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Technical Competence Testing Procedure

NDT Technicians



REVISION DATE: 02 Aug 2019


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Date: 2019.08.02 16:03:06 +08'00'

Applus Energy & Industry Division operates an Integrated Management System (IMS) certified to ISO 9001, ISO
14001, OHSAS 18001 & TS ISO 29001 by certifying body accredited to ISO 17021 by an IAF signatory.

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1. Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 3
2. Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 3
3. References ........................................................................................................................................... 4
4. Responsibilities ..................................................................................................................................... 4
4.1. Technical Competence Manager ........................................................................................................ 4
4.2. Managers / Supervisors .................................................................................................................... 4
4.3. Technical Controller / Level 3 ............................................................................................................ 4
4.4. NDT Technicians .............................................................................................................................. 4
4.5. HR Officer ........................................................................................................................................ 5
5. Procedure ............................................................................................................................................. 5
5.1. Frequency of Testing ........................................................................................................................ 5
5.2. Test Pieces ...................................................................................................................................... 5
5.3. Instructions for Personnel ................................................................................................................. 6
5.4. Performance of the Test ................................................................................................................... 6
5.5. Assessment of the Results ................................................................................................................ 6
6. Competency ......................................................................................................................................... 7
7. Records ................................................................................................................................................ 7
8. Associated Documents .......................................................................................................................... 7
9. Records ................................................................................................................................................ 7
10. Revision History .................................................................................................................................... 8
Attachment 1: Process Flow for Competency Testing ...................................................................................... 9

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1. Purpose
Competency tests will be conducted to establish the levels of competence of Testing Personnel and establish
confidence in the operators’ ability to conduct tests in accordance with the company Technical Procedures,
required Standards and/or Specifications.

2. Scope
Competency testing will encompass those areas of test where the individual is expected to be operating.
These tests will encompass the following conventional NDT and Mechanical Testing methods:
 Radiographic Inspection (close proximity, welds, profile, PMI)
 Ultrasonic Inspection (welds, thickness, corrosion assessment)
 Magnetic Particle Inspection (welds, coil)
 Dye Penetrant Inspection
 Eddy Current Inspection (welds, conductivity, non-conductive coating thickness)
 Visual Inspection (welds, vacuum box, leak testing)
 Portable Hardness Testing (LEEB, UCI)
 Ferrite Testing
 Macro Metallographic Examination
 Bend Testing
 Break Testing (fillet, nick)
 Surface Replication
 Hydrostatic Testing (vessels, piping, hoses)
Advanced NDT methods will include, but not limited to the following methods:
 Time of Flight Diffraction
 Ultrasonic Phased Array
 Rotoscan AUT (including Phased Array)
 Wavemaker
 C-Scan
 Computerised/Digital Radiography
 RayScan
 Tube Inspection (IRIS, ET, RFT, NFT, PSEC)
 Pulsed Eddy Current (INCOTEST, LYFT)
 Video Camera / Boroscope Inspection
 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Inspection
 Storage Tank Inspection (includes UT corrosion profiling, MFL, Laser Levelling, storage tank volume

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IMS Document No: L3-AUS-065 Rev 2 Page 3 of 10

3. References
Ref # Reference Title Document Number
S1 Non-destructive Testing – Qualification and Certification of Personnel ISO 9712
S2 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing & Calibration AS ISO/IEC 17025
S3 AS ISO/IEC 17025 General & Specific Accreditation Criteria NATA
A1 Training Procedure L3-AUS-051
A2 Visual Acuity Examination L3-AUS-067
A3 Technical Control Procedure L3-AUS-071
A4 Authorisation to Test & Release Test Results L5-AUS-097
A5 Certificate of Competence L5-AUS-103
Unless otherwise stated, all referenced Standards, Procedures and documents are the latest version or revision.

4. Responsibilities
Responsibilities are detailed as below:-

4.1. Technical Competence Manager

The Technical Competence Manager is responsible for;
 Management of the Competency Testing System process
 Compilation of specific theory & practical test examinations
 Maintaining the security of test pieces, interpretations and results for tests.

4.2. Managers / Supervisors

Managers, Supervisors and persons in control of a project or company facility are responsible for;
 Ensuring that personnel conduct scheduled competency tests.
 Maintaining the security of test pieces, interpretations and results for tests.
 Forwarding results to the Quality department as they become available.

4.3. Technical Controller / Level 3

The Technical Controllers / Level 3 are responsible for;
 Reviewing the competency test results, signing-off the Competency Certificate and Authorised to Test &
Release form.
4.4. NDT Technicians
NDT Technicians shall:
 Carry out the competency tests as per supplied instructions
 Ensure all test equipment is suitable for the test and calibrated.
 Clean all test pieces and return with the results (including any scan data, if applicable) to the issuing
person/manager upon completion of each test.

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IMS Document No: L3-AUS-065 Rev 2 Page 4 of 10

4.5. HR Officer
The HR Officer shall:
 Send monthly reminders for competency testing due to branch/project managers
 Update & maintain the personnel files

5. Procedure
5.1. Frequency of Testing
5.1.1. New Employees
Competency testing shall be conducted before a NDT technician commences work for the Company and at least
once every five (5) years for each test method that they are qualified for. The technician will not be authorised
to work unsupervised or to release test results until successful completion of the Applus+ induction process,
competency testing (theory & practical) for each test method and complete a visual acuity test.

