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Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage.

10(3): 1371-1390, Summer 2024, Serial #39

Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management


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The influence of legal compliance in farmer group on the growth and development
of sustainable mangrove ecosystem
E.K. Purwendah1,2, N.A. Sasongko2,3, H. Susanto2, R. Mawardi2, T. Cahyono2, H.L. Susilawati2,*, T. Wahyuni2, D.
Juhandi5, T. Rahman2, A. Gustina4, I.D.S. Triana1, E. Pudyastiwi1, O. Kusumaningsih6, T. Martini2
Faculty of Law, Wijayakusuma University, Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia
Research Center for Sustainable Production Systems and Life Cycle Assesment, National Research and Innovation Agency,
Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia Peace and Security Center, Bogor 16810, Indonesia
Legal Research Center, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia
Horticultural Agribusiness, Polytechnic of Wilmar Business Indonesia, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, 20371 Indonesia
Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, Wijayakusuma University, Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The limited role of law enforcement agencies in the vast area provides
Article History: opportunities for local community to contribute to mangrove ecosystem protection. This study emphasizes
Received 26 November 2023 the importance of sustainable legal adherence by mangrove farmer groups in protecting the ecosystem
Revised 01 March 2024 through self-defence or community policing. It is essential for farmer groups to work together with legal
institutions in order to defend the mangrove ecosystem from potential harm. This study seeks to resolve legal
Accepted 05 April 2024 uncertainties related to the regulation of natural resources. Legal protection is crucial to ensure sustainability
of mangrove ecosystem.
Keywords: METHODS: This study used multi-aspect sustainability analysis and normative-empirical legal methods.
Primary data were collected by administering questionnaires and engaging in discussions with the Krida Wana
Community participation
Lestari Farmer Group community in Ujung Alang, Cilacap, Central Java. The data obtained from questionnare
Farmer group was assessed for its sustainability through the application of Multi-Aspect Sustainability Analysis. The analysis
Legal compliance of sustainability value, which significantly impacts legal compliance in the future, was conducted using
Mangrove secondary data in the form of legal materials. This enabled the identification of priority areas for improvement.
FINDINGS: Legal ambiguities in the protection and supervision of mangrove ecosystem require the
participation of the Krida Wana Lestari Farmer Group community. Mangrove management involves the
Sanctions planting of seedlings and their subsequent utilization. Ecosystem protection is ensured through monitoring
Sustainability efforts within the Segara Anakan mangrove area, as well as through informal sanctions imposed by the local
community in collaboration with the Nature Conservation Agency and the Village Trustee Non-Commissioned
CONCLUSION: The limited role of law enforcement agencies provides opportunities for community to
contribute to the protection. The role in conducting Jagawana Swakarsa (Community-based self-funded
Forest Rangers) or community policing is crucial for sustainable mangrove ecosystem management.
The engagement of farmer groups exemplifies the application of indigenous wisdom in preserving the
environment, which is presently not regulated by the prevailing legal framework. The mangrove ecosystem
provides farmers with economic benefits that contribute to their livelihoods. Not only do farmers have a
strong social connection to the mangroves as their place of residence, but they also hold a political stake
in ensuring the survival of these valuable ecosystems. Benefits, management, and monitoring aspects
scored 100, 94.5, and 100, respectively. Sanctions aspect is sustainable with a score of 65 because forest
guards and the authorities enforce forest destruction laws. Through their collaboration with the forestry
police, they initiated community-driven endeavors. This united community plays a crucial role in enabling
law enforcement to independently safeguard mangroves. The organizational significance lies in prioritizing
DOI: 10.22034/gjesm.2024.03.26 regional law enforcement and fostering inclusive and comprehensive communication with the community.

This is an open access article under the CC BY license (


70 5 3
*Corresponding Author:
Phone: +6281325178040
ORCID: 0000-0002-2636-4422
Note: Discussion period for this manuscript open until October 1, 2024 on GJESM website at the “Show Article”.
E.K. Purwendah et al.

INTRODUCTION 2023). At the national level, approximately 331.65 (±

Indonesia stands out as the primary mangrove 222.26) square kilometre (km2) of forest are
producer, contributing around 26 percent (%) and deforested annually (Fries and Webb, 2014; Zeng et
29% to the global stock (Hamilton and Casey, 2016) al., 2021). According to Hamilton and Casey (2016),
Deforestation in the Indonesia occurs at a rate ranging there has been a decline in deforestation on a global
from 0.26% to 0.66% annually (Goldberg et al., 2020). scale, with an annual rate of decrease ranging from
Blue carbon (C) mangrove ecosystems can absorb 0.16% to 0.39%. This is because legal uncertainty
natural C (Uddin et al., 2023). The ecosystem is issues are closely related to environmental
recognized as one of the top C storage systems degradation. The management of mangrove
worldwide, demonstrating production rates that rival ecosystems is the state’s obligation (Article 28H
those of tropical forests and coral reefs (Alongi, Paragraph (1) of the Indonesian Constitution) and the
2022). The presence of forest areas is of utmost obligation of the community to actively participate in
importance in shielding coastal areas and preserving protecting the environment (Article 67),
the natural habitats of wildlife. Additionally, these Environmental and Management Law, 2009.
areas act as a valuable means to regulate the effects Indonesia has the world’s largest mangrove forest,
of global warming. The services are crucial for the covering more than 24% of the total global area
environment, economy (Friess et al., 2020) and well- (PDASRH, 2021), which is approximately 3.36 million
being of community living (Macreadie et al., 2019) in hectares (Mha) (Murdiyarso et al., 2023). Around
forest areas (Sumarga et al., 2023). The significance 19,26% or 637,624 hectares (ha) of Indonesian
of mangrove ecosystems lies in their ecological, (Winanti et al., 2023) total mangrove forests are in
economic, and social advantages. At a local scale, critical condition (Cameron et al., 2019), with very
these forests play a crucial role in providing ecosystem sparse vegetation cover (Mudiyarso et al., 2023).
services, including food resources and sustainable Myanmar, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, and
livelihoods for communities in the vicinity (Wintah et Guatemala are facing a pressing challenge of
al., 2023). Indonesia prioritizes the well-being of mangrove loss. These countries are witnessing
communities living around mangrove forests (Christie alarming rates of depletion in their mangrove forests,
and Rayment, 2012) as a source of livelihood (Thuy et posing a serious threat to their coastal ecosystems.
al., 2024). Intertidal forests in tropical-subtropical Over the course of the past 50 years, around half of
coastal areas demonstrate adaptability by providing the planet’s mangrove forests have been decimated
essential coastline protection, supporting biodiversity, as a result of habitat loss stemming from the rapid
sustaining ecosystem functions, and contributing to expansion of the human population and the
human well-being (Giri et al., 2011). Mangrove encroachment of invasive species into coastal regions
wetlands protect shoreline biodiversity, ecosystem (Friess et al., 2019), and rising sea levels attributed to
functions, and human well-being (Murray et al., climate change. Mangrove wetlands are highly
2022). Achieving the targets for reducing greenhouse threatened by rising sea levels (Murray et al., 2022).
gas emissions heavily relies on the significant From 1990 to 2020, approximately 1.04 Mha of
contribution of the ecosystem (Chatting et al., 2022). mangrove forests were destroyed (Long et al., 2022).
Indonesia’s coastal area management encountered a Countries can increase mangrove restoration and the
range of issues, including: 1) the biophysical blue C ecosystem by aligning national commitments
degradation of coastal environments, such as coral and plans with international policy frameworks. The
reefs, population of fish, shoreline erosion, dedication to reducing carbon emissions and
contamination, and sedimentation, 2) Conflicts achieving carbon equilibrium is crucial in order to
concerning the exploitation and governance of fulfill both domestic and global decarbonization
coastal zones pose obstacles to achieving sustainable goals, as well as to reach the net zero target (Hashim
coastal management, and 3) Legal ambiguities arise et al., 2022). By 2023, mangroves are explicitly
due to the unclear ownership and management of included in the national regulations of around 97
maritime resources. Indonesia, recognized for its jurisdictions (Global Mangrove Alliance, 2023).
substantial mangrove C stocks, plays a pivotal role in Indonesia has officially ratified the Convention on
global climate mitigation efforts (Murdiyarso et al., Wetlands of International Importance, demonstrating

Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 10(3): 1371-1390, Summer 2024

its commitment to preserving waterfowl habitats areas now converted into ponds. By 1999, numerous
through Presidential Decree Number 48 of 1991, individuals experienced financial setbacks, prompting
which also encompasses mangrove ecosystems. The the farmer group community to repurpose abandoned
government has been instructed to carry out shrimp ponds and deforested areas into profitable
comprehensive management initiatives for the mangrove zones. Farming group contributes to
betterment of the global community. Regulations on mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and tackle climate
the management of coastal areas and small islands change narrative (Kamyab, 2024). The participation
are outlined in Law Number 27 of 2007, which was of local communities, particularly farmer groups, has
amended by Law Number 1 of 2014. These regulations emerged as a crucial factor in guaranteeing the
aim to efficiently regulate logging activities in fishing enduring conservation of mangrove ecosystems. The
zones and encourage the adoption of sustainable active involvement of farmer groups in the
management methods. However, it should be noted conservation, revitalization, and responsible
that this legislation does not offer direct safeguards utilization of mangrove ecosystems highlights their
for the conservation of mangrove ecosystems. successful integration of traditional knowledge and
Presidential Regulation Number 73 of 2012 recognises modern conservation practices. The impact of
forests as life sustaining resources. Through National adhering to legal requirements within the farmer
Strategy for Mangrove Ecosystem Management groups on the expansion and progress of sustainable
(SNPEM), community well-being requires mangrove ecosystems continues to be a subject of
conservation, preservation, and usage. Presidential significant investigation. The demand for increased
Regulation of Indonesia Number 120 of 2020 focuses expertise in legal compliance, community
on mangrove restoration in degraded or critical areas empowerment, and ecosystem resilience is evident,
by increasing rehabilitation through the Peat highlighting farmer groups as pivotal contributors to
Restoration Agency. The decrease in mangrove forest advancing the global goals for mangrove conservation
land cover in Segara Anakan Cilacap from 1987-2016 and sustainable development. This study introduces
was caused by increased rice fields and population an innovative strategy for resolving legal uncertainties
density (Supriatna, 2023). Every year, plant species in related to the safeguarding and preservation of
the Kampung Laut region of Cilacap, Indonesia face mangrove ecosystems. By combining normative-
the threat of extinction. Approximately 26 out of 35 empirical legal techniques with Multi-Aspect
species have disappeared due to various factors, Sustainability Analysis (MSA), this study uncovers the
including illegal logging for timber and forest intricate connections between economic, social, and
conversion into shrimp ponds. These ponds are environmental factors, as well as the adherence of
abandoned due to massive looting, declining local communities to legal regulations. The innovation
productivity, and a lack of capital. The modifications lies in the comprehensive assessment methodology
in the condition and purpose of mangrove forests used to identify priority areas for improvement,
have the potential to influence the environmental significantly impacting legal compliance in the future.
support available to the surrounding areas. The Krida The study highlights the pioneering role of the Krida
Wana Lestari Farmer Group community initially Wana Lestari Farmer Group community in contributing
focused on restoring mangrove forests damaged by to mangrove ecosystem protection through
large-scale logging and shrimp pond development in community-based initiatives such as Jagawana
1994 and 1998, respectively. The mangrove land area Swakarsa (Community-based self-funded Forest
in Segara Anakan covers 6,696.4 ha, with a high Rangers) or community policing. The assessment
density of 41.3% on 2,7226 ha located at the Krida criteria for measuring sustainability revolves around
Wana Lestari farming community in Ujung Alang the benefits and supervision of farmer groups that
Village, Kampung Laut subdistrict (Ati, 2023). utilize mangroves as agricultural resources. This
Investors from various areas, including Sulawesi, includes activities such as seeding, planting,
Lampung, East Java, West Java, and Pengandaran, harvesting, and utilization. Monitoring and guarding,
acquired mining land by clearing thousands of ha to along with implementing sanctions, are crucial
create shrimp ponds until 1999. The practice was activities for preserving and safeguarding the
short-lived, resulting in desolate land, with some agricultural ecosystem, specifically the mangrove

