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Modal Verbs Worksheet

Instructions: Complete the following sentences with the appropriate modal verb in either its
present or past form. Each modal verb is used at least once. Use the explanations provided at
the end of the worksheet to help you.

Part A: Present Forms

1. You __________ finish your homework before you go out to play.

2. She __________ be at the meeting already; it's almost 10 o'clock.
3. __________ you help me with this math problem, please?
4. They __________ speak three languages fluently.
5. __________ I borrow your pen for a moment?
6. We __________ go to the beach if the weather is nice.
7. You __________ eat more vegetables to stay healthy.
8. He __________ play the piano very well.
9. She __________ be very tired after such a long flight.
10. __________ you mind if I open the window?

Part B: Past Forms

11. He __________ (must) leave early yesterday because he looked very tired.
12. She __________ (can) speak French when she was a child.
13. We __________ (should) have told her the truth sooner.
14. They __________ (might) have missed the bus this morning.
15. You __________ (could) have asked me for help if you needed it.
16. He __________ (must) have been very happy to see you.
17. She __________ (ought to) have finished her work by now.
18. They __________ (could) have gone to the party, but they decided not to.
19. He __________ (would) always help his neighbors with their chores.
20. We __________ (might) have taken a different route to avoid the traffic.

Part C: Mixed Forms

21. You __________ (must / present) complete the project by the deadline.
22. She __________ (might / past) have forgotten about the meeting.
23. They __________ (can / present) speak several languages.
24. He __________ (should / past) have called you earlier.
25. You __________ (could / present) try restarting your computer.

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