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WCFA Mysuru

Building Services Assignment- Semester 4 Batch 2022

Assignment brief: The students are to use the residences drafted as part of their computer
application class to prepare an electrical layout for all the floors of the house. References are provided as

Final deliverables:
1. Electrical reflected ceiling plan
2. Electrical internal elevations of rooms
3. Brochure card of the electrical fixtures
References provided on the drive folder. Similar format is to be followed

Important dates:
Assignment Discussion: May 30th 2024, Thursday
Assignment Final submission: June 06th 2024, Thursday, 10AM.

o This assignment is an individual submission.
o The drawings must be plotted to scale on an A3 sheet. The template will be uploaded shortly in the
Google drive link. Each student gets a maximum of 5 A3 sheets to finish the drawing assignment.
Brochure card can be printed separately on A4 sheets. The assignment would become a part of a
formal printed report.
o Please ensure to use the right lineweights and electrical symbols for the drawings. The readability of
the drawings shall be considered for the grading scheme as well.
o You can access the reference files through this Google Drive link:

o You will also have to upload your CAD files, Excel files and a single PDF in the folder titled Student

Folder organisation sample:

Student Works > Name of student (Folder) > Single AutoCAD file + Excel file of the Brochure Card >
Single PDF of the Electrical drawings and Brochure card.

Please note that in the event that the submissions are made later than Thursday, 10AM- it will be
considered with only 75% of overall grading scheme upto a week until the following Thursday.
Failing to submit within the week after the final submission date will attract a 0 for the assignment.

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