5.1.2. Current Employees

All current NDT Technicians shall complete a competency test (theory & practical) at least every five (5) years
for each method that they are qualified for.

5.1.3. Visual Acuity

Visual acuity is conducted annually. All Technicians shall ensure that they have passed a Visual Acuity
Examination, results to be recorded on L5-AUS-104.

5.2. Test Pieces

A range of suitable test pieces covering all tests that are to be conducted shall be maintained by the Technical
Competence Manager.
Verification of discontinuities contained in test pieces shall be via documentation supplied with purchased items.
Where documentation is not supplied with the test piece, verification of discontinuities shall be established via
the use of an alternate method of NDT.
A register of test pieces shall be maintained and where applicable the following information shall be included for
each test piece:
 Identification of Test Piece
 Description of Test Piece
 Material Type
 Applicable Test Methods
 Manufacturer and/or Supplier
 Date Obtained
 Details of any discontinuities present in the test piece (Include diagrams and results).
 Details of the pass / fail criteria for the test piece.
Test pieces shall be stored in a secure location where possible, with access only by the Quality team, all
associated documentation and results shall be stored on the Perth computer server in a manner that allows
authorised access by the Quality team only. When test pieces are sent to branch offices or project sites they
shall be stored in a secure location and access to them controlled by the relevant manager or project
Test pieces used for competency testing of NDT personnel who will carry out testing to DNVGL technical
procedures shall have a minimum weld length of 300mm. If suitable test pieces are not available at the Applus
facility, suitable test pieces can be obtained from TCS-NDT or ATTAR to complete the competency process.

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IMS Document No: L3-AUS-065 Rev 2 Page 5 of 10

5.3. Instructions for Personnel
Prior to conducting the test, personnel shall be supplied with theory test papers and detailed instructions and
data relating to the practical test and test pieces. These details shall include:
 Technique to be used
 Test standards & Applus+ NDT procedures to be used
 Information and Observations that are to be recorded
 Reporting requirements and Formats that are to be used
 The Acceptance Criteria
 Limitations on Time
 Test Piece details (eg Material, Weld Geometry)
 Scoring details

5.4. Performance of the Test

The test shall be conducted under the supervision of the Manager or their delegate. This person will be
responsible for ensuring that the test has been conducted in accordance with the test criteria and shall report
any relevant observations made during the course of the test.

5.5. Assessment of the Results

The criteria for assessment shall take into account the detection and interpretation of discontinuities within the
test piece with specific reference to the following:
 Location of Discontinuities
 Length of Discontinuities
 Interpretation of Discontinuities
 Any false calls that are made
 Quality of test record
 Use of calibrated test equipment
 Pass / Fail Criteria
The results for each test piece shall be documented along with the method of application of these results with
the completed competency test.
The results of a competency test shall be assessed by the Technical Competence Manager and/or a Technical
Controller or their delegate. On successful completion of the competency test, a Competency Test Certificate
shall be issued, signed by the Technical Controller or their delegate and filed with the results in the personnel
Providing that the Technician has successfully completed the competency test and holds a current visual acuity
test the Technical Controller or delegate shall sign the Authorise to Test / Release Test Results form L5-AUS-
097 accordingly
For NDT Technicians to be authorised, a current ISO9712 or ASNT certificate for the NDT method will also be

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6. Competency
Competency in each recognised qualification shall be proven through internal competency testing as requested
by the Company.
Competency testing, will occur as required. The following shall apply:
Scenario 1
 Failure of two (2) consecutive tests – the employee may not work independently in the specific test
 Training and mentoring to occur.
 Successful completion of two (2) further competency tests – the employee can resume independent
working in the test method.
Scenario 2
 Failure of two (2) consecutive tests – the employee may not work independently in the specific test
 Training and mentoring to occur.
 Failure of a further two (2) tests, four (4) in total – the employee ‘C’ level shall be reduced by one (1)
 Training and mentoring to occur over a period not less than 3 months.
 Successful completion of two (2) competency tests – the employee can resume independent working in
the test method and their ‘C’ level re-instated at the next pay cycle.
 Regular audits of the employee shall be carried out over the next 12 months to monitor competence.

7. Records
Records pertaining to Competency Testing shall be retained according to the requirements Document and Data
Control Procedure, L3-AUS-009, and Training Procedure, L3-AUS-071.
Records of test pieces and test methods shall be retained for a period of five (5) years after their last use.

8. Associated Documents
 Document and Data Control Procedure L3-AUS-009
 Training Procedure L3-AUS-051
 Visual Acuity Examination L3-AUS-067
 Technical Control Procedure L3-AUS-071

9. Records
S/I Document No. Name of Document Retention Period
1 L5-AUS-097 Authorisation to Test & Release Test Results 7 years
2 L5-AUS-103 Certificate of Competence 7 years
3 L5-AUS-104 Visual Acuity Examination 7 years

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10. Revision History
Rev. Date Section Outline of Change Authorization
0 22 Nov 18 All Formerly TRN-002 Rev 1 M. Daniel
1 12 Feb 19 5.2 Additional Test piece requirements for DNVGL competency A. Simpson
2 02-Aug-19 5.3.1 Typo correction document no. L5-AUS-103 to L5-AUS-104. M. Daniel

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Attachment 1: Process Flow for Competency Testing

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