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Prepared by:
Ms. Joanna Reeve M. Canada, MAEd
University of Mindanao Digos College
At the end of the lesson, the students will
be able to…
Ø Identify the importance of using authentic
materials in language teaching and learning;
Ø Learn how to select and adapt authentic materials
to suit the needs and proficiency levels of
students; and
Ø practice creating engaging and effective lesson
procedures that incorporate authentic materials to
enhance language acquisition.
Ø can make the teaching
experience even more
engaging, imaginative and
motivating for students.

Ø can also be useful to elicit

genuine responses from
English language learners.
Ø can make the teaching experience even more
engaging, imaginative and motivating for

Ø can also be useful to elicit genuine responses

from English language learners.
For instance, in this
situation ……
Perhaps a textbook provides a unit on the simple past tense with
practice dialogues and exercises for students to complete. An
instructor could use different news clips or articles in English to
have students apply what they learned about the simple past tense.
Learners could watch the clips or read articles in small groups, and
then use the simple past tense to write a summary of the news
event to present to the class. A teacher might choose to use this
type of activity regularly, perhaps as a weekly news overview that
allows students to practice different targeted grammatical
structures by presenting the news to classmates.
Benefits and challenges of
Authentic Materials
ü show a real-world use of language and often
present content that is of high interest to
ü provide an opportunity for students to read or
hear language as it is used in a real-life situation.
Benefits and challenges of
Authentic Materials
ü some time-dependent resources like news stories
or social media posts can quickly become
ü beginner or even intermediate English language
learners may have trouble with vocabulary and
grammar structures in materials created for a
fluent audience.
Selecting Authentic
ü learners level of English
ü the course content the English teacher wishes
to focus on
ü find out the learners’ interests
ü materials should reflect a situation that a
student may face in an English-speaking
Some key questions to consider when selecting
and developing authentic materials to use with
your students:
• What concept, skill, or language structure will
students practice?

• How do I want my students to be able to use

language, and how will this resource help
them learn or practice?
Some key questions to consider when selecting
and developing authentic materials to use with
your students:
•What is the language proficiency level of my

•What support will they need in order to

access the content of the materials?
Some key questions to consider when selecting
and developing authentic materials to use with
your students:
• What topics are interesting to my students?

• Do my students interact with English in their

everyday lives?
Some key questions to consider when selecting
and developing authentic materials to use with
your students:
• If so, in what contexts or settings do they use

• If not, what types of materials can I

incorporate into instruction to motivate them
to use English outside of the classroom?
Here again is the list of some authentic resources that can
be used for instruction, also shared in the introduction:
• TV shows, news segments, documentaries, movie
clips and trailers, online videos, and
• Radio broadcasts, songs, and podcasts
• Photographs, artwork, signs, postcards, maps, and
• Magazines, letters and emails, news articles,
brochures, websites, blogs, and social media
• Recipes, food labels, bus and train schedules,
menus, and price tags and product descriptions
What is the
definition of
Give examples of
Why is it
important to use
materials in
teaching and
What are your
considerations in
selecting and
authentic materials
in the teaching-
learning process?
Let’s practice creating engaging and
effective lesson procedures that incorporate
authentic materials to enhance language

Figurative Language
1. Introduction:

- Start the lesson by defining figurative language and

providing examples such as similes, metaphors,
personification, etc.

- Show a short video clip or read a poem that contains

various examples of figurative language to engage students
and generate interest in the topic.
2. Guided Practice:

- Provide students with a worksheet or handout that includes

excerpts from literary works or popular songs containing
figurative language.

- Ask students to identify and analyze the different types of

figurative language used in each excerpt, discussing their
meanings and effects on the text.
3. Group Activity:

- Divide students into small groups and assign each group a

different figurative language technique (e.g., similes, metaphors,

- Ask each group to create a short skit or presentation

incorporating examples of their assigned figurative language
technique to demonstrate understanding and creativity.
4. Application:

- Have students work individually or in pairs to write their own

poems or short stories using figurative language techniques
learned in the lesson.

- Encourage students to share their work with the class and

provide feedback on the effective use of figurative language in
their writing.
5. Conclusion:

- Summarize the key points of the lesson on figurative language

and its importance in literature and everyday communication.

- Encourage students to continue practicing and incorporating

figurative language in their writing to enhance their language
skills and creativity.

Types of Speeches
1. Introduction (10 minutes):

- Start the lesson by discussing the importance of different types

of speeches in various contexts, such as informative, persuasive,
and entertaining speeches.

- Show a short video clip of a famous speech to engage students

and generate interest in the topic.
2. Authentic Material Activity (20 minutes):

- Provide students with excerpts from real speeches of different

types (e.g., TED Talks, political speeches, graduation

- Ask students to analyze the purpose, audience, and key elements

of each speech type in small groups.

- Encourage students to identify persuasive techniques, rhetorical

devices, and effective communication strategies used in the
3. Practice Activity (20 minutes):

- Divide students into pairs and assign each pair a specific type of
speech to prepare.

- Ask students to create a short speech following the guidelines

discussed earlier, using the authentic materials as inspiration.

- Provide feedback and guidance to help students improve their

4. Presentation and Feedback (15 minutes):

- Have each pair present their speech to the class, focusing on

delivery, organization, and engagement.

- Encourage peer feedback and discussion on the strengths and

areas for improvement of each speech.

- Summarize key takeaways and insights from the activity.

5. Reflection and Conclusion (5 minutes):

- Lead a brief discussion on the benefits of using authentic

materials in speech preparation and delivery.

- Ask students to reflect on their learning experience and how

they can apply the skills and knowledge gained in future
speechwriting tasks.
1] Which of the following best describes the importance
of using authentic materials in language teaching and

A) Authentic materials help students develop real-

world language skills and cultural awareness.

B) Authentic materials are more cost-effective than

traditional teaching materials.

C) Authentic materials are only suitable for advanced

language learners.

D) Authentic materials do not provide opportunities for

interactive learning.
2] Which of the following is a benefit of using authentic
materials in language teaching and learning?

A) Authentic materials are easier for students to

understand compared to traditional teaching materials.

B) Authentic materials provide opportunities for students

to practice language skills in real-world contexts.

C) Authentic materials are only suitable for advanced

language learners.

D) Authentic materials are less engaging for students

compared to artificial teaching materials.
3] Which of the following is a common challenge of using
authentic materials in language teaching and learning?

A) Authentic materials are often outdated and irrelevant.

B) Authentic materials may contain language that is too

complex for students to understand.

C) Authentic materials are readily available and easy to

incorporate into lesson plans.

D) Authentic materials do not engage students and lead to

decreased motivation.
4] Which of the following is a key benefit of incorporating
authentic materials into lesson procedures to enhance
language acquisition?

A) Increased reliance on textbook exercises

B) Limited opportunities for real-world application

C) Enhanced engagement and motivation for students

D) Decreased cultural awareness and understanding

5] Which authentic material would be most suitable for
immediate language learners aiming to learn about future
tense and improve vocabulary?

A) A fictional short story set in the future with dialogue

between characters discussing their plans.

B) A grammar textbook with exercises on future tense and

vocabulary building.

C) A vocabulary list with translations of future tense verbs

and their meanings.

D) A newspaper article discussing upcoming events and

plans in the local community.

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