Community policing for sustainable mangrove management

ecosystems. In line with SaberiKamarposhti, (2024). area is the presence of mangrove forests which form a
The findings of this study have the capacity to shape large part of the ecosystem in Segara Anakan Lagoon.
government policies by emphasizing the significant Cilacap Mangrove Forest lies in the western region
role of mangrove farming in climate change of the regency, covering an area of approximately
mitigation. The results of the analysis are projected to 51 ha (Fig. 1). The Krida Wana Lestari farmer group
address existing limitations in sustainability values is known for being at the forefront of mangrove
and legal adherence in the coming years. As outlined cultivation. Unlike most farmer groups in the area,
in Article 67 of Law Number 32 of 2009 on they are primarily composed of fishermen and rice
Environmental Protection and Management, legal field farmers. The Krida Wana Lestari consists of 95
ambiguities regarding the prevention of the individuals, as it is composed of various sub-groups
destruction of mangrove ecosystems are mitigated from different villages. Klaces Village has a population
through community participation in the fulfilment of of 25, Ujung Gagak Village has 20 residents, and Ujung
obligations. The study’s hypothesis suggests that Alang Village is home to 50 people. Collaborating
combining government regulations with the with law enforcement, a team of fifteen farmer group
involvement of local communities has the potential members participated in patrolling and monitoring
to enhance the sustainability of mangrove ecosystem the mangroves.
management. The study aims to assess the legal
compliance of community mangrove ecosystem Data collection and analysis
management and supervision. This study was carried Utilizing empirical normative legal analysis, this
out at Kampung Laut, Segara Anakan, Cilacap Regency, study is classified as an applied research. Its primary
Central Java, in 2023. aim was to scrutinize the practical execution of
positive legal provisions in relation to specific social
MATERIALS AND METHODS events, with a notable emphasis on accomplishing
Study area predetermined objectives. The study began by
The mangrove ecosystem area located in Segara analyzing applicable legal regulations that pertain
Anakan, on the southern coast of Cilacap Regency, to positive events within society. The process
Central Java, Indonesia, is a lagoon connected to was carried out in two stages, namely examining
the Indian Ocean through a western outlet called normative law, including a deeper study of applicable
Plawangan, and a tidal channel serving as the eastern normative law, such as basic principles with related
outlet towards Cilacap. The geographical boundaries theories, and the empirical application of legal
of the administrative area of Kampung Laut District provisions to specific events. A thorough examination
lie between 108.8 - 109.0 East Longitude and 7.6 - of cases and legal documents was undertaken
7.8 South Latitude, with an area of 146.14 km2, a to elucidate the implementation of normative
maximum temperature 33.9 degrees Celsius (℃), legal regulations. Evaluation of the sustainability
height of 100 meters (m) above sea level. Segara of community legal compliance in mangrove
Anakan Lagoon is dominated by mangrove forests, management was performed through the utilization
with constitute most of the ecosystem. Another of multi-faceted sustainability analysis (MSA).The
important area is Kolak Sekancil, an arboretum sustainability status measured was a combination
covering 6 ha and consisting of mangrove trees owned of each aspect, namely mangrove use, sustainable
by the Krida Wana Lestari Farmer Group community mangrove management, supervision by the
as the driving force for conservation. Within community, and the imposition of sanctions against
Arboretum Kolak Sekancil, the farming community destruction perpetrators. Sustainability assessment
undertakes the conversion of mangroves into a range was determined by establishing an index value of
of commodities including food, beverages, batik 75-100 (highly sustainable), 50-75 (sustainable), 25-
dyes, tea, and coffee. Furthermore, they actively 50 (low sustainable), and 0-25 (not sustainable). The
propagate forests for the purpose of selling. The data used consists of secondary and primary data.
protective barrier island, Nusakambangan, acts as a Secondary data sources contribute to understanding
shield, safeguarding this area from direct exposure to the basic principles of law, while primary legal
the open sea. The dominant ecological feature in the materials consist of hierarchal regulations (Muttolib,

Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 10(3): 1371-1390, Summer 2024

Fig. 1: Geographic location of the study area in the mangrove forest area of Ujung Alang, Kampung Laut, Cilacap, Central Java, Indonesia
Fig. 1: Geographic location of the study area in the mangrove forest area of Ujung Alang, Kampung Laut, Cilacap,
Central Java, Indonesia
2024). Essential legal resources are required to assess data collection activities in the area and interviews
both direct and indirect incentives related to current (Leeuw, 2016) with key informants from the Krida
regulations, ensuring adherence or facing potential Wana Lestari Farmer Group community. This study
penalties for non-compliance, offering rewards, fills a void in existing literature by investigating the
or avoiding the risk of being unfairly treated as a long-term viability of adhering to legal regulations
driving force for behavior. The concept of reward and within the mangrove ecosystem management sector.
punishment serves as a fundamental mechanism for Table 1 presents a comparison between this study
redistributing resources within society. It operates and previous studies.
by assigning specific consequences, referred to as
sanctions, to various behaviors, thereby offering RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
either advantageous or disadvantageous outcomes Analysis of legal compliance sustainability by the
(Hasan, 2023). Tertiary legal resources encompass Krida Wana Lestari community
materials that offer direction or explanation regarding MSA method was used to determine the
primary legal sources. Primary sources of data pertain sustainability value of legal compliance by the
to information gathered through empirical research, community in the aspects of mangrove use,
such as firsthand investigation within the community sustainable mangrove management, supervision
(Kurniasih, 2023). This data was collected through of mangrove management by the community,
pre-study observation techniques such as field and sanctions against perpetrators. Table 2
observation, and an initial exploration of everything illustrates the sustainability framework for legal
related to the required study. The field study includes compliance aspects utilizing MSA. The utilization and

E.K. Purwendah et al.

Table 1:AAcomparison

Previous studies Sources

Mangrove forests serve important ecological, economic, and social functions. There The role of communities in conserving
is a lack of public awareness regarding these functions. It is essential for the mangrove forest to achieve sustainable
government to intervene and bolster the local economy of communities living in development (Hardin, 2019)
close proximity to these forests. Moreover, challenges like forest conversion, illegal
logging, and pond construction need to be addressed promptly.
Methods: descriptive qualitative with interview data instruments.
The rehabilitation of degraded mangrove ecosystems in Indonesia started in the Effectiveness of community-based mangrove
1960s. Over the years, there have been major improvements in the management management for biodiversity conservation: A
approaches and understanding of the impact of mangrove rehabilitation on macro case study from Central Java, Indonesia
invertebrate diversity. The results emphasize the crucial elements that play a role in (Damastuti, 2022)
the achievement of mangrove restoration, aiming to preserve biodiversity. Various
elements contribute to the evaluation of performance. These encompass sustained
funding and upkeep, a greater willingness to adopt protective measures,
heightened community backing, the utilization of a broader range of mangrove
species, more extensive mangrove restoration initiatives, and the enforcement of
supplementary strategies to mitigate wave impact in areas prone to erosion.
The Climate Village program is dedicated to empowering communities in
safeguarding mangrove ecosystems. The community's active role in preserving the Community-based mangrove protection to
mangrove ecosystem is motivated by the concept of empowerment, backed by mitigate climate change: A socio-ecological
government and stakeholders. This strategy seeks to improve the community's approach (Sarkamen, 2023)
perspective and advocate for a socio-ecological approach.
Methods: using both quantitative and qualitative approaches through in-depth
interviews and observation
Structural equation models and community involvement to enhance mangrove
Enhancing coastal community participation in
forest restoration. It is essential to involve community leaders, farmer groups,
mangrove rehabilitation through structural
government support, and non-governmental organizations in order to improve
equation modelling (Listiana, 2024)
community participation and restore mangrove forests.
Methods: survey, qualitative descriptive analysis, and structural equation models
The current study
Farmer groups have successfully dealt with legal ambiguity by ensuring legal The influence of legal compliance in farmer
compliance in their cultivation of mangroves. These valuable resources are group on the growth and development of
effectively utilized for economic endeavors such as seeding, planting, and social sustainable mangrove ecosystem
welfare. By establishing collaborations with legal frameworks, they have
successfully cultivated a culture of adhering to legal regulations, even in the absence
of government mandates.
Methods: MSA and empirical normative legal methods. The evaluation and
examination rely on diverse dimensions of economic and social environmental
factors, along with adherence to community legal regulations. The information can
be categorized into two groups: secondary data and primary data. Secondary data
consists of legal regulations that pertain to farming communities, while primary
data is gathered through observations, interviews, and questionnaires.

