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Assignment requirements

Learning objectives
Formulate, delimit and analyze a problem within the framework of the DM program

Select and adapt theories relevant to the problem and the analysis

Demonstrate a deep understanding of the theories and methods relevant to the project

Substantiate the chosen methodology, including theory of science and research design

Ensure a logical coherence between research question, analysis and conclusion¨

Structure and present the material in a clearly formulated and accessible form in terms of both
language and content

Standard page
You must meet the following requirements for standard pages:

The pages may comprise no more than 2,275 characters incl. spaces on average.

Margin: At least 3 cm at the top and bottom, and at least 2 cm left and right.

Font size: At least 11 points. Footnotes can be smaller but must be readable

Tables, diagrams, illustrations: etc. are not included in the number of characters, but insertion of
such elements does not justify exceeding the specified maximum number of pages. This means that
any form of illustration counts for the amount of text that it takes up space for i.e. a table covering
3/4 of a page counts for 3/4 a page no matter how many characters it contains.

Headlines: Must be distinct and differ graphically from the body text.

Page numbers: Pages must be numbered, and the table of contents must present where the various
main sections begin.

Expected literature
Recommended literature

Booth, Wayne C., Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, Joseph Bizup, and William T.
FitzGerald. 2016. The craft of research. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2016.

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