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[This questio4 paper,contains 2 printed pages.

Your Roll No..,.,....,,....

Sr. No. of Question Paper 2t 04 F

Unique Paper Code 2051001003

Name of the Paper Social Media aur Blog

Lekhan (Aindi-C)

Name of the Course Common Prog. Group

Type of the Paper AEC

Semester II
Duration : 2 Hours x

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1 *{a frEqr S sreqriql sil sq or* Es Erff fr{W

frfrs r (tz)


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clrtEd 6{ IEr a? vt€ dfrq I
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frft-q tz-qfrlr qr{ffi vr R-drr{ S n-fid"
w ftqa Fas-{ Stqs r (rz)

dlr ts< qr cRqc ti Es w ftn ol Aqrrur qot{ dfrq I

I d vqm-ffivr t qF*' frqq q< <}rro ffEqr
tg G-drm fun dfrq r (tz)


tflT.I ffctsr d vFqr q-drt Es flc,ff cs€ t ffi drr or

Y*€ dRsl

4 fr{rfr AEqr w 'srd qe, &ir- m ok' Fcc {r v6'ft+d

AqR dftrr r (re)

t'q{fr d( q{' Rcc c( qhrfi fficr fg qr*€ tcr

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(<) wrrne { +qF d {6ft ffisr
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