3. Microsoft Tree Questions

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O(n) O(n) Stack

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O(n) O(2n) 2 stacks
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All 4 variations of leetcode done.
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Declare a stack of type Node* and declare a

Vector of integer type.

Run a while loop until root becomes NULL

Push the root->data on vector result.

check if root->right exists, then push the root->right
Onto the stack and go left i.e.
now root = root->left

If root is null and stack is still not empty i.e. you have
reached the leftmost end of your tree and now root is
pointing to null, time has come to make root as
whatever is on the top of your stack, which is the right
child of your parent or in simple words your sibling
Pop off the stack we no longer need that value on your

Keep on doing this until root becomes null.

At the end you are left with the Preorder traversal on

your vector.
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Declare a stack of Node type and a vector of int type.

Make a temporary variable c of Node type and assign root

While the node is not null or stack is not empty in any of the
two cases, keep on running the while loop

If the node is not null then simply push that node onto the
stack and move left. i.e. c = c->left;

Otherwise your node is null, in that case,

? Assign the top of the stack as your node and pop the node
off the stack.
/ Push the node’s value onto the stack and move right I.e.
c = c->right

Keep on doing this,

Result will store the Inorder traversal now.


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We will maintain two stacks s1 and s2. We will push root

in s1 and then we will take top of s1 store it in node and
then pop of s1 and push the node in s2.
Having done that, we will push node->left in s1 and
node->right in s1 in this order if they exist respectively
Now we have reverse post order traversal stored in s2.

We need to empty this s2 stack and print each value by

popping off stack top.

The resultant will be the post order traversal.

The time complexity: O(n) as there are n number of


The auxiliary stack space is O(2n) which is O(n) as we

are using two stacks.

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Binary Tree to its mirror Tree

Call mirror on node->left
Call mirror on node->right

Swap left with right using a temporary variable, or we can even use the swap function of stl
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We will do a breadth first search using queue in order to map

parents of a particular node as we need to store every node’s
parent as parent pointer is not available in tree implementation .
We will declare a queue q and a Node* result and we will push the
root into the queue initially and
while root is not null, we will do something.

Store the front of queue into node and then check if the node’s
If node’s left exist then store node as node left’s data is equal to the node where fire takes place, if that is the case
Parent in the map. i.e. parent[node->left] = node; then you have to store this node in the resultant node.
Where you have a map<Node*> parent; we will pop this q.front() as we no longer need it.
Push node->left into the queue. Likewise check the same for right child of the node and update the parent details in
The map if node->right exist make parent[node->right] =node;

The Bfs does two things here, one it will store the node where fire takes place and secondly, we know know who is
who’s parent as everything is now present in your map. Return the resultant node at the end.

Now the findmaxdist function is called on the map and the burning node which we just found out.
The findmaxdist function will have a queue<Node*> q and we will push the burning node onto this queue, as our
bfs will begin from here only. So in this code, we have two bfs. We will store a visited map of Node*,int
We will set the visited[burningnode] =1 initially as it is the first node in the queue and it has already been visited.

S is the queue.size(); we will keep a fag variable assign it to 0 initially.

We will run a for loop from 0 to size of the queue
Store the front of the queue in node and pop the queue.
Check if node->left exist and it is not yet visited then set flag as 1 updated the visited[node->left] as 1 and push
node->left in the queue.
Do the same thing for node->right and parent[node] and for these two cases also, check if they exist and their
visited[node->right]==0 and visited[parent[node]]==0 then in that case, update the visited and push them in the
queue respectively. And set flag=1 for both of them just like we did in the case of node->left.

at the end, check if flag=1 in any of the three cases, then you do a maxi++
Outside the while(!q.empty()) loop return the maxi;

I am sure you would love this explanation.

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Simply solve the problem by divide and conquer, solve the left
Subtree and then update the pointers as successor is the rightest
node in the left subtree and the root will be the root
Now successor->right will be root and root->left will be the

At the end succ=root

repeat the same for the right subtree.

At the end simply return the head pointer.

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You do not have to use an additional data structure to sort the data. Since the inorder traversal of a BST will give
you the elements of it in sorted order, you can simply traverse each BST, taking the lowest element from each as
you go. The following solution uses iterative inorder traversal and meets the time and space constraints of O(M+N)
time and O(Height of BST1 + Height of BST2).

iterative inorder traversal on both the bst

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class Solution
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vector<int> merge(Node* root1, Node* root2) 2
stack<Node*> stk1,stk2;
vector<int> merged;
bool trav1 = true, trav2 = true;
while (root1 or root2 or !stk1.empty() or !stk2.empty())
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while (root1 && trav1) m

root1 = root1->left; -/054S3%5"
while (root2 && trav2)
{ ? 4/)5'-"/
root2 = root2->left;

n if (trav1 and !stk1.empty())

root1 = stk1.top();
if (trav2 and !stk2.empty())
root2 = stk2.top();
} ? 2 2
if ((root1 and root2 and root1->data < root2->data) or (root1 and !root2))
if (!root1) break;

merged.push_back(root1->data); 6
root1 = root1->right;?

