand the product's market reach by targeting health food stores, supermarkets, specialty chocolate
shops and online marketplaces. Position the praline as a convenient and enjoyable way for consumers
to incorporate moringa into their diets. Set a goal to have the product available in new retail locations
and achieve a 25% increase in monthly sales revenue within the first year of launch.
b. Value Proposition
Experience the delicious fusion of premium dark chocolate and the superfood benefits of moringa in
our innovative pralines. Perfect for health-conscious families, premium chocolate lovers, ethically
conscious consumers and gift buyers, our moringa-infused chocolate ganache offers a tasty and
convenient way to enjoy essential nutrients, making healthy eating delightful. Indulge in wellness
with every bite while supporting a healthier lifestyle.

a. Positioning
Unique Selling Point (USP):

Unique combination of high-quality chocolate and moringa, a recognized superfood rich in vitamins,
minerals, and antioxidants. Moringa leaves are known for their high nutrient content, including
vitamins A, C, and E, calcium, potassium, and protein.

 Target Audience:
 Parents: Looking for nutritious snacks for their children that are also enjoyable.
 Health-conscious adults: Individuals seeking to incorporate more superfoods into
their diets in a convenient and tasty form.
 Gourmet food enthusiasts: Consumers interested in unique and innovative food
 Gift Buyers: People looking for unique and healthy gift options.
 Individuals: Interested in exploring healthy yet tasty snack options.
 Brand Positioning Statement:
 "Experience the delicious fusion of premium chocolate and the superfood benefits of
moringa in our Moringa Chocolate Ganache Praline. Perfect for health-conscious
families and chocolate connoisseur, it offers a tasty and convenient way to enjoy
essential nutrients."
b. Marketing Research
 Consumer Survey and Focus Group
 Conduct surveys to gauge interest in moringa-infused chocolate, assess awareness of
moringa's health benefits, and determine price sensitivity.
 Organize focus groups to obtain qualitative feedback on taste, texture, packaging, and
overall appeal of the product.
 Conduct client interview to understand customer perceptions and attitude towards
moringa-based chocolate. Identify key drivers of purchase decisions and potential
 Competitive Analysis:
 Identify competitors in the health food and premium chocolate markets.
 Analyze our competitors considering 4 P’s - product, price, place and promotion.
These are four essential factors in marketing a product or service. Analysing their
product offerings, pricing strategies, distribution channels, and marketing tactics to
uncover gaps and opportunities for differentiation. Likewise we can avoid their
pitfalls and take advantage of missed opportunities to optimize our marketing.
 Trend Analysis:
 Examine trends related to superfoods, health snacks, and premium confectionery in
 Utilize market research reports to understand consumer behaviour and preferences in
the health and wellness sector.
 Create Personas:
Attrib Persona 1: Persona 2: Persona 3: Persona 4: Bala
ute Amoga Dominika Chaley
Age 25 35 40 45
Gender Female Female Male Male
Marital Married with
Married Single two children Single
Occupation fitness Marketing
Instructor Manager Food Blogger IT Specialist
Location Bordeaux,
Paris, France Lyon, France France Nice, France
Shopping Organic Supermarkets, Specialty Organic and
Preferences markets, health health food gourmet stores, health food
food stores stores, online food festivals stores
Health Focus Follows
balanced diet, Provides healthy
includes snacks for Passionate about Follows
superfoods family gourmet food vegetarian diet
Primary Goal Ensure family Discover and Maintain health
Maintain a eats healthy share unique through
healthy lifestyle foods gourmet foods balanced diet
Secondary Find
Goal Find delicious Find quick, convenient,
nutritious nutritious snacks Grow blog nutritious
snacks for kids audience snacks
Primary Limited time for
Finding unique, Limited
Challenges Finding healthy preparing high-quality availability of
yet tasty snacks healthy snacksproducts suitable snacks
Secondary Skepticism Persuading Balancing Ensuring
Challenges towards new children to eat
personal taste varied nutrient
health products healthy foods with trends intake
Active on social
Regularly reads Follows media Active in
Shopping health blogs, parenting blogs, (Instagram, online health
Behavior magazines social media YouTube) forums
Shops at
Shares fitness, supermarkets, Researches and
Activity nutrition tips on health food Networks with tries new
Preferences social media stores food enthusiasts superfoods
Finding tasty,
Limited options Finding snacks healthy
Primary Pain for healthy, appealing to Crowded vegetarian
Points tasty snacks children gourmet market snacks
Skeptical about Ensuring quality Concerns about
Secondary new health Lack of time to of featured authenticity,
Pain Points products prepare snacks products nutrition
c. Product Strategy
Product Development:
Ingredients & Processing - We ethically source best cocoa beans with rich and complex flavor
profiles. Moringa leaves sourced from organic farms are used to create a ganache praline which
combine taste with health benefits. The leaves undergo a thorough cleaning process for impurities
removal and then gently dried using low-temperature methods to preserve their nutrients and vibrant