characteristics of mangrove wood demonstrate its of planting in accordance with spatial planning
significant advantages for the local community and concepts. Additionally, community empowerment
meet the demands for exports overseas. The fruits in processing and utilizing mangroves, as well as
serve as a source of food and sweets, whereas the the leadership role of community figures in driving
mangrove waters support the local fisheries industry. management and empowerment, further contribute
The significance of community management in to the overall success. Furthermore, the participation
mangrove management is evident through various of stakeholders in providing support adds to the
factors. These factors include the management of effectiveness of mangrove management. The findings
seedlings, replanting efforts, and the suitability of this study are in line with the findings of Pudji et

Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 10(3): 1371-1390, Summer 2024

Table 2: Aspects
2: Aspects of legal
of legal compliance
compliance sustainability
sustainability in mangrove
in mangrove management
management byby
thethe Krida
Krida Wana
Wana LestariFarmer
Lestari FarmerGroup

Aspect Factor
Wood for export,
Leaves for Waters for
Mangrove houses and Fruits for food and Root for ĂƟŬ
culinary and community -
use bridges candy (cloth) coloring
beverage fisheries
Role of
�lan�ng mangrove Stakeholder
Mangrove Replan�ng of Empowerment of community
Mangrove according to the involvement
seedling by mangrove by the farming leaders in
management spa�al planning of in mangrove
community community community mangrove
mangrove areas management
Mangrove Community Involvement of
Community Community legal
management Mangrove funding sources law
Supervision of compliance in
supervision monitoring for mangrove enforcement in -
Mangrove mangrove
by areas ecosystem mangrove
Ecosystem Areas ecosystem areas
community supervision monitoring
Involvement of
Awareness of Deterrent
Sanc�ons law enforcement
sanc�ons by influence on
against agencies in - - -
mangrove mangrove
perpetrators imposing
destroyers destroyers

al. (2018), who indicated that human resources are sustainability of mangrove ecosystem management.
the valuable assets in the management of mangrove The feature serves as a key element in identifying the
ecosystem. The aspect of management supervision actions needed to protect against degradation of the
is conducted in the mangrove ecosystem area of mangrove ecosystem, as outlined in Table 3.
Kampung Laut, Segara Anakan, Cilacap, Central Fig. 2 illustrates that the implementation of
Java with community facilities and infrastructure. sanctions on those responsible for mangrove
Community legal compliance is very high and always destruction is considered the least sustainable criteria,
coordinated with law enforcement agencies. Working with a reported figure of 16.5. In scenarios 1 and 2,
as mangrove farmers has a substantial influence on the figure can be increased to 66.5 with the assistance
the landscape of mangrove mitigation concerns. of community partnerships with law enforcement
Farmer associations can play a crucial role in authorities in imposing legal sanctions to create a
improving social, economic, and political conditions. deterrent influence for destroyers. Table 3 illustrates a
The approach to mangrove conservation has evolved contrast of the existing legal compliance status of the
from a top-down model to a more community-driven Krida Wana Lestari farmer group community under
strategy. This strategy is founded on the principles three different scenarios. As mangrove utilization
of efficient and community-focused conservation, and its sustainability have received the highest score,
along with acknowledging rights to the environment there is no necessity for further improvement in
(Petriello, 2022). As a result, the sustainability of this aspect. The aspect of supervision and sanctions
the mangrove ecosystem is effectively maintained. needs concern due to its low score. The first scenario
The lack of understanding regarding sanctions for focuses on the financial benefits of using mangrove
mangrove ecosystem destruction is evident through resources for the community, with a maximum score
the ineffective enforcement of laws and inadequate of 100; nevertheless, the average score overall is
socialization efforts. According to Astuti and 64.68, with a sustainability level that is moderate.
Sulistyawati (2019), despite the important role village The second scenario demonstrates how the
heads play as local leaders, the effectiveness of law community’s supervision or control element was able
enforcement officials in protecting mangrove forests to raise its score to 85.25 with the assistance of law
is not yet at its peak. There is no deterrent influence enforcement, nearing the maximum sustainability
on perpetrators and law enforcement agencies figure and earning a high sustainability score. Legal
are required to enforce strict sanctions for the issues in mangrove ecosystem protection and

Community policing for sustainable mangrove management

Table Table 3. Sustainability

3. Sustainability statusstatus of compliance
of legal legal compliance
of theofKrida
the Krida
Farmer Farmer
GroupGroup community

Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3

�ow Aspect E�is�ng Economy aspect sanc�on aspect Sanc�on aspect Sustainability Criteria
improvement improvement improvement
1 Use of mangrove by Not
100 100 100 100 0 – 25
community sustainable
2 Sustainable mangrove
management by 89 94.5 94.5 94.5 25 – 50
3 Supervision of
53.2 60 80 100 50 – 75 Sustainable
management by
4 Sanc�ons against
mangrove destruc�on 16.5 33.25 66.5 66.5 75 – 100
Average total 64.68 71.94 85.25 91.63
Sustainability status Sustainable Sustainable Highly sustainable Highly sustainable

Mangrove u�li�a�on
for the community ��is�ng
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Scenario 3

Sanc�on of perpetrators
Sustainable management
mangrove damages
mangrove by the community

Mangrove management
supervision by the community
Fig. 2: Sustainability status of legal compliance in the Krida Wana Lestari Farmer Group community

Fig. 2: Sustainability status of legal compliance in the Krida Wana Lestari Farmer Group community
supervision require the Krida Wana Lestari Farmer and farmers can foster a sense of community
Group participation. By eliminating these legal responsibility and improve conservation efforts.
uncertainties and clarifying mangrove conservation Engaging in mangrove conservation not only helps
laws, farmer groups are more inclined to conserve. preserve the ecosystem, but also boosts the economic
Enhanced regulations and legal assistance can help well-being of farmer communities, strengthens their
farmer groups grasp the importance of mangrove social connection to the mangroves, and enhances
protection. Collaboration between legal entities their political investment in the preservation of

Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 10(3): 1371-1390, Summer 2024

these vital habitats. This multifaceted engagement Sustainable protection of mangrove ecosystem by
demonstrates that adherence to laws and regulations Jagawana Swakarsa or community policing
can motivate farmer groups to take a more active According to Article 1 Number 30 (Law Number
role in conservation efforts. Legal compliance is 32 of 2009, on Environmental Protection and
exemplified by farmer groups’ assistance to the Management), indigenous knowledge is a noble
government in preserving the mangrove environment. value that helps communities successfully conserve
Implementing environmental laws can be difficult, and manage the environment. Preservation of the
but it is increasingly crucial to ensure compliance environment is a key responsibility of the customary
with environmental standards. Despite the existence law community in specific regions, shaped by
of well-established environmental regulations, law ancestral heritage, profound environmental ties, and
enforcement officials face a significant amount of value systems that govern economic, political, social,
work in effectively enforcing them (Purdy, 2010). and legal frameworks. Community participation in
The third scenario demonstrates an emphasis on environmental protection may include encouraging
working with law enforcement to increase sanctions social involvement, seeking input, listening to opinions,
to a maximum value of 66.5. The value of scenario considering suggestions, addressing concerns, and
three is low due to the illegitimacy of the sanctions sharing information and reports. The community has
imposed. Enforcing environmental laws may pose a vital role in promoting awareness of environmental
challenges, yet it is becoming more and more protection and management. Additionally, it aims to
essential to guarantee adherence to environmental promote collaboration and build partnerships within
regulations. Despite the presence of established the community, all while enhancing their skills and
environmental laws, authorities responsible for leadership abilities. The community works towards
enforcement encounter a substantial workload in building resilience in conducting social oversight and
ensuring their effective implementation. There is a preserving indigenous knowledge and culture for
recognised need for more effective management, environmental conservation (Article 70 Paragraph 1, 2,
incentive mechanisms, and regulations to drive and 3, Law Number 32 of 2009, concerning Environmental
explore improvements in this area (Ogus, 2002). Protection and Management). Law compliance is an
The objective of law enforcement is to ensure that obligation that must be fulfilled, and failure to comply
appropriate measures are taken to safeguard the will result in legal sanctions and consequences. In
environment and ensure adherence to established social compliance, sanctions are only carried out
regulations. It is expected that there will be a when the law is not adhered to and society acts as
positive response to this legal proposal, with an the judge. Therefore, law compliance tends to be
emphasis on voluntary cooperation. The efficiency coercive and can be categorized into 3 types, namely
of law enforcement hinges on four essential obedience due to fear of sanctions, which requires
principles: equitable and impartial enforcement of continuous monitoring, identification of compliance.
laws, uniformity in approach, focused initiatives, The adherence to rules is primarily driven by
and openness in carrying out law enforcement the apprehension of jeopardizing interpersonal
operations (Ogus, 2002). The farmer groups and connections and the internalized commitment to
legal institutions, acting as partners in mangrove uphold cherished principles. The conformity to
monitoring patrols, impose social sanctions, such societal norms does not transpire instantaneously
as confiscation of mangrove wood, rather than but rather evolves gradually over time. These stages
legal sanctions. It is important to contemplate the include the pre-conventional and conventional stages
adoption of more robust measures to effectively (Domie, 2023), where individuals obey the law stating
tackle the impact on the sustainability of ecosystems. the consequences when not followed and emphasize
Implementing legal consequences to discourage the recognition of the law containing the rules of the
wrongdoers can enhance adherence to the law game in an upheld community (Valentini, 2023). The
in the future, ultimately benefiting the mangrove principle of legal compliance lies in the belief that
ecosystem. This necessitates the involvement of individuals have a responsibility to uphold fairness,
community leaders and collaboration with law promote mutual benefit, and contribute to the overall
enforcement agencies. social cooperation within a given system. The need for

E.K. Purwendah et al.

this obligation arises when a party has already gained Masyarakat Pengawas/POKMASWAS) is in Timor
advantages from the system and aims to preserve Island, Kupang; Wana Tirta Group Community is in
those advantages. To ensure citizens’ adherence to Temon, Kulonprogo; Greef Leaf POKMAWAS is in
the law, they must fulfill their responsibilities, which Daun, Sangkapura, Bawean Island, Gresik (IBRD-
encompass abiding by the law. The requirement IDA, 2015); and the guardian of the mangrove
to conform to rules and regulations stems from an forest conservation area is in Torosiaje, Gorontalo
individual’s receipt of social benefits (Gremmen et al., (Baruadi et al., 2017). In Bali, there are pecalang
2018). Law enforcement does not necessarily have who specifically guard the Rindeng forest with the
to be carried out by agencies. Community policing concept of Tri Hita Karana regulating the obligation
serves as an alternative form of law enforcement of residents to preserve and secure forest (UNESCO,
to manifest social compliance. Adherence to the 2015). Jagawana Swakarsa differs from official
law by individuals or communities enhances the forest rangers regarding institutional governance.
legal culture, leading to internalized compliance. Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) has law
Furthermore, the law serves as a behavioral guide enforcement officers tasked with protecting forests in
for residents, shaping community life patterns. Indonesia (Fig. 3).
Legal consciousness focuses on the orientation The official Forest Rangers at MoEF are civil servants
towards legality as a condition for legal mobilization, who hold functional responsibilities dedicated to
claiming rights to access the environment (Hoddy et forest protection. The salaries are determined based
al., 2023), and proving legal consciousness. In the on their positions. The Functional Position Allowances
subsequent stage, the law functions as a means of of the rangers are regulated by the Presidential
control for the community (Febbrajo, 2019). Legal Decree of Indonesia Number 16 of 2000, as per the
awareness serves as a reference to protect areas, as governing guidelines. Official Forest Rangers are
performed by Forest Rangers or Jagawana. Forest stationed in the Ministry, Regional Forestry Agencies,
Rangers in India are responsible for enforcing field- and State-Owned Forestry Enterprises, appointed by
level regulations as outlined in the Indian Forest Act the Ministry as forestry officials with special police
of 1927 and the Wildlife (Protection) Act (Vasan, authority (Fatwansyah, 2019).
2002). Local villagers who become Forest Rangers
are essential links between the community and Building awareness and community participation
the forestry department. They help in formulating in collective security with Jagawana Swakarsa or
conservation strategies and carrying out prevention community policing
initiatives. In the United States (US), Forest Rangers Jagawana Swakarsa of the Krida Wana Lestari
are described as officials responsible for protecting Farmer Group resembles community policing in form
forests, parks, plantations, and nature reserves, and purpose. This group monitors and protects
as well as safeguarding parks, or places (Oxford forests out of awareness with funding. Community
Learner’s Dictionary, 2005). In Indonesia, forest policing has gained global popularity over the past
guarding or Jagawana originates from the Javanese few decades (Oliver, 2000). The origins can be traced
language, where jaga and wana mean guard and back to the United Kingdom during the early 19th
forest, respectively. The process includes the activity century. Subsequently, it expanded its reach to the
of protecting forests as a legal culture derived from United States in the 1970s, followed by Canada,
local wisdom (Oikonomakis, 2024). The modifications Europe, Latin America, Africa, and Asia (Denney and
made to the institutions exert a profound influence on Jenkins, 2013Community policing is carried out by
the social fabric, influencing aspects such as beliefs, officers who patrol and operate from different
perspectives, and behavioral patterns. Moreover, the locations, collaborating closely with residents to
structure brings about alterations in the functions, address and resolve issues in a proactive manner
roles, mindsets, and attitudes of society. Community- (Blair et al., 2021). Increased accessibility of police to
based Forest Rangers (Hyunh et al., 2016), known citizens, with problem-oriented approaches,
as Jagawana Swakarsa, are recognized in various aggressive order maintenance strategies, a necessity
forms as embodying local wisdom. Lifuleo Mangrove for intervention, enhanced contacts between police
Forest Community Surveillance Group (Kelompok and community organizations, strengthened

Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 10(3): 1371-1390, Summer 2024

Fig. 3: Scope of duties and authorities of Forest Rangers Officials at MoEF

community cohesion, and sponsored crime public policing. The police and public partnership
prevention activities (Santana, 2021). According to forum is a model that involves the Indonesian police
Ziembo-Vogl and Meško (2000), the F���four
�� ��o�� o� �����
elements of a�� a�t�o�����
working o� Fo���t
together �a�����
with the ����a��toatutilize
community MoEF the
community policing are police-community reciprocity, increasing power of the community in fulfilling their
real command decentralization, patrol reorientation, duties. Both the police and the community play
and civilianization. Asserted that the concept had crucial roles in Polmas, each bringing unique
four meanings such as 1) ideological, including the qualifications to the table (Apriliyanti, 2023). The
restoration of the sense of community found in the quality can be determined by factors such as ethnic
past when the residents were more united and the similarity, religion, geographic area, or shared
police received assistance and support (Manning, interests. In terms of objectives, both community and
1984), 2) programmed, which included a series of public policing share similarities. One common goal is
programs to restore police-community closeness, to establish a police partnership forum that fosters
even though the programs had no relation to crime, and sustains mutual trust, which is a key component
3) pragmatic, meaning the police were less (Wischmeyer, 2016). The objective of the partnership
bureaucratic, impersonal and more crime-focused is to collectively tackle security issues in the
and localized, 4) organizational, which emphasized community. The following phases may be used to
local policing or team as well as extensive and solve problems through Community Police
intensive communication with community groups. Partnership Forum (Forum Kemitraan Polisi dan
Community policing is not formally structured since Masyarakat/FKPM) (COPS, 2014): 1) scanning,
the form is an initiative to protect the environment stakeholders should gather information related to the
from internal and external threats. This is different problem, data, background and demography, surveys,
from community policing, which is defined as “wise and individual influences; 2) assessing of non-criminal
and service-oriented to improve the quality of life...” issues; 3) responses, the team collaborates to
(Moose, 1993). The implementation of public policing improve ideas and establish clear strategies with
in Indonesia is governed by the Chief of Police Decree specific assignments and defined boundaries, and; 4)
Number Skep/737/X/2005. This decree outlines the assessment, the team creates a method to track the
policies and strategies for effective implementation strategy and establish its impact (Gill et al., 2014).
of Perpolisian Masyarakat (Polmas) as a model of Community-level government services are

E.K. Purwendah et al.

transformed by public or community policing sectors, institutions, and agencies. In Northeast

(Biellejewaki, 2021). The Chief of Police Regulation Austin, Texas, community participation in law
Number 1 of 2021 states that the objectives of public enforcement is referred to as community Policing
policing are to: a) create a mutually beneficial police- Program (Stickels, 1999). In Texas, participation
community partnership to solve problems that treat includes feedback from locals and problem-solving
public security and to create stabilization, and b) strategies leading to messengers of information. The
promote legal knowledge and community attention initiative is seen by the community as being focused
to environmental security and order threats. on addressing issues, with involvement from a range
Community participation will be effective when of community members and chances for participation
groups and organizations actively fulfil the obligation (Goldstein, 1979). Community policing was first
to protect the environment. The participation in depicted as an alternative to incident-based policing
environmental management is closely connected to by Herman Goldstein. Goldstein responded to the call
the entitlement of having a healthy environment, as to provide services that should only be the first stage
stated in Article 2, letter k, of the participatory in the policy process. Goldstein’s community policing
principle in the Indonesian Constitution of Law. approach is centered on addressing underlying
According to Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration of problems to offer long-lasting solutions for law
1992, all concerned persons should participate in the enforcement, rather than just addressing recurring
protection of the environment at the appropriate grievances (Goldstein, 2003). Dealing with legal
level (Handl, 2012). Community involvement plays a uncertainty in coastal resource management is a key
pivotal role in making environmentally responsible focus of public policing efforts. Meanwhile, Jagawana
and democratically valid decisions. It is imperative to Swakarsa is essential to support the state’s duty in
guarantee that all parties involved have an protecting and managing mangrove ecosystem
opportunity to express their opinions and concerns resources. This is a community obligation to actively
when addressing environmental matters. Law participate in natural resource management. The
Number 32 of 2009 on Environmental Protection and ideal model consists of three main components
Management describes that every community has (Brogden and Nijhar, 2013), as shown in Fig. 4, namely
equal chances and rights to preserve and manage the 1) community partnerships are law enforcement
environment (Article 70 (1). Community participation agencies working with individuals as well as
aims to increase awareness, enhance self-reliance, organizations to solve problems and build trust in the
empower communities, improve partnerships, as police, 2) organizational transformation, comprising
well as develop community capacity and innovation management clarification, structure, people, and
(Article 70 (3) a, b, and c). The activities of Jagawana information systems to facilitate community
Swakarsa as community policing performed by the collaboration and develop proactive problem-solving,
Krida Wana Lestari Farmer Group community are and 3) problem-solving is the methodical and
carried out in collaboration with law enforcement proactive investigation of recognized difficulties in
officers. The farmer group works in community-based order to design and assess appropriate answers.
sustainable environmental management as a Forestry
Police Community Partner (Masyarakat Mitra Polisi Ad.1. Community partnership
Kehutanan/MMP) (Ministry of Forestry Regulation of The law enforcement authorities frequently face
Indonesia Number P.56/Menhut-II/2014), the Nature challenges in managing public safety, thus requiring
Conservation Agency (Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya active partnerships with pertinent stakeholders.
Alam/BKSDA) of Cilacap Regency, and Village Trustee Collaborative partnerships are formed between law
Non-Commissioned Officer (Bintara Pembina Desa/ enforcement agencies and a range of stakeholders,
BABINSA). The activities exemplify the state’s power such as individuals, groups, and governmental bodies,
in coordinating the sustainable management of to address issues and build confidence in the police.
mangrove ecosystems. Presidential Regulation These partnerships involve communities, nonprofit
Number 73 of 2012 governs the SNPEM as part of organizations, service providers, commercial
coastal area management and coordinates, corporations, and media. The ongoing partnership
integrates, synchronizes, and synergizes across between the Krida Wana Lestari Farmer Group and

Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 10(3): 1371-1390, Summer 2024

Fig. 4: The three main components of Jagawana Swakarsa or Community Policing of the Krida Wana Lestari Farmer Group community
Fig. 4: The three main components of Jagawana Swakarsa or Community Policing of the Krida Wana Lestari Farmer
Group community
the government is coincidental and lacks organization allocate decision-making authority and accountability
and integration into a cohesive plan. Legal provisions for the acts, geographic deployment of officers,
mandate the significance of community-government establish specialized roles, and manage resources
partnerships in forest protection through the and finances effectively. 4) Personnel recruitment,
implementation of MMP (according to regulation community policing agencies thoroughly evaluate
of Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia their recruitment, personnel supervision/evaluation,
Number P.56/Menhut-II/2014), the activities are and performance procedures to meet the highest
not routinely scheduled. Collaborations between standards. Developing the skills to recognize and
legal institutions and agricultural communities are address underlying issues can help prevent criminal
essential, as the individuals or groups living in the activity, raise public consciousness, and involve
mangrove ecosystem are best positioned to lead the community in problem-solving. 5) Information
monitoring efforts. systems, technology, and enhancements in
information are essential for ensuring quality access
Ad.2. Organizational transformation to crime and community conditions, communication/
Establishing effective organizational management, data access, data accuracy, and reliability. They
structure, personnel, and information systems is vital help in systematically collecting, centralizing, and
in order to encourage community partnerships and interconnecting information from different sources,
support proactive problem-solving. These elements ensuring its accuracy for effective utilization. The Krida
play a crucial role in supporting the overall objectives Wana Lestari Farmer Group has provided valuable
of the organisation, such as; 1) Agency management, benefits to the government by actively assisting in
by implementing adjustments to organisational mangrove conservation efforts through patrols using
assessment, climate and culture, leadership, working essential equipment. Partnerships create valuable
relationships, decision making, strategic planning, opportunities for farmer groups to enhance their
and policies. 2) Transparency, community policing skills and knowledge through training programmes,
involves more transparent decision-making than workshops, and knowledge-sharing sessions. The
conventional policing. 3) Organizational structure, to guidance and support offered by legal institutions are

E.K. Purwendah et al.

invaluable for farmer groups seeking to understand which the implemented responses have contributed
laws, regulations, and compliance mechanisms. By to the reductions. The crime triangle relationship
leveraging the expertise of these institutions, farmers between victim, offender, and area focuses on factors
can navigate complex legal frameworks with greater within. Active collaborations between community
ease and effectiveness. Collaborations facilitate policing, government agencies, private enterprises,
farmer groups in closely working with legal authorities and the media can effectively ensure adherence to
and enforcement agencies to effectively monitor and legal requirements in the management of sustainable
enforce compliance with environmental regulations. mangrove ecosystems. The questionnaire data
The detection and prevention of illegal activities in indicates the participation of stakeholders, including
mangrove areas heavily rely on the involvement of the government and state-owned corporations,
farmer groups through joint patrols, surveillance who contribute partnership assistance, funds, and
systems, and reporting mechanisms. resources to facilitate mangrove mitigation efforts.
The mangrove ecology is continuously monitored by
Ad.3. Problem solving the government, as depicted in Fig. 5.
One of the key tools that officers can use to There are approximately three main components
enhance their problem-solving skills is SARA of community policing that need improvement to
(Scanning, Analysis, Response, and Assessment). It ensure sustainability of compliance in mangrove
provides a structured and disciplined approach to management. The partnership aspect involves
address various challenges. It is imperative to identify working together with government agencies or
issues, ascertain their characteristics, evaluate their law enforcement authorities to enforce sanctions,
magnitude, establish fundamental phases, gain collaborating with private businesses to grant access
insight into the dynamics, and comprehend the to corporate responsibility funds for supporting self-
boundaries of response. This endeavour employs guardians or community police, and allowing media
strategic approaches to address the identified access to comprehend the impact of sanctions
problem through comprehensive and strategic and deterrence on offenders. The organizational
interventions. The efficacy of these intervention transformation component empowers the community
strategies is evaluated by discerning reductions in to conduct Jagawana Swakarsa or community
the problem’s prevalence and assessing the extent to policing. In contrast, the problem-solving component
Fig. 5:

: the model of legal compliance of the Krida Wana Lestari sustainable farming community in implemen�ng
swakarsa rangers or community policy
: the protec�on of mangrove ecosystem
: the bene�t of the mangrove ecosystem for communi�es and country

Fig. 5: Legal compliance in sustainable mangrove management by Jagawana Swakarsa or Community Policing
Fig. 5: Legal compliance in sustainable mangrove management by Jagawana Swakarsa or Community Policing

Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 10(3): 1371-1390, Summer 2024