trav1 = true;
trav2 = false;
if (!root2)
root2 = root2->right;
trav1 = false; trav2 = true;

return merged;

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We will store INT_MIN in result as we need to find the maximum path sum.
We will store ans = f(root, res) and then return ans If res doesn’t change and return
res if res changes to some value.

if root is null return 0, if both the left and right child are null then return root->data.
These would be our base cases for our recurrence.

Call the same function on root->left and store It in l and call the same function in
root->right and store it in r.
Now for every internal node, temp = max(ltr)+root->data and ans = l+r+root->data.
We will return temp.
For some node it is possible that their left child doesn’t exist but right child exist,
then in that case, we will check if root->left is NULL then we will store
Temp = r + root->data; and we will return temp
Likewise, if root->right doesn’t exist then temp = l + root->data and we will return
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We will create a queue<TreeNode*> queue; and start pushing
root in it and while queue is not empty we will keep on storing
the parent[curr->left] = curr and before that curr = q.front();
and we will push curr->left into the queue and we will repeat
the same with node->right and store the parent[node->right] =
node; and then we will insert that into the queue.
At the end, queue will be empty and we have now stored the
parents of all the nodes.

The target node is given to us, and now we will insert the
target node into the queue and start the BFS again and keep
a counter count=0 and every time we enter into the while loop
iteration, we update the count++ and check if it is equal to k
we will break out of the while loop

We will write a for loop inside this while(!q.empty()) and for

loop will run till the q.size().
TreeNode* x = q.front(); q.pop(); //basic
Now if(x->left and !visited[x->left] mark it visited and push x-
>left into the queue. Do the same for x->right and parent[x]

make a vector result vector<int> result;

While the queue is not empty,

auto current=q.front(); q.pop();

At the end result will have the nodes

which are present in the queue

and these nodes are the. Nodes which

are at the distance k from the target
node in the tree.

This question is very simple, but the

way we used the unordered map makes
it little difficult, we need to remember
the time and space complexity of this
question as well and this question is
really important as interview point of
view too.

Gfg solution is almost same, but will little changes as we have given the node value, not the node pointer. So we will create one
and while the bfs, we will find the node who’s value is same, we will update and we have to sort the vector before returning it.
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class Solution We will make a vector v and a queue q and initially push the root

{ node onto the queue and then till q is not empty we will initialise
public: found as false and n=q.size(); and while(n—) we will set a local
vector<int> printCousins(Node* root, Node* x){ variable as false and store q.front() in node and pop off the q.
if(!root) return {}; Check if node->left exist then check if node->left is the node which
vector<int>v; we are seeking for who’s cousins we need to push, if that is the
queue<Node*>q; case then we will set local=true and found=true
q.push(root); push node->left in the queue.
int n=q.size(); Do the same thing for node->right if it exist then push it in the
bool found=false; queue and check if node->right==x then set local and found as
while(n--){ true.
bool local=false;
Node *node=q.front(); if local is false, and honestly saying we also want it to be false so
q.pop(); that we are able to find the cousins of the target node. Then we
if(node->left){ have to check
if(node->left==x){ If node->left exist push the node->left->data on the vector,
found=true; do the same thing for node->right->data if node->right exist.
} Outside the while loop, if the found is still true, then we will break
q.push(node->left); and else we will clear the vector.
if(node->right){ at the end we will see found=true only if cousins are present
local=true; If found is false, we have to return{-1} otherwise we will return v
if(node->left) v.push_back(node->left->data);
if(found) break;
else v.clear();
if(v.empty()) return {-1};
return v;
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Boundary Level Traversal of binary Tree

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We will create an empty vector v and pass it in all the three functions which are leftnodes, leaf nodes and rightnodes along with the
Node* root which is the root node. Firstly we will push the root node in the vector and then we will call the three functions in the
order given above. LeftNode(root->left, v) leafnodes(root, v), rightnodes(root->right, v) and return v at the end and the return type
of all the three functions will be void as we will be using call by reference.
For the leftnodes we check ki if the root is null or the node is a leaf node we will return. Then we will check ki if left of root exist and
right of root doesn’t exist then we will push the node in the vector and move left. Else case will handle ki right of root exist but left
doesn’t exist, then we will push the node and move right. In the leftNodes wala function we will push first and then depending on
the scenario of the above mentioned two cases we will either move left or right.
In the RightNodes cases, we will do the same shit, but we will first move left/right depending on the two scenarios and after that
we will push the node into the vector.