green colour. The moringa-infused ganache is blended to a smooth consistency, ensuring a creamy
texture that enhances the praline's mouthfeel.
Quality Control & Taste Testing - Each batch of the product undergoes rigorous quality control
checks to ensure consistency in taste, texture, and appearance. Before final packaging, our expert
chocolatiers conduct taste tests to ensure that the balance of flavors meets our high standards.
Packaging - Designing elegant, attractive and eco-friendly packaging that reflects the premium
quality of the product while highlighting its health benefits and ethical sourcing.
Product Variants: Introducing different product ranges to cater to various market segments.
Deluxe Range – Featuring handpicked high-quality tender baby moringa leaves and premium dark
chocolate, offering an even more luxurious, delicate flavour and nutrient-dense experience.
Standard Range – Utilizing high-quality moringa powder made from a mix of tender mature
moringa leaves and dark chocolate, providing a delicious and nutritious option at a more accessible
price point.
Other Variations: Milk chocolate pralines, Chocolate Bars and Hot Chocolate including moringa
leaves, Seasonal variation offers such as Easter Egg Chocolates to maintain consumer interest and
encourage repeat purchases. Post successful market penetration, other superfood such as goji berries.
d. Price Strategy
The pricing strategy will position the Moringa Dark Chocolate Ganache Praline as a premium product
while remaining competitive within the luxury chocolate market.
Premium Pricing: Setting a price point that reflects the high quality and health benefits of the
product, targeting consumers who are willing to pay a premium for gourmet and health-conscious
Deluxe and Standard Pricing Tiers: Offering a deluxe range at a higher price point to appeal to
affluent consumers seeking the best quality (e.g. 16pcs for 38EUR, 24pcs for 44EUR), while the
standard range is priced competitively to attract a broader audience (e.g. 16pcs for 30EUR, 24pcs for
Discounts: Occasional promotional discounts to attract new customers and encourage larger
purchases. Discounts would also be offered during special occasions and holidays such as Mother’s
Day, end of school year, etc., so as to encourage gift buyers.
Value Proposition Communication: Clearly communicating the value proposition—highlighting the
unique health benefits of moringa and the luxurious taste experience—to justify the premium price.
e. Distribution Strategy
 Retail Channels:
 Partner with health food stores, premium supermarkets, convenience stores, gas
stations, and drug stores and specialty confectionery shops to ensure product visibility
as they offer a convenient way for customers to purchase our products while they're
out and about.
 Explore placement in organic markets and gourmet food sections of major retailers.
 Online Sales:
 Launch an e-commerce platform for direct-to-consumer sales, offering convenient
delivery options.
 List the product on popular online marketplaces like Amazon, and French platforms
such as Cdiscount and La Redoute.
 Specialty Stores and Events:
These outlets cater to specific customer groups, such as foodies, health enthusiasts, or
fans of artisanal products - including farmer's markets, food fairs, craft shows, and
specialty food stores. It's important to research events that are relevant to our product
and actively participate in them. This may involve setting up a booth, offering
samples of our products, and engaging with customers.
 Partnerships and Sponsorships:
 Collaborate with subscription box services focused on health and wellness to increase
product exposure.
 Establish partnerships with cafes and health clubs for co-branding opportunities and
on-site sales.
f. Marketing Communications Strategy
 Brand Storytelling:
 Create a compelling brand story that emphasizes the health benefits and gourmet
quality of the moringa-infused pralines.
 Use storytelling to connect emotionally with consumers, highlighting the artisanal
production process and commitment to quality.
 Social Media and Influencer Marketing :
 Leverage social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) to showcase the
product, share customer testimonials, and run targeted ad campaigns.
 Collaborate with food bloggers, influencers, and YouTubers to create buzz and
provide authentic reviews.
 Implement social media challenges and interactive content to engage consumers and
increase brand visibility.
 Public Relations:
 Send press releases to health, food, and lifestyle magazines, highlighting the unique
product launch and health benefits.
 Organize tasting events and product launches to engage with media, influencers, and
potential customers.
 Promotions and Sampling:
 Offer free samples in high-traffic areas such as shopping malls, gourmet food fairs,
and health clubs.
 Implement a loyalty program or referral discounts to encourage repeat purchases and
word-of-mouth marketing.
 Traditional Advertising:
 Use print ads in health, gourmet, and lifestyle magazines to reach a broader audience.
 Consider radio spots or local TV segments focusing on new and innovative health
food products, especially around key holidays and events.
 Advertise through Le Meilleur Pâtissier programme.
 Arrange competition among chocolate brands.

Marketing Competitor Analysis: A Complete Guide | Sprout Social
Go-to-Market Strategy for Confectionery (

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