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All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort,
and effort means work. ― Calvin Coolidge
Dear student

In the quest for success, two steadfast companions play a pivotal role: Consistency and Resilience. These virtues are
not just buzzwords; they are the bedrock upon which remarkable achievements are built. Imagine a tree in a storm. Its
consistent growth, year after year, results in a robust and resilient trunk. When the winds howl and the rains pour, it
doesn’t break because it’s both consistent in its growth and resilient in its structure.
Similarly, to brave the challenges that examinations and assessments will present before you in the future, you need
regularity in your practice. So, here are a few projects and activities that we have suggested to challenge your creativity
and enable you to spend time productively.

Read the instructions carefully and complete the tasks well within the deadline. All the best and have fun!

NOTE: Originality of the work will be highly appreciated.


ALS Project (Interdisciplinary)

Creating an instructional video


From one of the subjects that you have in the curriculum, select a topic to be covered in the month of July-August 2024
and create a video discussing/explaining a particular concept. Define the learning objectives of your video and identify
what your audience/viewers would learn by watching the video. Decide how you will present your information, whether
through a narration / demonstration/ visual or a combination of methods.

General Instruction

• The project must be done individually.

• The duration of the video should be 3-5 minutes.
• If the explanation is being done without a writing pad/white board, the video should clearly capture your face.
• In case a writing pad/white board is being used for explaining the concept, the working must be clearly visible.
• The audio added to the video should be clearly recorded in your own voice.
• It must have a clear and concise language that is appropriate for your audience/ viewers.
• The video must include visual aids/graphics to enhance understanding and learning.
• Any background music (if added) must not overpower the voice.
• The video must be uploaded in MP4 format in the Google Classroom by 2 July 2024.
• The final script must also be submitted along with the video.
Marking scheme
• Content- 5 Marks
• Clarity- 5 Marks
• Originality- 5 Marks
• Pronunciation- 2.5 Marks
• Fluency- 2.5 Marks


Task 1: Research Project

Let creativity speak! Keeping this thought in mind, we have listed below two topics for your research-based project in
Physics to nurture your scientific temperament, attitude and curiosity. Select a topic of your choice from the given
options and prepare a research project following the guidelines provided below.

Suggested Topics:

1. Learning to live with Laws of Motion [Refer to Ch. 5 (Laws of motion)]

2. Friction and its role in transportation [Refer to Ch. 5 (Laws of motion)]

Project Guidelines:
• The project must be done individually
• The presentation must be prepared on Google Slides
• There should be at least 10-15 slides
• You are free to choose any sub-topic for the project from the lessons mentioned above.

Note: It is a mandatory task and will be marked out of ten. Make sure you submit the presentation in the Google
Classroom by 28 June 2024.

Marking scheme:
• Content: 3 Marks
• Creativity: 4 Marks
• Timely Submission: 3 Marks

Task 2: Practical Work

Complete the practical file work for experiment numbers 3 to 6 (details of which will be shared in the Google

Make a note of the following points. Write as shared in the sample.

• Headings are to be parallel on the two sides of the file

• The content on the left-hand side of the file must be written with a pencil
• The content on the right-hand side of the file must be written with a pen
• Use the same pen throughout the file and also for the index. Avoid using different pens, to maintain a uniform
• Write a complete statement of Aim in the index
• One line gap to be left between two headings/subheadings
• Don't write the heading/sub-heading on the last line of the sheet and content on the next sheet (in such a case
start from the next sheet only).
• Work neatly. Avoid striking the written content / overwriting

Task 1- Research Project

Select a topic from the options given below and prepare a research project.

Suggested Topics:

a) Chemistry and our Universe: How it all bonds [Refer to Unit 4 (Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure)]
b) Atomic Spectra, Atom: orbits and energy levels [Refer to unit 2 (Structure of Atom)]

Project Guidelines:
• The project must be done individually
• The presentation must be prepared on Google Slides
• There should be at least 10-15 slides
• You are free to choose any sub-topic from the units mentioned above

Note: It is a compulsory task and will be marked out of ten. Make sure you submit the presentation in the Google
Classroom by 28 June 2024.