IN the leaf nodes case, we will check if the root does not exist, then we will return
And in the case, the root is the leaf node that is both of their left and right does not exist then we will push the node data into the
vector. And do a simple preorder traversal .

Leetcode Hard
Vertical Level Traversal
GFG Medium
Time: O(n)
Space: O(n)

We have to output the vector of vector which

Contains the vertical level traversal. We will
Store a map having key value pairs where the
Key is integer and value is another map.

The another map is having key value pairs

Where the key is integer and the value is a
multiset of integer type.
Let us name this complicated data structure

We have a function f which takes the current

Node, its column number and its row number
and tries to insert the node values in the so
Called grid mymap.
mymap[col][row].insert(curr->val) This means
That we are inserting the value of node in
column,row type data structure because it is
Vertical order traversal, first we need to visit
coloumn then the row. As simple as that

And then call the same function recursively

On the left and right.
in the left recursive call, the column will reduce
By one and row will increase by 1.
In the right recursive call, the col will increase
By one and row will also increase by 1. Now in our main function, we will call this f(root,0,0) and then we will declare a
2d vector of integer type named answer where we will store the vertical level traversal of the binary tree. Now will will iterate this
2d mymap which we created using f. We will write a nested for loop one will go to mmap and second for loop will go to m1.second.
And third for loop will go to m2.second which will push m3 into the answer from backside.
At the end we will return the answer.
Another method to solve this question on GFG is using a queue

We will create a queue of pair where the first will be Node and second will be value
Associated with the node. We will make a vector answer. If the root itself is null then
in that case, we return answer.
We create a map of integer key and vector<int> value and name it as m.
We push the pair(root,0) in the queue.

While the queue is not empty we store the first of front of the queue in temp i.e. the node is stored in temp and the value
associated with the node that is the second of the front of the queue, it is stored in h. We push the temp->data into the map at

key h. Now pop the queue front. Now check if temp->left exist, then push the temp->left, h-1 pair in the queue and if temp->right
exists then push temp->right, h+1 pair in the queue.

Now, for every element in the map, for every value in element’s second .ie. the vector push x.second[I] in the vector answer.
Return the answer in the end.
Construct Tree From Inorder and Preorder

Inorder list is [3,1,4,0,5,2] and preorder list is [0,1,3,4,2,5]. Now we will create a
map m of int,int where key is int and the value associated with it is integer too.
We will make a for loop and we will store data and the index associated with the
data into the map, key will be data and the index associated to it will be value.
After the for loop runs the map will be storing the inorder like this.
(0,3),(1,1), (2,5), (3,0), (4,2), (5,4)

Now we will initialise root with function f and return root.

Let us see what this function f does, I am sure it will use recursive calls :)

Function f has 7 parameters like Turing machine is 7 tuple. LOL.

Preorder list, preorder list start index, preorder list end index, Inorder list, inorder
list start index, inorder list end index, and last but not the least the map.

Integer variable inleft will store the number of if(prestart exceeds pretend or instart exceeds inend) we return NULL. This will be
Elements belong to root->left which will be the base case of our recursion.
In this case, inroot=3 as 0 is root->val and it is Integer variable inroot will store index where root->val is stored

Stored at index 3, we got these details from the map data structure which we have maintained. Now instart=0 so number of elements
to the left of root are 3-0 = 3.

Now we are ready for the two recursive calls. We have to assign the root->left and root->right
Root->left = f(pre, prestart+1, prestart+inleft, in, instart, inRoot-1,m)
Let me explain how this came, so simple first element of the pre is the root itself, so the left side will start from pre+1 index and we
have just calculated that the number of elements of the root->left are 3 i.e. inLeft, so the end point for root->left for pre list will be
pre+inLeft. Then we pass the inorder list as it is, and the instart will be instart as inorder list starts form there and the inorder list ends
is one index less where the root is present and the root is present at inRoot so the end point of inorder list will be inroot-1.

Likewise we will have a recursive call for root->right.

Root->right = f(pre,inleft+1 ,preend ,in,inroot+1 ,inend ,m);
This is simple, pre in and m remains the same. Pre list will start one index more than inleft and it will simply end at pretend. Likewise,
the inorder list will start from inRoot+1 and it will end at inEnd.

At last we will return the root.

Lowest Common Ancestor in Binary Tree

Recursion fairy does all the magic.

Don’t give credit to me. I am no one
in front of it.

We are simply checking that if the root is

null then we will return null. This is the
base case and if any of the root->val is
n1 or root->val is n2, then we return the
root as if one of the node is child of the
other node, then the parent node is the
LCA of both the nodes. This is also the
base case for the recursive calls.

Now we repeat the same for root->left

and store it in l and we do a recursive
call on root->right and store the answer
in Node r.

