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- Structure
Introduction: introduce the topic, add a rhetoric question & state the thesis.

Idea 1: express idea 1 in a sentence & write down positive and negative aspects.

Idea 2: express idea 2 in a sentence & write down positive and negative aspects.

Conclusion: opine which idea I think is the most important.

- Guide
It is a widely held belief that [topic]. Nevertheless, [rhetoric question]? In this essay we will discuss [ideas 1 &

While it is true that [positive/negative aspects], [opposite aspects]. Nonetheless/Furthermore/Regardless

of…/In fact/Additionally, [develop idea 1].

Closely related to the point mentioned above is [idea 2]. On the one hand, [positive aspects]. On the other hand,
[negative aspects].

Concluding everything that has been stated so far, [chosen idea] is, in my view, the most…, since not only
[reasons] but also [reasons].

- Example
Benefits of training students to think positively: reduces stress, improves productivity & increases creativity

It is a widely held belief that aiding pupils to think positively results in vital benefits for them to
stop having a pessimistic attitude. Nevertheless, how can this be taken into account? In this essay we will
discuss some measurements we can implement in order to help them.
While it is true that stress is difficult to avoid, there are some ways such as having a mood tracker,
giving speeches about being proud of your work and doing your best even if you have not fulfilled your
expectations which may be negative or harmful. Regardless of the possibility of forming laid-back students
who consider themselves as hard-working just because they have done the bare minimum, this may
ameliorate their lifestyle by preventing chronic stress.
Closely related to the point mentioned above is productivity improvement, a benefit that could be
obtained with, for example, diaries which will make students know how much they have done during a
specific period of time. On the one hand, this will keep them optimistic about how far they have already
come as well as show them how capable of passing through rough times they are. On the other hand,
maintaining the habit of writing a diary is time-consuming and not everyone would feel motivated after
reacting to their done work.
To sum up everything that has been stated so far, reducing stress is, in my view, the most important
benefit for students, since not only is it nearly impossible to cope with stress but also study or work at the
same time.
- Structure
Paragraph 1: greeting & setting up response for paragraph 2.

Paragraph 2: idea 1 of required content & justification.

Paragraph 3: idea 2 of required content & justification.

Paragraph 4: closing sentences & signing off.

- Example
Hi there!

Sorry for taking ages to get back to you but I’d come down with a grievous viral fever and so was holding out
for having a clean bill of health before responding to anyone. Really excited to get your email! I’m so glad
you’ve asked me – you know reading’s my cup of tea. You’re doing this for a school project, aren't you?
Don’t hesitate to drop me a line if you need me to back to square one until you’ve fully understood the

Genres to read? Well, there’s no missing romance. Nothing to be surprised by, this is just the ticket for an
enjoyable reading session! To tell you the truth, though, I’m not into romantic novels, but fantasy is the one
for me, and so is sci-fi! These two weren’t as famous before as they are nowadays, but they are increasingly
popularising thanks to the advances in technology. For the same reason, people currently have an inclination
to electronic books so as not to promote paper waste, although that’s not the tendency.

As for the age dissimilarities, I do reckon there’s such a difference. In a nutshell, the younger, the less
educated. For this reason, a kid is not as intellectual as an adult is to understand all kinds of novels. I’d
emphasise a contrast in wealth, by the way. Perhaps because of the greater education a prosperous person can
get over the middle-class population.

I’m on cloud nine for having helped you to cotton on to my country’s reading situation. Write back as soon
as you can!

All the best,


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