Marking scheme:
• Content: 3 Marks
• Creativity: 4 Marks
• Timely Submission: 3 Marks

Task 2- Complete your practical file for experiments 3- 10.

Sample for Chemistry file work (Exp. no. 3 - Exp no. 10) will be shared in the Chemistry Google

Make a note of the following points. Write as shared in the sample.

• Headings are to be parallel on the two sides of the file

• The content on the left-hand side of the file must be written with a pencil
• The content on the right-hand side of the file must be written with a pen
• Use the same pen throughout the file and also for the index. Avoid using different pens, to maintain a uniform
• Write a complete statement of Aim in the index
• One line gap to be left between two headings/subheadings
• Don't write the heading/sub-heading on the last line of the sheet and content on the next sheet (in such a case
start from the next sheet only)
• Work neatly. Avoid striking the written content / overwriting

Research Project

Research allows you to pursue your interests, to learn something new, to hone your problem-solving skills and to
challenge yourself in new ways.

Do a research project on a topic of your choice (a list of suggested topics has been shared in the Google

Content to be included in the Project Report:

➔ Cover page
➔ Table of Contents
➔ Certificate
➔ Acknowledgement
➔ Aim
➔ Preface / Introduction
➔ Concepts / Theory Involved
➔ Case study
➔ Investigation Technique/ Research involved (To be written in the past tense)
➔ Observations / Data collected (Survey through questionnaires/ Google forms)
➔ Analysis of data (theoretical and graphical analysis)
➔ Inferences drawn/ Conclusion
➔ Bibliography / Resources

-The project report should be neatly written and beautifully presented, supported with pictures with their headings,
surveys, graphs and pie charts.
-You need to submit your handwritten project in a folder on 2 July 2024


Do a research project on any topic of your choice (suggested topics have been given below)
Suggested List:

Class XI
• Prices in Local Market (taking real life situation or recent • Public distribution system-its effectiveness

• Solar Energy, a Cost-Effective Comparison with • Bumper Production- Boon or Bane for the
Conventional Energy Sources Farmer
• Small shopkeepers- a support to the Indian economy • Covid 19 – its impact on production units

• Covid 19 – its impact on consumers • PDS and its distribution during Covid 19

• Movement of migrant labour- effect on production units • Stubble burning- effect on the
• PDS- proved a major support during Covid 19 • Government system to purchase
agricultural produce during covid 19
• Movement of migrant labour to villages- burden on rural • Lockdown- Effect on the environment
• Any other newspaper article and its evaluation on basis • Any other topic
of economic principles
• The research must be done independently
• Probe deeper into theoretical concepts
• Analyze and evaluate real world economic scenarios using theoretical constructs and arguments

Expected Checklist:
• Cover page
• Index
• Acknowledgement
• Introduction of topic/title (2 pages)
• Identifying the causes, consequences and solutions (1 page each)
• Various stakeholders and the effect on each of them. Short-term and long-term implications of economic
strategies suggested in the course of research (2 page)
• Advantages and disadvantages of situations or issues identified. (2 pages)
• Bibliography
Marking Scheme :

S. No.Heading Marks Allotted

1.Relevance of the topic 3
2.Knowledge Content/Research Work 6
3.Presentation Technique 3
4.Viva-voce 8
Total 20 Marks

Choose any one sport/game recognized by the Indian Olympic Association. Provide an in-depth Introduction of the
game, labelled diagram of the field and equipment, along with its rules, terminologies, and skills involved.
Do a research project on the changing trends in sports & games. The key areas for your research must include
changes in the playing surface, wearable gear, equipment & technological advancements. Ensure that you pay
attention to all aspects of the game and follow the guidelines given below:

• Select any four games that are played in any of the Commonwealth group of countries
• Research on the changing trends in the games selected by you as per the key areas given in the introduction
• Also, find out how far the changes in games and sports have affected that sport
• Compare and analyse the four games in terms of the following:
o Playing surface
o Wearable gears
o Technological advancements
o Format of the game

General Instructions:
• The projects must be done in the physical education practical manual
• The introduction portion should include information about the game (for both Project 1 & Project 2)
• Acknowledgment, cover page, table of content, and headings are a must
• The project should be handwritten
• The date of submission of the project is 2 July 2024


Project Title: Inequality Masterpiece

Project Description:

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery over solving and graphing linear inequalities on a number line and
coordinate plane by creating an original piece of art. Your artwork must incorporate multiple linear inequalities and
introduce your understanding of how they interact and intersect in a visual and creative way. Use a graphing calculator
to write your name on the coordinate plane along with your artwork.
• The project must be handwritten and submitted neatly in a file by 2 July 2024
Project Steps:
1. Conceptualization:
• Brainstorm different linear inequalities that you want to incorporate into your artwork. Think about how
they can be presented visually
2. Design Phase:
• Sketch out your design on a separate piece of paper. Plan how each linear inequality will be presented
and where they will intersect
3. Artwork Creation:
• Utilize different colours to represent each linear inequality and shading to show the areas that satisfy
each inequality
4. Incorporating Mathematics:
• Label each inequality and its solution region on the artwork
• Include the coordinate plane with labelled points that satisfy each inequality
5. Presentation:
• Prepare a presentation where you explain the mathematical concepts incorporated in your artwork
• Discuss how the linear inequalities are presented in your piece and the significance of their
6. Reflection:
• Write a reflection on the process of creating this artwork. Discuss the challenges you faced and what
you learned about linear inequalities through this project


Make a project on one of the topics given below using the survey method.
• Resilience
• Bullying
• Impact of social media on adolescents
• Screen time and quality of sleep
• Gender roles and their effect on adolescent behaviour
• Effects of anxiety on people
• Effects of hearing music on emotions and behaviour
• Body image and eating patterns
• Stress and its impact on people

General Instructions-
1. Prepare a questionnaire for assessing the psychological variables that are a part of your topic
2. Print 10 copies of the questionnaire
3. Share this questionnaire with 10 individuals (friends or family) and request them to fill it for you
4. After data collection, analyse the data using graphical tools (pie chart/ bar diagram) and form reasonable conclusions
for the same
Sample project for reference :

Guidelines for the presentation of the work:

• The project should be hand written

• Questionnaire needs to be typed and printed
• Questions should be self-framed (questions related to the topic)
• Demographic information needs to be collected from participants. Include a section in the questionnaire itself
• The introduction portion should include information about the survey method (in brief) and the variables that are a
part of the study
• Acknowledgement, cover page, table of contents and headings are a must
• The sources must be mentioned in the references
• The project must be submitted in a file on 2 July 2024
Assessment Parameters: (Project marks will be added in the practical examination marks)
Introduction – 1 mark
Self-framed questions – 1.5 marks
Analysis – 1 mark
References – 0.5 mark
Presentation – 1 mark


Python Game Project / Computer Vision Project

Write a code to develop a game / computer vision project on the topic of your choice using Python and its libraries

General Instructions:

The project must contain the following:

• Cover Page
• Index
• Acknowledgement
• Certificate
• Introduction
• Programming Code
• Output Screens
• Limitations
• Bibliography/ Resources

The soft copy of the project to be uploaded in google classroom by 2 July 2024 and presented in the class

Suggested links
Python Game Development: Creating Your First Game (
15 Computer Visions Projects You Can Do Right Now (
Python Game Development Libraries - GeeksforGeeks
How I built a Computer Vision Game with Opencv, Mediapipe and Python - Pysource

Suggested Reading

Wise And Otherwise by Sudha Murty
Animal Farm by George Orwell
Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
The Time Machine by H. G. Wells
The Man Who Knew Too Much by G. K. Chesterton

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