After the two recursive calls, we check

Otherwise if L is null and R is a valid node then R is LCA, else L is LCA
that if both the l and r are valid nodes
That’s all
and are not null, then in that case, root is
the LCA,

Leetcode has 4 variations of LCA, any of these variations can be asked in Microsoft so we should be prepared for the worst


We will do the Depth first search as we need to solve this question in one pass itself, and the DFS will return the LCA and count
If the count is less than 2 we return null pointer as one of the node or maybe both of the nodes are not present in the tree.
otherwise we will return the first of the pair that would be the LCA of the tree.

In the DFS function we will pass the root node, the node p and the node q and the base case will check whether the root exists or
not if the root does not exist in that case we will return nullptr,0 as the return type is pair<TreeNode*,int>

we will recursively call the DFS on root->left and root->right and store it in left_result and right result. And the return type of these
left_result and right_result is also pair<TreeNode*,int>

We will check that if the root=p or root=q then in that case we will return root,1+left_result.second+right_result.second as pair
If both of the left node and right node exist i.e. left_result.first exist and right_result.first exist then we return root,2

If both of these if statements give false, then return either of the left node or right node depending on their existence.

In the main method, call dfs(root,p,q) and store it result of pair<TreeNode*,int> and checking if the count / result.second<2 return
NULL and if not return the result.first which is the LCA of the tree.
LCA III Asked in Facebook Time: O(logn) Space O(logn)
Leetcode Premium

Approach is: As we have parent pointers given of each node, we will store the first node and all of its parent pointers in
the Hashmap and for the second node, we will start iterating and checking If it’s parent is present in the Hashmap or not.
We will return first such parent which is present in the Hashmap and that would be the LCA of the Binary Tree

As we are guaranteed that both of the nodes are present in the tree, then this is simple and the time complexity is O(logn)
and the space complexity is O(logn)

Second Approach says that it is like finding the first common nodes of two linked list.
LCA of Binary Tree IV

If root is null, we return null

If the count of the root in the set is greater
Then 0 then we return root.

Recursivly solve this for root->left and root-

>right and pass the set

Now if both the recursive calls return a valid answer

then in that case, return the root.

Otherwise return whichever exists.

In the main function we declare a set of Node*

which starts from nodes.begin() and ends at

Nodes is the vector of TreeNode* which is given to

us as a parameter in the LCA function along with the

So we are storing the vector of Node* into our set.

That’s all
Is SubTree GFG O(n) time and O(n) space

In the function to check whether tree s is the subtree of tree t, we need to check the base condition that if both of the trees are
null pointers then by definition of the null pointers, both of them are subtrees to each other so in that case, we need to return true.
Then we will check that if the tree node exists
Then we will check that if f(tbs) returns true or if s exists on the left subtree of t or s exists on the right side of t we return true.
Otherwise we return false.
Let us analyse function f.
If any of them is null and other one is not, then we return false.
If both of them have different data present then we return false.
We check recursively on left side on both t and s and right side on both t and s we return true.
if not, we return false.

Conect Nodes at same level GFG Google, MS, Adobe

Push the root in the queue then till the queue is not empty, assign
Ans as NULL. And until the size of queue becomes 0 store q.front
int cure and pop the front from the queue. Check if the current left
Exist push it in the queue, if right exist then push curr->right in the
queue. At last check if the ans remains null, then point and to curr.
If ans is not null then ans->next right will be pointing to where curr
is pointing and ans will be updated to its next right.


Next time for 3,5 q.size=2 for the first time ans=NULL so
ans will point to 3
Now when the inner while loop will run for the second time it will
Will be set and we keep on doing for every other level.
run the else black hence ans store 3 so 3->next right will be 5 as
This will be evident if you do the dry run.
Curr stores q.front which was 5 and we popped off 5 so this pointer
Time: O(n) Space: O(H) Flipkart, Microsoft

The function f is taking root and string s and returning the preorder
Traversal of the tree
Like for the above tree it will be ‘lrlrlrr’
If k=2 then we will call f on root and the vector of string will be lrlrlrr
For each character in string ret if string length is less then k then
Do nothing, continue. Else assign temp to root node
And for I=0 to s.size()-k we need to run this for loop and we will
check if s[I]=l then we willl go to left side using temp otherwise we
Will go to the right side using temp
and check if the node is not present in map, we insert it into map
And increment it’s count. And increase res by 1.
Time: O(n)
Serialise and Deserialise the Binary Tree
Space: O(n)

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The serialise is easy, we need to store the inorder traversal of the binary tree and need to push that into the vector
The deserialise is also very simple we need to make a dummy node with value -1 and assign temp to that
And we will traverse this vector and keep on making right and that is how will will give entire tree.

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