provides structured training through scanning, management. There are three important components
analysis, response, assessment, and the crime of community policing: partnership, collaboration
triangle. The collaboration between legal authorities and strong partnerships between communities
and farmer groups in the management of mangroves and law enforcement agencies. Organizational
exemplifies a partnership based on shared interests, transformation involves aligning management,
promoting adherence to legal regulations. Farmer structure, staff, and information systems to effectively
groups assume a pivotal role in upholding laws within facilitate community partnerships. Addressing issues
the mangrove ecosystem. The adherence to this proactively necessitates a methodical approach to
legislation is firmly embedded within society, acting identifying and solving problems in order to develop
as a potent instrument for societal manipulation. and assess effective solutions. The Krida Wana
Farmer groups willingly conform to this regulation Lestari as community policing has taken on the
owing to their extensive comprehension of the responsibility to protect the environment, as stated
pivotal function fulfilled by the mangrove ecosystem in the Environmental Protection and Management
in upholding their economic sustenance. Law Number 32 of 2009, Article 70 Paragraphs
1, 2, and 3. The Krida Wana Lestari collaborates
CONCLUSION with various organizations including the Forestry
The MSA analysis reveals that the utilization Police, the Nature Conservation Agency of Cilacap
aspect demonstrates highly sustainable criteria, Regency, and an Indonesian Territorial Army non-
with a current value of 100. This indicates that commissioned officer. Management of mangrove
mangroves provide significant economic benefits ecosystems is governed by the National Strategy for
to the community. The leaves are used in a variety Mangrove Ecosystem Management as outlined in
of culinary and beverage preparations. The fruit is Presidential Regulation Number 73 of 2012. The focal
harvested for both sustenance and confectionery point of this strategy is to stress the importance of
uses, and the mangrove waters are an important synchronizing efforts and consolidating actions across
resource for the local community’s fishing activities. sectors and institutions for the effective management
The management team’s dedication to sustainability of coastal areas (Presidential Decree Number 73 of
is evident with a significant value of 89. In both 2012 concerning SPNEM). The Krida Wana Lestari
scenarios two and three, this dedication is even more Farmer Group exemplifies a successful strategy that
pronounced with a value of 94.5. This highlights maximises the use of mangroves while ensuring their
the essential role stakeholders’ play in assisting sustainability, without relying on official support. In
the community in their efforts to preserve and addition, it collaborates effectively with government
manage mangroves. The criteria for the sanctions efforts to combat climate change and advance
aspect is currently at an unsustainable level of 16.5. towards a low-carbon Indonesia.
The increase in the value of 66.5 in scenarios two
and three represents an increase in sanctions for AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
perpetrators of destroying mangrove ecosystems. E.K. Purwendah conceptualized the concept,
Empirical normative legal analysis is conducted to supervised the experiment, and prepared the article.
enhance sanctions through community pioneering N.A. Sasongko critically analysed the article, H.
activity includes the deployment of community Susanto conducted data recognition and participated
policing or jagawana swakarsa to safeguard the in data validation. R. Mawardi conceptualized the
mangrove ecosystem areas from both internal and concept and operated the field study; T. Cahyono
external threats. Community policing, as an innovative operated the field study and participated in data
approach, serves as a prime model in effectively validation. H.L. Susilawati participated in drafting,
managing mangrove ecosystems while ensuring and editing the article. T. Wahyuni performed
compliance with legal obligations. This proactive administrative tasks and supported data collection.
measure is carried out by a farmer group, which D. Juhandy supported data interpretation and drafted
actively fosters social harmony and upholds the rule the article. T. Rahman participated in data validation
of law. Implementing community policing can address and edited the article, A. Gustina participated in data
the issue of legal uncertainty in coastal resource validation, performed the literature review. I.D.S.

E.K. Purwendah et al.

Triana performed the literature review and operated GJESM Publisher remains neutral with regard to
the field study. E. Pudyastiwi handed material and jurisdictional claims with regard to published maps
operational support, O. Kusumaningsih performed and institutional affiliations.
administrative tasks and operated the field study. T.
Martini supervised the experiment and supported ABBREVIATIONS
the article preparation. % Percent
℃ Degree Celsius
The authors express the gratitude to the Chairman BABINSA Bintara Pembina Desa
of the Krida Wana Lestari Farmer Group, Ujung (Village Trustee Non-
Commissioned Officer)
Alang Village, Cilacap Regency, and the Regent of
Cilacap Regency for obtaining approval to conduct BKSDA Balai Konservasi Sumber
this study. Furthermore, the first author is grateful Daya Alam (Nature
to Wijayakusuma University Purwokerto for the Conservation Agency)
Research Grant [No.: SK 045/F.H. UNWIKU/C.06/ C Carbon
VII/2023] and the Post-Doctoral Programme at the COPS Community Oriented
Research Center for Sustainable Production Systems Policing Services
and Life Cycle Assessment, National Research and FKPM Forum Kemitraan Polisi dan
Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia 2023-2024 for Masyarakat (Community
supporting the study [No.: 86/II/HK/2023]. Police Partnership Forum)
Ha Hectare
IBRD-IDA International Bank for
The authors declare that there is no conflict of Reconstruction and
interest regarding the publication of this manuscript. Development- International
In addition, the ethical issues, including plagiarism, Development Association
informed consent, misconduct, data fabrication and/
ICOMOS/ICCROM International Council on
or falsification, double publication and/or submission, on Monuments and Sites/
and redundancy, were observed by the authors. International Center for the
Study of the Preservation
OPEN ACCESS and Restoration of Cultural
©2024 The author(s). This article is licensed under Property
a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Km2 Square kilometre
License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation,
m Metre
distribution, and reproduction in any medium or
format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the N North
original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Mha Million hectares
Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes MMP Masyarakat Mitra Polisi
were made. The images or other third-party material Hutan (Forest Police Partner
in this article are included in the article’s Creative Communities)
Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a MoEF Ministry of Environment
credit line to the material. If material is not included and Forestry
in the article’s Creative Commons license and your MSA Multi-aspect sustainability
intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation analysis
or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain
PDASRH Pengendalian Daerah Aliran
permission directly from the copyright holder. To view Sungai dan Rehabilitasi
a copy of this license, visit: http://creativecommons. Hutan (Watershed
org/licenses/by/4.0/ Management and Forest

Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 10(3): 1371-1390, Summer 2024

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Purwendah, E. K., Ph.D., Assistant Professor, 1) Faculty of Law, Wijayakusuma University, Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia;
Post-doctoral Researcher, Research Center for Sustainable Production System and Life Cycle Assessment, National Research and
Innovation Agency, Indonesia.
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 Web of Science Researcher ID: AAE-8009-2021
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Sasongko, N.A., Ph.D., Researcher and Director, Research Center for Sustainable Production System and Life Cycle Assessment,
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 Web of Science Researcher ID: IUM-2301-2023
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Susanto, H., M.Sc., Researcher, Research Center for Sustainable Production System and Life Cycle Assessment, National Research
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Mawardi, R., M.Sc., Researcher, Research Center for Sustainable Production System and Life Cycle Assessment, National Research
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E.K. Purwendah et al.


Juhandi, D., Ph.D. Candidate, Agribusiness of Horticulture, Polytechnic Wilmar Business Indonesia, Deli Serdang, North Suma-
tra, 20371.
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Gustina, A., M.H., Researcher, Legal Research Center, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia.
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Pudyastiwi, E., M.H., Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Wijayakusuma University, Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia.
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Kusumaningsih, O., M.Sc., Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, Wijayakusuma University, Pur-
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Martini, T., Ph.D., Researcher, Research Center for Sustainable Production System and Life Cycle Assessment, National Research and
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Purwendah, E. K., Sasongko, N.A., Susanto, H., Mawardi, R., Cahyono, T., Susilawati, H.L., Wahyuni, T.,
Juhandi, D., Rahman, T., Gustina, A., Triana, I.D.S., Pudyastiwi, E., Kusumaningsih, O., Martini, T., (2024). The
influence of legal compliance in farmer groups on the growth and development of sustainable mangrove
ecosystem. Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 10(3): 1371-1390.
DOI: 10.22034/gjesm.2024.03.26


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